Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung POA-LN02 des Produzenten Sanyo
Zur Seite of 116
PO A-LN02 LD-Net Organizer Network Capture 3 Network V iewer 3 Network Communication OWNER'S MANU AL.
2 C ompli anc e F ederal C ommunication C ommission Notice Th is equ ipm ent has b e en tes ted an d foun d to compl y wi th t he li mi ts f or a Cl ass B d ig it al d ev ice, p ur suant to pa r t 1 5 o f th e FCC Ru le s .
3 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Com pli anc e an d Cau tio n CA UTION SA N YO Ele c t r i c Co. , Ltd . as s u me s n o res p o ns i b i li t y fo r th e lo s s or d a ma g e of d at a o r damage of the computer caused by using this pr oduct.
4 Compliance ..........................................................................................................................................................................2 Feder al Communication Commission N otice ........................
5 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Con te nts Multi- control ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5 9 Controlling and set tin g the multi -moni tors .
LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL 7 1 Ch apt er 1 Pr epar ation Describes features and operating en vironmen t of this product.
8 Ch apte r 1 P rep arat ion Real Time Capture function ( p .68) T o dis p la y th e s cr e en i m ag e o f t h e c o m p u t e r b y t h e m o n i t o r t h r o u g h t h e n e t w o r k i n r e a l time.
9 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL E-mail Alert func tion ( p .38) T h e m o n i t o r ( N e t w o r k U n i t ) s e n d s m e s s a g e s t o t h e r e g i s - tere d e - m ail a d dre ss es w h en a internal t emperature abnor mal- it y or power failure occurs with the monitor .
10 Ch apte r 1 P rep arat ion Multi-control function ( p .59) A single computer c an con- trol and set up the multiple monitors at the same time. PC6 PC4 PC5 Select Input2 for MONITOR 1 to MONITOR4. MONITOR 1 MONITOR 2 MONITOR 3 MONITOR 4 Automa tic On/Off using Clock func tion ( p .
11 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Standard mode Operating Syst em Wind ows 98, W indows M e, Windows N T 4 .0SP6 Wind ows 200 0, Wind ows XP Computer en vironment Recommended CPU Higher than Pen.
12 Ch apte r 1 P rep arat ion The limitation *1 of c onnection bet ween this pr oduct and hub or computer Suitable LAN cables are limited by length and ty pe as follows; Connection T ype of usable LAN.
13 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Be fore u s e Noti ce Expression/Abbr eviation Th e word "monitor" fou nd in this manual means "monitor p rovide d with N et work uni t" unless otherwise noted. The OS of the computer and the W eb browser described in this manual is W indows XP Profes sional and Internet Exp lorer 6.
14 Ch apte r 1 P rep arat ion.
LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL 15 Ch apt er 2 Ins t alla ti on 2 Describes how to install the net work unit and sof t ware , and config- ure the network .
16 Ch apte r 2 In st all at ion The following are instruc tions for at taching this product to the monitor and connecting it to the network . Please re view the entire pr ocedure t o become familiar with it. F unction of the n etwork u nit ( p . 1 7) 1 Instal la tion a nd netwo rk c onfigur at ion ( p .
17 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Name a nd f un ct ion of e ac h par t [ 1 ] Name and fun ction of ea ch part POWER indicator LAN por t Connecting the LAN cable. ( p .19) Connector plug Connec ting to the terminal o n the monitor. ( p. 18 ) Mounting screws Mount by using a coin etc.
18 Ch apte r 2 In st all at ion Mounting T he AC cord must be disconnec ted f rom AC power outl et when mo unting or removing t his prod- uc t. It may damage th e produc t. D o not connec t the AC cord until af ter connec ting th e LAN c able and comp uter .
19 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Ins ta ll ati on an d ne two rk co nf ig urat ion 4 Set the Option Swit ch from the UP position to the DOWN position. Cannot u se the serial por t of th e monitor in th is position. Set back to the UP position when the net work unit is not u sed.
20 Ch apte r 2 In st all at ion Connection of LAN cable T o connec t to the net work, it is required to use the UTP (Unshielded T wisted Pair) straight cable with RJ-45 plug. There are two different types of cables depending on whether the network is constructed with 10Base -T or 100Base -TX.
21 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Network configur ation When you connect a monitor to a network , the net work number of monitor must be the same as the net work you int end to c onnect . Y ou should configure monit ors net work firs t. Make sure that the monitor is connected to the net work correctly.
22 Ch apte r 2 In st all at ion Configure the network with the comput er This example exp lains how t o s et the following c onfiguration. IP Address : Subnet Mask : Default Gateway : DNS : The def ault network configuration is set as follows.
23 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Ins ta ll ati on an d ne two rk co nf ig urat ion Completing of installation Now the installation is completed. The IP address of this monitor has been set to “” . Y ou must reset the network configuration of the computer to the original and restart the com- puter .
24 Ch apte r 2 In st all at ion Configure the network of comput er When you use the monitor through the network , the IP address of the monitor must have the same IP network number of the existing net work. Also it is required to use the same IP network number of the computer to set up the monitor .
25 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Notice about sy stem construction For installatio n of multip le monitors into the same net work wit h net work unit. Do not install multiple monitors with net work units that hav e their default net work set- tings to the same net work.
26 Ch apte r 2 In st all at ion [3 ] Installi ng th e soft ware It is required to install the sof t ware int o your computer to use the N etwork C apture func - tion and Net work Viewer func tion.
27 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Ins ta lli ng the s of t ware Installed soft ware The following 3 sof t ware are installed on your comput er . c Network Capture 3: Capture the displa yed image of the com puter and ser ve it t o the monitor via the net - work.
28 Ch apte r 2 In st all at ion F ile Con verter 2 Installation 1 Set the sup plie d Net wor k Vi ewer & Capture 3 CD - R O M i n to th e CD - R O M d r i v e o f y o u r comp uter. Do ubl e cli ck S et up D r v.e xe ico n in the "Driver" folder in the CD - ROM.
LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL 29 Ch apt er 3 Basi c Settin g and Oper at ion 3 Describes b asic op erations and set tings for controll ing the monitor by using the web browser . It is requir ed that computer and monitor is c onnec ted to the network and the net work address is pr operly configur ed.
30 Ch apte r 3 Ba s ic S et t ing an d O pe ratio n Logi n the settin g page o f the mo nit or 1 Enter the IP address Launch the web browser installed in your co mp u te r, ente r th e I P a d dr es s i nto t h e " Address " on the browser and then pres s "Ent er" key .
31 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL 3 Display of main setting page T h e fo l lo w in g m ai n s et t in g p a g e w il l b e di sp l ay e d ac co rd in g to y ou r d is pl ay m o d e selec tion. Per form various k inds of set tings through this page.
32 Ch apte r 3 Ba s ic S et t ing an d O pe ratio n The net wor k viewer fu nc tion in t he Light mo de has fo llowing l imitat ion; - Cannot sel ec t the pro gram or fo lder for th e display ( p.9 1 , p.93 ) - Cannot che ck up the image s in the fold er or progr am ( p.
33 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL T ex t b ox set ting Enter a number or tex t and then click S et but ton. or Change a valu e with d or e but ton and the n click Se t but- ton. The v alue change s quickl y when keep ing pressing d or e but ton.
34 Ch apte r 3 Ba s ic S et t ing an d O pe ratio n Init ial s etting Af ter installing this produc t to the monitor , per form the following basic ini - tial setting. Click Initial se tti ng on the main menu t o displa y the initial setting page. The m odel name o f the monitor on which this produc t is mounted is displayed on the page.
35 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Network PIN code setting This is t o s et the Net work PIN c ode t o rest ric t the acc ess f rom an unauthorized person through the network . Ent er a 4 - digit number as the Network PIN code on to the t ex t box and click Set but ton.
36 Ch apte r 3 Ba s ic S et t ing an d O pe ratio n Date and time setting Auto set ting Click AUT O but ton on the page, the dat e and time set on your computer are set to the net work unit. Note: Conf irm that your compu ter has a correc t clock tim e before p er formin g the auto time set t ing.
37 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Network c onf igur at ion Click N et work on the main menu. T he following set ting page is displa yed. The IP Address, Subnet Mask, Def ault Gateway , DNS (D omain Name Ser ver) and monitor name a re set up on this Settin g sub menu.
38 Ch apte r 3 Ba s ic S et t ing an d O pe ratio n E-mail setting This produc t has an E-mail function w hich can send an aler t message to users or an administrat or if it detec ts an abnormalit y on the monitor . Click E- mail s et ting on the main menu and follow the below steps.
39 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL E-m ai l set t ing 2 Registering and deleting E-mail addresses Click " Add e -mail address " and t y pe the e- mail a ddress on to th e te x t b ox an d c li ck S e t b ut to n . T o che c k t he register ed addresses, click Che ck / Del ete sub menu tab.
40 Ch apte r 3 Ba s ic S et t ing an d O pe ratio n Examples: T ype and contents of alert mail When th e monitor has an abnor mality , the following aler t messages are sent to the regis- ter ed E-mail address accor ding to your s elec ted condition. Admini strator or user can take an ef ficient ac tion quickly by receiving this message.
41 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL E-m ai l set t ing c When panel usage time reaches [ ] hours: Th e net work uni t sends this mess age wh en the pane l usage tim e reaches the pres eted time.
42 Ch apte r 3 Ba s ic S et t ing an d O pe ratio n The SNMP agent provided with this product is based upon MIB-2 defined by RFC1213. F or private MIB information, ref er to file "Mibinfo/52L dNet.mib" in the CD-ROM. Ite m Des cri ptio n Contact .
43 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Ite m Des cri ptio n Community name ...... Enter community name to send "Trap" . Default name is "public" . T rap address ....... Enter IP address of the SNMP manager computer to receive "T rap" .
44 Ch apte r 3 Ba s ic S et t ing an d O pe ratio n Up to 99 ,999 hours c an be s et for the time s et ting. If conditio n " W hen Auto Play is failed" is che cked, the tr ap is sent when o ccurring the e rror during th e auto display operati on using with th e net work v iewer fun cti on ( p.
LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL 45 Ch apt er 4 C ontr ollin g th e Moni tor 4 Describes controll ing and set ting of the monitor by using the web browser .
46 Ch apte r 4 C ont roll ing th e Moni tor P ow er cont rol an d stat us ch eck Cli c k Pow e r & St at us o n t he m ai n me nu . T h e con tro l p a ge w il l b e di s- played. By click ing O N or Sta ndby b ut ton on the p age, the powe r of the mo nitor can be con - trolled.
47 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Powe r con tro l and s tat u s ch eck.
48 Ch apte r 4 C ont roll ing th e Moni tor Th e control page displays v alid control items depen ding on the s elec ted inp ut mo de, signal , therefore, there may be dif ferent controls bet ween the d escrib ed items and ac tu al control items on the pa ge display .
49 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Con tro l s Ite m D esc rip tion Contrast ................. Adjusts picture contrast Brightness ............ Adjusts picture brightness Color ......................... Adjusts picture color saturation Tint .....
50 Ch apte r 4 C ont roll ing th e Moni tor Sound This func tion is to adj ust the sound of the monitor . The values in the tex t box represen t the current c ontr ol value or status. Ite m D esc rip tion V olume ................... Adjusts the sound volume.
51 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL PC a dju s tme nt Ite m D esc rip tion Au to PC adj . . .... ... ... Performs automatic adjustment. H-Position ............. Adjusts the horizontal position of the screen. V-P osition ............. Adjusts the vertical position of the screen.
52 Ch apte r 4 C ont roll ing th e Moni tor Setting u p the mo nit or Click S et t in g on th e main me nu. T his f unc t ion is to se t up the m onito r . Selec t the sub menu [Screen set ting], [Set ting] or [ T ile Mode] and then set up each setting.
53 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Ite m Descr ipti on Fr eeze ..................... Sets the image to freez e mode.(ON, OFF) Child lock ............. Sets child lock mode. (ON, OFF) RC Inhibition ...... Sets remote contr ol inhibition mode. (ON, OFF) In it ia l set ti ng .
54 Ch apte r 4 C ont roll ing th e Moni tor Ite m D esc rip tion T il e Mo d e A cti ve ... Sets tile mode active. (Off, On) H- Se ts ........................ Sets to divide the horizontal picture. V -S et s ......................... Sets to divide the vertical pic ture.
55 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL How to set the timer 1 Set a day or date T o set t he time r event at same tim e ever yday or every we ek , Select day entr y with radio butt on and then select desir ed day with the pull- down menu button.
56 Ch apte r 4 C ont roll ing th e Moni tor 2 Set an execute time T yp e the time with (Hour:Minute ) and 2 4 hours format. Ex .: T ype [1 8 :25] if you spe cif y [PM 6 o’ cl ock an d 25 minutes]. 3 Select a n event action Selec t an event action from the pull- down menu.
57 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL T he time r oper ates by using the clock f unc tion p rovided in t his produc t. B efore set ting th e timer , please confi rm that the current date and time are set cor rec tly. Timer and clo ck fun c tions are func- tioning using a li thium bat ter y provide d in this produc t.
58 Ch apte r 4 C ont roll ing th e Moni tor Moni tor i nfor ma tion Th is pag e is to display t he b asic in for matio n of th e mon itor s tat us. Cl ick Infor mation on the main menu. Ite ms D escr ipti on Input ......................... Displays selec ted input and source .
59 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Mult i- con trol PC6 PC4 PC5 Select Input2 for MONITOR 1 to MONITOR4. MONITOR 1 MONITOR 2 MONITOR 3 MONITOR 4 Example of multi contr ol Mult i- con trol Con tro.
60 Ch apte r 4 C ont roll ing th e Moni tor Start/stop the multi control To s t a r t o r s t o p c o nt r o l l i n g t h e m u l t i - m o n i to r s , c l i c k Multi con trol setting menu and sele ct O N or OFF . Multi control setting OFF ........
61 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Register the monitor T o use the mult i con tro l function, regi ster the IP addres s of the monit or you inte nd to con- trol . Click Registration sub menu tab and set the IP address, Memo and Multi con tr ol item , then clic k Set button.
62 Ch apte r 4 C ont roll ing th e Moni tor Status If s ome of the registered monitors are disable d by some reasons (such as dis conne c tin g the p ower s ource, dis- connecting the LAN cable, disconnec ting f rom the net- work), control changes wil l c ontinue to b e effe cti ve for the monit ors tha t ar e still ac tive.
63 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Check & Change page in the light mode Following func ti ons in the "Check & Change" page are not availa ble in the light mode.
64 Ch apte r 4 C ont roll ing th e Moni tor V iewer auto setting all t ogether " Viewer auto display" can be set all together. Set "ON" the multi control s etting and s elec t [3] .
LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL 65 5 Ch apt er 5 Networ k C apt ure Net work Capture is a func tion to dis play the screen image of the comput er via the network .
66 Ch apte r 5 Net wo rk Ca ptu re Launching the Network Captur e 3 A f te r i n s t a l l i n g t h e N e t w o r k C a p t u r e 3 s o f t w a r e, t h e s h o r t c u t i co n i s co p i e d i nt o t h e "Startup" folder . W hen you boot the c omputer , the Net work Capture s of t ware also start s and its icon stays on the t ask bar.
67 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL P arameter set up 1 Click Net work Captur e 3 icon on the task bar . 2 Cl ic k "P ar a me t er se t up " on th e popu p men u. The se t- ti ng wi nd o w wi l l a ppe ar . 3 S e t C a p t u r e Po r t a n d P I N c o d e t o m a t c h t o t h e monitor’s por t number and Network PIN code.
68 Ch apte r 5 Net wo rk Ca ptu re Us ing th e Real Tim e Cap tur e This is a func tion to display the screen image of the computer by the monitor in rea l time. The c aptured image displayed by the monitor can be se lec ted from the computer , web browser and the monit or respec tively .
69 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL [1] Con trol by the c omputer PC1 PC4 PC3 PC6 Capture PC5 PC2 PC2 Project this screen image with MONITOR 2. * PC provides the Network Capture. MONITOR 2 MONITOR 1 Selec t input mode to "Net work " previously .
70 Ch apte r 5 Net wo rk Ca ptu re Selec t input mode to "Net work " previously . 1 Acc ess to th e contr ol pag e of the monitor by using the web browser .
71 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Using t he Net wo rk Co mmuni ca tio n PC2 PC6 Capture PC5 PC1 MONITOR 1 Capture a screen image of PC5 and make marking with a tool. * The Main PC is a c omputer which star ted using of communica tion function, and ser ves own comput er screen captur ed image to the S ub PC.
72 Ch apte r 5 Net wo rk Ca ptu re Settings before using the Network C ommunication T o us e the N et wor k Communic atio n, the c apture s et tin g of th e net wo rk sho uld b e set either [ 1 ] or [2] described below. [ 1 ] S et ting the net work unit searc hes all the avail able ta rget compu ters in the n et - work automati cally.
73 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Description of capture editing window Se le c t me nu " Sta r t Co mmu ni cat io n" fr om t he p o pu p men u ap p ear in g by cl ic k in g th e Net work Capture 3 icon on the task bar . The capture editing window will app ear on the comput er screen as the bel ow .
74 Ch apte r 5 Net wo rk Ca ptu re T ool bar button names The following commands are assigned to the tool bar but tons. For each operation, refer to the description of item "Menu tr ee" . T o swit ch the t o ol ba rs di spl aying on or off, select e ach com mand from men u "Di spl ay"- "T ool bar" .
75 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Ac quire and release of editing authority T o edit the capture image, each computer needs t o acquire the authorit y res pec tively. T o acquir e the a uthorit y , click " : Authorit y" bu t ton on the standard tool bar and then edit the c apture image.
76 Ch apte r 5 Net wo rk Ca ptu re Setting of the drawing tool attribute When clicking " :Attribute" but ton on the standard tool bar , the following window will appear . T his window appears only if the pencil or eraser tool is selec ted. Sel ec t a colo r on the color p allet a ppea red by click ing h ere.
77 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Let ter at tribu te set ting T he fo nt at tr ib ute s et t ing w in dow a pp ear s wh en cl ick in g " : At t ri bu te" but ton on t he standard t ool bar wi th the let ter f rame tool s elec ted, or clicking Let ter attrib ute button on the let ter in put dialog window describe d the above.
78 Ch apte r 5 Net wo rk Ca ptu re Network C ommun icat ion oper at ion an d chan ge of sta t e Net work Com munication can be used under the environment which one or more com- puters are c onnec ted to t he monitor via the network . Prepar ation Launch the N et work C apture 3 sof t ware on the target computer ( p.
79 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Execut ing t he for cin g mode The net work capture set ting of the web page provides a forcing executing command.
80 Ch apte r 5 Net wo rk Ca ptu re Error messages Cause and corresponding Set up the parameter . Error when executing the communication. The parameter setting (host name, capture port) has not been set. C heck parameter setting ( p.67) It has not been registered to monitor as a group .
LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL 81 6 Ch apt er 6 Networ k Vie wer Net wor k V iewer is a fun c tion to display the ima ge data s tored in the file ser vers by the monitor through the network .
82 Ch apte r 6 Net wo rk Vie we r Cr eat ing t he a vailable d ata [ Net work Vi ew er 3 ] The image available with this monitor is the JPEG format (.jpg). Th ere are several t yp es of JPEG data. Before using the images with the Net work Viewer func tion, it s hould be c on- verted to the optimized JPEG d ata for this monit or .
83 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Creat e the available da ta 1 Sele c t a folder in which the image f iles are stored by the ex plorer window. The preview images of the available image data ( JPEG file, Bitmap f ile, power point file) in the selec ted folder are dis played on the preview window .
84 Ch apte r 6 Net wo rk Vie we r 2 W h e n c o n v e r t i n g e a c h f i l e , s e l e c t a p r e v i e w image first and then click Convert ea ch f ile . To selec t t wo or more f iles at once, press and hol d "Shif t" key or "Ctrl" key and then click t he preview ima ges.
85 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Setting of output destination and con version mode When clicking Chang e but ton on the c onfirma- tion window in the s tep 3 on the previous p age, following option setting window appears. Output destination Selec t either Fold er or F TP ser ver as the output destination of the con verted files .
86 Ch apte r 6 Net wo rk Vie we r [2] How to use the Network Viewer 3 (F ile Conv er ter 2) The File Converter 2 is a kind o f the printer driver sof t ware to con ver t to the optimized JPEG data for the display from the any do cuments crea ted by the other sof t ware such as text editor , spreadsheet or presentation sof t ware.
87 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Cr eat ing a pr ogra m file [P rogr am Edit or ] Net work V iewer 3 (Program Editor ) is a tool to make a program file which spe cifies the dis- play order of the image and it s file path in the f ile ser ver (F T P ser ver) .
88 Ch apte r 6 Net wo rk Vie we r 4 Click New button. 5 Enter a program name and click Add button. 6 T he fo ld er s el ec ti on w ind ow ap p ear s an d se le c t a fol der i n whi ch th e JPEG dat a are s tore d an d the n click Add button to registe r int o the folder lists.
89 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Setting up the display order and time of the images In the def ault set ting, the display order of the images is ASCII code order of the file name. T o change the displa y order or to set up t he display t ime, take the f ollowing procedur e.
90 Ch apte r 6 Net wo rk Vie we r 3 T o chan ge the displ ay order , sele c t * 1 files and t hen click U P or D OWN bu t ton on the menu bar to move them onto your desired place , or sel ec t files and then drag and drop them ont o your desir ed place with mouse.
91 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Crea tin g a pro gram f ile [Pro gram E di tor] Example of the creat ed program selection Use the web browser to ac cess to th e contr ol pag e of the monitor .
92 Ch apte r 6 Net wo rk Vie we r Selec t input mode to "Net work " previously . 1 Access to the c ontrol page on the monitor by using the w eb browser .
93 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Using t he ne tw ork v ie we r f unc ti on 2 Se t up th e s ett ing pa ge [1] of Im age di spl ay s et tin g. 3 Setup the setting page [2] of S election display setting.
94 Ch apte r 6 Net wo rk Vie we r Up to 1 00 0 image s can be displaye d. When se lecting "folder selection " , it di spla ys i mages plac ed a t t he fi rst dir ectory in t he se lected fold er .
95 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Using t he ne tw ork v ie we r f unc ti on 1 . Click Star t but ton to star t the auto- displa y . T he image in the sele cted folder or pro- gram i s di splayed on the monit or's s creen. The w eb br owser opens another window and displa ys the preview images on the Aut o Con trol window sequential ly .
96 Ch apte r 6 Net wo rk Vie we r W hen the f ile error is o ccurred during th e auto- display, you may ha ve the aler t e - mail messa ge. For fur th er information, p lease se e item "3 Option se lec tio n for sendin g aler t mail" ( p. 39) .
LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL 97 Ch apt er 7 Appendi x 7 Connection examples W eb brow ser setting T echnical data Q & A.
98 Ch apte r 7 Ap pen di x Examples o f con nection Peer- T o-Peer connection Connecting the monitor (L CD0 1 ) to the contr ol comput er (PC0 5) di rectl y . Monitor Name: LCD01 IP Address : Subnet Mask : Default Gateway : 0.
99 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL The gatew ay (Router) installed in the network Connecting the monitor (L CD0 1 ) t o th e con trol comput er (PC 05 ) via the gat eway . T o another network Network Group: 192.168.200.x Network Group: 192.168.10.
100 Ch apte r 7 Ap pen di x W eb brows er setting T h is p ro du c t is d e s i gn e d t o en a b l e th e m o n i to r to b e s et u p a n d co nt r o ll e d f ro m a n Int ernet web browser . Dep ending on the prefer ence s et tings of the web b rowser , some con trol func tions may not be available.
101 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Examples : OS /Brow sers W indows XP P rof essional Internet Explorer v .6.0 ActiveScript setting Selec t I nternet O ptio ns from T ools menu on the web b rowser and then selec t Se curit y tab and click Customize Level… but ton.
102 Ch apte r 7 Ap pen di x Proxy se tting S e l e c t I n t e r n e t O p t i o n s f r o m To o l s menu on the web browser and then select Con n ec ti o n ta b and c li ck L A N Se t t in gs bu t ton .
103 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL W e b br ows er s et t ing Netscape Navigator v .7.0 JavaScript Setting S e l e c t P r e f e r e n c e f r o m E d i t m e n u o n t h e w e b b r o w s e r a n d t h e n s e l e c t t h e i t e m A d v a n c e d / S c r i p t s & P l u g i n s in the C ate go r y colu mn.
104 Ch apte r 7 Ap pen di x Proxy se tting Selec t Prefe rence f rom Edi t menu on th e web browser and then sele c t the item Ad vanced/ Proxie s in the Catego r y column. Properly set up your web browser 's the proxy ser ver set- tings accor ding to the local area net work environment to which the monitor is c onnec ted.
105 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Pro duc t s pec if i cat io n Pr oduct specificat ion Type .......................................................... LD-Net Organizer (network unit) LAN inter face ...................................... Applicant regulation IEEE802.
106 Ch apte r 7 Ap pen di x LAN por t specification P ort specificatio n Pin No . Signal F unction 1 TX+ T ransfer data (+) 2 TX- T ransfer data (-) 3 RD+ Receive data (+) 4 (not used) 5 (not used) 6 .
107 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Q&A Installation/ Acc ess Q Why doesn ’t the setting page appear in my web br owser? A Following causes ar e possible. P lease check them. 1 . T he monitor does not connect to the net work. Check LED indicat ors status ( p.
108 Ch apte r 7 Ap pen di x 3. Enter the moni tor ’s IP address [1 92. 1 6 8 .0. 2] at " Addres s" column on the Web browser. [ Note ] Make sure that the proxy s et ting of yo ur web browser is set "Not use a proxy ser ver" ( p. 1 00).
109 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Q&A Q How can I install several monit ors equipped with the network unit? A Ins t al l an d con f igu re n et w or k o ne b y on e to avo id t h e IP a dd res s col lis io n eac h other ( p.25). T o configure the IP address please see item "Net work configuration " ( p.
110 Ch apte r 7 Ap pen di x Ope ration Q Why can ' t I change the controls in the setting page with web browser? A Plea se make sure the monitor is turned on. If it is in the s tandby mod e, the set ting is not ef fec tive to the monitor . T o control th e monitor with a web browser , the moni - tor must be in the p owered-on condition.
111 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Q&A Q Why am I not receiving E-mail alert messages? A Make sur e that the registered E-mail address and SMTP ser ver address are correc t. If the SMTP ser ver is lo cated in your L AN (Local Area network ), the address should be set t o the SMTP ser ver in your LAN.
112 Ch apte r 7 Ap pen di x Q Can I update the firmw are of the network unit. A It is possible to update the fir mware through the net work . It i s requir ed to have a special tool for the updating. For f ur ther information please cons ult your lo cal deal- er .
113 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Q&A Q What are the rules for IP address assignment? A If the net work is c onstruc ted with TCP /IP protoc ol, a unique IP ad dress is requir ed for each pie ce of n etwork e quipmen t. The following are bas ic rules of the ass ign- ment.
114 Ch apte r 7 Ap pen di x Q Why doesn ’t the comput er screen appear on the monitor? A 1 . Make sure th at the input mode of the monitor is "Net work" . 2. Make sur e that the Net work Capture icon on the task bar of the compute r is ac tive ( p.
115 LD-NET ORGANIZER OWNER'S MANUAL Q&A Q What kind of image formats can I conv ert? A T h e Fi l e Co nv er te r 1 e na b l es t o co nve r t to t h e J PE G fo r ma t f ro m t h e fo l l ow i n g image format. Bitm ap format ( .bmp) JP EG format ( .
OWNER'S MANU AL POA-LN02 IFKM SANY O Elec tric Co ., Ltd..
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Sanyo POA-LN02 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Sanyo POA-LN02 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Sanyo POA-LN02 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Sanyo POA-LN02 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Sanyo POA-LN02 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Sanyo POA-LN02 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Sanyo POA-LN02 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Sanyo POA-LN02. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Sanyo POA-LN02 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.