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PARTNER Advanced Communications System 1600 DSL Module User Guide Issue 1 May 2001.
Avaya, Inc . - i - PARTNER ACS 1 600 DS L module Us er G uide Table of contents 1. Introduction ...................................................................11 Organiz ation of this guide ..................................................... 11 2.
Avaya, Inc . - ii - PARTNER ACS 1 600 DS L module Us er G uide 4. M enu interface ...............................................................23 Main Men u ............................................................................ 23 1. Repo rts Menu .
Avaya, Inc . - iii - PARTNER ACS 1 600 DS L modu le User G uid e O. Enable/Di sable Span ning Tree by Port ....................... 41 R. Config ure Spanni ng Tree Bridg e Priority ..................... 41 Q. Configure Spa nni ng Tree Por t Prior i ty .
Avaya, Inc . - iv - PARTNER ACS 1 600 DS L modu le User G uid e Z. Configur e Console B aud Rate ..................................... 61 V. Config ure Console Timeout ......................................... 61 R. Hard Rese t or Re lo ad ACOS from FLA S H .
Avaya, Inc . - v - PARTNER ACS 1 600 DS L modu le User G uid e C. Display NAT Co nnection Table ................................... 72 D. Display NAT Co nn ection Details ................................. 72 O. Display NAT Local S erver Tabl e .......
Avaya, Inc . - vi - PARTNER ACS 1 600 DS L modu le User G uid e E. Call Co n trol Settin gs ......................................................... 82 A. Stats Dis play ............................................................... 82 R. Ring Te st .
Avaya, Inc . - vii - PARTNER ACS 1 600 DS L m odule User G uide Upgradi ng ACOS .................................................................. 97 Config uring the TF TP Server ........................................... 97 Using TFTP .............
Avaya, Inc . - viii - PARTNER ACS 1 600 DS L m odule User G uide Configur ing the cong estion para meters ......................... 123 Config uring the v oice path .................................................. 124 Setting the jitter delay ......
Avaya, Inc . - ix - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User G uide Enabling STP ...................................................................... 148 Enabling STP global ly .................................................... 148 Enabling STP by por t .
Avaya, Inc . - x - PART NER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide B. P ARTNER ACS 1600 DSL module spec if i c ations .....186 C. Connector pi nouts ...................................................... 188 D. USI Cabl es ................................
Avaya, Inc . - 11 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide 1. Introduction The Avay a PARTNER ä Adv anced Communic ations System(AC S) 1600 DSL module allows y ou to si multaneousl y transport both voice a nd data ser vices ov er a DSL, withou t the cost of addi tional lines.
Avaya, Inc . - 12 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide Chapter 6, “Router co nfiguration” , describes how to config ure the PARTN ER ACS 160 0 DSL modul e as a router . Chapter 7, “Bridge co nfiguration” , describes how to con figure the PARTN ER ACS 160 0 DSL modul e as a bridg e.
Avaya, Inc . - 13 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide 2. PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL module basics This chap ter describes t he PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL modul e hardw are and softwar e requirements, as well as the physic al IAD.
Avaya, Inc . - 14 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide Front View DSL Line Ethernet LA N Console V.35 PARTNER Pow er LE D.
Avaya, Inc . - 15 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide 3. Getting start ed This c hapter w alks you through t he proced ures to connec t and log on to the PAR TNER ACS 1 600 DSL modul e.
Avaya, Inc . - 16 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide Using a terminal em ulation prog ram To use a t erminal e mulation program t o log on to a PAR TNER ACS 1600 D SL modul e 1. Open the ter minal em ulation prog ram. 2. Select the name, ic on and COM port for the PAR TNER ACS 1600 DS L modul e connection .
Avaya, Inc . - 17 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide 8. Configure Login 9. System Utilities D. Configure DHCP Server N. Configure NAT T. Derived Timing Z. Diagnostics Menu C. Command Line Interface P. VoicePath Configure For more informatio n on the menus, subme nus and commands on t he Main Menu , see the “Menu inter face” chapter.
Avaya, Inc . - 18 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide 2. Select Configure Port IP A ddress . The following instructi ons displ ay on-scr ee n: Available Interfaces : 1. SDSL 2. 10/100BaseT Ethernet 3. Universal Serial 0. (Abort) Selection : Interfac es may or m ay not dis play, dep ending on t he IAD in use.
Avaya, Inc . - 19 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide Running the Telnet program To use a Tel net prog ram to log on to a PAR TNER ACS 1 600 DSL modu le 1. Open the Telnet prog ram. 2. Type the I P address o f the port t hat you config ured in steps 1-6, press CONNECT , and the n press any key.
Avaya, Inc . - 20 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide The Us er ID and password tr ansmit as "cl ear text ", whic h can be capture d by unaut horized i ndividuals. I f you are conc erned with netw ork securi ty, you may not want to use a Tel net progr am to configur e the PAR TNER ACS 16 00 DSL mod ule.
Avaya, Inc . - 21 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide Auto Log off After three minutes of inactiv ity, the PAR TNER ACS 1600 DSL modu le automatically logs o ff. To restart, you must log on to the sy stem again. This do es not a ffect routi ng functio nality - network tr affic continues t o process.
Avaya, Inc . - 22 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide The PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL module To veri fy the IP addr ess of the PAR TNER ACS 1600 DSL module : 1. On the Main Menu , select Reports Menu . The Reports Menu displays. ***************************************** * Reports Menu * ***************************************** C.
Avaya, Inc . - 23 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide 4. Menu interface This c hapter pr ovides infor mation on th e PARTNER AC S 1600 DSL module m enus, submenus , and c ommands. Menus, s ubmenus, and commands th at display on the Main Menu dep end on the access level that you use to l og on or the options th at you con f igure.
Avaya, Inc . - 24 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide 1. Reports Menu Th e Reports Menu cont ains the fo llowing submenus and commands. C. Displa y Current Configuration Display s the follow ing configur ation setting s and inform ation about the i nstalled Inter f aces.
Avaya, Inc . - 25 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide enabled and th e SNMP Com munity Name is null, SNM P goes into re ad-only mode. • SNMP Trap Host IP A ddress - IP addr ess of the SNMP trap host. • Telnet Serv er Port - port nu mber o f the Telnet server.
Avaya, Inc . - 26 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide o ID – host ID. o IPAddr - IP Addr esses for the ID (maxi mum = 8). o IPMask - numb er of bits r eserved for the host ID (maxi mum = 8). o Priority – normal or high. o Ethernet address – Eth ernet for the Inter face.
Avaya, Inc . - 27 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide Z. Clear a St atistic Display s the Clear St atistics su bmenu, whi ch contains the follow i ng commands: A . Clear ARP Stat istics I. Clear Interfa ce Statistic s B. Clear Bridge Statist ics D.
Avaya, Inc . - 28 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide R. Displa y Route Table Display s the follow ing informatio n about stati cally configur ed routes and dynamic ally l earned ones: • NETWORK A DDR ESS - destinati on address. • NETM A SK - IP sub net mask; n umber of bits reserv ed for the host ID.
Avaya, Inc . - 29 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide S. Displa y Bridge status Display s the follow ing informatio n about bri dging: • interface - in terface fo r the activ e slot for bridg ing. • PORT - port for the prec eding int erface.
Avaya, Inc . - 30 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide 2. Configur e IP Router The Router Configuration Menu contains the follow ing submenus a nd commands. You mus t restart th e PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL mo dule for any changes to take effect . For more informati on, see the “PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL module basi cs” chapter.
Avaya, Inc . - 31 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide C. Configure Port IP Address Sets the IP address and subne t mask for the sel ected interfa ce.
Avaya, Inc . - 32 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide T. Remove the Default Route Deletes the default st atic route from the Rout e Table. Type th e IP address t o remov e, and then pr ess ENTER.
Avaya, Inc . - 33 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide N. Configure DNS Cli ent Display s the DNS Clie nt Menu , which co ntains th e following comman ds to conf igure the Doma in Name Se rver (DNS) client: A . Set DNS Server IP A ddress Sets the IP a ddress o f t he DNS Serv er.
Avaya, Inc . - 34 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide S. Display DHCP Relay Statistics Displays the following info rmation abou t the DHCP Relay: • DHCP client requests forwarded to DHCP s.
Avaya, Inc . - 35 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide T. Toggle input or output type filters to v iew/edit Swit ches between the in put and o utput filt er types.
Avaya, Inc . - 36 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide A . A ppend a new or buffered filter to the end of the list Adds a new filter of the ty pe set with the Toggl e input or output type filters to view/edit comm and to the end of lis t that displ ays when y ou select Display all filters of the chos en type .
Avaya, Inc . - 37 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide • Filter Destination Po rt High The PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL modul e displays a default or last-used value in parentheses t o the left o f the comma nd prompt. To accept this v alue, press ENTER.
Avaya, Inc . - 38 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide E. Edit the filt er in the copy buffer Edits the filter in the copy buffer. Follow the on-screen messages to ent er the following inform.
Avaya, Inc . - 39 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide D. Displa y Route Table Display s the follow ing informatio n about stati cally configur ed routes and dynamic ally l earned ones: • NETWORK A DDR ESS - destinati on address. • NETM A SK - IP sub net mask; n umber of bits reserv ed for the host ID.
Avaya, Inc . - 40 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide 3. Configur e Bridge Displays the Bridge Configuration Menu , w hich contains the follow ing submenu a nd commands.
Avaya, Inc . - 41 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide Your setting s display in the Display Current Configuration command in the Reports Menu .
Avaya, Inc . - 42 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide The Span ning Tree alg orithm sel ects the bri dge wi th the lowest priority on the netw ork as the Root Br idge. Q. Configure Sp anning Tree Port Priority Sets t he Spanni ng Tree priority by port, a v alue betw een 0- 255 (d efault = 128).
Avaya, Inc . - 43 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide The PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL mo dule display s a default or last-used v alue in parent heses to the left of the command prompt.
Avaya, Inc . - 44 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide 5. Configur e WA N Display s the W A N Configuration Menu , which contains the follow ing submen u and comma nds. Comm ands may or may not display , dependi ng on the datali nk protocol that you select and the Int erface instal led.
Avaya, Inc . - 45 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide 0. Quick Configurati on Display s the Quick Configuration submenu, w hich contains the follow ing comma nds to quickl y configur e the NetEngine PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL module . 1. Lucent Stinger ( Conexant A utobaud, Payload Scrambling) 2.
Avaya, Inc . - 46 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide 2. Configure Ph ysical Interface Configure Phy sical Interface subm enus and co mmands may or m ay not dis play, dep ending on t he Interf ace that you select. Universal S erial Interface (U SI) Mode Display s USI Configuration Menu , whi ch contains the follow ing commands: 1.
Avaya, Inc . - 47 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide SDSL Mode Display s SDSL Configuration submenu , w hich contai ns the follow ing commands t o set the SDS L mode or s peed. The PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL mo dule display s a default or last-used v alue in parent heses to the left of the command prompt.
Avaya, Inc . - 48 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide D. Enable/Disable SDSL D ebug Messages Enables a nd disables the display of SDSL debug ging messages. S elect to enabl e. Select a second ti me to disable. Y. Enable/Disable S ync Msgs Enables and disables the display o f configurati on synchroni zation messag es.
Avaya, Inc . - 49 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide 2. Configure Receiv e CIR Follow the on-screen messages to ent er the follow ing information .
Avaya, Inc . - 50 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide 2. Modify Existing DLCI Type the D LCI numb er, press ENTER , and then choose a c ommand fr om the FR Encapsulation Configuration submenu. 1. RA W (No Encapsulation) 2. Proprietary Voice DLCI 3.
Avaya, Inc . - 51 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide 3. Configure FRF.12 Fragmentation Display s the End-to-End Fragmentation Configuration submenu, w hich contains the follow ing commands. 1. Enable/Disable End-to-End FRF.12 Enables a nd disables E nd-to-End FRF.
Avaya, Inc . - 52 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide 2. AA L0 (None) Display s the ATM Service Category Configuration submenu, w hich contai ns the followi ng commands to set the service categ ory: 1. CBR 2. UBR Select your choice, and then follow the on-screen messages to set t he PCR value.
Avaya, Inc . - 53 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide Display s the ATM Service Category Configuration submenu, w hich contai ns the followi ng commands to set the service categ ory: 1. CBR 2. UBR Select your choice, and then follow the on-screen messages to set t he PCR value.
Avaya, Inc . - 54 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide 2. RA W (AA L0) Display s the ATM Service Category Configuration submenu, w hich contai ns the followi ng commands to set the service categ ory: 1. CBR 2. UBR Select your choice, and then follow the on-screen messages to set t he PCR value.
Avaya, Inc . - 55 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide Display s the ATM Service Category Configuration submenu, w hich contai ns the followi ng commands to set the service categ ory: 1. CBR 2. UBR Select your choice, and then follow the on- screen messages to set the PCR v alue.
Avaya, Inc . - 56 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide The PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL modul e displays a default or last-used value in parentheses t o the left o f the comma nd prompt. To accept this v alue, press ENTER. 2. Configure Copper Mountain Fragmentation Display s the FR FRF.
Avaya, Inc . - 57 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide 2. Configure Receiv e Congestion Parameters Follow the on-screen messag es to enter the follow ing receiv e congestion par ameter in formation. • FECN/BEC N condition s et size • FECN/BEC N condition cle ar size • FECN/BECN maxi mum nu mber o f bytes to store Select your choice.
Avaya, Inc . - 58 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide You mus t restart th e PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL mo dule for any chang es to take effect . For more informati on on restarting the PARTNER ACS 1600 D SL modul e, see the “PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL module basi cs” chapter.
Avaya, Inc . - 59 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide C. Configure SNM P Communit y Sets t he SNMP communi ty to whi ch your dev ice belong s (maxi mum = 39 alph anumeric c haracters) . T his name must match the name o f the SNMP host. Ty pe the name, and then press ENTER.
Avaya, Inc . - 60 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide 9. Sy stem Util ities Displ ays the Utilities M enu , which cont ains the foll owing submenus a nd commands t hat either upgrade the ACOS softwar e or support ACO S applicatio n developm ent.
Avaya, Inc . - 61 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide Z. Configure Co nsole Baud Rate Display s the follow ing commands to set the co nsole B aud rate: 0. Unse t (use Defaul t) 1. 9600 2. 19200 3. 38400 4. 57600 5. 115200 Select your choice.
Avaya, Inc . - 62 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide R. Rename File Replaces the old file name w ith a new on e. T ype the old file name, an d then ty pe the new one. X. Remove File by name Deletes the enter ed file fro m the file system. F.
Avaya, Inc . - 63 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide You mus t restar t th e PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL module t o load the new v ersion of ACOS. For more informati on on restarti ng the PAR TNER ACS 1600 DSL module or on upgradi ng your so ftware using TFTP, see the “PAR TNER ACS 1600 DSL module basics” chapter.
Avaya, Inc . - 64 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide The A vailable interworking types menu di spl ays , wh ich contains th e follow ing commands a nd submen us that create a Frame Rel ay to ATM Inter working connection: 1. FRF5 Display s the FRF.
Avaya, Inc . - 65 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide M. Map FR FECN to ATM EFCI Display s the FRF.8 FECN Mapping menu, whic h contains the follow ing commands to set the FECN mapping v alue: 0. A lways 0 1. A lways 1 M. Map FR FECN to ATM EFCI F.
Avaya, Inc . - 66 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide • AT M S l o t - ATM slot numb er for thi s ID. • VPI - the AT M virtual p ath ide n tifier (V PI) fo r this ID. • VCI - the v irtual cir cuit identifier ( VCI) for thi s ID. For mor e in fo r mation ab out a connecti on, ty pe the ID number , and then pr ess ENTER.
Avaya, Inc . - 67 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide The NetBIOS Type Configuration Menu displays, which contains the fol lowing commands to set th e NetBIOS node type: 1.
Avaya, Inc . - 68 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide F. Displa y DHCP Configuration Displays the following info rmation abou t the DHCP configurati on: • Default ga tewa y - IP address of pack ets sent to DHCP Clients. • Default DNS server - IP address o f the DNS server.
Avaya, Inc . - 69 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide • nacks sent • requests for other servers • protocol errors For the preceding to displa y, you must attach DHCP Clie nt devices tha t use DHCP to obtain an IP address to the PARTNER ACS 1600 DS L module .
Avaya, Inc . - 70 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide Y. Delete a DHCP Assignment Entr y Deletes an assig ned IP addr ess from the Display DHCP Server A ssigned A ddresses command.
Avaya, Inc . - 71 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide the number connectio ns. Since t he range th at you assign must be outsi de the rang e of th e programs in use, do not set port rang es under 5, 000. Type th e Low End of N AT Port Rang e value , the Hig h End of NAT Port Ra nge value, a nd then press ENTER.
Avaya, Inc . - 72 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide C. Displa y NAT Connection Tabl e Display s the followi ng information a bout the NA T connectio ns: • TCP - Ethernet M AC address of the dev ice. • out_port • pkts - out, in • state • idle D.
Avaya, Inc . - 73 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide Y. Delete N AT Local Ser ver Entr y Deletes an NA T Local Serv er entry fro m the Display N AT Statistics , Displa y NAT Connection Table and Display NAT Connection Details comma nds. Type the Local Server entry to del ete, and t hen press ENTER.
Avaya, Inc . - 74 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide 3. Enab le/Disable **Loca l Clock ONLY** Derived Timing Debug Messages Display s the Derived Timing Debug subm enu, which contains th e follow ing commands to enabl e/disable only l ocal clock deriv ed timing deb ugging messages.
Avaya, Inc . - 75 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide C. Command Line Interface For future implement ation. Display s the co mmand li ne inter face, whic h supports the follow ing syntax and commands.
Avaya, Inc . - 76 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide DLCI number and encaps ulation ty pe to RFC 1490 or RFC1483. . If you do not enter a ny optional paramet ers, it finds the firs t available slot, inter face, port and c onnection. set nat <on or of f> (slot) (interface) (port) – sets NAT on or off.
Avaya, Inc . - 77 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide As shown in t he equati on below , this is eq uivalent to the differenc e in the "relativ e transit time" for two pack ets: th.
Avaya, Inc . - 78 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide M. Set Debug Mode Display s the Debug Mode Selection submen u, wh ich contains th e follow ing commands.
Avaya, Inc . - 79 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide M. Man age MGCP/ NCS Embedded Client Di splays the MGCP/NCS Managem ent Menu , which contai ns the foll owing submen us and com mands. C. Configure M GCP/NCS param eters Sets the MGC P/NCS parame ters.
Avaya, Inc . - 80 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide E. CopperCom Call Cont rol Display s the CopperCom Call Control submen u, which contains th e follow ing submenus a nd commands. S. Statistics Display s the CopperCom Statistics submenu , which contains th e follow ing commands.
Avaya, Inc . - 81 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide • • • • Payload • • • • CPE Signal • • • • GWY Signal D. Display Debug State/Flags Display s the follow ing informatio n about the activ e debug state and flags: • • • • Debugging – ENABLED or DISAB LED.
Avaya, Inc . - 82 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide E. Ca ll Con trol Settings Display s the Call Control Settings submenu , which cont ains the follow i ng commands: A.
Avaya, Inc . - 83 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide D. Display Parameters Display s the follow ing informatio n about the R ing Test: • • • • Port • • • • On hook ti me • • • • Off hook ti me S. Start Ring Test Starts the R ing test.
Avaya, Inc . - 84 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide • • • • Cc Port (16 tot al) V. Pick sound heard if insuffici ent W AN B/W to complete call Display s Insufficient Bandwidth Indication Setting submenu, w hich contai ns the foll owing comma nds: 0.
Avaya, Inc . - 85 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide 3. Debugging options Display s the Tollbridge Debugging Options submenu , whic h contains the follow ing commands to enable or disable To llb ridge de buggin g m ess ages : 0. Enable/Dis able all mes sages 1.
Avaya, Inc . - 86 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide 5. Administration This c hapter prov ides inform ation about the PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL module secur ity, as w ell as how to config ure the Simple N etwork M anagement Protoc ol (SNM P) and upgrade ACOS.
Avaya, Inc . - 87 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide Changing the User ID To change th e User ID: 1. On the Main Menu , select Configure Login . The Password Configuration Menu display s. ******************************************* * Password Configuration Menu * ******************************************* 1.
Avaya, Inc . - 88 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide To c h ange the pa sswo r d: 1. On the Main Menu , select Configure Login . The Password Configuration Menu display s. ******************************************* * Password Configuration Menu * ******************************************* 1.
Avaya, Inc . - 89 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide Enabling/disabling S NMP To enable or disabl e SNMP: 1. On the Main M enu, select Configure SNMP . The SNMP Configuration Menu di spl a ys . ***************************************** * SNMP Configuration Menu * ***************************************** E.
Avaya, Inc . - 90 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide 2. Select Configure System Contact . The follow ing instructions d isplay on-scr een: System Contact is currently: Enter new System Contact > 3.
Avaya, Inc . - 91 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide Configuring the S ystem Location To configur e the system l ocation: 1. On the Main M enu, select Configure SNMP . The SNMP Co nfigurati on Menu displ ays. 2. Select Configure Sy stem Location .
Avaya, Inc . - 92 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide Configuring the S ystem Commun it y The v alue that you s et must match the w rite community name of the SNM P host to ena ble the SNM P Set operati on. If you enable SNM P but the community name is not set, SNMP goes into rea d-only mo de.
Avaya, Inc . - 93 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide Configuring the SNM P Trap Host I P Address To configure the SNMPP Trap Host IP A ddress: 1.
Avaya, Inc . - 94 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide Configuring the TFTP Server To configur e the TFTP Ser ver: Copy the followi ng files to a direct ory on y our PC, in the path th at the TFTP Serv er will use to s end files t o the PARTNER ACS 1600 DS L module : acos.
Avaya, Inc . - 95 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide 2. On the Main M enu, select S ystem Utilit ies . The Utilities Menu displ ays. ******************************************* * Utilities Menu * ******************************************* P.
Avaya, Inc . - 96 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide Using Telnet To upgr ade the PAR TNER ACS 1600 DSL modul e software usi ng TF TP v ia Te lne t: 1. Use a Teln et progr am to connec t to the PAR TNER ACS 1600 DSL module . For more information, s ee the "G etting start ed" chapter.
Avaya, Inc . - 97 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide 3. Select Directory of all files . A list of all insta lled files displa ys. Upgrading ACO S You can use t he Trivi al File Transfer Protocol ( TFTP) to upgrade the PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL mo dule softw are.
Avaya, Inc . - 98 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide N. Configure NAT T. Derived Timing Z. Diagnostics Menu C. Command Line Interface P. VoicePath Configure For more information, s ee the "Getting St arted" chapt er. 2. On the Main M enu, select S ystem Utilit ies .
Avaya, Inc . - 99 - PARTN ER AC S 1600 DS L m odule User G uide 4. Select Update A COS [acos.bin] . The File Transfer Method sub menu displ ays. ***************************************** * File Transfer Method * ***************************************** 1.
Avaya, Inc . - 100 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e R. Hard Reset or Reload ACOS from FLASH D. Set System Defaults W. Save System Settings as Defaults F. File System Menu X. File Transfer Menu 2. Select File Sy stem Menu . The File Syst em Menu displays.
Avaya, Inc . - 101 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 6. WAN configuration This chapter details h ow to configure the PARTNER ACS 1600 D SL mo dule for both da ta and v oice operation .
Avaya, Inc . - 102 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 2. Select Configure Datalink Protocol . The WAN Datalink Protocol Configuration Menu displays. ******************************************* * WAN Datalink Protocol Configuration Menu* ******************************************* Current DataLink Protocol : Frame Relay 6.
Avaya, Inc . - 103 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e Configuring the SDSL Interface To configur e the SDSL i nterface: 1. On the Main Menu , select Configure WA N . The following instructi ons displ ay on-scr ee n: Available WAN Interfaces: 1.
Avaya, Inc . - 104 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 6. Set SDSL to AccessLan CPE Mode 7. Set SDSL Speed Manually 8. Restart SDSL Activation Sequence 9. SDSL Interface Mode (Bit Order) A. Enable/Disable SDSL AutoBaud Debug Messages D. Enable/Disable SDSL Debug Messages Y.
Avaya, Inc . - 105 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 3. Select Configure Datalink Protocol . The WAN Datalink Protocol Configuration Menu displays. ******************************************* * WAN Datalink Protocol Configuration Menu* ******************************************* Current DataLink Protocol : Cisco compatible HDLC 6.
Avaya, Inc . - 106 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 6. Select Set WA N interface ty pe . The USI Interface Ty pe submenu di splay s. ********************************** * USI Interface Type * ********************************** USI WAN mode is now: V.
Avaya, Inc . - 107 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e Quick Configurati on The PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL mo dule contai ns with a number of predefined configurati ons. To use on e of the pre defined con figuratio ns: 1. On the Main Menu , select Configure WA N .
Avaya, Inc . - 108 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 3. Select Quick Conf iguration . The Quick Configuration subm enu display s. ***************************************** * Quick Configura.
Avaya, Inc . - 109 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e Delete PV C Show Cur rent PVCs You can c onfigure up to 24 PVCs on the PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL module . A dding a PVC To add a PVC: 1. On the Main Menu , select Configure WA N , and then type the slot n umber of th e WAN inter face that you want to configur e.
Avaya, Inc . - 110 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 6. Select the encapsul ation you w ant to con f igure. If you select RFC 2364 (PPPoA TM with LLC Encapsulation) or RFC 2364 (PP PoATM using VC Muxing) , follow the on-screen mess ages to set the PPP authoriz ation type.
Avaya, Inc . - 111 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 6. Type a VC I between 32 – 6553 5 (default = 38 – data or 39 – voice) , and then pr ess ENTER.
Avaya, Inc . - 112 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e Deleting a PVC To delete a PVC: 1. On the Main Menu , select Configure WA N , and then type the slot n umber of th e WAN inter face that you want to configur e. The W AN Configuration Menu display s.
Avaya, Inc . - 113 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e Configuring Pa yload Scrambling You mus t enabl e payl oad scrambli ng (default = disabled) for the PARTN ER ACS 1600 D SL modul e to “talk” to a DSLAM that uses payload scrambl i ng .
Avaya, Inc . - 114 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 2. Select Configure A TM Options . The A TM Configuration Menu displays. ***************************************** * ATM Configuration Menu * ***************************************** 1. Configure Payload Scrambling 2.
Avaya, Inc . - 115 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 2. Select Configure A TM Options . The A TM Configuration Menu displays. ***************************************** * ATM Configuration Menu * ***************************************** 1. Configure Payload Scrambling 2.
Avaya, Inc . - 116 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e Enter 1 for IDLE cells or 2 for UNASSIGNED cells: 4. Select your choice. You mus t restar t th e PARTNER ACS 1600 DS L module for any cha nges to take effect. For more information on restarting the PARTNER ACS 1600 D SL modul e, see the “Getting starte d” chapter.
Avaya, Inc . - 117 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 4. Type a DLCI v alue betw een 16-1023 ( defaults = 32 – data and 33 – v oice), an d then press EN TER.
Avaya, Inc . - 118 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e Modifying a DLCI To modi fy a DLCI: 1. On the Main Menu , select Configure WA N , and then type the slot n umber of th e WAN inter face that you want to configur e. The W AN Configuration Menu display s.
Avaya, Inc . - 119 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 6. Select the encapsul ation method t o use. The FR DLCI Options submen u display s. ***************************************** * FR DLCI Options * ***************************************** 1.
Avaya, Inc . - 120 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 4. Show Current DLCIs 3. Select Delete DLCI . 4. Do one o f the follow ing: To delete t he DLCI con figurati on, type y . To cancel th e deletion, type n . You mus t restar t th e PARTNER ACS 1600 DS L module for any cha nges to take effect.
Avaya, Inc . - 121 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 3. Select Configure Fragmentation . The FR Fragmentation Configuration submenu di splays . ***************************************** * FR Fragmentation Configuration * ***************************************** 1.
Avaya, Inc . - 122 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e Configuring the maint enance prot ocol To configur e the mai ntenance pr otocol: 1. On the Main Menu , select Configure WA N , and then type the slot n umber of th e WAN inter face that you want to configur e.
Avaya, Inc . - 123 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e Configuring the congestion parameter s To configur e the congesti on para meters: 1. On the Main Menu , select Configure WA N , and then type the slot n umber of th e WAN inter face that you want to configur e.
Avaya, Inc . - 124 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e restarting the PARTNER ACS 1600 D SL modul e, see the “Getting starte d” chapter. Configuri ng the voice path After y ou defin e the.
Avaya, Inc . - 125 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e Setting the SLIC Cont rol Mode To set the SLIC control mode: 1. On the Main M enu, select VoicePath Configure . The Voice Configuration subm enu display s. ***************************************** * Voice Configuration * ***************************************** V.
Avaya, Inc . - 126 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e the c onclusion o f the FAX or modem session, ec ho cancellation automa tically re-enables. To configur e echo canc ellation: 1. On the Main M enu, select VoicePath Configure . The Voice Configuration subm enu display s.
Avaya, Inc . - 127 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e restarting the PARTNER ACS 1600 D SL modul e, see the “Getting starte d” chapter..
Avaya, Inc . - 128 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 7. Router configuration This chap ter describes how to configure the PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL module as a router. For more in formation on the menus, s ubmenus and c ommands in t his chapter , see the “Menu int erface” chapte r.
Avaya, Inc . - 129 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e To configure an IP address: 1. On the Main M enu, select Configure IP Router . The Router Configuration Menu displays. ***************************************** * Router Configuration Menu * ***************************************** C.
Avaya, Inc . - 130 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 5. Type the n ew IP address, or press EN TER to select the current IP ad dress. The following instructi ons displ ay on-scr ee n: Current subnet mask = Enter new subnet mask for this interface: 6.
Avaya, Inc . - 131 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e Enabling RIP po isoned re verse globall y To enable R IP pois oned rever se globall y: 1.
Avaya, Inc . - 132 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e Enabling RIP po isoned re verse b y port To enable R IP pois oned rever se by port: 1. On the Main M enu, select Configure IP Router .
Avaya, Inc . - 133 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 4. Type E . The Router Configuration Menu redisplay s. 5. Repeat ste ps 1-3 for each port for w hich you w ant to enable RI P poisoned reverse. You mus t restar t th e PARTNER ACS 1600 DS L module for any cha nges to take effect.
Avaya, Inc . - 134 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 3. Type the n umber of the port for w hich you want to configur e the RIP poiso ned rev erse versi on. The following instructi ons displ ay on-scr ee n: Enter RIP Version for Port 1 0. Disabled 1.
Avaya, Inc . - 135 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e Adding a static route To add a s tatic route : 1. On the Main M enu, select Configure IP Router . The Router Configuration Menu displays. ***************************************** * Router Configuration Menu * ***************************************** C.
Avaya, Inc . - 136 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 6. Type th e gatew ay address, press EN TER, and t hen type Y . The Router Modification Menu redisplays. 7. Repeat ste ps 1-6 for each r oute that y ou want t o add. You mus t restar t th e PARTNER ACS 1600 DS L module for any cha nges to take effect.
Avaya, Inc . - 137 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e T. Remove the Default Route D. Display Route Table 3. Select A dd/Change the Default Route . 4. Type the g ateway addr ess for the d efault route, pr ess ENTER, and then ty pe Y . The Router Modification Menu di spl ays .
Avaya, Inc . - 138 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e C. Configure Spanning Tree Path Cost D. Delete Bridge Forwarding Database Entry 2. Select Enable/Disable Bridging Globally , and the ty pe D . The Bridge Configuration Menu redisplays. You mus t restar t th e PARTNER ACS 1600 DS L module for any cha nges to take effect.
Avaya, Inc . - 139 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 2. Select Enable/Disabl e Bridging by Port . The following instructi ons displ ay on-scr ee n: Available Interfaces : 1. SDSL 2. 10/100BaseT Ethernet 3. Universal Serial 0. (Abort) Selection : Interfac es may or m ay not dis play, dep ending on t he IAD in use.
Avaya, Inc . - 140 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e R. Configure Spanning Tree Bridge Priority Q. Configure Spanning Tree Port Priority H. Configure Spanning Tree Hello Time S. Configure Spanning Tree Max Age F. Configure Spanning Tree Forward Delay C.
Avaya, Inc . - 141 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 2. Select Enable/Disabl e Spanning Tree by Port . The following instructi ons displ ay on-scr ee n: Available Interfaces : 1. SDSL 2. 10/100BaseT Ethernet 3. Universal Serial 0. (Abort) Selection : Interfac es may or m ay not dis play, dep ending on t he IAD in use.
Avaya, Inc . - 142 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 8. Bridge configuration This chap ter describes how to configure the PARTNER ACS 1600 D SL mo dule as a br idge. For more infor mation on the menus, s ubmenus and c ommands in t his chapter , see the “Menu int erface” chapte r.
Avaya, Inc . - 143 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e Enabling Bridgi ng For br idging to w ork, you must enable bridg ing both g lobally and by port, and then set the br idge ag ing timer. The order i n whic h you perform t he procedur es is irrelev ant.
Avaya, Inc . - 144 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e Enabling bridging by p ort To enable bridgi ng by port: 1. On the Main M enu, select Configure Bridge . The Bridge Configuration Menu displays. ***************************************** * Bridge Configuration Menu * ***************************************** G.
Avaya, Inc . - 145 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 4. Repeat steps 1-3 for each port on w hich you w ant to disable bri dg i ng . You mus t restar t th e PARTNER ACS 1600 DS L module for any cha nges to take effect. For more information on restarting the PARTNER ACS 1600 D SL modul e, see the “Getting starte d” chapter.
Avaya, Inc . - 146 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 4. Press any key . You mus t restar t th e PARTNER ACS 1600 DS L module for any cha nges to take effect. For more information on restarting the PARTNER ACS 1600 D SL modul e, see the “Getting starte d” chapter.
Avaya, Inc . - 147 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e Disabling RIP poison ed re verse b y p ort To disabl e RIP poiso ned rever se by port: 1.
Avaya, Inc . - 148 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 5. Repeat ste ps 1-4 for each port for w hich you w ant to disable RI P poisone d reverse. You mus t restar t th e PARTNER ACS 1600 DS L module for any cha nges to take effect. For more information on restarting the PARTNER ACS 1600 D SL modul e, see the “Getting starte d” chapter.
Avaya, Inc . - 149 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 2. Select Enable/Disable Spanning Tree Globally , and the type E . The Bridge Configuration Menu redisplays. You mus t restar t th e PARTNER ACS 1600 DS L module for any cha nges to take effect.
Avaya, Inc . - 150 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 3. Type the n umber o f the port for which y ou want to enable STP, and the n type E . 4. Repeat steps 1-3 for each port on w hich you w ant to enable S TP. The Bridge Configuration Menu redisplays.
Avaya, Inc . - 151 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 9. NAT configuration This chap ter walks y ou through the steps req uired to configure the Netw ork Address Translation (N AT). For m ore information on the m enus, submen us and comma nds in this chapter, se e the “Menu interface” ch apter.
Avaya, Inc . - 152 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e Enabling N AT translation To en able the NA T translation by port: 1. On the Main M enu, select Configure NAT . The NAT Configuration Menu displays. ***************************************** * NAT Configuration Menu * ***************************************** B.
Avaya, Inc . - 153 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e restarting the PARTNER ACS 1600 D SL modul e, see the “Getting starte d” chapter. Configuri ng the NA T local server ent r y W hen you conf igure the NAT lo cal se rver, it allo ws acce ss from the Internet vi a the IP addr ess of the NAT- enabled port.
Avaya, Inc . - 154 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 4. Type the n ew translated IP address ( range = 1-655 35), and then pr ess ENTER. The following instructi ons displ ay on-scr ee n: Current NAT Local Server Translated IP Address = 0.0.0.
Avaya, Inc . - 155 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e Configuring a N AT TCP timeout To configure a NA T TCP time out : 1. On the Main M enu, select Configure NAT . The NAT Configuration Menu displays. ***************************************** * NAT Configuration Menu * ***************************************** B.
Avaya, Inc . - 156 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e Configuring a N AT UDP timeout To configur e a NAT UD P timeout: 1. On the Main M enu, select Configure NAT . The NAT Configuration Menu displays. ***************************************** * NAT Configuration Menu * ***************************************** B.
Avaya, Inc . - 157 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e Configuri ng the NAT port range Under normal cir cumstances, th e port range default setting is adequat e. Howev er, if you i nteract w ith multipl e-player IP games or v ideo con ferencing, y ou need t o configure th e port range setting .
Avaya, Inc . - 158 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 2. Select Configure NA T Port Range . The following instructi ons displ ay on-scr ee n: Enter Low End of NAT Port Range (5000..65534): (50000) 3. Type the l ow end v alue (rang e = 5000-6553 4), and then press ENTER.
Avaya, Inc . - 159 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 10. DHCP server configuration This chap ter walks y ou through the steps req uired to conf igure the Dynamic Ho st Configu ration P rotocol (DHCP ) server. For more informa tion on the menu s, subme nus and commands in this chapter , see the “Men u inter face” chapter.
Avaya, Inc . - 160 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e Y. Delete A DHCP Assignment Entry 2. Select Enable/Disable DHCP . The following instructi ons displ ay on-scr ee n: DHCP Server is currently DISABLED Enter E to Enable, D to Disable : 3. Type E .
Avaya, Inc . - 161 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 2. Select Configure DHCP Server Parameters . The following instructi ons displ ay on-scr ee n: Current Gateway address = Enter new Gateway IP address: 3. Type the n ew gatew ay IP address, and then press ENTER.
Avaya, Inc . - 162 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 8. Type the n ew lease tim e, and then press ENTER. The NetBIOS Type Configuration Menu displays. ******************************************* * NetBIOS Type Configuration Menu * ******************************************* Current NetBIOS Node Type: h-node 1.
Avaya, Inc . - 163 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e Configuri ng the DHCP address range pool You must configu re the DHCP address ran ge pool to set the range of IP addresses to return to the DHCP clients. To configure the DHCP address range pool: 1.
Avaya, Inc . - 164 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 4. Type the n ew low IP address, and th en press EN TER. The DHCP Server Configuration Menu redisplays. You mus t restart the PARTNER ACS 1600 D SL mo dule for any cha nges to take effect.
Avaya, Inc . - 165 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 11. Verification This chap ter describes how to ver ify that the PAR TNER ACS 1600 DSL module op erates prop erly af ter i nstallation. It also covers maintenance, and how to di splay the cur rent configu rat ion.
Avaya, Inc . - 166 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e To test th e PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL module: 1. Verify the W AN link status. 2. Pick up the telephone r eceiv er on the PARTNER pho ne and check for a dial t one If no dial t one is pres ent, trou bleshoot as n ecessary.
Avaya, Inc . - 167 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e Displa y i ng the current configurati on To display the current configurati on and data tra nsmission status: 1. On the Main M enu, select Reports Menu . The Reports Menu displays. ***************************************** * Reports Menu * ***************************************** C.
Avaya, Inc . - 168 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e A. Menu hierarchy 1. Reports Menu C. Displa y Current Configuration N. Displa y Network Statistics C. Display ICMP Statistics I. Display IP Statistics T. Display TCP Statistics U. Display UDP Statistics Z.
Avaya, Inc . - 169 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e M. Displa y Media Statistics F. Display Frame Rela y Statistics S. Display Serial Sta tistics Z. Clear a S tatistic F. Clear Frame Rela y DLCI Statistics S. Clear S erial Statisti cs 1. Display ATM Statistics Z.
Avaya, Inc . - 170 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e N. Configure DNS Cli ent A. Set DNS Ser ver IP Address T. Set DNS Server Ti meout S. Display DNS Cache and Statistics H. Configure DHCP C lient L. Configure DHCP R ela y E. Enable/Disa b le DHCP Rela y C.
Avaya, Inc . - 171 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 3. Configur e Bridge G. Enable/Disable Bridging Glob all y P. Enable/Disable Bridging b y Port A. Configure Bridge Aging Timer T. Enable/Disable Sp anning Tre e Globall y O. Enable/Disable Spanning Tr ee b y Port R.
Avaya, Inc . - 172 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 4. IP-Plu s compat ible HDLC 5. PPP (o ver Ra w HDLC) 0. None 1. PAP Cl ient 2. PAP Ser ver 3. CHAP Clie nt 4. CHAP Ser ver 6. ATM 7. Frame Relay 2. Configure Ph ysical Interface USI 1. Set W AN int erface type 1.
Avaya, Inc . - 173 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 6. Set SDSL to AccessLan CPE Mode 7. Set SDS L Speed Man ually 8. Restart SD SL Activati on Sequence 9. SDSL Inter face Mode ( Bit Order) A. Enable /Disable SD SL Autobaud D ebug Messag es D.
Avaya, Inc . - 174 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 2. Modi f y Existing DLCI 1. Raw ( No Encapsulati on) 1. Conf igure T ran smit CIR 2. Configur e Receiv e CIR 3. Configure FR F.12 Fragm entation 1. Enable /Disable End- To-End FRF. 12 2.
Avaya, Inc . - 175 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 3. Propri etary Voice 4. RFC 14 83 (using VC Mux ing) 1. CBR 2. UBR 5. RFC 14 83 (with LLC Encapsul ation) 1. CBR 2. UBR 6. RFC 23 64 (PPPoATM W ith LLC Enca psulation) 0. None 1. PAP Cl ient 1.
Avaya, Inc . - 176 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 2. Modi f y Existing PVC 1. AAL55 ( None) 1. CBR 2. UBR 2. AAL0 (N one) 1. CBR 2. UBR 3. Propri etary Voice 4. RFC 14 83 (using VC Mux ing) 1. CBR 2. UBR 5. RFC 14 83 (with LLC Encapsul ation) 1.
Avaya, Inc . - 177 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 3. CHAP Clie nt 1. CBR 2. UBR 4. CHAP Ser ver 1. CBR 2. UBR 3. Dele te PV C 4. Show Current PVCs 4. Configure F R Options (Datalin k Protocol = Frame Relay) 1. Configur e Fragmentati on 1.
Avaya, Inc . - 178 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 4. Configure ATM Options (D atalink Protocol = ATM) 1. Configur e Payl oad Scrambling 2. Configur e F4 OAM V PI 3. Configur e F4 OAM Ty pe 4. Display F4 OAM Co nfigu ration 5. Send OAM Loopback 6.
Avaya, Inc . - 179 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 9. Sy stem Util ities P. Ping Utilit y T. Trace Route Z. Configure Co nsole Baud Rate 0. Unset (use D efault) 1. 9600 2. 19200 3. 38400 4. 57600 5. 115200 V. Configure Consol e Timeout R.
Avaya, Inc . - 180 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e I. Inte rworkin g Connections 1. Add Interw orking Connection 1. FRF5 0. Set FR-SSC S, ATM=0 A. Set FR-SSC S According To ATM B. Use Both FR-SSCS And A TM 1. Set FR-SSC S, ATM=1 A. Set FR-SSC S According To ATM B.
Avaya, Inc . - 181 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e 1. Alway s 1 0. Alway s 0 1. Alway s 1 M. Map Fr FE CN T o ATM EFCI M. Map Fr De To ATM CL PI 0. Alway s 0 1. Alway s 1 M. Map Fr FE CN T o ATM EFCI 2. Delete Interw orking Connecti on 3.
Avaya, Inc . - 182 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e N. Configur e NA T B. Enable/Disable NAT Debug M essages P. Enable/Disable NAT Transla tion b y Port T. Configure N AT TCP Timeout U. Configure N AT UDP Timeout R. Configure N AT Port Range N.
Avaya, Inc . - 183 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e S. SDSL Diagn ostics P. Trans mit Isolate d Pulses 1. +3 lev el 2. +1 lev el 3. -1 level 4. -3 level 2. Continuo us 2-level transmission 4. Continuo us 4-level transmission L. Digi tal Far Loopb ack C.
Avaya, Inc . - 184 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e E. Configure Echo C ancellation Default Setti ngs 1. Set Ec ho Cancellatio n default setti ng for all p orts 2. Display current Ec ho Cancellati on default se ttings 3. Configur e Echo Canc ellation default setti ng per port M.
Avaya, Inc . - 185 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e E. Ca ll Con trol Settings A. Stats Display R. Ring Test C. Configu re Ring Te st D. Display Parameters S. Start Ri ng Test T. St op Ring T e st S. Displa y IAD State T. Trace S. Set Trace D ata D.
Avaya, Inc . - 186 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e B. PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL module specifications Netw ork Interfaces 10/100B aseT Ethernet Shield ed RJ-45 SDSL 2- W ire SDSL ( Shielded RJ -11 Connect or) Symmetri cal data r ates from 1 44 Kbps to 2.
Avaya, Inc . - 187 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e Frame Rel ay Eight Data-Link C onnection Identi fiers (DLCI) Multiprotocol encapsulati on over Fr ame Relay (RFC 1490) High-Level Data L.
Avaya, Inc . - 188 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e C. Connector pinouts Console Pin Signal 1 Ground 2T x D a t a 3R x D a t a 10BaseT Connector Pin Signal 1T x + 2T x - 3R x + 4N C 5N C 6.
Avaya, Inc . - 189 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e SDSL Connector Pin Signal 1N / C 2T i p 3 Ring 4N / C.
Avaya, Inc . - 190 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e D. USI Cables DTE or DCE? A Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) dev ice transmi ts data on the tra nsmit pi n and r eceives data on the r eceive pin, w hile a Data Communication Equipment (DCE) dev ice trans mits data on the receive pi n and receiv es data o n the trans mit pin.
Avaya, Inc . - 191 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e The follow ing figure l ists the conv ersion from the RS-530 DB25 conn ector to the RS- 449 DB37 c onversion ca ble.
Avaya, Inc . - 192 - PART NER AC S 1600 DSL m odule User Guid e It is your responsibility to obtain the appropriate conv erter cables from the DB25 R S-530 pin out to the con figured hardw are interfac e.
Avaya, Inc . - 193 - PART NER ACS 1 600 DSL m odule User Guid e E. IP Filtering The follow ing assumes t hat you have a wor king knowledg e of IP protocols.
Avaya, Inc . - 194 - PART NER ACS 1 600 DSL m odule User Guid e Glossary 10/100Ba seT 10-Mbps base band Ethern et specificati on that uses two pai rs of twisted-pai r cabling: one pair for transmit ting dat a and the other for rec eivi ng data. 10/100Base T has a distance limit of appr oximatel y 100 meter s per seg ment.
Avaya, Inc . - 195 - PART NER ACS 1 600 DSL m odule User Guid e Full Duplex Capable of handling simultan eous data tra nsmission between a sending stati on and a r eceivi ng station.
Avaya, Inc . - 196 - PART NER ACS 1 600 DSL m odule User Guid e LMI Local M anagement Interface . a set o f the follow ing enhanceme nts to the basi c Frame Relay specificatio n. Called “ LMT” in ANS I terminolog y. a keep-ali ve mechanism that verifies that data is flo wi ng .
Avaya, Inc . - 197 - PART NER ACS 1 600 DSL m odule User Guid e Presentation lay er – responsi ble for data structures used by networked a pplications.
Avaya, Inc . - 198 - PART NER ACS 1 600 DSL m odule User Guid e SVC Swit ched Virtual Circui t. Virtual circuit that is dynamic ally establ ished on d emand and is t orn down w hen transmi ssion is com plete. T1 Networ k connection with a ca pacity of 1.
Avaya, Inc . - 199 - PART NER ACS 1 600 DSL m odule User Guid e Index 10 10/100Base T, 184 100BaseT, 184 10Base T ETHERNET, 176 specificatio ns, 176 A ACOS upgradi ng, 87 upgradi ng using TEL NET, 89 .
Avaya, Inc . - 200 - PART NER ACS 1 600 DSL m odule User Guid e Stats Display , 72 Tra ce, 73 Calll Cont rol Settin gs Pick sound h eard if insufficie nt W AN B/W to complete call, 74 Change NetM an P.
Avaya, Inc . - 201 - PART NER ACS 1 600 DSL m odule User Guid e Delete a DHCP Assignment Entry , 60 Delete a DHCP Clien t Entry, 59 Display DHCP Config uration, 58 Display DHCP Entry Details, 59 Displ.
Avaya, Inc . - 202 - PART NER ACS 1 600 DSL m odule User Guid e Config ure Payload Scram bling, 47 Conf igu re Ph ysical Interface, 36 SDSL mode, 37 USI mode, 3 6 Configu re Port IP Address, 21 Config.
Avaya, Inc . - 203 - PART NER ACS 1 600 DSL m odule User Guid e Configu re Data Rate and Clocking Options, 3 6 Set W AN in terface type, 36 Conf igure W AN, 34 Conf igu re datalin k protocol, 35 Conf .
Avaya, Inc . - 204 - PART NER ACS 1 600 DSL m odule User Guid e Debug M GCP/NCS, 69 Debugg ing options, 75 Default Inter w orking Connecti ons, 56 Default passw ords, 6 Default User IDs, 6 Default v a.
Avaya, Inc . - 205 - PART NER ACS 1 600 DSL m odule User Guid e Display MGCP/NCS statistics, 69 Display NAT Connecti on Details , 62 Display NAT Connecti on Tabl e, 62 Displ ay NAT Local Server Table,.
Avaya, Inc . - 206 - PART NER ACS 1 600 DSL m odule User Guid e Setting, 46, 47 FECN/BECN condi tion size Setting, 46, 47 FECN/BECN m a ximum number of bytes to store Setting, 46, 47 File System Men u, 51 File Sy stem Menu.Copy file, 51 File System Menu.
Avaya, Inc . - 207 - PART NER ACS 1 600 DSL m odule User Guid e M MAC, 186 MAC address, 186 Main Men u Conf igu re SNMP , 48 Interwor king Connecti ons, 53 Maint enan ce, 15 6 Maintenance Protocol con.
Avaya, Inc . - 208 - PART NER ACS 1 600 DSL m odule User Guid e P Packet, 187 PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL modu le upgradi ng using TEL NET, 86 upgradi ng using TFTP , 8 4 PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL modu le conf ig.
Avaya, Inc . - 209 - PART NER ACS 1 600 DSL m odule User Guid e Setting, 39, 40 Remove a c onnectio n, 69 Remove a R oute, 21 Remove File by name, 52 Remove th e Default Route, 22 Rename Fil e, 52 Rep.
Avaya, Inc . - 210 - PART NER ACS 1 600 DSL m odule User Guid e Set System De faults, 51 Set Voice Gatew ay, 66 Set voice gatew ay IP address, 74 Set W AN inter face type, 36 Set/Clear F ull Duplex , .
Avaya, Inc . - 211 - PART NER ACS 1 600 DSL m odule User Guid e T T1, 188 TCP/IP, 188 Technical s upport, 9 0 TEL NET upgradi ng ACOS, 89 upgrading system, 86 Telnet Serv er Port Conf igure, 24 TFTP, .
Avaya, Inc . - 212 - PART NER ACS 1 600 DSL m odule User Guid e W AN configurati on Adding a D LCI, 106 Adding a PVC, 99 Changi ng the Datalink Prot ocol, 91 Conf iguring A TM options, 1 02 Conf iguri.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Avaya 1600 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Avaya 1600 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Avaya 1600 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Avaya 1600 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Avaya 1600 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Avaya 1600 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Avaya 1600 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Avaya 1600. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Avaya 1600 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.