Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 3025 des Produzenten Avanti
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A vanti 3025 set User guide 79-610-00 10/ A Issue 1 Page 1 Tuesday, August 3, 1999 8:12 AM.
79-610-0 010/A, Is sue 1 A vanti 3025 set User guide Telrad Telecommunications I nc., Woodbury, New Yo r k Page 2 Tuesday, August 3, 1999 8:12 AM.
NOTICE This publication refers to T elrad's A vanti 3025 Station con nected to T elrad's DIGIT A L KEY BX system, Releas e SB7, T elrad 's DIGIT AL 400 sys- tem, Release DB7 , or T elrad’ s DIGIT AL 1000 sys- tem, Releas e LB7, as of Jul y , 1999.
79-610-0 010/A, Is sue 1 Printed in Israel Page 4 Tuesday, August 3, 1999 8:12 AM.
iii CONTENTS ABOUT YO UR AVANTI TEL EPHONE ................... ............. ............. ... 1 TELEPHO NE SET BU TTONS .................. ............. ............. ............. ... 1 DISTINCTIVE RING ING .............. ...... ............. ......
iv Figure 1 Avanti 3025 Station f aceplate Page iv Tuesday, August 3, 1999 8:12 AM.
Av anti 3025 set 1 ABOUT YOU R A V ANTI T E LEPH ONE The A vanti 3025 se t is equi pped wi th onh ook dialin g, full speaker phone, and ho t dialpad ca pability whi ch ena bles you to m ake a cal l or oper ate a ny featur e by p ressing the dial pad b utton s.
2 Avant i 3025 set NOTE In this g uide, f ixed fea ture but tons and progr am- mabl e but tons appea r in bold t ype, in ca pita l lett ers within square b rackets, e. g., [HOLD] . Softkeys ap pear i n bold an d italicized t ype, i n capi- tal letters within curly bracke ts, e.
Av anti 3025 set 3 of th e t runk or ext en sion. They ar e acti vat e d by pr e ssing the appr opriate softkey o n the r ight han d side o f the dis- play , or by pr essing the E N TER key wh en the curso r is on the icon .
4 Avant i 3025 set Background music You are listening to background music. Appears on the second line. DND Your set is in Do Not Disturb mode. Appears on the second line. Alar m The alarm i s set to ring on your set. Appears on the second line.
Av anti 3025 set 5 If you have Im aGEN , you ma y also see ad ditio nal icon s on your d isplay . See t he ImaG EN use r guid e for an explan a- tion of how to use thes e and ot her ico ns that appear while using Ima GEN. User-programmable buttons Some of the buttons on your tel ephone may be u ser-pr o- gramm able S PEED DIAL or MEMOR Y buttons.
6 Avant i 3025 set [PICK UP] Press this butt on to pick up calls. [TRANSFER/CONFERENCE] Press this butt on to transfer calls a nd when es tablishing and ex iting con ference calls. NOTE The [TRANSFER/CONFERENCE] button is referred to as [TRANSFER] or [ CO NFER- ENCE] , depe nding on the operat ion being describ ed.
Av anti 3025 set 7 Programmable buttons The fol low ing but to ns on yo ur se t hav e a lread y been pro- grammed to perf orm specifi c function s. The S ystem Admin istrator can progra m the se butt ons to perfor m other function s.
8 Avant i 3025 set DN buttons DN butto ns are butto ns associa ted with sp ecific Directo ry Number s. The first DN butto n is your Primary DN button, which has the same number as yo ur extensio n. Th e Prim ary DN b ut- ton is used for making and receivin g most of you r calls.
Av anti 3025 set 9 DN butto ns may be programmed in three d iff erent modes: • ringing mode - th e telephon e ring s and the DN bu tton flashe s gree n when a c al l is rece ived. • flashing mode - the DN bu tton flash es gree n when a call is r eceived , but ther e is no ringi ng.
10 A vant i 3025 set DISTINCTIVE RINGING T o change the ring for your telephon e set 1. Press [ * ] and [#] simultaneou sly . 2. Press one of the d ialpad buttons ([1]-[9 ] ). When yo u hear t he rin g that you want : 3. Press {Save} . 4. Lift an d replace the handset.
Av anti 3025 set 1 1 MUTE If you wa nt to talk t o someon e in your office during a call withou t the c o nnec t ed p ar ty hea ring, y ou ca n dis ab le th e handset or tele phone set micro phone. T o enable or disable the microphone (MUTE) •P r e s s [MUT E] dur ing a conve rsation.
12 A vant i 3025 set HOT DIALP A D The hot d ialpa d enables yo u to d ial and activate f eatures without l iftin g the ha ndset o r pressin g [S PK R] first. NOTE The instru ctions in th is guide assume th at you have hot dialpa d capability . Avanti3025_cov.
Av anti 3025 set 13 INTERNAL CALLS T o place a non-ringing call • Dial the exte nsio n number . T o place a ringing call 1. Dial th e T one code [1] . 2. Dial th e extension number . If the extension you called is busy (CALL BACK) When yo u dial an extensio n and hear busy to ne, you can acti vate the Callb ack fea tur e: 1.
14 A vant i 3025 set P AGE CALLS Y ou can make a nnouncem ents thr ough an externa l page unit, or th rough the spea kers of al l telepho n e sets in a page zone. 1. Lift the handset. 2. Press [F EA TURE] . 3. Dial the P AGE zone acce ss code ( [4][1] - [4][8 ] ).
Av anti 3025 set 15 ANSWERING CALLS When yo u receiv e a call, a n indi cator flash es gree n on a teleph one set that is programme d with DN bu ttons. Fo r internal ca lls the to p line of the disp lay shows the name of the call er and their ext ension number .
16 A vant i 3025 set T o answer an intercom call T o answer an i ntercom call coming through your tel ephone speaker: • T alk t hrough the micro phone If you pr efer , you may li ft the han dset inst ead. T o answer a second call 1. Press [H OLD] . The first call is put on hold.
Av anti 3025 set 17 OUTSIDE CALLS Outsi de calls m ay be place d by accessing an outsi de line (or outsi de line group) or by usi ng the Least Cost Routi ng (LCR) f eatu re. When th e instruction s tell you to access an outside line, you may: • Press an outside line or outside line gr oup butto n.
18 A vant i 3025 set AUTOMA T IC REDIAL If yo u d ial an out s ide nu mb er an d hear bus y tone , you c an have the system d ial the numbe r several times, at defined intervals. When you h ear busy tone • Press an [ARD] button. When th e called par ty answers: •P r e s s [SPKR] or lift th e handse t.
Av anti 3025 set 19 CIRCUMVENT EXTENSION RESTRICTIONS (TRA VELING CLASS OF SER VICE) Y ou can dia l an outsi de numb er from a toll- restricte d tele- phone by temp orar ily assi gni ng it you r own ext ensio n's Class of Service (COS) or a system-wide (Global) COS acces sibl e o nly to privi l eged us ers.
20 A vant i 3025 set HOLD There are two types of ho ld: • Exclusive hold: the call can be retrieved only from your extensio n. • Inclusive hold: the call c an al so b e retri eve d by other sets with a bu tton for that DN. Y ou cannot transfer a call that is on hol d .
Av anti 3025 set 21 TRANSFERRING CALLS Y ou can transf er a cal l to an other ex tensio n: 1. Press [TRANSFER] . The tran sfer icon a ppears n ext to the trunk nu mber . 2. Dial th e extension number . 3. Announce the ca ll when the othe r party answe rs and then hang- up .
22 A vant i 3025 set CONFERENCE CALLS A t otal of ei ght par ties, any of wh ich may be on ou tside lines, can parti cip ate in a confe rence . T o establish a conference 1. Make the first call. 2. Press {CONFERENCE} . 3. Make the next ca ll. After t he call is answered : 4.
Av anti 3025 set 23 PICKUP Y ou can answe r a ca ll tha t is ri nging o r on hold a t anot her extensio n, wi th ou t leav ing you r desk. T o pick up a call at anothe r exte nsion 1. Press [PICK UP] . 2. Dial the number of the exten s ion at which th e cal l is ringin g or on hold.
24 A vant i 3025 set MESSAGES If after di aling an ext ension, ther e is no answer or you hear busy tone , you can se nd a basic messa ge or a messa ge from a def ined lis t, whic h appe ars on the d isplay . When yo u send a basic message, displa y teleph ones show " CALL " fol lowed by yo ur exten sion name or number (e.
Av anti 3025 set 25 T o selec t a mess age • Press the sof tkey adja cent to the desired message. If the messag e includes a sterisks (*), you may edit the message u si ng the di alp ad. Enter digits on t he d i alpa d; they appe ar on t he scre en in pl ace of the aster isks.
26 A vant i 3025 set DO NOT DISTURB (DND) If you do not want ca lls to ring at your telep hone, te mpo- rarily , you can acti vate the DND feature. NOTE If your t elepho ne set is not prog rammed with D N buttons, the DND indicat i on is slightly dif ferent.
Av anti 3025 set 27 DND MESSAGES Y ou can select a defin ed messag e that ap pears o n the di s- play of telephones that call yo ur extension, wh ile it is in DND mo de. Y ou can al so ask the System Administra tor to progr am additi onal me ssages. T o program a DND message 1.
28 A vant i 3025 set FOR W ARDING CA LLS Y ou can prog ram you r telep hone set to forw ard your calls to anoth er extensio n. T o program call forwarding 1. If your se t does no t have DN but tons, skip to step 2. If you wan t to program forwarding for a specific DN, first press the desi red DN butt on.
Av anti 3025 set 29 NOTE Instead o f dial ing the extensio n numbe r , you ma y press a M EMOR Y button pro grammed with a n extensio n number (for internal calls o nly) - or press a SPEED DIAL button ( or press [SPD/PROG] and a SPEE D DIAL memor y bin numb er) for intern al or externa l calls, as deter mined by the contents of the memory .
30 A vant i 3025 set ABBREVIA TED DIALING This secti on descr ibes sever al ways of abbreviating dial- ing. S ave/ R ep eat and Redi al are descr ibed i n Outsid e Calls, above. SPEED DIAL Speed dial s hor tens t he p roce du re of diali ng ou tsi de nu m- bers by usi ng spe ed dial bu tto ns an d sp eed di al mem or ies (called “ bins”).
Av anti 3025 set 31 MEMOR Y BUTTO NS MEMOR Y buttons ar e used for one-p ress dial ing of e xten- sions an d feat ure code s. T o dia l with a MEMOR Y button • Press the progr ammed but ton. T o program a MEMORY button 1. Press . 2. Press the MEMOR Y button to b e programmed.
32 A vant i 3025 set General key functions Use t he [LO HI] button to scroll th rough t he me nu of l ists and thr ough the entri es in the Phone B ook list s. Press [FEA TURE] to return to the pre vious display . Press to exit fro m the Ph one Book feature.
Av anti 3025 set 33 Y ou can th en pr ess {DIAL} to d ial the number , {UPDA TE} to chang e the nam e or n umber for the entry , or {REMOVE} to remove the entry from t he Phone Book. T o program you r private Phone Book list For each en try in your private P hone Book list, yo u enter both a n ame and a tel ephone number .
34 A vant i 3025 set 5. Press {SA VE&EXIT} to save th e chan ge and e xit the Phone Bo ok me nu, or press {NUMBER} if you want to chan ge t he numbe r .
Av anti 3025 set 35 As shown in the above table, yo u press th e dialpa d but ton once for th e first lett er appear ing on it, twice for the second letter appear ing on it, and three tim es for th e third l etter appear ing on it. With e ach pre ss of the bu tton, the corre- spon ding cha r ac te r ap pea rs on the di splay .
36 A vant i 3025 set ALARM Y our telephon e can soun d an alarm r ing at a p rogr ammed time. T o program an alarm time 1. Press . 2. Press the time icon . 3. Dial the four-digit alarm time (HH:MM) using th e 24 hour forma t (e.g. 153 0 for 3:30 pm).
Av anti 3025 set 37 TELEPHONE LOCK Y ou can preve nt people from making outsi de calls from your tele phone. T o lock your telephone 1. Dial the LOCK code. The display sh ows ENTER CO DE : 2. Dial yo ur Executive Cred it Code (see you r Syste m Admin i stra tor).
38 A vant i 3025 set DOOR UNIT Y our system may h ave a door un it equipped with an inter- com an d ele ct r ic do or latc h. When a visit or pr esse s the doorbell, up to four system e xtensions ring. When the door bell rings If yo ur tele phone is ring ing: • Press [SPKR] or lift the handse t.
Av anti 3025 set 39 NOTE P AD Y ou can save a numbe r of up to 16 digits duri ng a call. 1. Press . 2. Press {SPEED DIAL} . 3. Dial an ava ilable spe ed dial memory cod e (three digits) or pr ess an av ailabl e SPE ED DIAL but to n. 4. E nte r up to 16 digit s.
40 A vant i 3025 set ADV ANCED FEA TURES This secti on lists som e advan ced fea tures which you can activate from you r teleph one. De tails con cernin g the op er- ation o f these feature s can be f ound in the DIGI T AL Sys- tems Operat ing Ins truc tions ma nua l.
Av anti 3025 set 41 FEA TURE CODES Features can be activated by pr essing th e [FEA TURE] but - ton and then d ialing a f eature access cod e. The defau lt featu re codes (see next page ) refl ect the fea - ture i nitials, using th e letters on the dialp ad button s.
42 A vant i 3025 set Feature codes Feature name Abbreviation Access method ACCOUNT CODE A T [F EA TURE][2][8 ] ACD LOGIN (1) - - ACD LOGOUT (1) - - ALL/GROUP - [*] A TTENDANT - [0] BACKGROUND MUSIC 1 .
Av anti 3025 set 43 MEET ME CONFERENCE 1-5 (1) - - MEET ME P AGE MM [FEA TURE][6] [6] MESSAGE ME [FEA TURE][6][3] NIGHT SER VICE (1) - - P AGE - INTERNAL 1 throu g h 8 I1 throu g h I8 [FEA TURE][4] [1.
44 A vant i 3025 set DND mess ages Message number Default message Updated message 01 BE BACK SOON 02 BE BACK A T * * : * * (1) 03 BE BACK ON * * - * * (1) 04 OUT UNTIL * * : * * (1) 05 OUT FOR THE DA .
Av anti 3025 set 45 Syst em m ess ages (1) When ed itin g mess a g es, ent er di g its in plac e of t he as teri sks. (2) Messa g es 22 to 30 are to be defined b y the cus tomer .
46 A vant i 3025 set Y our speed dial codes Name Number Code Page 46 Tuesday, August 3, 1999 8:12 AM.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Avanti 3025 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Avanti 3025 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Avanti 3025 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Avanti 3025 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Avanti 3025 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Avanti 3025 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Avanti 3025 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Avanti 3025. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Avanti 3025 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.