Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Model Year 2000 des Produzenten Saab
Zur Seite of 256
1 Owner’s Manual Saab 9-5, Model Year 2000 Safety 1 1 Security 31 Instruments and controls 45 Saab 9-5 Audio System 77 Interior equipment and trunk 101 St arting and driving 129 Car care and technic.
2 Introd uction This m anual provides practical guidance on driving and c aring f or your Saab. The S aab 9- 5 is avai labl e wit h th e foll owin g engine v ariant s: • 2.
3 Instrument p anel IB1080 Indicat or a nd w arning li ghts ______ 46 Speedom eter ________ _________ 53 Odome ter and trip meter _______ _ 52 Fuel ga uge ___ ______ ______ ___ 53 Engine tem perat ure.
4 Exter ior IB580 Roof-r ac k l oad _______ ______ __ 155 Mount ing holes for roof ra ck ___ _ 155 Maxim um loads _________ _____ 226 Rearvie w mirrors ________ _____ 108 Hood __ ___________ _________.
5 Interio r IB581 Internal rearview m irror ________ 108 Door mirrors ___________ ______ 108 Sun viso rs _____ _____ ______ ___ 112 Saf ety belts ______ _______ 12 Airbag (SRS) _______ ____ 23 Child s.
6 Engine c ompartme nt, 4-cyl en gine IB583 Engine: des cription ___ ________ 170 Engine o il le v e l: che c king _ _____ 171 Engine o il: chan ging ________ __ 172 Engine o il spec ificat ion ______.
7 Engine c ompartme nt, 6-cyl en gine IB585 W arning l abels _________ __ 8 V .I.N. nu mber __________ 235 Engine n umbe r _________ 235 Gearbo x nu mber ________ 235 Color c ode __________ ___ 235 Ig.
8 Batter y Contains cor rosive sul furic acid (40%) • F LAMMABLE GASES f o rmed when car running an d during ch arg ing of batter y • Alwa ys wear eye protecti on w hen wor king on the batter y .
9 IB336 AIR BAG WARNING Flip vi sor ov er WARNING DEATH or SERIOUS INJURY can o ccur. • Childr en 12 a nd un de r ca n be k il le d b y the ai r b a g. • The BACK SEA T is the SAFEST pla ce for children. • NEVER put a r ear-f acing child seat in th e front.
10 IB336 Jack – Jack i s desi gned on ly for changin g a tire or mounting tire snow ch ains. – Car mus t be level and jack mu st be placed on firm an d level groun d. – Never crawl u nderneath car when it is jacked up. JACKING INSTRUCTIONS 1 Set pa rking brake and shi ft transmission to park.
11 Safety Safety Safety b e lt s . ... .... .. .. ..... .. .... .. 12 Chil d safe ty. ..... ...... ..... .... .... 18 Airbag (Supplementa l Restraint Syste m "SRS") .
12 Safety Safety belts Three-poi nt inertia-reel safety belts are pro- vided fo r all s eats. Resea rch ha s esta blish ed tha t it is dange r- ous for re ar-sea t pass engers not to wear their safety belts.
13 Safety Correct p osition for safety bel t • The l ap portion of the belt s hould be pulled as tig htly as comf o r table and as low as po ssible acros s the hips, so that i t is jus t touch ing th e top of the t highs . Th e should er belt shoul d b e wel l in o n the should er b ut no t touch ing th e nec k .
14 Safety Front saf ety belts Fasten th e belt by pu lling the belt a nd insert- ing the tongue in the buckl e. Check that it is securel y fas tene d. Grasp the s houlder be lt close t o the buck le and pull the b elt tow ards the sh oulde r to tighten t he lap belt p art.
15 Safety Safety belt us e during pregn ancy Pregnant w ome n mus t alway s wear a safety b elt to protec t both thems elves an d the unbo rn chi ld. The lap portion of the belt shoul d be worn as low as poss i ble across the hips – below the abdomen th roughou t the p regn ancy .
16 Safety Safety b elt, rear se at Three-poi nt safety belt s are provided for a ll three rear-sea t passengers. Fasten the belt by pul ling out the strap care - fully an d ins erting the ton gue in the l ock.
17 Safety Lockable belt tongue In fit ting a child seat that is inten ded to be secured in positi on by the lap portio n of the safety b elt, make use of the locking function of the buck le. Lockin g the l ap port ion of the belt l esse ns the risk that th e sea t will w ork loose w hile the car i s in motion .
18 Safety Child safe ty The sam e atten tion m ust b e giv en to c hild safety i n t he ca r as is g ive n to a dults. Childre n tr avel most safely whe n prop erly restraine d, but restrai nts must be suita ble for the s ize of the c hild.
19 Safety Saab 9-5 Wa go n: For chil d car s eats that are appro ved fo r rear-facin g ins tallati on in the rea r seat and have top tether straps, we recommend that you posi tion the seat in the center s eat. This type of child seat must be secure d with the thre e-po int se at be lt and the tw o unde rsi de anchorag e b elts.
20 Safety Child res traints with a tether s trap mus t be anchored acco rdi ng to Ca nadian law . If you h ave any questi ons re gardin g chil d tether anchorag es please c ontac t your Saab deal er. Design 1 (9 -5 Wagon only): 1 Place the child rest raint in the rear s eat.
21 Safety Integr ated boos ter seat (Accesso ry) The integ rate d booste r seat in the bac k is intended for ch ild ren wei ghing 33-80 l bs. (15-36 kg) an d betwe en 38 and 54 inche s (97 and 1 37 cm) tall. When se ated in the i ntegrated boos ter se at, the chi ld must wear the standard three-point safety bel t.
22 Safety WARNING • The sta ndard safety belt mu st sti ll alway s be used in co njunctio n with the integr ated b ooster seat. • The se at must not be modif ied in any way. • Nev er leave a child unatte nded. • Che ck to ensu re that the bel t is n ot twisted o r rub bing a gainst a ny sh arp edge s.
23 Safety Airbag (Supplemental Restraint Syst em "SRS") The suppl ementary restrai nt system (SRS) compr ises a n airbag in the steeri ng wh eel, a front passen ger airbag and side airbags in the front seats . The sys tem s upple ments the pr otecti on provided by th e safety belts to furth er enhance the s afety of occ upants .
24 Safety IB417 Moment of im pact. Sensor de tects decel- eration and sends a signal via the control module to a gas gen- erator that inflates the airbag. The inflating airbag cushions the dr iver . Airbag now fully inflated. The steering column has collapsed and the airbag star ts to deflate.
25 Safety Front p assenger se at The airbags are interconnecte d and have a common w arnin g light. Th e pas senge r airbag m odule is ho used in the fas cia above the g love compar tmen t and i s mar ked ”SRS AIRBAG”.
26 Safety AIR BAG warning light SRS s erv ici ng The SRS must b e inspec ted as part of th e normal s ervice p rogram bu t otherwi se may be regarded as ma intenanc e-free.
27 Safety How do I p osit ion t he s eat to le ave r oom f or the airba g to in flate? Don’ t have your s eat too fa r forw ard. Recli ne the seat back to increas e the dis- tance be tween you an d the airbag. For short driver s, spe cial acc essory pedal extensions are avai lable through your Saab de aler.
28 Safety What sho uld I do if th e AIR- BAG warni ng light come s on? If the war ning light is o n, it means tha t a fault has bee n detec ted i n th e syste m. The airbag cann ot be relied on to operate as intended and i t migh t e ven be ac tivat ed erroneous ly.
29 Safety WARNING • Thi s car is equipped w ith side airbags and no extra int erior t rim shou ld be f it- ted. Fai lure to ob serv e thi s wa rnin g could res ult in th e side airba gs not inflating as intended and thus not pro- viding th e inte nded p rote ction either .
30 Safety.
31 Securit y Security Doors ... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... .... 32 Central l ocking ........ . .......... 32 Car ala r m ....... .. .. .... ... .
32 Security Doors Door handles Pull the handl e to o pen th e do or. If the do or is s tuck (e.g . if fro zen), h old the handle f rom abov e to se cure a better grip.
33 Securit y If a new k ey/remote contro l is to b e obtained , one of the o riginal ones is needed so that the co ntrol m odule can l earn to rec- ognize the rep lacem ent k ey. For this r ea- son, w e strongly a dvise you t o take two key s with you on long journ eys and to k eep them separate .
34 Security The cent ral loc king can a lso b e opera ted from insi de the car by means of th e swit ch on t he cent er co nsole . • T o loc k all doors: pres s the symb ol side o f the s w itch once . • T o unlock the d riv er´s do or: press the s witch once .
35 Securit y Changing the remote -control battery When the battery in th e remo te con trol is running low , the followi ng message will appear on the SID: ”REPLACE KEY BAT- TERY ”.
36 Security Trunk lid lock, 9-5 Seda n The trunk lid lock is independent of the cen- tral-lock ing sys tem. T he trun k lid releas e switch o n th e driv er’s d oor is inope rative when th e car is lock ed from outs ide by remote c ontrol or key . Press the switc h on th e driv er’s door to unlock the tru nk lid .
37 Securit y Locking The tail gate is l ocked in the followin g ways: • By lo cki ng all the c ar door s wi th the but ton on the remote contro l. • With the but ton on the ce ntre c on- sole.
38 Security Car alarm The ca r alar m (a nti- thef t syst em) is acti - vated/de activ ated wh en t he ca r is locked /unlocked by the rem ote control or by the key , see page 3 3. The ant enna for the ala rm system is loc ated in the c enter c onsol e.
39 Securit y Activatin g the car al arm The ca r alar m (a nti- thef t syst em) is activat ed/dea ctiva ted when the c ar is locked /unlocked by the rem ote control or by the key. The car a larm c annot be ac tivate d if th e driver’s door is open or if the igniti on switch is in po sit ion ON .
40 Security Alarm signals When the ca r alarm is ar med, i t will be t rig- gered if an y door, or the trunk lid or hood, is opened o r if a wi ndow is brok en. The alar m will also be trig gered if an attemp t is mad e to by pass or sh ort-circuit the igni- tion swit ch, or to disconnect the battery.
41 Securit y Overview of f unctions Alarm s ignals may differ be tween mode l variant s for diffe rent coun- trie s. Some of th e car-ala rm fu nctions can be reprogramme d – con - sult your Saab dealer for further details (see page 237). Loc king/ activ ation Hazard w arning l ights flash once and th e horn chir ps once.
42 Security Overvie w of LED signa ls and SID mess ages Some si gnals may diff er betwe en mod el va riants for dif fere nt countrie s. Status LED signal Activ atio n (duri ng 10-s econd de la y). Comes on f o r 10 se conds . Alarm activ ate d (after dela y ).
43 Securit y Canada only : This devi ce complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rul es. Operation is subject to the f oll owing t wo c onditi ons: (1) th is de vice may n ot cause ha rmful interferen ce, and (2) mu st accept any in terference received , incl uding int erferenc e that may cau se un desire d oper - ation.
44 Security.
45 Instruments and controls Instru ments and controls Indicator and warning ligh ts ....... ..... .... ....... .... ...... 46 Instr ument s ....... ....... .... ...... 52 Trip comp ute r SID .... .... ...... 54 Switches ......... ........ ............
46 Instru ment s and contr ols Indicator and warning lights A number of indicator and warn ing lights wi ll come on whe n the ignition is sw itched on prior to s tarting . Under n ormal conditio ns, these sh ould go out a fe w seconds after the engine h as s tarted (s ee pa ge 52).
47 Instruments and controls Warning, charging This ligh t will come on togeth er with if the batte ry is not ch arging . If it c omes on whil e you ar e dri vin g, sto p the c ar as soon as poss ible and s witch o ff the e ngi ne. Check th e altern ator dri ve be lt (se e page 179).
48 Instru ment s and contr ols Anti-lock b rake w arning This li ght together wi th and indi- cates th at a fa ult ha s occurre d in t he A BS system . Conve ntiona l brak ing w ithou t the ABS functio n will still be avail able. For safe ty rea sons , stop the car an d ch eck the leve l of the b rake f luid (s ee pa ge 175 ).
49 Instruments and controls Engine malfunction This li ght ind icate s a m alfunc tion i n the fuel-inje ction or ign ition syste m. The car may sti ll be driven w ith care and with some- what di mini shed p erfor manc e (see page 132). Ind icator , fuel This ligh t comes o n when there is less than about 2.
50 Instru ment s and contr ols Indicator, SPORT-mode This ligh t will come on in ca rs with automa tic transmission when th e S (SPORT) bu tton on the s elect or l ever h as bee n pr esse d (positio n D, 3, 2 or 1) see page 144.
51 Instruments and controls Traction-co ntrol-system: OFF The indi cator l ight g oes o n when t he Trac - tion Control Sy stem is switched off with the TCS OFF bu tton. IMPORTANT: th e Traction Control Syst em is autom at icall y eng aged e very t ime the engine i s sta rted (s ee pag e 147).
52 Instru ment s and contr ols Autocheck ing of lights, main instrument panel The abov e wa rning and in dicato r ligh ts should come on when th e igni tio n is switched on prior to st arting.
53 Instruments and controls Speedom eter (U.S . spe edomet er shown) The speed ometer receiv es signals from th e wheel sensors in the ABS system. If the NIGHT PANEL mode has been selecte d, the scale wil l be illumin ated up to 87 mph (14 0 km/h ).
54 Instru ment s and contr ols Check fu se 15 (radiato r fan) i n the f use panel un der the ho od, se e page 196. If the ne edle repeated ly enters the re d zone, stop the car as so on as it is safe to do so and check the co olant level by lo oking at the lev el vi sibl e th roug h the pl astic ta nk - do no t remove the ca p.
55 Instruments and controls SCC Selecting th e fun ction Use the button t o scro ll through the following funct ions: Outdoor temperatu re (Frost warni ng) Regardle ss of which functi on has been selected , except Ni ght Panel M o de, SID will automatic ally displ ay the outdo or tem pera- ture when it is betwee n 26° a nd 38°F (-3° and +3°C).
56 Instru ment s and contr ols Setting the date 1 Use to sele ct TEMP . 2 Press the SET b utton f or at leas t one second (y ear starts to flash and a chim e sounds). 3 Set the y ear us ing or . 4 T ouch SET . 5 Set the month in th e same w a y . 6 T ouch SET .
57 Instruments and controls Using DIST as a trip meter If no va lue ha s b een set f or the D IST fu nc- tion, DIST will now function as a trip me ter (indicat ed by an arrow on the far righ t of the display ). Press CLEAR t o reset the trip mete r. Under 1 000 miles t he dis tance wil l be shown in in crements of 0.
58 Instru ment s and contr ols Rese tti ng v alues To re set th e val ues , pres s CLE AR fo r at least fo ur sec onds. The foll owin g func tions will be reset simulta neously: • Estimate d r ange on rem ainin g fuel (functio n based on a fuel cons umption of 28 mpg).
59 Instruments and controls 1 This message cannot be removed b y press ing CLEAR . Depress the brak e pedal. 2 This message will be display ed approx i- mately 600 miles (1,000 km ) before t he next scheduled ser vice is due, or when 365 days hav e elapsed since t he last ser vice.
60 Instru ment s and contr ols Units and language versions The SID has four s ets o f units : CHECK m essa ges c an be displ ayed i n six languag e optio ns: En glish , Swedis h, German, French , Itali an and Spani sh. Selecting units and language 1 Press CLEAR an d SET sim ultane ously f or f our s econds unti l a ch ime s ounds .
61 Instruments and controls Switches Daytime running lights The park ing li ght s and daytime runnin g light s come on auto mat ically when the i gni- tion swit ch is ON. Note to owners i n the U.S.: If you do not want Day time Runn ing Li ghts, this f eatur e can be disco nnected: sw itch off the engi ne and remo ve fus e N o.
62 Instru ment s and contr ols Rear fog light Press the button to swi tch on the re ar fog light, w hich will o nly c ome o n if th e head - light s are on. The rear f og l ight wi ll go off aut omatic ally when th e engi ne is switc hed off . When the fog ligh t is n ext ne eded, it wi ll hav e to b e switc hed on manu ally aga in.
63 Instruments and controls Front fog lights The front f og lights ca n be activat ed in both dimmed headl amp a nd park ing l ight p osi- tions. F og lights s hould on ly be used in poor visibi lit y con dit ions. Make sure you are familiar with the a ppli- cable provi ncial/st ate law regarding the use of fog lights.
64 Instru ment s and contr ols Interior lighting The inter ior lighti ng con sist s of on e dome ligh t in t he fr ont an d one i n the back, a map-read ing li ght in the fro nt, tw o readi ng light s in the bac k, floor courte sy lights in the front (in s ome model varia nts) and d oor courtesy lights on all doors .
65 Instruments and controls Wipers and was hers The de lay of the inter mit tent oper ation can be adjus te d to be tween 2 and 15 seconds. Moving the c ontrol stalk to the spring-l oaded position bet ween 0 and 2 will produce a sin gle sweep of the wipe rs.
66 Instru ment s and contr ols Rear-window wiper ( 9-5 Wagon) The rear-w indow wiper an d wa sher a re operat ed with the sa me stalk s witc h as used fo r washing an d wiping the windshield and head li ghts. This st alk ha s tw o addi tional swit ches, ON/OFF and .
67 Instruments and controls Automa tic climat e control (ACC) The ACC sy stem au tomat ical ly works to maintai n the desir ed temperatu re inside the car.
68 Instru ment s and contr ols The syst em ha s fi ve s ensors: • Outdoor te mper at ure sen sor . • In ter io r te mperat ure sens or . • Sun se nsor (m ounted on to p of th e fascia). • T wo ble nded-a ir temp er ature senso rs (mounted insid e the f ront floor v ents).
69 Instruments and controls Temperature control The cabin is d ivide d into two t empera ture zones : • The driv er’ s zone . • The pass enger z on e (front and re ar seats) . The desire d tem perature can b e set between 58 and 82°F (1 5 and 27°C).
70 Instru ment s and contr ols Functions Pressi ng AU TO will cancel all manual settin gs. If a man ual function is selected it w ill be locked in but other fun ctions will be c ontrol led au tomati cally . The sel ected tempera ture is a lways mainta ined automa tical ly.
71 Instruments and controls The rear-wind ow a nd doo r-mirror heatin g is co ntroll ed ma nually . Switch off th e heat ing as soon as th e rear wi ndow is clea r, to avoid imp osing a he avy load o n the bat- tery longe r than necessary .
72 Instru ment s and contr ols Air distribution Pr ess on ce: Defrostin g of al l windo ws will tak e plac e (a ir fl ow to rear sid e wind ows shu t off) w ith: • The fan run ning at high speed. • Air being dis tribute d to th e defros ter ve nts.
73 Instruments and controls Starting in co ld wea ther To start wi th, the sys tem wil l automat icall y selec t the d efroster s et- ting, ma xi mum h eat an d low fan s peed. As the en gine warms up , air wil l also be distributed t hrough the floor vents a nd the fan sp eed w ill b e inc reased .
74 Instru ment s and contr ols Programming II It is al so pos sibl e to c ustomiz e the AC C sy stem, e.g . to adapt to driving and w eathe r cond itions .
75 Instruments and controls The di splay shows: ACC: AUTO RDEFR CTRL Once a fun ction has b een rec orded under ”Programmin g II”, i t will remain i n the syste m unti l you cancel the pro gram. AUTO wil l still sh ow on the dis play after a function h as been s aved in ”Program ming II”.
76 Instru ment s and contr ols Condensation When the A/C system is run ning, the intake air is d ehumi dified , an d the resulta nt co n- densati on is drained off through two outlets under neath the floor of the car , in the vicinity of the fro nt doors .
77 Saab 9- 5 Audio System Saab 9-5 Audio System Quick guide to the Saab 9-5 Audio S y s te m .. .. .. ..... .. .. .... 79 Sound control s .............. ..... 81 Radio ... ...... ..... .... ....... .... ...... 82 Cassette pl ayer ...... ........... . 84 CD pl ayer .
78 Saab 9- 5 Audio System To get th e best out of yo ur Saab 9-5 Aud io System, we reco mmen d that y ou rea d through th is en tire s ection . The Saab 9-5 Audi o Sys tem is avai lable in two versi ons: Premium on the 9-5 and Pres- tige on the 9-5 SE (Prestige syste m is also availab le as an option on the 9-5 S m odel.
79 Saab 9- 5 Audio System Quick guide to the Saab 9-5 Audio Sys tem Radio (see page 82) ON T o swi tch the s ystem ON , press th e v olume b ut- ton. Th e last settin gs us ed wil l be a ctiv at ed.
80 Saab 9- 5 Audio System Cassette player. See page 84 CD player . See pag e 87 CD changer (a ccessory /option). S ee page 89 Pr ess on ce: Selects c asset te pla yer w hen other sourc e ac tiv e. Whe n ta pe p layin g: Dolby B/C ON/OFF . Switch to pl a yba c k othe r side of tape .
81 Saab 9- 5 Audio System Sound controls ON/OFF The Audio Sy stem w ill come on : • Whe n the vol ume con trol is pre ssed . • Whe n the i gni tion i s switched ON, if the A udi o Syste m w as on when th e igni tion ke y was last re moved. The Audio Sy stem w ill be s witched off : • Whe n the vol ume con trol is pre ssed .
82 Saab 9- 5 Audio System Radio Press the RADIO/BAND button (3) to s witch to the rad io w hen an other sou rce is activ e. Preset station buttons (1) Press on ce (rel ease wi thin a seco nd) to select a pr eset stat ion , e.g. The sma ll fig ure on the far right o f the d is- play is the n umber of the preset button selec ted.
83 Saab 9- 5 Audio System Press and hold in the AS/SEARCH button for more than a se cond t o init iate a searc h for the s ix str onges t stati ons. Each tim e the system f inds and sto res a sta- tion, the numb er on th e far ri ght of the dis- play w ill chan ge.
84 Saab 9- 5 Audio System Cassette pl ayer Before pla ying a tape, make sure that th e label is sec ure and that t he cas sette is no t warped, otherwis e the cass ette c an become ja mmed in the deck . The c asse tte player s ense s auto matic ally whether t he tape is normal or metal (Type I or Type II).
85 Saab 9- 5 Audio System Music sea rch forw ard/re verse (5) To searc h forw ard for a tr ack, pres s SEEK >> and releas e quic kly (withi n hal f a second ). The fo llow ing wil l now appe ar on the disp la y: To perform a bac kwar d sear ch, p ress << SEEK instead.
86 Saab 9- 5 Audio System Type II (metal) ta pes The cas sette has an automati c tap e-type selec tor. Cleaning-due indicator After 30 ho urs’ p layin g time, th e f ollowin g messag e will appea r on the di splay : The mes sage will be disp layed for ten secon ds ea ch tim e the ca ssett e play er is selec ted.
87 Saab 9- 5 Audio System CD player To sele ct the CD mode, load a CD i nto the deck or , if one is alrea dy lo aded, press the CD/RDM button. Inser t the CD , labe l-side u p, and all ow the mechan ism t o load it aut omatic ally .
88 Saab 9- 5 Audio System Fast tra ck search Press SEEK (mid-seg ment) once to switch between th e CD-PL AY and CD -TRACK modes. The CD-PLAY an d CD-TRACK modes change the function of << SEEK and SEEK >>. The selec ted mode will al so be active the n ext time the syst em is swit che d on.
89 Saab 9- 5 Audio System CD changer (access ory) Important ! Alwa ys keep the s lidin g cov er closed to keep dust o ut of the CD change r, so that i t will contin ue to provid e satisfactory service for a long ti me.
90 Saab 9- 5 Audio System If the maga zine in the CD cha nger is empty, the follo wing will a ppear o n the displ ay: If the C D chan ger is activ ated ri ght aft er a magazi ne has been loade d, t he foll owin g will a ppear o n the displ ay: The CD number w ill change as each C D is played.
91 Saab 9- 5 Audio System Aft er two second s, th e sta tus of the t rays i n the maga zine (i.e. l oaded or emp ty) w ill be shown on the disp lay, e .g.: If for som e reas on the CD s elect ed by the preset butt on cannot be play ed, playback of the curre nt CD wi ll co ntinue .
92 Saab 9- 5 Audio System SCAN Scan ning th e curr ent C D: To start t he SCAN functi on, whi ch ena bles you to h ear a s ampl e of ea ch trac k on the disc, press and hold SEEK (mid-segm ent). The d ispla y sh ows t hat SC AN is in prog ress and wh ich track is curre ntly being sam pled.
93 Saab 9- 5 Audio System General fun ctions Volume-p reset mode To select the vo lume-p reset mode, pres s and hold the WB button at the same time as you swit ch the Audio System on. Use the < < SEEK >> butto n to se lect the desired fun ction.
94 Saab 9- 5 Audio System Steering-wheel contr ols To facilit ate use of the Audio Syst em and to promote s afer driving, most of the func tions can be operate d using the integra l remote controls on th e stee ring w heel. Control functions: NXT (NEXT): RADIO m ode: p resele ct butt ons 1 ⇒ 2 ⇒ .
95 Saab 9- 5 Audio System Technic al data • These specifications comply with the new IHF Sta ndard • Since the poli cy at Saab is one of continual im provement, we ret ain the r ight t o alter specific ations and desi gn witho ut prior not ice.
96 Saab 9- 5 Audio System Antennas The Audio Syste m has three antenn as incorpora ted in the rear window; tw o for FM diversi ty and one fo r AM. Fitting a car-ph one an tenna on the rear window can c ause interfere nce t o radio receptio n.
97 Saab 9- 5 Audio System Sources of FM interfere nce Interfer ence to FM rec eption can be cause d by the e lectri cal sys tems in oth er veh icles , particul arly if the sign al from the trans m itter is wea k.
98 Saab 9- 5 Audio System Sources of AM interfere nce AM recep tion i s prone to in terferenc e, e.g . from elec tric al syst ems o n othe r vehi cles, high- tensio n power lines and l ightni ng.
99 Saab 9- 5 Audio System Mobile phones and communications radios Mobile p hones and commu nications radios that do not have a s eparate extern al antenna radiate an el ectrom agneti c fiel d insi de the car. Saab ther efor e reco mmen ds tha t a ca r phone/rad io tran smitt er sho uld al ways be connec ted to an ex ter nal an tenn a .
100 Saab 9-5 Audio Syst em OnStar S ystem (US Optio n only) Your vehic le may be e quipped with OnStar, a vehicl e tele ma tics com muni cation s and navigatio n system. See the separate OnStar owne r’s manual sup plied in your vehicle’ s documen t organizer.
101 Inte rior e quip ment an d tru nk Interior equi pment and trunk Seats ..... .... ..... ...... ..... .... ... 102 Steering- w heel adju stme nt ..... .... ....... .... . 107 Rear- view mir r ors .... .. .. ... 108 Elec tr i c wi n do w s ... ... ..
102 Inter ior equipme nt and tr unk Seats Both front seats are el ectric ally ope rated. On cer tain m odels the d river´ s se at is equ ipped with a mem ory func tion . To facil itate g etting into t he car, both s eats can be adjus ted when either of the front doors is open .
103 Inte rior e quip ment an d tru nk Legroom adjustment To adjus t the l egroom , pus h the l ower co n- trol forwa rd o r back . Back rest rake a ngle To adjust t he backrest, mov e the upper co n- trol forwa rd or ba ck. Lumbar support Turn the s mall er wheel for st epl ess a djust - ment of the lumba r support.
104 Inter ior equipme nt and tr unk Programm able drive r’s seat (certain models only) In certai n mod els th e driv er´s se at is equippe d wit h a pro grammabl e memory funct ion. Th is fun ction also inclu des t he door mirr ors. Adjust th e sea t and d oor mi rrors.
105 Inte rior e quip ment an d tru nk The head res traint can be raised or l owered and is adjus table i n vari ous pos itions . • Raisi ng: grasp the he ad restraint o n both sides and pu ll it s tr aight up . • Low ering: press the catch on the l eft-hand side of the att achin g poi nt and pr ess down the head restr aint.
106 Inter ior equipme nt and tr unk Electri c heating, f ront seats ( optio n) Both front seats have adjustab le and ther- mostat-c ontrol led he ating o f the sea t cus h- ion and back rest , avai lable as an optio n. Heatin g is a djust able i n th ree st ages.
107 Inte rior e quip ment an d tru nk Steering-wheel adjust ment Fore-and-a ft and tilt adj ustment of the steer- ing wh eel is poss ible. Push dow n the leve r to rel ease t he loc king mechan ism. Move the s teering w heel to the desired position and then lift the lever to lock it.
108 Inter ior equipme nt and tr unk Rear-view mirr ors The rear-v iew mirror has day/night po sitions that can be s elect ed by means o f a knob beneath the mirror. Adjust the mir ror in day positio n. Doo r mi r ror s The pass enger s ide d oor mi rror is of t he wide-ang le ‘‘aspheri c” type.
109 Inte rior e quip ment an d tru nk Cars equi pped w ith a progra mmabl e driver’s seat also have a faci lity fo r angl ing the nearsi de mirror down on reversin g, e.g. for a bett er vie w of t he cu rb. After sel ecting reverse, press the tiny button adjacen t to t he do or-mirro r switc h to tilt th e mirror.
110 Inter ior equipme nt and tr unk Electric wind ows The elec tric motors of th e front window s are equi pped with over lo ad pro tec tion (in te- grated the rmal p rote ction). Th is pro tectio n operates when the wi ndow s are wo und down auto maticall y (switch pre ssed fully down).
111 Inte rior e quip ment an d tru nk Sunroof (Option) The sunroo f is operated by th e switch on the overhead panel abov e the r earvie w mi rror. The sunroo f can be opened pa rtially or fully. To open: • Slide th e control tow ards the rear to open the sunroof to the comf or t position.
112 Inter ior equipme nt and tr unk Emergency oper ation of sunr oof In an emerge ncy (e.g. if there is an electrica l failure) t he sunroo f can be ope rated b y a screw driver . Remov e the cove r at the front of the sunro of opening, ins ert a screwdriver in the g roove, and rotate.
113 Inte rior e quip ment an d tru nk To refit, l ine u p the s lots on eith er sid e and slide i t clos ed. Rear ash trays Open th e lid to use ashtra y. To remov e the ashtray, fu lly open the lid and lift the ash tray strai ght ou t. To refit th e ash tray, m ake sure it en gages the two squa re rece sses in the door tr im.
114 Inter ior equipme nt and tr unk IB436 IB437 IB439 IB440 IB441 IB438 On the back o f the fro nt seats Cente r armrest f or rear seat At bottom of door pillars adjacent to front-seat backrests On le.
115 Inte rior e quip ment an d tru nk Cup holders Cup h olde rs ar e pro vid ed in t he in stru ment panel fa scia, in the center console compart- ment bet ween the fro nt sea ts, an d in th e rear-seat armres t. To acce ss th e cup holde r in the instr ume nt panel, p res s the symb ol and releas e.
116 Inter ior equipme nt and tr unk Trunk Folding the rear se at, 9-5 Se dan The rear s eat is spli t and the tw o sect ions c an be folded indep en- dently. Foldin g dow n of t he rear seat i s eas ier if the fron t seat s are not all the way back , and the rear head restrain ts are folded down.
117 Inte rior e quip ment an d tru nk WARNING • Place heavy i tems cl ose st to the bac krest and sto w smal ler and lig hte r item s on t op. • Se cure h eavy and b ulky items usin g the f our tie down point s provide d in the trunk.
118 Inter ior equipme nt and tr unk Trunk pass-t hrough hatch A trunk pa ss-through hatch is incorpora ted in the rear- s eat back rest to enabl e long , na rrow item s to be car ried insi de the car. Items s hould no t weigh mo re than 33 lbs. (15 kg) nor be more than 2 yards (2 metres) in len gth.
119 Inte rior e quip ment an d tru nk Folding the rear se at, 9-5 Wa gon Both the n arrow and wid e sec tions of the rear se at ca n be fo lded separately . Folding is facil itated if the fro nt seats are no t located too far back. The w ide sectio n cannot be folded se parately if a cargo net is mou nted on the re ar of th e back rest.
120 Inter ior equipme nt and tr unk Folding the na rrow section of the backrest The fol ding i s fac ilitate d if th e fr ont se at is not too far back . 1 Mak e s ure that the he ad res tr aint i s in t he do wn po sition . 2 Put th e saf ety belt in the belt c lip ne ar t he bac kr est.
121 Inte rior e quip ment an d tru nk Load anchoring WARNING • Put heav y load s as low down and a s far forw ard as possi ble i n the lugga ge compart ment, i .
122 Inter ior equipme nt and tr unk On the floor of the lugga ge co mpartm ent there are two l ongitu dinal alumi nium rai ls (CargoTra c ks™) where specia l cargo bolts can be mounte d. The protec tive strip on the C argoTracks™ is removed by liftin g its back edg e and pulling it st raight upwar ds.
123 Inte rior e quip ment an d tru nk Cargo net (accessory) The pull-ou t cargo net’s storage cassette is mounted on the rear of the back rest. 1 Remov e the co v ers near the tw o re ar fixing p oints in the roo f. Carefu lly bend in the lo wer edge of th e cov er with a scre w- driver .
124 Inter ior equipme nt and tr unk Sliding floor (a ccessory) The functio n of the sliding fl oor is to facilitate loading a nd unload ing. Securing l oad s, se e page 118. When the c ar is parked and t he floo r is pulled ou t, it c an bea r the w eigh t of two people (m aximu m 440 lbs.
125 Inte rior e quip ment an d tru nk Loading/Unloa ding 1 Lift the h andle an d pull out th e slid ing floor to th e outer lo cking position . Mak e sure t hat the floor is loc ked cor rectly . 2 Put on the ca rgo , b ut ma k e sure that i t does not co v e r the h andle .
126 Inter ior equipme nt and tr unk Spare wheel and tools The spare w heel, together with the jac k and jack ha ndle, front to wrope attac hment eye and t oolki t, are s towed a way underne ath the trunk . Drivin g considera tions with comp act spare wheel/ tire fit ted, see p age 154.
127 Inte rior e quip ment an d tru nk 9-5 Wagon: Start by c heck ing fu se 25 (see p age 1 94). On the right-ha nd si de of the l uggag e com- partment, in the storage locker, is a th in wire that is tie d to the locking a rm of the filler fl ap. To open the fl ap pull the yell ow plastic arrow attached to the end o f th e wire.
128 Inter ior equipme nt and tr unk.
129 Startin g and drivi ng Starting and driving IB597 Ignit io n s w it c h .... .. .. ..... .. .. 130 Starting the engine .......... 131 Important consi derations for d rivi ng ... ....... .... ..... .... 132 Refu elin g .. .... ....... .... ....... .
130 S tar ti ng an d drivin g Ignition swit ch The com bined igniti on switch an d gear-leve r lock is l ocate d in th e center c on- sole be tween the fro nt se ats. Th e igni tion key can onl y be r emove d when rev erse i s engaged (a utomat ic t ransm issio n: s electo r in ”P” pos ition).
131 Startin g and drivi ng If t he car doe s no t sta rt If the text “KEY NOT ACCEPTED” is shown on the SID, after a failed start attemp t, the cause c ould be a fa ult in the tra nsmitter in the key , or in the re ceiver in the i gnition lock. The foll owin g shou ld be done: • T ur n the ke y back to t he LOC K posi ti on.
132 S tar ti ng an d drivin g Useful tips o n cold cli mate starting If the engine has faile d to start after several attempts in v ery co ld weat her, pre ss an d hold the a ccel erat or do wn to the f loor and run the s tarter fo r 5–10 secon ds. Th is wil l prevent t he eng ine be ing fl ooded (exce s- sivel y rich fuel- air mi xture ).
133 Startin g and drivi ng adv anta ges of the s ystem is that it enab les th e engine to be run saf ely on low er-gr ad e fuel, al though not l ow er than A ON 87. • The maxim um boost pre ssure is adjus ted aut omat ica lly t o t he kn ocking or pi nging tenden cy of the en gine .
134 S tar ti ng an d drivin g To ensur e th at the cataly tic c onver ter con- tinues to functio n properly, and also to avoid damage to t he converter and its ass ociated compon ents, t he fol lowi ng poi nts m ust be observe d: • Ha v e th e car serviced regularly i n acc or- dance w ith the service prog ram.
135 Startin g and drivi ng possib le runn ing pro blems ) is to kee p the tank well filled. Before the onset of fr eezing temp eratures in winter, it may be a dvisa ble to add g asoli ne anti-f reeze t o the f uel a few time s to d ispel any con de nsatio n in th e sy stem.
136 S tar ti ng an d drivin g (MMT) . If such fu el is used, your e missi on control sy stem perform ance may deter io- rate a nd the malfu nction indic ator l amp o n your ins trumen t pane l may tu rn on. I f this occurs, return to you r author ize d Saab dealer fo r serv ice.
137 Startin g and drivi ng Engine Break-In Period Pistons, bo res and be arings need time to obtain u niform , wear-res istant s urfaces. If a new engi ne is driv en too hard, this grad - ual pr oces s of b edding -in will no t b e poss i- ble and the li fe of the e ngine will be short - ened.
138 S tar ti ng an d drivin g Automatic tran smissio n The electr onic control module for the auto- matic tr ansmission rec eives informat ion on engine tor que and ro ad spe ed, an d als o control s the hydrau lic pr essure i n the tran s- mission to ens ure th at g ear ch anging is a s smooth a s pos sible .
139 Startin g and drivi ng The d eten t b utto n on t he se lec tor leve r ha s to be pressed bef ore the selector ca n be moved betwe en certai n positions . Three mode s for t he aut omatic trans mis- sion can be se lecte d: No rmal, Sport an d Winter.
140 S tar ti ng an d drivin g Shift Lock override 1 Apply t he parking br ak e 2 Make sur e the key is in posi tion ON 3 Use a sm all tool such as a sc rewdriver and pus h the le v e r (see p icture ) do wn- wa rds so th at the det ent b utto n can be pres sed a ppro x .
141 Startin g and drivi ng Overhea ted transmis sion flu id If the auto ma tic-tran smissi on fluid sho uld overhe at, the fo llowing mes sage will app ear on the SID: ”TRANSMISSION OVERHEATING”. If th is happens, s top the car and wai t for the mes- sage t o be exti nguished.
142 S tar ti ng an d drivin g Selector positions P T o shift out of the P positio n y ou m ust depress the brake pedal and the igniti on must be ON. The parking positi on (P) must only be sel ected when the car i s at a comp lete s tands till. T he selector le ver is lo c k ed and the tr ansm iss ion is mechani cally imm obiliz ed .
143 Startin g and drivi ng If the ge ar sele ctor l e v er i s mo v ed fro m positi on D to 1, a change-d own to 3rd gear w ill occ ur at a bout 11 0 mph (180 km/h). A change -do wn to 2nd g ear will occu r at ab out 75 mp h (120 km/h) and to 1 st gea r at about 40 mph (65 km/h).
144 S tar ti ng an d drivin g SPORT and WI NTER modes T o select Sport mode, pres s the ”S” b utton on the selec tor le v e r when th e sel ector l e v er i s in position N , D , 3, 2 or 1.
145 Startin g and drivi ng Cruise control The sys tem i s oper ated by m eans of the controls on th e st alk sw itch: • ON/OFF (s wi tch on /off). • RES/– (Res ume p reset speed ). • SET/+ (to s et the desire d spee d). • CANCEL (Canc el operati on of system, e.
146 S tar ti ng an d drivin g Braking To avoid the brakes be coming overhea ted, (e.g. whe n negotiating long descents with a drop of s everal hundr ed feet ), sele ct a low gear to use the bra king effect of the eng ine. If the car h as automatic transmission , move the sele ctor l ever to po sitio n 1 or 2 .
147 Startin g and drivi ng The ABS system wil l not reduce the brakin g distanc e on l oose gravel or on snow or ic e but, bec ause t he w heels canno t loc k up, some st eering contr ol is reta ined.
148 S tar ti ng an d drivin g TCS eliminat es wheels pin. The same applies whe n the car is re v ers ing. • On co r nering, if the re is a ten dency f or the inner front wheel to rota te f aster than the other whee ls.
149 Startin g and drivi ng Economical mot oring Factors affecting f uel consumption Fuel cons umpti on i s grea tly affe cted b y th e gener al driving condition s, the way in which the car i s driv en an d at wha t spee ds, th e weathe r, the state of the road, th e condition of th e car, etc.
150 S tar ti ng an d drivin g If id ling, it w ill take much lo nger befo re the engine becom es ho t. Engin e wea r is gre atest during this wa rming-up phase . Theref ore driv e aw ay as so on as possib le after the engi ne is star ted and a void hig h re vving.
151 Startin g and drivi ng be please d to advise you on the best tires for your car. Remember that ti res age. It may therefo re be nece ssary to ch ange t hem before they reach the legal wear lim it, as they gr adually lose the ir fric tion p ropertie s.
152 S tar ti ng an d drivin g 3 As so on as poss ib le , ha v e the cooli ng system check ed b y an authoriz ed Saab dealer . Towing a trailer Trailer hitch attachment Trailer hitch atta chments are available as accesso ries. These are d esigned fo r a max- imum trailer weig ht of 2000 lbs.
153 Startin g and drivi ng Recommend ations fo r cars with a uto- matic transmiss ion. The foll owin g time limi ts are based on the capaci ty of the cooling sy stem in warm weathe r, i.
154 S tar ti ng an d drivin g Driving considerat ions with co mpact spare wheel/t ire fitte d The f ollowin g should be o bserved when the compact s pare w heel (T115/7 0 R16) i s fitted: The com pact s pare i s lig ht and easy to handle w hen chang ing th e whe el.
155 Startin g and drivi ng Driving with a roof rac k load The max imum pe rmiss ible roof loa d is 220 lbs. (100 kg). Note th at the roof lo ad is inclu ded in the car’s ma ximum perm issible loa d (see page 226). Strong, st urdy ro of carri ers de signe d spe- cially for the car ar e avai lable from y our Saab deal er.
156 S tar ti ng an d drivin g Fittin g the roof car riers (ac cessory) 9-5 Wago n 1 Clean the ca r’ s roof r ails. 2 Chec k t he ma rkings on the cros s mem - bers to see which is the f ront and which is the re ar roof carrier . 3 Place the c ross m embe rs o n the roof rail s, on the ir resp ectiv e sides of the centre s upports.
157 Startin g and drivi ng Driving with a load The dr iving chara cteristic s of t he car are affected by the way it is load ed. • Place hea vy lo ads a s f ar f orw ard a nd as low as po ssible in the tru nk. • Secur e the l oad to the tie do wns , see page 11 8.
158 S tar ti ng an d drivin g Towing the car Front towing eye The fr ont towing eye is stored with the spare wheel. The attac hmen t point (tappe d hole ) for the towing eye is midw ay along the engine sub- frame at the fron t of th e car. Remove t he plasti c plu g and screw i n the towing eye sec urely.
159 Startin g and drivi ng Rear towing eye The car has a perm anently mounted tow i ng eye at the back. If the c ar is equi pped with a trailer hi tch, th is can b e used inst ead of the towing eye. Consid erations when towin g the car with manual transmission Gear lev er in n eutr al and parki ng lig hts on .
160 S tar ti ng an d drivin g Jump starting If your ba ttery has r un down, you m ay want to use a nother ve hicle an d som e jum per cables to sta rt your Saa b. Foll ow the s teps below to d o it s afely . To jump s tart yo ur veh icle: 1 Che ck the oth er vehicl e.
161 Startin g and drivi ng 5 Chec k that th e jum per ca b les do not ha ve loos e or missing ins ulation. If the y do , y ou could get a shock and also the v ehicl es c ould b e d amage d. Bef ore you connec t the cables , here are some basic thing s yo u sho uld k now .
162 S tar ti ng an d drivin g Parking bra ke The park ing bra ke is situated betw een th e fron t seat s an d acts o n th e rear whee ls. When the pa rkin g bra ke is on , the i ndic ato r light on the ma in instrume nt panel will be on.
163 Startin g and drivi ng Parking on a hill When park ing o n a st eep hi ll, turn the fro nt wheels so t hat the y will be blo cked by th e curb if t he car sh ould m ove.
164 S tar ti ng an d drivin g.
165 Car care and tech nical inform atio n Car care a nd techni cal information Hood release handle . . ..... 166 Engine compartment, 4-cyl. engine ........... .. ...... 167 Engine compartment, 6-cyl. engine ........... .. ...... 168 Emission control systems 169 Engine.
166 Car care a nd technical in form ation Hood release handle The hood releas e han dle is loca ted un der- neath the instr um ent pan el. To open t he hood: 1 Pull th e rele ase ha ndle . 2 The fro nt of the hood will n ow spring up , provi ding a cces s to t he sec ondary saf ety cat ch.
167 Car care and tech nical inform atio n Engine compartment, 4- cyl. engine 8 7 9 10 6 2 4 3 5 IB488 1 Engine c ompar tment, 4-cyl . engine 1 Engine-oil dipstick/filler cap 2 Reservoir, brake/clutch .
168 Car care a nd technical in form ation Engine compartment, 6- cyl. engine 10 7 9 8 1 3 2 5 4 6 IB576 Engine c ompar tment, 6-cyl . engine 1 Engine-oil dipstick 2 Engine-oil filler cap 3 Reservoir, .
169 Car care and tech nical inform atio n Engine families Saab cars imported into the Unit ed State s and Ca nada m eet al l app licab le emissio n control sta ndards. The e ngine famil y and appropria te tune-up spec ificatio ns are iden- tified on a l abel affixed to th e left front inne r fender.
170 Car care a nd technical in form ation ORVR (Onboard Refueling Vapor Recover y) Hydrocarb on vapors formed when refueling will b e reco vered by the car an d not released into the atmosphere. The hydro- carbons are ab sorbed in a eva porativ e emissi on ca niste r.
171 Car care and tech nical inform atio n Engine oil Checking the oil level Check th e engi ne-oil level regul arly. T his should be don e after the en gin e has bee n run to nor mal temperat ure and then a llowed to cool for 2–5 minutes, wit h the car sta nd- ing on l evel ground.
172 Car care a nd technical in form ation Oil changing The engi ne oil mus t be chan ged in acco r- dance w ith t he ser vice program , see page 218. Oil vo lume and gra de, see p age 229.
173 Car care and tech nical inform atio n Transmissi on fluid Manual transmission Check and top up th e fl uid in ac corda nce wit h the s ervic e pr ogra m. If origi nal fl uid cann ot can be ob tained for topping up (see page 2 31), automatic trans- mission fluid Dexron III (synthetic fl uid) can be used.
174 Car care a nd technical in form ation Coolant The expa nsion tank is tra nspare nt to fa cili- tate che cking of the cool ant le vel. When the en gine is col d, t he co olant m ust not lie over th e KALT/C OLD mark on th e expans ion tan k.
175 Car care and tech nical inform atio n Changing the coolant (Usually carried ou t as part of the Saab orig- inal se rvice by an autho riz ed Saab deale r) 1 If the engine is hot, ope n the e xpan- sion-tank fill er cap carefu lly to relea se the press ure , b ut do not remo v e it com- pletely .
176 Car care a nd technical in form ation The lev el sho uld be betw een th e MAX and MIN m arks. Top up, as ne cess ary, wi th DOT 4 fluid. Do not use DO T 5 br ake fl uid . Use on ly new brake fl uid from a sealed con - tainer . Check th at t here are no le aks i n the brake syste m.
177 Car care and tech nical inform atio n Battery The bat tery is p rovide d with a cove r to pro - tect it from radia ted he at. If th e batt ery is exposed to high temp eratures, its l ife wil l be shorten ed. To remov e the cover, pry out the edge a litt le, located at the rear of th e cover.
178 Car care a nd technical in form ation Charging/replacing the battery Connect the positive l ead to the p ositive (+) batter y termina l (red), a nd the ne gative lead to a good groun d point, e.
179 Car care and tech nical inform atio n Drive belts The alte rnator i s situ ated o n the right-ha nd side of the engine, adjacent to the bulkhead. It is dri ven via a Poly -Vee-bel t from t he cranksh aft pulle y. The Poly -Vee-bel t also drives t he wa ter pump, the A/C com press or an d th e st eeri ng servo pum p.
180 Car care a nd technical in form ation Wipers and was hers Check an d clean all w iper blades regularly. We re comm end Sa ab wa sher f luid f or cleanin g. If po or wi per pe rfor man ce is ex per ience d, clean th e windshield w ith Saab w asher fluid.
181 Car care and tech nical inform atio n Washer s The washer-f luid reservoir holds 6. 4 quarts (6 liters). When "WASHER FLUID LEVEL LOW" c o mes up on the SID, the reservoir is down to about 1 qua rt (1 liter) of fluid . Add at leas t 50% of washe r- fluid to water to pre- vent freezi ng and for effective cleaning.
182 Car care a nd technical in form ation Changing bulbs Check th at t he new b ulb is wo rking when fin ished . Some bul bs are of the ”Long-Life” type. Make sure the s ame type is fitted w hen chan ging o ne of these. Headla mp ai mi ng, se e page 214.
183 Car care and tech nical inform atio n Headlamp bulb for low bea m 1 Uns crew the cover f rom th e back of t he lamp unit . 2 Unplu g the c onnec tor . 3 T o remov e the spring clip , push it in and then mo ve it to the right. 4 Rem ove the bulb . 5 With out touching the gl ass with y our fingers , inser t the ne w bulb .
184 Car care a nd technical in form ation Parking-light bulb The park ing-light bul b is adjacent to the bulb for low beam. 1 Unscre w the c ov e r from the b ac k of th e lamp unit.
185 Car care and tech nical inform atio n When r efitting the lamp uni t, check that the bayonet pin an d the two plastic lugs eng age their res pectiv e slo ts.
186 Car care a nd technical in form ation Trunk lid light and taillights , 9-5 Sedan Before chang ing bu lbs i n the t runk, y ou must fi rst rele ase th e trim at the foot o f the trunk. Th is invol ves r emovi ng the handl e and the three trim fas teners (studs ).
187 Car care and tech nical inform atio n Tai lgat e b ulb s, 9 -5 Wa gon 1 T urn the l ock a qua rter tur n (90 ° ) with a scre wdriver or the i gnition k e y . 2 Open and re mo v e the co v e r . 3 T ak e out th e b ulb holder b y twist ing it slightly cou nterloc k wise .
188 Car care a nd technical in form ation Reasse mbly: 1 Locate th e two front a ttachm ents and press the front part of the light unit stra ight i nto the body pa nel . 2 Tighten the s cre ws and r eplac e the co ver . Loading lighting, 9-5 Wagon 1 Pull do wn the g lass co v er at the outer edge .
189 Car care and tech nical inform atio n Side direction indicators 1 Slide t he lamp fitting f orwa rd and pull out the bac k. 2 Remo v e th e b ulb . 3 Change the b ul b . On refitti ng, make sure that the s pring in the lamp fi tting e nga ges the e dge of the open- ing in t he body p anel.
190 Car care a nd technical in form ation Dome light, rear 1 Remo v e th e enti re o v erhea d pane l: ease out the trai ling end firs t, and then both f ront ed ges .
191 Car care and tech nical inform atio n Bulb table A specia l kit conta ining spare bulbs and fu se s is ava il able a s an acc essor y from your S aab deale r.
192 Car care a nd technical in form ation Fuses The fuse s a re hou sed in two fuse panels : one at the end of th e instrument pan el on the driver’s side , and o ne und er the hood. To chec k if a fus e has blown, fi rst remove it from the panel (see be low).
193 Car care and tech nical inform atio n Maxi fuses The Max i fuse s are hou sed i n the f use box under the ho od. The se fus es can be checke d in the same wa y as the othe r fus es. The Max i fuses are designe d to protect the car’s e lectrical sys tem fro m being dam- aged.
194 Car care a nd technical in form ation Fuse panel in instrument pane l # Amp Function A 25 T railer lights B 10 A utomatic transm ission C 7,5 Electric door mi rrors; DICE 1 15 Brak e lights; sh if.
195 Car care and tech nical inform atio n Relay panel under instrume nt panel Relay panel under instrument panel (cont.) 31 7,5 Cruise contr ol; w ater v alv e 32 15 V entilate d front se ats 33 7,5 D.
196 Car care a nd technical in form ation Fuse box under hood Fuses # Amp Function 1 60 ABS (Maxi f use) 2– – 31 5 H o r n 4 10 Rear w indo w wi per (9-5 W a gon) 5 15 F og ligh ts (fron t spoi le.
197 Car care and tech nical inform atio n Relays # Function 1 W as her , front/rear 2 Lo w beam headli ght 3 High beam headl ight 4 Extr a li ght s (acc esso ry) 5.1 Horn 5.2 – – 6 Wiper , rear (9-5 W agon) 7 Radi ator f a n, lo w speed 8 Radiato r f a n, hig h spee d, left f an 9 A/C -com pre ssor 10.
198 Car care a nd technical in form ation Wheels Alternat ive wheels an d tires If you wis h to f it othe r tires or wheel s tha n those s upplie d wi th the car, c onsul t your Saab deale r first as to the pos sibiliti es avail- able.
199 Car care and tech nical inform atio n Rotating tires Beca use th e car has fr ont- whee l dri ve, th e front tires tend to wear f aster t han the rear ones. New tires s hould always b e fitte d in pairs, so tha t tires on the same axle ha ve the same a mount of tread.
200 Car care a nd technical in form ation Uniform Tire Quality G rading (US) Quality grades can be found whe re applica- ble on the tire sid ewall between tread sho ul- der and m aximum s ection wid th.
201 Car care and tech nical inform atio n Temperature The te mpe ratu re gr ades are A ( the hi ghe st), B, and C, rep resenting the tire’s re sistance to the ge neration of heat and i ts abi lity t o dis- sipat e he at when tes ted un der co ntro lle d conditi ons on a sp ecifie d indo or laborat ory test whee l.
202 Car care a nd technical in form ation Compact spare wheel The com pact s pare i s lig ht and easy to handle w hen chang ing th e tire. Its us e is only pe rmitted when a standard tire has sus- tained a p uncture. Th e maximum li fe of the tire is onl y 2000 miles (3,500 km).
203 Car care and tech nical inform atio n Changing a wheel WARNING • Th e car jack is desi gned solely fo r use in chan ging a whe el or f itting snow chains . It must not be used to support the car d uring repair wo rk or servicing . • Nev er cra wl unde r a car tha t is supporte d only by a jack .
204 Car care a nd technical in form ation To jac k up t he car , appl y th e jac k to one of the spec ial j acki ng poi nts un der the sill s. If a floor jac k is used , it can be applied to the standard j acki ng poi nts us ed by the d ealer. A floor jack can l ift both front wheels or bo th rear whee ls off the gro und s imultane ously .
205 Car care and tech nical inform atio n 4 Wind the ja ck to rais e the wheel clear o f the gr ound. Remo ve the w heel bol ts and lift off th e wheel . 5 Fit the whee l and screw in the bolts in the sequenc e sho w n (oppo site pairs). Tighten t he bolts enough f or th e bolt s and wh eel to be se ated c orrectl y .
206 Car care a nd technical in form ation Flat spotting All tir es get hot, espec ially on lo ng journeys or when the car is drive n hard. After the car has been parked wit h hot tires and th e tires have c ooled down, a flat spo t can appear i n the tire, where it is in conta ct with the ground.
207 Car care and tech nical inform atio n Maintenance • The dri ve belt f or th e compr ess or sho uld be insp ected under the regula r service progra m. • Clean dir t and ins ects a wa y from the c on- denser a nd r adiato r to pre v en t clo gging.
208 Car care a nd technical in form ation Upholstery and trim To remov e fluff or hairs from the seat uphol- stery or headli ning, use a mois t, lint -free cloth or a spe cial lin t remover (brush or roller). Rem ove any dirty marks u sing a cloth m oiste ned with luke warm soapy water.
209 Car care and tech nical inform atio n Washing the ca r Was h the ca r fr eque ntly . Wh en th e car i s new, wash the bodywork by h and, using just cold wate r – a brush attachm ent on the end of a h ose is ideal. D o not use au tomatic car washes f or the f irst five or six mont hs, before the pain twork has h ardene d prop- erly.
210 Car care a nd technical in form ation Engine compartment Clean the en gine c ompar tment u sing an engine dete rgent and rinse with hot water. Cover the hea dlights and do not aim the spra y nozz le on th e •R a d i a t o r . • Thrott le cabl e.
211 Car care and tech nical inform atio n Stir bo th prim er and touch -up ena mel t hor- oughly bef ore use and a llow each coat to dry befor e a pplyi ng the next. Two- coat en ame l As the na me im plies , t wo-co at ena mel i s applied in two operat ions.
212 Car care a nd technical in form ation Preventi ve maintena nce The follow ing proce dures are necess ary to help prot ect ag ainst rustin g. Re fer als o to the terms and condition s of the Sheet Metal Coverage descri bed i n the w arrant y book - let.
213 Car care and tech nical inform atio n For long trips Befo re s etti ng off on a l ong j ourn ey, it is advisa ble to have your ca r check ed over by your Saab deale r. Obtain a few importan t it ems t o take along on you r journey such as spare b ulbs, w iper blades, fuses, a Poly -Vee-belt a nd the l ike.
214 Car care a nd technical in form ation Headlamp aiming The veh icle i s equ ipped with vertic al an d horizont al aim indicato rs. The aim has bee n pres et at t he fac tory and s houl d nor mally not need further adj ustments .
215 Car care and tech nical inform atio n To check the aim , the vehic le should be prop erly prep ared as fo llo ws: • Place the v ehicle o n a le vel pad or sur- fa c e . • The v ehicle s hould be un lade n and fuel tank ful l, and one p erson or 160 lbs .
216 Car care and tech nica l informatio n.
217 Mainte nance and ow ne r ass istan ce Maintena nce and owner assistance Maintenance sc hedule ..... 218 Owner assistance ......... .. . 219 Reporting Safet y Defect s (U.S .A.) .... ....... .... ..... ...... .. 22 0 Reporting Safet y Defect s to the Cana dian government .
218 Mai ntenance and owner assi stance Maintenance sched ule The Mainten ance Schedu le prescribe s a service program t o the p urchas er/ope rator of a Sa ab that is re asonable and necessary to ensure the p rope r emiss ion co ntrol s ys- tems fu nction , safe ty and reliab ility of the Saab auto mobil e in n ormal use.
219 Mainte nance and ow ne r ass istan ce Service r ecord r etention Service ins truction cou pons and record stubs a re p rovide d in t he S aab War rant ies and S ervic e Reco rd Bo oklet whic h accom - panies this O wner’s Manu al. The coup ons are arr anged in the order th at normal ser- vice sh ould be performe d.
220 Mai ntenance and owner assi stance Change of Address Notif ication (U.S.) Two chan ge of address cards ar e provide d at th e end of the Warr ant ies an d Se rvic e Record Bookl et. Knowing your current address allows Saab t o cont act y ou in the event of a r ecall or servic e cam paig n.
221 Mainte nance and ow ne r ass istan ce Saab Origi nal S ervice Pr ogram M200 0 US A, Ca nada, 9-5 M odels) * These are the minimum r equired Emission Control S ystem main tenance steps. Saab urges that all recommended m aintenance procedu res be performed according to this program.
222 Mai ntenance and owner assi stance * These are the minimum r equired Emission Control S ystem main tenance steps. Saab urges that all recommended m aintenance procedu res be performed according to this program. (b.) Change automatic transmis sion fluid at more frequent intervals (20,000; 50,000; 80,000 mile s, etc.
223 Mainte nance and ow ne r ass istan ce (c.) Check wheel alignment if irregular or p remature tire wear is apparent. Se rv i ce In t erv al s * * Miles = U .
224 Mai ntenance and owner assi stance Se rv i ce In t erv al s * * Miles = U .S . Car s Kilomet ers = Ca nadian Cars 1,000 (1,600 km) 10,000 (16,000 km) 20,000 (32,000 km) 30,000 (48,000 km) 40,000 (.
225 Specif icati ons Specifications General..... . .... .......... .......... 226 Eng ine ..... .... ..... ...... ..... .... .. 228 Fuel ... ..... ...... ..... .... ....... .... .. 228 Electric al system ..... ......... 230 Driv e bel ts ...... .... .
226 Specifi cations General Ov er all l ength, inclu di ng b ump ers: 9-5 S edan __________ ______ ______ _ 189.2 i n (4805 mm) 9-5 W agon _ ______ _____ ______ ____ 189.3 in (4808 mm) Ov er all wi dth, in cludi ng doo r mirro rs ____ 80.4 in (2042 mm) Maximu m heigh t: 9-5 S edan __________ ___ ______ ____ 57.
227 Specif icati ons Trailer: Luggage com partment V olume (SAE): 9-5 Sedan __________ ______ ______ _ 15.9 cu .ft. (450 litres ) 9-5 W agon, rea r seat uprigh t ________ 31.4 cu . ft. (890 li tres) 9-5 W agon, rea r seat f o lded ________ _ 73.0 cu .
228 Specifi cations Engine Fuel 4-cylind er ______ ___________ _______ F our cyli nders, twin ov e rhea d cam - shafts , 1 6 v alv es and two balan cer shafts . 6-cylind er ___________ ______ ______ _ V -6 e ngine , do ub le ov e rhea d cam - shafts on ea ch cy l- inder ban k, 24 valves Cylinder b ores _________ ___ ______ _ 3.
229 Specif icati ons Engine oil Oil sp eci ficati on : Oil f or gasol ine engin es is classi fied in accord ance with t he API stand ard (American P etroleum Inst itute) in to the gr ade clas ses SH (since 1993) and SJ (si nce 1996). The SJ cl ass fulfil s more stringent require ments an d h as a lo w er le v el of phosp horous .
230 Specifi cations Engine variants Electrical sys tem 2.3t Ecopo wer Rating, EEC at 55 00 r pm _ ______ ____ 170 hp (125 kW) Maxim um to rque , EEC at 180 0 r pm ___ 207.
231 Specif icati ons Drive belts Manual gearbox Engine v ariants Outside len gth 4-cylind er with A/ C syst em, po ly-V -be lt __ 102.84 in (2612 m m) 6-cylind er with A/ C syst em, po ly-V -belt __ 79.
232 Specifi cations Automatic t ransmissi on Suspens ion Steering T ype _______ ______________ _______ Electron ically con- troll ed 4-speed, ful ly a utom ati c w ith h ydr aul ic torque con verter ,.
233 Specif icati ons Brake syst em Wheels and tires Fo otbr ak e (ABS) ____ _____ ______ ____ Hydr auli c disc br akes wi th v acuum servo u nit. D iago- nal ly split circu its; v en tilated disc s on front wheels .
234 Specifi cations NOT E Snow chains Snow chains mus t no t be fit ted t o the r ear w heel s and must be used on t he followin g t ire/whee l com binati ons: Wheel Tire 6 x 15___ _____ _ 195/65 R15 M+ S (not 9-5 2. 3 Turbo Aero) or 205/65 R 15 M+ S (not 9-5 2.
235 Specif icati ons Plates a nd labels When cons ulting your Saab deal er, it may be necess ary to quote the ca r’s V.I. N., en gine and gearb ox nu mbers . 1 Modific ation identi ty plate. 2 V .I.N. num ber, inside w inds hiel d. 3 Cer tificati on la bel.
236 Specifi cations 1 Region ________ ___ Y = Nor ther n Europe 2 Country _________ _ S = Sweden 3 Manufacturer __ ___ 3 = S aab Autom obi le AB 4 Product line ______ E = 9-5 5 Model series ______ D =.
237 Specif icati ons Several of the systems in yo ur Saab car can be a djusted to be tter fit y our individua l needs Some funct ion s are go vern ed by leg al requirem ents a nd can not th erefor e be reprogram med. Cons ult an aut hor ized S aab deale r fo r fur - ther infor mation .
238 Specifi cations Following adjustments can be done by the driver: Automatic Climate Control (ACC): To alter t he prep rogr ammed “AU TO“ st art up mode with your own preferences you can manuall y se lect th e des ired setti ngs fo r: • T empera ture.
239 Specif icati ons Afterheate r, V6-engin e cars The afterh eat er enab les a comf ortable tempe rature t o be main- tained i nside the c ar even a fter the engine has bee n switc hed off.
240 Specifi cations.
241 Index Index A A/C syste m, fault diag nosis ________ 206 A/C syste m, maintenance _____ ____ 206 ABS brakes _____ ______________ _ 146 ACC _____ ___________ ___________ 67 ACC func tions ___ _____.
242 Index Date code , tires _____ ________ ____ 201 Dim-di pped beam _____ ___________ 61 Directi on indicators __________ _____ 62 Door ha ndles _________ ___________ 32 Door m i rrors _______ ______.
243 Index Light ho rn _________ ___________ __ 61 Light switch es ___________ ________ 61 Luggage -compartment lighting ____ __ 64 M Main in strument pan el ________ _____ 46 Main/di pped beam _______.
244 Index Startin g in cold weather, ACC _______ 73 Starting in hot weather, AC C ________ 73 Steering w heel adjustm ent ________ 107 Steering, t echnical da ta _______ ____ 232 Stone-chi p damage, r.
245 Notes Notes.
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251 Notes.
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256 Notes.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Saab Model Year 2000 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Saab Model Year 2000 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Saab Model Year 2000 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Saab Model Year 2000 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Saab Model Year 2000 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Saab Model Year 2000 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Saab Model Year 2000 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Saab Model Year 2000. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Saab Model Year 2000 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.