Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung M2005 des Produzenten Saab
Zur Seite of 292
Owner’s Manual.
In-c ar sa fety There is an In-c ar safety & Quic k Reference Guide fou nd in your ca r whic h co ntains some qu ick referenc e con cernin g safe ty is sues . Make su re y ou keep thi s Refe re nce Gu ide r ea dily avail abl e for all o ccupa nts to rev iew.
1 Owner’s Manual Saab 9-3 M 2005 © Saab Aut omob ile AB 2004 Service Readiness, Saab Automobile AB, Trollhättan, Sweden Printed in Sweden Safety 11 Security 41 9-3 Con ver tible 55 Instruments and.
2 Introd uction This m anual pro vides p ractical guidanc e on driving and c aring f or your Saab. The Saab 9-3 will be avai lable with the fol- lowing engin e vari ants: • 2.
3 Instrument panel Changi ng bulb s _______ ___ 213 F ront f o g ligh ts___________ 98 Headli ght le ve lling ________ 96 High/l ow b eam _______ ___ 97 P arkin g ligh ts____ _____ ___ 96 Rear f o g l.
4 Exter ior Anti-corro sion treatme nt ___ 254 Body ____ ______________ 253 Service progra m _________ 262 Sunroof ________ ________ 1 26 T ouching up paintw ork ____ 253 W ashing _ _________ _____ 25.
5 Interio r Airbag ______ ___________ 29 Stee ri ng w heel a dju stme nt _ 1 22 Steering ____ ___________ 273 Interior rearvie w mirror _________ 135 V anity mirror ______ _________ __ 130 Door mirro .
6 Engine ba y Color cod e______________ 278 Engine n umb er _______ ___ 278 Gearbo x nu mber ____ _____ 278 W arning labels _____ _____ 7 V ehicle identi fication n umber 278 Alternator ______ _______.
7 Coolant: Never op en when eng ine hot! Radiator fan: Radiato r fan may start at an y time. Battery: • N o spark s, flam es or smok ing • Shield eyes, explosive gases can cause bl indness or in jur y • Sulphur ic acid can ca use blindness or severe b urns • Fl u sh e yes im me di a t ely wi th w a t er .
8 Cha ngi ng w hee ls: Use only on spe cified ve hicle. Safe working load 2425 lbs. (1100 kg). U se on level firm grou nd only . Do not get under a ve hicle th at is su pport ed on ly by a jack, use vehicle suppor t stands. No persons a re to remain in the v ehicle.
9 No sparks, flames or smoking Buckle up Refer to the Own er’ s Manual Air bag Shield ey es Never place a rear-f acing child seat in this s e at K eep out of reach of children Electric windows Batte.
10 (This pa ge has been left blan k.).
11 Safety Safety belt s _ __________ 12 Seats ________________ 17 Head restrai nts ________ 21 Child safety _ __________ 22 Airbag________________ 29 Safety.
12 Safety Safet y belts Three-point inerti a-reel s afety bel ts are provided for all seats . The results of st udies show that it is eq ually important to wear s afety be lts in the rea r seat a s in t he front seats .
13 Safety Correct positi on for safety belt Conside r this : • P o sitio n the l ap str a p sn ugly and l ow across th e hips so t hat it jus t touches the thighs . The sh oulde r st rap m ust be as f ar in on the shoul de r as po ssib le . • Check to ensure th at the be lt is n ot twisted or rubbin g aga inst a ny sharp edges .
14 Safety Front safety belts Fasten th e belt by pulli ng the belt and insert- ing the tongue in the buckle. C heck that it is securel y fas tene d. Posi tio n th e lap part low acros s t he hip s. Grasp th e shoulde r belt clo se to the bu ckle and pull the b elt tow ards the sh oulde r to tighten t he lap be lt part.
15 Safety Safety belt use during pregnancy Pregnant w ome n mus t alway s wear a safety b elt to protec t both thems elves an d the unbo rn chi ld. The lap belt s hould be pla ced l ow, a cross the hips and o ver th e uppe r thigh s.
16 Safety Safety belt s, rear se at Safety belts rear sea t, Convertible, see page 69 The three rear seats all have t hree-poi nt safe ty belt s w ith in erti a r eel s. Fasten the bel ts by pulling the bel t across you and inse rting the tongue into the buckl e.
17 Safety Seats Manually adjust ed front seats (if equipped) The follo wing front seat a djustmen ts can be made to achie ve a comfortab le driving positio n: • Height Sport Sedan - driv er’ s sea.
18 Safety Legroom adjustme nt Lift the lev er under the front of th e seat and slide th e sea t to the desi red posit ion. Backrest rake angle To find the mos t com fortable posi tion, t urn the knob to prov ide stepless adj ustment of the backr est. Lumbar support, Spor t Sedan Adjust the firmness of the lumbar s upport by turning t he kno b.
19 Safety Electr ically adjust able front seats (option) With the do ors closed the s eats can o nly be adjust ed when the ign ition is ON. However , there are two except ions: • T o f acilitate getting into the car , both seats can be adjus ted when eithe r of the fro nt doors is open .
20 Safety Backrest rake angl e Adjust th e rake angle of the back rest w ith the rear l ever. Lumbar support, dri ver’s seat Adjust the firm ness of the lumbar sup port by turning the knob .
21 Safety When the igniti on is ON, al l sea t setti ngs can be adjus ted. When the door is ope n and before the remote control has been inser ted into the ignition switch, a ll seat sett ings can be adjus ted fo r up to 20 minutes. The mem ory al so in clude s the door m irror settings .
22 Safety Child safe ty WARNIN G • Children mu st always be suit ably restraine d in t he car. • DEATH or SERIOUS INJUR Y can occur • Children 12 and under or shorter t han 55 inches (140 cm) ca.
23 Safety General infor mation on chi ld safety The sam e atten tion m ust b e giv en to c hild safety i n t he ca r as is g ive n to a dults. Childre n tr avel most safely whe n prop erly restraine d. However, t he typ e of restra int must b e ap prop ria te f or t he s ize of th e ch ild.
24 Safety Low er anchora ges (ISOFIX) in the rear seat, Spor t Sedan Low er anchora ges (ISOFIX) in the rear seat, Conv er tible.
25 Safety LATCH child seat i nstallati on Before star ting the ins tallation, pl ease read through th is in str uction , a nd the child seat inst alla ti on inst ru ction . 1 Place the chil d restr aint on one of the designa ted out boa rd rear sea t cus h- ions .
26 Safety Child tether anchor ages for forward faci ng child seats Sport Sedan Convertible, s ee pag e 27 Child res traints with a tether s trap mus t be attached acco rding to Ca nadian and U .S. safe ty st andar ds. If you h ave any questi ons re gardin g chil d anchorag es pl ease contac t you r Saa b dealer .
27 Safety Child tether anchor ages for forward faci ng child seats Convertible Child res traints with a tether s trap mus t be attached acco rding to Ca nadian and U .S. safe ty st andar ds. If you h ave any questi ons re gardin g chil d anchorag es pl ease contac t you r Saa b dealer .
28 Safety Installa tion of c hild restrai nt using the stand ard safety belt Chil d rest ra ints that are appr oved for r ear - war d faci ng i nst alla tion in t he re ar s eat can be pos itioned in any of the three re ar places. Make su re that it is possible to fit it in accor- dance w ith t he man ufactu rer’s i nstruc tions .
29 Safety Airbag Airbag system components • Ai rbag in st eer ing wh eel • Airbag i n i nstrument pa nel in front o f passeng er seat • Side ai rbags in fron t seat bac kre sts Con v ertible: Th.
30 Safety The dr iver and p assenger front airbag s are triggered by violent fr ont-end cra shes. Th ey are not acti vated by m inor fron t-end impacts , if the car ov erturns or by rear- a nd side-impac ts. The car i s equ ipped as st andard with a passenge r airba g.
31 Safety Airbag syst em 1 S teering wheel with integral airbag 2 P assenger airbag 3 S ide airbag 4 I nflatable curtain (Sport Sedan only) 5 S ensors in front bumper 6 S ensor, side-impact protection.
32 Safety WARNIN G • Even if the car is equippe d with AIRBAGS, safety be lts m ust stil l alw ays be worn by all occu pants . • Note that becau se an airbag inflat es and defl ates e xtrem ely ra pidly , it w ill not pr ovide pro tectio n agai nst a second impa ct oc curring in the sam e incide nt.
33 Safety Front passenger seat The system is the same as that us ed on the driver’s sid e. The airbag systems ar e interco nnected and have a co mmon w arning l ight . The pa s- senger airbag m odule is house d in t he fascia a bove t he glo ve bo x and is ma rked "AIRBAG".
34 Safety Head protecti on The pill ar trim an d head lining (n ot Converti - ble soft top ) are desi gned to absorb energy , softenin g pos sible blows to the head. After a crash , these item s must b e change d in the seat po sitions th at were occ upied.
35 Safety Inflatabl e curtains, Sport Sedan WARNIN G • Do not si t with y our head resting agains t the s ide win dow. The in flat- able cu rtai n is des igned to inf late betwee n the wi ndow and t he hea d. Resti ng the head a gains t the wi ndow could p revent the infla table cur tain from pro vidi ng t he in tend ed protecti on.
36 Safety The infl atable curtai ns, whi ch pro tect th e head, are co nceal ed al ong the lengt hs of the headli ning (all the way fro m front to rear roof pil lars) . The infl atable curtai ns in flat e at th e same time as t he side airbags i n the front seats in case of a side-o n imp act.
37 Safety Airbag warning l amp What Will You See Afte r an Airbag Inflat es? After an airbag inflat es, it quickly deflates, so quick ly th at som e peo ple m ay not even realize th e airb ag infl ated.
38 Safety • Let o nly qual ifi ed tec hnici ans w ork on your air bag sy stem . Im prope r se r vic e can mean that y our airbag sy stem will not work properly .
39 Safety Frequently asked questions on function of the airbag Do you stil l need to wear a safe ty bel t if ai r- bags are fitt ed? Yes, alw ays! The airbag s ystem c ompo- nents m erely suppl ement the ca r’s no rmal safety s ystem.
40 Safety How lou d is t he infl ation? The nois e of th e infl ation is ce rtainly loud , but it is of an ve ry short du ration and will not damage your hearing. For a short t ime after- war ds yo u cou ld ex peri ence a buz zin g noise i n you r ea rs.
41 Securit y Doors ________________ 42 Central l ocking ________ 42 Car alarm _____________ 50 Security.
42 Security Doors Open th e door by li fting th e door handl e. The foll owin g messa ge app ears o n the Saab Infor mation Displ ay (SID ) if a door is not cl osed (tex t dis pla yed f irs t when veh.
43 Securit y Remote contro l functions *) pa rkin g lig hts , si de di rec tion indi cat ors , taillight s and lice nse p late l ightin g. NOTICE The remote cont rol con tains delic ate elect ronics. • D o no t expo se it to water . • Avoid rough hand ling.
44 Security Locking/unlocki ng the car Remote lock ing a nd unl ockin g als o con trol the car a larm. Remote locking Press the button onc e: all doors and the trunk lid l ocked (Conve rtible: al so fue l filler do or). The haza rd warning li ghts will f lash once to confir m.
45 Securit y Locking a car wit h dead battery The stee ring w heel lock require s suf ficien t batter y voltage to lock and unloc k. If the bat- tery vol tage d rops belo w a cert ain le ve l while the remote contro l is in the igniti on swit ch, yo u will not be ab le to r emove the remote c ontrol.
46 Security Switches on front door s The cent ral loc king can a lso b e opera ted from ins ide the car usi ng the bu tton by each front door ha ndle. • Loc king the c ar wit h the re mote control renders thes e button s inopera tiv e.
47 Securit y Trunk Release Handle There is a glo w-in-th e-dark trun k rele ase handle l ocated inside the trunk o n the latch. This ha ndle w ill glow fol lowi ng ex posure to light.
48 Security Changing the key bat tery When the voltage of the remote c ontrol bat - tery dr ops b elow a ce rtain le vel, the Saab Inform ation Disp lay (SI D) will d isp lay: Change the ba ttery a s so on as possi ble to avoid m alfun ctioni ng.
49 Securit y 3 Change the battery . Fit the ne w b attery so that i t is p ositi oned i n the s ame wa y as the o ld batt ery , with the positi v e (+) side f aci ng do wn. 4 Fit the tw o hal v es o f the re mote c ontrol together and press them togethe r until you hear s e v er al clic k s .
50 Security If, when inse rted in to t he ign ition swit ch, there is a pr oblem c hecki ng the elec tronic code of the rem ote c ontrol, the fol lowing messag e will appea r on the SID: Visit a Sa ab de aler to hav e the proble m checke d and rectifi ed.
51 Securit y To avoid any inconveni ence, mak e sure that anyone using the car i s famili ar with how the car alarm and the loc king sy stem work. If the al arm ha s been trippe d sin ce the car was l.
52 Security Switching off the alarm i f tripped If the al arm ha s been trigge red (di rect ion indicat ors flashing and horn sound ing) it can be turne d off by press ing one of the but tons on the remote cont rol or, if y ou are sit ting in the car, by turn ing th e igni tion to ON (se e below).
53 Securit y Overview of funct ions Loc king/ arming Direction i ndica tors fl ash on ce . Unlocking/ disa r ming Di rectio n indi cators fl ash tw ice . Unlocking/ disarming trunk lid Direct ion i ndica tors flash three times . Alarm triggered Direction i ndica tors fl ash f or 5 min.
54 Security Quick guide, LED and Saa b Information Di splay (SID) messages Activity LED signal Arming (dela y period) Illumi nates f or 11 s. Alar m a r me d Flash es on ce ev er y 3 s. Disarming Ex tinguishes . Alarm not armed Off . A door , the hood or the tailga te is open or opene d during the dela y period.
55 9-3 C onvertibl e Advice on soft t op operation ___________ 56 Operating the soft top __ 57 Raising the sof t top manually ___________ 62 SID warnings and messages __________ 65 "Easy entry&qu.
56 9-3 Co nvertibl e Advice on s oft top operat ion • Once y o u ha v e rais ed the soft t op and bef o re driving off , a lw a ys chec k that t he soft top is prop er ly enga ged with th e wind- shield r ail. • Once y o u ha v e f olde d the s oft top and before dr i vin g off, check that the s oft top cover is locked.
57 9-3 C onvertibl e Operat ing the s oft top Read the "Advi ce on so ft t op ope ration" section o n page 56 before opera ting the soft top. The soft to p is operate d wi th the s wit ch on the instr ument panel . Hold the swi tch in the desired p ositio n unti l the s oft top is fu lly folded or ra ised.
58 9-3 Co nvertibl e Opening The follow ing condi tions mus t be fulfilled for the soft top to be folded : • V ehicle speed mu st not e xc eed 20 mph (30 km/h). • Bat ter y v oltag e must exceed 10 V . • Outsid e temp erat ure m ust e xceed 23°F (–5°C).
59 9-3 C onvertibl e 3 Soft top f olded . 4 The soft top co v er is clos ed. 1 Rear windo w raised . Soft top storag e in luggage co mpartment lowe red.
60 9-3 Co nvertibl e Raising The follow ing condi tions mus t be fulfilled for raising the so ft top: • V ehicle speed mu st not e xceed 20 mph (30 km/h). • Bat ter y v oltag e must exceed 10 V . • The tr un k lid mu st be l ocked. 1 S tar t th e en gin e an d l et it id le.
61 9-3 C onvertibl e 1 The soft top co v e r is op ened. 2 The so ft top i s ra ised. 3 Th e soft top co v e r is clos ed. 4 The rear wi ndo w is lo w ered .
62 9-3 Co nvertibl e Raising th e soft top manually If the soft top ha s been folded me chanica lly there wi ll be a del ay of 20 seconds befo re it is possi ble to raise it manua lly (the pres sure must be releas ed fro m the hydrau lic s ys- tem). If the ca r is w ithou t electric al po wer, t he trunk mu st be unloc ked m anual ly.
63 9-3 C onvertibl e 4 Close the trunk lid ful ly as ot herwi se it will obst ruct the soft top co v e r . 5 Open the s oft top co v er , upward and bac kward. 6 Tip f orw ard th e front seat b ack rests . 7 Bef ore r aisin g the s oft top , the tw o catches in th e lead ing ed ge of t he soft top mu st be opene d.
64 9-3 Co nvertibl e 8 Sit in one of the front seats an d lock th e soft top to the w indshi eld rail . Use the lug wrench and th e Allen k e y . T urn roughly 1/4 turn counter cloc kwise . Check tha t the soft to p is properly loc ked in pl ace b y pressin g up the front edge .
65 9-3 C onvertibl e Cause Suitable a ction Soft top f ront not lo c ked . T r y again. F ailure of the so ft top to loc k automati cally to the winds hield. • Mov e the car so tha t it is standing le ve l if on a steep s lope . • Press the soft to p b utton to f old the soft to p slight ly .
66 9-3 Co nvertibl e Battery low . The v olta ge of the ca r battery is to o lo w to allo w soft top ope ratio n. Soft top o bstructed. Clear obstac les and try again. Open/c lose soft top compl etely to open trunk. Complete s oft to p op eratio n. Open/c lose soft top compl etely bef ore driving Comple te sof t top op erat ion .
67 9-3 C onvertibl e "Easy e ntr y" To facil itate g etting in and o ut of th e rear seat, the front s eats can b e slid forw ard. Man ual ly adjus ted pas senger seats 1 Raise th e hand le b y t he hea d restr a int on the se at. 2 Tip the bac kre st and slide the s eat fo r w a r d.
68 9-3 Co nvertibl e Head rest raints The front seats are eq uipped wit h Saab Active He ad Rest raints (SAHR s). These are designe d to reduce the risk of ne ck injury if the car i s hit from b ehind. The SAHR i s a m echan ical syst em, actu- ated by bo dy weight.
69 9-3 C onvertibl e Safet y bel ts, rear seat , Conver tible The two rear s eats hav e three- point s afety belts w ith i nertia r eels. Fasten th e belt by pulli ng the belt and insert- ing the tongue in the buckle. C heck that it is securel y fas tene d.
70 9-3 Co nvertibl e Roll over Pop- up Bars The Ro llove r Pop Up Ba rs, w hich are located be hind e ach re ar seat head restraint, along with the wi ndshi eld frame and t he seatbe lt pretens ions, ar e design ed to deplo y in t he ev ent of a cras h or rollover.
71 9-3 C onvertibl e Electric windows To open Soft top r aised – The windows open indi vid- ually. Soft top folded – The button for the front window op en s both side window s. Automatic open ing: Press the but ton all the way down and re lease it.
72 9-3 Co nvertibl e Calibrati ng front elect ric windows with p inch protecti on (option) The win dow lif ts shoul d be cali brated if a uto- matic c losing do es not work or if the batt ery has bee n d isconnec ted. T he pin ch pro tec- tion wi ll no t work i f the win dows a re not calibrat ed.
73 9-3 C onvertibl e Glove box The glov e box light ing comes on w hen the compartm ent is ope ned and goe s out when it is c losed . For chan ging b ulbs, refer to page 223. Sun visor An illumina ted vanity mi rror is provided on the insi de of the su n vis ors.
74 9-3 Co nvertibl e Manually open ing th e fuel filler door Convertible If the fue l fill er door, whi ch is co ntrolle d by the cent ral locking sy stem, does not unlo ck, proceed as de scribe d bel ow. Check fu se 7 in the fuse panel at t he end of the fasc ia (se e page 229).
75 9-3 C onvertibl e Spoiler on tr unklid Wind deflector A wind deflect or is available as an ac ces- sory. Foll ow the fitting in struction s supplie d with th e wind deflec tor car efully . CargoWing (acc ess ory) WARNING Some mo dels have a s poiler on the trun k- lid.
76 9-3 Co nvertibl e (This pa ge has been lef t blan k).
77 Instruments and controls Warning and indi cator lights _______________ 78 Instruments ___________ 82 Informati on display, main instru ment panel _ 85 Saab Informati on Display (SID) ______ _______.
78 Instru ments an d contro ls Warning and indicator lights The foll owin g warnin g and indic ator lig hts are found on the main in strume nt pan el. This w arning light illum inates w hen a fault arises in the ant ilock brake system.
79 Instruments and controls This ligh t will c ome on if the engin e oil pres- sure is to o low. If the wa rning ligh t flashes or comes on while yo u are driving, stop im me- diately in a s afe place, sw itch o ff the en gine and che ck th e oil l evel (see p age 202).
80 Instru ments an d contro ls This li ght sh ows when the hi gh be am is on (see page 97). This l ight indica tes when th e front fog lights are on (s ee pag e 98). The front fog li ghts a re switc hed o ff auto- matical ly whe n the e ngine is s witched off .
81 Instruments and controls This li ght rem inds the dri ver to buckl e up. This lig ht comes on when th e parking brake is appl ied (s ee pag e 173). The park ing bra ke is mechan ical and op er- ates on the rear wheels. This ligh t com es on if a p otentia lly seri ous fault has occu rred in the airbag system.
82 Instru ments an d contro ls This li ght ind icate s that the he adligh ts or parking lights ar e on. This li ght co me s on w hen the sy stem is engaged. Autochecking of lights, main instrument panel The warni ng and indi cator l ights shown above sh oul d come on wh en the ignit ion switch is turned to ON.
83 Instruments and controls Odometer and trip meter The odom eter re cor ds the dista nce tra v- elle d in mil es on U .S. ve hic les an d on Can a- dian ve hicle s t he dis tance indic ated i s in kilome tres, and the trip meter in mi les and tenths (k ilom etres a nd ten ths of kilom etres on Can adian vehic les).
84 Instru ments an d contro ls Temperature gauge The tempera ture gauge sh ows the temper- ature of the coo lant. The needl e should be in the m iddle of the scal e wh en the engine is at no rmal o peratin g t emperat ure.
85 Instruments and controls If the needl e repeatedly enters th e red zone and t he eng ine at the sa me ti me loses power, bec ause the moni toring system is limitin g the b oost p res sure, you s hould contact a Saab deale r as soon as poss ible.
86 Instru ments an d contro ls Cars with automatic transmission: • The odom eter and trip meter readi ngs are shown o n the l eft -h and side of th e dis play . • V arious inf ormation and f aults are dis played in th e cen ter o f th e dis play .
87 Instruments and controls The follow ing message is sh own on the Saab Inf orm ati on D isp lay (SID ): or If so, ha ve the s ystem c hecke d at a Saab dealer . See al so T rac tio n Co ntro l Sys tem (TCS ) on page 169 and Electron ic Stab ility Program (ESP) on page 171.
88 Instru ments an d contro ls The num ber of s yste ms that a re d isplaye d on the SID de pends on the c ar’s equipm ent level. T he list s hown b elo w inclu des t he system s tha t can b e foun d in y our car. Trip computer f unction of the SID SID co nta ins t he f ollow in g func tio ns: P ark As sist ance , page 178.
89 Instruments and controls When the en gine is started, the fu nction that was s electe d wh en the engin e wa s switched off i s display ed, with th e follow ing excepti ons: • Te m p is displa ye d if the outside tempera- ture is betwee n 26 a nd 38°F (–3 and +3°C).
90 Instru ments an d contro ls Speed warning This va lue is pres et t o 55 mph (90 km/h). The val ue can be s et to be tween 0 and 150 mph (0 and 25 0 km/h) . 1 Select Speed W using the I NFO dial. 2 Press and hol d the INFO dial un til given audib le c onf irmation.
91 Instruments and controls Calculating the requis ite average speed (What ave rage spee d do I need to mai n tain to get to my d est inatio n in ti me?) This fun ction sh ould be u sed before starting out a jo urne y. To calcula te the requisite average speed , the dist ance must firs t be gi ven.
92 Instru ments an d contro ls Under Profi ler you can choose whethe r the entire s peedom eter s cale (0–160 mph) or only p art of th e scale (0–90 mph) should be illumin ated i n NIGHTPANEL mode. 1 Press the CUST OMIZE b utt on to g o to Profiler.
93 Instruments and controls Explanat ion of se tting t he clo ck. Ala rm Settings can be ma de from Profiler. 1 Press the CUST OMIZE button to go to Profiler. 2 S elec t Clo ck / Alar m us ing the I NFO di al. 3 Press i n the I NFO dial. 4 S elec t Set Alar m 08:30.
94 Instru ments an d contro ls System Settings Under t his he ading yo u can make sys tem settings , suc h as chang e the d ispla y lan - guage, u nit s and servi ce inf ormati on. 1 Press the CUST OMIZE b utt on to g o to Profiler. 2 Select Syste m Setti ngs u sing t he INFO dial.
95 Instruments and controls Explanat ion of the vari ous sel ections und er System Settings . Langua g e Sele ct t he des ire d la ngua ge. The n um- ber of la ng uages can v ary betw een marke ts. Unit Select t he des ired g roup of uni ts. Speed Sca le I llum.
96 Instru ments an d contro ls Swit ches The park ing li ght s and daytime runnin g light s come on auto mat ically when the i gni- tion sw itch is in the O N po sitio n. High bea m can not be ac tivated in thi s posi- tion but headli ght flasher can .
97 Instruments and controls High/low beam To swi tch between high and low be am, pull the cont rol sta lk al l the w ay towards the steer ing whe el. (Headlig ht switch mu st be ON.) The symb ol on the main in stru ment panel s hows when t he h igh b eam is o n.
98 Instru ments an d contro ls Front fog li ghts (cer tai n v ar ian ts o nl y) The front fog li ghts s hould be us ed in poor visibi lity. These are a utomatic ally turned off when the engine i s switched off. Whe n the car is n ext started, t he fog li ghts wi ll hav e to b e switc hed back on man ually by press ing the fog ligh t switc h.
99 Instruments and controls Hazard warning li ghts The butto n for th e haz ard warni ng lig hts is loc ated o n th e cli mat e con trol pane l. When the but ton is pressed, all the di rection indicat ors and the symbo l in the butt on flash simulta neously .
100 Instru ments an d contro ls Priority of audible inf ormation Sound from vari ous functions in the ca r, such as the d irecti on ind icato rs, parkin g assist ance a nd seatb elt rem inders , com e from the sa me so und s ource: the ca r’s sound sy stem.
101 In struments and controls to priorit ize th e wi ndshi eld. Th e foll owin g messag e is dis play ed on t he SID : T o prev e nt the smell of was her flu id from entering the ca r , recirc ulatio n can be ac ti- va ted au tomati cally whi le the winds hield is was hed.
102 Instru ments an d contro ls If the st alk switch is left in th e AUTO position when th e engi ne is switc hed off , whe n the engine is next starte d it must first be move d to the 0 or 3 p o sition a nd then back to AUTO to reacti vate t he sen sor .
103 In struments and controls Manual climate- control syste m Fresh air for the cabin is drawn in through an inlet grille at the bottom edge of the win d- shield. It pas ses t hrough a filte r before reaching the c limat e con trol syst em an d delivery into the cabi n.
104 Instru ments an d contro ls Air distr ibution The air d istrib ution c ontrol is used to dir ect the fl ow of ai r to the defroster, panel and fl oor ve nts.
105 In struments and controls Defroster P anel Floor Defroster , panel an d floor Wint er – def ros t er Winter – c o mfort setting Summe r – overcas t Summe r – sun ny Settings for various we.
106 Instru ments an d contro ls Air vents The air v ents swiv el un ivers ally, so tha t air can be directe d as desire d. In win ter, for instanc e, the outer vents can be directed onto the door w indows for en hance d demi sting. The amo unt of air can be indi vidual ly con- trolled by the regulato r on each vent .
107 In struments and controls This bu tton is loca ted un der the fan speed control. Always switch o ff the hea ting as soon a s the rear win dow is free from ic e and mis t. It will be turned off automatical ly after 12 minutes. Refrain from p lacin g sha rp obje cts o n the parcel sh elf, to avoid dam aging the hea ting element .
108 Instru ments an d contro ls Auto matic c lim ate- control sy stem (ACC) Fresh air for the cabin is drawn in through an inlet at the bottom e dge of th e windshiel d. It passes throug h an e ffectiv e fil ter befo re reaching the c limat e con trol syst em an d delivery into the cabi n.
109 In struments and controls Temperature control The cabi n is divid ed int o two tem per ature zones: 1 Driver’ s z one . 2 P asse nger z on e. The temp erat ure in the rea r seat will be a mixture of the two zones . If you c hoose the sing le zo ne se tting, t he entire c abin i s treat ed as one zone .
110 Instru ments an d contro ls The sy ste m uses fou r se nsor s: • Outsid e air t emper ature senso r • Cabin air tempe ra ture s ensor • Sun s ensor • Blend ed air temper ature sens ors (located in the heate r unit and the outer panel vent duc t).
111 In struments and controls Functions Pressi ng AU TO wi ll canc el al l man ual se ttin gs. If a manual function is selected, it will be lo cked in but o ther functio ns will be co ntro lle d auto matic all y. The sel ected tempera ture is a lways mainta ined automa tical ly.
112 Instru ments an d contro ls T o tur n the sys tem O FF , pre ss and h old (or press repeatedly ) the bu tton to reduc e the f an speed un til the f an is s witched off . Then relea se the butt on and press it once more . The A/C co mpressor wi ll now be dise ngaged.
113 In struments and controls Recircu lation is c ontroll ed man ually . Recircu lation is n ot sel ected when the en gine i s star ted (fresh air mode). Press or to increas e or de crease the f an speed. Thi s sets the f an speed (f an speed shown on disp lay).
114 Instru ments an d contro ls Show n bel ow are s e v er al e xamples of air distri bu tion. Windsh ield P anel Floor , front and rear Windshi eld – floor (fro nt and rear).
115 In struments and controls Formation of ice and mist in extreme weather conditions It is o nly i n the m ost e xtreme conditi ons th at ici ng and mis ting of windo w glass are l ikely to be a prob.
116 Instru ments an d contro ls The seat c ushions and backrests of the front seats a re heat ed. Heatin g is t hermos tatica lly c ontrol led. Heatin g is controll ed manually but can also be autom atic. Refer t o Profiler on page 117. Three heati ng levels are availa ble.
117 In struments and controls ACC- Convertibl e When the soft top is folded, th e ACC syste m switches to m anual temper ature c ontrol. There are eleve n temp erature se ttings: 0– 10. The sys tem a djusts itse lf as fol lows: • A UT O go es ou t.
118 Instru ments an d contro ls Explanatio n of how the ACC system ca n be customi zed un der Profi ler. Clim ate Syst em Rear Defroster Aut o Manual Heated Seats Aut o Manual F an Settings High spee .
119 In struments and controls Fan Se ttings High sp eed: This s elec tio n give a slig htl y hig her fan speed than M edium spe ed thou gh with conti nued a utomat ic regu lation. Mediu m spe ed: Normal automatic fan speed. This i s one of the Defa ult Settings.
120 Instru ments an d contro ls (This pa ge has been left blan k.).
121 Inte rio r equi pment Steering wheel adjustment __________ 1 2 2 Electric windows _______ 1 2 3 Sunroof ______________ 1 2 6 Interi or lighting ________ 1 2 9 Cup holder ____________ 1 3 0 Power O.
122 Interi or equipm ent Steerin g wheel adjust ment The heigh t and reac h of the steering whe el can be adjus ted. There is a r elease leve r under the s teering colum n. 1 P ull down th e lever to rele ase t he st eer- ing wh eel. 2 A dju st th e po si tion of t he s tee ri ng w hee l.
123 Inte rio r equi pment Electric windows The elec tric wi ndow s are o perated by means of switc hes i n the door arm rests . For the elec tric windows to work, the remote contr ol mus t be i n the ON p ositi on in the ignit ion s witch.
124 Interi or equipm ent To close Raise the front edge o f the button one step. The wi ndow w ill s top w hen it is fu lly c losed or when the bu tton i s release d. Automatic cl osing (op tion, ce rtain vari- ants only) : Raise the bu tton all the way and release i t.
125 Inte rio r equi pment Calibratio n After a loss of batt ery po wer, or if the au to- matic clo sing feature doe s not work, the electric window s mus t be c alibra ted for the pinch p rotecti on to w ork. Fully o pen an d clos e the window s at least twice.
126 Interi or equipm ent Sunroof (optional) The sunroo f is operated by the c ontrol in the roof cons ole. For the sunroo f to work , the remo te co ntro l mus t be in t he ON po siti on in the igni tion s witch.
127 Inte rio r equi pment To close Manually controlled closin g Slide the control forward to its first positi on. The sunr oof will ha lt wh en yo u relea se th e control. Automatic clo sing (certa in variants only ) Slide the contro l forw ard to its sec ond po si- tion and releas e it.
128 Interi or equipm ent Pinch protect ion (if equipped) The sunr oof is equip ped with pi nch p rotec- tion. This is ac tivated if somethi ng gets trapped w hen the su nroof i s bein g clo sed.
129 Inte rio r equi pment Interio r lighting The interio r lighting consis ts of one fron t and one rear r oof light, floor l ighting, a nd co ur- tesy li ghts i n t he doo rs (cert ain v ariants only). The l i ght switc h for the i nterior lighting is lo cate d on t he r oof co nsol e by the r ear- view mir ror.
130 Interi or equipm ent Sun visor Illumin ated v anity mirrors ar e pr ovide d on the sun v isors. The l i ghting c omes on when the co ver is raise d. Trunk lighting The trunk lighti ng is switch ed on and off when the trunk lid is open ed and clos ed.
131 Inte rio r equi pment Cup h older in f ascia Cup hol der in ce nter console compart- ment betw een front sea ts (cer tain v ariants only) Cup h older in re ar seat cu shion (Sport Sedan).
132 Interi or equipm ent Power Outl et (if equipped) You ca n use th e ele ctri cal socket in the st or- age co mpar tm ent un der the armre st betwee n the front seats to charge a mobil e phone, fo r exam ple.
133 Inte rio r equi pment Sliding co v e r in glo v e bo x to admi t cold air (cars with ACC only). This al lows the s torage of chocolate an d chille d drinks , f or e xample.
134 Interi or equipm ent Rearvi ew mir rors Door mirrors To adjust The door mirrors are electric ally adj ustable and heat ed. The contro ls fo r adjus ting t he mirrors a re on t he driv er’s d oor: 1 Select a door mirror with the up per butto n. 2 Adjust the m irror us ing th e touc h pad.
135 Inte rio r equi pment Interior rearview mirror The inter ior rearv iew m irror is of the auto- dimmin g type and can be deflec ted with th e lever on its underside . Certain variant s have an autod immi ng rearvie w mi rror. The lev er shou ld be in the norma l pos ition when you adjust th e mirror.
136 Interi or equipm ent Interior rearview mirror with garage opener, aut odimming function and compass (if equipped Retain you r ori ginal garage door o pener (transmitter) fo r future programm ing pro ce- dures (i.
137 Inte rio r equi pment The tran smit ter should f ace the m irror from belo w or le ft side of the mirror . 4 Simult aneously press and hold both the chosen and ha nd- held tr ansm itter butto ns. Do not release the but tons until step 5 has be en com pleted.
138 Interi or equipm ent Repr og ramm in g a si ng le bu tto n To program a devi ce to the garage opene r using a button previ ously traine d, foll ow these s tep s: 1 Press and hold the desi red butto n. DO NO T release the b utton. 2 The indica tor light will begi n to flash after 20 seconds .
139 Inte rio r equi pment Compass The com pass is bu ilt in to the rearvie w mir- ror. Th e compass bearing i s displ ayed in t he top right- hand c orner o f the m irror and i s updat ed every othe r second. The c ompass display s the car’s d irection of tra vel: N, NE, E, etc.
140 Interi or equipm ent Trunk Folding down the r ear seat, Sport Sedan Convertible: The rear seat cannot be fol ded. WARNING • Never driv e the car if the backrest i s not correctly lo cked into positi on as this i ncrea ses th e risk of pe rsonal injur y in th e even t of he avy bra king or a cras h.
141 Inte rio r equi pment For greate r flexi bility , the rear se at is split so tha t the n arrow and the wide par t ca n be f olded dow n se par ately .
142 Interi or equipm ent Load-through hatch, Sport Sedan Convertible: There is no load -through ha tch. A load-thro ugh ha tch i s incorpo rated i n the r ear sea t bac krest t o enable l ong, n arrow items to be ca rried i nside the ca r. Before loadin g or un loadi ng lon g i tems, swit ch of f the en gine and apply th e park ing br ake.
143 Inte rio r equi pment Trunk Release Handle There is a glo w-in-th e-dark trun k rele ase handle l ocated inside the trunk o n the latch. This ha ndle w ill glow fol lowi ng ex posure to light. Pul l the rele ase hand le down to open the trunk from ins ide.
144 Interi or equipm ent Trunk lighti ng On th e un ders ide of t he parce l sh elf is a li ght that is sw itched on and off whe n the trunk is opened a nd clos ed. If the tru nk lid is le ft open, the lighti ng will b e switched off auto matically after 20 minutes to preven t the b attery from ru nning flat.
145 Startin g and drivi ng Ignition switch ________ 146 Steering whe el lock ____ 148 Starting t he engine ____ 148 Important consi derations for drivi ng __________ 150 Refueling ____________ 153 Eng.
146 St ar ti ng and d rivin g Ignition switch The igni tion s witch i s loc ated o n the cent er consol e betwee n t he front seats . In c ars with autom atic transm issi on, the remot e control can only be remov ed w hen th e selecto r le ver is in p ositio n P.
147 Startin g and drivi ng To allo w the var ious sy ste ms in the car time to register th at the remote co ntrol has bee n inserted into th e ignition switch , do not turn the remot e control for roughl y half a seco nd. LOCK position The parking li ghts, haza rd warning lights and interior light ing can be turned on.
148 St ar ti ng and d rivin g Steering whee l lock The stee ring w heel lock is elec tronic. Th e lock en gages whe n the r emo te co ntrol i s removed from the ign ition and unlocks when the remo te control is in serted. A c lick can be heard w hen th e stee ring whe el lock loc ks and u nlock s.
149 Startin g and drivi ng Starting t he engine Avoid rac ing the e ngine or lo ading it heavi ly before i t has warm ed up. Do not dri ve away before the w arning and in dicator lights have gone out .
150 St ar ti ng and d rivin g Impo rtan t cons ider ation s for driving 1 Starting and driving • Do not us e full throttle until the en gine is w arm, so a s to a v o id unn eces sary wea r .
151 Startin g and drivi ng If the diagnosi s function detects a fault in the engine man ageme nt sy stem, the light "Engine malfunction (CHECK ENGINE)" i n the inst rument panel wil l come o n (see page 79). Have the c ar ch ecked at a Sa ab deal er a s soon as po ssib le.
152 St ar ti ng and d rivin g • Ne v er park the c ar on dry grass or oth er combus tible m ater ia l. T he ca taly tic con v erter gets v er y hot an d coul d there - f ore star t a fi re.
153 Startin g and drivi ng Refueling WARNIN G If you spill fuel and then something i gnites it, you could be ba dly b urned. F uel c an spray ou t on you if you open the fuel cap too quic kly. This spray can happ en if your tank is nearly ful l, and is more likely in h ot weathe r.
154 St ar ti ng and d rivin g Refueling 1 Switch off the engin e. 2 Open the fi ller c ap , l ocated i n the ri ght- hand rear fender . 3 Inser t the fu el pum p noz zle b ey ond the flange on the fi ller p ipe an d let t he firs t mark (a ring, a pi mple or the fi rst spring- coi l) re st on th e fl ange.
155 Startin g and drivi ng The fuel door h as a built i n fille r cap holder slot loc ated on the fuel door. Sl ide the white ring on t he cap in to the slot. Notice: If you need a new fue l cap, be su re to get the righ t type. Your dea ler can get one for you .
156 St ar ti ng and d rivin g Gasoline Specific ations It is r ecommen ded that ga soline mee t spec- ifica tions whi ch were deve loped by automo- bile ma nuf acturer s aroun d the world and contain ed in the World-Wide Fuel Charter which is available fro m the Alliance of Auto- mobile Manufacturers at www.
157 Startin g and drivi ng whet her t he f uel con tai ns MM T. Sa ab d oes not recom mend the u se of such gasol ines. Fuels c ontaining MMT can reduce th e life of spark p lugs a nd the perform ance of the emissi on co ntrol s ystem may be af fected .
158 St ar ti ng and d rivin g Manual tr ansmission Clutch inter lock To st art the car, th e clut ch pe dal mu st be depress ed. When chang ing gear, fully dep ress the clutch pe dal and then re lease it smooth ly. It is inad visable to driv e with your hand resting on the g ear lev er, as this can in creas e the wear on the ge arbox.
159 Startin g and drivi ng Automatic transmission The autom atic transm issi on has an e lec- tronic c ontrol modul e. T he co ntrol m odule rece ives inf orm ation incl udi ng a ccel era tor positio n a nd road spee d.
160 St ar ti ng and d rivin g Park Brake Shift Lock The trans missio n has a sec urity function know n as Pa rk Br ake S hift Lock . To mo ve the gear selector lev er out of the P or N posi - tion, the gear s elect or lever d etent (c atch) must be pre ssed in at the same ti me as the brake pe dal is held depres sed.
161 Startin g and drivi ng Lock-up The trans missio n’s to rque c onverter ha s a lock-up funct ion. Th is ca n loc k the torque converte r, thus reducing the e ngine speed and f uel co nsumpti on. Kick-down When the acc elerator is pressed dow n fully, a down change is mad e to o ptimize accele r- ation, e.
162 St ar ti ng and d rivin g Limp-home If the transmi ssion malfun ctions, the co ntrol module will activ ate l imp-ho me mo de. Dr iv- ability wil l be af fected to va rying degrees . The follo wing message i s shown o n the SID: In this mode, only 2nd and 5 th gears are availab le.
163 Startin g and drivi ng Selector lev er positions P The selec tor le ve r is lo c k ed an d the tr a nsmiss ion is mech anically bloc k ed. The engine can be sta r ted. T o mov e the selec tor le ver out of the P p ositio n, depress t he br ak e ped al and pre ss in th e dete nt (catch) on the s elector le ve r .
164 St ar ti ng and d rivin g Certai n variants also h ave steering wheel contro ls for manu al gear selec tion. O n the se m odels , it is pos sible to ch ange g ear manu ally using the se lecto r leve r an d the st eerin g wheel contro ls. Th e stee r- ing w heel con trols are only active when the sele ctor leve r is in the M positi on.
165 Startin g and drivi ng Cruise control (Cruise c ontrol sys tem) For safe ty reaso ns ( brake sy stem fun c- tion), the br akes must be applie d once when the engine has sta rted, before the cruise contro l syste m can be a ctivated .
166 St ar ti ng and d rivin g To reduce the pres et speed You can reduce sp eed in any of the follow - ing wa ys: • Brak e to the desi red sp eed. J og the control to SET/+ o r SET/–. • Jog the contro l to SET/ – to red uce t he speed b y 1 mph (1.
167 Startin g and drivi ng ABS brakes The Antiloc k Brakin g Syste m (ABS) mod u- lates the brak e pressure to each w heel. The pressure i s aut omat ically reduc ed jus t before t he whee l loc ks up and th en increases agai n t o the p oint a t which the wheel i s jus t about to loc k.
168 St ar ti ng and d rivin g The ABS system wil l not reduce th e braking distanc e on l oose gravel , snow or ice but, becaus e the w heel s can not lo ck up , stee r- ing con trol is retain ed. When the ABS system operates you will feel the br ake pe dal p ulsate and h ear a ti ckin g noise, both of which are perfect ly normal.
169 Startin g and drivi ng Tracti on Contro l System (TCS ) Anti-spin system How the system works The Tr action Control Syste m (TCS) is designe d t o preve nt w heels pin. Th is enables the car to achi eve the bes t possibl e grip and, henc e, max imum tra ctive effort, together with grea ter stability .
170 St ar ti ng and d rivin g TCS indicator When the remote control is turned to the ON positio n, the la mp i s lit fo r a bout 4 seconds while the sy stem perform s se lf-diag nosis. The light under the speed ometer comes o n when the T CS is operat ive, that is when o ne of t he wh eels has l ost it s g rip.
171 Startin g and drivi ng Electronic Stability Progra m (ES P) Anti-skid system (Certain varian ts) The Electron ic Stability Prog ram employs both the an tilock braking sys tem (ABS) and the tracti on co ntrol sys tem (T CS).
172 St ar ti ng and d rivin g ESP OFF lights up un der the sp eedom eter if : • a f ault has been dete c ted and the system has there fore been switch ed off • the sys tem h as be en s w itch ed o.
173 Startin g and drivi ng Parking br ake The parkin g brake leve r is situated between the front seats . The b rake a cts on the re ar whee ls. Wh en th e pa rki ng bra ke i s ap pli ed, the indicator l ight o n the m ain ins tru- ment pan el w ill c ome o n.
174 St ar ti ng and d rivin g Parking on a hill When park ing o n a st eep hi ll, turn the fro nt wheels so t hat the y will be blo cked by th e curb if t he car sh ould m ove.
175 Startin g and drivi ng Long-term parki ng If th e car is no t go ing to be use d for som e time, e .g. three to four months, the following steps a re re comm ended : • Drai n the w a sher f luid re servoi r and hoses. • W a sh an d w ax the ca r .
176 St ar ti ng and d rivin g Saab Pa rking Assist ance Saab Par king Assi stance (option) Saab Parki ng Assistance facilitates parking and revers ing. There are four sensors in the rear bu mper t hat de tect ob jects up to 6 ft (1.8 meters) behind the car.
177 Startin g and drivi ng If you s top the car wi th reve rse gear engaged , the s ound p ulse will stop after 2 seconds . The s ound pulse s will retu rn if you con tinue to r everse . If the car ro lls for- ward whil e reverse is eng aged, the s ystem is sil enced.
178 St ar ti ng and d rivin g Error messages If the sy st em malfu nct ions, the fo llowing messag e will appea r on the SID: If the sy stem is s ubjec t to in terferenc e, the follow ing m essag e wi ll be shown o n t he SID: If this messag e appears, clean the sensors.
179 Startin g and drivi ng Economica l driving Factors aff ecting fuel consumption The fuel co nsumptio n of a ca r is g reatly affected by driving c onditions , climate, road conditi ons, s peed, drivin g tech nique , et c.
180 St ar ti ng and d rivin g engine we ar is a t its gr eates t during th is period. Driv e off as soon as pos sib le after starting the engi ne and a v oid high engine speeds . • Driv e as smoothly and thoughtful ly as pos sible. Ma tch your dr ivi ng to the pre v ailing tr affic cond itions .
181 Startin g and drivi ng Driving in cold weather In cold w eather, spe c ial atten tion should be paid to the follow ing: • Bef ore driving off , m ak e su re that the wiper b l ades ha v e no t froze n to th e win d- shield . • Remo v e any s no w from the h eating system air intak es between t he hood and the wi ndshi eld.
182 St ar ti ng and d rivin g Remembe r that ti res ag e: it m ay theref ore be nece ssary to ch ang e winte r tir es bef ore they reach the legal wear limi t, as they grad - ually l ose th eir fric tion p roperti es w ith ag e.
183 Startin g and drivi ng Driving in hot climat es Always check the cool ant level before start- ing a jo urn ey. Wh en the engin e is c old, t he coolant must not li e above t he KALT/COLD mark on the ex pans ion tan k (bounda ry betwee n the uppe r and low er sect ions of t he tank) .
184 St ar ti ng and d rivin g Towing a trailer Make sure you are familiar w ith the legal requirements regarding spe ed limits for towing, ma ximum trailer wei ghts, trailer braking requirem ents, and also any spe- cial dri ving lic ence pro visions. Trailer hit ch attachment Trailer hitch atta chments are available as accesso ries.
185 Startin g and drivi ng Recommendations for car s with automatic tr ansmission The foll owin g drivi ng time limit s a re bas ed on the capacity o f the cooling system in hot weathe r, i.e. a pproxi matel y 86°F (+30°C). The follow ing drivin g time limi ts are based on the cap acity of the c ooling syste m in hot weather, i.
186 St ar ti ng and d rivin g Recommendations for car s with manual transmission Rises in cool ant tempe rature a re i ndica ted by the tempera ture gauge in the main ins tru- ment pan el.
187 Startin g and drivi ng Checks before dri ving Make su re that t he ca r and t rail er a re i n good work ing order. This is essen tial since towing a trail er inc reases the s train on the car. • Chec k and if neces sary adjust the ti re pressure of the car a nd tr ailer .
188 St ar ti ng and d rivin g Driving with a roof rack load The max imum pe rmiss ible roof loa d is 220 lbs. (10 0 kg). Note tha t the ro of loa d must be i nclud ed in t he ca r’s max imum per- missib le pa yload and ax le load. Strong, st urdy ro of carri ers de signe d spe- cially for your car are available fr om your Saab deal er.
189 Startin g and drivi ng Driving with a load The handl ing characterist ics are affected by how the car is l oaded . Drivi ng with the trun k lid open If you must drive with the trunk lid open, cl ose a ll win dow s an d th e sun roof (if equipped) and s et the cabin fan to its hi gh- est sp eed s etting.
190 St ar ti ng and d rivin g Drivin g at night Bear in mi nd the followi ng points, es pecially when dri vin g at night : • Nightt ime drivi ng requ ires y o ur full concen tration • Do not r u sh. C oun t on your j our ney t aking slightl y longer .
191 Startin g and drivi ng The f ront tow ing eye is stowed by th e spare wheel. On the l eft-hand side o f the bu mper is a co ver c onceal ing th e attac hmen t poin t (tapped h ole) fo r the to wing ey e. 1 Press the knob on the upper section of this co ver at the same tim e as pulling out the l ower edg e.
192 St ar ti ng and d rivin g Always try to ke ep the towrope tau t by gently ap plying the brak e of the car on tow, as ne ces sar y. Thi s wi ll av oid the t owr ope bein g jer ked viole ntl y. Cars with autom atic transmis sion: Always observe the speed li mit for veh icles on tow.
193 Startin g and drivi ng Driving with the compac t spare tire Observ e the f ollow ing wh en the co mpact spare ti re is f itted: • The compa ct spare is lig ht and easy to handle when chang ing a tire .
194 St ar ti ng and d rivin g It is e ssent ial whe n a donor b att ery is t o be used to jump start th e car that the jump lead s be co nne cte d corr ect ly to p rev ent arcing. To jump st art you r vehi cle: 1 Chec k the other v ehicle . I t mu st ha v e a 12-v olt b attery with a ne gativ e gr ound syste m.
195 Startin g and drivi ng 5 Chec k that the ju mper c ab les do not hav e loose or m issing insulati on. If they do , you c ould g et a s hoc k a nd als o the ve hicles cou ld be damaged. Bef ore you c onnect th e cable s, here are some basi c thin gs y ou sh ould kno w .
196 St ar ti ng and d rivin g For lo ng trips Befo re start ing off on a l ong journ ey , it is advisa ble to have you r car i nspec ted by your Saab deale r. Obtain a few importan t it ems t o take along on your j ourney, such as spare bu lbs, wiper blades, fuses, a driv e belt (poly-V-b elt) and the like .
197 Car care Hood ________________ 198 Engine ______________ 199 Engine bay ___________ 201 Engine oil ____________ 202 Air filt er______________ 204 Transmission fluid ____ 204 Coolant ______________.
198 Ca r care Hood The hood releas e handle is loca ted on the left unde r the i nstrum ent pa nel. O pen the hood in the follow ing way: 1 Pull the r eleas e hand le . 2 The hood mo ves to the half-loc ked posi - tion a nd is st opp ed b y a saf e ty catch at the f ron t edge.
199 Car care Engine The engi ne is a tr ansverse four-c ylind er in- line eng ine w ith twi n o verhea d camsh afts and 16 valves. The engi ne is equip ped w ith two balan ce- shafts t hat reduce engi ne vib rations to a mini mum. The bala nce s hafts are chain -driven and rotate at twice th e spe ed of t he cra nksha ft.
200 Ca r care Saab Trionic engi ne management system The Saab Trionic engi ne ma nag ement system is a un ique Sa ab devel opment th at combin es sequ ential m ultiport fuel injectio n, electron ic di stribut orless igni tion an d turbo - charger boo st pressure contro l into one sys- tem.
201 Car care 1 Oil filler cap 2 Coolant res ervoir 3 Brak e an d clut ch flu id res ervoir 4B a t t e r y 5 Fuse bo x 6 W asher-flu id res ervoir 7 Pow er-s teer i ng flu id r ese r voir 8 Engine-oi l.
202 Ca r care Engine oil Checking the oil level Check th e e ngine oil le vel re gularl y. 1 P ark the c ar on a le v e l g round. 2 Switch off the engin e and wait f or 2–5 minu tes . The e ng ine sh ould b e at normal oper atin g temp er ature . 3 Take the dipstick o ut and wipe it off with a clean rag before ca rrying out the check.
203 Car care Changing engine oil Engine oil an d oil filter s hould be c hanged acco rdi ng to t he se rvi ce p rogr am. For oil vo lumes a nd grad es, ref er to “Tech - nical da ta”. The oil should be drai ned when the eng ine is warm. The car must sta nd on level ground.
204 Ca r care Changing filte r 1 Unscre w t he oil filter cap . • Lift the cap slig htly a nd ca refu lly pry apart the cap a nd the filter housi ng. • Remov e t he filter c ap . 2 Remov e th e filter . H av e pap er tow elling or a r ag at hand t o catc h the oil th at escapes from the fil ter .
205 Car care Coolant If the coolan t level drops too low, the follo w- ing mes sage appea rs on t he SID : The properti es of the co olant are reta ined for the enti re serv ice life of the c ar. There - fore, it is no t nece ssary to ch ange t he coo l- ant.
206 Ca r care Note: If incorre ct coola nt is used or ad ded, the l i fe- time pro perties will b e affec ted. Ev en if the coolant is fl ushed from th e syste m and replaced with l ife-tim e coo lant, life -time properties ar e no long er re tained and t he coolant must th en be dr ained and repl aced at regula r interv als.
207 Car care The foot brake and pa rking brake a re sel f- adjusti ng. It is not pos sible to d etect, throug h abnormal pedal o r parking brake lever tra v el, wheth er the br ake pa ds are w orn an d need repla c- ing. It is theref ore essential that br ake pads be chec ked re gularl y, as spec ified i n the servi ce p rog ram.
208 Ca r care Battery Check t he charge state and el ectrolyte level of the batt ery reg ularly . If frequen t short journe ys ar e made , the batter y may ne ed ex tra cha rging. This can be do ne w ith a ba tt ery ch ar ger o r b y ta king the car f or a lo ng run.
209 Car care Always conn ect the p ositiv e (red) cable to the ba tt ery ’s po siti ve (+) te rmi nal , and t he negativ e (blac k) cable to the negat ive (-) terminal of the battery . Alway s disco nnect both batt ery leads when b oost charging t he batter y.
210 Ca r care Drive belt The alte rnator i s situ ated o n the right-ha nd side of the en gine. I t is driv en by a poly-V-be lt fr om the c ranksh aft pulle y. A sli ppi ng or brok en po ly- V-b elt can result in : • no charge to the battery • no A/C c ompresso r func tion.
211 Car care Wipers a nd was hers Wiper blades Check an d cle an all wip er blad es reg ularly. If po or wi per perf orm ance is ex per ien ced, clean th e windshi eld with washe r fluid. Thi s is parti cularly i mporta nt if the c ar has been through a n auto matic car was h, as these sometim es leave a wax coating on th e w ind- shield.
212 Ca r care When the washer flu id level drops below 1 quart (1 litre), the hea dligh t washe rs ( if equippe d) are d eactiv ated. This is in orde r to priorit ize th e wi ndshi eld. Th e foll owin g messag e is dis play ed on t he SID : Headli ght w asher s ar e only ava ilable on certain mar kets.
213 Car care Changi ng bulbs Autochecking of l ights The bulb s t hat are most impor tant from t he poi nt of v iew of traffi c safety a re mon itored by the car’s e lectric al s ystem. If one o f these bulbs s hould fail, a mes sage will be disp layed on the SID.
214 Ca r care Xenon headlight, dipped beam (cer tai n v ar ian ts o nl y) Xenon he adligh ts produc e roughl y two times as muc h light a s halo- gen bu lbs and ha ve a s ignif icantl y lon ger se rvi ce life. The la mp un its co nsi st of a gas disc harg e lam p con tai ning x eno n.
215 Car care Low beam, halogen Left-hand si de 1 Lift aside the hos e runn ing al ong the side of the battery co ve r . 2 Release th e two retain ers (a quarter of a turn countercloc kwise) in the le ading ed ge of th e co v er and remo v e the co v er .
216 Ca r care High beam, halogen Left-hand si de 1 Lift aside the hos e runn ing al ong the side of the battery co ve r . 2 Release th e two retain ers (a quarter of a turn countercloc kwise) in the le ading ed ge of th e co v er and remo v e the co v er .
217 Car care Parking light s The park ing ligh t bulb is loca ted in th e same reflector as the main beam bulb. Left-hand si de: 1 Lift aside the hose running along the side of the bat ter y cov er . 2 Release the two retainer s on the battery cov e r and re mo v e the co v er .
218 Ca r care Both sides: 1 The b ulb h older has a ba yone t fittin g. T ur n the b ulb holder co unterc loc kwis e and wi thdra w it. 2 The b ulb a lso h as a b a y o net fit ting. Press in the b ulb and t wist it co unter- cloc kwise. 3 F it th e new bulb.
219 Car care Front fog li ghts 1 U nd o on e sc rew in t he wh eel hous ing . Low er the air shield. 2 R emove the p rote cti ve cov er . Rele ase the two s pring c lips securing the b ulb . 3 U npl ug th e co nnec tor. 4 Change the b ulb . T ry not to touch the glass part of the b ulb wi th y our f ingers .
220 Ca r care Stop lights, tailligh ts and turn signal bulbs, Spo rt Sedan 1 Low er the co v er in the trim b ehind the light s. Right -hand side : Unloc k the plas tic riv et by depre ssing th e cent re no m ore tha n 3 mm. T ake hold of the coll ar of the r ivet and pul l it out.
221 Car care Reversing li ghts and rear fog light, Spor t Sedan Removing th e trun k lid trim 1 Remov e the tw o sc re ws se curing the gr ab handle to the inside of the trunk lid. 2 Unloc k the plas tic riv ets b y press ing in the cente r of each riv et.
222 Ca r care Changing bul bs 1 Carefully rem ov e the bu lb holder with the brok en b ulb . The b u lb hol der has a ba y onet f itting. 2 F it th e new bulb. 3 Refit the b u lb hol der . To refit the t runk l id trim 1 Withdra w th e cen tre of t he riv ets .
223 Car care Dome light, Conver tible 1 Pull do wn the rea r edge of the light fittin g. 2 If the ce nter b ulb needs repla c ing, op en the hatch o v er the b ulbs . Pul l the b u lb out of the b ul b hold er . If one of t he outer b ulbs nee ds replac ing, turn the light fi tting round.
224 Ca r care License plate lighting 1 Undo the tw o scre ws and rem ov e the lens . 2 F it th e new bulb. 3 Make sur e the s eal o n the l ens is correctly seat ed. 4 Refit the l ens a nd tigh ten th e two scre ws. Glove box li ghting (certain v ariants o nly) 1 R emove the l amp ho usi ng u sing a sh or t screwdr iver .
225 Car care Trunk lighti ng, Convertib le 1 Remov e the lamp i n the rear end first. 2 Change the b ulb . 3 Inser t the co nnector s ide first wh en refit- ting t he lamp . Courtesy/f loor light ing (certain v ariants o nly) 1 Release on e edge of the lamp fitt ing using a scre wdrive r .
226 Ca r care Bulb ta bl e No. De s ignation W att- age 1 H7 55 H eadl igh t 2 H3 55 F ront f og lights 3 P21W 21 T ail lights ; rear f og light ; bra k e ligh ts; rev ersing li ghts 4 PY21W 21 Direc .
227 Car care Fuses The fuses are hou sed in thre e fuse pan els: one behin d a ha tch on the left-h and en d of the dash, one in the e ngine bay (a dditio nal small uni t in front of b attery) and one on the left-hand s ide o f the tru nk. Th ere is space for spare fuses in the hatch on the left-hand end of the da sh.
228 Ca r care A special tool for remov ing fuses is pr ovided on the h atch o n the l eft-han d end o f the dash. Simply pus h the tool onto the fuse, squeez e and r emove th e fuse . Some fuses and relays may be fitt ed but not connecte d to th e car’s electri cal s ystem.
229 Car care Fuse panel in end of fascia No. Amp. Function 1 15 Steering wh eel lo c k 2 5 St eer i ng colu mn un it; igni tio n switch 3 10 Hands-free ; CD-pla y er/CD-changer in cabin; SID 4 10 Main i nstrument unit; m anu al cl imate contro l; auto mati c cli mat e con trol (ACC) 5 7.
230 Ca r care Trunk fuse panel , left- hand side No. Amp. Function 1–5 MAXI - 6 30 Control modul e in l eft rear do or 7 30 Control mo dule i n right rea r door 82 0T r a i l e r 9-- 10 30 Left-hand.
231 Car care 26 30 Righ t-hand stop li ght; rear left t ur n signal; left taillight; rear f og light ; left re v ersing light; lice nse pl ate li ght- ing; trunk lighti ng; tr ailer lig hts 27 10 C on.
232 Ca r care Fuse panel in engi ne bay No. Amp. Function 1-- 2 10 Engine co ntrol m odule ; autom atic trans miss ion c on- trol modu le 32 0H o r n 4 10 Engine contro l module 5- - 6 10 Selector le .
233 Car care Fuse panel in f ront of batt ery Relays R 1 W as her fl uid pump , windsh iel d R2 - R3 - R4 - R 5 Flas h-t o- pass R6 H o r n R7 - R8 S t a r t e r m o t o r R 9 Winds hield wipe rs ON/ OFF R10 - R11 Ignition +15 R12 Windshield wipe rs , high/ low sp eed R13 - R14 Was her fl uid pu mp , headligh ts R15 - R16 - No.
234 Ca r care Tires Your ne w vehi cle c omes w ith hi gh-qua lity tires ma de by a l eading tire manu facturer. If you ever have questio ns about your tire warranty an d wh ere to obtain servi ce, s ee your Saab Warrant y and Servic e Reco rd Book let for det ail s.
235 Car care When to check Chec k you r tir es once a mon th o r more . Don’t f orget y our co mpac t spare tire. I t should be at 6 0 psi (420 k Pa). How to Check Use a good q uality pock et-typ e gage to check tire pre ssure. You can’ t tell if you r tires are pro perly i nflated si mply by lo oking at them.
236 Ca r care When It Is Time f or New Tires One w ay to tell when it ’s time fo r new tire s is to check the treadwear in dicators, which will appear w hen your tires have only 1/16 inch (1.
237 Car care The wh eels a nd tire s hav e been caref ully matched to the charac teristic s of the car and play a key ro le in its ou tstand ing roadh old- ing and han dling . Do not take it fo r grante d that a wh eel/tire combin ation will work in the be st poss ible way, j ust be caus e it c an be fitted to the c ar.
238 Ca r care Uniform Tire Qualit y Grading Quality grades can be found where ap plica- ble on the tire sid ewall betwe en tread shoul - der and m aximum s ection wid th.
239 Car care Wheel Alignment and Ti re Balance The wh eels o n you r vehi cle w ere al igned and bala nced carefully at the fac tory to gi ve you the long est tire life an d best overall pe r- formance . Schedule d wh eel al ignment and wheel bal- ancing are not ne eded.
240 Ca r care Tire Chains Notice: If your vehi cle doe s not ha ve 225/4 5R 17 s ize t ire s, use tir e ch ains on ly where l egal and only w hen yo u must. Contact yo ur Saab dea ler regarding s uit- able snow cha ins. Install them on the front tires and tight en them as tightly a s possible w ith the e nds sec urely fastened.
241 Car care Tire Sidewall Labeling Useful informati on ab out a tire is mo lded into it´s side wall. Tire size: The tir e size ia a com bin ati on of letter s and numbers us ed to define a part ic- ular tire´s wi dth, he ight, a spect ratio, con- structio n type and s ervice d escri ption.
242 Ca r care Aspect ratio: A two-digi t num ber tha t indi- cates th e tire height -to-wi dth me asure- ments. For exa mple, if the tire s ize as pect ratio is “55”, as shown in item “C” of the ill us- tration, it w ould mean that the tire´s sid ewall is 55 % as h igh as it is wid e.
243 Car care Loading Your Vehicl e This is an ex ampl e of w hat y our ve hicle ´s Tire -L oadi ng I nfo rmat ion /C ert ific ati on l abe l might l ook li ke. It is lo cated on the B-pilla r and sho ws h ow m uch we igh t your vehic le may pro perly carry.
244 Ca r care Maximum Load ratin g: The load rating for a tire at the maxi mum perm issible in flatio n pressure for that ti re. Maximum Loaded Vehicle Wei ght: The sum of curb weig ht; accessory weight; vehi- cle ca pacity we ight; and producti on options weight .
245 Car care Steps for Deter mining Corr ect Load Limit 1 Loca te the sta tement “T he combin ed weight of occupa nts and cargo shoul d ne v er e x ceed XXX po unds” on your vehicle´s placard. 2 Deter mine the combi ned weight of the dr iver and pass engers th at will be r iding in your vehicle.
246 Ca r care Tire date code Tires sh ould b e rega rded as peris hable goods. As the tires age, the rubber becom es progress ively harde r, and t he road hol ding ability of the tires dimin ishes . This is parti c- ularly true on wi nter tires. Tires ha ve a cod e that specifie s their d ate of manufac ture.
247 Car care Your Saab is equi pped with a trip computer and you c an us e its “S peed warning” fun c- tion, to m onitor drivin g spe ed sin ce you must not exce ed 50 mph (8 0 k m/h).
248 Ca r care Chang ing a tire WARNIN G Lift ing a ve hicl e an d ge tti ng un der it to d o mainten ance or repairs is dange rous withou t the appro priate saf ety equip ment and trainin g. The jack provi ded with your vehicl e is desig ned on ly for chang ing a flat tire.
249 Car care When the car has to be lifted, the jack must be posi tio ned at one of the fou r j ackin g points (front or rea r) under th e sill members. If a floo r jack is us ed, th e lifti ng pl ate mu st be posi tio ned un der the norma l j ackin g points, s ee illustra tion.
250 Ca r care 7 Retouchi ng the wheel bolts after tw enty or so mi les. Tightening tor que: Light-al lo y wheels : 80 ft.l b . (110 Nm). Steel whe els: 80 ft .lb . (110 Nm). We advis e agai nst us ing wh eels w ith large ventilati on slots in winter, as the brake com- ponents a re t hen mo re exp osed to slu sh, road salt and gri t.
251 Car care Safe ty belts Check the fun ction of the safety belts regu- larly as follow s: • Hold the diagonal strap and pu ll it sharply . The saf ety bel t shou ld loc k and it sho uld not b e po ssible t o wit hdraw it fu r t her. Check the anc horage point s in t he flo or.
252 Ca r care very warm , dry c limates the l eather may need more regular recon ditioning . Use con- vention al leather care prod ucts. Follow the instr uctions on the pac kaging. Do not use unk nown harsh polis hing agent s, cleaning agents, spr ays, coarse soap or hot water.
253 Car care In the U.S., Saab offers a full c omplement of car care pro ducts . See your dealer or vis it us at www.saabca Convertible: • W a sh the s oft top with a mild s oap sol u- tion and luk e w arm wa ter . For spo t clea n- ing th e top, a finge r na il br ush can al so be used.
254 Ca r care then be p rim ed wi th t wo t hin coats of p rim er applied by bru sh. After the p rimer has dried, apply sev eral thin layers of t opcoat until the s urface of the repaired area is flus h with th e surro undin g paintw ork.
255 Car care Use a ho se t o clea n the un der sid e of th e car thoroughl y. After it has dried, use a brush or spra y to app ly a v isco us ant i-c orro sion agent to any w orn o r da maged areas , to prevent the ons et of corrosion .
256 Ca r care 2 Clean the unde rside of th e car during the winter . Use high pre ssure w ater to clean th e car’ s underside (flo or pane ls , whee l well s) at lea st at mi d-wi nt er an d in the sp r ing. 3 Inspect the c ar frequentl y for lea ks or damage, and arrange for need ed repair s promptl y .
257 Car care Air cond itioning ( A/C) Troubl eshooting If a fault o ccurs in the A/C system, there are a number o f che cks y ou c an perfo rm yo ur- self. If the fault persi sts, however, have the system che cked at a Saab dealer. Not e: When the A/C s ystem is runni ng, the intake air is dehumid ified.
258 Ca r care Note: The A/C syste m ca nnot be switc hed on when the ou tside temp erature is belo w 32°F (0°C). Turn on the A/C sys tem when the car is stan ding i n a w arm plac e. Sim plest is to always ha ve the A/C button press ed in. The A/C syste m wi ll the n cut in aut omatic ally when th e outs ide te mperat ure is high enough.
259 Car care 1 Open the ho od and l ocate the ve rtical aiming de vices there are tw o vert ical aiming devic es w hich shall be tu rned simulta neously a nd the same a mount of turns. 2 Locate the m arke r on the l ens . 3 Measure the distance from the g round to the aim ma rker No .
260 Ca r care 6 T urn the t wo v ertical aimi ng sc re ws simu ltaneousl y in the same direction indicate d on t he headli ght un til the hori- zonta l cut-off of t he headlig ht is alig ned with th e horiz ontal line o n the w all.
261 Customer Assistanc e and Informa tion Maintenance schedul e __ 262 Owner assistance ______ 264 Reporting Saf ety Defects (USA) _______________ 265 Reporting Saf ety Defects to the Canadian governm.
262 Customer Assista nce and Informat i on Mainte nanc e sched ule The Mainten ance Schedu le prescribe s a service program t o the p urchas er/ope rator of a Sa ab that is re asonable and necess ary to ensure the p rope r emiss ion co ntrol s ys- tems fu nction , safe ty and reliab ility of the Saab auto mobil e in n ormal use.
263 Customer Assistanc e and Informa tion Engine oil and f ilter change s Changi ng the engin e oil and fil ter is require d at every servi ce po int. U se o nly a Saab approved long- life oil f ilter.
264 Customer Assista nce and Informat i on Owner a ssi stance Warranties and ser vice problem assistance For comp le te info rmatio n abou t all a pplic a- ble wa rranties , includ ing th e New Car Wa.
265 Customer Assistanc e and Informa tion Reporti ng Sa fety Defect s (USA) If you belie ve that your vehicle has a defect which could caus e a c rash o r coul d caus e injur y or de ath, y ou sh ould i mmed iately inform th e Natio nal Highway Traffic Safety Administrati on (NHTSA) i n additio n to no ti- fying Saa b Cars USA, In c.
266 Customer Assista nce and Informat i on Vehicle Data Col lection and Event Data Recorders Your vehi cle, l ike o ther m odern moto r vehi - cles, h as a n umber of sop hi stica ted co m- puter syste ms that monitor and co ntrol sev- eral aspec ts of the vehicle’ s performanc e.
267 Technical data General data __________ 2 68 Engine _______________ 2 70 Engine oil _____________ 270 Fuel__________________ 271 Engines ______________ 2 71 Electric al system _______ 2 72 Drive be.
268 Technical d ata General data Ov era ll len gth , incl uding b umpers : ___ 182. 5'' (46 35 mm ) Ov era ll w idth, i nclud ing do or mirr ors __ 80.2' ' (203 8 mm) Maxim um h eight ______ ___ ______ __ 57.8 '' ( 146 8 mm) Wheelbas e ________ _____ ______ __ 105.
269 Technical data Maximum axle loa d: Sport Sedan, fron t ___ _________ _____ 2480 lbs. (1125 kg) Sport Sedan, rea r _____________ _____ 2230 lbs . (1 010 kg) Con ve r tible , front ____ _________ _____ 2540 lbs. (1 150 kg) Con ve r tible , rear ________ ___________ 2310 lbs.
270 Technical d ata Engine Engine oil T ype: Fou r cyl inders , doub le o v e rhead camshaf ts, 16 val ves , two balancer sh afts Cylinder bore_________ ______ _____ 3.386'' (86 mm ) Strok e _________ _____ ______ _____ 3.386'' (86 mm) Swept v olum e ________ ______ ___ __ 122 cu.
271 Technical data Fuel Engines Recomm ended o il visc osities. Viscosi ty i s a m eas ure me nt of the o ils thickn ess . The thic kness influenc es, am ong othe r things, the f uel econom y . F or best function Saab recomme nd s: For gasoli ne engines : SAE 0W -30, SAE 5W -30 or SAE 0W -40 engine o il.
272 Technical d ata Electrical system Drive belt Manual transmis sion V oltage ___________ ________ _____ 12 V Battery capacity _________ ________ 60 Ah Starter motor _______ ________ _____ 1.
273 Technical data Automatic tran smission Suspension Steering T ype _______ ______ _____ ______ __ Electronical ly con- trolled, 5 -sp eed, fully-au tomati c with hydraulic to rq ue con verter , planeta r y gears an d integ ra l fina l dr i ve. Loc k-up fu nctio n in sele ctor posi tions 3, 4 and 5.
274 Technical d ata Brake system Hydraulic uni t for soft top, Conver tible F oot brak e (ABS)_________ ______ __ Hydra ulic dis c brak es with vac uum servo unit . Dia go- nally sp lit ci rcuits ; ventila ted dis cs on front whe els (som e varia nts also have venti lated rea r discs).
275 Technical data Wheels and tires All season tires 6.5 x 15" ___________ ______ ______ __ 205/65 R15 94 H 6.5 x 16" ___________ ______ ______ __ 215/55 R16 93 H 7 x 17"___________ ___.
276 Technical d ata Recommend ed tire/en gine co mbination s RF/XL = Reinforc ed (or Extra Load) tire. 2.0t 2.0 T urb o All season tires 205/65 R 15 94 H x – 215/55 R 16 93 H x – 225/45 R1 7 94 V .
277 Technical data Recommend ed l owest tir e pressu re, cold tires Tire size Load/ spe ed mph (km/h) * F ront kP a/psi Rear kP a/ps i All se ason t ire s 205/65 R15 9 4 H 1–3 pers ./0–10 0 (0–1 60) 4–5 pers ./0–100 (0–1 60) 1–5 pers ./100 – (160 –) 220/ 32 220/32 260/ 38 220/ 32 220/ 32 260/38 215/55 R16 9 3 H 1–3 pers .
278 Technical d ata Plates and label s When contac ting your Saab dea ler it may somet ime s be nec essa ry to q uote t he ca r’s vehicl e iden tifica tio n, engi ne and gearb ox numb ers. 1 V .I.N . num ber an d ba rcode, insi de win d- shie ld 2 Ge ar box number 3 Engine n umber 4 USA: Label f or color c odes (trim and body).
279 Technical data 1 Region ________ Y = Nor th er n Eur ope 2 Country _______ S = Swed en 3 Manufactu rer ___ 3 = Saab A utom obile AB 4 Product lin e ____ F = 9-3 5 Model series ___ B = 9-3 L inear .
280 Technical d ata Several of t he systems in your Saab can be customized t o better suit your i ndividual needs. Contact your Saab dea ler Central lo cking s ystem Some func tion s are gov ern ed by leg al requirem ents a nd can not th erefor e be reprogram med.
281 Technical data Warning and indic ations that can be shown on the SID Which w arnings and ind ications that ca n be shown depen ds on engin e variant and c ar specifi cation. Symbol T e xt Antiloc k brak e malfu nctio n. Contact Sa ab de aler . Brak e malfunctio n.
282 Technical d ata P a rking ass istan ce Contact Sa ab de aler . P a rking ass istan ce sens or inter ference. Close doors . Left br ake light f ai lure Left hig h beam f ail ure . Left low beam f ailur e. Rear f og light f ailure . Right brak e light f a ilure .
283 Index Index A A/C _____ _________ ________ ____ 106 ABS brakes __ ________ __________ 167 ACC _______ ___________ _______ 108 Adjustme nt, steering wh eel ____ ____ 122 Air conditio nin g ________.
284 Index Drivin g techniq ues __________ ____ 179 Drivin g with a heavy lo ad on hil ly roads ___ _________ ________ ____ 161 Drivin g with a load _____ __________ 189 Drivin g with a roof load _ ___.
285 Index Important informati on, petrol-e ngined cars with c atalytic c onverters ____ _ 151 Indicato r lights ___ ________ ________ 78 Inflation , tires _________ _________ _ 234 Informati on abo ut.
286 Index Pinc h pr otec tion , su nro o f _________ 128 Plates an d labels, loca tion _______ _ 278 Polishin g and waxing __ _________ _ 253 Poly-V-bel t __________ __________ 210 Portable fu el cont.
287 Index Tire chai ns ________ ________ ____ 240 Tire date code ___________ _______ 246 Tire ins pection a nd rotation _ _______ 235 Tire mark ings ________ __________ 242 Tire sid ewall labe ling __.
288 Notes Notes.
Fuel IMPORTANT: D o no t overfill . The level must not com e up into the fuel filler pipe b ecaus e the fuel mus t have ro om to expan d. 1 Engine oil For inform ation see cha pter "Techni ca l data ".
Saab Automobile AB, Trollhättan, Sweden NOT ICE Change of engi ne oil and o il fil ter ma y b e requi red mo re frequently if the car is being used under c ertain cond itions, see section "C ustomer Assis tance and Informati on". US/CA MY2005 Ordering nr.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Saab M2005 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Saab M2005 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Saab M2005 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Saab M2005 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Saab M2005 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Saab M2005 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Saab M2005 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Saab M2005. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Saab M2005 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.