Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 2005 des Produzenten Saab
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Owner´s Manual.
In-c ar sa fety There is an In-c ar safety & Quick Referen ce Guide found in your ca r whic h co ntains some qu ick referenc e con cernin g safe ty is sues . Make su re y ou keep thi s Refe re nce Gu ide r ea dily avail abl e for all o ccupa nts to rev iew.
1 Owner’s Manual Saab 9-5, Model Year 2005 Safety 11 Security 37 Instruments and contr ols 51 Saab 9-5 A udio Syste m 83 Interior equipmen t and trunk 105 Star ting an d driving 131 Car care and tec.
2 Introd uction This m anual pro vides p ractical guida nce on driving and c aring f or your Saab. The S aab 9-5 is av ail able w it h the f oll ow ing engine v ariant s: • 2.
3 Instrument p anel IB1080 Indi cator a nd w arning li ghts ______ 52 Speedom eter ______ ______ _____ 59 Odome ter and trip mete r ________ 58 Fuel ga uge_____ ______ ______ __ 59 T em perature gau g.
4 Exter ior IB1736 Driving with a ro of ra c k loa d ______ 166 Fitting the roo f carriers , 9-5 Sedan and 9- 5 W a gon wit hout ro of r ails _ 166 Maxim um roof lo ad ____ ______ __ 252 Rearvie w mi .
5 Interio r IB3150 Rearview m irrors ___________ ___ 107 Door mi rrors _______ __ ______ ___ 107 Sun viso rs __________ ______ ___ 117 Saf ety be lts _________ ___ 16 Airbag______________ ___ 28 Child.
6 Engine c ompartme nt IB3636 Engine ___ ______________ _____ 186 Chec k ing th e oil l e v el ___________ 186 Chang ing en gine o il _______ _____ 187 Engine o il, s pecifi catio n _________ 255 Brak.
7 Battery • No spa rks , fl ames or sm okin g. • Shie ld eyes, e xplosive gases can cause blindn ess or injur y . • Sulp hur ic acid can cause blindne ss or sev ere burns. • Flush eyes immedi ately wit h water . Get medical help fast. • Do no t tip batter y .
8 IB336 Jack • Jack is designe d only for changing a ti re or mounti ng tir e snow c hains. • V ehicle m ust be lev el an d the jac k m ust be placed on a fir m and level ground. • N ever cra wl underneath vehicle when it is jack ed up . JACKING INSTRUCTIONS 1 Set parki ng br ake and sh ift tra nsmi ssion to park.
9 No sparks, fla- mes or smo - king. Buckle up Use prote ctive goggle s Air bag K eep out of reach of children. Ne v er pl ace a rear-facin g child seat in this seat. Batter y acid cont ains sulfuric acid. Electric windows Refer to the Owner’s Manual.
10 (This pa ge has been lef t blan k).
11 Safety Seats ________________ 12 Head re straint _________ 15 Safety bel ts ___________ 16 Child safety ___________ 21 Airbag________________ 28 IB1740 Safety.
12 Safety Seats Both front seats are el ectric ally ope rated. On certai n models the driver´s seat is equip- ped with a memory function . To facil itate g etting into t he car, both s eats can be adjus ted when either of the front doors is open . For safety reas ons, if the door is closed, the seat can on ly be adjus ted when the ignition is ON.
13 Safety Legroom adjustme nt To adjus t the l egroom , pus h the l ower co n- trol forw ard o r ba ck. Backrest rake angle To adjust t he backrest, move t he upper con- trol forwa rd or ba ck. Lumbar support Turn the s mall er wheel for st epl ess a djust - ment of the lumba r support.
14 Safety Memory driver’s se at (if equipped) In certai n mod els th e driv er´s se at is equip - ped with a prog rammable memory function. This fun c tion al so includes the door mirrors.
15 Safety Electric hea ting, f ront seats (if equipped) Both front seats have adjustab le and ther- mostat-c ontrol led he ating o f the sea t cushio n and backre st, av ailab le as an option. Heatin g is a djust able i n th ree st ages. In positio n 0 it is turn ed off.
16 Safety Rear-seat head r estraints 9-5 Sedan: The rear he ad res traints have three adjus tment positi ons for passenger comfort. They c an al so be fol ded do wn to incr eas e the driver’ s rearward vision when the se at is unoccu pied.
17 Safety The safety bel t pretensione rs are not acti- vated by veh icle ro llove r. Correct position for safety belt • P o sitio n the l ap str a p sn ugly and l ow across th e hips so t hat it jus t touches the thighs . The shoulde r strap m ust be as f ar in on the sh oulder as po ssib le .
18 Safety Front safety belts Fast en t he bel t b y pu lli ng t he be lt and ins er- ting the tongue in the buckle. Chec k that i t is securel y fas tene d. Grasp th e shoulde r belt clo se to the bu ckle and pull the b elt tow ards the sh oulde r to tighten t he lap belt p art.
19 Safety Safety belt use during pregnancy Pregnant w ome n mus t alway s wear a safety b elt to protec t both thems elves an d the unbo rn chi ld. The lap belt s hould be pla ced l ow, a cross the hips and o ver th e uppe r thigh s. Safety belt, rear seat Three-poi nt safety belt s are provided for a ll three rear seat pas sengers.
20 Safety WARNING • Safety belts a re designed to bear upo n the bony struct ure of the body, and should be w orn low acros s the front of the pelvi s or th e pel vis, che st and shoulders , as app licable; wearing the lap sect ion of the bel t across the abdo- minal are a mus t be a voide d.
21 Safety Child safe ty Car safety ti ps For Tr unk Re lease Handl e inform ation se e page 42 and 130. WARNING • Children mus t al way s be suitably res- trained i n the car . • DEATH or SERIOUS INJURY can occur. • Child ren 12 and un der or shorter th an 55 inches (140 cm) can be k illed by the ai rb ag.
22 Safety The sam e atten tion m ust b e giv en to c hild safety i n t he ca r as is g ive n to a dults. Saab reco mmen ds rea rward facing chil d restraints . Childre n tr avel mo st safely when prop erly restraine d, but restrai nts must be suita ble for the s ize of the c hild.
23 Safety LATCH installat ion To facil itate t he prop er fitti ng of n ew spe ci- ally-des igned chil d restr aints, rig id low er anchorag es (ISOFIX) have bee n installed to the vehi cle t hat shall be us ed with the to p tether anchorages in the two out board rear seating positio ns.
24 Safety Child tether anchor ages for forward faci ng child car seat s Child res traints with a tether s trap mus t be anchored acco rding to Ca nadian and U SA laws. If you h ave any questi ons re gardin g chil d tether anchorag es please c ontac t your Saab deal er.
25 Safety 9-5 SportWago n: 1 Fo ld the backre st of the rear seat f or- ward , see page 121. 2 Fo ld the anchor that is right behi nd the child re str aint to its upright po sitio n. 3 Place the c hild rest raint in t he rear seat. 4 Raise the head restr aint to its u pper position and then route the tet her under the head restr ain t.
26 Safety Lockable belt tongue In fit ting a child seat that is inten ded to be secured in positi on by the lap portion of th e safety b elt, mak e use of t he locking function of the buck le. Lockin g the l ap port ion of the belt l esse ns the risk that th e sea t will w ork loose w hile the car i s in motion .
27 Safety Installation of child restra int using the standard safety bel t Chil d rest ra ints th at ar e app rov ed f or rea r- war d faci ng i nst alla tion in t he re ar s eat can be positi oned in any of the three rea r seatin g posi tions.
28 Safety Airbag The AIRBAG sy stem compris es an airba g in the stee ring wh eel, a fro nt passe nger airb ag and si de ai rbag s in t he f ront seats . The sys tem s upple ments the pr otecti on provided by th e safety belts to furth er enhance th e safe ty of t he occ upant s.
29 Safety WARNING • Even if the car is equi pped wi th AIR- BAG, safety belts must still always be wor n by al l occ upa nts . • Note that because an airb ag inflates and defl ates e xtrem ely ra pidly , it w ill not pr ovide pro tectio n agai nst a second impa ct oc curring in the sam e incide nt.
30 Safety IB1742 5 1 4 2 6 3 2 6 7 7 5 AIRBA G system with b elt pretensioners 1 Central sensor 2 Belt pretensioners ( for both front s afety belts) 3 Steering wheel with int egral airbag 4 Passenger .
31 Safety Front pass enger seat The airbags are intercon nected and have a common w arnin g light. Th e pas senge r airbag m odule is housed in the fascia a bove the g love comp artm ent and i s mark ed ” SRS AIRBAG”. (SRS = Suppleme ntary Restraint System.
32 Safety Side airbags The sid e airba gs, which help protect the upper body are integra ted in the outsi de edges o f the fro nt se at bac krests . In a side impact, o nly the ai rbag on tha t side w.
33 Safety AIRBAG warning light WARNING • If the airbag readi ness light stays on afte r yo u st art you r ve hic le, it mean s the airbag s ystem may not be working prope rly. See pa ge 55. The airbags in your ve hicle m ay not in flate in a cras h, or the y cou ld even inf late wit hout a crash.
34 Safety What Will You See Aft er an Airbag Infl ates? After an ai rbag i nflates , it q uickl y defl ates, so quic kly that some peopl e may not e ve n realize the ai rbag in flated .
35 Safety AIRBAG servicing The airb ag must be i nspected as part of th e normal s ervice p rogram bu t otherwi se may be regarded as ma intenanc e-free.
36 Safety How do I p osi tion th e sea t t o le ave r oo m for the airba g to in flate? Don’ t have your sea t too f ar forwar d. Recli ne the seat back to increas e the dis- tance be tween you and th e airbag. For short driver s, speci al acces sory pedal extensions are avai lable through your Saab de aler.
37 Securit y Doors ________________ 38 Central l ocking ________ 38 Car alarm _____________ 44 IB446 Security.
38 Security Doors Door handles Pull the handl e t o open the do or. If the do or is s tuck (e.g . if fro zen), h old the handle f rom abov e to se cure a better grip. Central locking Key / Remote contro l The key uni t consists of a mechan ical key with int egrated remote c ontrol.
39 Securit y To chec k the numbe r of keys that a re pro- grammed fo r the c ar; see page 48. Locking/unlocki ng the car When the c ar is lock ed and unloc ked t he theft alarm is a lso af fected . Remote lo cking (1) Press once on the c ont rol: al l doors locked.
40 Security Locking by key (1 ) When the ca r is l ocked and u nlock ed the theft alar m is also affecte d. Turn the ke y clo ckwis e: al l door s lo cked. The trun k/tail gate re lease sw itch on the dri- ver’s d oor will not work when a ll doo rs are locked.
41 Securit y Child safety lock s The rear d oors a re equi pped w ith child safety l ocks th at ar e ope rated by mea ns of a catch adjac ent to the door l ock. Inser t a key and turn the catch 45 ° clockwise or counter clockwi se as indicate d by the label on the d oor.
42 Security Trunk lid l ock, 9-5 Sedan The trunk lid lock is independent of the cen- tral-lock ing sys tem. T he trun k lid releas e switch o n th e driv er’s d oor is inope rative when th e car is lock ed from the o utside or moving at a s peed greater than 2.
43 Securit y Tailgate, 9-5 SportWagon The tailg ate is not unl ocked whe n the other car doors are unlocke d. The tailgate bu tton on the dri ver’s door is inoperative when the car is l ocked o r movi ng at a spee d grea ter than 2.7 mp h ( 4 km/h).
44 Security Ca r alarm The ca r al arm (a nt i-th eft system ) is acti - vated/de activ ated wh en t he ca r is locked /unlocke d by the remote control or by the key , see page 39. The ant enna for the ala rm system is located in the c enter c onsol e.
45 Securit y Check to ensure that a ll the doors , plus trunk li d/tailg ate an d hood , are c losed pro- perly. If the fau lt pers ists (LED flashi ng wh en another at tempt is mad e to activ ate the car alarm by remote co ntrol), loc k the car usi ng the key i nstead.
46 Security Alarm signals When the ca r alarm is ar med, i t will be t rig- gered if an y door, or the trunk lid or hood , is opened. The alar m will also be trigger ed if an attemp t is mad e to by pass or sh ort-circuit the igni- tion swit ch, or to disconnect the battery.
47 Securit y Overview of funct ions Alarm s ignal s may di ffer be tween m odel v ariant s for d ifferent count ries. Some of th e car-ala rm fu nctions can be reprogramme d – con - sult your Saab dealer for further details (see page 264). Loc king/ activ ation Hazard warning l ights flash once .
48 Security Overview of LED signals and SI D messages Some si gnals may diff er betwe en mod el va riants for dif fere nt countrie s. Status LED signal Activ atio n (duri ng 10-s econd de la y). Comes on f o r 10 se conds . Alarm activ ate d (after dela y ).
49 Securit y Canada only : This devi ce compl ies with Part 1 5 of the FCC R ules. Opera tion is subject to the f oll owing t wo c onditi ons: (1) th is de vice may n ot cause ha rmful interf erence, and (2) must acc ept any in terference received , includi ng interfe rence that m ay cause undesired opera - tion.
50 Security (This pa ge has been lef t blan k).
51 Instruments and controls Indicator and warning lights _______________ 52 Instruments ___________ 58 Saab Infor mation Display (SID) ________________ 61 Switches _____________ 67 Automati c cl imate.
52 Instru ments an d contro ls Indicator and warnin g lights A number of indica tor and w arning li ghts wi ll come on whe n the ignition is sw itched on prior to s tarting . Under n ormal conditio ns, these sh ould go out a few seconds afte r the engine h as s tarted (s ee pa ge 58).
53 Instruments and controls This ligh t will come on together with if the engin e oil press ure is dange rously low . If the li ght flashes or comes o n while y ou are driving, stop the car, sw itch o ff the e ngine and che ck th e engi ne oil leve l (see page 186).
54 Instru ments an d contro ls This lig ht will sho w when the p arking bra ke is on (s ee pag e 179). If the car is driven with th e parking brake st ill on, will also come on and a chi me wil l sound. The park ing brake is mechanical and opera- tes on t he r ear whee ls.
55 Instruments and controls This ligh t together with will come on i f a potenti ally seriou s fault has occurred in the ai rbag syst em. The ligh t will c ome on for abou t three second s wh en the igniti on sw itch is tu rned to the Star t or Drive positi on.
56 Instru ments an d contro ls This li ght sh ows when the cr uise-con trol syste m is ac tiv e (s ee pa ge 151 ). This li ght sh ows when the headl ights are on high beam (se e page 67). This lig ht shows wh en the rear fog light is on (see page 68).
57 Instruments and controls On a c ar with a n automat ic tran smis sion , this w arning symb ol is illum inate d if a fault has bee n d etecte d in th e tr ansmi ssio n. Switch the igni tion off and on again to chec k if the fa ult persists . Even if the fa ult persists, it is still po ssible in most cas es to dri ve the car (see pag e 146).
58 Instru ments an d contro ls Autochecking of l ights, main instrument pa nel The abov e wa rning and in dicato r ligh ts should come on when th e igni tion is sw it- ched on pri or to starting .
59 Instruments and controls Speedometer (U.S. speedomete r shown) The speed ometer receives signals fro m the wheel sensors in the ABS system. If the NIG HT PANEL mode has been selec- ted, t he sc ale wil l be i llumi nat ed up to 87 mph (140 km /h).
60 Instru ments an d contro ls Check fus e 1 (radiator fa n) in the fus e panel under the ho od, se e page 215. If the ne edle repeatedly enters th e red zon e, stop the car as soon as it is safe to do so a nd check the co olant level by lo oking at the level visi ble thro ugh t he p lasti c tan k – do not remove the ca p.
61 Instruments and controls Selector lev er indica tion (Automati c transmi ssion) The po sit ion of the select or lever is in dica - ted on the mai n instrument panel .
62 Instru ments an d contro ls Outdoor temperatur e (Frost warning) Regardl ess of w hic h func tion ha s bee n selecte d, except N ight Panel Mo de, SID will automati cally dis play t he outdoo r tempe ra- ture wh en it is b etween 26° and 38°F (– 3° and +3°C ).
63 Instruments and controls Turning the Al arm and Speed warning on or off 1 Select the Al arm or Speed-w a rning function . 2 Press SET to tu rn on the func tion. Press CLEAR to tu rn off the func tion. When eithe r function i s on, Alarm/Sp eed W resp ectiv ely wi ll be visib le on the di spla y.
64 Instru ments an d contro ls To calcula te the arrival time if a speci fied averag e speed is ma intain ed 1 Select Dis t using the b utton. 2 Set the di stanc e to be cov e red. 3 Pr ess to sele ct Spee d Ø. 4 S et th e average spe ed you i nte nd t o drive .
65 Instruments and controls The fo llo wing mess ages may be di spl ayed : 1) This m essage will be displayed a pproximately 600 miles (1,000 km) before the next scheduled service is due, or when 365 days have elapsed since the last service.
66 Instru ments an d contro ls Units and language versions The SID has four s ets o f units : CHECK m essa ges c an be displ ayed i n six languag e optio ns: En glish , Swedis h, German, French , Itali an and Spani sh. Selecti ng units and language 1 Press CLEAR and SET sim ultaneou sly for fo ur se conds u nti l a chim e sou nds.
67 Instruments and controls Swit ches The park ing li ght s and daytime runnin g light s come on auto mat ically when the i gni- tion swit ch is ON. Note to owners i n the U.S.: If you do not want Day time Runn ing Li ghts, this f eatur e can be disco nnected: sw itch off the engi ne and remo ve fus e N o.
68 Instru ments an d contro ls Courtesy Headli ght Feature A delay functi on allows the headl ights to remain o n low beam fo r ab out 30 seconds after t he driv er’s doo r ha s been closed .
69 Instruments and controls Instrument i llumination The br ightne ss of the in strume nt illumina - tion can be varie d by me ans of the dimm er switc h adja cent t o th e head light swit ch.
70 Instru ments an d contro ls Front fog li ghts (if equipped) The front f og lights ca n be activat ed in both low be am he adligh t and parkin g ligh t posi - tions. F og lights sho uld only be used in poor visibi lit y con dit ions. Make su re you are familia r with th e app- licable provin cial/state law regarding the use of fog lights.
71 Instruments and controls Wipers an d washers There are three inter mittent wi per posi tions. Moving the c ontrol stalk to the spring -loa- ded posi tion between 0 an d 2 will produ ce a single swee p of th e wi pers. The wi pers ar e desi gned f or opti mal c lea- ning a t all driving speeds.
72 Instru ments an d contro ls Activate the s ystem by lifting the contro l stalk to posi tion 1 . The w ipers make o ne sweep for reference t o see how much water and snow is on the wi ndshield. In fu ture, the sensor compa res th e amou nt of wa ter and snow o n the wind shiel d w ith th is ref erence value .
73 Instruments and controls Auto matic c lim ate control (ACC) The ACC sy stem autom atica lly wor ks to maintai n the desired temperatu re inside the car.
74 Instru ments an d contro ls The syst em ha s fi ve s ensors: • Outdoor te mper at ure sen sor • In ter io r t emper atu re s enso r • Sun sensor (m ounted on top of the f a scia) • T wo ble.
75 Instruments a nd controls Temperature control The cabin is d ivide d into two t empera ture zones : • The driver’ s z on e • The passeng er z one (f ront an d rear seats) The desire d tem perature can b e set bet- ween 58 and 82 °F (15 a nd 27°C) .
76 Instru ments an d contro ls Functions Pressi ng A UTO wi ll canc el al l man ual se tti ngs. If a manual function is selected, it will be lo cked in but o ther func tions will be co ntro lle d auto mat ical ly. The sel ected tempera ture is a lways mainta ined automa tical ly.
77 Instruments a nd controls The rear-wind ow a nd doo r-mirror heatin g is co ntro lled manua lly . Switch off th e heat ing as soon as th e rear wi ndow is clea r, to avoid imp osing a he avy load o n the bat- tery longe r than nece ssary.
78 Instru ments an d contro ls Air distr ibution Pr ess on ce: Defros ting o f all wi ndo ws will tak e plac e (a ir f low to r ear si de wi ndow s shu t off) wit h: • The fan runni ng at h igh spee d. • Air being d istrib uted to the d efroste r vents.
79 Instruments a nd controls Starting in co ld wea ther To start wi th, the sys tem wil l automat icall y selec t the d efroster s et- ting, ma xi mum h eat an d lo w fan s peed. As the en gine war ms up, ai r will also be distri buted t hrough the floor vents a nd the fan sp eed w ill b e inc reased .
80 Instru ments an d contro ls Programming II It is al so pos sibl e to c ustomiz e the AC C sy stem, e.g . to adapt to driving and w eathe r cond itions .
81 Instruments a nd controls To program a function or to cancel a prog ram med fun cti on, pres s and hold in th e re levant button until the c orrespo nding symbol ha s flash ed fou r time s o n the d ispla y and a ch ime has sound ed. Make su re th e igni tio n is ON.
82 Instru ments an d contro ls Condensation When the A/C system is run ning, the intake air is d ehumi dif ied, an d the resulta nt co n- densati on is drained off through tw o outlets under neath the floo r of the car , in the vicin ity of the fro nt doors .
83 Saab 9- 5 Audio System Quick guide to the Saab 9-5 Audio System _____ 85 Sound control s ________ 87 Radio ________________ 88 Cassette pl ayer ________ 90 CD player _____________ 93 CD changer ___.
84 Saab 9- 5 Audio Syst em To get th e best out of yo ur Saab 9-5 Aud io System, we reco mmen d that y ou rea d through th is en tire s ection . The Saab 9-5 Audio Sys tem is avai lable in two ve rsions : Premium on th e 9-5 L inear and Prestige on the 9-5 Arc an d 9-5 Ae ro Both m odels have been sp ecial ly ma tched to th e Sa ab 9-5 cabi n.
85 Saab 9- 5 Audio System Quic k guide to th e Saab 9- 5 Audio Sy stem Radio (see page 88) ON T o swi tch the s ystem O N, press th e v olume b ut- ton.
86 Saab 9- 5 Audio Syst em Cassette pl ayer. See page 90 CD player. See page 93 CD changer ( access ory/option) . See pa ge 95 Pr ess on ce: Sele cts cass ette player when othe r source acti v e. Whe n ta pe p layi ng: Dolby B ON/OFF . Switch to pl a yba c k othe r side of tap e.
87 Saab 9- 5 Audio System Sound c ontrols ON/OFF The Audio Sy stem w ill come on : • W hen t he volu me con trol is pr ess ed. • W hen t he i gni tion i s switch ed ON, if t he A udi o Syste m w as on when th e igni tion ke y was last re moved. The Audio Sy stem w ill be s witched off : • W hen t he volu me con trol is pr ess ed.
88 Saab 9- 5 Audio Syst em Radio Press the /BAND button t o switc h to the radio w hen an other s ource is ac tive. Preset stati on buttons (1) Press on ce (rel ease wi thin a seco nd) to select a pr eset st ation , e.g. The sma ll fig ure on the far right o f the d is- play is the n umber of the preset button selec ted .
89 Saab 9- 5 Audio System Waveband selector ( 3) Press the BAND button re peatedly to move through th e wa veban d sel ection s: FM 1, FM2, and AM. AS, Autostor e (4) The autosto re mode provi des an .
90 Saab 9- 5 Audio Syst em Casset te p laye r Before playing a tape, make sure that th e label is sec ure and that t he cas sette is no t warped, otherwis e the cass ette c an beco me ja mmed in the deck . The c asse tte player a utoma ticall y sense s wheth er t he tape is normal or metal (Type I or Type II).
91 Saab 9- 5 Audio System Music search forwar d/reverse (5) To searc h forward for a track, p ress and relea se qu ickl y (wi thin h alf a s econ d). The foll owin g will n ow a ppear o n the dis- play: To perform a bac kwar d sear ch, p ress instead.
92 Saab 9- 5 Audio Syst em Type II (metal ) tapes The cas sette has an automati c tap e-type selec tor . Cleaning-due i ndicator After 30 ho urs’ p layin g tim e, the f ollowin g messag e will app ear on the di splay : The mes sage will be disp layed for ten secon ds ea ch t ime the cass ette play er i s selec ted .
93 Saab 9- 5 Audio System CD player To sele ct the CD mode, load a CD i nto the deck or , if one is alrea dy lo aded, press the CD/RDM button. Inser t the CD , labe l-sid e up, and all ow the mechan ism t o load it aut omatic ally .
94 Saab 9- 5 Audio Syst em Fast track sear ch Press (mid-se gment) once to switch b etween t he CD-PL AY and CD-TRACK modes. The CD-PLAY an d CD-TRACK modes change the function of and . The select ed mode will also be active the next time the sy stem is swi tched on.
95 Saab 9- 5 Audio System CD changer (acc ess ory) Important ! Alwa ys keep the s lidin g cov er closed to keep dust o ut of the CD change r, so that i t will contin ue to prov ide sati sfactory service for a long ti me.
96 Saab 9- 5 Audio Syst em If the maga zine in the CD change r is empty , the follo wing will a ppear o n the displ ay: If the C D chan ger is activ ated ri ght aft er a magazi ne has been lo aded, t he foll owin g will a ppear o n the displ ay: The CD number w ill change as each C D is played.
97 Saab 9- 5 Audio System If for som e reas on the CD s elect ed by the preset butt on cannot be played , playback of the curre nt CD wi ll co ntinue . Track search (2) Press or repe ate dly to move to preced ing o r fol lowing tracks . Press ing once wi ll rest art pla yback fr om the beginni ng of the current track.
98 Saab 9- 5 Audio Syst em SCAN Scan ni ng th e cur ren t CD : To start t he SCAN functi on, w hich ena bles you to h ear a s ampl e of ea ch trac k on the disc, p ress a nd hold (mid-s eg- ment). Th e dis play s hows t hat SCAN is in progress and which trac k is currently bein g sample d.
99 Saab 9- 5 Audio System Progra mmable functio ns Volume-preset mode To sele ct the volume-p reset mode, pres s and hold the BAN D button at the same tim e as you swit ch t he Au dio S yst em on . Use t he but ton to sel ect t he de si- red funct ion.
100 Saab 9- 5 Audio System Loudness ON/OFF To chang e t he def ault s etting: The defau lt se tting fo r this function is O N. – Press an d ho ld the BA ND butto n at t he same t ime a s y ou s witch on the A u dio System. – After ST ART V OL app ears, rele ase the BAND butt on.
101 Saa b 9-5 Audio System Secu rity lo ck The Audio Sy stem is eq uipped with an elec- tron ic se curi ty lo ck. The s peci al co de is unique to the car in whic h the Audio System is fitted . Each time the Audio System is switch ed on, a ch eck i s made t o e nsure t hat the c odes match .
102 Saab 9- 5 Audio System Technica l data • These specifications co mply with th e new IHF Stand ard • Sin ce the p olicy at S aab is on e of con tinual im provement, we ret ain th e r ight to alt er specific ations an d design wi thout pri or not ice.
103 Saa b 9-5 Audio System Antennas The Audio Syste m has three antenn as incorpora ted in the rear window; two for FM diversi ty and on e for AM. The c ar has a f act ory -fit ted roof an ten na fo r a mobil e p hone/OnSt ar. Ro of loa ds ma y negat ively af fect telec ommuni cation .
104 Saab 9- 5 Audio System Adjusting th e frequency steps North America/Eur ope If the ca r is ta ken fro m North America t o Eur ope , th e ra dio ’s f reque ncy step s ca n be adjuste d. • Press and hold (mid-segmen t) and s witch the radi o on at the sa me time.
105 Inte rior e qui p men t and t runk Steering wheel adjustment ___________ 106 Rearview mirrors_______ 107 Electric windows _______ 113 Sunroof ______________ 114 Interi or lighti ng ________ 116 Su.
106 Interi or equipm ent and trunk Steerin g wheel adjust ment Fore-and-a ft and til t adjustm ent of the stee- ring wh eel is poss ible. Pull dow n the lever fully until you h ear a click. Move the st eering wheel to the desired positio n and then raise the lever.
107 Inte rior e qui p men t and t runk Rearview mirrors Door mirrors The door mi rrors may have an aut o dimming funct ion (op tion) a nd the pass enger s ide door mirr or is o f the wi de-angl e ‘‘a spheric” type. The door mirrors are de signe d to fo ld back if kn ocked.
108 Interi or equipm ent and trunk Rearview mirror The rear view mirro r has day/n ight posi tions that can b e sele cted by me ans o f a knob beneath the mirror.
109 Inte rior e qui p men t and t runk Preparations fo r first-time programmi ng Before progra mming the garage opener for the first time, you m ust d elete a ny fa ctor y codes. Press an d hold the two out er butto ns until the indi cator l ight b egins to fla sh-afte r 20 seco nds.
110 Interi or equipm ent and trunk Gate Opera tor / Canadi an Programmin g Canadi an radio-frequ ency laws requi re transmi tter signals to "time-o ut" (or quit) after sev eral s econd s of t ransm issio n - which may not be long e nough for the garage op ener to pick up th e sig nal du ring programm ing.
111 Inte rior e qui p men t and t runk Opening a garage door To operat e, sim ply p ress and rel ease the programm ed button. Activ ation will now occur for th e trained dev ice (i.e. ga rage door opener, g ate op erator , securi ty sy stem, entry doo r lock , home/o ffice lighti ng, etc .
112 Interi or equipm ent and trunk Compass The com pass is integ rated i n the re arview mirror . The compas s bearing is display ed in the top righ t-hand corne r of the mirror an d is updat ed every othe r second. The c ompass display s the car’s d irection of tra vel: N, NE, E, etc.
113 Inte rior e qui p men t and t runk Electric wind ows The elec tric moto rs of the fr ont windows are equ ipp ed wi th ov erl oad pro tec tio n (in teg ra- ted therm al prot ection). T his protec tion ope - rates w hen th e windo ws ar e wound dow n automati cally (switc h pres sed f ully d own).
114 Interi or equipm ent and trunk Child safety: rear windows (ON/OFF) The window s witches on the rear doors can be rend ered in operati ve by the ON /OFF switch in the panel on the cente r c onsol e. When the swit ch is ON, t he re ar si de wi n- dows ca n be opera ted by th e switch on eac h rear door.
115 Inte rior e qui p men t and t runk To open: • Slide the c ontrol to wards the rear to op en the sunr oof to the comf or t position. T o open it f ully , slide the co ntrol bac k a secon d ti me. Press t he con tr ol to st op i t ear lie r . To close: • Slide the contro l forw ards until the s unroof is cl osed .
116 Interi or equipm ent and trunk Interio r lighting The inter ior lighti ng con sist s of on e dome ligh t in t he f ront and o ne i n the back , a map-read ing li ght in the fro nt, tw o readi ng light s in the bac k, floor c ourtesy li ghts in the front (in s ome model varia nts) and d oor courtesy lights on all doors .
117 Inte rior e qui p men t and t runk Sun visor s The car i s equippe d with double s un viso rs. One secti on of the visor can be indepen- dently p ivote d to th e side w indow. A vanit y mirror is provid ed on the bac k of the sun visors . The vanity mirrors are ill umina- ted whe n the cover is raise d.
118 Interi or equipm ent and trunk Ciga re tte light ers (accessory /certain mark ets only) The car is provid ed with cigarette lighters next to t he front as htray and in t he rear end of the center consol e. The cig arette l ighter sock et can also be used as power p oint, e .
119 Inte rior e qui p men t and t runk IB436 IB437 IB439 IB441 IB438 On the bac k of the fro n t seats Cent er ar mres t for rear sea t On lead ing edge o f front sea ts Cons ole betwe en front s eats.
120 Interi or equipm ent and trunk Cup ho lders Cup h old ers a re provi ded in t he instr ume nt panel fa scia, in the center console compart- ment bet ween the fro nt sea ts, an d in th e rear-seat arm rest (certain varian ts only). To acce ss th e cup holde r in the in strume nt panel, p res s the symb ol and releas e.
121 Inte rior e qui p men t and t runk Trunk Folding the r ear seat, 9-5 Sedan The rear s eat is spli t and the tw o sec tions c an be fold ed in depen- dently. Foldin g dow n of t he rear seat i s eas ier if the fron t seat s are not all the way back , and the rear head restrain ts are folded down.
122 Interi or equipm ent and trunk WARNING • Pla ce he avy it ems cl ose st t o the ba ckr est an d sto w smal ler and lig hte r item s on t op. • Never overlo ad the cargo net (accessory). If the elastic brea ks this ma y cause pe rsonal inj ury.
123 Inte rior e qui p men t and t runk Trunk pass-thr ough hatch A trunk pa ss-through hatch is incor porated in the rear seat ba ckrest to enabl e long , na rrow item s to be car ried insi de the car. Items s hould no t weigh mo re than 33 lbs. (15 kg) no r be more tha n 2 yards (2 metres) in len gth.
124 Interi or equipm ent and trunk Folding the r ear seat, 9-5 SportWagon Both the n arrow and wid e sec tions of the rear se at ca n be fo lded separately .
125 Inte rior e qui p men t and t runk Folding the narrow secti on of the backrest The foldin g is fac ilitate d if th e fr ont se at is not too far bac k. 1 Make s ure that the he ad restr aint i s in t he do wn po sition . F or height adj ustment ref er to page 15.
126 Interi or equipm ent and trunk Load anchoring Drivin g with t he trunk l id/tail gate o pen, s ee page 171. WARNING • Put he avy l oads as low down an d as far forw ard as possi ble i n the lugga ge compart ment, i .e. ag ainst the bac k of the rear s eat.
127 Inte rior e qui p men t and t runk On the floor of the lugga ge co mpartm ent ther e m ay be tw o lon git udi nal alum ini um rail s (Car goT racks ™) whe re acce sso ry cargo bolts can be mo unte d. The cargo bolts are mou nted by li fting thei r locks and in se rting th em in to the rail.
128 Interi or equipm ent and trunk Cargo net (option) Install th e net behind the rear s eat backre s t. 1 Remov e th e rearmost co v ers from the roof . 2 F asten th e attachm ents at the top of t he net to the tw o atta chmen t poin ts in the roof .
129 Inte rior e qui p men t and t runk Sliding loa d floor (acc ess ory) The functio n of the slidi ng floor is to facilit ate loadin g and unload ing. Securing load s, se e page 123. When the c ar is parked and t he floo r is pulled ou t, it c an bea r the w eigh t of two people (maximu m 440 lbs.
130 Interi or equipm ent and trunk Loading/Unloa ding 1 Lift the hand le an d pull out th e slid ing floor to th e outer lo cking position . Mak e sure t hat the floor is loc ked corr ectly . 2 Put on the ca rgo , b ut ma k e sure tha t i t does not co v e r the h andle .
131 Startin g and drivi ng IB1754 Starting an d driving Ignition switch ________ 132 Starting the engin e ____ 133 Important cons iderations for drivi ng ___________ 136 Refueling ____________ 138 Eng.
132 Starti ng an d drivin g Ignition switch The com bined igniti on sw itch and g ear- lever lo ck is loc ated in the c enter c onsol e betwee n the fr ont se ats. Th e igni tion k ey can onl y be re mo ved wh en rev erse is engaged (a utoma tic t ransm issio n: s electo r in ”P” pos ition).
133 Startin g and drivi ng If the car does not start If the text ”Key not ac cepte d. Contact se rvice.” is shown on t he SID, after a failed start attempt, th e cau se co uld be a faul t in th e transmitte r in th e key, or in the recei ver in the igniti on loc k.
134 Starti ng an d drivin g It is po ssibl e for a ir to en ter the lubric ating system in conju nction w ith an oil or oil-filte r change, or if th e car has b een st ored fo r some time. Thi s air can cause the hydraulic cam fo llowers to e mit a tic king noise , which can pers ist fo r up to 15 minutes after s tart- ing.
135 Startin g and drivi ng Useful tips on cold climate starting If the engine has failed to st art after severa l attempts in v ery co ld weat her, pre ss an d hol d the a cc ele rato r do wn to the f loo r and run the s tarter fo r 5–10 seconds . This will prevent t he eng ine be ing fl ood ed (exce s- sivel y ri ch fuel -air mixtu re ).
136 Starti ng an d drivin g Impo rtan t cons ider ation s for driving The engine-m anageme nt system in the Saab 9- 5 is ca lled Sa ab Trionic T7. The system mana ges the i gnitio n, fuel in jecti on and turbo boos t pressure .
137 Startin g and drivi ng Important consi derations wit h catalyti c converters The cata lytic converte r is a n emi ssion-co n- trol devi ce incorporated i n the car’s exha ust system . It cons ists of a metal canister with a honeyc omb i nsert, t he ce lls of whi ch hav e wall s coa ted in a c ataly tic laye r (mix tur e of precious metals ).
138 Starti ng an d drivin g Refueling WARNIN G If you spill fuel and then something i gnites it, you could be ba dly b urned. F uel can spray ou t on you if you open the fuel cap too quic kly. This spray can happ en if your tank is nearly ful l , and is more likely in h ot weathe r.
139 Startin g and drivi ng Refueling 1 Switch off the engine. 2 Open the fille r cap , located i n the ri ght- hand rear fender . 3 Inser t the fuel pump n ozzl e be y ond the flange on the fi ller p ipe an d let t he firs t mark (a ring, a pi mple or the fi rst spring- coi l) re st on the fl ange.
140 Starti ng an d drivin g Filling a portable fuel cont ainer Fuel (Gasoline Engi ne) Fuel Use of t he rec ommen ded fu el is an im por- tant part of the prope r maintena nce of yo ur vehicle. For optimu m perfo rmanc e Saab recom- mends : • 2.3t 185 h p (L inea r) – A O N 90 .
141 Startin g and drivi ng Additives To pr ovid e cl eane r ai r, al l gas oli nes in the United States are now requ ired to c ontain addit ives tha t wil l help preve nt eng ine an d fuel sys tem depo sits f rom formin g, allowing your em issio n control sys tem to work pro p- erly.
142 Starti ng an d drivin g Engine Br eak-In P eriod Pistons, bo res and be ari ngs need time to obtain u niform , wear-res istant s urfaces. If a new engi ne is driven to o hard, this gr ad- ual p roces s of b edding -in will no t b e poss i- ble and the li fe o f the e ngine will be short - ened.
143 Startin g and drivi ng Towing Towing of ca rs with ma nual tra nsmiss ion, see page 171. Automatic transmission The elec tronic contr ol mod ule fo r the a uto- matic tra nsmission rec eives infor.
144 Starti ng an d drivin g When the car is statio nary, the engine mus t be a t idling speed when the sele ctor l ever is moved. You must ha ve you r foot on the bra ke pedal to m ove the lever ou t of park. If the ac celera tor is depres sed w hile the lever is mov ed, thi s will resul t in ab normal wear in th e trans mission .
145 Startin g and drivi ng Lock-up functi on The autom at ic transm issi on has a lo ck-up function, w hich c an rend er the t orque c on- verter inop erative in 3rd, 4th and 5th gears, thus reduci ng the engin e speed and fuel consum ption.
146 Starti ng an d drivin g If ”Automa tic tra nsmiss ion, fa ult in dicato r” light appears on the main instrumen t panel , the sys tem h as det ected a faul t in th e auto- matic t rans miss ion o r it s con trol mo dul e (see page 57).
147 Startin g and drivi ng Driving on hi lly roads with a heavy load The trans missio n fluid can over heat wh en the gearb ox is strai ned, fo r exampl e, wh en driving with a trailer on hi lly roads. To avoid the trans mission fluid overh eating , alw ays drive in Normal mode .
148 Starti ng an d drivin g Sentronic, manual mode Move th e sel ector l ever to th e M po sitio n. Select a highe r ge ar by f licki ng the right- hand paddl e towards you .
149 Startin g and drivi ng Selector posi tions P T o shift o ut of the P po sition y ou must depress the brake pedal and the igniti on must be ON. The parking positi on (P) must only be sel ected when the car i s at a comp lete s tands till. T he selector le ver is loc k ed and th e tr ansm ission is mechani cally imm obiliz ed .
150 Starti ng an d drivin g If you m ove th e sel ector l ever f rom D to L, dow n shift s wi ll fol low a set pa tt ern to avoi d da magi ng t he e ngi ne or t ran smis sio n.
151 Startin g and drivi ng Cruise control For safe ty reaso ns ( brake sy stem fun c- tion) the brak es mus t be ap plied once, when the engine has started, before the cruise contro l syste m can be a ctivated . The sys tem i s oper ated by means of the contr ols on th e st alk sw itch: • ON/OFF (s witch on/off ).
152 Starti ng an d drivin g To reduce the pres et speed The cru ise contr ol s yst em will alwa ys di sen- gage aut omatic ally the m oment that e ither the br ake pe dal o r the c lutch pedal is depress ed. It is al so pos sibl e to red uce t he spe ed by means of the R ESUME/– button .
153 Startin g and drivi ng ABS brakes ABS (antiloc k braki ng syste m) modul ates the br ake pr essure to the respecti ve whee ls. Whe el se nsor s de tec t if a w hee l is about to lock , and th e con trol m odule redu- ces the press ure to that whe el and the n increa ses it o nce more until the t endency is detected ag ain.
154 Starti ng an d drivin g The ABS sy stem has a bu ilt- in dia gnostic funct ion whi ch will switc h on th e Anti-l ock brake w arning light if a f ault is detec ted i n the sys tem (see page 54).
155 Startin g and drivi ng Electronic Stability Progra m (ES P) The Electron ic Stability Prog ram employs both the an tilock braking sys tem (ABS) and the tracti on co ntrol sys tem (T CS). It is a system that helps the drive r to s tabili ze the car in u nusua l circum stanc es tha t can oth - erwise be di fficul t to ha ndle.
156 Starti ng an d drivin g ESP indicator l ight The indicator l ight i n the t achom eter comes o n for a short perio d of time when th e ESP system i s operati ve. Operatio n of th e ESP ind icates r educed cohesi on between the tires and the road, and that extra care should be taken by the driver.
157 Startin g and drivi ng Economica l motor ing Factors aff ecting fuel consumption Fuel cons umpt io n is g rea tly affe cte d by t he gener al driving con dition s, the way in which the car i s driv en an d at wha t spee ds, th e weathe r, the state of the ro ad, the condi tion of th e car, etc .
158 Starti ng an d drivin g Driving techn ique • T o obtai n the b est run ning e conom y , not only rega rdi ng f uel cons umpt ion but genera l w ear al so , regular s ervice is required. • High spe ed, un neces sary accele rati on, hea vy braki ng and m uch lo w gear work all gives r is e to hi gher fu el co nsum pti on.
159 Startin g and drivi ng Engine block heat er (standard eq uipment in Canada , acce s- sory in U.S.) The fo llowin g ar e just some of the be nefits to the c ar and the env ironm ent of using an engine b lock heater : • Low er fuel cons umpti on. • Exhaust emiss ions sub s tantiall y reduced ov er short r uns .
160 Starti ng an d drivin g If winter tire s are fitte d, the same type must be fitted on all wheel s. Your Saa b dealer w ill be please d to advise you on the bes t tires for your car.
161 Startin g and drivi ng 2 Wa it unti l the n eedle ha s dropp ed ba c k to indicate normal temper ature (roughly midwa y , in the white z one ) bef ore stop- ping the engin e. If the coolant need s top- ping up , unscre w th e cap on e xpansion tank carefull y .
162 Starti ng an d drivin g Trailer wei ght Maxim um recommended trailer weigh ts for differ ent grad ients , with a view to com fort and dr ivabi lity for man ual an d auto matic cars, ar e show n on t he dr awi ng.
163 Startin g and drivi ng When negoti ating long hill s, bear the follo- wing impo rtan t co nsid er ati ons i n min d: • U se Nor mal mo de whe n dr iv ing w ith a cara van or tr ailer on hill y roads . The adap - tiv e gear chang e pattern function w ill pre- v ent the tran smission o ve rheatin g.
164 Starti ng an d drivin g Recommend ations for cars with manual gearbox Rises in cool ant tempe rature a re i ndica ted by the tempera ture gauge in the main instru- ment pan el. The follow ing step s are taken in order as th e temperatu re of the e ngine incre ase s: • A/C compress or is sw itched off .
165 Startin g and drivi ng Trailer hi tch load The weig ht distribut ion on the trail er makes a lot of differe nce to the handling pro perties of the c ar and trailer combi nation . As regards sin gle-ax le trailers , whene ver po s- sible, co ncentrate the load over the wheels and kee p it as low as p ossible .
166 Starti ng an d drivin g Driving with a roof rack load The max imum pe rmiss ible roof loa d is 220 lbs . (100 kg). Note th at the roof lo ad is inclu ded in the car’s m aximum permi ssible l oad (s ee page 252). Strong, st urdy ro of carri ers de signe d spe- cially for the car ar e avai lable from y our Saab deal er.
167 Startin g and drivi ng 4 Close the doors on the left -hand side of the car g ently , to hold the carrier f e et in place . 5 Now go a round to the other s ide of the car and r emo v e the p lastic c ov er from the carrier’ s adj ustab le f o ot.
168 Starti ng an d drivin g Drivin g at nigh t Bear in mind the follow ing points whe n driving a t night : • Nighttime driving re quires y our fu ll con - centr ation.
169 Startin g and drivi ng Tires The tire pre ssure shoul d match the c urrent load and speed of the ca r; for c ars sold in U.S. see p age 226; for cars sold in Canada see pa ge 261. The tire pre s sures gi ven appl y to cold tires, that is ti res tha t are th e sam e tem perature as the outside air tem peratur e.
170 Starti ng an d drivin g Spare wheel and tools The spare w heel, toge ther with the jack and jack ha ndle, front to wrope attac hment eye and t oolki t, are s towed a way underne ath the trunk .
171 Startin g and drivi ng Driving with the trunk lid/t ailgate open Avoid driv ing with t he trunk lid/tai lgate partly or fully open, since exha ust fu me s can be drawn i nto the cabin.
172 Starti ng an d drivin g Front towing eye The front to wing eye is stored w ith the s pare whe el. The attach ment p oint (t app ed hol e) for th e towing ey e is midway al ong the en gine sub- frame at th e fr ont of t he ca r. Remove the pl astic plug and s crew in the tow ing eye s ecur el y.
173 Startin g and drivi ng Towing the c ar Gear lev er in neut ral (in cars wit h automat ic transmission : sele ctor lever at N (neutra l)) Turn on t he pa rki ng l ight s. Drive carefull y and do not exc eed the speed lim it for vehicle s being towed.
174 Starti ng an d drivin g Jump star ting If your ba ttery has r un down, you m ay want to use a nother ve hicle an d som e jum per cables to sta rt your Saa b. Foll ow the s teps below to d o it s afely . To ju mp st art you r vehi cle: 1 Check t he othe r v ehicle .
175 Startin g and drivi ng 4 Open the ho od an d loca te the battery . Find the pos itive (+) and neg ative (–) termi- nals on the ba tter y. 5 Check t hat the jump er cab les do not hav e loose or m issing insulati on. If they do , you c ould g et a s hoc k a nd als o the ve hicles cou ld be damaged.
176 Starti ng an d drivin g 9 Attach the cab le at least 18 inches (45 cm) a w a y from th e discha rged b at- tery , b ut not nea r engin e parts that mov e. T o av oid an arc which coul d deto- nate t he h y drogen gas a round t he bat- tery , th e final connec tion mu st be at leas t 18” from t he batt ery .
177 Startin g and drivi ng Saab Park ing Assist ance (if equipped) The park ing ai d sys tem fa cili tates p arking and reve rsi ng. The re ar e four senso rs in the rear b umper that de tect ob jects up to 6 fee t (1 .8 me tres ) be hind t he ca r. The syst em us es fou r sens ors in the re ar bumper.
178 Starti ng an d drivin g When an obj ect is a pproxi matel y 3 fee t (90 cm) f rom the car, t he so und pulse s change ch aracter marke dly. A distance of about 3 feet (90 cm) is suitab le if y ou w ish to load or unload the luggage com partment.
179 Startin g and drivi ng Park ing brak e The park ing bra ke is situated betw een th e fron t se ats and ac ts on t he r ear w hee ls. When the pa rki ng br ake is on, the i ndic ato r light on the main instrumen t panel w ill be on.
180 Starti ng an d drivin g Parking on a hill When park ing o n a st eep hi ll, turn the fro nt wheels so t hat the y will be blo cked by th e curb if t he car sh ould m ove. Long-term parki ng If th e car is no t go ing to be use d for som e time, e.
181 Car care and tech nical inform ation IB1772 Hood ________________ 182 Engine compartment __ 18 3 Emission contro l systems 184 Engine ______________ 186 Engine oil ____________ 186 Transmissio n f.
182 Ca r care and tech nica l informatio n Ho od The hood releas e han dle is loca ted under- neath the in strum ent pan el. To open t he hood: 1 Pull the r eleas e hand le. 2 The front of the hood will now s pring up , provi ding a cces s to t he sec ondary saf ety cat ch.
183 Car care and tech nical inform ation Engine c ompartme nt 9 6 8 1 2 4 3 5 7 IB3637 Engine c ompartment 1 Engine -oil dipstick/f iller cap 2 Res ervoir, brake/clutch fluid 3 Fuse box 4 E xpansion t.
184 Ca r care and tech nica l informatio n Engine famili es Saab cars imported into the U nited States and Ca nada m eet al l app licab le emissio n control sta ndards. The e ngine famil y and appropria te tune-up specifi cations are iden- tified on a l abel affixed to th e left front inne r fender.
185 Car care and tech nical inform ation Saab Trionic engi ne management system The Saab Trio nic engi ne ma nag ement system is a un iqu e Saab devel opment th at combin es sequ ential m ultip ort fuel injectio n, electron ic di stribut orless igni tion an d t urbo- charger boo st pressure c ontrol into one sy s- tem.
186 Ca r care and tech nica l informatio n Engine The 2.3-l iter model is a transvers e, 4-c ylin- der in-lin e engine wit h twin overhead cams- hafts an d 4 va lves per cy linde r. This engi ne is equipped wit h balance sh afts that reduc e eng ine v ibratio n to a minim um.
187 Car care and tech nical inform ation Changing engine oil The engin e o il mus t be c hange d in a ccor- dance w ith the service pro gram, see page 246. Oil vol ume an d g rade, s ee pa ge 255. Oil changi ng should be carri ed out on a warm engin e.
188 Ca r care and tech nica l informatio n Tran smis sion f lui d Manual transmissi on Check and t op up the fluid in accord ance with th e servic e progr am. Automatic tran smission Check and t op up the fluid in accord ance with th e servic e progr am.
189 Car care and tech nical inform ation The cooli ng system is cha rged at the fac tory with c oolant conta ining a 45 % concent ra- tion of a combine d antifreez e and co rrosion inhibito r. A we aker mix tur e will r esult in reduced antico rrosio n prote ction.
190 Ca r care and tech nica l informatio n Use on ly new br ake flui d from a se aled con - tainer . Check th at t here are no le aks i n the brake syste m. The br ake fl uid le vel wi ll fall som ewha t as the br ake pa ds wea r. The M AX level in the reservoi r correspo nds to the amou nt of brake flu id required with new brake pads .
191 Car care and tech nical inform ation Power s tee ring flu id Check the leve l of the power steeri ng fluid in the reser voir re gularly , in a ccordanc e with the serv ice p rogram. The whe els should point forward duri ng the check. Clean around the ca p befo re it i s unscre - wed.
192 Ca r care and tech nica l informatio n Batte ry The bat tery is p rovide d wi th a cove r to pro - tect it from radia ted he at. If th e batt ery is exposed to high temperatu res, its life w ill be shorten ed. To remove th e cov er, rel ease the two c lips along its long side s.
193 Car care and tech nical inform ation Charging/repl acing the batt ery Connect the positive l ead to th e positive (+) batter y terminal (re d), and the negative lead to a good gr ound point, e.
194 Ca r care and tech nica l informatio n Drive belts The alte rn ato r is s itu ate d on t he r igh t-ha nd side o f the eng ine, adjace nt to t he bulkh ead. It is driv en vi a a Pol y-V-belt from th e cranksha ft pull ey. The Poly-V-b elt also d rives the water pu mp, the A/C co mpressor and the steering s ervo pump.
195 Car care and tech nical inform ation Wipers a nd was hers Check an d clean all w iper blades regularly. If po or wi per perf orm ance is ex per ien ced , clean th e windshield w ith a qua lity gl ass cle - aner.
196 Ca r care and tech nica l informatio n Use a small scre wdriver to adjust the washer je t on th e rear w indo w wiper o f the 9-5 SportWa gon, as illu strated . Washers The washe r-fluid rese rvoir holds 6.4 quarts (6 liters). When "Washe r fluid leve l low .
197 Car care and tech nical inform ation Chang ing bulb s Check th at t he new b ulb is wo rking when fin ished . Use only " Long Life " bulbs .
198 Ca r care and tech nica l informatio n Headlight bul b for high beam (Hal ogen) On cars equi pped w ith Xenon lamp s the Halo gen la mps are us ed only for high b eam f lasher if the da yt ime run.
199 Car care and tech nical inform ation Headlight bul b for low beam (Haloge n) 1 Unscrew the co v er from the b ac k of the la mp uni t. T o impro v e access ibility to the right-hand headlight , hold aside the indu ction air hose . T o impro v e acce ssib ility to t he lef t-hand h eadli ght, remov e the batt ery co v er .
200 Ca r care and tech nica l informatio n Parking-li ght bulb (cars with hal ogen low be am) The park ing-lig ht bulb i s adjac ent to the bulb for low beam. 1 Unscrew the c ov e r from the b ac k o f the lamp unit. 2 Withdra w th e b ulb holder . 3 Change the b ul b .
201 Car care and tech nical inform ation Front fog li ghts (if equipped) 1 F rom un der the front b um per , grip the bulb hold er and twis t coun terclo ckw ise. 2 Unplug the c onnec tor . 3 Change the b ul b . Refit in th e reve rse ord er. WARNING Never crawl u nder a car t hat is sup ported only by a ja ck.
202 Ca r care and tech nica l informatio n Front turn si gnal and side marker lights bulbs To chang e the bulb, the c omplete l amp unit has to be re mo ved. 1 Depress the c atch, acce ssed from th e engine ba y . 2 Carefully pull out the lam p unit. 3 The bul b hold er has a ba yonet fi tting.
203 Car care and tech nical inform ation Rear light cl uster, 9-5 Sedan The bulbs for the la mps in the rear light cl us- ter are accessed from the lug gage compart - ment. 1 Lower th e flap (secured with catch es). 2 Squeeze the tw o p lastic l ugs a nd remove the bulb hol der.
204 Ca r care and tech nica l informatio n Trunk lid l ight and tail lights, 9-5 Sedan Before chang ing bu lbs i n the t runk, y ou must fi rst rele ase th e trim at the foot o f the trunk. Th is invol ves r emovi ng the handl e and the three trim fas teners (studs ).
205 Car care and tech nical inform ation High-mounted stop lights, 9-5 Sedan The bulb s can be acce ssed after th e pane l in the re ar h eadlin ing ha s bee n remo ved. 1 Remov e th e pan el b y c arefull y pus hing in the tw o clips , o ne at t he time.
206 Ca r care and tech nica l informatio n Rear lights clusters, 9-5 SportWagon 1 Open the tailg ate . 2 Remov e th e co v er b y tu rning the tw o catches coun terclo ckw ise one quarter turn. 3 Remov e th e t wo sc re ws secu ring the light cl uster t o the b ody .
207 Car care and tech nical inform ation Tailgate bul bs, 9-5 SportWagon 1 T urn the lock a quarter turn (90 ° ) with a scre wdriver or the i gnition k e y . 2 Open and re mo v e the co v er . 3 T ak e out th e b ulb holder b y t wisting it slightly cou nterloc k wise .
208 Ca r care and tech nica l informatio n License-plat e light 1 Undo the tw o sc re ws and remo v e t he lamp glass . 2 Withdraw th e bulb . 3 Change the b ul b . 4 Check th e se al be fore fit tin g the g lass. Side directio n indicators 1 Slide the la mp fitting forw ard and pul l out the bac k.
209 Car care and tech nical inform ation Dome light, f ront 1 Ease the lea ding e dge of the glas s out of the o v erh ead panel . 2 Release one of the contacts and remo ve the b ulb . 3 Fit t he n ew bulb . Dome ligh t, rea r 1 Remov e the en tire o v erh ead pa nel: ease o ut the trail ing en d f irst, and t hen both fro nt edge s.
210 Ca r care and tech nica l informatio n Bulb ta bl e A spec ial ki t con tain ing s pare bu lbs a nd fus es is avai lable as an acces sory from your Saab de ale r. A sto rage s pace for this is p rovi- ded adj acent to the toolkit a nd jack, unde r the panel in the lugg age compa rtment.
211 Car care and tech nical inform ation Fuses The fuses are ho used in tw o fuse panel s: one at the end of the instrum ent panel on the driver’s s ide, and on e unde r the ho od. To ch eck i f a fu se ha s blow n, fi rst r emo ve it from the p anel (se e below).
212 Ca r care and tech nica l informatio n Maxi fuses The Max i f uses are hou sed i n the f use box under the ho od. The se fus es can be checke d in the sa me way as the other fus es. The Max i fuses are designe d to protect the car’s e lectrical sys tem fro m being dama- ged.
213 Car care and tech nical inform ation Fuse panel in i nstrument panel # Amp Function A 30 T raile r lights B 10 Autom atic tr ansmission C 7.5 Electric door m irrors; DICE: m anu al bea m len gth a.
214 Ca r care and tech nica l informatio n Relay panel under instrument panel 27 10 Engin e-manage me nt syste m; SID; main in strument 28 7.5 Airbag 29 7.5 ABS/ESP 30 7.5 Star ter motor 31 7.5 Cruise control; w ate r v alv e; f og lights , f ront; r ain senso r 32 15 V entilated f ront se ats 33 7.
215 Car care and tech nical inform ation Fuse box under hood Fuses J– KS t a r t e r r e l a y L1 Limp-home functi on L2 T r unklid # Amp Function 1 40 Radia tor f an, high speed 2 40 ABS/ESP 3 30 ABS/ESP 4 7.
216 Ca r care and tech nica l informatio n Relays 10 15 High beam headl ight, left 11 15 Low be am hea dligh t left 12 15 High beam headl ight, right 13 15 Low be am hea dligh t, right 14 30 Radiator .
217 Car care and tech nical inform ation Tires Your ne w vehi cle c omes w ith hi gh-qua lity tires ma de by a l eading tire manu facturer . If you ever have questio ns about your tire warranty and wh ere to obtain servi ce, s ee your Saab Warrant y and Servic e Reco rd Book let for det ail s.
218 Ca r care and tech nica l informatio n When to check Chec k you r tir es on ce a m onth o r more . Don’t f orget y our co mpac t spare tire. I t should be at 6 0 psi (420 k Pa). How to Check Use a good q uality pock et-typ e gaug e to check tire pre ssure.
219 Car care and tech nical inform ation When It Is Time f or New Tires One w ay to tell when it ’s time fo r new tire s is to check the treadwear in dicators, which w ill appear w hen your tires have only 1/16 inch (1.6 mm) or les s of t read rem ainin g.
220 Ca r care and tech nica l informatio n The wh eels a nd tire s hav e been caref ull y matched to the charac teristic s of the car and play a key ro le in its ou tstand ing roadh ol- ding and handl ing.
221 Car care and tech nical inform ation Uniform Tire Qualit y Grading Quality grades can be found wher e applica - ble on the tire sid ewall betwe en tread shoul - der and m aximum sect ion wid th.
222 Ca r care and tech nica l informatio n Wheel A lignment and Tir e Bala nce The wh eels o n you r vehi cle w ere al igned and bala nced carefully at the fac tory to gi ve you the long est tire life an d best overal l per- formance . Schedule d wh eel al ignment and w heel balanci ng are not ne ede d.
223 Car care and tech nical inform ation Tire Chains Notice: If your vehi cle doe s not ha ve 225/4 5R 17 s ize t ire s, use tir e ch ains on ly where l egal and only w hen yo u must.
224 Ca r care and tech nica l informatio n Tire Sidewall Labeling Useful inform ation about a tire is mo lded into it´s side wall. Tire size: The ti re si ze ia a c om binat ion of letter s and numbers use d to d efine a parti- cular tire´s width, heigh t, aspect ratio, cons - truction typ e and service description .
225 Car care and tech nical inform ation Aspect ratio: A two-d igit num ber tha t indi- cates th e tire height -to-wi dth me asure- ments. For exa mple, if the tire s ize as pect ratio is “55”, as shown in item “C” of the ill us- tration, it w ould mean that the tire´s sidewall is 55 % as h igh as it is wi de.
226 Ca r care and tech nica l informatio n Loading Your Vehicl e This is an ex ampl e of w hat y our ve hicle ´s Tire -L oadi ng I nf orm ati on/C ert if icat io n lab el might l ook li ke. It is lo cated on the B-pilla r and sho ws h ow m uch we igh t your vehic le may pro perly carry.
227 Car care and tech nical inform ation Maximum Load ratin g: The load rating for a tire at the maxi mum permissi ble inflatio n pressure for that ti re. Maximum Loaded Vehicle Wei ght: The sum of curb we ight; acce ssor y weight ; vehicl e capacity w eight; and produ ction options weig ht.
228 Ca r care and tech nica l informatio n Steps for Deter mining Corr ect Load Limit 1 Lo cate the statem ent “The combin ed weigh t of occupa nts and cargo shoul d ne v er e x ceed XXX po unds” on your vehicle´s label. 2 D eter mi ne the co mbine d weight of the dr iver and pass engers th at will be r iding in your vehicle.
229 Car care and tech nical inform ation Tire date code Tires sh ould b e rega rded as peris hable goods. As the tires age , the rubber bec omes progress ively harde r, and t he roadhol ding ability of the tires diminish es. This i s particu- larl y tr ue on w int er ti res .
230 Ca r care and tech nica l informatio n Compact sp are tire The com pact s pare i s lig ht and easy to handle w hen chang ing th e tire. Its us e is only pe rmitted w hen a sta ndard t ire has s us- tained a p uncture. Th e maximum life of the tire is on ly 200 0 mil es (3 ,5 00 km ).
231 Car care and tech nical inform ation Changing a wheel WARNING Lift ing a ve hicl e an d ge tt ing unde r it to d o mainten ance or repairs is dange rous withou t the appro priate saf ety equipment and trainin g. The jack provi ded with your vehicl e is desig ned on ly for chang ing a flat tire.
232 Ca r care and tech nica l informatio n To jac k up t he ca r, apply the j ack to one of the spec ial j acki ng poi nts un der the sill s. If a floor ja ck is used, it ca n be appli ed to the standard ja cking point s use d by the dea ler. A floor jack can lif t both front whee ls or both rear whe els o ff the g rou nd sim ultan eousl y.
233 Car care and tech nical inform ation Tighten t he bolts enough f or th e bolt s and wh eel to be se ated c orrectl y . 7 Lower th e car a nd tig hten th e wheel bolts to the co rrect to rque i n the sequenc e sho w n (oppo site pairs). Tightening to r que Lig ht-a lloy wh eel s: 80 ft.
234 Ca r care and tech nica l informatio n Air conditi oning (ACC) WARNING • All repairs and adjus tments on the A/C system m ust be c arried out by a Saab dealer au thorized for this ki nd of work. • The A/C sy stem i s pre ssuri zed. Do not break any conne ctions or un do A/C system com ponen ts.
235 Car care and tech nical inform ation Fault diagnosi s If a fault occurs in the A/C system, there are a numbe r of ch ecks you c an pe rform y our- self.
236 Ca r care and tech nica l informatio n Upho lstery and trim To remov e lin t or hai rs from the seat up hol- stery or headli ning, use a mois t, lint -free cloth or a spe cial lin t remover (brush or rol- ler). Re move any d irty mark s usi ng a c loth mois tene d wi th l ukew arm soap y wa ter .
237 Car care and tech nical inform ation Washin g the car Wash you r car frequen tly. To facilitat e clea- ning, a sui table deterge nt can be ad ded to the wate r, which sh ould be luk ewarm. Saab offers a full li ne of ca r care prod ucts, inclu- ding ca r was h, for t he car e of y our veh icle.
238 Ca r care and tech nica l informatio n Waxing an d polishing Other than in exceptio nal cases, do not us e abrasiv e polishes containin g a cuttin g agent on a new car. Alwa ys was h the car tho- rough ly before waxing or polishing. Engine co mpartment Clean the en gine c ompar tment u sing an engine dete rgent and rinse with hot water.
239 Car care and tech nical inform ation Two-coat enamel As the na me im plies , t wo-co at ena mel i s applied in two operat ions. The firs t coat, the base co lo r, conta ins t he pig ment, metal flakes a nd binder.
240 Ca r care and tech nica l informatio n Anti-c orrosi on treatme nt The entir e car i s co rrosion -protect ed at t he factor y in differe nt stages b y an electro lytic immers ion co ating and a PVC-bas ed pro - tective coati ng to p rote ct again st corr osi on caused by stones flung up b y the wh eels.
241 Car care and tech nical inform ation 2 Clean the unde rside of th e car during the winter . Use high pressure wate r to clean th e car’ s u ndersi de (flo or pane ls , wheel wells ) at le ast at mi d- winte r and in th e spr i ng. 3 Inspect the c ar frequentl y for lea ks or damage, and arrange for need ed repair s promptl y .
242 Ca r care and tech nica l informatio n Recove ry a nd/or recycl ing of automoti ve materi als A typica l car consi sts of m etals (65–75 %), plastic s (10–15 %), rubber (5 %) and small quant ities of glass, woo d, paper and texti- les. The recyc ling of metals has been com- monplac e for a long time now.
243 Car care and tech nical inform ation • The v ehi cle s hould be fu lly as sem bl ed and all o ther work stoppe d while headlight aiming is being done . • T he vehi cle s hou ld n ot h ave any snow , ic e or mu d attac hed to it. • Tires shou ld be inflate d to the pr escribed pres sur e.
244 Ca r care and tech nica l informatio n 5 T urn on the lo w b eam head lights and place a piece of cardb oard or equ iva lent (although not directly on th e lens) in f ront of the he adligh t n ot bein g aim ed. Thi s should allo w the b eam c ut-off o f the headligh t being aimed to be seen o n the flat sur f ace.
245 Custom er Assist ance and Informa tion Customer Assistance and Information Maintenance sc hedule __ 2 46 Owner assistance ______ 247 Reporting Safet y Defect s (U.
246 Customer Assista nce and Informat i on Mainte nanc e sched ule The Mainten ance Schedu le prescribe s a service progra m to th e purchas er/ope rator of a Saab th at is re asonabl e and n e cessary to ensure the p rope r emiss ion co ntrol s ys- tems fu nction , safe ty and reliab ility of the Saab auto mobil e in n ormal use.
247 Custom er Assist ance and Informa tion Service record retenti on It is the owner´s respo nsibilit y to retain ser- vice r ecord s. If p ossi ble, y ou sh oul d kee p copies of all s hop wo rk orders for all s ervice and repai rs, whenev er perfo rmed.
248 Customer Assista nce and Informat i on Change of Address Noti fication (U.S. and Canada) Two chan ge of address cards ar e provide d at the end o f the W arranty and Ser vice Record Bookl et. Knowing your current address allows Saab t o cont act y ou in the event of a r ecall or servic e cam paig n.
249 Custom er Assist ance and Informa tion Vehicle Data Col lection and Event Data Recorder s Your vehi cle, l ike o ther m odern moto r vehi - cles, h as a n umber of sophi stica ted co m- puter syste ms that monitor and co ntrol sev- eral aspec ts of the vehicle’ s performanc e.
250 Customer Assista nce and Informat i on (This pa ge has been lef t blan k).
251 Specif ication s General_______________ 2 52 Engine _______________ 254 Fuel__________________ 2 54 Engine oil _____________ 255 Engine variants ________ 256 Electric al system_______ 257 Drive be.
252 Specif ications General Ov er all l ength, in cludi ng b ump ers: 9-5 S edan ________ _____ ___ ______ _ 190. 0 in (4 827 mm ) 9-5 Spo rtWag on _____ ______ ______ _ 1 90.1 in (4828 mm) Ov er all wi dth, in cludi ng doo r mirro rs ____ 8 0.4 in (2042 m m) Maximu m hei ght: 9-5 S edan ________ _____ ______ ___ _ 58.
253 Specif ication s Trai le r: Luggage com partment V olume (SAE): 9-5 Sedan __ ______ _____ ______ ____ 15.9 cu.ft . (450 litres) 9-5 Spo rtWag on, rear s eat up right ____ 31.4 c u. ft. (890 litres ) 9-5 Spo rtWag on, rear s eat f o lded_____ 73.0 cu.
254 Specif ications Engine Fuel 4-cylind er ______ ___________ _______ F our cy linders, twin ov e rhea d cam s- hafts , 16 v alves and two b alancer sh afts. Cylinder b ores ___________ ______ ____ 3.54 in (90 mm) Stroke _________ _____ ___ ______ ____ 3.
255 Specif ication s Engine oil T o meet dem ands in Saab 's e xtend ed se r vice i nterv als a ll en g- ines are fil led with spec ially desi gned synth etic f actory fill o ils . Long s er vice interval s, f uel econom y and environm ental i s sues are the base f or our choice of oil.
256 Specif ications Engine varia nts When to c hange engin e oil Y our v ehicle wil l displa y when it i s time f or servicing on the SID , based on th e mileag e a nd tim e since the la st service. Under no rmal circu mstan ces th e service i ndica tion w ill com e after: Saab 9-5, 1 5,000 miles (24,00 0 km ) or 1 y e ar .
257 Specif ication s Electrical system Drive belt s V oltage _____ ________ _________ ____ 12 V Battery capacity _________ ______ ____ 70 Ah Star ter motor _ ______ _____ ______ ____ 1.4 kW Alternator ra ting _______ ______ ______ _ 140 A/14 V Firing order ________ ________ _______ 1–3–4–2 Spark plug s: 2.
258 Specif ications Manual gearbox Automatic tr ansmission T ype _______ ________ ____________ _ All-syn chrome sh 5-sp eed with final drive and d iff eren- tial Oil ___ ____________ ________ _______ Saab MTF 0063 Oil cap acity __________ ___ ______ ____ 1.
259 Specif ication s Suspension Steering Brake system Spring type , f ront and rear __________ _ Coil springs Maxi mum d efle ction of sp rings: F ro nt ___________ _____ ______ ____ 7.
260 Specif ications Wheels and tires (recommend ed dime nsions) 2.3t 2.3T 2.3 T urbo All season ti res 215/55 R 16 93 H X X X 225/45 R 17 94 V XL/ RF X X X Summer tires 225/45 R 17 94 W XL /RF X X X W.
261 Specif ication s Lowest recommended tire pressure, cold t ires Tire siz e Load/spe ed mph (km /h) 1) Fr o n t kP a/psi Rear kP a/psi All season tires 215/55 R 16 93 H 1–3 pers ./0–1 00 (0–1 60) 240/35 220/3 2 4–5 pers ./0–1 00 (0–1 60) 240/35 220/3 2 1–5 pers .
262 Specif ications Plates and label s When cons ulting your Saab deal er, it may be necess ary to quote the ca r’s V.I. N., en gine and gearb ox nu mb ers. 1 V . I.N. numbe r , insid e wi nds hiel d. 2 Cer tification la bel. 3 Gear box number. 4 Engi ne nu mber.
263 Specif ication s 1 Region _____ ______ Y = Nor thern Europe 2 Country ____ ______ S = Sweden 3 Manufa cturer _____ 3 = Sa ab Automo bile AB 4 Pro duct line ______ E = 9-5 5 Model se ries ______ B .
264 Specif ications Several of t he systems in your Saab car can be adjust ed to better fi t your indivi dual needs Some func tio ns are gov ern ed by leg al requir ements a nd can not th erefor e be reprogram med. Cons ult an au tho ri zed S aab dea ler fo r further in formati on.
265 Index Index A A/C syste m, fault di agnosis ___ ____ 235 A/C sy st em, maint enanc e _________ 234 ABS brakes __ ________ __________ 152 ACC ____ _________ ________ _____ 73 ACC function s _______.
266 Index Coolant ________ ________ _______ 188 Courtes y Head lig ht Featu re ________ 68 Crash mem ory, see EDR _____ ____ 249 Cruise control ______ _____ _______ 151 Cup h old er ________ _________.
267 Index I If a tire g oes flat ______ _________ _ 223 Ignition switch ___________ _______ 132 Immobi lizer ________ ________ _____ 43 Indicato r and war ning ligh ts ________ 52 Indicato r lights __.
268 Index Rearview mirro rs ______ _________ _ 107 Recl amat io n _________ __________ 242 Recommenda tions for cars with automati c transmissio n, towing a camper o r trailer _____ __________ 162 Ref.
269 Index Towing, au tomatics ____ _________ _ 171 Trailer w eights __ ________ _______ 253 Treadwe ar indica tors ________ ____ 219 Trionic ___ _________ ___________ _ 184 Trip com puter ______ _____.
270 Notes Notes.
271 Notes.
272 Notes.
Fuel IMPORTANT: D o no t overfill . The level must not com e up into the f ill er p ipe b eca use t he f uel must ha ve spac e room to expand . 1 Engine oil For inform ation see cha pter "Techni ca l data ". 2 Brake/clutch fluid DOT 4 brak e flu id.
Saab Automobile AB, Trollhättan, Sweden NOTICE Chang e of en gine oil an d oil filter m ay b e requi red mo re frequ ently if the car is being used un der certain co nditions, see sectio n "Cus tomer As sist ance and Inf ormation. US/CA MY2005 Ordering nr.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Saab 2005 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Saab 2005 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Saab 2005 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Saab 2005 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Saab 2005 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Saab 2005 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Saab 2005 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Saab 2005. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Saab 2005 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.