Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung PRIPORT JP730 des Produzenten Ricoh
Zur Seite of 171
Introd uctio n This manual descr ibes d etai led i nstruc tions on t he ope ratio n and not es about the use of th is m achine. To get maximu m versati lit y from this machine all o perato rs a re reque sted to read this manual carefu lly and foll ow t he inst ructio ns.
Declara tion of Confo rmity “ The Produ ct com plies wit h the requ irem ents of the EMC Direc tive 89 /336/ EEC and its amendin g di- recti ves and the Low V oltage Direc tive 73/23/E EC and i ts amendi ng dir ecti ves.
i TABLE OF CONTENTS Safety Infor matio n ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ...... .. ...... ..... 1 Safety During Operation.......... ...... ....... ....... ....... ...... ....... ....... ....
ii 3. Replenish ing Supplies Loadi ng Pa per in to the Pape r Fee d Tr ay ...... ..... ..... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... ...... .. ...... ... 3 7 Replenishing Paper ....... ...... ....... ....... ...... ....... ....... ....... ...... ....... ......
1 Safety Information When using this machin e, the following safety p recautions shou ld always be fol- lowed. Safet y During Operat ion In th is m anual , the follow ing imp ortan t symb ols a re use.
2 R CAUT ION : • Protect the machine from dampness or wet weather, suc h as rain, snow. • Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet before you move the machine. While m oving the machin e, you should take care that the po wer cord will no t be damag ed under t he machin e.
3 How to Read this Manual Symb ols In th is manu al, the following sym bols are u sed: R WARNING: This symbo l indicates a potentially hazardous s ituation that migh t result in death or serious injury when you m isuse the machin e without following t he in- str ucti ons under thi s sy mbol .
4 What You Can Do with this Ma chine Below i s a quic k summary of this mac hine' s features and where to look in this manual for more i nformation. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Sta ndard Pr inti ng Se e p.15 “St and ar d Pr int ing ”. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Adjusting the Pri nt Image Position See p.
5 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Combining Originals o nto One Print See p.29 “ Combine — Combini ng Two Ori ginal s onto One Pr int ” . ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Maki ng Co lour Prin ts See p.33 “ Making Co lour Prints ” . ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Pri nting in Two Colo urs See p.
6 Machi ne Exter ior 1. Front doo r Open fo r access to the i nside o f the ma- chine. 2. Original delivery tray The scanned origina l is deli vered here. 3. Contro l panel Operator controls and indicators are lo- cated here. See p.8 “ Control Panel ” .
7 Machi ne Interior 1. Document feeder Place the original in the doc ument feeder one sheet at a time. 2. Main switch Use to turn the po wer on or off. 3. Maste r eject box Used ma sters are stored here. 4. Paper deliv ery side plate s Use to align the pri nts on the paper deliv- ery tray.
8 Control Panel Keys 1. { { { { Image D ensity } } } } key Press to m ake prints darker or lighter. See p.20 “ Adjusting the Print Image Densi- ty ” . 2. { { { { Type of Origina l } } } } key Press to select Letter or Photo mode. See p.27 “ Select ing Ori ginal Type ” .
9 Indicators 1. Magnification indicators Show the preset m agnifi cation ratio se- lected. S ee p.23 “ Preset Reduce/En- large — Reducin g and Enlarging U sing Preset Ratios ” . 2. Machine indicators Show the jam med area with the x indi- cator.
10 Page 10 Thursday, December 26, 2002 10:13 AM.
11 1. Operation Printing Pape r The following t ypes of print paper are no t recomm ended fo r this mac hine. • Paper s maller than 90 mm × 140 m m, 3.6" × 5.6 " • Paper l arger than 2 75 mm × 395 mm, 10.8" × 15.6" • Paper heavier tha n 127.
Operati on 12 1 Orig inals Note ❒ Originals that can be set i n the document feeder are as follows: • Maximum si ze: 27 5 × 395 mm, 10.8" × 15.6" • Minimum size: 90 × 140 mm, 3. 6" × 5.6" • Maximum weight: 127.9 g/m 2 , 34 .
Printi ng Preparat ions 13 1 Printing Prepar ations Loading Pa per A A A A Lower the p aper feed tr ay adjust- ment lever. B B B B Release the paper fe ed side plate lock levers and adjust the side plates to match the paper size. 1: Paper Feed Side Plate Lock Le- vers C C C C Load pa per i nt o th e p ape r fee d tray.
Operati on 14 1 D D D D Make sure that t he paper feed side plates touc h the paper light - ly. Shift the lock levers back to their original positions. E E E E Shift the tray adju stment lever to the paper feeding position. Note ❒ Before you start p rinting, the pape r feed t ray m ust be ali gned with the feeding po sition .
Standar d Printi ng 15 1 Standard Printing - - - - Print ing In this manual, the word, “ printing ” is used as op pose d to “ copying ” in or - der t o disti nguis h bet ween th e p roc- ess that your machine uses to make prints, and the pro cess used by a standard copier m achine.
Operati on 16 1 D D D D Enter the number of prints re- quired with t he number keys. Note ❒ Up to 9 999 prin ts can be entered at a time. ❒ To c hange the numb er en tered, pres s the { { { { Clear/St op } } } } key a nd enter the new number. E E E E Pre ss the { { { { Prin t Start } } } } ke y.
After Print ing 17 1 After Printing A A A A Lower the p aper feed tr ay adjust- ment lever a nd remove th e paper from the paper feed tray. B B B B Remove the p rints from the p aper delivery tray.
Operati on 18 1 Adjusting the Print Image Positi on After master makin g, you c an adj ust th e prin t ima ge po siti on to suit yo ur needs . There are two ways to do this : ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Shifting the Image Position F orwards or Backwards Adj ust the image p osition u sing the { { { { Image Posi tion } } } } keys.
Adjusti ng the Print Image Posit ion 19 1 Shif ting the Pri nt Image Posit ion to the Righ t or Left * Paper feed direct ion A A A A Lower the p aper feed tr ay adjust- ment le ver an d unlock t he pape r feed s ide p lates. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Shifting the image to the right Shift the p aper tow ards t he fr ont of t he ma chi ne.
Operati on 20 1 Adjusting the Print Image Density You can ad just the pr int imag e densi- ty to suit your needs. T here are two ways to do this : ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Before Making a Master Adjust the i mage density using the { { { { Ima ge De ns it y } } } } key.
Changin g the Pr inti ng Sp eed 21 1 Changing the Printi ng Speed Use the { { { { Speed } } } } key to adjust the speed of the machi ne to suit the im- age densit y and paper t ype. A A A A Pre ss the { { { { Spee d } } } } key to sele ct the printing speed .
Operati on 22 1 Stopping the Machine during the Multi-print Run When You Want to Sto p the Machine during the Multi-print Run and Print the Next Original A A A A Pre ss the { { { { Clear/S top } } } } key. B B B B Place the new original in the doc- ument f eeder.
Pres et Red uce/Enlar ge—Reduci ng and Enla rging Us ing Pr eset Ratios 23 1 Preset Reduce/Enl arge—Reducing and Enlar ging Us ing Pres et Rat ios Yo u can sel ect a pres et rat io for print - ing. Note ❒ The cent re and the leading edge of the p rint ima ge do not sh ift when a pri nt im age is made wi th this func - tion.
Operati on 24 1 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Enlargement (Metri c version) ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Enlarg ement (Inc h versio n) A A A A Select the desired reduction or en- lar ge men t ra tio usi ng th e { { { { En- large/Re duce } } } } key. B B B B Make sure that the origin al and the p rint pa per ar e of the co rrec t size.
Prin ting on Dif feren t Typ es of Paper Thickne ss 25 1 Printi ng on Different Types of Pap er Thic kness Depen ding on the t hickness of the p a- per th at you are printing on, you need to perf orm the follow ing steps. Feed Roll er Pressure Lever A A A A Shift the feed roller pressure le- ver to th e Thick or Standard paper position.
Operati on 26 1 Separa tion Pressure Lev er A A A A To pr ev ent do ub le -f eed, a dju st the pape r s epa rati on pres sur e us - ing the separation pressure lever. Note ❒ Paper se parat ion pressu re ca n be adjusted acc ording to the pa- per weights as shown in the fo l- lowing table.
Se lecti ng Or igin al Ty pe 27 1 Sele cting Ori ginal Type Selec t one of the foll owing tw o types to suit your origin als: ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Photo mo de Delic ate tones of photogr aphs an d pict ures can b e repro duced w ith this mo de. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Letter mode Select this mode when your o rigi- nals contai n only le tters (no p ic- ture s).
Operati on 28 1 Auto Cycle — Processing a M aster and Making Pr ints in One Step Use t he { { { { Auto Cycle } } } } key t o proc ess masters and make prints in one step. A A A A Place the original in th e docu- ment feede r. B B B B Pre ss the { { { { Auto Cycle } } } } key.
Combine — Co mbining Two Ori ginals ont o One Print 29 1 Combi ne — Combining Two Origi nals onto One Pr int Y ou c an pri nt tw o s epa rat e o rig ina ls on a single sheet of pap er. The follow- ing diagr am s show the av ailabl e pa - per list s an d orien tat io ns.
Operati on 30 1 A A A A Pre ss the { { { { Combine } } } } key. B B B B Place the first origin al face d own in the document feeder. Note ❒ The first orig inal wi ll be print ed on the leading pa rt of the print. C C C C Specify the reproduction rat io and check that the correct paper siz e is load ed .
Combine — Co mbining Two Ori ginals ont o One Print 31 1 H H H H Enter the number of prints with the numb er keys. I I I I Pre ss the { { { { Pr int Sta rt } } } } ke y to ma ke your prints.
Operati on 32 1 Page 32 Thursday, December 26, 2002 10:13 AM.
33 2. O ptional Functions Colo ur Printi ng Using the Opt ional Co lour Drum In a ddition t o the standa rd bla ck drum, co lour drum units (red , blue, green, brown, yellow, purple, navy, mar oon , o rang e, and te al) a re also available as options.
Option al Funct ions 34 2 Changin g the Colour Drum Unit A A A A Open the front door. B B B B Li ft t he dr um h andl e to unl oc k the drum. C C C C Slowly pull the dru m out. Note ❒ If you cannot pull out the d rum uni t, tu rn o ff th e m ain sw itch and then try again.
Colour Pr int ing Usin g the Optional Col our D rum 35 2 G G G G Slide in the drum unit un til it locks in position. H H H H Lower the drum u nit lock lever. I I I I Close the fro nt door. Note ❒ Make sure that the Cover Open indi cator ( M ) tur ns off.
Option al Funct ions 36 2 C C C C Check the image pos ition on the trial or proof print. Note ❒ If the i mage pos ition is not c or- rect, adjust it using the { { { { Image Positi on } } } } key (see p.18 “ Shifti ng the Prin t Image Posit ion For- ward s or B ackw ards ” ) or by movin g th e positi on of t he pa - per (s ee p.
37 3. Replenishing Supplies Loading Pape r into the Paper Fee d Tray The Load P aper in d icat or ( B ) and the machine indic ator “ A ” lights when the pa per f eed t ray r uns o ut of paper . Reple nishing Pape r A A A A Pre ss the { { { { Clear/S top } } } } key.
Replenish ing Su pplies 38 3 Changin g the Paper Size A A A A Lower the p aper feed tr ay adjust- ment lever. Remove the pap er from the paper feed tray. B B B B Release the paper fe ed side plate lock levers. Adjust the p aper feed side plate s to match t he new pa- per s ize.
When the Add I nk Indicat or ( j ) Li ghts 39 3 When the Ad d Ink Indicator ( j j j j ) Lig hts The Add Ink ind ic ator ( j ) li ghts up when it is tim e to sup ply in k. R CAUT ION: R CAUT ION: R CAUT ION: R CAUT ION: A A A A Open the front door. B B B B Release the ink hold er lock lever and pull out the ink holder.
Replenish ing Su pplies 40 3 C C C C Remove the cap of th e new ink cartridge. D D D D Insert the new c artridge into the ink holder. Note ❒ Always supply ink of the same colour. ❒ Make sur e tha t the part in dicat ed by the a rrow mar k is fir mly inserte d into the guide.
Ma ster Ro ll Re plac em ent 41 3 Mast er Roll Replac ement The Maste r End indicat or ( C ) lights up when it is ti me to re pla ce the ma s- ter rol l. A A A A Open the right side cover. B B B B Open the plotter cover. C C C C Remove the used master roll and pull out both spools.
Replenish ing Su pplies 42 3 F F F F Close the plotter cover using both hands until it clicks int o place. G G G G Close the right side cover. TSLH023E Titanium_GB-F_FM.
43 4. Troubleshooting If Your M ach ine do es not Oper ate as You Want If a mal fun ction or a mis feed occ urs w it hin t he ma ch ine , the foll owin g in dic ator s will li ght.
Troubl eshootin g 44 4 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ When the open cover/ unit indicator ( M M M M ) lights up ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ When the suppl y/exchange indica tors light up - - - - When a s ervice code (E-XX) is displ ayed Turn the main switch off and on. If a service code app ears again, contact your service representative.
x Cleari ng Misfeeds 45 4 x x x x Clearing Misfee ds The mach ine indicator shows the area where jams occur. Importa nt ❒ When clearing m isfeeds, do not turn off the main switch. If you do , your print settings are cleared. - - - - After clearing misfee ds Press the { { { { Clear Modes/ Recov ery } } } } key to res et the e rror i ndica tors.
Troubl eshootin g 46 4 When “ x x x x ” and “P” light up An o riginal mi sfeed o ccurs in t he doc ument feeder . A A A A Open the cover of the doc ument feeder. B B B B Pull out the original gently. C C C C Close the cover of the docume nt feeder.
x Cleari ng Misfeeds 47 4 • Bound , st aple d, or cli pped ori gin als • OHP transparencies • Tran slucen t paper • Pa sted or ig inal s Note ❒ The first 5 mm, 0.2" of the leading edge cannot be printed. Make sure the lead- ing edge margin is at least 5 mm, 0.
Troubl eshootin g 48 4 When “ x x x x ” and “ B ” li ght up The mast er or pa per is wrappe d aro und the dr um, or a paper mi sfeed oc curs in- side the machine. A A A A Pull out the drum unit. B B B B Remove the misfed pape r. C C C C Re-insert the drum unit unt il the drum unit locks into position and put the lev er ba ck i n pla ce.
x Cleari ng Misfeeds 49 4 • When you use curled paper, corre ct the curl as shown. • If you can not correc t the pap er curl, stack the paper with the cu rl face down as shown. • When the leading edge margin of the original is less tha n 5 m m, 0.
Troubl eshootin g 50 4 When “ x x x x ” and “ C ” li ght up A paper misfe ed occ urs in the pap er deli very se ction . R CAUT ION: A A A A Remove the misfed pape r. B B B B If the paper is c ompletely wrap ped around the drum, pull out th e drum unit and remove the misfed paper from the drum.
x Cleari ng Misfeeds 51 4 - - - - To prevent pa per misfeeds: If the p aper is curled or th e original' s leading edge margi n is too narrow, the fol - lowing actio n is necessary. • When you use curled paper, corre ct the curl as shown. • If you can not correc t the pap er curl, stack the paper with the cu rl face down as shown.
Troubl eshootin g 52 4 • When the leading edge margin of the original is less tha n 5 m m, 0.2" o r there is a solid image on t he l eadin g edg e, inse rt the origin al wit h th e wid est ma r- gin first or m ake a leading edge margin by making a c opy.
x Cleari ng Misfeeds 53 4 C C C C If you cou ld not re move the m isfed ma ster in s teps B B B B and C C C C , take out the drum and remove the misfed mast er from the inside. D D D D Close the right side cover. When “ x x x x ” and “ E ” light up A A A A Check where the mis fed master is.
Troubl eshootin g 54 4 C Return the master e ject box to its original position. Note ❒ Se t th e drum unit and clo se th e fr ont d oor. When a master mis feed occurs on the drum A Lift the lever to unlock the d rum unit and pull out the unit. Refe re nce For how to remo ve the drum unit , see p.
When the Open Cover /Uni t Indicat or ( M ) Li ghts 55 4 When the Open Cover/Uni t Indicator ( M M M M ) Lig hts M Make s ure tha t the fo llow ing do or/un its are closed.
Troubl eshootin g 56 4 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Drum Unit Set t he dru m unit comp letel y unti l it lock s in p ositio n. Page 56 Thursday, December 26, 2002 10:13 AM.
When the Master Eject In dicator ( k ) Light s 57 4 When the Ma ster E ject Indi cator ( k k k k ) L ight s The Master Ej ect indic ator ( k ) lights when it is time to empty master eject box or w hen you need to set the maste r eject box. A A A A Take out the mast er eject box and remove the used maste rs.
Troubl eshootin g 58 4 Poor P rinting Dirt on the Back Si de of Paper Note ❒ When y ou use p aper smaller than the ori ginal, select t he proper red uction ra- tio. Oth erwise, you m ight get dir ty background pr ints. ❒ When you use po stcards and the like, the background m ight be dirty because postcard s do not absor b ink wel l.
Poor Print ing 59 4 Referen ce See p.34 “ Changing the Co lour Drum Unit ” for the de tail s. C C C C Clean the press ure rolle r with a clean cloth. D D D D With a clean cloth, remove any ink that has accumulated on the trailing edge of the drum unit.
Troubl eshootin g 60 4 G G G G Turn on the main switch. Dirt on the Front Side of Paper (Black Line/Stain) Note ❒ When black lines or stains still appear on prints even if you clean the above, contact your service representati ve.
Poor Print ing 61 4 White Pri nts or Incom plete Pr ints • Make su re that t he pape r feed side plates t ouch the paper lightly. Put back th e lock le vers. Wh en y ou get wh ite o r in com pl ete prints e ven when y ou ha ve chec ked the above, perform the follow ing proced ure.
Troubl eshootin g 62 4 B B B B Re mov e t he mas ter fr o m t he d rum . C C C C Remo ve pa per tha t is st uck to the drum . D D D D Insert the drum unit until it locks in position, then lower the drum unit lock lever. E E E E Close the fro nt door. 1 2 2 TSLH031E TSLH02BE Titanium_GB-F_FM.
63 5. Remarks Operat ion Note s Genera l Cautions • Whil e pr in ting, d o not tu rn of f th e ma in swi tch. • Whil e prin ting, d o not open t he door or covers . • Wh ile pr in ting , do not un plu g th e pow er co rd . • Whil e prin tin g, do not move the machine .
Remarks 64 5 • When the mach ine is used in low temp erature conditio ns, the image density might de crease . In th is c ase, selec t the s lower printi ng speed. • Press the { { { { Proof } } } } key to perfor m a test print as the first few pr ints might b e light.
Operati on Notes 65 5 • When m arks on the pr inting paper occ ur, clean the pa per feed roller. S ee p.68 “ Paper Feed Roller (paper feed tray) ” . • If y ou make a pri nt befo re the ink on the firs t prin t dries, the ink may adhere to the paper feed roller and soil t he print.
Remarks 66 5 Where to Put Y our Machine Your mac hine's location sho uld be carefully chosen because environment al con- diti ons gre atl y aff ec t its per for ma nce .
Where to Put Your Machine 67 5 Powe r Connectio n R WARNING: R CAUT ION: R CAUT ION: ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Main F rame • Make sure the plu g is firmly inserte d in the outl et. Access to Mach ine Place the machine near the powe r source, providing clearance as shown.
Remarks 68 5 Maintain ing Your Machine To maintain hi gh print quality, clean the fo llowin g part s and units reg ular- ly. Docu m ent Fee der A A A A Lift th e docum ent feeder cover. B B B B Clean the two ar eas indi cated be- low us ing a dam p cloth and t hen wipe with a dr y clo th.
Combi nation Char t 69 5 Combinatio n Chart This comb ination chart sh ows which modes can be use d toget her. ❍ means that these mode s can be used togethe r.
Remarks 70 5 Page 70 Thursday, December 26, 2002 10:13 AM.
71 6. Specifications Main Frame ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Co nfigu rat ion: Desk top ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Printing Process: Full a utomatic one drum stencil system ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Orig ina l Typ e: Sheet ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Orig inal Size : Maximum 275 mm × 395 m m, 10.
Specific ations 72 6 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Leadin g Edge Margin: 5 mm ± 3 mm , 0. 2" ± 0. 12" ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Print Pape r Weight: 35 g/m 2 to 127.9 g/m 2 , 9.3 lb to 34 lb ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Print Speed: 60 – 90 cpm (2 steps) ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ First Copy Time (Master Process T ime): Less than 4 5.
Main Frame 73 6 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Noise Emissi on *1: Sound Po wer Lev el Sound P res sure Level * 2 *1 These noise emission levels are actual values me asured in accor dance with ISO 7779. *2 Sound pressure level 2 is measur ed from t he position of the op erator.
Specific ations 74 6 Consumables Note ❒ Speci fication s are subj ect to change without noti ce. Name Size Remarks Master fo r LG drum Length: 50 m, 164ft/rol l Width: 240 mm, 9.5" 1 roll/pack 100 masters can be mad e per roll Master f or B4 drum Length: 50 m, 164ft/rol l Width: 280 mm, 11.
75 INDEX A Access to machine , 67 Adj us ting th e Pr in t Im age De ns ity , 20 Adjusting the Pr int Image Position , 18 Afte r cle aring mi sfee ds , 45 After Pri nting , 17 Auto Cycl e , 28 { Auto .
76 P Pape r deli very en d plat e , 7 Pape r deli very sid e plat es , 7 Pape r deli very tra y , 7 Pap er Fe ed Roll er , 68 Pape r fe ed s ide pla te l ock lever s , 6 Pape r fe ed s ide plat es , 6.
77 MEMO Page 77 Thursday, December 26, 2002 10:13 AM.
78 GB GB AE AE C252-86 00 MEMO Page 78 Thursday, December 26, 2002 10:13 AM.
Operating Instructions Read this manual carefully before yo u use this machi ne and keep it h andy for future referenc e. For safe and co rrect use, be sur e to rea d the Safety Inform ation before using t he machine.
Titanium2_EN-F2_F Page 82 Wednesday, January 25, 2006 6:30 PM.
i TABLE OF CONTENTS Safety Information ........ ................. ............ ................. ................. ................. ......... 1 Safety Du ring Opera tion ....... .......... ........ .......... ......... .......... .......... .........
ii 3. Replenishing Supplies Loading Paper into the Paper Feed Tray .................. ................. ................. ....... 37 Replenishing Paper ...... .......... ......... .......... ........ .......... ......... ........ .......... ........ .
1 Safety Information When using this machine, the fol lowing sa fety precautions should always be fol- lowed. Safety During Operation In this manua l, the following impo rtant symbol s are used: R WARNING: R WARNING: Indicates a potential ly hazardous situatio n which, if instructions are not fol lowed, co uld result in death or ser ious inju ry.
2 R CAUTION: • After you move the machine, use the caster fixture to fix it in place. Othe r- wise the machine might m ove or come down to cause an injury. • If you use the m achine in a confined space, make sure there is a con tinuous air turnover.
3 How to Read this Manual Symbols In this manual, the following symbols are us ed: R WARNING: This symbol indicates a potentially h azardous situation that might result in death or serious injury wh en you misuse the machine without following the in- structions under this symbol.
4 What You Can Do with this Machine Below is a quick summary of this machin e's features and where to look in this manual for more information. ❖ Standard Printing See p.15 “Standa rd Printing”. ❖ Adjusting the Print Image Position See p.
5 ❖ Combining Originals onto One Print See p.29 “Combine—Combining Tw o Originals onto One Print”. ❖ Making Color Prints See p.33 “Making Color Print s”. ❖ Printing in Two Colors See p.35 “Printing in Two Colors”. ZCTX040E B A AB Titanium2_EN-F2_F M_forPaper.
6 Machine Exterior 1. Front door Open for access to the inside of th e ma- chine. 2. Original delivery tray The scanned original is delivered here. 3. Control panel Operator controls an d indi cators are lo- cated here. See p. 8 “Contro l Pane l”.
7 Machine Interior 1. Document feeder Place the original in the document feeder one sheet at a time. 2. Main switch Use to turn the power on or off. 3. Master eject box Used masters are stored here. 4. Paper delivery side plates Use to al ign the prints on the paper deliv- ery tray.
8 Control Panel Keys 1. { Image Density } key Press to m ake prin ts darker or lig hter. See p.20 “Adjusting the Pri nt Image Density”. 2. { Type of Original } key Press to select Letter, Photo or Let- ter/Photo mode. See p.27 “Selec ting Original Type”.
9 Indicators 1. Magnific ation i ndicat ors Show the preset magnification ratio se- lected. See p.23 “Preset Reduce/En- large—Reducing and Enlarging Using Preset Ratios”. 2. Machine indicat ors Show the jammed area with the x indi- cator. See p.
10 Titanium2_EN-F2_F Page 10 Wednesday, January 25, 2006 6:30 PM.
11 1. Operation Printing Paper The following types of pri nt paper ar e not recommend ed for this machine. • Paper smaller than 90 mm × 140 mm, 3.6" × 5.6" • Paper larger than 275 mm × 395 mm, 10.8" × 15.6" • Paper heavier t han 127.
Operation 12 1 Originals Note ❒ Originals th at can be set in the do cument fee der are as follow s: • Maximum si ze: 275 × 395 mm, 10.8" × 15.6" • Minimum size: 90 × 140 mm, 3.6" × 5.6" • Maximum weight: 127.9 g/m 2 , 34.
Printi ng Pre paratio ns 13 1 Printing Preparations Loading Paper A Lower the p aper feed t ray adjust- ment l ever . B Release the paper feed side pla te lock levers and adjust the side plates to match the paper siz e. 1: Paper Feed Side Plate Lock Le- vers C Load paper into the pa per feed tray.
Operation 14 1 Preparing the Paper Delivery Tray A Adjust the paper delivery side plates to match the paper siz e. B Adjust the pa per delivery end plate t o match the p aper size.
Standard P rinting 15 1 Standard Printing - Printing In this manual, the word, “ printing” is used as opposed to “copying” in or- der to distinguish betw een the pro- cess that your machine uses to make prints, and the process us ed by a stan- dard copier machine.
Operation 16 1 D Enter the numb er of prints re- quired with the number keys. Note ❒ Up to 9999 prints can be entered at a time. ❒ To change the number entered, press the { Clear/Stop } key and enter the new number. E Press the { Print Start } ke y.
After Printin g 17 1 After Printing A Lower the p aper feed t ray adjust- ment lever and re move the paper from the paper feed tray. B Remove the prints from the paper delivery tray.
Operation 18 1 Adjusting the Print Image Position After master making, you can adjust the print image position to suit your needs. There are two ways to do this: ❖ Shifting the Image Position Forwards or Backwards Adjust the image position using the { Image Position } keys.
Adjusting the Print Ima ge Position 19 1 Shifting the Print Image Position to the Right or Left * Paper feed direction A Lower the p aper feed t ray adjust- ment lever a nd unlock the paper feed side plate s. ❖ Shifting the image to the right Shift the paper towar ds the front of the machine.
Operation 20 1 Adjusting the Print Image Density You can adjust the print image densi- ty to suit your needs. There are two ways to do this: ❖ Before Making a Mas ter Adjust the image density using the { Image Density } key. ❖ After Making a Master Adjust the image density using the { Speed } key.
Changing the Printing Speed 21 1 Changing the Printing Speed Use the { Speed } k e y t o a d j u s t t h e speed of the machine to suit the im- age density and paper type.
Operation 22 1 Stopping the Machine during the Multi- print Run When You Want to Stop the Machine during the Multi-print Run and Print the Next Original A Press the { Clear/Stop } key. B Place the n ew original in the doc- ument f eeder. C Enter the number of prints and press the { Master M aking } key.
Preset Reduce/Enlarg e—Reducin g and Enlargi ng Using P reset Ratio s 23 1 Preset Reduce/Enlarge—Reducing and Enlarging Using Preset Ratios You can select a preset ratio for print- ing. Note ❒ The center and the leading edge of the print image do not shift when a print image is made with this func- tion.
Operation 24 1 ❖ Enlargement (Metric version) ❖ Enlargement (Inch version) A Select the d esired reduction or en- largement ratio using the { En- large/Reduce } key. B Make sure tha t the original and the print paper ar e of the correct size. C Place the original in the d ocument feeder and speci fy the number of prints.
Printing on D ifferent Types of Pa per Thickness 25 1 Printing on Different Types of Paper Thickness Depending on the thick ness of the p a- per that you are printing on, you need to perform the following steps. Feed Roller Pressure Lever A Shift the fe ed roller pressure l e- ver to the Thick or St andard paper positi on.
Operation 26 1 Separation Pressure Lever A To prevent double-fee d, adjust the paper separa tion pressure us- ing the sep aration pr essure le ver. Note ❒ Paper separation pre ssure can be adjusted according to the pa- per weights as show n in the fol- lowing table.
Selecti ng Original Type 27 1 Selecting Original Type Select one of the following two types to suit your originals: ❖ Photo mode Delicate tones of photographs and pictures can be reproduced with this mode. ❖ Letter mode Select this mod e when your origi- nals contain only letters (no pic- tures).
Operation 28 1 Auto Cycle—Processing a Master and Making Prints in One Step Use the { Auto Cycle } key to process masters and make pr ints in one step. A Place the original in the docu ment feeder. B Press the { Auto Cycle } key. C Enter the numb er of prints re- quired with the number keys.
Combine— Combining T wo Origina ls onto One Prin t 29 1 Combine—Combining Two Orig inals onto One Print You can print two separate originals on a single sheet of paper. The fo llow- ing diagrams show th e available pa- per lists and orientations. 1: B5 JIS K , A5 K , B6 JIS K or A6 K .
Operation 30 1 A Press the { Combin e } key. B Place the fi rst original face down in the do cumen t feeder . Note ❒ The first original will be printed on the leading part of the print. C Specify the reproduction ratio and check that the correct paper size is loaded.
Combine— Combining T wo Origina ls onto One Prin t 31 1 H Enter the number of prints with the number keys. I Press the { Print Start } key to make your prints.
Operation 32 1 Titanium2_EN-F2_F Page 32 Wednesday, January 25, 2006 6:30 PM.
33 2. Optional Functions Color Printing Using the Optional Color Drum In addition to the standard black drum, color drum units (red, blue, green, brown, ye llow, purple, navy, maroon, orange, and teal) are also available as options. To make color prints, a separate drum unit is needed for each color.
Optional Fu nctions 34 2 B Lift the d rum handle to u nlock the drum. C Slowly pull the d rum out. Note ❒ If you cannot pull out the drum unit, turn off the main switch and then try again. D Hold the rail on t he drum and slide out the drum while pulling the rele ase towards you.
Color Printi ng Using the Optional Color Drum 35 2 H Lower the drum un it lock lever. I Close the front door. Note ❒ Make sure that the Cover Open indicator ( M ) turns off. Printing in Two Colors After printing in one color, you can print in anothe r color on the same side of the print.
Optional Fu nctions 36 2 D Enter the number of prints with the number keys. E Press the { Print Start } ke y. F Remove the prints from the paper delivery tray and re-load them into the pap er feed tray, as shown in the il lustrati on. G Change the drum unit.
37 3. Replenishing Supplies Loading Paper into the Paper Feed Tray The Load Paper indicator ( B ) and the machine indicator “A” lights w hen the paper feed tray runs out of paper. Replenishing Paper A Press the { Clear/Stop } key. Note ❒ This step is necessary only if you want to pause a print run to reple nish pa per.
Replenis hing Supp lies 38 3 Changing the Paper Size A Lower the p aper feed t ray adjust- ment lever. Remove the paper from the paper feed tray. B Release the paper feed side pla te lock leve rs. Adjust the paper fe ed side plates to match the new pa- per size .
When the Add Ink Indicator ( j ) Ligh ts 39 3 When the Add Ink Indicator ( j ) Lights The Add Ink indicato r ( j ) lights up when it is time to supply ink. R CAUTION: R CAUTION: R CAUTION: R CAUTION: R CAUTION: R CAUTION: Important ❒ Faults may occur if you use ink other than the recommended type.
Replenis hing Supp lies 40 3 B Release the ink holder lock l ever and pull out the ink holde r. Remove the used ink cartridge. C Remove the cap of th e new ink cartridge. D Insert the new ca rtridge into th e ink holder. TSL T012E Titanium2_EN-F2_F M_forPaper.
When the Add Ink Indicator ( j ) Ligh ts 41 3 Note ❒ Always supply ink of the same color. ❒ Make sure that the part indicated by the arrow mark is firmly inserted in to the guide. E Slide th e ink ho lder b ack in u ntil it c licks into pla ce. F Close the front door.
Replenis hing Supp lies 42 3 Master Roll Replacement The Master End indicator ( C ) lights up when i t is time t o replace the mas- ter roll. A Open the r ight side cover. B Open the pl otter cover. C Remove the us ed master roll and pull ou t both spools.
Master Roll Replacement 43 3 F Close the plotter cover using both hands until it clicks into place. G Close the ri ght side cover. TSLH023E Titanium2_EN-F2_F M_forPaper.
Replenis hing Supp lies 44 3 Titanium2_EN-F2_F Page 44 Wednesday, January 25, 2006 6:30 PM.
45 4. Troubleshooting If Your Machine does not Operate as You Want If a malfunction or a misfeed occurs with in the machine, the following indicators will light. ❖ When the misfeed indicator ( x ) lights with the ma chine indicators R CAUTION: Note ❒ To prevent misfee ds, do not leave any torn scraps of paper with in the ma- chine.
Troubl eshooti ng 46 4 ❖ When the open cover/unit indicator ( M ) lights up ❖ When the supply/exchange indicators light up - When a service co de (E-XX) is displayed Turn the main switch off and on. If a service code appears again, contact you r service re presen tative.
x Clearing Misfeeds 47 4 x Clearing Misfeeds The machine indicator shows the are a where jams occur. Important ❒ When clearing misfeeds, do n ot turn off the mai n switch. If you do, your pr int settings are cleared. - After clearing misfeeds Press the { Clear Modes/Recove ry } key to reset the error indicators.
Troubl eshooti ng 48 4 When “ x ” and “P” light up An original misfeed occurs in the document feeder. A Open the cove r of the document f eeder. B Pull out the original gentl y. C Close the cove r of the document f eeder. Titanium2_EN-F2_F M_forPaper.
x Clearing Misfeeds 49 4 - To preven t original misfeeds: Use the exposure glass for the following kinds of originals. • Originals heavier than 127.9 g/m 2 , 34.
Troubl eshooti ng 50 4 When “ x ”, “ B ” and “A” light up A paper misfeed occurs in the paper feed section. R CAUTION: A Lower the paper feed tray a djustment lever .
x Clearing Misfeeds 51 4 C Re-insert the drum uni t until the drum unit lock s into position and put the lever bac k in plac e. D Close the front door. - To prevent paper misfeeds: If the paper is curled or the originals le ading edge margin is too narrow, the fol- lowing action is necessary.
Troubl eshooti ng 52 4 • When the leading edge margin of the orig inal is les s than 5 mm, 0.2" or there is a solid image on the leading edge, in sert the original with the widest mar- gin first or make a leading edge margin by making a copy . When “ x ” and “C” light up A paper misfeed occurs in the paper delive ry section.
x Clearing Misfeeds 53 4 B If the paper is completely wra pped around the drum, pull out the drum unit and r emove the misfed pape r from the drum. C Re-install the drum unit locks in posit ion and put the lever back in plac e. Note ❒ If you followed step B or C , close the front door.
Troubl eshooti ng 54 4 • If you c annot correct the paper curl, st ack the paper with the curl face down as shown. • When the leading edge margin of the orig inal is les s than 5 mm, 0.2" or there is a solid image on the leading edge, in sert the original with the widest mar- gin first or make a leading edge margin by making a copy .
x Clearing Misfeeds 55 4 When “ x ” and “D” light up A Open the r ight side cover. B Open the plotte r cover, and then remo ve the misfed mast er. C If you could not remove the misfed master i n steps B and C , take out the drum and r emove the misfed mast er from the insid e.
Troubl eshooti ng 56 4 When “ x ” and “E” light up A Check wher e the misfed mast er is. Remove the misfed master a s follows: When a master misfeed occurs in the master eject section A Pull out the master eject bo x. B Remove the misfed master.
x Clearing Misfeeds 57 4 When a master misfeed occurs on the drum A Lift the le ver to unlock the dru m unit and pull out the unit. Reference For ho w to re move t he drum unit , see p.33 “Changing th e Color Drum Unit”. B Remove the master from the drum.
Troubl eshooti ng 58 4 When the Open Cover/Unit Indicator ( M ) Lights M Make sure th at the follow ing door/uni ts are clos ed. The machine indicator shows the place where the door/units are not closed. ❖ Right Side Cover Close the right side cover firmly until it locks into position.
When the Open Cover/Unit Indicator ( M ) Lights 59 4 ❖ Drum Unit Set the drum unit completely until it lock s in position. Titanium2_EN-F2_F M_forPaper.
Troubl eshooti ng 60 4 When the Master Eject Indicator ( k ) Lights The M aster Eject indi cator ( k ) lights when it is time to empty master eject box or when you need to set the master eject box. A Take out the ma ster eject box and remove the used mast ers.
Poor Printin g 61 4 Poor Printing Dirt on the Back Side of Paper Note ❒ When you use p aper smaller than th e original, select th e proper reduction ra- tio. Otherwise, you might get dirty background prints. ❒ When you use postcards and the like, th e back ground might be dirty because postcards do not absorb ink well.
Troubl eshooti ng 62 4 Reference See p.33 “Chang ing the Color Drum Unit”for the details. C Clean the p ressure roller with a clea n cloth. D With a clea n cloth, remove any ink t hat has accumulate d on the trailing edge of the d rum unit. E Insert the drum unit until it locks in position, then lower the drum unit lock lever.
Poor Printin g 63 4 G Turn on the main switc h. Dirt on the Front Side of Paper (Black Line/Stain) Note ❒ When black lines or stain s still appear on prints even if you cle an the above, contact your service representative.
Troubl eshooti ng 64 4 White Prints or Incomplete Pr ints • Make sure that th e paper feed side plat es touch the paper lightly. Put back the lock levers. When you get white or incomplete prints even when you have checked the above, per form the follow ing procedure.
Poor Printin g 65 4 B Remove the master from the drum. C Remove paper t hat is stuck to the d rum. D Insert the drum unit until it locks in position, then lower the drum unit lock lever.
Troubl eshooti ng 66 4 E Close the front door. Titanium2_EN-F2_F Page 66 Wednesday, January 25, 2006 6:30 PM.
67 5. Remarks Operation Notes General Cautions • While printing, do not turn off the main sw itch. • While printing , do not op en the door or covers. • While printing, do not unplug the power cord. • While printing, do not move the machine . • Keep corrosive li quids, such as acid, off the machine.
Remarks 68 5 • The outer portion of the image might not be printed unde r low temperature. In this case, either se lect the slower printin g speed, or increase the room tem- perature. • The paper exit pawl might come in contact with the printin g paper and cause black lines on the prints.
Operation No tes 69 5 Print Paper • When the paper is curled, stack the p ape r with the curl face down, oth erwise the pa per might wrap arou nd the drum or stains might appear. • P o s tc a rd s a nd t he l i ke d o no t ab s o rb i n k w e ll .
Remarks 70 5 Where to Put Your Machine Your machine's location sh ould be carefully chosen because environmental con- ditions gr eatly aff ect its perfo rmance.
Where to Put Your Machine 71 5 Power Connection R WARNING: R CAUTION: R CAUTION: • The socket-outlet shall be installed near the machine and shall be easily acces- sible. • Voltage must not flu ctuate more than 10 %. Access to Machine Place th e machine n ear the pow er so urce, providing clearance as shown.
Remarks 72 5 Maintaining Your Machine To maintain high print quality, clean the following parts and units regular- ly. Document Feeder A Lift the document feede r cover. B Clean the t wo areas indicat ed be- low using a damp cloth and then wipe with a dry cloth.
Combinatio n Chart 73 5 Combination Chart This combination chart shows whic h mode s can be used together. ❍ means that these mod es can be used toge ther.
Remarks 74 5 Titanium2_EN-F2_F Page 74 Wednesday, January 25, 2006 6:30 PM.
75 6. Specifications Main Frame ❖ Configuration: Desk top ❖ Printing Process: Full automatic one drum stencil system ❖ Origin al Type: Sheet ❖ Origin al Size : Maximum 275 mm × 395 mm, 10.
Specif ication s 76 6 ❖ Print Paper Size: Maximum 275 mm × 395 mm, 10.8 " × 15.6" Minimum 90 mm × 140 mm, 3.6" × 5.6" ❖ Leading Edge Margin: 5 mm ± 3 mm, 0.2" ± 0.12" ❖ Print Paper Weight: 35 g/m 2 to 127.9 g/m 2 , 9.
Main Frame 77 6 ❖ Noise Emission *1: Sound Power Level Sound Pressure Level*2 *1 The above meas urements made in accordance with IS O 7779 are actual val- ue. *2 It is measured at the position of the oper ator. ❖ Power Source: See th e inside fr ont cover of this manu al.
Specif ication s 78 6 Consumables Note ❒ Specif icatio ns are subj ect to change w ithout n otice. Name Size Remarks Master for LG drum Length: 50 m, 164ft/roll Width: 240 mm, 9.5" 1 roll/pack 100 masters can be made per ro ll Master for B4 drum Length: 50 m, 164ft/roll Width: 280 mm, 11.
79 INDEX A Access to machine , 71 Adjusting the Print Image Density , 20 Adjusting the Print Image Position , 18 After clearing misfeeds , 47 After Printing , 17 Auto Cycle , 28 { Auto Cycle } key , 8.
80 P Paper delivery end plate , 7 Paper delivery side pl ates , 7 Paper delivery tray , 7 Paper Feed Roller , 72 Paper feed side plate lock levers , 6 Paper feed side plates , 6 Paper feed tray , 6 Pa.
81 MEMO Titanium2_EN-F2_F Page 81 Wednesday, January 25, 2006 6:30 PM.
82 EN USA C261-86 08 MEMO Titanium2_EN-F2_F Page 82 Wednesday, January 25, 2006 6:30 PM. Page 1 Th ursday, December 15, 2005 1:51 PM.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Ricoh PRIPORT JP730 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Ricoh PRIPORT JP730 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Ricoh PRIPORT JP730 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Ricoh PRIPORT JP730 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Ricoh PRIPORT JP730 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Ricoh PRIPORT JP730 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Ricoh PRIPORT JP730 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Ricoh PRIPORT JP730. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Ricoh PRIPORT JP730 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.