Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 360 des Produzenten Radio Shack
Zur Seite of 40
Ca t. N o . 43- 980 OWNER’S MANU AL Please read be fore using this equipmen t. Syst em 360 Caller ID wit h Callback With 100 Caller ID Mem o ri es 43-9 80 .
2 This sym bol is in tended to a lert you to the pr es ence of un- insu lated dangerous voltage w ithin th e product’s en closure that migh t be of suff icient magn itude to cons titute a risk of elect r ic shock. Do not ope n the produc t’s case.
3 FEA TURES Your RadioSh ack System 360 Call er ID with Call back is the lates t in te lep hone techn ology. The system di splay s the cal l- er’s t elephon e number (a nd name, i f availabl e in yo ur area) and the cu rrent da te and time, as pr ovide d by y our l ocal phone com pany t o Calle r ID ser vice subscri bers.
4 Ti me a n d Dat e D is pla y — disp lays t he curr ent tim e and da te as p rovide d to Calle r ID ser vice subscri bers b y your l o- cal tel ephone c ompany. Mes sage Waiting Indicat or — appears when you have re- cei ved a voi ce mail message (if you subscr ibe to t he mes- sage wai ting ser vi ce from your loca l phone company) .
5 Note: You n eed four AAA batte ries (not supplied) to power the System 360 . This sys tem has bee n teste d and found to com ply with a ll appli cable UL and F CC standa rds. We rec ommend you record the sys tem’s s erial number here. The number is on the system ’ s bottom panel .
6 FCC INFORMA TION We h ave desi gned your System 360 to c onform t o feder al regul ati ons, an d you c an conne ct i t to most t elephone li nes. However , each Cal ler ID system ( and each dev ice, s uch as a tele phone or answering mac hine) that you conne ct to the tel ephone li ne draws po wer from the li ne.
7 Note: You mus t not c onnect you r System 360 to: • Coin-op erated sys tems • Party- line sy ste ms • Most elect roni c k ey telep hone system s In the un like ly even t that yo ur Sys tem 3 60 cau ses p roblem s on t he pho ne line, the ph one com pany can tem poraril y dis- conn ec t your ser vic e.
8 This system co m p lies with the li mits for a Cla ss B devi ce as spec ified i n P art 15 of FCC Ru les . Thes e limi ts pro vide r ea- so na bl e pr o t ect ion agai ns t ra dio and TV i nt er fer enc e in a res - iden tial a rea. H oweve r, your Sys tem 3 60 mig ht cau se TV or rad io inte rferenc e eve n whe n it is o per ating p roper ly.
9 CO NT EN T S Pr epar ati on .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... . 1 1 In sta lling Bat teri es/S etup .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... .... 1 1 Ad justi ng the D isp lay C on tras t ... ....
10 T roubleshooti ng .... ....... ..... ..... ....... ..... ....... ..... ..... ....... ..... 34 Car e an d Ma inte na n ce ..... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ... 35 Lig ht n in g .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .
11 PREP ARA TI ON INST ALLING BA TTERI ES/SETUP You need f our AAA ba tteries (not s upplied) to power the system . For the longest operat ion an d best pe rform an ce, we recomme nd al kali ne b atter ies, such as Ra dio Shack Cat. No. 23-558. Cautions : • Always use fr esh batte ries of the requir ed size and typ e.
12 1. If you are re placing t he batte ries, unplug the ph one lin e and the pho ne’s cord from the system . 2. Use a P h illip s screwdrive r to r emov e the ba ttery co m- partment s crew on the bot- tom of the syste m, th en slide the cover off in the di rec ti on of t he arr ow o n th e c o ve r’ s do or .
13 4 . T urn th e sys tem over so you can see the dis play . Af ter you insta ll batte ries , the syst em bee ps and di s- plays FA640 REV 1.8 (inf ormation ab out th e sys- tem’ s s oftwa re), the n SET LANGUAGE for a few se c- onds, the n ENGLISH (t he defaul t disp lay langua ge) appears fo r about 45 sec- onds.
14 Notes: • The displ ay show s ENGLISH aga in if you press REVIEW a t hird time. • If you do not press any key wi thin 45 seco nds after pressi ng REV IEW , the module automati cally selec ts Engl ish. G o t o Step 7. 6. P r ess REVIEW to store the s elect ed lang ua ge.
15 7. W ith in 45 sec onds, r epe atedly pr ess REVIEW unt il th e first d igit of yo ur area co de app ear s, then p ress REVIEW to s et the digit. T h e secon d 0 flas hes. Notes: • If you make a mis take while set ting t he area code, press DEL ETE .
16 The tel ephone compan y sends t he corr ect time wit h each i ncoming cal l, so the correc t date and time ar e a u to mati cal l y set wh e n the sys tem rec ei ves its f irs t call . 9. Repla ce the batter y cover and t he scre w . If you ar e repl acing t he bat teri es, r econnect the phone li nes.
17 ADJUSTING THE DISPLA Y CONTRAST To incr ease the di splay contrast, hold do wn DE LETE while r e pe at ed l y pr e ssi ng REVIEW . To decr ease the d isplay c ontras t, h old down DELE TE wh ile r e pe at ed l y pr e ssi ng REVIE W . Note: Do not hold down DEL ETE wi thout also pressi ng one of the REVIEW keys .
18 CONNECTING THE SYSTEM Connecti ng to a Phone 1. Disc onnect the te lephone line cor d from the phone and plug it int o the system’ s LINE jack. 2. Pl ug on e end of the su pplied l ine cord in to the syste m’s PHONE ja ck. 3. Plug t he other end of the cor d into the phone’ s jac k.
19 Connecting to a n Answering Machi ne 1. D isconnect t he telephone line cor d that connects your answer i ng machi ne t o your phone from the answering machine’s jack. Then plug i t i n t o the system’s PH ONE jack. 2. Pl ug on e en d of t he sup pl ied l in e cor d into the s ys tem ’s LIN E ja c k.
20 Note: Some a nswerin g machines block Calle r ID inf orma- ti on from th e Syst em 360. If t his happ ens, you mi ght have t o dis connect t he answer ing machi ne. MOUNTING THE SYSTEM You can pl ace the Sys tem 360 dir ectly o n a d esk, shel f, or tabl e, or mount it on a wall usin g t he suppli ed mountin g brac ket an d scre ws.
21 3. W hil e holding the bra cket aga ins t th e wall, th read a s crew th rough each r oun d hole in the bracke t, the n tighte n the screws. 4. Align the slots on t he back of the s ystem wi th t he hook s on the bra cket. G ently push t he syst em dow n on t he bra cket t o secu re i t.
22 OPER A TIO N RECEIVING CALLS Call er ID is a serv ice prov ided by you r telephone co mpany. When you sub scribe to this ser vice, the t elephon e company sends the c aller ’s tel ephone num be r (and name, i f ava ilable) and the call’ s dat e and t ime b etween t he f irst and s econd ri ngs.
23 If t he new cal l indic ator f lashes rapidly while the phon e is ringi ng and you s ee PRIVATE CALL , th e call er is bloc king their nam e or teleph one number f rom being sen t. If yo u subsc ribe to yo ur phone com pany ’s m essa ge waitin g ser vic e, your sy st em ca n i nfo rm you when th e phon e co m pa - ny ha s messa ges wai ting.
24 REVIEWING CALL RECORDS Each ti me you re ceive a cal l, your syst em saves a cal l reco rd in memory that you can review la ter or while you are on the phone. Your s ystem saves up to 64 cal l records, then (f or subseq uent cal ls) it repla ces the o ldest cal l reco rd with each new one.
25 Note: The system retur ns to the t ime/dat e display af ter 20 seconds if you do not press a key. (i llus t rat io n - sho w REV IE W but tons ) 43-9 80 .
26 Display ed Call Inf ormation T he syst em can displ ay the fol lowing inf ormati on: Description Display (E nglish, F rench , Span ish) A ppea rs t he f irst tim e yo u rev iew a ne w call re cord .
27 Description Display (Engli sh, Fre nch , Spa n ish) App ears if the C al l er ID i nf orm atio n wa s gar bled , o r if th ere w a s an e rr or du rin g the t ran smiss io n of Cal l er ID i nform a- tion .
28 DELETING CALL RECORDS Deleti ng a Single Call No te: Yo u cannot delet e a call mark ed as a VIP call by us- ing only the steps in this sect ion. See “ Using VIP Cal ls” o n Page 31. 1. Repeat edly pr ess eit her REVIEW ke y unt il the c all you want to delet e app ears.
29 Deleting Al l Calls 1. Repeatedl y press either REVIEW key un til --END-- appears. 2. While --END-- appe ars , h ol d do wn DELE TE until NO CALLS ap pe ars . USING CALLBACK Whe n a phone number you want to dial appears on the disp l ay , you can press CALL - BACK to automat ically dial it.
30 To co mplete the call, pick up the phone wi thin 4 secon ds af- ter you see PICKUP PHONE . If y ou do no t pick up th e phone wi thi n 4 second s, PICKUP PHONE disap pears an d the system does n ot com plet e the c all. O therwi se, press CALLBACK again to r edial the number.
31 Calling the Last Reviewed Number To cal l the phone n umber i n the last call recor d you re- viewed, press CAL LBACK wh en the cu rrent time an d date appear. The system di als t he num ber and disp lays PICKUP PHONE . To complet e t he call , pick up the phone wi thin 4 seconds af ter PICKUP PHONE appea rs.
32 Notes: • The syst em protect s VIP call recor ds, to make it dif fi cul t to de lete t hem by mis take. T o delet e a VIP c all recor d, you m ust fir st unmar k it us ing the ste ps in “ Unmarki ng a VIP Cal l Record” on Pag e 33 then del ete it usi ng the step s in “Deleti ng a Single Call” on Page 28.
33 As you pres s REVIEW or REVIEW to revi ew stor ed records , appears on each rec ord marked a s a VIP call recor d. Unmarking a VIP Ca ll Record 1. Repeatedl y press REVIEW or REVIEW to dis pla y the VI P call record y ou want to un mark. 2. Hold down CALLBACK unti l disap pears fr om the di splay and t he system beeps o nce.
34 TROUBLESHOO TING If yo ur syste m is not working as it shoul d, the se suggesti ons might help you e limi nate t he pro blem. P roblem Solut ion Blank scre en Batter y installa tion — Replac e or rei n- stall the bat teries as de scrib ed in “I n- stall ing Batte ries/ Programmi ng the Mod- ule” on Page 11.
35 CARE AND MAINTENAN CE Your Radi oShack System 3 60 Ca ller I D with Cal lback is an example of super ior design and craft smanship. The fol lowing suggesti ons will hel p you care for y our system so you can en- j o y it fo r yea r s. Keep t he system d ry.
36 Use only fresh batte ries of the r eq uired size and type. Batterie s can lea k chemical s that dam ag e your syst em’ s ele ctroni c parts . Wipe the sys tem wit h a da mp cloth occa sional ly to kee p it looki ng new. Do not use har sh chem- ical s, cl eaning solvent s, or strong det ergents t o clean th e s ystem .
37 LIGHTNING Your syst em has bui lt- in protect ion ci r cuits to redu ce the r isk of damage f rom surges in t elepho ne and power lin e curre nt. These prot ectio n circuit s meet or exce ed the FCC require- ments. Howeve r, light ning st riking the t elepho ne or power lines can d amage your s ystem.
38 NOTES 43-9 80 .f m Page 38 Monda y , Au gu st 16 , 199 9 4 :44 P M.
39 Limit ed One-Y ea r Warr anty This product is warr anted by Rad ioShack against manu facturing defects in mate- rial and workma ns hip u nder normal use for one (1) ye ar from t he date of pur- chase f r om RadioShack company-owne d stor es and authoriz ed Radi oS ha ck franchis ees and dealer s.
Rad ioSha c k A Division of T andy Corporation F ort Wor th, Texa s 76 102 5A7 Pri nted in M alay sia (Conti nued) This war rant y does not cover : ( a) da ma g e or fa il ur e c aus ed b y or attribu.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Radio Shack 360 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Radio Shack 360 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Radio Shack 360 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Radio Shack 360 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Radio Shack 360 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Radio Shack 360 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Radio Shack 360 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Radio Shack 360. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Radio Shack 360 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.