Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 15-1925 des Produzenten Radio Shack
Zur Seite of 56
Cat. No. 15-1925 OWNER’S MANUAL 6 in 1 IR/RF Remote Control Pl ease read bef o re usi n g thi s eq ui pme nt. SET UP CD VCR CBL TV PWR AUX 1 AUX 2 LAST ENTER PROG All Lts On On Off All Off Brt Dim A.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 2 FEA TURES Your RadioSh ack 6 in 1 IR/R F Remote Control comes with an RF command con sole t h at al lows you to send commands to most IR (infrared)-con- trolled device s from any room in your home, up t o 100 feet away.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 3 Chann el Scan — lets you scan t hrough all the available channels on y our TV, VCR, or c able box, stoppi ng at each one for about 3 secon ds. Favor ite Channel Scan — lets you se t up the re- mot e to scan through a l i st of up to 10 c h annels you sel ect.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 4 CONTENTS Ho w t he Sy ste m Wo rks . .. ..... .. ... ..... .. ..... .. ... ..... .. ..... 5 Pre pa rat ion ..... .. ... ..... .. ..... .. ... ..... .. ... .... ... ..... .. ... ..... .. 7 Ins tall in g B att er ies .
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 5 HOW TH E SYST EM WORKS Your Ra dioShack 6 i n 1 IR/RF Rem ote Control was d esigned with th e func tions used m os t often to operate TV, VCR, cable converter, CD player, satellite receiver, an d au dio equip ment.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 6 Notes: • The rem ote control’s red li ght t urns on whe n you press a key , and blin ks when you hav e entered a feature or manufacturer ’s code. • When ever you use RECORD on the rem ote control, you must press it twice.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 7 PREP ARA TION IN S T ALLING BA TTERIES You need four AAA ba tteries to power your re- mot e control. We recommend alkaline bat teries, such as RadioShac k Cat. No . 23-555. 1.Press the bat tery compartm ent cove r tab an d lift off the cover .
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 8 SETTING UP TH E 6 IN 1’ S RF COMMAN D CONSOLE After you install batteries in the 6 in 1, just p lug t h e RF command consol e’s po wer cord into any stan- dard AC o utlet in the sam e room as your IR re- mote-controlled devices (TV, VCR, cab le box, and s o on) an d full y extended its ant enna.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 9 SETTING UP YOUR REM OTE CONTR OL 1. Refer to “Manufacturers’ Codes” on Page 26 and write do wn the c odes fo r your original remote con trols. Note: Som e manufacturers have sev eral possib le code s li st ed.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 10 Note: The punch-t hrough feature ( see “Punch- Through” on Pa ge 16) is automatically turned o n for the T V’s volume a nd mut e controls.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 11 Normally , you program each key for one of its list - ed dev ices. However, if you ha ve two or more of the sam e type of d ev ic e (two TVs, two V CRs, and so on) you can convert any unused key ( TV , CBL , CD , VCR , AUX1 , o r AUX2 ) to control another type of device by following these steps.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 12 OPE RA TION 1. Press the device key for the device you want to operate, then point the 6 in 1 a t the device and press PWR (or CH s for s om e cable con- verters) to tu rn the device on. 2. Repeat Step 1 for all other devices you want to o p e ra te .
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 13 2. Aim t he 6 in 1 IR/RF Remo te Control at the device and pres s SCAN . The 6 in 1 scans through the cha nnels. Note: The 6 in 1 must be pointe d at the device the entire time you a re usin g the Channel Sc an feature.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 14 Note: If your device re quires the use of an ENTER key to change channel s, you must press ENTER instead of SET UP after each channel y ou ent er into t he 6 i n 1 IR/RF Re mo t e Co nt ro l’ s me mo ry . 6. Repeat St eps 4–5 t o enter the channels you want to include in y our favorite channel list.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 15 COMMAND SEQU ENCES You can set up your 6 in 1 IR/RF Remote Control to issue a set of up to 15 com mands at the press of a key. Any sequence of comm ands you regu- larly perfo r m can be reduc ed to a single key press.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 16 3. Press and release SET UP , then hold down SET UP unt il t he red light blinks twice. This means t hat your sequen ce is erased. PUNCH-THROUGH Using Punch-Throu gh The punch-t hrough feature l ets you alternately control two different devices without pressing th e device selection keys for each one.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 17 Follow these steps to turn off pu nch-throug h. 1. Press the dev ice key ( CBL or VCR ) for the device you want to use to control t he volum e, fo r ex am p le. The n pres s SET UP until the red light bl inks twice.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 18 Follow these st eps to control P lug ’n Po wer mod- ules. 1. Position the IR com m and console within t h e RF com mand cons ole’s line of sight. Note: F or the best operation, po siti o n the controllers at least 2 feet apart.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 19 8. T o brighte n or dim lights conne cted to lamp and appli ance modules, press the digit key for the mo dule you want to control. Then hold down Br t or Dim on the remo te control (or BRIGHT or DIM on the IR command con- sole).
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 20 IF YO U HA VE P RO BLE MS MANUAL CODE SEARCH If the 6 i n 1 I R/RF Rem ote Control does not oper- ate your rem ote-controlled dev ices when y ou first set it up, you m ight have to find the correct cod e for your devices.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 21 If necessary, repeat these steps for each device. Determining t he 3-Digit Code After y o u set up your 6 in 1 IR/RF Rem ote Control using the manual code searc h, you can find which 3-digit code the 6 in 1 IR /RF Rem ote Co ntrol is set to by foll o wing these steps.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 22 TROUBL ESHOOTING If the 6 in 1 IR/RF Rem ote C ontrol stops wo rking af ter you have successful ly tested the control for each device, or i f you are unable to get .
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 23 To upg rade your 6 in 1 IR /RF Remote C ontrol, simply follow thes e steps: 1. Write down the brand names, m odel num- bers, Radi oShack Cat. No. (if appl icable) and m anufacture dates for eac h type of device (TV , V CR, cable box, etc .
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 24 Notes: • Y ou m ust hold the earpi ece of y our tele- phone ov er the receiver of your remote control as shown abov e. If you do not , the 6 in 1 I R/RF R emote Cont r o l might no t b e able to p roperly recei ve the information coming through the telephon e.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 25 3. Contin ue pressing the nu mber keys ( 2 , 3 , 4 , and so on) until your TV responds. Note: Y ou can search up to 1 1 codes for each device (TV , VCR , and so o n) if 1 1 code s were loaded.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 26 MANUFAC TURERS’ COD ES The follo w ing list t ells you wh ich 3 -dig it co de s to enter to s e t up the 6 in 1 IR/RF Rem ote Control. Notes: • The 6 in 1 IR/RF Re mote Control will not always be ab le to reproduce every com mand of your origi na l remote control.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 27 AUDIO AMPLI FIERS (Conti nued) Opti m us 300 31 -30 35 300 3 1-303 6 300 3 1-303 7 300 3 1-303 8 Ph ilips 2 69 Pi on eer 300, 2 57 Pi on ee r Un ifi ed 013 Re alis.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 28 AUDIO AMP/TUNERS (Conti nued) Modul a ire 1 95 13- 1242 182 1 3-1 24 6 NAD 320 Nak amich i 075, 34 7 Nik ko 215, 32 2, 40 7 Onk yo 100, 1 19 , 135 , 14 4, 380 Opt i.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 29 AUDIO A MP/TUNERS (Conti nued) Pa na so ni c 0 39 , 38 9 Pe nn ey 195 , 44 9 Ph ilips 1 89 Pio ne er U ni fied 014 , 08 0, 150 Proton 0 26 , 047 Qu asar 03 9 RCA U.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 30 AUDIO CASSETTE (Conti nued) Fi sher 0 74 Garr a rd 300, 43 9 Harm an Kardon 182 JVC 2 44 Kenw o od 070, 07 1, 09 2 Kyoc era 171 Luxma n Unif ie d 091, 09 5 Ma gn av.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 31 CABLE CONVERTERS AB C 01 1, 014, 007, 013 , 017 , 00 3, 00 1 Antron ix 207 Arc he r 022 15 -12 85 207 1 5-128 5A 153 1 5-128 7 Ca ble S tar 056 Ce ntur y 153 Citiz.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 32 CABLE CONVERTERS (Conti nued) RCA 021 Rea lis ti c 207 16 -1283 Reg al 279, 02 0, 05 9, 27 3 Re ge ncy 00 2 Rembra ndt 070 SL M arx 040 Sams un g 144, 04 0 Scie nti.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 33 CD PLA YERS (Conti nued) Ca pe tro nic 23 7 Carr er a 194 , 39 4 Ca rver 157, 179 , 437 Ca sio 20 1 Cl ari nett e 19 5 Crow n 1 22 Cu rti s Math es 201 Den on 003 .
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 34 CD PLA YERS (Cont inued) Nak amich i 097, 14 7 Nik ko 170, 17 4, 16 4 Onk yo 1 02, 10 1, 13 8 Opt imus 1 79 13- 1248 037 1 3-1 25 1 145 1 3-1 25 8 145 1 3-1 25 9 53.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 35 CD PLA YERS (Conti nued) Opti m us 342 42 -50 37 426 4 2-503 8 032 4 2-504 0 032 4 2-504 1 032 4 2-504 4 468 4 2-504 5 305 4 2-504 8 179 4 2-504 9 468 4 2-506 0 30.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 36 CD PLA YERS (Cont inued) STS 01 8 Sylv ania 157, 225 Symp honi c 1 83 T EAC 016 , 04 5, 1 53 , 17 4, 420, 39 3,1 80, 1 83 T ec hni cs 02 9 Te c h w o o d 3 6 3 To s.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 37 LASER DISC PL A YERS (Conti nued) Sh arp 0 01 Son y 19 3, 2 01 Y ama ha 217 MISCELLANEOUS AUDIO ADC 086 Aiwa 0 10 , 15 9, 40 4 Aud i oSou rce 35 1 BSR 086 Ca rver .
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 38 SA TELLITE RECEI VERS (Cont inued) Echo star 148, 159, 26 9 Fu ji t s u 1 86, 23 6 Gen era l Ins tru men ts 071, 038, 05 0 Hytek 095 Jane il 1 52 Jerr old 0 36 Kenw.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 39 TELEVISI O NS (Conti nued) Can dl e 046 , 18 6, 03 0, 05 6 Ca peha r t 052 Ca rver 05 4 Ci tizen 0 3 0, 046, 060 , 05 6, 092 , 03 9, 28 0, 18 6 Co ncer to 05 6 Con.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 40 TELEVISIONS (Conti nued) Klo ss 078, 04 6, 02 4 KT V 185 , 03 9, 1 80 , 21 7, 280 Logi k 016 Luxma n 0 56 LXI 047, 154 , 15 6, 1 48, 159 Ma gn avox 054 , 09 6, 1 87.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 41 TELEVISI O NS (Conti nued) Phi lco 054, 030, 019 , 02 0, 024, 028, 186 , 18 7, 096 Ph ilips 0 54 Pi on eer 166, 0 38 Po rt la nd 019 , 03 9, 09 2 Proscan 047 Pro t.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 42 TELEVISIONS (Conti nued) Scot t 236, 17 9, 18 0 Sear s 148, 047 , 15 4, 158 , 178 , 14 6, 1 59 , 05 6, 179, 14 9 Shar p 093, 165 , 15 3, 0 39, 220 Si gnat ur e 016 .
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 43 TV /VCR Co mb inatio ns Note: The se c ode s are acces sed th rou gh the VCR d evice key . You mi ght al so ne ed to u se a TV code t o cont rol volu me.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 44 VCRs (Cont inued) Can on 035, 16 7 Ca pe har t 020 Ca rv er 08 1, 110 Cr ai g 240, 047, 271 Cur tis Mat hes 0 35, 06 0 Da ewo o 020 , 27 8, 0 17, 08 7, 045 Daytron .
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 45 VCRs (Conti nued) Memo rex 03 7 16-4 13 037 1 6-414 000 1 6-517 104 1 6-523 037 1 6-524 104 1 6-525 104 1 6-526 04 6, 1 04 16-5 29 04 6, 1 04 16-5 30 048 1 6-531 2.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 46 VCRs (Cont inued) Opt imus 1 04 16- 537 048 1 6-5 38 048 1 6-5 39 048 1 6-5 40 240 1 6-5 41 048 1 6-5 42 048 1 6-5 43 048 1 6-5 44 048 1 6-5 46 162, 45 4 16- 54 7 1.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 47 VCRs (Conti nued) Qu art z 046, 155 Qu asar 035, 077 , 081 , 1 10 RCA 06 0, 20 2, 0 35, 077, 065, 0 42, 105, 149 Ra dioS hack 03 7 16- 415 00 0, 3 25 16-4 17 Re al.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 48 VCRs (Cont inued) Rea lis ti c 062 16- 700 048 1 6-7 01 048 1 6-7 02 000 1 6-7 03 000 1 6-7 04 Ric ho 034, 253 Sams un g 240, 05 1, 05 3, 04 5 Sans ui 041, 105 , 08.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 49 VCRs (Conti nued) Ze ni th 0 39 , 03 3, 03 4, 03 2 VIDEO ACCESSORIES Ch anne l Ma ster 094 J ebsee 16 0 Ra bbit 08 1 Ra dioS hack 16 0 15- 195 7 Sup erg ui de 169 T e le cap tio n 1 71 Manufact ure r Code(s) Ra dioShack Cat.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 50 FCC CAUTION This equipm ent generates and uses radio fre- quency energy, a nd if not installed and used properly, that is, i n strict accordance with the manufacturer’s ins tructions, may c ause interfer- ence to radi o and tel evision reception.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 51 CARE AND MAINTENANCE Your Ra dioShack 6 i n 1 IR/RF Rem ote Control system is an example of superior design and craftsm anship. The following suggestions w ill help you care for yo ur syst em so you can enjoy it for years.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 52 SPECI FICA T IONS Remote Power...... . ..... ..... .. .. .. . ..... ..... .. . 4 AAA Batte ries RF Command Conso le Power....... ..... .. ... 120 V o lts AC Remote to RF Command Consol e Range ..... .. . .... . ....
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 53 NOTES 15-1 92 5. fm Page 5 3 Mond ay, Ju ly 19 , 199 9 12:5 9 PM.
Need help? Cal l 1-800- 950-7044 54 15-1 92 5. fm Page 5 4 Mond ay, Ju ly 19 , 199 9 12:5 9 PM.
Need h elp? Ca ll 1-800-95 0-7044 55 15-1 92 5. fm Page 5 5 Mond ay, Ju ly 19 , 199 9 12:5 9 PM.
RadioSh ack A Divisi on of T andy Corporation Fort Wor th, T exas 76102 5/97 Printed in Korea Limi ted Ni nety -Day W ar rant y This pr oduct is warr anted b y Rad ioShack a g ainst manu facturin g de.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Radio Shack 15-1925 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Radio Shack 15-1925 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Radio Shack 15-1925 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Radio Shack 15-1925 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Radio Shack 15-1925 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Radio Shack 15-1925 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Radio Shack 15-1925 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Radio Shack 15-1925. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Radio Shack 15-1925 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.