Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung QT528 des Produzenten Q-See
Zur Seite of 98
H.264 Dual S tream Netw ork DVR 8 Channel CIF@240f p s & D1 @240fp s Digital V ideo R ecorder USER MANU AL Model #: QT528 www . q - R ev 12/6/201 0.
1 CAUTION Please r ead this user manual carefu lly to ensure th at y ou can use t he dev ice corr ectl y an d safely The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice T his device should be use d with the pow er s uppl y provided .
2 Table of Contents 1. INTRODUC TION .................................................................................................................................................. 4 1. 1 DV R Int rod uct ion .......................................
3 4.9 Adv ance d ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 41 4.9.1 Reset ..................
4 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 DVR I nt rod uctio n This DVR uses high per formance v ideo process ing chip s and an embedde d Linux syste m. It utilizes many advanced technolog ies, such as st andar d H.264 with low b it rate, Dual S tr eam, SA T A int erface and VG A output.
5 AL AR M 1 channel alar m output an d 8 chan ne l alarm input available Support s sched uling for m ot ion detectio n and sens o r alarm Support s pre - re cording a n d post record ing Support s lin.
6 2. GE TTIN G ST AR TE D Check the un it and t he a ccessor ies im mediately af t er opening y our system . Please dis con nect the po wer befor e conn ecting to ot her device s. 2.1 Connecting to a monitor or TV The primary display on t h e DVR is VG A.
7 2. 2 Installing Hard Drive Not ice : 1. This DVR support s tw o SA T A hard drivers or one SA T A hard dr ive plus one DVD - RW W ri ter . 2. Please c alc ula te HDD cap acity accor ding to th e record ing settin g. Plea se refer to “A ppend ix B C alc ula te Recording Ca p acity ”.
8 2.3 Front P anel De s criptions Fi g 2.5 Front P anel Item Na me De scription 1 Power Status P ower ind icator, when connect ion , the l ight is blue 1 HDD Status W he n HDD is wr iting and reading .
9 2.4 Rear P an el La you t Fig 2.5 R ear Panel Item N ame D escription 1 PTZ Connect to spe ed dome . Y means “+ ” , Z means “-” 2 K/B Connect to P TZ key board 3 ALAR M IN C onnect t o ext e.
10 Fig 2.6 Remo te Control Item N ame F unct ion 1 P ower But t on Stops fir mwar e s o that y ou can pow er dow n D V R 2 INFO Button Get informati on about the D VR like fir mware version, H DD info.
11 2.6 .2 Use Mouse In L ive: Double - cl ick left button on one ca mera to be full scr een display . Double - clic k again to return t o the previous scr een display . Click right but t on t o sh ow the cont r ol b ar at the bott om of the scre en as Fig 4 - 1 ma in menu toolbar Click right mouse again to hide the cont r ol b ar .
12 3. B A SIC FUNC TION 3.1 Pow er On/Off Before you pow er on the unit , pl eas e make sur e al l the connectio ns are good. 3.1.1 Power O n Step 1: Connect t he pow er supply ; sw itch on the po wer.
13 3.2 Lo gin User can lo gin and logout of the DVR sy ste m. User cannot do any other oper at ions exc ept ch ang ing the mul ti - screen display onc e logout.
14 3.3.1 Live P layback Clic k the Pla y button t o play back the recor d. Refer t o Figure3 - 3. User c an oper ate by clic king the b uttons on t he screen.
15 4. M A IN MENU SE TUP GUIDE Click right mouse or pres s ESC button o n the front p anel, t he control bar w ill display on the bottom of the screen, refer to Fig 4 - 1: Fig 4 - 1 Main Menu T oolbar.
16 4 .1 B asic C onfiguration Basic conf ig uration inc lu des thr ee sub menus: sy stem, dat e & time and D ST . 4.1.1 Setu p Step 1: E nter into Set up config uration b asic con figurat ion .
17 4.1.2 Time & D ate Step 1: E nter into system configurat ion basic co nfiguratio n time & dat e; r e fer to Fig 4 - 4: Fig 4 - 4 Basic Co nfigurati on - T ime & D ate Step 2: S .
18 4.2 Live C onfigurat ion Live configur at ion include s four sub menus: liv e, host monitor , SPOT and mask. 4.2.1 Live In this inter fac e, user can set up ca mera na m es, adjust color s: brightness, hu e, sat ur at ion an d contrast.
19 4.2.2 Host M onit or Step 1: E nter into system config urati on live config ur at ion host moni tor; re fer to Fig 4 - 8: Fig 4 - 8 Live Configurat ion - H ost Monitor Step 2: S elect spl i.
20 4.2.4 Mask User can setup pr ivate m a sk area on the live image picture, max i mum of three areas. Fig 4 - 10 Live Conf iguration - Mask Set up M ask A rea: clic k Setting button, ent er i nto live i mage and press l e ft mouse but ton and drag mouse t o set mask area, re fer to pictur e below .
21 4.3 Re cord C onfiguration Record co nf igur ation inc lu des five sub menus: ena bl e, r ecor d bit r at e, time, r ec ycle record an d st a mp. 4.
22 4.3.2 Re cor d stream Step 1: E nter into system config urati on re cord con figurati on r e cord bit rat e; refer to Fig 4- 12: Fig 4 - 12 Record Co nfigurat ion - Record Bit Rate Step 2: .
23 4.3.3 T ime Step 1: E nter into system con figurati on re cord co n figuration time; r efer t o Fig 4 - 13: Fig 4 - 13 Record Co nfigurat ion - Time Pre - alarm record time: set the record t ime before event happen i.e. record time be fore motion detect ion or sensor alar m is trigger ed.
24 4.3.5 Sta m p S ta m p : User can disp lay the channe l name and t i m e st amp on v ide o. Step 1: E nter into system config urati on rec ord co nf igurat ion sta mp; r e fer to Fig 4 - .
25 Sc hedul e c on figuration in clud es three s ub menus: s c hed ule, mot ion a nd alar m. 4.4.1 Sc hedul e Step 1: E nter into system config urati on s che dule c onf ig uration sc hedul e;.
26 Fig 4 - 17 Schedule C onfigura tion - Motion Step 2: T he setup ste ps o f motion are si m i lar to schedu le; user ca n r ef er t o 4. 4. 1 Schedu le for det ail s. Note: the defa ult sch edule of moti on detect ion is al l of the ti me, that is, the color of sched ule interface i s all blue.
27 4.5.1 Se nsor ( t o s etup o pt i on al external m oti on sensors) Sensor inc lu des t hree sub menus: bas ic, al ar m handling an d s ch edule. ① Basic Step 1: E nter into system config urati on.
28 Fig 4 - 21 A larm Handling - Tri g g e r Step 3: C heckmar k Buzzer , ther e w ill be tri gger e d buzz er alarm out; Full scree n alar m : whe n t r iggere d alar m, there will pop up a n al arm full scr ee n; T o alar m out: ch eckmar k the channe l, there will be triggered alar m out on the designated c hannel.
29 ① Motion Step 1: E nter into system config urati on alarm con figur at io n mot ion; r e fer to Fig 4 - 23: Fig 4 - 23 Alar m Configuration - Motion Step 2: E na ble motion ala rm, set alar m hold time wh ich means time interv al be tween tw o consecutiv e motion event s.
30 user can adjust it s valu e accordin g to the practica l conditions; click icon, set t he whole area as detect ion area; cl ick icon, t he set detection area w ill be cleared; clic k icon, user can.
31 Step 1: E nter into system config urati on alarm con figur at io n vid eo lo ss ; r ef er t o Fig 4 -27: Fig 4 -2 7 Al arm Configuratio n - Video Loss Step 2: T he setup step s of video lo ss t rigger are fa miliar with al ar m handling; user can refer to Ch apter 4.
32 Alarm out inc ludes three s ub menus: alar m out, sc h edule and buz zer ① Alarm out Step 1: E nter into system con figurati on alarm out; r efer t o F ig 4 - 28: Fig 4 - 28 Sy stem Configura.
33 4.6.1 Net work Step 1: E nter into system config urati on networ k conf iguration net wor k; ref e r to Fig 4- 29: Fig 4 - 29 Network C onfigurati on - Network Step 2: HTTP por t: the default v alue is 80. If this v alue is changed, user need s to add the port number w hen typing I P address in IE ad dress bl ank .
34 Us er nam e User na me o f broa d band accou nt Password Password of broad band a ccount DDNS serv er DDNS server Web site provi ded by dynam ic domain na me supplier .
35 Fig 4 - 3 0 network conf iguration - em ail SMT P Server/Po rt: the nam e and port num ber of SMTP server . Tic k o ff “ This server requir es a secure con nection ( S SL) ”; user c an setup m .
36 DDNS server DDNS server W ebs ite prov ided by dynami c domain n ame suppl ier . T he option s : myq - and ww w U ser name U ser name f or l og in set up on th e websit e of dom.
37 ② Authority : Step 1: E nter into Add us er author ity ; refer to Fig 4 - 36: Fig 4- 36 Add User - Authority Step 2: In the author ity interfac e, assign the d efinite oper at i on r i ght for that use r .
38 Fig 4 - 37 P .T .Z Co nfiguration - Serial Port Step 2: C heckmar k Enable, setup the value of ad dress, baud rate and pr otocol acc ording to the settings of the PT Z speed do me. Step 3: U ser can s et up al l channels with s ame p arameter s, chec km ar k “all”, then t o do r el evant set up.
39 Fig 4 - 38 P .T .Z C onfiguration -A dvance Step 2: I n the Advance inter fac e, cl ick preset “ Set t in g” button, a dia log b ox will pop - up shown as F ig 4 - 39: Fig 4 - 39 A dvance -P reset S ettin g a.
40 Fig 4 - 40 P reset S et -Setting b. U ser can c ontrol the do me r otatin g up, up le ft, dow n, right dow n, lef t , lef t down, right and up r ight and stop rot ating; adj us t t he r ot ate spee d and the valu e of z oom, focus an d iris of t he do me; c.
41 Fig 4 - 42 C ruise S et -M od i f y C ruise L ine a. C lick Add icon to set the speed and t i me of preset point; select a pr e set point, click Delete ic on to delete that pr es et point; c lick M odify ico n to modify the s et t ing o f a preset poi nt .
42 4.91 R eset Note: Before you do the reset, we rec omme nd y ou do a n Im port/Ex por t first t o save all of y our s et tings (see i nstru cti ons bel ow). A fter the res et y ou wil l t hen be able to re store all of your set tings. R eset all se ttings th e devic e will rebo ot.
43 5. RECORD, SE ARCH, PL A YB ACK AND B A CKUP Search con figurat ion inclu des t hr ee su bmenus : t i me s ear ch, ev ent search a nd file man ager .
44 5.2 Event S earch Step 1: E nter into Search config urati on event sear ch; refer to F ig 5 - 2: Fig 5 - 2 Search Co nfiguratio n - Event Search Step 2: C lic k Search button, the search ed ev ent infor mation w ill be di splayed in the event list box.
45 (unless y ou for mat the har d dr iv e). ② Unlock: chec k a locked fi le, click Loc k button t o unl oc k this file ③ Del et e: ch eck an un lock ed fil e, cli ck Del et e butto n t o del et e t his file. Step 3: C heckmar k “All” but t on; user can l ock/unlo c k or delete a l l files in the file manager co lu mn.
46 6. DVR M AN AGEMEN T 6.1 Checki ng System I nf orm at i o n Check sys t e m informat ion includes f iv e sub menus: sy stem, event , log, net w or k and on line us ers. 6.1.1 System I nformation In this inter face, user can check th e hardw are versi on, MCU ver sion, kernel versio n, device I D, etc.
47 6.1.1 Log I nformation In this inter fac e, user can chec k relevant lo g in forma tion accord ing to selecte d date; refer t o F ig 6 - 3: Fig 6 - 3 L og I nfo rma tion 6.1.2 Network i nf or m ati on In this inter fac e, user can chec k relevant par ameter s of networ k; r ef er t o Fi g 6 - 4: Fig 6 - 4 N et work I nformation 6.
48 6.1.2 M anua l A larm In this interfac e, us er c an check the re lev ant par am et er s of ma nua l alar m; r ef er t o Fig 6 - 6: Fig 6 - 6 M anual A larm 6.1.3 Disk M anag er Step 1: E nter into disk m anager int er f ace; re fer t o Fi g 6 - 7: Fig 6 - 7 D isk M anager N ote: ple ase format the hard disk before r ecord.
49 7. REMO TE SURVEILL ANCE 7.1 Net work Access Access ing the DV R from a comput er att ache d t o the same router : I f you are only going to access the DV R fro m a computer that is att ache d to t.
50 Fig 7-3 DHCP St atic I P: Y ou will need to setup the n etwork set tings on the DVR to matc h the set tings of the rout er that you att ach t he DV R to.
51 Fig 7-5 St ati c IP For the D VRs IP addres s y ou would enter t he sa me first 3 sets of num bers as t he gatew ay and s elect a f ourth set of numbers that is diff erent then any other device att ached to t he same router .
52 Fig 7-6 PPPoE DDNS : Y ou can access the DV R through a st atic or dy namic IP address; however a dy namic address can change fro m time to time. How oft en depen ds on your service prov ider . When it changes y ou need to go to a website such as www .
53 Fig 7-7 DDNS Setti ng up MYQ - SEE DDN S: NOTE : Befor e y ou setup D DNS y ou mus t fir st set up Por t For wardi ng as di rect ed in S ectio n 7. 3 POR T FOR W A RDING . Once you hav e enabled Port Forwar ding, you can con figure y our DDNS infor mation by followin g t hese s t e ps: a.
54 Fig 7-8 Registrati on a. The next s creen wi ll ask you to c reate a do main na me. D omain n ames m ust st art wit h an (a - z) or (0 - 9) and cannot cont ain a hy phen.
55 a. Once y ou hav e completed s t ep s a - d, go t o t he M ain Menu and sele ct the Setup icon (Red bo x in Fig 7 - 10), then sele ct the Networ k icon (R ed box in Fi g 7 - 1 1), thi s will dis play the NETW ORK screen show n i n Fi g 7 - 12. Fig 7- 10 Main Menu Fig 7- 11 S etup b.
56 d. Aft er you enter the inform ation clic k on the T est but ton (G reen box in Fi g 7 - 13) and wait until y ou see the O K message i n t he bot t om lef t hand corner o f the scree n. e. Click t he [APPL Y] button and the n the [EX IT] butt on at the b ottom of the N ET W ORK s creen a nd your DDNS setup is co mp let e.
57 b. Choo se y our DVR or Series (QT , QS DT , QR, QS etc ) from th e list provided c. S elect the make and model of your router fro m the list d. Click o n t he ‘ Cli ck here to ski p t hi s a dverti sem e nt…’ link in the upper rig ht cor n er of the scr ee n.
58 e. Follow the instruct i o n on the web si t e ( Th e top s et of instr ucti ons ar e do ne o n the DV R. The bottom set of instru ctions are d one on the router ) f. V erify the port s ar e op en and tr af f i c i s al l owed a. Go to www .c anyouse eme.
59 c. V erify that th e port(s) is op en. i. If the port is ope n, you w ill see t he followin g message: ” Succ ess. I can see y our service…” ii.
60 i. Af t er y our ISP unblocks th ose port s for you, r epeat s teps i an d ii. When y ou access the DVR from a remo te computer you also nee d to use a diffe rent add res s in the Interne t Explore r browser window .
61 Pic 9 Pic 10 Cli ck on Se curi ty T ab . Clic k on T rus ted Si tes. C lick on Sites button. P i c 11 Uncheck the box for Requ ire Serv er veri fication. Put the IP ad dess of the D VR or W AN IP addre ss in the Add this w ebsites to the z one box and click on A dd button.
62 5 If you get a error mes sage that s ays the pr ogram cannot load becaus e the publis her is unk nown or the pro gram is unsigned, go to inter net ex plorer , tools, inter net opti ons (r efer to P.
63 connect t o sam e Router as your DVR). Notic e : If you cannot use HTTP port 80 or 6036 becaus e the port is being used by anothe r program, or it is being bloc ked by your service provi der , you can use another por t in the same range.
64 7.5 Usin g the Remote A c cess Soft wa re Once you hav e setup Internet Expl or er y ou can access t he DV R t hroug h a browser w indow . If you are accessi ng t he DVR over t he networ k you would ent er the I P addr ess of the DVR into the addr ess bar .
65 N ote: click button to r e cord m anual ly and the r ecor d ed file w ill be sa ved on y our PC har d driv e . S creen di spl ay mode: C lick the icon beside the s cr een displ ay mode, cha nne l s.
66 Color A djustme nt : Drag the slide bar to adjus t Brightness, Contrast , Hue, and Satur ation. Cl ick Defau lt to reset them to original value. BUTTON DESCRIPTION Drag the scr o ll bar t o adju st.
67 R ight c l ic k the mouse o n t he liv e i nt erface t o ge nerat e a pul l - down menu as shown below : Fig 7 - 25 R ight K e y S ub M enu Stream: this DVR su pport s master str eam and sub str eam. Master str eam has higher fra me rate, max 25FPS (P A L)/ 30FP S (NTSC) for every channel.
68 Fig 7 - 27 Ti me Sear ch Interf ace Step 2: C lick “Search” bu tton. The recor d dat a will be displ ayed in the d ata infor matio n list box . T he high light date in the area marked means t here is recorded dat a for t hat channel at that t ime .
69 By Ev ent Search : Step 1: Enter into Search event search; r e fer to Fig 7 - 29 : Fig 7 - 29 Even t Search Int erface Step 2: C lick the highl ight date and sele ct record chan nels and then c.
70 7.6.2 Re mote B ac kup Click Back up b utton to ent er into bac kup inter f ace, refer to F ig 7 -3 1: Fig 7- 31 Remot e Backup Int erface Step 1: S elect chann els, set t he star t and end t i m e.
71 Fig 7 - 32 Remot e Menu Set up The sub m en u lists and th e opt ions in ev er y item are sim ilar t o thos e o n the DV R. P lease r efer to Cha pter 3 M ai n Menu Setup G u ide for mo r e det ai ls. Click “sav e” button to s av e above sett ing s; clic k “de fau lt” butt on w ill recover t h e origina l set t in gs.
72 8. MOBI LE SURVEILL A N CE This DVR s upp ort s mobi le sur veil lance by Iphone, or smart phones w ith Windows Mob ile Pro an d sy mbia n OS on 3 G networ ks. We test ed on Wind ow Mob ile Pro 6.1 and 6. 5. T o acce ss the DVR fro m a mobile ph one you first ne ed to setup the netw ork configu ration on the DVR, refer to Chapt er 4.
73 Step 5 : Input the DVR’ s address, ID and pas sword respectively in the colu mns of “Server” , “User” and “Password”, and click “Go” t o l og on the DVR. I t w ill show the pict ure if accessed su ccessf ully . Step 6 : C a mera 1 is the defau lt channel a fter l og in.
74 8.2 Phones w ith Symbian Please use t he s mart pho nes with Sy mbian vers io n s suppor t ed by this unit. Step 1 : Fir st enable the networ k access on the mobile phone. The n r un Web browser . Step 2 : In put t he D VR’ s I P addres s in a new - built boo kmark.
75 Step 7 : Click Sys tem s etting --- >Login Setting t o ent er log in int er fa ce. Step 8 : In put t he D VR’ s address, I D and passw ord r es pect iv ely . Then sav e. Notic e : Abo ut Acce s s point, there m ay be dif feren t access point s in differen t countrie s or from servi ce providers .
76 8.3 F or iP ho ne Mobile C lients 1. Install ing through i ph one. S tep 1. O pe n App S tor e f u nction of ipho ne S tep 2. E nable “se ar ch” function to search “ S uperCa m” S tep 3: C .
77 S tep 1: I nst a ll iT unes store in PC an d then log in St e p 2: Connect i Pho ne and P C S tep 3: E nable “se ar c h” f unctio n to search “S uper Cam” S tep 4: Click “free app licatio.
78 2. Main Interface 【 Play back 】 playback record file 【 Image 】 image v iew 【 Log 】 log record 【 Server List 】 device list 【 Live 】 live v iew 【 Settings 】 software setti ng 【 Information 】 device infor mation vie w 【 Help 】 soft w ar e hel p center 【 Logo ff 】 logof f and return t o l ogi n interfac e 3.
79 Switch to the s ingle image Switch to four i m ages Upward rot ates t he P TZ Downwar d r ot ates the P TZ Left w ar d r ot ates the P TZ Rightward r ot ates the PTZ S top r ot at ing t he PTZ Zoom.
80 Main p ar a meters for mobile phon e video co nf ig Record file c lip siz e : Single video size. When the video size is great er than setup value, cha nge anot her v ideo file s Reserv ed disk sp a.
81 8.4 For A ndroid Mobile Cl i ent s Sof t ware Inst allation S tep 1: r un G oo gle Mar ket progra m S tep 2: search”S uper Cam ” S tep 3: pr es s “Inst all” butt on St ep 4: click “OK ”.
82 Main menu 【 Play back 】 playback r ecor d file 【 Image 】 image v iew 【 Live 】 live v iew 【 Log 】 log record 【 Server List 】 device list 【 Settings 】 software setti ng 【 In.
83 Ima ge vi ew Record play back ( Fig 3 ) ( Fig 4 ) Click the re cor d f i le ( F ig 3) to play bac k (Fig 4) Play/p ause stop Full screen Return to record file inte rface (Fig 3) Server l i .
84 Config interface Alarm setting T ick of f Sound A larm , when V ideo Loss/ Sensor /Motion happen , trigg er sound al arm; T ic k off V ibrate Ala rm, when Vide o Los s/Sens or/ Motion happen , tr i gger v ibrate alar m St orag e settin g User can setup t he relevant para meters of mob ile video.
85 8.5 For B lackberry M obile Client s Requires Blackberry OS 5 Inst all a t i on inst ructi on f or Bl a c kBerr y Mobi l e ph one Cl i e nt 1. Open the brow ser o n BlackBerr y phone and enter sever addr ess 2. Cl ic k “ Super Cam ” to li nk to application 3.
86 2) Enter into Me nu - >Option - >Cache O per ations, clear up brow ser ca che. Note : When you use t he Su perCam sof t ware in mo bile ph one s wit h touch sc re ens the re will b e a compatibilty probl em.
87 3. Live view Ma rk 1 Current v iewing chann el Ma rk 2 Channel st atus Switch chan nels PTZ, click to switc h to Fig 2 interface Snap F ull screen B ackgrou nd alarm S top r ot at ing the PTZ Upwar.
88 Software configuration Information view.
90 Appendix A FAQ Q1. The DVR doe s not s t art aft e r c onne cting t h e power , what is wr o ng? a. The power adapt er may have been da maged, or i s not prov iding en ough po wer . Please change t he adapter . b. The DVR may not be getting enoug h power fr o m the outlet or surg e protect or it is att ached t o.
91 Q 10 : H ow do I i np ut p as swor d a nd di gi t al number s ? T o input p assw or d an d digit al nu mb er s cl ic k the box behind p ass word or i t ems where you need to input numbers, and t hen a smal l key boar d w ill appe ar .
92 Q16:. What are t he P C co nf i gurati ons f or 8- ch rea l tim e access with fully open mainst r eam c hannel ? PC MODULE P A R A M AT E R S CPU Intel C ore(TM)2 Duo CPU E4600 MOTHERBO ARD G41/P41.
93 Appendix B Calcula te R ecord ing Cap acit y (D1) Users can c alculate t he size of har d disk accor ding to t he saving tim e and DVR rec ording s ettings.
94 A PPEND IX B : C AL CUL A T E RECO RDING C A P A CI TY (CIF) Users can ca lculate the h ard driv e si ze neede d accordin g to the time sav ing specifi cation and D VR recor ding setting s listed below . Below is an esti mated tab le outlinin g hard drive sp ace used when t he DVR is configur ed at various settings.
95 Appendix C Com p atib le Dev ices 1. Comp ati ble USB dri v e af ter test. Br and Capaci ty SSK 512MB, 1G , 2GB Ne tac 4GB Kingston 2GB Aigo 2GB Smatter v ider 1GB Sa nDisk 4GB T ab C.
96 (4) Equipment d amag e caused by the mainten ance o f perso nnel not aut horiz ed by Q - See. (5) Product sold ov er 12 months ag o. In order to fulfill th e ter ms of y our w arranty , y ou must co mplete the reg istrat ion proc ess a fter purchasi ng our pro duc t.
Customer Information Card User ’s Name Mr ./ Mr s. Company Name Postal A ddress Postal code Phone Number E- mail Model Number of Product Serial N umber of Product Purchase Dat e Distri butor The mater ial in this document is the int ellect ual proper ty of Q - See.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Q-See QT528 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Q-See QT528 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Q-See QT528 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Q-See QT528 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Q-See QT528 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Q-See QT528 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Q-See QT528 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Q-See QT528. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Q-See QT528 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.