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Simplify A 59047-03 B Page i SANbox/SANbox2 Simple Network Management Protocol Reference Guide.
Page ii 59047-03 B A Simple Network Management Protocol Reference Gu ide © 2000–2006 QLogic Corporation All Rights Reserved Worldwide. First Published: May 2001 QLogic Corporation, 26650 Aliso Viejo Parkway , Al iso V iejo, CA 92656, (800) 662-4471 or (94 9) 389-6000 Information furnished in this guide is believed to b e a ccurate and reliabl e.
59047-03 B Page iii T able of Content s Section 1 Introduction 1.1 Intended Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 1.2 Related Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Page iv 59047-03 B Simple Network Management Protocol Reference Gu ide A 4.16 The UDP Listener T able . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-49 4.17 The EGP Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
59047-03 B Page v Simple Netwo rk Manageme nt Protoc ol Reference Gu ide A Index List of Figures Figure Page 2-1 SNMP Interface Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 5-1 connUnitEventDescr Variable Format .
Page vi 59047-03 B Simple Network Management Protocol Reference Gu ide A 5-32 Trap Severity Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-103 5-33 connUnitEventDescr Variabl e Field Descriptions .
59047-03 B 1-1 Section 1 Introduction This guide describes the support for Simple Network Mana gement Protocol (SNMP) used with SANbox/SANbox2 swit ch products . This Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Refere nce Guide describes how to use SNMP to manage and monitor the SANbox/SANbox2 switch product s.
1 – Introduction 1-2 59047-03 B A 1.2 Related Materials Refer to the following guide f or switch hardware and inst allation information: SANbox2-16 Fibre Channel Switch Inst allation Guide , publication number 59021-09. SANbox2-8/16 Switch Management User’s Guide , publication number 59022-09.
1 – Introduction 59047-03 B 1-3 A 1.3.3 Cont act Information Support Headquarters QLogic Corporation 12984 V alley V iew Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3657 USA QLogic Web Site www T echnical Support Web Site T echnical Support Email support@qlog ic.
1 – Introduction 1-4 59047-03 B A Notes.
59047-03 B 2-1 Section 2 SNMP Overview Simple Network Management Protocol (SNM P) is the protocol governing network management and monitoring of network devices. This Simple Network Management Protocol Refere nce Guide des cribes how to use SNMP to manage and monitor the SANbox/SANbox2 switch product s.
2 – SNMP Overview 2-2 59047-03 B A When an SNMP request arrives at the agent, the ag ent will compose a message and pass it on to Switch Management to process the message and provid e a response to the agent. The agent then provid es a response to the originator of the SNMP request.
2 – SNMP O verview 59047-03 B 2-3 A 2.4 Management Information Base Management information bases (MIBs) defin e the properties of the managed object within the device to be managed. Every ma naged device keep s a dat abase of values for each definition written in the MIB.
2 – SNMP Overview 2-4 59047-03 B A 2.6 Numbering System Conventions The conventions for numbering systems in this guide are a s follows: Decimal= 101 Hexadecimal= 0x101 Binary= 101b.
59047-03 B 3-1 Section 3 Configuring a Switch This section describes how to configur e a SANbox/SANbox2 switch to support SNMP . The following topics are covered: System specifications and requirement s Configuring a switch using the T elnet command line interface Configuring a switch using the SA Nsurfer Switch Manager application 3.
3 – Configuring a Switch 3-2 59047-03 B A cli #> admin start cli (admin) #> set setup snmp A list of attributes with formatting and current values will follow.
3 – Configuring a Switch 59047-03 B 3-3 A 3.3 Configuring a Switch Using SANsurfer Switch Manager T o configure a SANbox/SANbox2 switch using SANsurfer Switch Manager, use the Switch Properties an d Network Properties windows. For spe cific information, refer to the corresponding SANbox/SANbox2 Switch Management User’s Guide.
3 – Configuring a Switch 3-4 59047-03 B A Notes.
59047-03 B 4-1 Section 4 MIB-II Object s This section covers the implement ation details for the MIB-II on the SANbox/ SANbox2 switch. A MIB defines the properties of t he managed object within th e device to be managed. Every man aged device keeps a database of valu es for each definition written in the MIB.
4 – MIB-II Objects 4-2 59047-03 B A sysDescr (1.3. A textual description of the entity . Thi s value should includ e the full name and version identification of the system's hard ware type, operating-system, and networking sof tware.
4 – MIB-II Objects 59047-03 B 4-3 A sysUpT ime (1.3. The time, in hundred ths of a second , since the network management portion of the system was last re-initialized.
4 – MIB-II Objects 4-4 59047-03 B A sysName (1.3. An administratively-assigned name for this managed Node. By convention, this is the Node's fully-qualified domain name.
4 – MIB-II Objects 59047-03 B 4-5 A sysServices ( A value that indicates the set of services that this entity primarily of fers.The value is a sum. This sum initially t akes the value zero. Then, for each layer L in the range 1 through 7 that this Node performs tr ansactions for , 2 raised to (L - 1) is added to the sum.
4 – MIB-II Objects 4-6 59047-03 B A 4.4 The Interfaces T able The Interfaces t able cont ains information on the e ntity's interfaces. Each interface is thought of as being att ached to a `subnetwork'.
4 – MIB-II Objects 59047-03 B 4-7 A ifMtu ( . The size of the largest dat agram which can be sent/received on the interface, specified in octet s. For interfaces that are used for transmitting network datagrams, this is the size of the largest network dat agram that can be sent on the interface.
4 – MIB-II Objects 4-8 59047-03 B A ifAdminS t atus ( The desired state of t he interface. The testing(3) st ate indicates that no opera- tional packet s can be passed. Syntax INTEGER Access read-write Status mandatory Return Value Writes not supported.
4 – MIB-II Objects 59047-03 B 4-9 A ifInOctet s ( The total number of o ctet s re ceived on the in terface, including framing chara cters. Syntax Counter Access read-only Status mandatory ifInUcastPkt s (1.3 . 1) The number of subnetwork-unicast p ackets delivered to a higher-layer protocol.
4 – MIB-II Objects 4-10 59047-03 B A ifInDiscards (1.3 . The number of inbound p ackets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent th e ir being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding such a p acket could be to free up buffer sp ace.
4 – MIB-II Objects 59047-03 B 4-1 1 A ifOutOctet s (1.3.6 . The total n umber of octet s transmitted out of the interface, in cluding framing characters. Syntax Counter Access read-only Status mandatory ifOutUcastPkt s (
4 – MIB-II Objects 4-12 59047-03 B A ifOutDiscards ( The number of outbound p ackets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to pre vent their being transmitted. One po ssible reason for discarding such a p acket could be to free up buffer sp ace.
4 – MIB-II Objects 59047-03 B 4-13 A ifSpecific ( A reference to MIB definitions specific to the p articular media being used to realize the interface. For example, if the interfa ce is realized by an Ethernet, then the value of this object refers to a document that de fines objects specific to Ethernet.
4 – MIB-II Objects 4-14 59047-03 B A atIfIndex ( The interface on which this entry's equival ence is ef fective. The interface identi- fied by a particular value of this index is the same interface as identifie d by the same value of ifIndex.
4 – MIB-II Objects 59047-03 B 4-15 A 4.6 The IP Group Implementation of the IP grou p is mandatory for all systems. ipForwarding ( The indication of whether this entity is acti ng as an IP Gateway with respect to the forwarding of dat agrams received by , but not addressed to , this entity .
4 – MIB-II Objects 4-16 59047-03 B A ipInReceives ( The total n umber of input dat agrams received from interfaces, including those received in error . Syntax Counter Access read-only Status mandatory ipInHdrErrors ( The number of input dat agrams discarded due to errors in their IP headers.
4 – MIB-II Objects 59047-03 B 4-17 A ipForwDat agrams ( The number of input dat agrams for which th is entity was not their final IP destina- tion. As a result, an attemp t was made to fi nd a route to forward th em to that final destination.
4 – MIB-II Objects 4-18 59047-03 B A ipInDelivers (1. The total n umber of input dat agrams successfully delivered to I P user protocols (including ICMP). Syntax Counter Access read-only Status mandatory ipOutRequest s (1.
4 – MIB-II Objects 59047-03 B 4-19 A ipOutNoRoutes ( The number of IP dat agrams discarded because no route could be found to transmit them to their destination. Thi s counter includes any p ackets counted in ipForwDatagrams which meet this “no-route” criterion.
4 – MIB-II Objects 4-20 59047-03 B A ipReasmOKs ( The number of IP dat agrams successfully reassembled. Syntax Counter Access read-only Status mandatory ipReasmFails ( The number of failures detect ed by the IP reassembly algorithm for example, timed out, errors).
4 – MIB-II Objects 59047-03 B 4-21 A ipFragFails ( The number of IP dat agrams that have been discarded because they needed to be fragmented at this entity , but cou ld not because their Don't Fragment flag was set. Syntax Counter Access read-only Status mandatory ipFragCreates (1.
4 – MIB-II Objects 4-22 59047-03 B A ipAdEntIfIndex ( The index value which uniquely identifies the interface to which th is entry is appli- cable. The interface identified by a p articular value of this index is the same inter- face as identified by the same value of ifIndex.
4 – MIB-II Objects 59047-03 B 4-23 A ipAdEntReasmMaxSize ( The size of the largest IP dat agram which this entity can reassemble from incoming IP fragmented dat agrams received on this interface. Syntax INTEGER (0..65535) Access read-only Status mandatory 4.
4 – MIB-II Objects 4-24 59047-03 B A ipRouteIfIndex ( The index value which uniquely identifies the lo cal interface through which the next hop of this route should be reached . The interface identified by a pa rticular value of this index is the same interface as identified by th e sa me valu e of ifIndex.
4 – MIB-II Objects 59047-03 B 4-25 A ipRouteMetric2 ( An alternate routing metric for this route. The se mantics of this metric are deter- mined by the routing protocol sp ecified in the route's ipRouteProto valu e. If this metric is not used, its value should be set t o -1.
4 – MIB-II Objects 4-26 59047-03 B A ipRouteMetric4 ( An alternate routing metric for this route. The se mantics of this metric are deter- mined by the routing protocol sp ecified in the route's ipRouteProto valu e. If this metric is not used, its value should be set t o -1.
4 – MIB-II Objects 59047-03 B 4-27 A ipRouteT ype (1.3. The type of route. The values d irect(3) and indirect(4) refer to the notio n of direct and indirect routing in the IP architecture. Setting this ob ject to the value invalid(2) has the ef fect of invalidating the corresponding entry in the ipRouteT able object.
4 – MIB-II Objects 4-28 59047-03 B A ipRouteAge ( The number of seconds since t his route was last updated or otherwise determined to be correct. No semantics of `too old' can be implied except through knowledge of the routing protocol by which the route was lea rned.
4 – MIB-II Objects 59047-03 B 4-29 A ipRouteMetric5 ( An alternate routing metric for this route. The se mantics of this metric are deter- mined by the routing-protocol specified in the route's ipRouteProto value. If this metric is not used, its value should be set t o -1.
4 – MIB-II Objects 4-30 59047-03 B A 4.9 The IP Address T ranslation T able The IP address translation t able contain the IpAddress to`physical' ad dress equivalences. Some interfaces do not use translation t ables for determining address equivalences (for example, DDN-X.
4 – MIB-II Objects 59047-03 B 4-31 A ipNetT oMediaNetAddress ( The IpAddress corresponding to the media-depen dent `physical' address. Syntax IpAddress Access read-write Status mandatory Return Value Writes not supported. ipNetT oMediaT ype (1 .
4 – MIB-II Objects 4-32 59047-03 B A 4.10 Additional IP Object s Following are the additional IP o bjects. ipRoutingDiscards ( The number of routing entries which were cho sen to be discarded even though they are valid. One possible reason for discarding such an entry could be to free- up buffe r space for other rout ing entries.
4 – MIB-II Objects 59047-03 B 4-33 A icmpInErrors ( The number of ICMP messages received by th e entity but were determined as having ICMP-specific errors (such as, bad ICMP checksums, bad len gth). Syntax Counter Access read-only Status mandatory icmpInDestUnreachs (1.
4 – MIB-II Objects 4-34 59047-03 B A icmpInParmProbs ( The number of ICMP Parameter Problem messages received. Syntax Counter Access read-only Status mandatory icmpInSrcQuenchs ( The number of ICMP Source Quench messag es received.
4 – MIB-II Objects 59047-03 B 4-35 A icmpInEchos ( The number of ICMP Echo (request) messages received . Syntax Counter Access read-only Status mandatory icmpInEchoRep s ( The number of ICMP Echo Reply messages received.
4 – MIB-II Objects 4-36 59047-03 B A icmpInTimest ampReps ( 1) The number of ICMP T imestamp Reply messa ges received. Syntax Counter Access read-only Status mandatory icmpInAddrMasks (1 . The number of ICMP Address Ma sk Request messages received.
4 – MIB-II Objects 59047-03 B 4-37 A icmpOutMsgs (1. The total n umber of ICMP messages which this entity attempted to sen d. This counter includes all those counted by icmpOutErrors. Syntax Counter Access read-only Status mandatory icmpOutErrors (1 .
4 – MIB-II Objects 4-38 59047-03 B A icmpOutT imeExcds ( The number of ICMP T ime Exceeded messages sent. Syntax Counter Access read-only Status mandatory icmpOutParmProbs ( The number of ICMP Parameter Problem messages sent.
4 – MIB-II Objects 59047-03 B 4-39 A icmpOutEchos (1 . The number of ICMP Echo (request) messages sent. Syntax Counter Access read-only Status mandatory icmpOutEchoRep s (1 . The number of ICMP Echo Reply messages sent.
4 – MIB-II Objects 4-40 59047-03 B A icmpOutAddrMasks ( The number of ICMP Address Mask Request messages sent. Syntax Counter Access read-only Status mandatory icmpOutAddrMaskRep s ( The number of ICMP Address Mask Reply messages sent.
4 – MIB-II Objects 59047-03 B 4-41 A tcpRtoMin ( The minimum value permitted by a TCP implementation for the retransmission timeout, measured in millisecond s. More re fined semantics for object s of this type depend upon the algorithm used to d etermine the retransmission timeout.
4 – MIB-II Objects 4-42 59047-03 B A tcpActiveOpens ( The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the SYN- SENT state from t he CLOSED state. Syntax Counter Access read-only Status mandatory tcpPassiveOpens (1.
4 – MIB-II Objects 59047-03 B 4-43 A tcpEst abResets ( The number of times TCP connections hav e made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the EST ABLISHED state or the CLOSE-W AIT state. Syntax Counter Access read-only Status mandatory tcpCurrEst ab (1.
4 – MIB-II Objects 4-44 59047-03 B A tcpOutSegs (1.3 . 1) The total n umber of segment s sent including those on current connections, b ut excluding those conta ining only retransmitted octet s. Syntax Counter Access read-only Status mandatory tcpRetransSegs (1.
4 – MIB-II Objects 59047-03 B 4-45 A 4.13 The TCP Connection T able The TCP connection t able conta ins inform ation about this entity's exist ing TCP connections. tcpConnSt ate ( The state o f this TCP connection. The only valu e which may be set by a manage- ment station is deleteTCB(12).
4 – MIB-II Objects 4-46 59047-03 B A tcpConnLocalPort ( The local port number for this TCP connection. Syntax INTEGER (0..65535) Access read-only Status mandatory tcpConnRemAddress ( The remote IP address for this TCP connection.
4 – MIB-II Objects 59047-03 B 4-47 A 4.14 Additional TCP Object s Following are the additional T CP objects. tcpInErrs ( The total n umber of segment s received in error (for example, bad TCP check- sums). Syntax Counter Access read-only Status mandatory tcpOutRst s (1.
4 – MIB-II Objects 4-48 59047-03 B A 4.15 The UDP Group Implementation of the UDP group is manda tory for all systems which implement the UDP . ud pInDatagrams ( The total n umber of UDP dat agrams delivered to UDP users. Syntax Counter Access read-only Status mandatory ud pNoPorts (1.
4 – MIB-II Objects 59047-03 B 4-49 A ud pOutDatagrams ( The total n umber of UDP dat agrams sent from this entity . Syntax Counter Access read-only Status mandatory 4.
4 – MIB-II Objects 4-50 59047-03 B A 4.17 The EGP Group Implementation of the EGP g roup is mandat ory for all systems which implemen t the EGP . egpInMsgs ( The number of EGP messages received without error . Syntax Counter Access read-only Status mandatory egpInErrors (1.
4 – MIB-II Objects 59047-03 B 4-51 A egpOutErrors ( The number of locally generated EGP messages n ot sent due to resource limit a- tions within an EGP entity . Syntax Counter Access read-only Status mandatory 4.18 The EGP Neighbor T a ble The EGP neighbor ta ble contains in formation about this entity's EGP neighbors.
4 – MIB-II Objects 4-52 59047-03 B A egpNeighAs ( The autonomous system of this EGP peer . Zero should be specified if the autono- mous system number of the neighbor is not yet kn own. Syntax INTEGER Access read-only Status mandatory egpNeighInMsgs (1.
4 – MIB-II Objects 59047-03 B 4-53 A egpNeighOutErrs (1.3 . The number of locally generated EGP messages not sent to this EGP peer d ue to resource limitations within an EGP entity . Syntax Counter Access read-only Status mandatory egpNeighInErrMsgs (1 .
4 – MIB-II Objects 4-54 59047-03 B A egpNeighSt ateDowns (1 . 1) The number of EGP state transitions from the UP st ate to any other st ate with this EGP peer . Syntax Counter Access read-only Status mandatory egpNeighIntervalHello (1.
4 – MIB-II Objects 59047-03 B 4-55 A egpNeighMode (1.3 . The polling mode of this EGP entity , either p assive or active. Syntax INTEGER { active(1), passive(2) } Access read-only Status mandatory egpNeighEventT rigger (
4 – MIB-II Objects 4-56 59047-03 B A 4.19 The T ransmission Group Based on the transmission media underlying each interface on a system, the corresponding portion of the T ransmission group is mandatory for that system.
4 – MIB-II Objects 59047-03 B 4-57 A snmpOutPkt s ( 1.2) The total n umber of SNMP messages p ass ed from the SNMP protocol entity to the transport service. Syntax Counter Access read-only Status mandatory snmpInBadV ersions (
4 – MIB-II Objects 4-58 59047-03 B A snmpInBadCommunityUses ( 1.5) The total number of SNMP messages deliver ed to the SNMP protocol entity wh ich represented an SNMP operation which wa s n ot allowed by the SNMP community named in the message.
4 – MIB-II Objects 59047-03 B 4-59 A snmpInNoSuchNames ( 1.9) The total n umber of SNMP PDUs delivered to the SNMP protoco l entity and for which the value of the error-st atus field is "NoSuchName". Syntax Counter Access read-only Status mandatory snmpInBadV alues (1.
4 – MIB-II Objects 4-60 59047-03 B A snmpInGenErrs ( 1.12) The total n umber of SNMP PDUs delivered to the SNMP protoco l entity and for which the value of the erro r-status field is “genErr”. Syntax Counter Access read-only Status mandatory snmpInT otalReqV ars (1.
4 – MIB-II Objects 59047-03 B 4-61 A snmpInGetRequest s ( 1.15) The total n umber of SNMP Get-Request PDUs accepted an d processed by the SNMP protocol entity . Syntax Counter Access read-only Status mandatory snmpInGetNext s (
4 – MIB-II Objects 4-62 59047-03 B A snmpInGetResponses ( 1.18) The total n umber of SNMP Get-Response PDUs accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol entity . Syntax Counter Access read-only Status mandatory snmpInT rap s (
4 – MIB-II Objects 59047-03 B 4-63 A snmpOutNoSuchNames ( 1.21) The total n umber of SNMP PDUs generated by the SNMP prot ocol entity and for which the value of the error-st atus is "NoSuchName". Syntax Counter Access read-only Status mandatory snmpOutBadV alues (1.
4 – MIB-II Objects 4-64 59047-03 B A snmpOutGetReq uest s ( 1.25) The total n umber of SNMP Get-Request PDUs generated by th e SNMP protocol entity . Syntax Counter Access read-only Status mandatory snmpOutGetNext s ( 1.26) The total n umber of SNMP Get-Next PDUs genera ted by the SNMP protocol entity .
4 – MIB-II Objects 59047-03 B 4-65 A snmpOutGetRespo nses ( 1.28) The total nu mber of SNMP Get-Response PDUs generated by the SNMP protocol entity . Syntax Counter Access read-only Status mandatory snmpOutT raps ( 1.29) The total n umber of SNMP T rap PDUs generated by the SNMP protocol en tity .
4 – MIB-II Objects 4-66 59047-03 B A Notes.
59047-03 B 5-1 Section 5 Fibre Alliance MIB Object s This section covers the implementa tion details for the Fibre Alliance Management Information Bases (F A-MIB) version 4.0 on the SANbox/SANbox2 switch. 5.1 F A MIB Definitions The F A-MIB version 4.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-2 59047-03 B A FcEventSeverity INTEGER { unknown (1), emergency (2), alert (3), critical (4), error (5), warning (6), notify (7), info (8), debug (9), mark (10) - Al.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-3 A revisionNumber The revision number for this MIB. The format of the revision value is as follows: (0) = high order major revision number (1) = .
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-4 59047-03 B A 5.2 Connectivity Unit Group The objects described in this section are not in a t able format. An example of how to access one of these object s is: "snmpget localhost public fcmgmt.connSet.uNumber.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-5 A st atusCh angeTime ( The sysuptime timest amp at which the last status change occurred for any members of the set, in cen tiseconds. Syntax TimeTicks Access read only Status obsolete Return Value This object is obsolete.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-6 59047-03 B A 5.3 Connectivity T able The objects described in this section are in a tab le format indexed by switch World Wide Name. An example of how to access one of these objects given a WWN of 100000c0dd0090a7 is: "snmpget localhost public fcmgmt.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-7 A connUnitT ype ( The type of this connectivity unit. Syntax FcUnitType Access read-only Status mandatory Return Value switch (4) connUnitNumport s ( Number of physical ports in th e connectivity unit (internal/embedded, external).
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-8 59047-03 B A connUnitSt ate ( The operational state of the switch map ped. The overa ll st ate of connectivity unit. Syntax INTEGER Access read-only Status mandatory Return Value Refer to T able 5-2 for switch operational states.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-9 A connUnitSt atus ( Overall status o f the connectivity unit. The goal of this object is t o be the single poll point to check the st atus of the connunit. If there is any other component tha t has warning, then this should be set to warning.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-10 59047-03 B A connUnitProduct (1.3 . The sml attribute Oper .Switch.T y pe (for example, SANbox/SANbox2). Syntax DisplayString (SIZE (0..79)) Access read-only Status mandatory Return Value Returns the switch product type.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-1 1 A connUnitUrl (1.3.6 . URL to launch a management application, if ap plicable. Otherwise, it’s an empty string. In a standalone unit, this would be the same as the top-level URL. This has the same definition as systemURL for keyw ords.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-12 59047-03 B A connUnitProxyMaster ( A value of “yes” means this is the proxy master unit for a set of managed unit s. For example, this could be the o nly unit with a management card in it for a set of units.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-13 A connUnitNumSensors (1 . Number of sensors in the connUnitSensorT a ble elements. If this value is not appli- cable, return unknown. Syntax INTEGER Access read-only Status mandatory Return Value Returns the number of sensors listed in the connUnitSensorT able.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-14 59047-03 B A connUnitConfigurationChangeT ime ( The sysuptime timestamp, in centiseconds, at which the last configuratio n change occurred. Syntax TimeTicks Access read-only Status obsolete Return Value This object is obsolete.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-15 A connUnitModuleId (1. This is a unique ID, persistent between boot s, that can be used to group a set of connUnits togeth er into a module.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-16 59047-03 B A connUnitInfo ( A display string containing informati on about this connectivity unit. This object value should be persistent betwee n boots. Syntax DisplayString Access read-write Status mandatory Return Value Returns the ConfigDescription field for th e switch.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-17 A Access read-write Status mandatory Return Value Refer to the following tables for connUnitCo ntrol values. T able 5-4. connUnitContol Read Return V alues Switch Setting Return V alue Online Online (6) Offline Offline (5) Diagnostics Offline (5) Other Unknow n (1) T able 5-5.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-18 59047-03 B A connUnitCont act (1.3. Contact information fo r this connectivity unit, and is persistent across boot s. Syntax DisplayString (SIZE (0..79)) Access read-write Status mandatory Return Value The default is: <sysContact undefined> .
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-19 A connUnitEventFilter (1 . This value defines the event severity that will be logged by this connectivity unit. All events of seve rity less than or equal to connUnitEventFilter are logged in connUnitEventT able.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-20 59047-03 B A connUnitNumEvent s (1.3 . Number of events curre ntly in the connUnitEventT able. Syntax INTEGER Access read-only Status mandatory Return Value An integer indicating the number of events in the e vent table.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-21 A connUnitEventCurrID ( The last used event ID (connUnitEventIndex). Syntax INTEGER Access read-only Status mandatory Return Value The event ID of the last event. connUnitFabricID (1.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-22 59047-03 B A connUnitV endorId ( The connectivity unit vendor's name. Syntax DisplayS tring (SIZE (0..79)) read-only Status mandatory Return Value "QLogic" 5.4 Revision T able The objects described in this section are in a ta ble format indexed by W orld Wide Name and Index.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-23 A connUnitRevsIndex ( A unique value among all connU nitRevsEntrys with th e same value of connUni- tRevsUnitId, in the range between 1 and con nUnitNumRevs[connUn itRevsUnitId]. Syntax INTEGER (1.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-24 59047-03 B A connUnitRevsRevId ( A vendor-specific string ident ifying a revision of a component of the connUnit indexed by connUnitRevsUnitId.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-25 A connUnitRevsDescription ( Description of a component to which the re vision corresponds. Syntax DisplayString Access read-only Status mandatory Return Value Refer to T able 5-10 for SANbox2-8/16 and SANbox 3050/3100/5200 connUni- tRevsDescription return values.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-26 59047-03 B A 5.5 Sensor T able The objects described in this section are in a ta ble format indexed by W orld Wide Name and Index. The Index is the sensor number being interroga ted. There are six sensor items in each switch.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-27 A connUnitSensorName (1. A textual identification of the sensor inten ded primarily for operator u se. Syntax DisplayString Access read-only Status mandatory Return Value Refer to T able 5-12 for SANbox2-8 connUnitSensorName return values.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-28 59047-03 B A Refer to T able 5-15 for SANbox2-64 connUnitSensorName return values. T able 5-14. SANbox2-16 ConnUnitSensorName Return V alues T able Index Return V.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-29 A connUnitSensorSt atus ( The status ind icated by the sensor . Syntax INTEGER { unknown(1) other(2) - the sensor indicates other than ok (warning or failure).
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-30 59047-03 B A connUnitSensorInfo (1 . Miscellaneous static informatio n about the sensor , such as its serial number . Syntax DisplayString Access read-only Status mandatory Return Value Always returns an empty string.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-31 A Return Value Refer to T able 5-20 for SANbox2-8/16 and SANbox 3050/3100/5200 connUnitSensorMessage values.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-32 59047-03 B A connUnitSensorT ype ( The type of component being monitored by this sensor . Syntax INTEGER { unknown(1), other(2), battery(3), .
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-33 A connUnitSensorCharacteristi c ( The characteristics being mo nitored by this sensor .
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-34 59047-03 B A 5.6 Port T able The objects described in this section are in a ta ble format indexed by W orld Wide Name and Index.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-35 A connUnitPortT ype (1. The port type. Syntax INTEGER { unknown(1), other(2), not-present(3), hub-port(4), n-port(5), - end port f.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-36 59047-03 B A connUnitPortFCClassCap ( Bit mask that specifies the classes of servic e capability of this port.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-37 A connUnitPortFCClassOp (1 . Bit mask that specifies the classes of service that are currently operational. If this is not applicable, return all bit s set to ze ro. This object has the same definition as connUnitPortFCClassCap" ::= { connUnitPortEntry 5 }.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-38 59047-03 B A connUnitPortS t atus ( An overall protocol status for th e port. This value of connUn itPortS tate is not online, then this is reported Unkno wn.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-39 A connUnitPortT ransmitterT yp e ( The technology of the po rt transceiver . Syntax INTEGER { unknown(1), other(2), unused(3), sh.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-40 59047-03 B A connUnitPortModuleT ype ( The module type of the p ort connector . Syntax INTEGER { unknown(1), other(2), gbic(3), embedded(4),.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-41 A Return Value Returns the Port World Wide Name followed by 8 bytes of zeros. For example , the return value for port #2 would be 20 02 00 C0 DD 00 71 C9 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00, and the return va lue for port #2 would be 20 0E 00 C0 DD 00 71 C9 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-42 59047-03 B A connUnitPortRevision (1 . The port revision. For example, fo r a GBIC. Syntax DisplayString (SIZE(0..79)) Access read-only Status unsupported Return Value Always returns error status "NoSuchName".
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-43 A connUnitPortControl (1. This object is used to control the addressed conn Unit's port. resetConnUnitPort : If the addressed connUnit allows this operation to be performed to this port, the addressed port performs a vendo r-specific ”reset” operation.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-44 59047-03 B A bypassConnUnitPort(4), unbypassConnUnitPort(5), offlineConnUnitPort(6), onlineConnUnitPort(7), resetConnUnitPortCounters(8) } Access read-write Status mandatory Return Value Refer to T able 5-28 for connUnitPortControl read return values.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-45 A connUnitPortName (1. A user-defined name for this port. This means that u p to DisplayS tring characters may be supported. If less than, then the name will be truncated in the connunit.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-46 59047-03 B A connUnitPortS t atObject (1 . This contains the OID of the first object of the t able that contains the sta tistics for this particular port. If this ha s a value of zero, then there are no st atistics available for this port.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-47 A connUnitPortProtocolOp ( Bit mask that specifies the driver level protocol(s) t hat are cur r ently ope ration al. I f not applicable, return all b its set to zero. Th is object has the same definition as connUnitPortProtocolCap.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-48 59047-03 B A connUnitPortHWSt ate ( The hardware detected sta te of the port. Syntax INTEGER { unknown(1), failed(2), - port failed diagnos.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-49 A 5.7 Event T able The objects described in this section are in a ta ble format indexed by W orld Wide Name and Index.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-50 59047-03 B A connUnitEventIndex ( 1.1.2) Each connectivity unit has it s own event buffer . As it wrap s, it may write over previous event s. This object is an index into the buffer . It is recommended that this table be read using g etNext's to retrieve the initial t able.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-51 A connUnitEventId ( 1.1.3) The internal event ID. Incremented for each even t, ranging between 1 and connUnitMaxEvents.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-52 59047-03 B A connUnitSEventT ime ( 1.1.5) This is the sysuptime timest amp when the event occurred. Syntax connUnitSEventTime Access read-only Status mandatory Return Value Always returns error status "NoSuchName".
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-53 A connUnitEventT ype (1.3 . 1.1.7) The type of this event. Syntax INTEGER { unknown(1), other(2), status(3), configuration(4), topology (5) } Access read-only Status mandatory Return Value Always returns 3 (Status).
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-54 59047-03 B A connUnitEventD escr (1 . 1.1.9) The description of the event . Syntax DisplayString Access read-only Status mandatory Return Value The event description in the form: " [Id][time stamp][severit y][module][Descrip- tion]" 5.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-55 A connUnitLinkUnitId (1 . The connUnitId of the conn ectivity unit that cont ains this link t able. Syntax connUnitLinkUnitId Access read-only Status mandatory Return Value The World Wide Name o f the switch.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-56 59047-03 B A connUnitLinkNodeIdX (1 . The Node WWN of the unit at one en d of the link. If the Node WWN is unknown and the Node is a connUnit in the responding agent, then the value of this o bject must be equal to it s connUnitID.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-57 A connUnitLinkPortWwnX ( The port WWN of the unit specifie d by c onnUnitLinkNodeIdX if known, o therwise 16 octets of binary 0" ::= { connUnitLinkEntry 5 }.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-58 59047-03 B A connUnitLinkPortNumberY ( The port number on the unit specified by connUnitLinkNodeIdY if known, other- wise -1. If the value is non-negative, then it will be equal to conn UnitPortPhysical- Number .
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-59 A connUnitLinkAgentAddressY ( The address of an FCMGMT MIB agent for the Node identified by connUnitLinkN- odeIdY , if known. Otherwise 16 octe ts of binary 0" ::= {co nnUnitLinkEntry 9}.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-60 59047-03 B A connUnitLinkAgentPortY ( 1) The IP port number for the agent . This is provided in case the agent is at a non- standard SNMP port. Syntax INTEGER Access read-only Status mandatory Return Value Returns value of 0.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-61 A connUnitLinkCurrIndex ( The last used link index. Syntax INTEGER Access read-only Status mandatory Return Value The last used link table index number. 5.9 Zone T able The objects de scribed in this section are in a table f ormat indexed Zone nu mber and Index.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-62 59047-03 B A connUnitZoneMemberIndex ( Unique table ind ex for each zone me mber . V alid values are between 1 and connUnitZoneNumMembers. Syntax INTEGER (1..2147483647) Access read-only Status mandatory Return Value Returns index number for each member within a zone.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-63 A connUnitZoneName ( Name of the zone. Syntax DisplayString (SIZE (0..79)) Access read-only Status mandatory Return Value Returns the name of the zone. connUnitZoneCap abilities (1.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-64 59047-03 B A connUnitZoneEnforcementS t a te ( 1-byte bit mask that specifies the current enfo rcement of the Zone Set. Bit 7 - Soft zon e set enforced. Bit 6 - Hard zone set enforced. Bits 5-0 - Reserved .
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-65 A connUnitZoneNumMembers ( Number of zone members in the zone: connUnitZ oneName. Syntax INTEGER Access read-only Status mandatory Return Value Returns total number of members in a zone.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-66 59047-03 B A connUnitZoneMemberI D ( 1) ID of the zone member based on connUn itZoneMemberIdT ype. Syntax FcGlobalId Access read-only Status mandatory Return Value Returns the zone member name as a 16 8-bit octet s.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-67 A connUnitZoningAliasMemberInd ex ( Unique table ind ex for each alias member . V alid values are between 1 and connUnitZoningAliasNumMembers. Syntax INTEGER (1..2147483647) Access read-only Status mandatory Return Value Returns the alias memb er index.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-68 59047-03 B A connUnitZoningAliasNumMemb ers ( Number of members in the al ias: connUnitZoningAliasName. Syntax INTEGER Access read-only Status mandatory Return Value Returns number of members in a defined Alias zone.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-69 A connUnitZoningAliasMemberI D ( ID of the alias member based on connUnitZonin gAliasMemberIdT ype. Syntax FcGlobalId Access read-only Status mandatory Return Value Returns the alias zone member name as 16 8 -bit octets.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-70 59047-03 B A connUnitPortS t atUnitId ( A unique value among all entries in this table having the same co nnUnitPortS tatU- nitId, between 1 and connUnitNum Port [connUnitPortS tatUnitId].
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-71 A connUnitPortSt atCountTxObject s ( The number of frames/p ackets/IOs/etc tran smitted by this port. A Fibre Channel frame start s with SOF and ends with EOF . Fibre Channel loop devices should not count frames passed through.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-72 59047-03 B A connUnitPortS tatCount TxElem ent s ( The number of octet s or bytes that have been transmitted by this po rt. One second periodic polling of the port. This value is saved and compared with the next polled value to compute net throughput.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-73 A connUnitPortS t atCountBBCredit Zero ( Count of transitions in/out of BBcredit zero st ate. The other side is not providing any credit. This is a Fibre Channel st atistic only . Syntax OCTET STRING (SIZE (8)) Access read-only Status mandatory Return Value Unsupported.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-74 59047-03 B A connUnitPortS tatCount FBSYFram es ( Count of times that FBSY was returned to this port as a result of a frame that could not be delivered to the other end of th e link. This occurs if either the fab ric or the destination port is temporarily busy .
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-75 A connUnitPortS tatCount FRJTFram es ( Count of times that FRJT was returned to this port as a result of a frame that was rejected by the fabric. This is the tot al for all classes and is a Fibre Channel-only statistic.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-76 59047-03 B A connUnitPortS t atCountClass1Rx Frames ( Count of Class 1 frames received at this port. This is a Fibre Channel-only statistic. Syntax OCTET STRING (SIZE (8)) Access read-only Status mandatory Return Value Unsupported.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-77 A connUnitPortS tatCount Class1FBSYFrames (1.3 . Count of times that FBSY was returned to this port as a result of a Class 1 frame that could not be delivered to the other end of the link.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-78 59047-03 B A connUnitPortS tatCount Class1FRJTFrames (1.3 . Count of times that FRJT was returned to this port as a result of a Class 1 frame that was rejected by the fabric. Thi s is a Fibre Channel-only st atistic.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-79 A connUnitPortS tatCount Class2TxFr ames ( Count of Class 2 frames transmitted out this p ort. This is a Fibre Channel-only statistic. Syntax OCTET STRING (SIZE (8)) Access read-only Status mandatory Return Value The total number of Class 2 frames transmitted by a port.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-80 59047-03 B A connUnitPortS tatCount Class2PBSYFrames (1.3. Count of times that PBSY was returned to this port as a result of a Class 2 frame that could not be delivered to the other end of the link.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-81 A connUnitPortS tatCount Class2PRJTFrames (1. Count of times that FRJT was returned to this port as a result of a Class 2 frame that was rejected at the destina tion N_Po rt. This is a Fibre Channel-o nly statistic.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-82 59047-03 B A connUnitPortS tatCount C lass3Discards ( Count of Class 3 frames that were disc arded upon reception at this port. There is no FBSY or FRJT generated for Class 3 fr ames. They are simply discarded if they cannot be delivered.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-83 A connUnitPortS tatCount RxBroadcastO bject s ( Count of Broadcast frames or p acket s received at this p ort. Syntax OCTET STRING (SIZE (8)) Access read-only Status mandatory Return Value Unsupported.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-84 59047-03 B A connUnitPortS tatCount TxLinkR eset s ( Count of link resets. The number of LRs transmitted. This is a Fibre Channel-only statistic. Syntax OCTET STRING (SIZE (8)) Access read-only Status mandatory Return Value The total number of TxLinkResets transmitted by a port.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-85 A connUnitPortS tatCount TxOfflineSeq uences ( Count of of fline primitive OLSs transmitted by this port.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-86 59047-03 B A connUnitPortS t atCountInvalidC RC ( Count of frames received with invalid CRC. This count is part of the Link Error S tatus Block (LESB). (FC-PH 29.8). L oop ports should not count CRC errors passing throug h when monitoring.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-87 A connUnitPortS tatCount Primit iveSequenceProtocolErrors ( Count of primitive sequence protocol errors detected at this port. This count is part of the Link Error S tatus Block (LESB).
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-88 59047-03 B A connUnitPortS t atCountLossofSynchro nization ( Count of inst ances of synchronization loss de tected at port. This count is p art of the Link Error S tatus Block (LESB). (FC-PH 29.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-89 A connUnitPortS tatCount FramesT o oLong ( Count of frames received at this port where th e frame length was greater than what was agreed to in FLOGI/PLOGI. This could be caused by losing the end of frame delimiter .
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-90 59047-03 B A connUnitPortS tatCount AddressErro rs ( Count of frames received with unknown a ddressing. Syntax OCTET STRING (SIZE (8)) Access read-only Status mandatory Return Value The total number of InvalidDestAddr frames received by a port.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-91 A 5.12 Simple Name Serve r T able The objects described in this section are in a ta ble format indexed by W orld Wide Name and Index. The index represent s the table index. An example of how to access one of these object s given a WWN of 100000c0dd0090a7 is: "snmpget localhost public fcmgmt.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-92 59047-03 B A connUnitSnsId ( The connUnitId of the conn ectivity unit that cont ains this Name Server t able. Syntax OCTET STRIN G (SIZE (16)) Access read-only Status mandatory Return Value Returns the World Wide Na me of the switch followed by 8 bytes of zeros.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-93 A connUnitSnsPortName ( The Port Wo rld Wide Name for this entry in the SNS t able. Syntax FcNameId Access read-only Status mandatory Return Value The Port World Wide Name of the device in the name server table.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-94 59047-03 B A connUnitSnsNodeIP Address ( The IPv6 formatted address of the Node for this entry in the SNS tab le. Syntax OCTET STRIN G (SIZE (16)) Access read-only Status mandatory Return Value Unsupported.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-95 A connUnitSnsPortT ype (1 . The port type of this entry in the SNS t able. Syntax OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)) Access read-only Status mandatory Return Value A value indicating the PortType for the entry in the name server table.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-96 59047-03 B A connUnitSnsPortIP Address (1 . 1) The IPv6 formatted address of this e ntry in the SNS table. Syntax OCTET STRIN G (SIZE (16)) Access read-only Status mandatory Return Value Unsupported.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-97 A connUnitSnsSymbo licPortNam e ( The symbolic port name of this entry in the SNS t able. Syntax DisplayString (SIZE (0..79)) Access read-only Status mandatory Return Value The symbolic Port Name registered by th e device in the name server table.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-98 59047-03 B A 5.13 Plat form T able The Platform T able is a simple, read-only view of platform registration entries. Platform registry is a service ho sted by the connectivity unit, in a very similar manner as the SNS table.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-99 A connUnitPlatformNodeInde x ( Unique table ind ex for each plat form node. V alid values are between 1 and connUnitPlatformsNumNodes. Syntax INTEGER (1..2147483647) Access read-only Status mandatory Return Value Unsupported.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-100 59047-03 B A connUnitPlatformT ype (1 . The platform type. Syntax FcUnitT ype Access read-only Status mandatory Return Value Unsupported. Always returns error st atus "NoSuchName" connUnitPlatformLabel (1.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-101 A connUnitPlatformLocation ( The physical location of the plat form (e.g., telephone closet, 3rd floor). The Platform Location sh all only contain print able ASCII characters. Syntax DisplayS tring (SIZE (0.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-102 59047-03 B A connUnitPlatformNodeName ( The name (WWN - world wide name) of the node cont ained by the platform. Syntax FcGlobalId Access read-only Status read-only Return Value Unsupported.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-103 A 5.14 Tr a p Ta b l e T rap s are asynchronous messages sent from the agent (re siding on the switch) to the manager (residing on the workst ati on) to identify significant events. There can be up to 5 trap add resses within the trap t able.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-104 59047-03 B A trapMaxClient s ( The maximum number of SNMP trap recipi ent s supp orted by the conn ectivity unit. Syntax INTEGER Access read-only Status mandatory Return Value Always returns 5. trapClientCount (1.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-105 A trapRegPort ( The UDP port to send trap s to for this host. Normally this would be the st andard trap port (162). This object is an index and must be specified to create a row in this table.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-106 59047-03 B A trapRegRowSt ate ( S pecifies the st ate of the row . rowDestroy READ: Can never happen. WRITE: Remove this row from the table. rowInactive READ: Indicates that this row does exist, but that trap s are not enabled to be sent to the t arget.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-107 A 5.15 Related T rap s The following trap s contain t he trap info rmation being sent from the agent to the manager . connUnitSt atusChange ( The overall st atus of the connectivity unit has changed.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-108 59047-03 B A T able 5-34 lists the possible trap strings returned for the connUnitEventDescr variable. T able 5-33. connUnitEventDescr V ariable Field Descriptions connUnitEventDescr V ariable Description T ag # The number that identifies the event.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 59047-03 B 5-109 A connUnitSensorS tatusChange eventSeverity_cr itical, eventSeverity_critical, eventSeverity_critical, eventSeverity_critical, eventSeverity_critical, eventSeverity_critical, eventSeverity_critical Chassis.
5 – Fibre Alliance MIB Objects 5-1 10 59047-03 B A connUnitSensorSt atusChan ge ( The overall st atus of the connectivity unit has changed. The recommended severity level (for filtering) is “alert”. Sen t whenever any of the following notifications occur: Chassis.
59047-03 B 6-1 Section 6 Fabric Element MIB Object s This section covers the implement ation details for the Fabric Element Management Information Bases (FE-MIB) on the SANbox/SANbox2 switch. 6.1 Fibre Channel FE MIB Definitions The textual substitutions in T able 6-1 are specific t o the FE-MIB and can be used in place of primitive dat a types.
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 6-2 59047-03 B A 6.2 Configuration Group This group consists o f scalar object s and ta bles. It contains the configuration and service parameters of the Fabric Elemen t and the FxPorts. The group represents a set of parameters associat ed with the Fabric Element or an FxPort to support it s NxPorts.
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 59047-03 B 6-3 A Return Value The World Wide Name of the switch. For example, 10 00 00 C0 DD 00 7 1 C9. Writes are not supported. fcFeElementName ( The Name_Identifier of the Fabric Element. Syntax FcNameId Access read-write Status Current Return Value The World Wide Name of the switch.
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 6-4 59047-03 B A 6.3 Module T able The object s described in this section a re in table for m at indexed by switch. An example of how to access one of these object s is: "snmpget localhost public fcFeModuleDescr .
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 59047-03 B 6-5 A, SANbox 3100 =, SANbox 5200 = fcFeModuleOperS t atus ( Switch definitions map 1-to-1 with the MIB definit ions.
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 6-6 59047-03 B A fcFeModuleLastChange ( 1 . This object conta ins the value of sysUpT ime when the module entered its current operational sta tus. A value of zero indicates that the operatio nal status o f the module has not changed since the agent last rest arted.
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 59047-03 B 6-7 A fcFeModuleName ( The Name_Identifier of the switch. Syntax FcNameId Access read-write Status current Return Value The World Wide Name o f the switch. Writes are not supported.
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 6-8 59047-03 B A Access read-only Status Current Return Value Always returns 32 (0x20). fcFxPortFcphV ersionLow (1. The lowest or earliest version of FC-PH that the FxPort is config ured to support.
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 59047-03 B 6-9 A Syntax FcRxDataFieldSize Access read-only Status current Return Value Always returns 2112 (0x840). fcFxPortRatov ( The Resource_Allocation_T i meout V alue configured for the FxPort.
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 6-10 59047-03 B A fcFxPortCosSupported (1 . A value indicating the set of classes of se rvice supported by the FxPort. Syntax FcCosCap Access read-only Status Current Return Value Always returns Class 3, 2, and F (0x0D).
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 59047-03 B 6-1 1 A fcFxPortClass2SeqDeliv (1.3 . A flag indicating whether or not Cla ss 2 Sequential Delivery is supported by the FxPort. Syntax TruthValue Access read-only Status current Return Value Always returns True (1).
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 6-12 59047-03 B A 6.5 The S t atus Group The object s described in this section a re in tab le format indexed by switch index and port index. An example of how to ac cess o ne of these object s is: "snmpget localhost public fcFxPortId.
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 59047-03 B 6-13 A fcFxPortOperMode ( The current operational mode o f the FxPort. Syntax INTEGER { unknown(1), fPort(2), flPort(3) } Access read-only Status current Return Value Refer to T able 6-3 for fcFxPortOperMode return values.
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 6-14 59047-03 B A 6.6 FxPort Physical Level T able The object s described in this section a re in tab le format indexed by switch index and port index. An example of how to ac cess o ne of these object s is: "snmpget localhost public fcFxPortPhys AdminS tatus.
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 59047-03 B 6-15 A Refer to T able 6-5 for fcFxPortPhysAdminStatus write va lues. fcFxPortPhysOperSt atus ( The current operational st atus of the FxPort. The testing(3) indicates that no operational frames can be p assed.
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 6-16 59047-03 B A fcFxPortPhysLastChange ( The value of sysUpT ime at the time the FxPort entered it s current operational status. A value of zero in dicates that the FxPort's operational st atus has not changed since the agent last rest arted.
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 59047-03 B 6-17 A 6.7 Fx Port Fabric Login T able The object s described in this section a re in tab le format indexed by switch index and port index. An example of how to ac cess o ne of these object s is: "snmpget localhost public fcFxPortFcphV ersionAgreed .
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 6-18 59047-03 B A fcFxPortNxPortRxDat aFieldSiz e ( The Receive Data Field Size of the att ached NxPort. This object specifies the largest Data Field Size for an FT_1 f rame that can be received by the NxPort.
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 59047-03 B 6-19 A fcFxPortIntermixSuppAgreed ( A variable indicating that the att ached NxPort has requested the FxPort for the support of Intermix and the FxPort has grant ed the request. This flag is only valid if Class 1 service is supported.
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 6-20 59047-03 B A fcFxPortClass2SeqDelivAgreed ( A variable indicating whether the FxPort h as agreed to support Class 2 sequential delivery from the Fabric Login. This is only meaningfu l if the port s are using Class 2 service.
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 59047-03 B 6-21 A fcFxPortConnectedNxPort (1 . 1) The address identifier of the destination NxPort with which th is FxPort is currently engaged in a either a Class 1 or loop connection. If this FxPort is not engaged in a connection, then the value of this object is “000000”H.
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 6-22 59047-03 B A 6.8 The Erro r Group The object s described in this section a re in tab le format indexed by switch index and port index. An example of how to ac cess o ne of these object s is: "snmpget localhost public fcFxPortLinkFailures.
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 59047-03 B 6-23 A fcFxPortSigLosses ( 1.3 . The number of loss of signals detected by the FxPort. Syntax Counter32 Access read-only Status current Return Value Unsupported. Always returns error status "NoSuchName".
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 6-24 59047-03 B A fcFxPortInvalidCrcs ( The number of invalid CRCs detected by this FxPort. Syntax Counter32 Access read-only Status current Return Value The total number of InvalidCRCs encountered for a port.
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 59047-03 B 6-25 A fcFxPortLinkResetIns (1.3 . The number of Link Reset Protoco ls received by this FxPort fro m the attache d NxPort. Syntax Counter32 Access read-only Status current Return Value The total number of RxLinkResets received by a port.
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 6-26 59047-03 B A fcFxPortOlsOut s ( The number of Offline Sequences issued by this FxPort. Syntax Counter32 Access read-only Status current Return Value The total number of TxOflineSeqs sent by a port.
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 59047-03 B 6-27 A fcFxPortC1OutFrames (1.3. The number of Class 1 frames (other than Class 1 con nect- request) delivered through this FxPort to it s attached NxPort. Syntax Counter32 Access read-only Status current Return Value Unsupported.
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 6-28 59047-03 B A fcFxPortC1Discards (1.3. The number of Class 1 frames discarded by this FxPort. Syntax Counter32 Access read-only Status current Return Value Unsupported. Always returns error status "NoSuchName".
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 59047-03 B 6-29 A fcFxPortC1InConnections (1 . The number of Class 1 connections successfully esta blished in which the attached NxPort is the sour ce of the connect-request. Syntax Counter32 Access read-only Status current Return Value Unsupported.
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 6-30 59047-03 B A 6.10 Class 2 Accounting T able The object s described in this section a re in tab le format indexed by switch index and port index. An example of how to ac cess o ne of these object s is: "snmpget localhost public fcFxPortC2InFrames.
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 59047-03 B 6-31 A fcFxPortC2InOctet s ( The number of Class 2 frame octets, incl uding the frame delimiters, re ceived by this FxPort from its att ached NxPort. Syntax Counter32 Access read-only Status current Return Value The total number of Class2WordsIn received by a port.
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 6-32 59047-03 B A fcFxPortC2FbsyFrames ( The number of F_BSY frames generated b y this FxPort. Syntax Counter32 Access read-only Status current Return Value The total number of FBusy frames generated by th is port for Class 2 and 3 frames.
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 59047-03 B 6-33 A 6.1 1 Class 3 Accounting T able The object s described in this section a re in tab le format indexed by switch index and port index. An example of how to ac cess o ne of these object s is: "snmpget localhost public fcFxPortC3InFrames.
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 6-34 59047-03 B A fcFxPortC3InOctet s ( The number of Class 3 frame octets, incl uding the frame delimiters, re ceived by this FxPort from its att ached NxPort. Syntax Counter32 Access read-only Status current Return Value The total number of Class3WordsOut received by a port.
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 59047-03 B 6-35 A 6.12 Cap ability Group The object s described in this section a re in tab le format indexed by switch index and port index. An example of how to ac cess o ne of these object s is: "snmpget localhost public fcFxPortName.
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 6-36 59047-03 B A fcFxPortCapBbCreditMax (1 . The maximum number of receive buf fers available for holding Class 1 connect- request, Class 2, or Class 3 fr ames from the att ached NxPort. Syntax FcBbCredit Access read-only Status current Return Value The default is: 255 (0xFF).
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 59047-03 B 6-37 A fcFxPortCapRxDat aFieldSizeMi n ( The minimum size in bytes of the Dat a Field in a frame that the FxPort is capable of receiving from its a ttached NxPort. Syntax FcRxDataFieldSize Access read-only Status current Return Value 128 (0x80).
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 6-38 59047-03 B A fcFxPortCapS t ackedConnMode ( A value indicating the mode of S tack ed Connect request that the FxPo rt is capable of supporting. Syntax FcStackedConnMode Access read-only Status current Return Value Always returns None (1).
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 59047-03 B 6-39 A fcFxPortCapHoldTimeMaxv (1. The maximum holding time that the FxPort is capable of supporting, in microsec- onds. Syntax MicroS econds Access read-only Status current Return Value 20000 (0x4E20) fcFxPortCapHoldTimeMin (1 .
6 – Fabric Element MIB Ob jec ts 6-40 59047-03 B A Notes.
59047-03 B 7-1 Section 7 QLOGIC MIB Object s This section covers the implement ation details for the QLOGIC Management Information Bases (QLOGIC-MIB) on the SANbox/SANbox2 switch.
7 – QLOGIC MIB Objects 7-2 59047-03 B A Refer to T able 7-2 for fcQxPortPhysAdminStatus write values. fcQxPortPhysOperSt atus (1.3 . The current operational st atus of the FxPort. The testing(3) indicates that no operational frames can be p assed.
7 – QLOGIC MIB Objects 59047-03 B 7-3 A Return Value Refer to T able 7-3 for fcQxPortPhysOperStatus return values. T able 7-3. fcFxPortPHysOperStatus Return V alues Stat us Re t ur n V al u e Online.
7 – QLOGIC MIB Objects 7-4 59047-03 B A Notes.
59047-03 B Glossary-1 Glossary AL_P A Arbitrated Loop Physical Address Arbitrated Loop A Fibre Channel topo logy where p ort s use arbitration to est ablish a point-to-point circuit. Arbitrated Loop Physical Address (AL_P A) A unique one-byte value assigned during loop initialization to each NL_Port on a Loop.
Simple Network Management Protocol Reference Gu ide Glossary-2 59047-03 B A Frame Data unit consisting of a start-of-f rame (SOF) delimiter , header , data p ayload, CRC, and an end-of-frame (EOF) delimiter .
59047-03 B Glossary-3 Simple Netwo rk Manageme nt Protoc ol Reference Gu ide A MSEnable Determines whether GS-3 management server commands will be accepted on the port. It can be used to prevent in-band management of the switch on any o r all ports. (T rue / False) NL_Port Node Loop Port.
Simple Network Management Protocol Reference Gu ide Glossary-4 59047-03 B A Simple Network Management Protoc ol The protocol governing network management and that a llows monitoring of network devic es.
59047-03 B Glossary-5 Simple Netwo rk Manageme nt Protoc ol Reference Gu ide A Zone Set A set of zones grouped together . The active zone set defines the zoning for a fabric.
Simple Network Management Protocol Reference Gu ide Glossary-6 59047-03 B A Notes.
59047-03 B Index-1 Index A Accounting Groups 6-26 Additional IP Object s 4-32 Additional TCP Objects 4-47 Address T ranslation Group 4-13 Agent 2-1 Alert 2-3, 5-103 atIfIndex 4-14 atNetAddress 4-14 at.
Simple Network Management Protocol Reference Gu ide Index-2 59047-03 B A connUnitPortS tatCountClass1FBSYFrames 5- 77 connUnitPortS tatCount Class1FRJTFrames 5- 78 connUnitPortS tatCountClass1PBSYFram.
59047-03 B Index-3 Simple Netwo rk Manageme nt Protoc ol Reference Gu ide A connUnitSensorT ype 5-32 connUnitSensorUnitId 5-26 connUnitSEventT ime 5-52 connUnitSn 5-10 connUnitSnsClassOfSvc 5-93 connU.
Simple Network Management Protocol Reference Gu ide Index-4 59047-03 B A fcFxPortC1InFrames 6-26 fcFxPortC1InOctets 6-2 7 fcFxPortC1OutConnections 6-29 fcFxPortC1OutFrames 6-27 fcFxPortC1OutOctets 6-2.
59047-03 B Index-5 Simple Netwo rk Manageme nt Protoc ol Reference Gu ide A icmpInDestUnreachs 4-33 icmpInEchoRep s 4-35 icmpInEchos 4-35 icmpInErrors 4-33 icmpInMsgs 4-32 icmpInParmProbs 4-34 icmpInR.
Simple Network Management Protocol Reference Gu ide Index-6 59047-03 B A ipRouteMetric1 4-24 ipRouteMetric2 4-25 ipRouteMetric3 4-25 ipRouteMetric4 4-26 ipRouteMetric5 4-29 ipRouteNextHop 4-26 ipRoute.
59047-03 B Index-7 Simple Netwo rk Manageme nt Protoc ol Reference Gu ide A sysObjectID 4-2 sysServices 4-5 System Group 4-1 systemURL 5-4 sysUpTime 4-3 T TCP Connection T able 4-45 TCP Group 4-40 tcp.
Simple Network Management Protocol Reference Gu ide Index-8 59047-03 B A Notes.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Q-Logic SANBOX (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Q-Logic SANBOX noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Q-Logic SANBOX - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Q-Logic SANBOX reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Q-Logic SANBOX erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Q-Logic SANBOX besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Q-Logic SANBOX verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Q-Logic SANBOX. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Q-Logic SANBOX gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.