Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung T4204 des Produzenten Printronix
Zur Seite of 232
R User ’ s Manual T4204 Label Printer.
4 Limited Software Product W arranty Printronix, Inc . warrants that for nine ty (90) days after deliv ery, the So ftware will per form in accord ance with speci ficat ions pub lishe d by P rintro nix, Inc . Printroni x, Inc. do es not war rant that th e Softwa re is free from all bugs, error s and om issions .
5 T ermination of License Agreement This Licens e shall continue until ter minated. This l icense m ay be termi nated by agreemen t between you and Printronix , Inc. or by Printroni x, Inc. If you fail to compl y with the terms of this Licens e and such fai lure is not co rrected within thi rty (3 0) days afte r notic e.
6 Canadian Department of Communications C ompliance Statemen t: This Class A digital apparatus compli es with Ca nadian ICES-00 3. Avis de conformite aux normes du mi nistere des Communcations du Canada: Cet appa reil num erique d e la c lasse A es t confor m á norme NMB- 003 du Cana da.
7 T radem ark Acknowled gements Printronix , IGP, IGP /Auto Label Mappi ng, Li nePrinter Plu s, PGL , ThermaLi ne, and PrintNet are regist ered tra demarks of Printronix , Inc. HP is a r egi st ered trad ema rk of He wlet t-P ackar d Comp any . PCL is a re giste red trade mark of H ewlett -Packard Com pany.
8 IMPORT ANT W ARRANTY INFO RMA TION PRINTER W ARRANTY Printroni x ® warra nts to purch aser tha t under no rmal us e and ser vice, t his printer ( excluding the ther mal pr inthead) purchased hereu nder shall be free from defe cts in m aterial and workmans hip for a period of ninety (90) da ys from the d ate of shi pment f rom Printron ix.
Table of Contents 1 I ntrodu ction ..... ..... ....... ..... ....... ..... ....... ..... ....... ... 13 Printronix Therma Line He lp Desk ................ ............. ............. .............. 13 Warnin gs And S pecial In formatio n . ...........
Table of Contents Changing P rinter Se ttings .. ................... ............. ............. .............. 56 Saving A Confi gurat ion ................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ............. . 57 Modifyi ng A Saved C onfigurat ion .
Table of Contents 4 In terfac es ......... ..... ....... ..... ....... ..... ....... ..... ....... . 17 7 Overview ................ ............. ................... ............. ............. .................. 17 7 Centronics Parallel Interface ...
Table of Contents.
13 1 Intr o duction Printronix Th ermaLine Help Desk The Prin tronix Ther maLine ® Help D esk offers technic al suppor t with: • Installa tion • Configur ation and S etup • Operatio n and Su pp.
14 Chapter 1 The T4204 Label Printer Conventions Throughou t this man ual, key s and pos sible k ey settings or pos itions are printed in UPP ERC AS E typ e.
15 Thermal Printer T echnology Quiet an d fast, with exc ellent pr int quali ty, the T4204 multi funct ion la bel printer us es an in line t hermal p rinthead . The operat ion of a thermal printer is differen t from that of a line- matrix or laser printer.
16 Chapter 1 Med ia Se lect ion Media Selection Since th ere are two print modes of o peration , there are two k inds of t hermal media: Di rect ther mal medi a and Thermal transfe r media . Direct t hermal m edia is paper co ated wit h specia l chemi cals that act as a n accele rator, acc eptor dy e and bind er.
17 Hardw are Op tions Ask yo ur Printron ix repr esentati ve abo ut the foll owing opti ons, whic h can enhance t he vers atility of your pri nter. • Fonts A selec tion of fon ts is av aila ble to ext end the capabili ties of th e standar d resid ent fonts.
18 Chapter 1 Unpacking The Printer Bar Code V erif icati on The most i mportant c onsiderat ion whe n printi ng a bar c ode is t o ensure the bar cod e will be sc anned p roperly. I ncorpor ating a ba r code qu ality pr ocedur e in the pr inting process is the be st way to e nsure th at bar co des are being printed correctl y.
19 4. Remove th e sample roll of P rintro nix ribbon and me dia from the su pport assembl y and se t them t o one sid e. Legend: 1) Tape securing label rewind clip 2) Media Roll Guide 3) Ribbon and M .
20 Chapter 1 Unpacking The Printer Check List Your T420 4 kit co ntains the items li sted below. • The T4204 pr inter. • AC Powercord (not illustrated) • Programm er’s Ma nual Or der Card ( not illust rated). • Printer Us er’s Manu al (n ot illustr ated).
21 Printer Installation The followi ng se ctions will guide you thr ough the in stall ation of th e T4204. WA R N I N G The printer should never be operated in a l ocation where the operator and printer can get wet.
22 Chapter 1 Printer Installation Legend: 1) AC Power Cord 2) Power S witch Off (0) Position 3) Power S witch On (l) Po sition WA R N I N G Verify the required voltage on the printer’s model number label on the rear of the pr inter. W ARNUNG Überprüfen Sie die erforde rliche Spannung an dem Modellschild auf der Druckerrücks eite.
23 5. Attach The Interfac e Cable a. Parall el Interfa ce Attach a suitab le par allel p rinter cable from the c omput er to the Centroni cs interfac e co nnector a t the back of the printer. S nap the bail lo cks to the Centronic s conn ector t o secure the i nterface c able to the printer.
24 Chapter 1 Printer Installation b. Serial Inte rface Attach a suitab le seri al prin ter cable fr om the c omputer to the DB -25 RS-232 Ser ial interface connect or at the b ack of th e printer. Fo r addition al info rmation on s erial c able wir ing, re fer to Chap ter 4, page 185.
25 2 Operation Controls & Indicator s All of th e T4204 p rinter con trols a nd indic ators, exc ept for the power s witch, are locate d on the front pane l of th e printer, o n eithe r the Prim ary Contr ol Panel ( upper ke ys), or the S econdar y Control Pane l (lower keys).
26 Chapter 2 The POWER S witc h The Secon dary Con trol Pan el is beh ind the front doo r assem bly below th e Primary Control P anel. It consists of UP, DOWN, PRE V, and NE XT arrow keys to navigate .
27 Operating Modes Online - In onli ne mode, th e printer can re ceive a nd print data sent f rom th e host. Pr essing the PAUSE key tog gles the print er between the onl ine and offline m ode.
28 Chapter 2 Loading Media UP ( 5 ) - Navi gates the printer menu one l evel up ( offline mode on ly). DOWN ( 6 ) - Na vigate s the pr inter men u one lev el down ( offline mo de onl y). PREV ( 3 ) - Navigates between options o n the cur rent level of the p rinter menu (off line mode only).
29 Loading Roll M edia 1. Open the top (and r ight si de) cover . 2. Open the front door . 3. Slide th e medi a roll guid e down to the end of the medi a suppor t assembl y. 4. Open the printhea d assemb ly by pu shing the rele ase lev er towards t he back of the printe r.
30 Chapter 2 Loading Roll Media 5. Slide th e medi a width adj ustment ta b to the outside st op of the m edia sensor assemb ly and rotat e the tab up.
31 6. Slide a roll of m edia ove r the medi a roll guide and onto the support assembl y. Media feeds from the to p of the roll and tow ards the front o f the printer. P ush th e roll to the back of t he sup port and s lide the roll gu ide against the oute r edge of t he medi a.
32 Chapter 2 Loading Roll Media 9. C los e th e pri nthead b y pr essi ng do wn on bot h sid es o f th e fr ont of th e printhea d assemb ly. 10. Ad just the m edia p ressure con trol knob to ma tch the width o f the la bel stock i n use .
33 11. Pres s the FEE D key onc e to ver ify that t he medi a advanc es. Verify tha t Print Mode in the Printer Confi guration Men u is set for the media ty pe instal led (Dir ect or Transfer ). If Therm al Transfer media is install ed, se e “Loading Ri bbon” on page 3 8.
34 Chapter 2 Loading Fanfold Media Loading Fanfol d Media 1. Open the top (and r ight si de) cover on the pr inter an d the front door. 2. Remove th e roll m edia from the media suppo rt asse mbly, if instal led. 3. Place th e fanfold m edia b ehind the p rinter and inse rt the f irst few lab els through t he rear panel open ing.
35 5. Slide th e medi a width adj ustment ta b to the outside st op of the m edia sensor assemb ly and rotat e the tab up. Legend: 1) Media Width Adjustment Tab 6. Thread the m edia throu gh the media s ensor as sembly and then betwee n the platen (drive r oller) an d the pri nthead.
36 Chapter 2 Loading Fanfold Media 7. Rotate the m edia wi dth adjus tment tab d own and slide it over un til it is flush with the fanfold m edia. Che ck the loc ation of the media sens or, and refer to “Senso r Asse mbly Hor izont al Adjus tment ” on pa ge 47.
37 Legend: 1) Printhead Ass embly 2) Label Press ure Control Knob CAUTI ON Ensure the printhead is down and latched before attempting to print. Failure to do so may ca use a prema ture failure of the pri nthead. 10. Pres s the FEE D key onc e to ver ify that t he labe ls adva nce.
38 Chapter 2 Loading Ribbon Loading Ribbon Skip this section when using Direct Thermal Media. 1. Slide th e appropr iate ther mal tra nsfer r ibbon ro ll onto the ribbon s upply spin dle and op en the P rinthead asse mbly by pushi ng the re lease leve r towards the back of the pri nter.
39 2. Thread the transfer r ibbon be tween the label s ensor ass embly an d the printhea d brac ket. Co ntinue th reading the rib bon between the p laten (and label s tock, if l oaded) a nd the p rinthead . For easy ribbo n threa ding, slide h alf of the ribbon bet ween the s ide of the label s ensor assemb ly and the printhead brack et.
40 Chapter 2 Loading Ribbon 3. Wrap the trans fer ribbon from the front of th e printhead a ssembl y to the backside of the rib bon take- up sp indle. At tach the r ibbon to t he take -up core (fib erboa rd tube) wit h tape.
41 Label Rewi nding The printer can be set up to automatic ally rewind la bels in to a roll by using the label r ewinder. 1. Remove the fr ont door inser t cover from the front doo r by sliding the insert cover up to unlock it, th en pushing i t out of the front of the doo r assemb ly.
42 Chapter 2 Label Rewinding 3. Hook the tw o stepp ed tabs of the lab el rewin d bracket o nto the two notches on the t op edge of the p laten rolle r assem bly’s tear -bar plat e. Swing the bracket down. Alig n the brack et’s tabs wit h the platen ’s bra cket reference holes an d inser t them.
43 8. If a label is on the end of the lab el liner , remov e it. a. Thread th e liner around the label r ewinder s pindl e counter- clock wise, as shown. b. Slide th e label r ewind cl ip over the label liner e nd and o nto the lab el rewinder spi ndle.
44 Chapter 2 Label Peel Off Label Peel Off The printe r can be set to aut omatic ally pe el off labe ls from the back ing liner and disp ense t hem one at a time wh ile rewi nding the liner. Th is confi guration requires use of the printer ’s labe l rewinde r.
45 5. Press the FEE D key wi th the printhe ad closed, as needed, to supp ly more label s tock o r liner. 6. If a label is on the end of the lab el liner , remov e it. 7. Thread the liner a round the label re winder s pindle c ounter-cl ockwise, a s shown.
46 Chapter 2 Label Peel Off 9. Press the FEED k ey until the label liner i s taut. 10. For au tomatic label pe el-off m ode, se t Media Han dling to Peel-O ff in the configur ation men u. The Me dia Handl ing subm enu is located in the PRINTER CONTROL Main Confi guratio n menu.
47 Label V ariations And The Label Sen sor Your T420 4 is equi pped with a trans missive sensor that detec ts the gap between la bels while they are bei ng printe d.
48 Chapter 2 Calibrating The Transmis sive And Refle ctive Sensors Calibrating The T ransmissive And Reflective Sensors Due to manu facturin g diffe rences in transmi ssive and refle ctive labe l stock , the se nsors m ay have diffic ulty di stinguis hing b etween t he label a nd the l iner (gap) or the label and the bla ck mar k.
49 Run Calibrate Procedure NOTE: Verify tha t the me dia in stalled in the p rinter matc hes the P RINTER CONTROL menu Media Sensor opti on (Transm issive or Re flective) . Verify that th e transmi ssive sensor is ho rizontall y positio ned to permi t sensin g of the notch, gap , or bl ack str ipe.
50 Chapter 2 Cleaning The Printhead NOTE: The amount o f medi a adva ncement i s also bas ed on wh ich Medi a Handling selecti on is ena bled under t he PRINTE R CONTROL Mai n menu of the Configu ration Me nu.
51 3 Configuring The Printer Overview Changing p rinter settings , such as print spe ed or emulation , is refe rred to as configur ation. The confi guration process i s done us ing the s econdar y co .
52 Chapter 3 Menu Navigation T able 1: Ke y Function Summary - Secondary Control Panel Key Function CLEAR If a fault c ondit ion exis ts, pressing this ke y clears the fault m essage and returns the pri nter to off line mode .
Using The Secondary Control Panel 53 Using The Se cond ary Control Pan el Configur ation par ameters are set f rom the sec ondary c ontrol panel o r are retrieve d from the print er’s memor y. The par ameters define ho w the prin ter will resp ond to c ommand an d interfa ce sign als from the hos t compute r.
54 Chapter 3 Menu Navigation Figure 2. Configuration Main Menu OFFLINE CONFIG. CONTROL page 65 ACTIV E IGP EMUL page 67 EMULATION page 68 MAI NT/MI SC page 69 HOST INTERFACE page 77 Load Config. Save Config. Print Config. Delete Config. Power-Up Config.
Selecting A Menu Option 55 Figure 3. Moving within the Configuration Menu Selecting A Menu Option By defau lt, the EN TER key is “lock ed” when t he printe r is turne d on.
56 Chapter 3 Menu Navigation NOTE: The lock and unloc k function can be configur ed to b e other th an the UP and DO WN keys . (See “ Set Lock Key” on page 72.) IMPORT ANT This change t akes effect f or all s ubsequent data a nd operations for the printer only after the printer is placed i n the Online mode.
Saving A Configuration 57 5. When the de sired me nu displ ays, pre ss the 6 key to access the avail able option s or subme nus . 6. Press the 3 or 4 key and hol d to scrol l throug h the valu es. 7. Press the ENTER key to selec t a va lue. An as terisk (*) d isplays next to the se lected v alue.
58 Chapter 3 Menu Navigation Follow thes e steps to save a new co nfiguration : 1. Press the PA USE key to take th e printer offline . The fol lowing mess age displ ays: 2. Press the 6 key u ntil: 3. Press the 3 or 4 key until the follo wing di spla ys: 4.
Modifying A Saved Configuration 59 Modifying A Sav ed Conf igurat ion You can change a saved configur ation by rewriting over it. For exam ple, you can modi fy Confi g. 1, shown below. Sup pose you want to k eep all the settings but you wa nt to se lect the paral lel interfa ce inste ad of the serial i nterface.
60 Chapter 3 Menu Navigation b. Press the 3 or 4 key until the follow ing di splay s: c. P ress t he 6 key. d. Press the 3 or 4 key to cycle th rough the option s (1-8 ). When t he desired nu mber dis plays, press the ENTER k ey to sel ect it. The followin g mess age i s displ ayed.
Printing A Configuration 61 5. Press the 3 or 4 key to cycle th rough the follo wing pri ntout optio ns: Current* Factory Power-Up All 1-8 cus tomized confi guration s 6. When the d esired option display s, press the ENTE R key. The printer prints the sp ecified con figur ation.
62 Chapter 3 Menu Navigation Figure 4. Sample Configuration Printout (sheet 1 of 3).
Printing A Configuration 63 Figure 4. Sample Configuration Printout (sheet 2 of 3).
64 Chapter 3 Menu Navigation Figure 4. Sample Configuration Printout (sheet 3 of 3).
CONFIG. CONTROL Menu 65 Menu Options The rest o f this cha pter sho ws each me nu alo ng with its possible c hoices, and explain s what each of the choi ces m ean. CONFIG . CONTRO L Menu The CONFI G. CONTROL me nu allows y ou to cont rol your p rinter’s configur ations a ccording to the s pecificati ons n ecessary for your print job s.
66 Chapter 3 Menu Options Prin t Conf ig. This opti on is us ed to pri nt a listi ng of var ious stor ed printe r confi guration s. It is recomm ended you stor e printo uts of you r confi gurations i n a sa fe place for quick referr al. Delete Config.
Active IGP EMUL M enu 67 Active IGP EMUL Menu This ACTIVE IG P EMUL function all ows the user to activate an instal led IGP VGL or PG L emu lation. The re are tw o method s for s electing the desir ed emulatio n. The fi rst is by selecti ng the e mulation directl y from the pr inter menu.
68 Chapter 3 Menu Options Emulation M enu The LinePr inter+ em ulatio n is the s tandard emulat ion on the printer , along with a choi ce of IGP /PGL, or IGP /VGL.
MAINT / MISC M enu 69 MAINT / MISC Menu MAINT/ MISC (from page 54) Hex Dump Mode Alarm Power-up State Display Language Cancel Key 1 Auto Locking Set Loc k Ke y Ptx SET UP Option File System Disable* Enable On* Cont.
70 Chapter 3 Menu Options Alarm •O n . An audib le alarm sounds (3 beeps ) when a fa ult occu rs, such a s a paper ja m. • Continuous. A continuou s audi ble alarm sounds when a fau lt occur s, which can b e stopp ed by pr essing CLEAR. •O f f .
MAINT / MISC M enu 71 • Current Config . The current ly sele cted c onfigur ation is loaded when the reset comm and is execut ed. • Factory Config . The fact ory insta lled con figur ation is loaded whe n the reset comm and is execut ed. Downloaded Fo nt s • Char Operations .
72 Chapter 3 Menu Options Set Lock Key Normally , to l ock or unlock t he printe r menu, th e UP and DO WN ke ys are presse d at the sa me tim e. The Se t Lock K ey parameter l ets you cho ose different keys to l ock or unlock th e print er menu. Y ou may choose al most any group of keys as the ne w lock and un lock k eys.
MAINT / MISC M enu 73 Auto Label Map This opti on specifie s the m aximum p rint wid th to be used by t he appl ication. The IGP/Auto Lab el Map pin g ® fe ature allows ba ckward co mpatib ility of programs written for P rintro nix Wide Web line -matrix p rinters using P rintronix IGP graphi cs la nguages.
74 Chapter 3 Menu Options Example 2: Uneven Number Case Problem: A fil e has been cons tructed with thre e hori zontall y adja cent 2 inch labels. The use r now desir es to us e this fil e with a pr inter th at has a 4 inch physi cal widt h .
MAINT / MISC M enu 75 Solution #2: The us er sets Auto L abel Wid th to 2 inch es, confi gures th e Num Auto L abels to 3, and en ables the Auto L abel M apping feature.
76 Chapter 3 Menu Options Comp atibility This par ameter allows you t o make t he T420 4 therma l print er comp atible wi th other pr inters. When try ing to pres erve c ompatibil ity w ith resp ect to bar codes, you may n ot always be able to ma ke them equ al in size.
HOST I NT ERF ACE Men u 77 HOST INTE RF A CE Menu HOST INTERFACE (from page 54) Twinax Coax Auto Switching Cen tronics* Serial (Available with CT Option) (Available with CT Option) (see page 80) (see page 82) * = Factory Default 1 Available when an Ethernet Adapter is present.
78 Chapter 3 Menu Options The Host Inte rface Me nu ena bles you to selec t and con figure on e of man y types of interfac es betwee n the p rinter and your ho st co mputer . The cur rently sele cted inter face is indi cated w ith an asteris k on the c ontro l panel mess age display .
HOST I NT ERF ACE Men u 79 Timeout This is the value used by the print er to time out from t he current port a nd check the other s electe d Port T ypes for data to print. When the pr inter has not received data fro m the hos t afte r certain pe riod of time, it needs to Timeout in order to s ervice the other ports.
80 Chapter 3 Menu Options Centronics (Parallel) Data Bit 8 • Enabl e . Allows access to the extended ASCII cha racter se t. • Disable . The prin ter inte rpr et s bi t 8 of each i ncom ing da ta char act er as a zero, regardle ss of its actual sett ing.
HOST I NT ERF ACE Men u 81 Response Polarity The Response Polarity paramete r must be set to match the response polarity of your host comp uter . • Stan da rd . Does not in vert the respons e signal . • Inverted . In verts the r esponse signal s ent to the host c omputer .
82 Chapter 3 Menu Options Serial Interface T ype This paramet er allow s you to sel ect eithe r the RS-232 or RS -422 se rial po rt interfac e. Dat a Protocol Y ou can s elect one of the fo llowing s erial interfac e protoc ols to mee t the ho st interfac e requi rements.
HOST I NT ERF ACE Men u 83 If the host keeps sen ding data after an XOFF is sen t, the printer firmware will co ntinue to send an XOFF for e very 16 c haracters received . When cleare d, the pri nter will resum e receivi ng data (X ON). The data doe s not have any End of T ext co des; XO N / XOFF is a non-bl ock pr otocol.
84 Chapter 3 Menu Options •D T R . The pr inter cont rols the data fl ow by se nding this hardwar e signa l to the host. If there is enough roo m in the pr inter buffer , the printer will sen d a high si gnal; if th e buffer is ful l the pri nter will se nd a lo w signal.
HOST I NT ERF ACE Men u 85 Dat a T e rminal Ready This conf iguration i s part of har dware fl ow contro l and dete rmine s when the Data T erm inal Ready (DTR) s ignal is generat ed. This signal indicate s if t he printer is ready to receive da ta. • Tr u e .
86 Chapter 3 Menu Options Poll Response This opti on is for the Ser ies1 protoc ol. After receivi ng a poll charac ter , the printer will wai t the po ll resp onse t ime in mi llisec onds before se nding the respons e. It m ay be con figur ed from 0 throug h 30.
HOST I NT ERF ACE Men u 87 Printer St atus Disable d - Printer status ignored. ENQ a nd ENQ /STX When enab led, th e printer r esponds to an EN Q signal by sendi ng a statu s byte to the ho st. The ty pe of sta tus byte i s determined by a Front Pa nel men u sele ction.
88 Chapter 3 Menu Options IEEE 12 84 P arallel (Bidirectional) The IEEE 1 284 in terface is faster an d more v ersatile t han Cent ronics and suppo rts bidirec tional commu nication . Chapte r 5 disc usses the avail able modes ( Compatibilit y , Ni bble, and Byte) i n more de tail.
HOST I NT ERF ACE Men u 89 Ethe rnet The Ether net interf ace allo ws yo u to locat e the prin ter on a L AN rather than attach the hos t direc tly into the printe r . The detailed co nfigurati on of this option is given i n the PrintN et User’s Manual .
90 Chapter 3 Menu Options ETHERNET P ARAMETERS Me nu The ETHERNET P ARAMS menu is avai lable only when the Pri ntronix PrintNet option is installed. This menu is fo r config uring y our printer fo r network opera tion .
Printer Control Menu 91 Printer Co ntrol Men u Print Speed 2 inches 3 inches 4 inches 5 inches 6 inches* Print Mode Media Sensor None* Reflective Trans miss ive Tran sfe r* Direct Media Handling Paper Feed Shift -0.50 inches : 0.00 inches* : 2.00 inches Continuous* Tear-O ff Strip Tear-Off Peel-Off Cut Ver Image Shift -1.
92 Chapter 3 Menu Options Page Wid th This opti on speci fies the p hysica l width of the ima ge to be printed. The value can b e specif ied in inch es or mi llimeter s. The allowabl e range i n inc hes is 00.1 to the maxim um print width o f the prin ter 4.
Printer Control Menu 93 The allowa ble Pa ge Length r ange is 00.1 to 99.0 inch es in 00.1 inch increm ents (2.5 - 2514.6 mm) The fac tory de fault is 06.0 inche s (152.4 mm). Page Length range is l imited to a max imum val ue of 47.0 inc hes (1193 .8 mm) when Page W idth is se t to 4.
94 Chapter 3 Menu Options Media Handling This opti on speci fies how t he printe r will h andle t he media ( paper o r tag stoc k). • Continuous. Printer prints on the med ia and se nds it ou t the front or rewinds the prin ted media onto the internal rewinde r.
Printer Control Menu 95 Calibrate This featu re is used to opti mize the sensi tivity of th e Transm issive or Reflecti ve se nsors (wh ichev er is sel ected in the Media Sen sor sub-men u) in being abl e to de tect the TO F (Top-of- Form) posi tion of the curren t medi a install ed.
96 Chapter 3 Menu Options T ear-S trip T ime When usi ng Tear- Off Strip m edia h andling, t he Tear-S trip Tim e option specifi es the nu mber of s econds a fter th e buffer is empty t hat the p rinter wil l wait befor e it adva nces med ia to t he tear off posit ion.
Font Memory Menu 97 Font Memory Men u This option allow s the user to set the amo unt of memory reserved for sca lable font cac hing. The maxi mum am ount of mem ory w hich can be se lecte d is determi ned by the total a mount of mem ory ins talled i n the p rinter.
98 Chapter 3 Menu Options Activating Font Memo ry Options After s electing any of the “Font M emory” opt ions, perform the follow ing steps to activate the new val ue: 1. Save yo ur confi guration chan ges. See t he Config. C ontrol me nu opti on “Save Configu ra tio n” on page 57.
Font Memory Menu 99 Max Cache Size The Maxim um Cache S ize opti on spec ifies the maximum number o f charac ters that c an be st ored in the font ca che. The allowa ble range is 50 thr ough 900 char acters, in 50-char acter increm ents. The de fault val ue for thi s param eter is 900 char acters.
100 Chapter 3 Menu Options DIAG NOS TICS Men u Printer T ests These tes ts are used to check the prin t quality and oper ation of the prin ter . NOTE: Y ou r aut hor ized servi ce r epr esen ta tiv e wil l ty pica lly ru n the test s. They are described in more detail in the Maintenan ce Man ual .
DIAGNOSTICS Menu 101 System M emory Displays the amo unt of DRAM installe d. Print S t atistics Y ou can v iew vari ous printe r statistic s and refer to the m for prev entive mainte nance pur pose s. Prin ter statist ics acc umul ate contin uousl y; the y do not rese t when you turn off the printer .
102 Chapter 3 IGP/PGL Emulation IGP/ PGL E mula tion The PGL e mulation is the so ftware bas ed Inte lligent G raphic s Printin g (IGP) for the thermal family of P rintronix printer s. It is based upo n, and is compatibl e with, the P rintron ix IGP-1 00/200/4 00 board using the Printr onix Gra phics Language ( PGL).
Configuring The Emulation With The Cont rol Panel 103 Multinational Character Sets provide 32 int ernation al cha ract er sets , each 96 char acters in length. This featur e also allows y ou to cre ate yo ur own charac ter sets us ing cha racters d efined and store d in memo ry.
104 Chapter 3 IGP/PGL Emulation IGP/PGL Submenu EMULATION Define CR Code Define LF Code Autowrap Select SFCC PI Slew Range CR Edit Select Font Slash 0 Select LPI Auto Uppercase CR = CR* CR = CR + L F .
IGP/PGL Submenu 105 Define CR Code (Carriage Return) This parameter forc es the prin ter to in sert an autom atic Lin e Feed code into the data s tream when ever a Ca rriage Return code occu rs. This is to be use d only if the host c omputer d oes not s end Line Fe eds to the printe r.
106 Chapter 3 IGP/PGL Emulation CR Edit This paramet er determi nes if a carriag e return wi ll be f ollowed by a line f eed. • Disable. The pri nter igno res all carriag e return s that are not follo wed by line feeds. •E n a b l e . The pri nter proces ses al l carria ge returns , even for thos e that are not follow ed by line feeds .
IGP/PGL Submenu 107 Skip Comm and Prefix This parameter determi nes if the printer will pr int any d ata before a P GL comm and is rec eiv ed . •E n a b l e . The pr inter i gnores a ll data be fore an IG P comm and. • Disable. The pri nter will print all data bef ore an IG P comma nd.
108 Chapter 3 IGP/PGL Emulation Barcode Options The followi ng su b-option s help de fine spec ific opt ions re garding b arcode printin g. UPC Descenders This paramet er allow s you to p rint bar c ode desc enders when hum an readabl e data is not p resented in the UPC /EAN ba r codes .
IGP/PGL Submenu 109 • X2 DPD . W hen se lected, I- 2/5 bar code with a magni fication X2 will use the spec ially c onfigur ed ratios 3: 3:6:5 r ather than 3:6:9:1 2 for compatib ility issues . • Modulo 7 CD . The I-2/5 bar c ode uses a modu lo 7 chec k digit instead o f the defaul t modul o 10 chec k digit.
110 Chapter 3 IGP/PGL Emulation Do FF at TOF Determin es whether the pri nter, with media already s et at the TOF (Top-o f- form) pos ition, wil l advanc e media to the next TO F positi on upon receip t of a FF command.
IGP/PGL Submenu 111 IGP/PGL Character S et Menu Select Font (see page 104) Standard Sets* Arabic Sets Cyr illic Sets European Sets Greek Sets Hebrew Sets Turkish Sets 0) ASCII * 1) German 2) Swedish 3.
112 Chapter 3 IGP/VGL Emulation IGP/ VGL E mula tion Code V G raphics l anguage (VGL) i s an Intel ligent Gra phics P rinting (IGP) software emula tion desi gned fo r your therma l printe r . The IGP Code V emula tion of the QMS Code V V ersion II programm ing l anguage pr oduces on-line for ms, bar codes, a nd alp hanumeri c text- generati on.
Configuring The VGL With The Control Panel 113 Logos are eas ily creat ed usi ng alphan umeri c comma nds an d a va riety of print an d shading features , provi ding a “c ustomized ” appear ance for forms, reports, and l abels.
114 Chapter 3 IGP/VGL Emulation IGP/VGL Submenu SFCC & Pwrup This opti on has se veral s uboption s which d efine t he SFCC a nd power-up configur ation us ed with VGL. SFCC This opti on selec ts the Speci al Function Co ntrol Cod e. The de fault val ue is the care t ^ (decimal 94).
IGP/VGL Submenu 115 • Enabl e . Sele cts the ignor e mode as th e power- up default, a nd selec ts the graphic s mode ^P Y as the power-up defaul t. All char acters ar e ignor ed until a ^A command is rec eived. Power Up ^F • Disable . The de fault.
116 Chapter 3 IGP/VGL Emulation Graphics Options Following are sever al option s whic h config ure p rinting outp ut. Slash 0 This paramet er allow s you to p rint the numeral “0” with or without the slas h. This opti on appl ies t o all cha racter sets excep t OCR- A and OC R-B.
IGP/VGL Submenu 117 T rue V ert 1/10 • Disable. Whe n disabled ( the de fault) an d in High R esolutio n, a ve rtical line’s length i n one inc h and 1 /10 inch i ncreme nts is i nterpreted a s 70/7 2 inch and 7/72 i nch re specti vely . •E n a b l e .
118 Chapter 3 IGP/VGL Emulation Wid th Limit When enab led, th e syste m will li mit the le ngth an d width for ex panded charac ters to a li mit shown in T able 5, which sh ows the ma ximum wi dth allowed fo r a spec ific he ight i n the rang e of 00 t hrough 40 (0.
IGP/VGL Submenu 119 Error H andling Following are sever al option s which define how errors ar e repor ted. Error Msgs •E n a b l e . Co mmand synta x is ch ecked an d error messag es prin ted when command param eters are i ncorrec t. • Disable. Erro r chec king a nd error messa ges are suppres sed.
120 Chapter 3 IGP/VGL Emulation Ignore Chars • Disable. Char acter filte ring is not en abled. •C h a r 1 . Character 1 will be fi ltered. S elect the op tion “Igno re Ch#1” to specify charac ter 1. •C h a r 2 . Character 2 will be fi ltered.
IGP/VGL Submenu 121 Resolution Cmd Resol ution • Low Res. The default. Sets a lo w comm and resolu tion mo de. • High Res. Sets a high c ommand resolu tion mode. ^Dnn Dot Sl ew • Low Res. The default. Sets the d ot slew command dot va lues to b e interpr eted as 6 0 dpi P -Seri es dots.
122 Chapter 3 IGP/VGL Emulation Host PI • Disable. The ho st does n ot sen d PI sign als. •E n a b l e . The host s ends PI signals . The Data Bit 8 co nfigurat ion opt ion must be d isabled to transm it the P I line to the print er . Max PI 16 •E n a b l e .
IGP/VGL Submenu 123 IGP/VGL Character S et Menu Font Opt io ns (from page 114) Standard Sets* Arabic Sets Cyrill ic Sets European Sets Greek Sets Hebrew Sets Turkish Sets 0) ASCII* 1) Germa n 2) Swedi.
124 Chapter 3 LinePrinter Plus Emulation LinePrinter Plus Emulation EMULATION (from page 68) Printer Protocol CPI/LPI Select Plot Attributes Font Attributes Page Format (see next page) Select CPI 10.0 CPI* 12.0 CPI 13.3 CPI 15.0 CPI 17.1 CPI 20.0 CPI Select LPI 6.
LinePrinter Plus Submenus 125 LinePrinter Plus Submen us Printer Prot ocol (from page 124) P-Series P-Se ries X Q Serial Matrix Proprinter XL Epson FX (see page 132) (see page 136) (see page 139) (see page 142) (see pa ge 145) * = Factory D efault Font Attri but es (from page 124) Typeface Prop.
126 Chapter 3 LinePrinter Plus Emulation Prin ter Pro toco l Select th e Line Printer+ protocol y ou wish to u se. Ref er to the LinePr inter Plus Programm er’s Reference Man ual for more informati on. Or ien t atio n • Port rai t . Portrait refers to vertic al page or ientation , wher e the heigh t of a page is greater than its width.
LinePrinter Plus Submenus 127 • Landscape . Lands cape r efers to hor izontal orientat ion, whe re the wid th of a page i s greate r than its height. Th e top ed ge of th e image is the left edge of the media . The foll owing il lustration is an example , with the operator v iewin g the front of the p rinter.
128 Chapter 3 LinePrinter Plus Emulation Proportion al Sp acing Each printed charac ter is c ontained ins ide a c haract er cell . The width of the charac ter cell i ncludes the char acter and th e space aro und the character . • Disable . Eac h charac ter cell is printe d with the same width.
LinePrinter Plus Submenus 129 T ext Pos ition Specifi es where the text wi ll be pos ition ed in the l ine space. When set to T op of Line, tex t will be po sitioned at the top o f the lin e space. When set to Botto m of Line, th e text will be po sitioned as if it were a t the bot tom of a 6 l pi li ne space.
130 Chapter 3 LinePrinter Plus Emulation Page Form at Margins - Lo gical Form • Left Margin . Set in charac ters. Charac ter zero is defi ned as the far left edge of the page, and c olumn num bering i ncreme nts from left to r ight. • Right Margin .
LinePrinter Plus Submenus 131 Margins - Physical Page • Left Margin . Set in inc hes. Inch ze ro is defined as the far left edge of the page, and col umn numbe ring inc rements from left to r ight. • Right Margin . S et in inc hes. Inch zero is defi ned as the far right e dge of the page, and c olumn num bering i ncreme nts from right to left.
132 Chapter 3 LinePrinter Plus Emulation LinePrinter Plus P-Series Emulation Control Code 06 Control C ode 06 d efines th e function of ASC II code he x 06 (AC K). Y ou can select an alte rnate li ne spacing of 6, 8 or 1 0.3 LPI. Control Code 08 Control C ode 08 d efines th e function of ASC II code he x 08 (BS ).
LinePrinter Plus P-Series Emulation 133 Auto LF This opti on defines the prin ter action when pr int data is rec eived past the forms width se tting. • Disable . Discar ds an y dat a p ast th e forms wi d th. • Enabl e . Per forms a n autom atic ca rriage return and li ne feed when d ata is received past the form s width.
134 Chapter 3 LinePrinter Plus Emulation Alt. Set 80-9F Determin es whether the pri nter proce sses A SCII codes hex 80 th rough hex 9F as con trol cod es or as pr intable cha racters. Character Set Specifi es a character set as shown in the page 135.
LinePrinter Plus P-Series Emulation 135 P-Series Character Set Menu Cyrillic 866* Cyrillic CP 437 Cyrillic 113 Cyrillic 8859-5 ISO 915 Code Pa ge 855 Cyrillic 7-bit Ukrainian Bulgarian DEC 256 Greek* .
136 Chapter 3 LinePrinter Plus Emulation LinePrinter Plus P-Series XQ Emulat ion Control Code 06 Control C ode 06 d efines th e function of ASC II code he x 06 (AC K).
LinePrinter Plus P-Series XQ Emulation 137 Define LF Code • LF = CR + LF . Force s an autom atic carria ge return with e ach line feed comm and rece ived. The next pr int po sition i s positi on 1 o f the nex t line. • LF = LF . D oes not pe rform an automatic carriag e return when a lin e feed command is rec eived.
138 Chapter 3 LinePrinter Plus Emulation Slew Relative “Slewing” is rapid vertic al paper mov ement. This parameter determin es the number o f lines s lewed (either 1- 15 lines or 1-1 6 lines) wh en an E VFU Slew Relative comm and is r eceived .
LinePrinter Plus Serial Matrix Emulation 139 LinePrinter Plus Serial M atrix Emulatio n Control Code 06 Control C ode 06 d efines th e function of ASC II code he x 06 (AC K).
140 Chapter 3 LinePrinter Plus Emulation Overstrike Overstrik e determ ines the a ction r equired when a l ine is p rinted over a previo us line b ecause a carriage return was receiv ed withou t a line fe ed. • Enabl e . Prints th e second line on to p of the first line .
LinePrinter Plus Serial Matrix Emulation 141 Serial Matrix Character Set Menu DEC 256 Greek* ELOT 928 Gr eek Greek 3 ABY Greek ABG Greek ELOT 927 Gr eek Greek 85 1 Greek 43 7 Greek 88 59-7 Character S.
142 Chapter 3 LinePrinter Plus Emulation LinePrinter Plus Proprinter XL Emulation Define CR Code This opti on contro ls the ac tion of the printer when it r eceive s a Carria ge Return co de (hex 0 D) from th e host com puter .
LinePrinter Plus Proprinter XL Emulation 143 FF V ali d At TOF • Enabl e . Performs a form f eed when the host sen ds a Form Feed command and the printer is at the top of fo rm. • Disable . Wi ll not per form a fo rm feed wh en the h ost sends a Form Fee d command and the printer is at the top of fo rm.
144 Chapter 3 LinePrinter Plus Emulation Proprin ter XL Character Set Menu DEC 256 Greek* ELOT 928 Gr eek Greek 3 ABY Greek ABG Greek ELOT 927 Gr eek Greek 85 1 Greek 43 7 Greek 88 59-7 Character Set .
LinePrinter Plus Epson FX Emulation 145 LinePrinter Plus Ep son FX Emulation Define CR Code The Define CR Code optio n control s the actio n of the printer whe n it recei ves a Carriage Return code (hex 0D) fr om the hos t compute r .
146 Chapter 3 LinePrinter Plus Emulation Define LF Code The Define LF Code option con trols the ac tion of the print er when it receives a Line Feed c ode (hex 0A) from the host c ompute r . If thi s feature is enabl ed, each tim e the prin ter rec eives a Li ne Feed, it inserts an a dditio nal Carria ge Return cod e (hex 0D) into the data stream .
LinePrinter Plus Epson FX Character Set Menu 147 LinePrinter Plus Ep so n FX Character Set Menu DEC 256 Greek* ELOT 928 Gr eek Greek 3 ABY Greek ABG Greek ELOT 927 Gr eek Greek 85 1 Greek 43 7 Greek 8.
148 Chapter 3 Coax/Twinax Emulat ion Coax/T winax Emulation S t anda rd C/T Inter face With a s tandard coax i nterface , the prin ter emula tes th e followin g IBM coa x printer models: • 3287 Mode.
Simple Protocol Converter 149 The SPC gi ves t he printe r the operat ional ability to connec t to any P C, or network system supporti ng parallel or serial i nterface s, and to t hree differen t IBM .
150 Chapter 3 Coax/Twinax Emulat ion Coax Emula tion Menu CTH I (from page 148) Char Set Sel ect Translation Tbl Active Char Set PA 1 PA2 Buffer Reprint Device ID Early Print Cmpl Cancel IGP/DCU PTX T.
Coax Emulation Menu 151 Char Set Select Specifi es the pr int langu age us ed by the print er . Char acter sets are s hown i n det ail in th e Characte r Sets Referenc e Manual . T ranslation T able Prints out SCS and DSC /DSE tables of the coa x interfac e’s current char acter set.
152 Chapter 3 Coax/Twinax Emulat ion PA 2 P A2 i s only valid whe n the pr inter is in the offline state and th e coa x SCS data stream i s active. This fu nction di splays the “P A2 E NABLED” mes sage whe n the ENTER k ey is p ressed and sends a speci al op erator req uest to the host when the prin ter is put b ack in onl ine mode.
Coax Emulation Menu 153 Cancel IGP/DCU • Enabl e . Canc els all buffers when a job is p ut on hold f rom th e host or when the CA NCEL key is pressed. • Disable . Does not canc el any i nternal b uffer in the prin ter wh en a job i s put on hol d from the host, o r when the CANCEL ke y is pressed.
154 Chapter 3 Coax/Twinax Emulat ion Image Buf Size Allows you to selec t 4K or 2K as the image buffer size. This op tion i s only valid wh en printe r emulat es 328 7. For the 4 234 emulat ion, the buffer size is fixed at 4 K. A PO R status is sent to the host wh en the pri nter is put onlin e.
Coax Emulation Menu 155 Position Aft FF (4234 only) Allows you to select t he locati on of th e print po sition a fter a for m feed comm and is sent. • Off . Sets the printer to prin t at positi on 2 of the first print l ine on the next form. • On .
156 Chapter 3 Coax/Twinax Emulat ion FF After Jo b Determin es the pr int posi tion aft er an ope rator-initia ted loc al copy (print screen fun ction). • Off . Performs a n autom atic new l ine comm and after completi ng a pri nt buffer (unless a new lin e, form fe ed or car riage re turn com mand was th e last one e xecuted) .
Coax Emulation Menu 157 Forma t Cont ro l Enables the prin ter to re flect the same spaci ng as CTP C model p rinters after absolute and rela tive mov e comman ds are e xecuted.
158 Chapter 3 Coax/Twinax Emulat ion T winax Emulatio n Menu CTH I (from page 148) Char Set Sel ect Translation Tbl Active Char Set Device ID Device Address 5225 World Trade Cancel IGP/DCU PTX Transpa.
Twinax Emulation Menu 159 Char Set Select Specifi es the pr int langu age us ed by the print er . Char acter sets are s hown i n det ail in th e Characte r Sets Referenc e Manual . T ranslation T able Prints out a table of the twinax interfa ce’s current cha racter set.
160 Chapter 3 Coax/Twinax Emulat ion Device Address Allows you to set the device address from 0 th rough 6. The ho st di rects data and comm ands o n the twi nax lin e to a spec ific device based on its un ique device addr ess. Afte r the addre ss has bee n changed, a POR status is sent to the host.
Twinax Emulation Menu 161 Graphic Chek Err Allows overri ding of the host settin g for t he SGEA (Set G raphic Error Action) command. For mo re informat ion abo ut the S GEA comm and, r efer to the Coax/T winax Pro grammer’s Reference Ma nual . • Enabl e .
162 Chapter 3 Coax/Twinax Emulat ion Host O verride Determin es whether the pri nter accep ts certain com mands se nt by the h ost, or continu es to u se the cu rrent op erator panel s ettings.
SPC Coax Para ms 163 SPC Coax P arams SPC T ype • Avatar Compatible. This option causes the printe r to line wr ap at 1 32 charac ters despi te the cur rent prin t densi ty allo wing mo re charac ters per line. • PTX NI (Printronix Non- impact) . This option c auses t he printer to not line wra p at 132 c haracters .
164 Chapter 3 Coax/Twinax Emulat ion Buffer P rint • Disable . The pr inter will print no rmally . • Enabl e . The prin ter pri nts the EBCDIC d ata and co ntrol co des recei ved from the h ost as he x va lues. T ranslation Tbl Prints out a table of the c oax inte rface’s current ch aracter s et.
SPC Twx Par ams 165 SPC T wx Params Device Address Allows you to set the device address from 0 th rough 6. The h ost di rects data and comm ands o n the twi nax lin e to a spec ific device based on its un ique device addr ess. Afte r the addre ss has bee n changed, a POR status is sent to the host.
166 Chapter 3 Coax/Twinax Emulat ion SPC T ype Allows you to selec t a sp ecific type of Simple Proto col Conv erter (SP C) T winax emulat ion. Mode PTX N I is for Coax/Twinax interface s, MODE 219 for Model 219 protocol converter, MODE P5000 for Printron ix proto col conver tor , and MODE IBM for the I BM proto col converte r .
Downloading Software To Flash Memory 167 Loading Flash Memory Printer e mulation a nd opera ting s ystem s oftware are l oaded into flas h memory at the fact ory, but you wi ll insta ll software in so.
168 Chapter 3 Loading Flash Memory 7. Connect a p arallel dat a cabl e to the LPT1 p ort or a s erial data cable to the COM1 port of an IBM- compat ible compu ter that is using the PC -DOS™ or MS-DOS operati ng sy stem. NOTE: You can c onnect the cable to the LPT2 po rt if the LP T1 port is already in use.
Downloading Software To Flash Memory 169 20. Pres s the <r eturn> key. If there are only two diskettes for the e mulation, you will be retur ned to the DOS pro mpt when the decom pressi on is complete . If there a re thre e disket tes, you w ill be asked to inse rt disk #3 and pres s a key.
170 Chapter 3 Loading Flash Memory NOTE: If you ar e loading the file u sing the LPT2 por t on the c ompute r, enter the f oll owin g DOS comm and: FILENAME. EXE -pb 2 < Return> The 9600 bau d rate is the on ly sel ection ol der vers ions of DOS ca n use.
Downloading Optional Font Files To Flash Memory 171 5. Once th e computer i s boo ted up, ins ert the op tional fon t disket te into diskett e drive A ( or B) of t he com puter. 6. Make the diskette drive the activ e driv e by typ ing th e followi ng at th e DOS prompt: A: <Return> (if the diskette in driv e B, type B: <Retur n>) 7.
172 Chapter 3 Loading Flash Memory 13. When you see “ WAITING FOR PROG RAM DOWN LOAD” on the LCD, at the DOS p rompt on the com puter type: A:> COPY /B FILENAME .DWN LPT1 <Retur n> NOTE: If you ar e loading the file u sing the LPT2 por t on the c ompute r, type the f oll owin g DOS comm and: A:> COPY /B FILENAME .
Downloading Optional Font Files To Flash Memory 173 T able 6. Flash Memory Message Guide Message Explanation Required Action CLEARING PROGRAM FROM FLASH The prog ram succe ssfully loaded i nto print er RAM and the ch ecksum matche d. The old program is no w being del eted from flash memory .
174 Chapter 3 Loading Flash Memory ERROR: NVR AM F AILURE Th e non-vo latile me mory ha s failed. Replace Co ntroller PCBA. ERROR: PRO GRAM NEEDS MORE DRA M The p rinter r equires more D RAM m emory i n order to run th e downloade d progr am. Reseat or replace th e DRAM SIMM at U33.
Downloading Optional Font Files To Flash Memory 175 ER ROR: W RO NG CHECKSUM Th e printer r eceived th e comp lete pro gram but the c hecksu m did not m atch. Th e data were c orrupted du ring down load. Download th e program again: Po wer off the printer and s tart over at 9.
176 Chapter 3 Loading Flash Memory.
177 4 Interfaces Overview This chapter d escribes the host inte rfaces provide d with the p rinter. The printer int erface is the point where the data l ine from the ho st compute r plugs into th e printer. The int erface proc esses all comm unica tions signals and dat a to and from the host comput er.
178 Chapter 4 Centronics Parallel I nterface Centronics Parallel Interface The length of the da ta cable from the ho st co mputer to the print er must n ot exceed 1 5 feet (5 meters) .
Centronics Parallel I nterface Signals 179 Centronics Paralle l Interface Signals T able 8. Centronics Par allel Interface Signals Signals Purpose Data Lines 1 thr ough 8 Prov ide eigh t standard or i nverted leve ls from the host t hat speci fy char acter da ta, plot data, or a con trol co de.
180 Chapter 4 IEEE 128 4 Para llel Interfac e IEEE 1284 Parallel Interface The IEEE 1 284 su pports t hree oper ating mod es, whic h are dete rmined b y negotiati on betwe en the pri nter and the host. Comp atibility Mode This mode provid es compa tibility with Centr onics-l ike host I/O (se e Table 7).
Signals 181 Signals Table 9 lis ts each of the signal s assoc iated wit h the corr espondin g pins on the IEEE 128 4 interface . Descripti ons o f the sign als foll ow.
182 Chapter 4 IEEE 128 4 Para llel Interfac e NOTE: The length of the da ta cable from the h ost co mputer to the print er should n ot exceed 10 met ers (32 feet). Host Clock / nWrite. Driven b y host. Data tran sferred from host t o printer. When pr inter s ends data, t wo typ es are availab le.
Terminating Resistor Configurations 183 nReverse Request . Driven by the hos t. Rese ts the int erface a nd for ces a return to Co mpatib ility Mo de idle p hase. nData Available / nPeriphera l Request. Driv en by the printer . Indicate s the printer ha s enc ountered an error.
184 Chapter 4 IEEE 128 4 Para llel Interfac e Table 10 l ists the three terminati ng resi stor co nfigur ation s you c an instal l: Removal And Inst allation The proce dure for removing and ins talling termina ting res istors is provided in your Maint enance Manual.
RS-232 185 RS-232 And RS-422 Seria l Interfaces NOTE: The RS-23 2 and RS- 422 se rial inter face circ uit charac teristi cs are compa tible with the El ectroni c Indust ry Ass ociatio n Spec ificati ons EIA ® -23 2-E and E IA-422- B.
186 Chapter 4 RS-232 And R S-422 Se rial Interfac es Data Carrier Detect (DCD). Sta tus sign al to th e printer. Th e ON con dition is required f or the pr inter to receiv e data. Data Terminal Ready (DTR). Control s ignal fr om the pr inter. S ubject to configur ation .
187 5 Diagnostics And T r oubleshooting Printer S elf-T est A sequen ce of a utomatic tests is perfor med duri ng printer power-up . If any faults are detecte d at that ti me, an e rror mes sage will displa y (see page 19 4). Printer o peration should al so be verified b efore se tting the p rinter f or onlin e operatio n.
188 Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Common Situations T r oubleshooting Common Situations Occasio nally, situ ations oc cur tha t requir e some trou blesh ooting skill.
Data Exchange 189 The signa ls will go either low or high , depend ing on the confi guration setting, when the printer is i n the bu sy state , which i ndicates that the printer input buf fer is fu ll and can n o longer receiv e data.
190 Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Common Situations Controlling Print Quality Two factor s have th e greates t effec t on prin t quality : • The amount o f heat a pplied by the pri nthead (pr int inte n.
Other Printer Problems 191 Other Printer Problems • Sm ears or voids in printed image Possib le ca uses incl ude: • Dirty pri nthead. Clean the p rinthead , as de scribed i n the prev ious sect ion.
192 Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Common Situations • Prints s trange characters instea d of the correct label format Possib le ca uses incl ude: • Printer s erial baud rate set ting do es not matc h the host baud rate. Reset the p rinter via s oftware, o r turn the printer o ff and then on.
Other Printer Problems 193 • Printer fails to turn o n. Possib le ca uses incl ude: • Faulty AC wall outlet. • Faulty AC cord. • Blown fus e. Call y our autho rized Pr intronix servic e repre sentative. • Bad pri nter power swi tch. Call your aut horiz ed Pri ntronix servi ce represent ative.
194 Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Common Situations • Possib le la bel ja m. • Check tha t the tran sfer ribbo n and l abel stoc k are rou ted co rrectly . • Possib le so ftware pr oblem. • Printer cu ts (melts) through the transfer ribbo n. The ribbon is advancing at the sam e rate as the label stock.
Fault Messages 195 Operator-Correct able Fault Messages For the operator-co rrectable faults, fo llow th e sugges ted correc tive action under the solutio n sectio n of the table. Afte r co rrecting t he displ ayed faul t, press the CLEAR k ey to cl ear the e rror mes sage and s tatus in dicat or and resume printing .
196 Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Common Situations T able 13. LCD Messa ge T roubleshooting Displayed Mes sage Can User Corre ct? Explanation Solution BUFFER O VERFLOW Y es Host sent d ata after the printe r buffer was full .
Fault Messages 197 FILE SY STE M FUL L Add Fla sh Y e s In sufficient Flas h memory avail able to sto re file. Contact you r authorize d service representa tive. FRAMIN G ER ROR Y es Serial framing e rro r . (seria l inte rfac e) Check yo ur seri al host in terfac e parameter settings.
198 Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Common Situations LOAD P AP ER Y e s The prin ter does not sense med ia. 1. M edia w as not i nstalled or ha s run out. 2. A brea k in m edia has occurr ed. 3. Medi a was not rout ed or ins talle d corr ectly . 4. M edia i s installe d correctly, b ut the Transmis sive or Refl ective se nsor is not detecti ng it.
Fault Messages 199 xxx P/H Contr ol Mode Y e s Sensed Printhe ad tempera ture is 55° to 59°C cau ses a 50% reduc tion in print s peed. This mod e dramati cally extends the time befor e a PRINT HEAD HOT fau lt would oc cur and permits long pr int jobs to comple te without interrup tion.
200 Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Common Situations RIB BON F AUL T Check Rib bon Y es Ri bbon not d etected by ribbon sensor . 1. Ri bbon i s not instal led or ha s run out. 2. A brea k in t he ribbon has oc curred . 3. Ri bbon is not routed or instal led in the ribb on path co rrectly .
201 A Specifications Prin tin g T ype: Direct t hermal o r ther mal tran sfer Resoluti on: 203 dots p er inch (8.0 dots /mm) Print Spee d: 2 to 6 ips ( inches per second ) Bar Code Modulus : 10 mil to 127 mi l “X” dim ension i n picke t or ladder o rientatio n.
202 Appendix A Media : T ype: Roll-fed, di e-cut c ontinu ous or fan- fold labe ls, tags or tickets; mo st dir ect therma l or t hermal transfer materials . Supply Rol l: 8 in. (20 3 mm) maxi mum di ameter on 3” (76 mm) diamete r core s. 7 in. (17 8 mm) maxi mum di ameter on 1" (25 mm) diamete r core s.
203 Label/T ag Med ia Specifications Description T4204 Max (in. ) Min ( in.) A Label wi dth 4.50 1.12 B Bac ki ng widt h 4.5 0 1.1 2 C Gap between l abels or length of senso r openi ng 0.51 2 0.1 18 D Label Le ngth 47.0 0. 500 1 E+F Media thicknes s 0.
204 Appendix A List s Of Approved Media For a c urrent list of appr oved s tandard media for use i n Print ronix t hermal and thermal t rans fer label printer s, please call Printr onix a t (800) 73 3-1900 or FAX (714) 368- 2354.
205 Memo ry : Flash Memor y (standa rd) 2MB sol dered on Controlle r PCBA and 2MB 80- pin SIMM at location U 38 on Co ntroller PCB A DRAM (standar d) 4MB 72- pin SIMM a t loc ation U33 on Controll er .
206 Appendix A.
207 B Printer Options A compr ehensiv e series of opti ons is o ffered wit h the prin ter to enh ance its capab ilities and to pr ovide a large degree of appli catio n flexibi lity. A descripti on of the o ption c omplemen t is giv en below. Fo r field- install able options, insta llation ins tructio ns are pr ovided with each option .
208 Appendix B Har dwa re Opt i on s Interface Options Coax/T winax Host Interface The coax /twi nax h ost in ter fac e opti on functi ons as a p rot ocol conv erte r to allow the direct c onnecti on of the printer to an IBM host com puter that uses either a coax or a t winax data in terface.
Genuine Printronix Thermal Tr ansfer Ribbons 209 Supplies And Accessories The best prin ting so lution is achi eved when the pr inter, ribb on, and med ia are match ed to the applica tion re quirem ents.
210 Appendix B Supplies And Acces sories Genuine Printronix Media Printroni x provide s a wide v ariety of size s, co lors, an d shapes of labels and tags rea dily av ailable to meet all of your la belling n eeds.
Genuine Printronix Media 211 Besides the stan dard rol l label configur ation, G enuine Printroni x Therma Line labels are also avai lable in fanfold confi guration s. Ty p e Media (Stoc k) Ribbon Features T y pical Applications Direct Therma l Paper Label Ta g Syntheti c Label Not Used L ow cost.
212 Appendix B Supplies And Acces sories Access ories Field ins tallable access ories av ailable for the T420 4 printer are li sted bel ow. Always re fer to the Printr onix par t number when plac ing an order.
213 C Setting The Page Length Observe the follow ing co nsider ations whe n you se t the Pa ge Length v alue (the len gth of the l eading edge to the trailin g edge of the labe l) in the Printer Contr.
214 Appendix C The followi ng reco mmenda tions ind icate how best t o set up the printer and use the m edia sens or. • If the a pplicati on sends the l ogical p age le ngth to the pr inter, th en ther e is probabl y nothing to change in the setup o ther than to enab le the pro per media se nsor.
215 D ASCII Contr ol Codes Char Dec Hex Char Dec Hex Char Dec Hex Char Dec Hex NUL 0 00 32 20 @ 64 40 ‘ 96 60 SOH 1 01 ! 33 21 A 65 41 a 97 61 STX 2 02 + 34 22 B 66 42 b 98 62 EXT 3 03 # 35 23 C 67 .
216 Appendix D GS 29 1D = 61 3D ] 93 5D } 125 7D RS 30 1E > 62 3E ^ 94 5E ~ 12 6 7E US 31 1F ? 63 3F _ 95 5F 127 7F Ç 128 80 á 160 A0 192 C0 + 224 E0 ü 129 81 í 161 A1 193 C1 _ 225 E1 é 130 82.
217 NOTE: For the hard ware ha ndshake XON/XO FF commands : XON = Ctrl Q (DC1) XOFF = Ctrl S (DC3).
218 Appendix D.
219 E Glossary Baud (rate) Baud Rate is the num ber of informa tion bits that can be transmitted between the print er and the computer in o ne seco nd. For exampl e, one baud equals one b it per secon d in a ser ies of b inary sig nals. Bo th the printer an d the c omputer m ust be co nfigured to the same bau d rate .
220 E Glossa ry Direc t Thermal Medi a Medi a coa ted w ith spec ia l c he mic als t hat act as an accele rator, acc eptor dy e and bind er. In Direct Thermal mo de the heat fr om the se lected re cta.
Glossary 221 After pr intin g, labels can be easily remov ed fro m the liner a nd the lin er discar ded or r ecycled. Label T aken Sensor A se nsor loc ated a t the front of the p rinter to de tect the pres ence of a label pos ition ed under it.
222 E Glossa ry Port A data chann el us ed for re ceivin g data f rom or transmitti ng data to one or more ext ernal de vices. Protocol The rules and con ventions that go vern communi catio n between a print er and a h ost compu ter.
223 Index Numerics 1284 Par allel inter face, 180 20 CPI Condensed , 143, 146 5225 World Trade, 160 A Acknowledg e sig nal Centroni cs para llel int erfac e, 179 Activa ting Font Memory Optio ns, 98 Active Char Set , 151, 159 Active IGP EMUL Menu, 67 Active IGP Emu l menu, 67 Alarm, 70 Alarms printer, 19 4 Alt.
224 Change Case, 153 Changing P rinter Settings , 56 Char Set Sel ect, 1 51, 159 Char acter Se t, 1 34, 140, 143, 146 Char acters strange , 192 Clear To Send (CTS) si gnal RS-232 s erial inte rface, 1.
225 Error me ssag es See Faul t mess ages Error Reco ve ry, 96 Ethernet Buffer Size i n K, 89 ETHERNET PARA METERS Me nu, 90 Ethernet Paramet ers menu , 90 Ethernet Subme nu, 89 EVFU Sele ct, 133 , 13.
226 H Handsh aking, 18 8 hardwar e, 188 software , 189 Hor Image Shift , 94 Host Form Len gth, 109 HOST INTERFACE, 77 Host Inter face menu , 77 Host Over ride, 156 , 162 I Idle Resp onse, 8 6 IEEE 1 2.
227 Font Memory, 97 Host Interfac e, 77 IGP/PGL Ch aracter Sets , 111 IGP/VGL Ch aracter Sets , 123 LinePrinte r Plus Epson FX Characte r Sets LinePrinte r Plus Ep son FX Charac ter Sets menu, 147 Mai.
228 Print light, 192 quality, contr olling , 190 Print Confi g., 66 PRINT HEAD HO T fault me ssage, 19 9 Print Intens ity, 93 Print M ode, 93 Print Spee d, 92 Print St atistics , 101 Printer, 1 5 alar.
229 Self-tes t printer, 18 7 Seri al Baud R ate, 84 Buffer Size i n K, 85 Data Prot ocol, 82 Data Terminal Ready, 85 Idle Resp onse, 8 6 Interface Ty pe, 82 One Char E nquiry , 86 Parity, 84 Pol l Ch .
PRINTRONIX 14600 MYFORD ROAD P .O. Box 1955 9 IR VINE, CA 926 06-1 005 PHONE: 714-368-2 000 F AX: 714-3 68-260 0 PRINTRONIX NEDERLAND BV P .O. BOX 163, NIEUWEWEG 283 NL-6600 AD WI JCHE N THE N E TH ER.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Printronix T4204 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Printronix T4204 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Printronix T4204 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Printronix T4204 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Printronix T4204 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Printronix T4204 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Printronix T4204 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Printronix T4204. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Printronix T4204 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.