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IGP ® /PGL ® T echnical Reference Manual /LQH-HW ™ Printers.
LineJet™ Printers IGP ® /PGL ® T echnical Reference Manua l.
Hewlett-Pac kard ma kes no repr esentati ons or war ranties of a ny kind regarding this mate rial, incl uding, bu t not limi ted to, imp lied warra nties of merchan tability an d fitness fo r a part icular pu rpose.
T radema rk Ackno wledge ments IBM is a register ed trademar k of the Int ernationa l Busines s Machines Corp. IGP, Lin ePrinter Plus, PGL and Pri ntronix ar e register ed trademar ks of Printronix, Inc . Code V is a tradem ark of Qua lity Mic ro Syste ms, Inc.
Table of Contents 1 Introduction ....... . ......... ........ ....... .. ......... ...... .. ........ 13 About this Manual ............... ...... ............. ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... .... 1 3 Warnings and Spec ial Information .
Table of Contents Corners ........... ................... ................... ............. .................... .......... 4 9 Create ................... ............. ................... .................... ............. .......... 51 Delete Form .
Table of Contents 3 B ar Cod es . ....... ........ ....... ....... ....... ....... ........ .... ..... 87 Overview ... ............. ................... ................... ............. .................... .......... 87 User-Defined Variable B ar Code Ratio s.
Table of Contents Page Lay out Considerati ons ........... ............. ................... ............... 239 Plannin g the Form Lay out .. ............. ................... .................... ........ 23 9 Creating a Form and Addin g Form Compone nts .
Table of Contents C Vertical Paper Motion ................ ............ .. .. . .. .. ... . 283 Introductio n ............ ................... ................... .................... ............. ........ 283 Paper M otion Using L ine Feeds and Form Feeds .
Table of Contents.
13 1 Intr oduction About this Manual This manu al expla ins how to us e the IGP /PGL (Inte lligent Gr aphics Printi ng/Print ronix Graphic s Langua ge) on line matrix printers. Use this manual an d your p rinter User’ s Guide f or complete printer -IGP co mpatibi lity.
14 Chapter 1 The IGP/PGL Emulation Graphic capabili ties incl ude boxes , vertica l and horiz ontal lin es with user - sele ctable thi ckness , logos, and spec ial a lphanumeric print f eatures. Forms and grap hic desi gns can be dupl icated h orizont ally and ve rtical ly.
Modes of Operation 15 When a Cr eate Form command i s issued, the print er moves from the Normal Mode to the Create Form M ode. When in t he Cre ate Form Mo de, the us er sends te xt, images , and bar code data to the IGP. All of this data is stor ed in mem ory.
16 Chapter 1 The IGP/PGL Emulation Norm al Mode Normal M ode comm ands print d ata in a l ine prin ter format u ntil a Spe cial Function Control Cod e (SFCC) is det ected. Commands access ible in the Normal Mode are s ummarized in Table 1 and fully de scribed o n the refere nced page .
Modes of Operation 17 T able 1. Normal Mode Comma nds Command Mnemonic Description Page # Compress ed Print DENSITY Defines the horizo ntal print densi ty in characters per inch (cpi).
18 Chapter 1 The IGP/PGL Emulation Create Form Mode Create Form M ode co mmands d esign forms , all form compo nents, and bar codes. The forms are n ot printe d in the Create Form Mode; forms are p rinted in the Ex ecute For m Mode afte r all form design i s completed .
Modes of Operation 19 T able 2. Create Form Mode Commands Command Mnemonic Description Page # Alphanum eri cs ALPHA De fin es size, lo cat ion , an d c on t en t of alp han um eri c cha rac ters and dy namic al phanumeri c data fields.
20 Chapter 1 The IGP/PGL Emulation Execute Form Mode The Exec ute Form Mo de prints fo rms crea ted in the C reate Form Mode. Execute Form Mode commands a re summ arized in Ta ble 3 a nd fully described on the referen ced pages. Ca rriage Retu rn, Form Feed, and Line Feed comma nds als o operate in the Ex ecute Form M ode.
Modes of Operation 21 T abl e 3. Execute Form Mode Commands Command Mnemonic Description Page # Compress ed Print DENSITY Defines the horizo ntal print density in cha racters pe r inch (cp i ). 45 Dynamic Alphanum eri c Data AF n Execute s the dyn amic alpha numeric data provi ded after th e (cc) EXECUTE com mand.
22 Chapter 1 The IGP/PGL Emulation Alphan umeri c Data Base d on the requi rements of a specific applica tion, you ca n use one of three methods t o print al phanumer ic data o n a form: Fi xed data, Overlay dat a, and Dynamic data. These methods a re desc ribed in m ore detail i n Chapter 2.
23 2 Commands IGP Com mand Standa rds IGP c ommands have ma ny opti ons and a specifi c format that you must f ollow to obtain t he desir ed results . Certain elements are standar d for all I GP commands . These c ommand st andards are describ ed in the fo llowing section s.
24 Chapter 2 IGP Command Standards All IG P comm ands beg in with t he Sp ecial Func tion Contr ol Code (SFCC) and must end with a lin e termina tor. Line T erminator Each command line mus t be termi nated b y a line feed (or a c arria ge return with a lin e feed), o r a paper motion com mand.
Prompt 25 Prompt The promp t is the s ymbol (e.g ., a dollar s ign, period , or greater than sy mbol) used to ind icate that the host computer is ready for data input. In this manual , the promp t is show n as a peri od (.). Numeri c V al ues In this m anual, a l owercase n in the c ommand r epresents a numeric value.
26 Chapter 2 IGP Command Standards Charact er Position.Dot Posit ion (CP .DP) Form at The CP.DP fo rmat is a special p arameter av ailabl e with the IGP commands . CP.DP f ormat allows two eleme nts plotte d at near ly the sa me charac ter loca tion to be o ffset to el imina te overlapp ing.
Data Fields fo r Alphanumeric a nd Incremental Data 27 Command Codes Data Fie lds for Alpha numeric and Increme ntal Data Based on the requi rements of a specif ic appli cation, th ree metho ds are use d to print alphanume ric data on the form: f ixed (or p repositio ned) data, overlay data, and d ynamic data.
28 Chapter 2 Command Codes Dark Printing A DARK pa rameter , available in the Al pha, Rever se, and Bar Code commands , is a do uble-strik e feature which produ ces bold er, darker text, denser black ba ckgrounds for revers e print, and extra- dark, more readable bar co des.
Al pha nume ric s 29 Alphanumerics Pur pose Defi nes and p ositions a lphanumer ic data on a form as a “preprin ted” stat ic data fiel d or as a dy namic da ta field.
30 Chapter 2 Command Codes locatio n on the form. The SR and SC paramete rs specif y the exact locat ion of the alphanum eric field identifi ed by n . c. Replace L with a num ber equal to the num ber of chara cters in the dyn amic alp hanume ric string ranging fro m 1 throu gh 512.
Al pha nume ric s 31 POINT Optional pa rameter tha t changes the units for the vertic al and h orizont al expan sion va lues. W hen the point par ameter is present the VE value defi nes the font heigh t in 1/7 2 of an inc h (i.
32 Chapter 2 Command Codes Comments As dyna mic data , the lo cation of the alp hanumeric field is establi shed in the Cr eate Form mode and th e actual alphanum eric da ta is conti nuously redefined before p lacement on the form in t he Execute Fo rm mode.
Al pha nume ric s 33 Figure 4 . Alphanumeric Example ROW 39.2 ROW 36 COLUMN 37 COLUMN 49 COLUMN 48 ROW 45 COLUMN 26 ROW 58 COLUMN 58 ROW 54.5 COLUMN 60.
34 Chapter 2 Command Codes Alphanumerics, Increme ntal Fields Pur pose The i ncremental fields feature up dates alp hanumeric (and bar code) d ata fields in a num eric or alpha betical manner automatic ally usin g just on e set of da ta sent fr om the hos t computer .
Alphanumerics, Incremental Fields 35 Linked a nd unlink ed mask ing of su bfields w ithin t he STAR TDATA is defined by the L value in the STEPMAS K field.
36 Chapter 2 Command Codes V alue Description ST ARTDA T A: STEPMASK : ABC123 000001 Linked s ubfields : ABC and 123 RPT = 1 RST = 0 Printed Results: ABC123 ABC124 .
Alphanumerics, Incremental Fields 37 V alue Description ST ARTDA T A: STEPMASK : ___1 0001 Single n umeric fie ld with le ading spaces (_) RPT = 1 RPT = 0 Printed Results: ___1 ___2 .
38 Chapter 2 Command Codes Alphanumerics, Increme ntal: F ixed Data F ields Pur pose To au tomatica lly inc rement/decr ement fix ed alpha numeric da ta fi elds .
Alphanumerics, I ncremental: Fixed Data Fie lds 39 RST n The optiona l increme ntal res et count pa rameter to specify the numb er of tim es an in crement ed fiel d is printed (o n one or more fo rms) before it is reset to the startin g value.
40 Chapter 2 Command Codes Alphanumerics, Increme ntal: Dy namic Da ta Fields Pur pose Au tomatical ly incremen ts/decr ements dyna mic alph anumeric data fiel ds. Sp ecifies the loca tion and s ize of the increm ental dynamic data fiel d during the Create Form m ode.
Alphanumerics, Incr emental: Dynamic Data Fie lds 41 Comments The Increme ntal Alphanum eric Dynami c Data Fields c ommand is a variatio n of the standard IG P Alph anumeric c ommand, b ut does not repl ace the stand ard alph anumeric c ommand.
42 Chapter 2 Command Codes ~CREATE;TEST HDUP;3;6 VDUP;3;1 ALPHA I;1;1;0;0;001;RPT3;RST 9;*A01* STOP VDUP;OFF HDUP;OFF ALPHA I;1;18;0;0;001;RPT1;*B 01* STOP END ~EXECUTE;TEST;2 ~NORMAL where: I;1;1;0;0.
Boxes 43 Boxes Pur pose Pr oduces any varie ty of rec tangular boxes. Mode CREATE Format BOX LT; SR; SC; E R; EC STOP BOX The Box comman d; enter BOX . Boxes expand down an d to the righ t from the given row an d column. LT Defines t he lin e thickn ess, mea sured in dots.
44 Chapter 2 Command Codes Example The foll owing progr am and ex ample in Figure 5 defines two boxes. To illustrate positio ning, the s tarting row and colu mn are indicat ed on the ex ample bu t do not necessari ly reflect a ctual locatio n on the page.
Compressed Print (Density) 45 Comp ressed Prin t (Dens ity) Pur pose Defi nes the h orizont al print den sity in character s per inc h (cpi). Mode NORMAL, EXECUTE Format (cc) DENSITY ;n (cc) The Special Func tion Co ntrol Code. DENSITY The Dens ity com mand; enter DENS ITY .
46 Chapter 2 Command Codes Configuration Pur pose Pl aces the IG P/PGL i n the Confi guration mod e, where c hanges to any or all of th e IGP/PGL configur ation param eters v ia softwa re control can b e made ins tead of from the p rinter co ntrol panel.
Configuration 47 T able 6 . Configuration Parameters Configuration Parameter V alue AI 00 SP ACE S 0 = Disa bled; Non- Zero = Enab led AUTO WRAP 0 = Disa bled; Non- Zero = Enab led CARRIAGE RETURN DE .
48 Chapter 2 Command Codes Comments The IGP/P GL configu ration pa rameters a vailable ar e define d in your User’ s Guide . Any o r all para meters c an be us ed with in one CON FIG comm and, and the y can be listed i n any order. Lis t each paramete r;value on a sepa rate line, te rminatin g with the E ND comm and.
Corners 49 Corner s Pur pose D efines c orner sets. Mode CREATE Format CORNER LT; SR; SC; E R; EC; VL; HL STOP CORNER The Cor ner comman d; enter CORNE R . Corners expand d own and to th e right from the give n row and colu mn. LT Defines t he lin e thickn ess, mea sured in dots.
50 Chapter 2 Command Codes STOP Stop indi cates th e end of the CORNER co mmand; enter ST OP , an d the IGP wil l wait for a n ew command. If not e ntered, the IGP will wa it for another s et of Corner command paramete rs. Example The foll owing progr am specifi es a corn er set as shown in Figure 6.
Create 51 Creat e Pur pose Pl aces the IG P in the C reate Fo rm mode, where forms and form elements can be de fined using the app ropriate c ommands. Mode NORMAL Format (cc)CREATE; [/] formnam e [ ;FL ] [;DISK] (cc) The Special Func tion Co ntrol Code.
52 Chapter 2 Command Codes c. To specify the defa ult forms l ength of 792 dot rows (11 i nches at 6 lpi), do n ot enter a value in the for m length parameter. DISK Optional pa rameter to store the form o n the printer’s flash m emory. Ente r DISK .
Delete Logo 53 Delete Logo Pur pose Del etes the l ogo identi fied by t he logo na me from th e director y and the IG P memor y. Mode NORMAL Format (cc)DELE TE LOGO; logon ame [;DISK] (cc) The Special Func tion Co ntrol Code. DELETE LOG O The Delete Form com mand; enter DELETE LOGO .
54 Chapter 2 Command Codes Duplication, Horizontal Pur pose Defi nes both the number of times form ele ments are du plicated horizontal ly and th e spacing b etween eac h duplic ation. Mode CREATE Format HDUP; dup#; offs et# elements to be dupl icated HDUP;OFF HDUP The Horizontal Duplication comma nd; ente r HDUP .
Duplication, Horizontal 55 Example The followi ng examp le is a h orizontal duplicat ion of a series of vertic al lines. To illustrate positio ning, star ting ro w and column are ind icated on the example but do not necess arily ref lect actual loca tion on the page.
56 Chapter 2 Command Codes Duplicatio n, V ertical Pur pose Defi nes both the number of times elements are duplic ated vertic ally an d the spac ing betwee n each duplica tion. Mode CREATE Format VDUP; dup#; offse t# elements to be dupl icated VDUP;OF F VDUP The Vertical Du plicati on comman d; enter VDUP .
Emulation Switching 57 Emulation Switching Pur pose To s witch the active e mulation from PGL to the emulat ion sele cted. Mode NORMAL Format (cc)EMUL ATION; emula tion EMULAT ION The Emu lation S witch com mand. emula tion Specifi es the em ulation to activate .
58 Chapter 2 Command Codes Execute Form Mode How to Use th e Execute Co m mand Forms are p rinted in the E xecute Form mode. In ad dition to p rinting the form in the Ex ecute For m mode, var iable data can also b e entered onto the for m “dynami cally” d uring the E xecute Form mode.
Execute Form: General Format 59 Execute Form: General Format Pur pose Pr ints forms cr eated in th e CREATE mode. Mode NORMAL Format (cc)EX ECUTE ; formnam e [;PAG E n ] [; FC ] [;ICNT n ] [;IRST n ] .
60 Chapter 2 Command Codes DISK Optiona l parameter tha t specif ies to reca ll the form from the flash mem ory. En ter DISK . EVFU Data Optiona l parame ter to use the EVFU to ov erlay data onto th e form. ( “EVFU Dat a” is not pa rt of the Execute command .
Execute Form: Ele ctronic Ver tical For mat Unit 61 (cc)NORMA L The Normal mode com mand. If the form co unt paramete r was not us ed in the E xecute com mand, enter the SFCC and NORMAL t o return the IGP to the Norma l mode. The Normal mode comma nd is input fol lowing al l other Exe cute com mands to enter va riable data.
62 Chapter 2 Command Codes Execute Form: Dyn amic Alpha numeric Data Pur pose Inc orporates the dynam ic alphanum eric da ta into a p reviousl y identifi ed location o n a form. Mode EXECUT E Format (cc)AF n ; (D)ASC II text(D) (cc) The Special Func tion Control Code.
Execute Form: Dynamic Ba r Code Data 63 Execut e Form: Dyn amic Ba r Code Da ta Pur pose Inc orporates the dynam ic bar co de data into a previ ously identifi ed location o n a form. Mode EXECUTE Format (cc)BF n ; (D)data field(D) (cc) The Special Func tion Co ntrol Code.
64 Chapter 2 Command Codes Execute Form: Dynamic Logo Pur pose Inc orporates the dyna mic graph ic logo into a pr eviously identifi ed loca tion of a fo rm. Mode EXECUT E Format (cc)G F n ; (D)logonam e(D) (cc) The Special Func tion Control Code. GF n Indicate s the dyn amic log o field.
Execute Form: In cremental Dynamic D ata 65 Execute Form : Incremen tal Dynamic D ata Pur pose Inc orporates increm ental/dec remental c apability to dynamic alphanum eric or ba r code d ata suppl ied as a p art of the Execute Form mode .
66 Chapter 2 Command Codes Supplying Dy namic Data for Increm ental Fields Increme ntal dynami c data fie lds are created in the Create Form mo de using the incr emental a lphanumeri c or bar c ode comm ands. The i ncremental dynamic data itsel f is suppli ed during the Execute Fo rm mode at th e top of the form prior to any o verlay da ta.
Execute Form: Ov erlay Dat a 67 RST n The optiona l increme ntal res et count pa rameter to specify the numb er of tim es an in crement ed fiel d is printed (o n one or more fo rms) before it is reset to the startin g value.
68 Chapter 2 Command Codes Expanded Print Pur pose Se lects fo nt sizes ot her than th e default f ont. Mode NORMAL, EXECUTE Format (cc)EXPA ND; VE; HE (cc) The Special Func tion Control Code. EXPAND The Expan ded Pri nt command ; enter EXPAND . VE Specifi es the ve rtical expansi on factor ; enter a value r anging fr om 0 through 113.
Font 69 Font Pur pose Se lects ty pefaces oth er than the default Goth ic font. Mode NORMAL, C REATE, EXECUTE Format (cc)FONT [;FACE #] [;BOLD #] [;SLANT #] [;S YMSET #] [;POINT #] [ ;SPAC E #] (cc) The Special Func tion Co ntrol Code. (If you are using th e Font com mand in th e CREATE m ode, do not enter the SFCC.
70 Chapter 2 Command Codes You can use any o r all Fon t parameters , listed in any o rder, in a single Fo nt comman d. (Do not li st font param eters on separat e lines.) Parame ters and sy mbol se ts not specifi ed retain the previo usly se lected value.
Ignore Sequence 71 Ignore Sequence Pur pose En ables the IG P to igno re all chara cters after the Ign ore Seque nce On (IG ON) co mmand is entered. All cha racters a re ignored until the Ignore Se quence Off ( IGOFF) com mand is entered. Mode NORMAL, C REATE, or EXEC UTE Format (cc)IGON or (cc )IGOFF (cc) The Special Func tion Co ntrol Code.
72 Chapter 2 Command Codes Lines, Horizontal Pur pose Defi nes hor izontal lines. Mode CREATE Format HORZ LT; R; SC; EC STOP HORZ The Horizont al Line c ommand; en ter HORZ . LT Defines t he lin e thickn ess, mea sured in 1/72-in ch dots. Ent er a val ue of 1 or greater.
Lines, Vertical 73 Lines, V ertica l Pur pose Defines ve rtical lines. Mode CREATE Format VERT LT; C; SR; ER STOP VERT The Verti cal Line c ommand; en ter VE RT . LT Defines t he lin e thickn ess, mea sured in 1/60-in ch dots. Ent er a val ue of 1 or greater.
74 Chapter 2 Command Codes VERT 2;36;53;61 2;50;53;61 2;60;53;61 2;70;53;61 STOP Listen Pur pose Dis ables the IG P from the quiet stat e and en ables the IGP for standar d operati on. (The Qui et comman d is explai ned on pag e 81.) Mode NORMAL Format (cc)LI STEN (cc) The Special Func tion Control Code.
Logo Call 75 SR Defines t he starti ng row of the l ogo. The SR (and SC ) parameter specifie s the loc ation for the logo based on the upper left corner of the gr id in whi ch the lo go was defi ned. Enter a valu e ranging from row 1 throug h one les s than the length of t he form.
76 Chapter 2 Command Codes Logo Mode, Create Pur pose Pl aces the IG P in the C reate Logo mode, where logos can be defined us ing the a ppropriate dot pla cements. Mode NORMAL Format (cc)LOG O; logoname; VL ; HL [;DI SK] row#; dot; dot1-dot2; do t END (cc) The Special Func tion Control Code.
Logo Mode, Create 77 Comments The logo is defined by specifyi ng the over all size an d the rows of data used . The actual number of logos you can cr eate and s tore depend s on the m emory requ ired for each logo. The maxim um logo s ize allowed is 252 r ows high ( 3.
78 Chapter 2 Command Codes Normal Mode Pur pose Pl aces the IG P in the N ormal mo de of op eration, wher e the data stream is not ch anged but m onitored for a Spe cial Functi on Control C ode followed b y an IGP c ommand. Mode NORMAL, EXECUTE Format (cc)NORMAL (cc) The Special Func tion Control Code.
Paper 79 Paper Pur pose Con trols pri nter pape r options. Mode NORMAL, EXECUTE Format (cc)PAPE R [; opti on ] (cc) The Special Func tion Co ntrol Code. PAPER The PA PER command ; enter PAPER . EJECT Prints al l pages tha t are in the bu ffer. Ente r EJECT .
80 Chapter 2 Command Codes Paper Instruction (PI ) Enable/Disabl e Pur pose En ables or di sables us e of the PI line u sing a para llel I/O de vice. (This c ommand doe s not enable/di sable PI line sen sing; it enables or disable s use of the “sensed ” PI li ne.
Quiet 81 Qui et Pur pose Pl aces the IG P in the Q uiet mod e, where a ll data pa ssed to th e ASCII emu lation is unaffecte d by IGP command s except for the LISTEN, SFO N/SFOFF, and IG ON/IGOFF. Mode NORMAL Format (cc)QUIET (cc) The Special Func tion Co ntrol Code.
82 Chapter 2 Command Codes Reset Pur pose Del etes all forms and l ogos fro m IGP memor y. The Res et performs the foll owing tasks : • Prints any obje cts in th e curr ent page • Deletes a ll for.
Scale 83 If the endi ng row is less than the starti ng row, the rows are au tomatical ly swit ched. The sa me is don e with the en ding a nd starting column. EC Defines t he endi ng colum n of the reverse print fie ld. Enter a value rangi ng from c olumn 2 t hrough th e last co lumn o f the form.
84 Chapter 2 Command Codes If the dot s cale is s elected, t he parame ters are s pecifie d in dot row and c olumn. For ex ample, ba sed on a 6 0 dpi hor izontal and 72 dpi v ertical do t scale, a fo .
Setup 85 Setup Pur pose Au tomatical ly execut es and lo ads IGP/PG L comma nds suc h as forms, l ogos, cu stomi zed pri nt environm ents, e tc., from flash memory to the printer whenever pr inter powe r is applie d or when the RESE T comma nd (page 82) is sent .
86 Chapter 2 Command Codes Special Function Control Code Change Pur pose Cha nges the c urrent Spe cial Functi on C ontrol Code (S FCC). Mode NORMAL or EXECUTE Format (cc)SFCC; n or (cc)SFCC; ‘ n ’ (cc) The curren t Special Function Control Co de.
87 3 Bar Codes Overview A bar code is a graphic repr esentation of alphanumer ic character s. Bar code s are produc ed by enter ing bar cod e command s in the Create Form mode. Th e IGP bar c odes are listed in Table 7, with deta iled bar c ode infor mation provid ed on the refe renced p ages.
88 Chapter 3 Overview T able 7. A v ailable Ba r Codes Bar Code Mnemonic Symbol Length Cod e Set Page No Codabar CODABAR V ariable Alphanumer ic 91 Code 39 C3/9 V ariable Alphanum eric 96 Code 93 CODE.
User -Defin ed Vari able Bar C ode Rati os 89 User- Defined V a riabl e Bar Code Ratios The user-d efined va riable rat io for bar c odes is an option al param eter. The default r atios shown in Table 8 are overr idden by the variab le ratio feature. Four- and ei ght-digi t ratios c an be use d, dependin g upon the bar code selecte d.
90 Chapter 3 Overview PDF Ch aracte r Sizes [PD F [; LOC ] [; FONT ]] UPC and EAN For UPC and E AN bar codes , a smaller Letter Go thic font w ill be substi tuted for OCR-A or OCR-B w hen the bar code symb ol is no t large e nough to accommo date a 10 CP I font.
Codabar 91 Bar Codes The rest o f this c hapter desc ribes eac h of the bar codes available wi th the IGP/PGL e mulation. Codabar The Coda bar structur e is sho wn in Figure 7 and desc ribed o n the follow ing pages.
92 Chapter 3 Bar Codes Quiet Z one Both ends of the bar code st ructure r equire blan k quiet z ones. The q uiet zones m ust be at l east 0.25 inches w ide and comp letely bl ank to en sure accura te reading o f the star t/stop co des and to prevent adj acent bar c odes from overl apping.
Codabar 93 MAG Optiona l parame ter to magnify (horiz ontally expand) the bar cod e symbol. The magnific ation default v alue is X1 . As required for scanni ng, enter a magnifi cation v alue from Tab le 8 to increase the magnific ation. Inc reasing th e magnifi cation ad justs printed charac ter density .
94 Chapter 3 Bar Codes SR Defines t he starti ng row for th e bar co de. Enter a value r anging fr om row 1 to on e less t han the length of the form. Ch aracter r ow or dot row is specifi ed based on the Sc ale comm and (page 83) , or use t he CP.DP fo rmat (page 2 6).
Codabar 95 Codaba r E xam ple ~CREATE;TEST;288 (Enter Create Form mode) SCALE;CHAR BARCODE (Bar code command) CODABAR;VSCAN;X1;H7;5; 20 *A2345B* PDF;B;N (Printable data field) STOP (Ends bar code command) END (Terminates Create Form mode) ~EXECUTE;TEST ~NORMAL T able 9 .
96 Chapter 3 Bar Codes Code 39 The Code 39 structure is shown in Figure 8 and des cribed on t he followi ng pages. Figure 8 . Code 39 Structure DATA FIELD QUIET QUIET START STOP LOWER GUARD BAND CODE .
Code 39 97 Quiet Z one Both ends of the bar code st ructure r equire blan k quiet z ones. The q uiet zones m ust be at l east 0.25 inches w ide and comp letely bl ank to en sure accura te reading o f the star t/stop co des and to prevent adj acent bar c odes from overl apping.
98 Chapter 3 Bar Codes Code 39 Com ma nd Format Although commonl y refer red to as Cod e “39,” you must ente r the com mand as “C3/9 ” (includ ing the slas h) during IGP inp ut.
Code 39 99 b. Rep lace n with a n umber r anging from 1 through 5 12 to iden tify the ba r code f ield. The SR and SC param eters spec ify t he exact loca tion of the bar code field id entifie d by n . c. Rep lace L with a n umber equ aling the total number o f character s in the field.
100 Chapter 3 Bar Codes To compens ate for p rinting the 0.1-inch hi gh data, the height of th e bar code bo dy is reduce d 0.1 inch. FONT Optiona l parame ter to selec t the f ont for the hu man readabl e data field.
Code 39 101 Code 39 Example Figure 9 i llustrate s a horizo ntal and v ertical Co de 39 bar code gene rated by the f ollow in g progr am: ~CREATE;C39 (Enter Create Form mode) BARCODE (Bar Code Command.
102 Chapter 3 Bar Codes Code 93 The Code 93 structure is shown in Figure 10 and des cribed on the follow ing pages. Figure 10. C ode 93 Struc ture DATA FIELD QUIET QUIET START STOP LOWER GUARD BAND CO.
Code 93 103 Quiet Z one Both ends of the bar code st ructure r equire blan k quiet z ones. The q uiet zones m ust be at l east 0.25 inches w ide and comp letely bl ank to en sure accura te reading o f the star t/stop co des and to prevent adj acent bar c odes from overl apping.
104 Chapter 3 Bar Codes Code 93 Com ma nd Format BARCODE CODE93; [ DIR; ] [ MAG ;] [H n [ .m ];] [BF n;L; ][DARK;] SR;SC [ (D)d ata fiel d(D) ] [PDF [; LOC ] [; FONT ]] STOP BARCODE The Bar Co de comma nd; enter B ARCODE . CODE93 Designat es bar co de type Cod e 93; enter CODE93 .
Code 93 105 c. Rep lace L with a num ber equal ing the to tal number o f character s in the field. (T he actual data prov ided dynam ically during the E xecute Form Mode can b e less th an L .) d. The informati on for the data fiel d is entered dynamic ally duri ng the Ex ecute Form M ode.
106 Chapter 3 Bar Codes FONT Optiona l parame ter to selec t the f ont for the hu man readabl e data field. E nter O to sel ect OCR-A font; enter X to select O CR-B font; ente r N to select 1 0 cpi; ente r P to sele ct 12 cpi; enter Q to se lect 1 3 cpi; ent er R to se lect 15 cpi; e nter T to select 17 cpi; enter V to select 2 0 cpi.
Code 93 107 Code 93 Example The illustr ation belo w shows a h orizontal Co de 93 bar c ode generat ed by the followin g program: ~CREATE;TEST;288 (Enters Create Form mod e) SCALE;CHAR BARCODE (Bar co.
108 Chapter 3 Bar Codes Code 128A , 128B and 128C The Code 128 str ucture is shown in Figure 11 an d described on the following pages. Figure 11 . Code 128 S tructure DATA FIELD QUIET QUIET START STOP.
Code 128A, 128B and 128C 109 Quiet Z one Both ends of the bar code st ructure r equire blan k quiet z ones. The q uiet zones m ust be at l east 0.25 inches w ide and comp letely bl ank to en sure accura te reading o f the star t/stop co des and to prevent adj acent bar c odes from overl apping.
110 Chapter 3 Bar Codes Code 128 Comm and Form at BARCODE C128A or C128B or C128C;[ DIR ;] [ MAG; ] [H n [ .m ] ; ] [BF n;L; ] [DARK ; ] SR;SC [ (D)d ata fiel d(D) ] [PDF [ ;LOC ] [ ;FONT ]] STOP BARCODE The Bar Co de comma nd; enter B ARCODE . C128A, C12 8B or C128C) Designat es bar code type; ente r C128 A , C128B or C128C .
Code 128A, 128B and 128C 111 b. Rep lace n with a num ber rangin g from 1 to 512 to ide ntify the bar code fie ld. The SR and SC paramete rs specif y the exa ct location of the bar c ode field identifi ed by n . c. Rep lace L with a num ber equal ing the to tal number o f character s in the field.
112 Chapter 3 Bar Codes PDF Opti onal paramet er to enabl e printing of the huma n readabl e data field. E nter PDF to print th e data field. If t he parameter i s not used, th e human readabl e data will no t print. Th is paramete r is not allow ed if a nul l data fie ld was sp ecified.
Code 128A, 128B and 128C 113 T abl e 12. Code 128A Character Set The SO contr ol code can be c hanged to a ny decim al valu e from 0 thro ugh 255 usin g the pri nter's front panel. Se e the “Conf iguratio n Menus” chapter in your User’ s Guide.
114 Chapter 3 Bar Codes T abl e 13. Code 128B Character Set The SO contr ol code can be c hanged to a ny decim al valu e from 0 thro ugh 255 usin g the pri nter's front panel. Se e the “Conf iguratio n Menus” chapter in your User’ s Guide. Character Hex Character Hex Character Hex Character Hex SP ! " # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , - .
Code 128A, 128B and 128C 115 T abl e 14. Code 128C Character Set The SO contr ol code can be c hanged to a ny decim al valu e from 0 thro ugh 255 usin g the pri nter's front panel. Se e the “Conf iguratio n Menus” chapter in your User’ s Guide.
116 Chapter 3 Bar Codes Code 128B Examp le Figure 12 illustrat es a hori zontal and v ertical C ode 128 B bar code g enerated by the fol lowing pr ogram: ~CREATE;128B (Enter Create Form mode) BARCODE .
Code 128A, 128B and 128C 117 Code 128C Examp le Figure 13 illustrat es a hor izontal and v ertical C ode 128 C bar code ge nerated by the fol lowing pr ogram: ~CREATE;128C (Enter Create Form mode) BAR.
118 Chapter 3 Bar Codes EAN 8 The EAN 8 b ar code structu re is shown in Figur e 14 and de scribed on the following pages. Figure 14 . EAN 8 Struc ture QUIET ZONE CHECK DIGIT CODE LEFT DATA FIELD CENT.
EAN 8 119 Quiet Z one Both ends of the bar code st ructure ha ve blank quiet zo nes. The qui et zones must be a t least 0.2 5 inches wide and completel y blank to ensure acc urate reading of the start/s top code s and to pr event ad jacent ba r codes fr om overla pping.
120 Chapter 3 Bar Codes EAN 8 Command Format BARCODE EAN8 [+ n ];[ DIR ;][SCB;][ MAG; ][H n [ .m ];][BF n ;][DARK;] SR ; SC [ (D)d ata fiel d(D) ] [PDF [; LOC ] [; FONT ]] STOP BARCODE The Bar Co de comma nd; enter B ARCODE . EAN8 Des ignates bar code type EAN 8; enter EAN8 .
EAN 8 121 b. Rep lace n with a num ber rangin g from 1 through 512 to identify th e bar co de field. Th e SR and SC param eters spec ify t he exact loca tion of the bar code field id entifie d by n . c. The length of the data f ield need not be specified since i t is fixed a t seven d igits, plus any add- on data.
122 Chapter 3 Bar Codes LOC Optiona l parame ter to identi fy the loc ation of th e printabl e data fie ld. The defau lt value is B , locati ng the human readable data be low the bar code. A locates the prin table data field abov e the bar c ode. To compens ate for p rinting the 0.
EAN 13 123 EAN 13 The EAN 13 bar code structur e is show n in Figure 1 6 and desc ribed on th e followin g pages. Figure 16 . EAN 13 Struc ture QUIET ZONE CHECK DIGIT CODE LEFT DATA FIELD CENTER CODE .
124 Chapter 3 Bar Codes Quiet Z one Quiet z ones ext end on both ends of the bar cod e to permit th e scan to begin and end in a blank ar ea. The IGP au tomatical ly produc es an 11- module wid e left qu iet zone; you are r espons ible for pr oviding suffici ent space (minim um of seven m odules) on the form fo r the right quiet zon e.
EAN 13 125 EAN 13 Command Format BARCODE EAN13 [+ n ];[ DIR ;][SCB;][ MAG ;][H n [. m ];][BF n ;][DARK;] SR;SC [ (D)d ata fiel d(D) ] [PDF [; LOC ] [; FONT ]] STOP BARCODE The Bar Co de comma nd; enter B ARCODE . EAN13 Designat es bar c ode type EA N 13; ent er EAN13 .
126 Chapter 3 Bar Codes b. Rep lace n with a num ber rangin g from 1 through 512 to identify th e bar co de field. Th e SR and SC param eters spec ify the e xact loca tion of the bar code field id entified b y n . c. The length of the da ta field need not be specifi ed, si nce it is fix ed at 12 digits, plus any add-on d ata.
EAN 13 127 always enc oded in fo rmat C. Table 1 5 defines the left sid e data fiel d format bas ed on the nu mber system charac ter. PDF Opti onal parame ter which affects p rinting of t he human re adable dat a field.
128 Chapter 3 Bar Codes EAN 13 Example Figure 17 illustrat es a hori zontal and v ertical E AN 13 bar code gen erated by the follow ing prog ram: ~CREATE;EAN13 BARCODE EAN13+5;D;28;15 *12345678987655555* PDF STOP / BARCODE EAN13+5;VSCAN;H12;D;27 ;49 *12345678987655555* PDF STOP END ~EXECUTE;EAN13;1 ~NORMAL Figure 17 .
FIM 129 FIM The FIM (Faci ng Identifi cation Ma rk) bar code structu re is shown in Figure 1 8 and Figur e 19 and de scribed on the follo wing pa ges. The le ft boundary must begin 3 i nches from the righ t edge of the mail pie ce. The ri ght-most ba r must be 2 inches ± 1/ 8-inch fr om the right edg e of the mail pi ece.
130 Chapter 3 Bar Codes Figure 19. FIM Structure (VSCAN or CC W) Note Addition al informati on regarding FIM bar co de requirem ents can be ob tained fr om the U.
FIM 131 Clear Zone The bar c ode structu re requ ires a com pletely blank, 1/4 -inch wide , 5/8-inch tall clear zone, res erved for o nly the a ppropriate FIM pattern . You must provid e sufficien t space fo r this zon e. Star t/S top Code The start/ stop code is a unique charac ter identify ing the l eading an d trailing end of the b ar code .
132 Chapter 3 Bar Codes a. Enter BF . b. Rep lace n with a num ber rangin g from 1 through 512 to identify th e bar co de field. Th e SR and SC param eters spec ify the e xact loca tion of the bar code field id entified b y n. c. The infor mation for the data fiel d is entered dynamic ally duri ng the Ex ecute Form M ode.
FIM 133 D Used on O CR reada ble mail (usual ly courtesy reply window env elopes) wi thout a pre printed POSTNET b ar code. STOP Ends the Bar Code command while the I GP/PGL continue s in the Create Form M ode. E nter STOP . If STOP is no t entered, an erro r message results.
134 Chapter 3 Bar Codes Figure 21 illustrat es a hori zontal FIMC bar code g enerated by the following program an d bears the preprin ted POS TNET bar co de. ~CREATE;FIMC (Enter Create Form Mode ) ALPHA (Alpha command) 23;11;0;0;*PRINTRONIX, INC.* 25;11;0;0;*ATTN: CUSTO MER SERVICE* 27;11;0;0;*P.
Inte rleave d 2/5 ( I-2 /5) , G erman I- 2/5 and ITF- 14 135 Interleaved 2/5 (I-2 /5), Germa n I-2/5 and ITF-1 4 The Interl eaved 2/5, German I- 2/5 and ITF-14 ba r code s tructure is shown in Figure 22 and desc ribed on the following pages. Figure 22 .
136 Chapter 3 Bar Codes Quiet Z one Both ends of the bar code st ructure ha ve blank quiet zo nes. The qui et zones must be a t least 0.2 5 inches wi de and completely blank to ensure accur ate reading of the start/s top code s and to pr event ad jacent ba r codes fr om overla pping.
Inte rleave d 2/5 ( I-2 /5) , G erman I- 2/5 and ITF- 14 137 I-2/5 Command Fo rmat BARCODE I-2/5 [CD]; or I25GERMAN; or ITF14; [ DIR ;] [ MAG ;] [H n [. m ];] [BF n;L; ] [DARK; ] SR; SC [ (D)d ata fiel d(D) ] [PDF [; LOC ] [; FONT ]] STOP BARCODE The Bar Co de comma nd; enter B ARCODE .
138 Chapter 3 Bar Codes BF n;L Optiona l parame ters for as signing a dyn amic bar code data field lo cation on a form and for designa ting the le ngth of the d ata fie ld.
Inte rleave d 2/5 ( I-2 /5) , G erman I- 2/5 and ITF- 14 139 data fiel d Interleave d 2/5: Enter the characters for the bar code data . A null d ata field (no charac ters) is permitte d. The lengt h of the data field is variable ; however , the ma ximum le ngth is u sually limited t o 32 char acters to m inimize potential r eading er rors.
140 Chapter 3 Bar Codes I-2/5 Example Figure 23 illustrat es a hori zontal and v ertical I -2/5 bar code gene rated by the following program: ~CREATE;I25 (Enter Create Form mode) BARCODE (Bar Code com.
Matrix 141 Matrix The structur e for the Matrix bar code is s hown in Fi gure 24 an d describ ed on the f ollow in g page s. Figure 24. Matrix Structure DATA FIELD QUIET QUIET START STOP LOWER GUARD B.
142 Chapter 3 Bar Codes Quiet Z one Both ends of the bar code st ructure ha ve blank quiet zo nes. The qui et zones must be a t least 0.2 5 inches wi de and completely blank to ensure accur ate reading of the start/s top code s and to pr event ad jacent ba r codes fr om overla pping.
Matrix 143 Matrix Co mma nd Form at BARCODE MATRIX [CD]; [ DIR ;] [ MAG ;] [H n [. m ];] [BF n;L; ] [DAR K;] SR; SC [ (D)d ata fiel d(D) ] [PDF [; LOC ] [; FONT ]] STOP BARCODE The Bar Co de comma nd; enter B ARCODE . MATRIX CD Designat es bar code type Matri x; enter MATRIX .
144 Chapter 3 Bar Codes b. Rep lace n with a num ber rangin g from 1 through 5 12 to iden tify the ba r code fiel d. The SR and SC param eters spec ify the e xact loca tion of the bar code field id entified b y n. c. Replace L with a num ber equal ing the to tal number o f character s in the field.
Matrix 145 PDF Opti onal paramet er to enabl e printing of the huma n readabl e data field. E nter PDF to print th e data field. If t he parameter i s not used, th e human readabl e data is not printed. Th is para meter is no t allow ed if a nul l data fie ld was sp ecified.
146 Chapter 3 Bar Codes Matrix Exam ple Figure 25 illus trates a horiz ontal and verti cal Matrix bar co de generated by the following program: ~CREATE;MATRIX (Enter Create Form Mode ) BARCODE (Bar Co.
MSI 147 MSI The MSI bar code st ructure i s shown in Fi gure 26 a nd describ ed on the followin g pages. Figure 26 . MSI S tructure DATA FIELD QUIET QUIET START STOP LOWER GUARD BAND CODE CODE ZONE ZO.
148 Chapter 3 Bar Codes Quiet Z one Both ends of the bar code st ructure r equire blan k quiet z ones. The q uiet zones m ust be at l east 0.25-i nches wi de and compl etely bla nk to ens ure accura te reading o f the star t/stop co des and to prevent adj acent bar c odes from ove rlappin g.
MSI 149 MSI Co mman d For mat BARCODE MSI n ; [ DIR ;] [ MAG ;] [H n [. m ];] [BF n;L ;] [DAR K;] SR; SC [ (D)d ata fiel d(D) ] [PDF [; LOC ] [; FONT ]] STOP BARCODE The Bar Co de comma nd; enter B ARCODE . MSI Designat es bar code type MSI ; enter MS I .
150 Chapter 3 Bar Codes BF n;L Optiona l parame ters for as signing a dyn amic bar code data field lo cation on a form and for designa ting the le ngth of the d ata fie ld.
MSI 151 data fiel d Enter the c haracters for the b ar code data . A null data field ( no characters ) is permitt ed. The length of the data fi eld is v ariable; ho wever, a maximum of 14 data c harac.
152 Chapter 3 Bar Codes MSI Examp le Figure 27 illustrat es a hori zontal and v ertical M SI bar code generate d by the following program: ~CREATE;MSI (Enter Create Form mode) BARCODE (Bar Code comman.
PDF417 153 PDF417 The PDF417 s tructure i s shown i n Figure 28 and d escribed on t he foll owing pages. Figure 28. PDF417 Structure SR, SC POSITION QUIET ZONE START CODE STOP CODE QUIET ZONE UPPER GU.
154 Chapter 3 Bar Codes Quiet Z one Both ends of the bar code st ructure r equire blan k quiet z ones. The q uiet zones m ust be at l east 0.25 inches w ide and comp letely bl ank to en sure accura te reading o f the star t/stop co des and to prevent adj acent bar c odes from overl apping.
PDF417 155 PDF417 Comman d Form at BARCODE PDF417; [ DIR ;] [X[ D] n ;] [Y[D] n ;] [(H n )| (W n );] [ASP ECT h:w ;] [(R n )|(C n );] [S n ;] [BF n;L; ] [DARK;] SR; SC [ (D)d ata fiel d(D) ] STOP BARCODE The Bar Co de comma nd; enter B ARCODE . PDF417 Designat es bar code type PDF41 7; enter PDF417 .
156 Chapter 3 Bar Codes S n Optiona l paramet er that sp ecifies the secur ity leve l. Enter S followed by the securi ty level in the rang e of 0 through 8 . The def ault is 2. BF n;L Optiona l parame ters for as signing a dyn amic bar code data field lo cation on a form and for designa ting the le ngth of the d ata fie ld.
PDF417 157 data fiel d Enter th e data for the bar c ode. A nu ll dat a field (no character s) is not permitted. The data fi eld can contain any charac ter inclu ding carr iage return s and line feeds.
158 Chapter 3 Bar Codes POSTN ET The POS TNET bar c ode struc ture is i llustrated in Figur e 30 and Figure 31 and descr ibed on th e foll owing pag es. T he PO STNET code ca n be a p art of th e address block and appear a nywhere with in a ver tical 4-i nch area across th e length of t he mai l piece.
POSTNET 159 Figure 31. POSTNET Structure (VSCAN or CCW) R eturn A ddress A rea P ostage A rea 1/2" 1/2" START STOP CODE CODE SR, SC POSITION CHECK DIGIT NOTE: Illustration is not to scale QU.
160 Chapter 3 Bar Codes Quiet Z one The bar code structure requi res a comple tely blank qui et zone whic h extends 4.75 inc hes from the rig ht edge of the ma il piec e. In ad dition, a minimu m quiet zone o f 0.040-i nch above and below t he bar co de data m ust also be provi ded.
POSTNET 161 POSTNET Command Fo rmat BARCODE POSTNET ; [ DIR ;] [BF n;L; ] [DARK;] SR; SC [ (D)d ata fiel d(D) ] STOP BARCODE The Bar Co de comma nd; enter B ARCODE . POSTNET Designat es bar code type PO STNET; enter POSTNET . DIR Optiona l parame ter that allo ws for rotat ing a barcode .
162 Chapter 3 Bar Codes SC Defines the starting colu mn of the bar code . Enter a value wi thin the 1/ 2-inch left and righ t margin s of the m ail piec e. Char acte r col umn or do t colu mn is specifi ed based on the Sc ale comm and (page 83) , or use t he CP.
Post Bar and Roya l Mail (K IX ) 163 PostBar and Royal Mail (KIX) PostBar and Roya l Mail b ar codes, l ike POSTNE T, are use d for maili ng applica tions .
164 Chapter 3 Bar Codes PostBar and Royal Mail Command Fo rmat BARCODE POSTBA R or ROYALBAR ; [KIX;][ MAG ;][BF n;L; ][DARK;] SR; SC [ (D)d ata fiel d(D) ] STOP BARCODE The Bar Co de comma nd; enter B ARCODE . POSTB AR or RO YALBAR Designat es bar code type Pos tBar or Ro yal Mail ; enter POS TBAR or R OYALBAR .
Post Bar and Roya l Mail (K IX ) 165 SR Defines t he starti ng row for the bar code . Charac ter row or dot r ow is s pecified based on the Scale command (page 83), o r use the CP .DP format (page 26 ). SC Defines t he starti ng colum n of the bar code.
166 Chapter 3 Bar Codes PostBar and Royal Mail Examples Figure 33 illustrat es a hori zontal Roya l Mail b ar code g enerated by the following program: ~CREATE;ROYALBAR (Enter Create Form Mod e) BARCO.
Telepen 167 Te l e p e n The Telepen structu re is shown in Figur e 35 and de scribed on the follo wing pages. Figure 35. Telepen Structure DATA FIELD QUIET QUIET START STOP LOWER GUARD BAND CODE CODE.
168 Chapter 3 Bar Codes Quiet Z one Both ends of the bar code st ructure r equire blan k quiet z ones. The q uiet zones m ust be at l east 0.25 inches w ide and comp letely bl ank to en sure accura te reading o f the star t/stop co des and to prevent adj acent bar c odes from overl apping.
Telepen 169 T elepen Co mm and Form at BARCODE TELEPEN; [ DIR; ] [ MAG ;] [H n [. m ];] [BF n ; L ;] [DAR K;] SR ; SC (D) [ data field ] (D) [PDF [; LOC ] [; FONT ]] STOP BARCODE The Bar Co de comma nd; enter B ARCODE . TELEPEN Designat es bar c ode type Te lepen; ente r TELEPEN .
170 Chapter 3 Bar Codes c. Replac e L with a num ber equal ing the to tal number o f character s in the field. (T he actual data prov ided dynam ically during the E xecute Form Mode can b e less th an L .) d. The informati on for the data fiel d is entered dynamic ally duri ng the Ex ecute Form M ode.
Telepen 171 FONT Optiona l parame ter to selec t the font for the hu man readabl e data field. E nter O to sele ct OCR-A fon t; enter X to selec t OCR-B font; enter N to selec t 10 cpi; enter P to s elect 12 c pi; enter Q to selec t 13 cpi; enter R to sele ct 15 cpi; ent er T to select 1 7 cpi; enter V to select 2 0 cpi.
172 Chapter 3 Bar Codes T ele pen Ex ampl e Figure 36 illustrat es a ver tical Telepe n bar co de genera ted by the following program: ~CREATE;TELEPEN (Enter Create Form Mode ) BARCODE (Bar Code Comma.
UCC/EAN-128 173 UCC/EAN-1 28 The UCC/EAN-12 8 structur e is shown i n Figure 37 a nd described on the followin g pages. Figure 37 . UCC/EAN-12 8 Structure DATA FIELD QUIET QUIET START STOP LOWER GUARD.
174 Chapter 3 Bar Codes UCC/EAN-128 u ses the same bar co de and character set as Co de 128. However, in UCC/E AN-128, the Function 1 character FNC1 imm ediately follows th e start co de. The FNC1 charac ter has b een reserved e xclusiv ely for UCC/EAN-128.
UCC/EAN-128 175 329 (***) Depth, Thickness, He ight, or 3rd Dimension, Y ards n4+n6 330 (***) Gross Weight-Kilograms n4+n6 331 (***) Length or 1st Dimension, Logistics n4+n6 332(***) Width, Diameter ,.
176 Chapter 3 Bar Codes (*)To indicate only year and month, DD must be filled with “00” (**) Plus one digit for length indication (***) Plus one digit for dec imal point indication Data Value Representation: a - alphabetic characters n - numeric characters an - alpha-numeric characters n3 - 3 numer ic characters, fixed length an.
UCC/EAN-128 177 Quiet Z one Both ends of the bar code st ructure r equire blan k quiet z ones. The q uiet zones m ust be at l east 0.25 inches w ide and comp letely bl ank to en sure accura te reading o f the star t/stop co des and to prevent adj acent bar c odes from ov erlapping.
178 Chapter 3 Bar Codes Modulo-103 Check Digit A modulo -103 che ck digi t is autom aticall y calc ulated and inser ted in th e bar code sy mbol imme diatel y in front o f the stop co de, in the same manne r as the C128 bar code. The c heck digit verifi es accu rate scanning .
UCC/EAN-128 179 Code UCC-128 Comm and Format BARCODE UCC-128; [ DIR ;] [ MAG; ] [H n [ .m ];] [BF n ; L ;] [DARK;] SR; SC [( D)d ata f iel d(D ) ] [PDF [ ;LOC ] [ ;FONT ] ] STOP BARCODE The Bar Co de comma nd; enter B ARCODE . UCC-128 Designat es bar code type C ode UCC/EAN-128; enter UCC-12 8 .
180 Chapter 3 Bar Codes b. Rep lace n with a num ber rangin g from 1 through 512 to identify th e bar co de field. Th e SR and SC param eters spec ify the e xact loca tion of the bar code field id entified b y n . c. Replace L with the m aximum n umber of charac ters in the field.
UCC/EAN-128 181 The start code and s ubset s witching is done automatic ally by IG P based on the data field contents so that th e bar cod e length is minimized. Subset C e ncodes e ach pair of numbers as a singl e bar cod e characte r, providing a high er character density .
182 Chapter 3 Bar Codes Code UCC/EAN-128 Examples The followi ng example generates the SSCC-18 variant of an U CC/EAN-12 8 bar cod e in horizo ntal orient ation a t the defaul t ratio, and v erticall y at a user defined r atio of do uble norm al size.
UCC/EAN-128 183 The program bel ow illustrates incremental UCC/EAN-128 bar codes. Incremental UCC/EAN-128 bar code syn tax requires tha t the STARTMA SK field be one char acter wider than the d ata field. Put an ext ra “X” on the left side of t he STARTM ASK, si nce the da ta is righ t-justified in the STA RTMASK fi eld.
184 Chapter 3 Bar Codes The followi ng examp le shows the use of dynamic data. The s hip-to-pos tal code, AI 420, is used to enc ode 5 digi t ZIP Codes .
UPC-A 185 UPC-A The UPC-A bar code s tructure i s shown i n Figure 38 a nd describ ed on the followin g pages. Figure 38 . UPC-A Structure QUIET ZONE CHECK DIGIT LEFT DATA FIELD CENTER CODE RIGHT DATA.
186 Chapter 3 Bar Codes Quiet Z one Quiet z ones ext end on both ends of the bar cod e to permit th e scan to begin and end in a blank ar ea. The IGP au tomatical ly produc es an 11- module wid e left qu iet zone; you are r espons ible for pr oviding suffici ent space (minim um of seven m odules) on the form fo r the right quiet zon e.
UPC-A 187 UPC-A Command Format BARCODE UPC-A [+ n ];[ DIR ;] [SCB;] [ MAG ;] [H n [. m ];] [BF n ;] [DARK;] SR;SC [ (D)d ata fiel d(D) ] [PDF [; LOC ] [; FONT ] STOP BARCODE The Bar Co de comma nd; enter B ARCODE . UPC-A Designat es bar c ode type U PC-A; ent er UPC-A .
188 Chapter 3 Bar Codes b. Rep lace n with a num ber rangin g from 1 through 512 to identify th e bar co de field. Th e SR and SC param eters spec ify the e xact loca tion of the bar code field id entified b y n . c. The length of the da ta field need not be specifi ed, si nce it is fix ed at 11 digits, plus any add-on d ata.
UPC-A 189 PDF Opti onal parame ter which affects p rinting of t he human re adable dat a field. The data fiel d will prin t automatic ally un less the PDF- suppress comman d is spec ified i n the FONT paramete r. UPC-A human readabl e fields ca n be prin ted abo ve or below the bar code s ymbol.
190 Chapter 3 Bar Codes UPC-A Exampl e Figure 39 illustrat es a hori zontal and v ertical U PC-A bar code gener ated by the follow ing prog ram: ~CREATE;UPCA (Enter Create Form mode) BARCODE (Bar Code command) UPC-A+5;H9;DARK;39;15 (Dark Code UPC-A, 5-di git add-on, H 0.
UPC-E and UPC-E0 191 UPC-E and UPC-E0 The UPC-E and UPC-E0 b ar code structu re is show n in Figur e 40 and describe d on the fol lowing pa ges. Figure 40 .
192 Chapter 3 Bar Codes Quiet Z one Quiet z ones ext end on both ends of the bar cod e to permit th e scan to begin and end in a blank ar ea. The IGP au tomatical ly produc es an 11- module wid e left qu iet zone. You mu st prov ide suffi cient sp ace (min imum of s even modules ) on the form for th e right quiet zo ne.
UPC-E and UPC-E0 193 UPC-E Command F ormat BARCODE type [+ n ]; [ DIR ;] [ MAG ;] [H n [. m ];] [BF n ;] [DARK;] SR; SC [ (D)d ata fiel d(D) ] [PDF [; LOC ] [; FONT ]] STOP BARCODE The Bar Co de comma nd; enter B ARCODE . type Designat es bar code type UPC- E or UPC-E0; ente r UPC-E or UPC-E0 .
194 Chapter 3 Bar Codes c. The length of the da ta field need not be specifi ed, since it is fix ed at 6 or 1 1 digits , plus any add- on data. d. The informati on for the data fiel d is entered dynamic ally duri ng the Ex ecute Form m ode. (Refer t o “Execute Form: Dynami c Bar Co de Data” on p age 63.
UPC-E and UPC-E0 195 PDF Opti onal parame ter which affects p rinting of t he human re adable dat a field. The data fiel d will prin t automatic ally un less the PDF- suppress comman d is spec ified in the FONT paramete r. UPC-E dat a fields can be print ed above o r below th e bar co de symbol.
196 Chapter 3 Bar Codes T able 1 8. Eleven-Digit Compression 1. Manufac turer ’s Number Product N umbers t hat can be used 0000 0-00999 X X X X X X 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 ( ) first two di gits of manufactu rer ’s number ( ) last th ree digits of the pro duct numb er ( ) third digi t of the manuf acturer ’s number , use 0 through 2 only 2.
UPC-E and UPC-E0 197 UPC-E Exampl e Figure 41 illustrat es a hor izontal and v ertical U PC-E bar c ode gener ated by the f ollow in g progr am: ~CREATE;UPCE BARCODE UPC-E+2;H9;D;34;15 *0927400000522* PDF STOP END ~EXECUTE;UPCE;1 ~NORMAL Figure 41 . Sample UP C-E Bar Code T able 19.
198 Chapter 3 Bar Codes UPCSHIP The structur e for the UPCSHIP ba r code is sho wn in Figure 42 and describ ed on the foll owing pag es. Figure 42. UPCSHIP Structure DATA FIELD QUIET QUIET START STOP .
UPCSHIP 199 Quiet Z one Both ends of the bar code st ructure ha ve blank quiet zo nes. The qui et zones must be a t least 0.2 5 inches wide and completel y blank to ensure acc urate reading of the start/s top code s and to pr event ad jacent ba r codes fr om overla pping.
200 Chapter 3 Bar Codes UPCSHIP Comman d Format BARCODE UPCSHIP; [ DIR ;] [ MAG ;] [H n [. m ];] [BF n ;] [DARK;] SR ; SC (D) data fiel d(D) [PDF [; LOC ] [; FONT ]] STOP BARCODE The Bar Co de comma nd; enter B ARCODE . UPCSHIP Des ignates bar code type UPCS HIP; enter UPCSHIP .
UPCSHIP 201 d. The informati on for the data fiel d is entered dynamic ally duri ng the Ex ecute Form M ode. (Refer to “Execute Form: Dynamic Bar Code Data” on p age 63. ) Do not us e the data fie ld paramete r to enter da ta when the BF n paramete rs are us ed.
202 Chapter 3 Bar Codes FONT Optiona l parame ter to selec t the f ont for the hu man readabl e data field. E nter O to selec t OCR-A font; enter X to select O CR-B font; ente r N to select 1 0 cpi; ente r P to sele ct 12 cpi; enter Q to se lect 1 3 cpi; ent er R to se lect 15 cpi; e nter T to select 17 cpi; enter V to select 2 0 cpi.
UPS 11 203 UPS 1 1 The UPS 11 structu re is show n in Fig ure 44 an d describe d on the fol lowing pages. Figure 44. UPS 11 Structure DATA FIELD QUIET QUIET START STOP LOWER GUARD BAND CODE CODE ZONE .
204 Chapter 3 Bar Codes Quiet Z one Both ends of the bar code st ructure r equire blan k quiet z ones. The q uiet zones m ust be at l east 0.25 inches w ide and comp letely bl ank to en sure accura te reading o f the star t/stop co des and to prevent adj acent bar c odes from overl apping.
UPS 11 205 H n [ .m ] Optiona l parame ter to adjus t the overal l height (vertical expansi on) of the bar code symbol (includi ng the uppe r and lowe r 0.1-inc h guard bands an d any huma n readabl e data). Height adjustme nts are made in 0.1-inch i ncrements ; enter H and a value fr om 3 thro ugh 99 to s elect hei ght adjustme nts from 0.
206 Chapter 3 Bar Codes SC Defines the starting colu mn of the bar code . Enter a valu e rangin g from co lumn 1 to o ne less than the widt h of t he fo rm. Ch aracter colu mn or dot co lumn is spec ified ba sed on the Scal e comman d (page 83), or us e the CP.
UPS 11 207 UPS 1 1 Exampl e Figure 45 illustrat es a ver tical UPS 1 1 bar co de genera ted by the following program: ~CREATE;UPS11 BARCODE UPS11;VSCAN;H9;34;15 *01234567895* PDF STOP END ~EXECUTE;UPS11;1 ~NORMAL Figure 45 .
208 Chapter 3 Incremental Bar C ode Fields Incremental Bar Code Fields With the i ncremental bar co de fields fea ture, you can upda te bar co de (and alphanum eric) data fields i n a numeric or alph abetical ma nner auto maticall y with just one set of data sent from the h ost compu ter.
Incrementing Bar Code D ata 209 The increme nt amou nt is defined by the nu meric val ue of the S TEPMASK data. For e xample, a STEPMASK value of 1 increm ents th e STARTDATA by 1; a STEPM ASK va lue of 2 in crement s the ST ARTDATA by 2.
210 Chapter 3 Incremental Bar C ode Fields V alue Description ST ARTDA T A: STEPMASK : ABC123 000001 Linked s ubfields : ABC and 123 RPT = 1 RST = 0 Printed Results: ABC123 ABC124 .
Incremental Bar C ode Fixed Data Fie lds 211 Increme ntal Bar Code Fi xed Dat a Fiel ds The Incre mental Ba r Code Fixed Data Fields command is a vari ation of the standar d IGP bar c ode comm ands.
212 Chapter 3 Incremental Bar C ode Fields STARTDATA Defines the sta rting v alue of the increm enting field. The maxim um amount o f STARTDA TA chara cters must be l ess than or equal to t he numb er of charac ters in the STEPMAS K field.
Incremental Bar Code Dynamic Data Fie lds 213 The Incre mental Ba r Code Dynam ic Data Fie lds command is a va riation of the standa rd IGP bar code c ommands. U se this c ommand wi th the appropria te parame ters from t he standar d Bar Co de comma nd when automatic incre menting of dynamic bar code da ta fields is required .
214 Chapter 3 Incremental Bar C ode Fields Duplicatin g Incremental Ba r Code Fie lds Fixed and dynamic increment al bar c ode data fi elds ar e duplicated horizontal ly and ver tically i n the sam e way that inc remental alphanum eric fixed and dynamic data fiel ds are dupl icated.
215 4 Form Examples and Exer cises Form Examples The followi ng examp le demons trates how to use Crea te comman ds in the Create Form m ode usin g the CP.DP for mat. The prin ted output fo r this program i s shown i n Figure 46 on page 2 17. The box surrou nding the form represent s the p aper si ze.
216 Chapter 4 Form Examples 21;1-34 22;1-34 23;1-34 24;1-60 25;1-60 26;1-60 27;1-60 28;1-59 29;1-59 30;1-35 31;1-36 32;1-39 33;1-58 34;1-58 35;1-58 36;1-58 37;1-58 38;1-57 39;4-24 40;7-23 41;8-23 42;9.
218 Chapter 4 Form Examples Example: Dynamic Data The proce ss of exec uting dyn amic alphan umeric and bar cod e data fiel ds is explain ed in the fo llowing e xercise s. Each stage inclu des printi ng the program; ho wever, the total prog ram may b e entered as o ne unit.
Example: Dynamic Data 219 Fig ure 47 . Sample Form.
220 Chapter 4 Form Examples Bar Code F ields Identify t he locati on of the da ta fields for each of the six bar codes ( one locatio n at each S .O., S/N, a nd P/N fie ld on the fo rm). The t ype of bar c ode and the h uman reada ble data in formation is also s pecifie d within the b ar code commands .
Example: Dynamic Data 221 Dynamic Alphanum eric Fields Identify the locati on of the dy namic a lphanumeri c fields us ing the alphanum erics command. I nput the fol lowing al phanumer ic command lines after the HDUP;OFF command and before the Create Form mode END line.
222 Chapter 4 Form Examples Dynamic Alp hanumeri c and Bar Code Data Enter the dynamic data following th e Execut e command . These dyna mic data commands will s upply the va riable data to the b ar code and alphan umeric fields pre viously ide ntified in the Create Form mode .
Example: Dynamic Data 223 AF6;20;12.8;49;0;0 STOP END ~EXECUTE;SAMPLE ~AF1;*B AND C CO* ~AF2;*P.O. BOX 212* ~AF3;*LOS ANGELES, CA 90051* ~AF4;*M.H. INC.
224 Chapter 4 Form Examples Figu re 48 . Dynamic Da ta Example.
Example: Dynamic Data 225 Example: A uto Incremen t Fields The followi ng program , designe d in acc ordance wi th current s pecificat ions for AIAG- B-3 shippi ng la bel standa rds, cre ates fo ur automa tically in crement ing/ decrem enting AIAG labels w ith alphan umeric and bar cod e data.
226 Chapter 4 Form Examples 1;14.9;1;40 1;19.6;1;40 STOP VERT 1;26;8.4;14.9 1;40;14.9;25.2 STOP ALPHA C15;1.8;2;0;0;*PART NO * C15;2.6;2;0;0;*(P)* I;4.3;9;4;4;0000000000 2;*A0000000001* C15;8.9;2;0;0;*QUANTIT Y* C15;9.6;2;0;0;* (Q)* 10.5;8;4;4;*100* C15;11.
Example: Dynamic Data 227 Figur e 49 . Auto Increment Fields Example.
228 Chapter 4 Form Exercise Form Exercise In the followi ng exampl e, you will cre ate and execute a fo rm. Using char acter scalin g (discuss ed in detai l on page 83) on a 6 0 x 72 dot per inch (dp .
Creating a Box a nd Corners 229 3. The IGP is n ow ready for Cr eate Form mod e comman ds. Design a box with a line thic kness ( LT ) of 2 dots , a top lef t corner at startin g row ( SR ) 35, sta rting co lumn ( SC ) 16, and a bottom ri ght corner at ending row ( ER ) 53, end ing colu mn ( EC ) 61.
230 Chapter 4 Form Exercise Figu re 50 . Box and Corner Example Adding Horizontal and V ertical Lines 7. Now return to the file. When th e file reope ns, the ex isting p rogram (the conte nts of the f ile) is displa yed. Use y our sy stem com mands to reopen the file.
Adding Fixed Alphanumeric Text 231 The last tw o command s have ad ded to the f orm defin ition. PRA CTICE now lo oks like Fi gure 51. Figu re 51 . Box/Corner Example with H orizontal and Vertical Lines Adding Fixed Alphanumeric T ext 10. Use the Cr eate Form mod e Alpha c ommand to add so me fixed alphanum eric text to the form.
232 Chapter 4 Form Exercise At this po int, the PRACTC.FRM fil e should cont ain the f ollowing fo rm program data: ~CREATE;PRACTICE BOX 2;35;16;53;61 STOP CORNER 3;30;13;57;64;5;7 STOP HORZ 1;40;16;6.
Adding a Bar Code 233 Figure 52 . Practice Form Example Adding a Bar Code 11. Change the form defi nition by adding ba r code t ype Code 39 (C3/9), one of the cod es avai lable on th e IGP. Firs t, reopen the file. Bar codes are defined i n the Crea te Form mod e; therefo re, the Bar Code comm and must be e ntered bef ore the E nd comman d line.
234 Chapter 4 Form Exercise 12. To dynami cally i nput alpha numeric da ta fields , first ide ntify the loc ations for the data i n the Create Fo rm mode as p art of the form d efinition. E nter the locat ions in the exis ting Alph a command sequence ( or use a ne w Alpha c ommand).
Adding a Bar Code 235 40.3;17;0;0;*PART NUMB ER* 40.3;50;0;0;*MFG. DATE * 45.3;17;0;0;*DESCRIPTI ON* 49.3;17;0;0;*INTERFACE * 49.3;50;0;0;*VERSION* C13;31;16;0;0;*FROM:* C15;54;26;0;0;*Call AC ME MOTOR for more information.* C15;55;34;0;0;*(714)86 3-1900* AF1;7;38.
236 Chapter 4 Logo Exercise Logo Exercise In this ex ercise, you will gen erate a l ogo. The foll owing sa mple use s a hand logo. U sing dot sc aling (d iscuss ed in det ail on page 83) on an 8-1/ 2 x 11-inch form, a ha nd was dra wn on a gri d, with each dot tabula ted by row and c olumn positio n.
Creating a Logo 237 Creating a Logo 1. Use your s ystem comm ands to o pen a fi le for the lo go progr am with th e filename HNDLGO.FOM. For example: Enter Format HNDLGO.FOM (System Format) 2. Input the S pecial Fu nction Con trol Char acter and L ogo mode c ommand to put the IGP in the Create Lo go mode.
238 Chapter 4 Logo Exercise 10;27-34;52-54 11;24-33;48-54 12;22-31;45-54 13;19-30;41-54 14;16-29;38-53 15;13-29;36-51 16;11-29;33-48 17;9-44 18;7-42 19;6-39 20;4-36 21;1-34 22;1-34 23;1-34 24;1-60 25;.
Page Layout Considerations 239 Form Design In this exer cise, you will pr oduce a compl ete form by ske tching it out on a grid in the sa me way the logo wa s designed. Again , this exer cise uses characte r scalin g on an 8- 1/2 x 11-in ch (60 x 72 dpi) pag e.
240 Chapter 4 Form Design 7;30-38 8;29-36 9;28-35 10;27-34 ;52-54 11;24-33 ;48-54 12;22-31 ;45-54 13;19-30 ;41-54 14;16-29 ;38-53 15;13-17 ;19-29;36-5 1 16;11-17 ;20-29;33-4 8 17;9-17;2 1-44 18;7-17;2.
Planning the Form Layout 241 Figur e 55 . Sample Form Design.
242 Chapter 4 Form Design Figu re 56 . Logo Design.
Creating a Form and Adding Form Components 243 Creating a Form and Adding Form Components 4. Create the form and start addin g the form compo nents from th e layout grid. (Refe r to Figure 5 5 on page 2 41.) Use the S pecial Functio n Control Character and C reate com mand to define a form name d HCBOATS.
244 Chapter 4 Form Design 8. All the t ext shown on the g rid is fixed into p osition on th e form wit h a single Alpha co mmand s equence . The sta rting row, s tarting column, a nd text can be taken ri ght from th e grid an d put into the program .
Creating a Form and Adding Form Components 245 10. Add the l ogo and end the Create Form mode . Use the Lo go Call comm and, spec ify the s tarting row ( SR ) at 12 a nd colum n ( SC ) at 18 as shown on the g rid and call the l ogo by name (HANDCRFT).
246 Chapter 4 Form Design Figure 57 . Completed Sample Form hcform.ex.
Example 247 Directory Command The Direc tory com mand li sts the contents of the I GP direc tory in IGP mem ory. The director y comm and provid es the fol lowing in formation : • All for m names a n.
248 Chapter 4 Delete Command Delete Command The Dele te comman d deletes any indivi dual for m or logo fr om the IGP memory accord ing to yo ur spec ificatio ns. The del etion of a form inc ludes it s directo ry entry and any al phanumer ic or vector info rmation ass ociated wit h it.
Example 249 4. If the error persists o r you c annot locate i t in the pr ogram, us e the debug parameter [/] in the Create c ommand as described i n the “Error Codes ” chapter .
250 Chapter 4 Solving Program Errors.
251 5 Multinational Character Sets Introduction The Multina tional Character Set ac cesses one of many internationa l character sets. Ea ch char acter set is 96 char acters lon g and can be access ed by configur ation se lecti on or IGP comma nd. Indivi dual cha racter s in the f ont can be acce ssed with the use of data bit 8.
252 Chapter 5 Introduction Charact er Addresse s Both the A SCII and mu ltinat ional ch aracter sets have hex values for each charac ter and sym bol. The prim ary ch aracter set ( ASCII ch aracters ) resides at hex add resses r anging from 00 to 7 F.
OCR Character Sets 253 Accessing Characters and Characte r Sets OCR Charac ter Sets Pur pose Accesses OCR-A an d OCR-B character sets. Mode CREATE, NORMAL a nd EXECUTE Format See Comme nts Comments In the C reate mode , you can ac cess OCR fonts using t he alphanum eric comm and.
254 Chapter 5 Accessing Characters and Char acter Sets User- Defined Se t Command (USET) Pur pose Cr eates cu stom charac ter sets (ex cept OC R fonts) f rom exi sting charac ters st ored in memo ry. Mode NORMAL Format (cc)USET n ca;fa END (cc) Re present s the S p eci al Funct ion Co ntrol Char acter .
User-Defined Set Command (USET) 255 Example The followi ng examp le defines User Set 1 to contai n the Multination al font addresses B1 (±), A 1 (¡), and BF (¿) at the hex cell ad dresse s 23, 2 4, and 25, r especti vely.
256 Chapter 5 Accessing Characters and Char acter Sets Charact er Set Selection C ommand (ISET) Pur pose Ac cesses o ne of the 32 multinati onal cha racter se ts from Table 21. Use thi s comma nd to acces s a differen t charac ter set fr om the confi gured pow er-up defaul t chara cter set.
Multinat ional Character S ets 257 Mu ltina tiona l Ch aract er Sets IGP/PGL MULTINATIONAL Set ASCII Set GERMAN Set.
258 Chapter 5 Accessing Characters and Char acter Sets SWEDISH Set DANISH Set NORWEGIAN Set FINNISH Set.
Multinat ional Character S ets 259 ENGLISH Set DUTCH Set FRENCH Set SPANISH Set.
260 Chapter 5 Accessing Characters and Char acter Sets ITALIAN Set TURKISH Set OCR-A Set OCR-B Set.
261 6 Err or Codes IGP/PGL Emulation Error Codes The IGP pro vides code d error me ssages to assist i n “debug ging” prog rams. The printe r will print an error m essage n umber an d the progra m line whic h contains the error when an err or is detected .
262 Chapter 6 IGP/PGL Emulation Error Codes Horizontal Line Errors 01 HORiZontal line starting row SR out of bounds The row sp ecified by the se cond parame ter in th e horizonta l line command pl aces the hori zontal line outs ide the bounda ries of the form.
Vert ical Line Err ors 263 V ertical Line Errors 10 VERTical line starting column SC out of bounds The colum n spe cified b y the sec ond par ameter in the ver tical l ine command places the vertica l line ou tside the for m boundar ies.
264 Chapter 6 IGP/PGL Emulation Error Codes Box Errors 20 BOX starting column SC out of bounds The left (sta rting) col umn spec ified by the third pa rameter in the box com mand places the box o utside the form bou ndaries.
Corner E rrors 265 Corner Er rors 30 CORNER starting column SC out of bounds The left ( starting ) column s pecified by the thir d paramet er in the corner command places the corn er outside the for m boundar ies.
266 Chapter 6 IGP/PGL Emulation Error Codes Alpha Errors 40 ALPHA lea ding and trailing delimiter s mismatched The leading de limiter (pri ntable char acter) of the actua l text string was not ma tched with an end ing delim iter before the line terminator was fo und.
Logo Errors 267 49 ALPHA com pression fac tor Cn error (10, 10 A, 10B, 12, 13, 15, 17 or 20) The optiona l compr ession param eter (C n ) whic h defines the horizontal pitch of the text wa s specifie d incor rectly. The pitches availab le are 10, 10 A, 10B, 12 , 13, 15 , 17 and 20.
268 Chapter 6 IGP/PGL Emulation Error Codes 56 Insufficient memory fo r another LOGO call IGP memory cannot s t ore anoth e r l ogo ca ll. T o cre ate sp ace in the IGP m emory, del ete forms with logo el ements ( including t he logos) no longer required .
Execute Erro rs 269 65 CREATE page starting row PAGE SR out of bounds When yo u specif y the pos ition of th e page par ameters wit h the Page com mand in th e Create Form mode, t he row posit ion specifi ed will p lace the page numbe r above or below the boundari es of the form.
270 Chapter 6 IGP/PGL Emulation Error Codes 74 Missing deli miter - must be a single quotation mark When is suing an SFCC cha nge comm and, the new SFCC charac ter must be c ontained wi thin two si ngle quota tion marks. If the new SFCC charact er is be ing ident ified by the ASCII v alue, no quotati on marks a re requir ed.
Bar Code E rrors 271 84 Missing or wrong delimiter - must be a semicolon ; The delimi ter is eit her wron g or missing . The delim iter exp ected is a semicol on. 85 Missing or wrong delimiter - must be a colon : The delimi ter is eit her wron g or missing .
272 Chapter 6 IGP/PGL Emulation Error Codes 93 BARCODE starting row SR out of bounds The starting row para meter in the bar code command will cause the bar c ode symbol to print either abov e or bel ow the limits of the form.
Reverse P rint Erro rs 273 104 Dynamic BARCODE da ta field BFn not previously defined Dynamic data fiel d designa ted in the Execute For m mode was not def ined in th e Create Form mode.
274 Chapter 6 IGP/PGL Emulation Error Codes 123 EXECUTE form too long for current page setting The form wa s defined in one or ientation while se nt to pri nt in another ori entatio n. Use the debug sl ash (/) w hen creating a form to show whi ch elem ent is out of bounds .
Multinational Charac ter Set Errors 275 was expe cted. Erro r was caus ed possibl y by an i nvalid num eric value or an alpha character . 153 USET substituted character illegal - must be 1 of 16 During cha racter su bstitutio n in the US ET comman d, the hex value fo r the cha racter bei ng replace d must be one of th e specifi ed 16 h ex valu es.
276 Chapter 6 IGP/PGL Emulation Error Codes.
277 A Standar d ASCII Character Set KEY ASCII CHARACTER ESC 33 27 1B OCTAL DECIMAL HEX B 7 0 0 00 11 1 1 B6 0 B5 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 COLUMN 0 1 2 3 45 67 BITS ROW B4 B2 B3 B1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7.
278 Appendix A.
279 B Grid Pr ograms and Samples The Standard Grid. The standard grid is us ed for fo rm design. Th e program for the stand ard grid is lis ted belo w, and a sample of the s tandard grid fol lows on the nex t page. Ph otocopy t he grid p rovided or enter the gr id prog ram and make yo ur own printout.
281 The Logo Grid . The prog ram for a l ogo grid is listed b elow and th e sample grid follo ws. It is n ot the full size logo grid; the grid can m easure up to 240 colu mns wide b y 252 rows high fo r a logo 4 x 3.5 in ches. Ph otocopy the grid or enter the grid pr ogram to obt ain a p rintout.
283 C V ertical Paper Motion Introduction There are th ree method s of adva ncing the print po sition wi th the IGP which are exp lained in thi s append ix: 1. Using li ne feed s or form f eeds; 2. Using the paper in struction (PI) line ; or 3. Using the Electroni c Verti cal Format U nit (EVFU ).
284 Appendix C Paper M otion Using the PI Line (Relative Line Slewing) The binar y slew comm ands ca n skip from 1 throug h 15 or 1 through 16 li nes on the for m, dependi ng on how th e Slew Ran ge config uration o ption is configur ed. Refer to Table 24 which illustr ates how lines are s kipped f or each value.
General EVFU Programming 285 Paper Motion Using the EVFU The Elect ronic Vertical Format Unit (EVFU) i s an efficie nt method o f skipping to a spec ified prin t positio n during repetitive printing tas ks. The E VFU affects the vert ical pla cement of overlay d ata produced in the Execute For m mode.
286 Appendix C Paper Motion Using the EVFU Start Load C ode - 1E or 6E Hex The Start Load code clears an d initial izes the E VFU memory fo r channe l assign ment stor age. Refer to Table 25 or Table 26 for the appr opriate st art load cod e. Channel Assignment The EVFU memory has the capa city for 92 -line fo rms.
Using the EVFU 287 3. Data bit 5 m ust be 0 (no t set). OR: 1. The PI lin e must be disabled or low; 2. Bits 7 a nd 6 must b e 0 (not s et); and 3. Data bit 5 m ust be 1 (s et). Given thes e conditi ons, the l ower four bi ts of a byt e specify th e EVFU chan nel number.
288 Appendix C Paper Motion Using the EVFU T able 26. EVFU Codes — PI Line Di sabled or Not Use d Clearing the EVF U Memory The followi ng actio ns rese t (clear) th e EVFU memo ry: 1. Sending only the s tart loa d code. 2. Sending a start load code f ollowed i mmediately by an end load code .
EVFU Examp l e 289 EVFU Example The followi ng EVFU ex ample is a 2-inch form at 6 l pi line spacing . Thus, 12 lines o n the form must be de fined. The fo rm is rep eated 3 times.
290 Appendix C Paper Motion Using the EVFU The four l ines of E VFU overlay da ta (shown in boldface type) follow the two lines of dynamic data. This ove rlay da ta is positi oned on the form accor ding to the sp ecified ch annel c odes ca lled.
EVFU Examp l e 291 Figure 58. Sample EVFU Form Form Output Line No. 1 (TOF) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Start Load End Load EVFU Channel Code Sent 1 (TOF) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 (TOF) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9.
292 Appendix C Paper Motion Using the EVFU.
293 Index A Alphanum eric comma nd, 29 data, 27 duplica ting i ncremen tal fields, 41 dynamic data, 2 34 errors, 26 6 execute dynamic dat a, 62 execute overlay d ata, 67 increm ent fixed data, 38 incr.
294 ASCII, 277 Char acter Sets access in g, 253 extended, 14 multinati ona l, 14 OCR, 253 user-defi ned, 254 Char acter Siz es Printab le Data in Barcodes, 90 Char acter s height/wid th, 14 printabl e.
295 ITF- 14, 137 line pr inter emu lation, 74 Line Spacing, 71 line terminato r, 24 Lis ten, 74 Logo Call , 74 Matrix, 143 MSI, 149 Normal Mode , 16, 17, 78 Page N umber, 78 Paper, 7 9 Paper In struct.
296 Dynamic Alphanum eric Data, 27, 29, 234 E EAN 13, 12 3 command format, 12 5 example , 128 stru cture, 12 3 EAN 8, 118 command format, 12 0 example , 122 stru cture, 11 8 Electroni c Verti cal Form.
297 ISET comm and, 25 6 F Fea tur es alphanum eric dat a, 14 graphic capabilit ies, 14 IGP/PGL e mulation, 13 increm ental da ta, 22 FIM, 129 command format, 13 1 example , 133 stru cture, 12 9 Fixed .
298 M Matrix, 141 comma nds, 1 43 example , 146 stru cture, 14 1 Memory , 25 Miscel la neou s Er ror s, 270 Mode Create Logo, 2 36 Execute Form, 2 34 Modes Create Logo, 7 6 Execute Form, 5 8 Nor mal, .
299 example , 166 RPT Parameter, 38, 66, 211 RST Parameter, 39, 67, 211 S Scale Co mmand, 83 Scalin g capab ilities, 14 Select Fo rmat Command, 84 Semicol on, 23 SETUP Comm and, 81 Setup Fi les Fe atu.
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Wenn Sie Printronix LQH-HWTM noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Printronix LQH-HWTM - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Printronix LQH-HWTM reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Printronix LQH-HWTM erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Printronix LQH-HWTM besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Printronix LQH-HWTM verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Printronix LQH-HWTM. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Printronix LQH-HWTM gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.