Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung DEH-8018ZT des Produzenten Pioneer
Zur Seite of 64
Owner’s Manual for AM/FM/HD Radio Broadcast/CD Player with iPod/ USB control/Bluetooth-Audio Audio System T O Y O T A P ART NO . PT546-0 0 120.
2 <CRB3644-B/U>2 Alteration or modif ications car ried o ut wi thout ap propria te author iza tion may invalida te the us er ’ s r ight to op era te the equ ipm ent. FC C ID : A JDK0 36 MOD EL NO . : D EH - 8 01 8Z T IC : 7 75E- K03 6 This d evi ce c omplie s wi th Par t 1 5 of th e FCC Rul es and RS S - Gen of th e IC Rule s.
3 <CRB3644-B/U>3 Featu re s CD pl ayba ck Music C D/CD - R /C D - RW p laybac k is possi ble. MP 3 f ile p lay bac k Y o u can p lay bac k MP 3 f iles recorded on CD - ROM/CD- R /CD- RW (ISO9 6 6 0 Level 1/ Leve l 2 st and ard re cor dings) or USB por t able audio player / USB memo r y .
4 <CRB3644-B/U>4 About i P o d Repr oduc ing and p laying b ac k non - c opyrigh ted ma ter ial and mate rial tha t can l egally b e rep rod uc ed and p layed b ac k for pri vate us e is p ermi t te d wi th the iPod. Inf ring emen t of copy right i s legall y prohib ite d.
5 <CRB3644-B/U>5 Impor tant information about thi s manual For s afe t y r eas ons, this manual indic at es i tem s re quirin g par tic ular at ten tion wi th the f ollowing mar ks . NOTIC E This i s a warning a gains t any thin g whic h may c aus e damag e to the ve hicl e or it s eq uipmen t if th e warning is ignore d.
6 <CRB3644-B/U>6 Cont ents Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 <CRB3644-B/U>7 Mai n Dis plays and P oss ib le Ope rations or RIGH T LEFT UP DO W N MUL TI KNOB P ossible operations are indicated. The f ollowing are the main display s that appear during UP/DO WN/RIGHT/LEFT and MUL TI KNOB operation. Eac h display indicates the operations that are cur rently available.
8 <CRB3644-B/U>8 Basi c Ope ration Y o ur audio sys te m works w hen t he ignition s wi tc h is in the “ ACC” or “O N” p o s i t i o n . NOTIC E T o avoid drainin g the ba t te r y , do not l eave the c ar audio on longer t han nec e ss ar y w hen t he engine is not running.
9 <CRB3644-B/U>9 SSP (Sc i on So und Pr oc e ss in g) SS P is a modi fied DSP ( Digit al Signal Proc essing) system that provi des a customized sound for your vehicl e. Press the MU L TI K N OB to disp lay the current SS P mod e settin g. While the set ting is d isplayed , press repeatedl y to switch to the f o llowing modes.
10 <CRB3644-B/U>1 0 NOTIC E The A SR f unc tion c an only b e sel ec t ed w hen play ing MP 3 / WM A /A AC from C D and iPod, USB por tab le audio player/ USB memor y/ Blueto oth - Audio. The A S R f unc tion d oes n ot supp or t ex ter nal c ompre ss ed audio media.
11 <CRB3644-B/U>1 1 BLU ETO OTH If you selec t BLUE TOOT H, you ca n make the settings for c onnecting an d controllin g Bluetooth devi ces. T o select the follow ing set ting options, tur n the MULTI KN OB cloc k wise or counterclo ck wise and press the MU L TI K N OB.
12 <CRB3644-B/U>12 Listen ing to the RADIO 1 FM1/2 Switches bet ween FM1 and FM2 modes. 2 AM•SA T Switches bet ween the A M mode and SAT 1/ 2 / 3 mo des. (must have S atellite Radi o receiver and antenna installe d at an additi onal charg e to listen t o S atellite Radio .
13 <CRB3644-B/U>13 4 MUL TI KNOB (SELECT LIST) T urn the MUL T I K NO B clo ck wise or counterclo ck wise to selec t a sta - tion. P ress the MUL T I K NO B to set the station.
14 <CRB3644-B/U>1 4 Listen ing to the HD Radio b roadca st HD Radio TM T e chnolo gy is a te rre s trial digit al radio br oadc as t tha t utilize s AM / FM analogue br oadc as ting f re - quen cie s to tran smit digit al signal s. For inf orma tion r egard ing vie win g me thod s, r ef er to Li st ening t o the R AD IO (pag e 1 2 ).
15 <CRB3644-B/U>15 1 RIGHT (TUNE <UP>) When rec eiving the H D Rad io Broad cast sign al and tuning in a Multicast C hannel - supp or ted broad cast in so mething other than analo gue, the following ac tions will occur e ach time you press.
16 <CRB3644-B/U>16 No title name is display ed when playing back a CD containing no t e xt infor mation. Listen ing to a CD NOTIC E Never tr y to disa sse mble or oil any par t of the compa c t disc player . Do not inser t any thing excep t a compac t disc into the slot .
17 <CRB3644-B/U>17 1 DISC Switches to the CD mo de. (Onl y effec tive if a disc is l oad ed.) 2 (EJECT) Press to eject the disc . 3 LIST/MENU Press to displ ay a CD Li st. Use the MULTI KN OB to selec t a CD from the list. 4 MUL TI KNOB (SELECT LIST) T urn the MUL T I K NO B clo ck wise or counterclockw ise to select the desired title.
18 <CRB3644-B/U>18 Listen ing to MP3 / WMA/ A A C DISC 1 DISC Switches to the DIS C mode. ( Only effec tive if a disc is l oad ed.) 2 (EJECT) Press to eject the disc . 3 LIST/MENU Press to displ ay an MP 3 / WM A /A AC L ist. Use the MULTI KN OB to selec t an item from the list.
19 <CRB3644-B/U>1 9 5 RIGHT (TRACK <UP>) Press to procee d to the ne x t file. Press and hol d until you hear a beep. Play ing of the file is fast for warded . ( T here is no sound.) 6 LEFT (TRACK <DO WN>) Press to takes you back to the star t of the file currently pl aying.
20 <CRB3644-B/U>20 NOTIC E When playing bac k a disc rec orde d with the Multi Ses sion sy ste m, the fir st se ssion only is playe d back . If the f irs t se ssion c ombines MP 3, WMA and A AC f iles and music dat a ( CD - DA) , this produc t only plays the music dat a.
21 <CRB3644-B/U>21 Abo ut iPod s of t war e ver sion The iPo d sof t war e ver sion s that ca n be us ed w ith t his unit ar e as follow s ( op er ation s veri fie d as of October 20 1 0) : iPod (5th generation ) ver . 1 . 3 iPod classic ver . 2.
22 <CRB3644-B/U>22 NOTIC E T o r es olve mos t prob lems whe n usin g your iPod wi th the Sc ion Audio sy st em, disc onne c t your iPod fr om the vehic le iPod c onne c tion and re se t it . For in st ruc t ions on how to re se t your iPod, re fe r to the User Guid e of your iPod.
23 <CRB3644-B/U>23.
24 <CRB3644-B/U>24 Listeni ng to son g s on the iPod 1 iP od•USB Press the but ton repeatedl y until the source be comes iPo d. NOTIC E If an iPod is not conn ec te d, it will not switc h to iPod even if you pres s the iPod • USB bu t ton.
25 <CRB3644-B/U>25 4 RIGHT (TRACK <UP>, CHAPTER<UP>) Press to procee d to the ne x t trac k or chapte r . Press and hol d to the right until you hear a bee p.
26 <CRB3644-B/U>26 A BC SE ARCH on an iPod Y o u can s ear ch f or an ite m in the lis t disp layed on the iPo d by the f irs t c harac t er ( alp hanumer ic char- acter s only ). 1 Press the LI ST/ MEN U but ton. While the lis t is displayed , press the LIS T/M ENU but ton again.
27 <CRB3644-B/U>27 About handl ing the USB por ta ble audio pla y e r / U SB mem or y For inf orma tion on USB por t able audio player/ USB memor y re st ric tion s, re fe r to page 5 7 “USB por t able audio pl ayer/USB memor y compatibi lit y .
28 <CRB3644-B/U>28 Liste ning to USB por table aud io play e r / USB me mor y 1 iP od•USB Press the but ton repeatedl y until the source be comes US B po r tabl e audio playe r/ USB memor y .
29 <CRB3644-B/U>29.
30 <CRB3644-B/U>30 NOTIC E An ad ditional G enuine T oy o ta sa telli te re c eiver and an tenna mus t be p urc hase d and in st alle d to lis te n to Sa tellit e radio broa dc as t in your ve hicl e. NOTIC E An X M Sat ellite Ra dio sub - sc rip tion is r equir ed t o lis ten t o Sat elli te radio in yo ur vehic le.
31 <CRB3644-B/U>31 How to s ubs c ribe to XM Satel lite R ad io <Op ti on > NOTIC E All f ee s and pr ogrammin g are the r es pons ibilit y of XM S ate llite Radio and ar e subje c t to chan ge. Lis te ner s c an sub sc rib e by visi ting XM on th e Web at w w w.
32 <CRB3644-B/U>32 Radio ID Ref er to the c or res pon ding c har t to veri f y t he Radio ID C od e be for e con ta c ting X M Sate llite Ra dio to activate you r ser vic e.
33 <CRB3644-B/U>33.
34 <CRB3644-B/U>34 Listen ing to a X M Sate ll ite Rad io bro adcast 1 AM•SA T Switches bet ween the A M mode and SAT 1/ 2 / 3 mo des. NOTIC E Mus t have XM Sa telli te Radio re ce iver , ante nna and ser vi ce ins tall ed a t an addi tional char ge to lis te n to XM Sa te llite Radio.
35 <CRB3644-B/U>35 3 MUL TI KNOB (SELECT LIST) T urn the MUL T I K NO B clo ck wise or counterclockw ise to select the desired channel. Bro adc ast will st ar t by pressing. If you press and ho ld until you hear a beep, the currently tuned stati on is stored as a preset channel in the preset channel lis t.
36 <CRB3644-B/U>36 Usi ng the A U X By in ser tin g a mini plug in to the car AUX adap ter , you c an lis ten to music f rom a por t able audio de vic e through t he vehi cle ’ s s pea ker sy s - tem.
37 <CRB3644-B/U>37 NOTIC E If the mini plug of a commercially ava ilable cab le conne c ted to a por tab le audio or other comp onent is not conne c ted to the c ar AU X adapter , the mode will not change to the AU X mode even if you pres s the iPod • USB b ut t on.
38 <CRB3644-B/U>38 Bluetooth Setti ngs Wi th this uni t, you c an make c alls fr om a Blueto oth - c ompat ible mobile p hone or play mu sic on the audio player . The f ollowin g Bluet ooth pr of iles / prot oc ols are c ompa tibl e wit h this unit .
39 <CRB3644-B/U>39 Di sc on ne c t ing a B lue to ot h Aud io P laye r Y ou c an dis con nec t a Blueto oth audio p layer by th e follow ing operati on.
40 <CRB3644-B/U>40 Se t t ing A ut oma ti c Co nn ec t ion o f a Bluetooth Device Y ou c an sel ect w hether o r not a Blueto oth dev ice is au toma ti - call y conne cted w hen the igni tion switc h is set to O N.
41 <CRB3644-B/U>41.
42 <CRB3644-B/U>42 Listeni ng to Bluetoo th - Aud i o pl ayer 1 iP od•USB Switches to the BT - AUDI O mode. 2 RIGHT (TRACK <UP>) T asks can b e per formed w hen sup - por ted by your Blueto oth device. Press to procee d to the ne x t file.
43 <CRB3644-B/U>43 5 DOWN (ALBUM <DO WN>) T asks can b e per formed w hen sup - por ted by your Blueto oth device. Press to return to the previous album. 6 PRESET1(PLA Y/P AUSE) T asks can b e per formed w hen sup - por ted by your Blueto oth device.
44 <CRB3644-B/U>44 Ph one Set ti ngs Y o u ca n make the var ious s et ting s for us ing the han ds -f re e phon e. T o make t he se t tin gs, dis play the PHON E menu by t he follow ing opera tion.
45 <CRB3644-B/U>45 Reg isteri ng a C onta ct to S pee d Dialing Y ou c an regi ster pho ne numb ers from th e pho neb ook in t his uni t to speed dialing.
46 <CRB3644-B/U>46 De le ti ng a Ph on e Numb e r fr om Sp e ed Dial ing Y ou c an del ete any phon e numbe r from sp eed d iali ng. 1 Pres s the C A LL , tur n the MU L T I K NO B to sel ec t SP EED DI A LS , and p ress th e MU L T I KNOB . 2 Pres s the P RES E T but ton to whic h the ph one num ber you want to de lete is reg istere d.
47 <CRB3644-B/U>47 Set ting t he Ca ll Volume Y ou c an set the c all volu me of the hands- free phone . 1 T urn t he MU L T I K NO B to sele ct S E T HF S OU N D, and press t he MU L T I K N OB. 2 T urn t he MU L T I K NO B to sele ct C A LL V OL , and p ress the M ULTI K NO B.
48 <CRB3644-B/U>48 Usi ng Hands - Fre e P honing 1 CALL Switches bet ween telephone m odes. Pressing C A LL whil e a phone numb er is displ ayed initiates a call to the displ ayed number . P ressing CA L L when there is an incoming c all conne cts the c aller .
49 <CRB3644-B/U>49 3 PRESET 1 -5 Initiates a call to the registered phone numb er . 4 PRESET 6 Mutes your voice and switches the phone func tion from this unit to your mobile phone. 5 TEXT If you press TE X T when there is informatio n that cannot finish b eing displ ayed, you can se e information on conti nuation.
50 <CRB3644-B/U>50 Changing the Openin g Screen Wi th the main uni t sw itc he d on af ter p re ss ing the Power b ut ton, onc e the key i s turne d f rom the ACC pos ition to t he of f p osi tion and ba ck to AC C again, “SCI ON” is disp layed a s the Op ening S cr ee n.
51 <CRB3644-B/U>51 Ed it ing t he T ex t The S E TU P menu will be displ ayed when MU L TI K N OB is held down w hile the power is in “ OFF ” position. T urn the M UL T I K NO B to select the OP ENIN G. Y ou can enter the charac ter at the flashing cur sor positio n.
52 <CRB3644-B/U>52 Initial Set ting T o dis play the S ET UP menu, pre s s and hold th e MUL T I KN OB while the p ower is in "OFF " po siti on.
53 <CRB3644-B/U>53 Connecting an ex te rna l amp li f ie r Whe n you conn ec t an ex te rnal amplif ier to RC A conn ec tor s, ple as e ins t all ac c ordin g to the amplif ier manual. Subwoofer output CA UT ION A st andard s peaker's input is rate d 1 7 .
54 <CRB3644-B/U>54 T rack/station selection but ton ( , ) • When listening to the radio: Press the but ton and the preset memor y is recalled in order . If y ou continue pressing the but ton for an extended period, automatic station selection begins.
55 <CRB3644-B/U>55 M P3 addi tional info rma tion • Files are compatible with the ID3 T ag V er . 1 .0, 1 .1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 formats for displa y of album (disc title), trac k (trac k title), artist (trac k artist) and comments. V er . 2.x of ID3 T ag is given priority when both V er .
56 <CRB3644-B/U>56 About folde rs and M P3 / WMA/ A A C file s • An outline of a CD-ROM and USB port- able audio play er/USB memor y with MP3/WMA/AA C files on it is shown belo w . Subfolders are sho wn as folders in the folder currently selected.
57 <CRB3644-B/U>57 USB por ta ble audio p lay er / USB memor y c ompatibi lit y • USB version: 2.0, 1 .1 and 1 .0 • USB data transfer rate: full speed • USB Class: MSC (Mass Storage Class).
58 <CRB3644-B/U>58 Te r m s P ac k et write This is a ge neral term for a method of writing o n CD - R , etc. at the time required for a file, just as is done with files on fl oppy or h ard discs. Bit rate This expresses d ata volume p er second , or bps ( bits per se cond ) units.
59 <CRB3644-B/U>59 C D play er and c are • Use o nly C Ds th at have eit her of the t wo Co mpa ct D isc Di git al Aud io mar ks as show n below. • Use o nly no rma l, round C Ds . If you inser t i rreg ular, non - rou nd, sh ap ed CD s they may j am in th e CD pl ayer or not pl ay prop erl y .
60 <CRB3644-B/U>60 Error i ndi cations If the C D player d oe s not wor k, t he CD s top s sud denl y during play bac k , or a similar pr oblem o c cur s, an er ror indic ati on will app ear on the di splay .
61 <CRB3644-B/U>61 Whe n prob lems o c cur whil e the iPod is c onne c te d to this unit , a me ss age w ill appe ar on the dis play . Ref er to th e tab le b elow to ide nti f y th e probl em, the n ta ke the sug ges te d c orre c ti ve ac tion .
62 <CRB3644-B/U>62 Whe n prob lems o cc ur wi th the USB p or t able audio p layer/ USB memor y is c onne c te d to this unit , a me ss age will app ear on th e display. Re fe r to the t able b elow to id enti f y t he prob lem, the n ta ke the sug ges te d c orre c tive action.
63 <CRB3644-B/U>63 Whe n probl ems o cc ur wi th the X M tuner , a me ss age w ill appe ar on the dis play . Ref er to the t abl e be low to iden - tif y the p robl em, the n ta ke the sug ges t ed c orr ec ti ve ac ti on.
64 <CRB3644-B/U>64 Changing or dis c onnec ting yo u r b at te r y Abo ut ASL se t ti ng If the bat ter y is change d or discon - nected , you cannot setup the A S L setup optio n until the vehicle is mov- ing. Speci ficati ons General Power source .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Pioneer DEH-8018ZT (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Pioneer DEH-8018ZT noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Pioneer DEH-8018ZT - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Pioneer DEH-8018ZT reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Pioneer DEH-8018ZT erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Pioneer DEH-8018ZT besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Pioneer DEH-8018ZT verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Pioneer DEH-8018ZT. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Pioneer DEH-8018ZT gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.