Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung GL 8800 des Produzenten ATI Technologies
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Fire GL 8800 64/128 MB User's Guide V er si on 1 . 0 P / N 137 - 50002- 10 Rev. A © C opyright 2001, b y ATI Tec hnologi es Inc. All rights r eserv ed, inc ludi ng tho se to reprod uce th is gui de or parts t her eof , in any for m withou t the exp ress written permis sion of ATI Techn ologie s In c.
ii Disclaimer The manuf actur er (MFR) reserve s the right t o make c hanges to this doc ument and the product s whic h it des cribes without noti ce. The MFR s hall not be liab le f or technica l or .
iii Table of Content s Gettin g Started ....... .... ..... ..... ....... ...... ..... .... ........ .... ..... .... .. 1 U s in g th is G u id e........ ................ ........... ................ .......... ........... ................ ........ 2 V i e w i n g th e U s e r's G u id e O n lin e.
iv Referenc e.... ..... ..... ..... ....... ..... ... ..... ....... ..... .... ..... ........ ..... .. 40 R e m o vi ng t he Fi r e G L 8800 D r i ver s . . . ..................... ........... ................ .............. 4 0 T ro u b le s h o o tin g .
1 CHAPT ER 1 Getting Started Experience the speed and reliabilit y of t he FIRE GL™ 8800 workstation board. Based on the revolutionar y next generation geometry and rendering technolog y from ATI, it delivers affordable high-end workstation 3D/2D graphics acceleration.
2 G etti ng Sta r ted Using this Guide For your convenience, this online User’s Guide has been formatted as an Adobe ® A cr obat ® PDF file. T his format gives y ou great flexibilit y when using this documentation. Many hyperlinks provide easy a ccess to any information yo u ma y want.
Ge tting Sta rted 3 Viewing the Us er's Guide Online You can also read the User's Gu ide online—important hypertext links, such as Tab le of Contents entries, World Wide Web, and email addresses are active. Place your mouse cursor over Table o f Contents entries or main he adi ng s.
4 G etti ng Sta r ted Fire GL 8800 Features • RADE ON™ 8800 GP U and 64 MB or 128 MB D DR memor y • CHARIS MA E NGINE™ II supports ful l Transfor mation, Clipping and Lighting (T& L) at 75 million triangles/second pea k processi ng capability • PIXEL TAPES TRY™ II, the 3D rendering en g ine, powers 2.
Ge tting Sta rted 5 System Requirements and Tools Computer sys tem • Pe ntium® 4/III/II /Cele ron TM ; AMD® K6/A thlon® or compa tible • 128 MB of system memory 256 MB for best performa nce • Mo the rboard with fr ee AG P 2x/4x slot • CD-ROM drive Operatin g sys tem • Windows® NT 4.
6 G etti ng Sta r ted Quick Installation • Brief in structions on how to get to wo rk with the F ire GL 8800 in the sho rtest possible t ime. • Recommended f or experienced user s and s ystem adm inistr ator s only.
7 CHAPT ER 2 Installing the Hardware and Software IN THI S CHAPTER Installing the Har dware on pa ge 7 Installi ng the S of tware on page 20 Installing the Hardw are The hardware installat ion.
8 Installing t he Har dware and So ftware Informa tion Before y ou Sta rt Wha t do yo u need to use your Fir e GL 8800? System R equirem ents and Too ls • Motherbo ard wit h free AGP 2X/4X slot. • 128 MB of syst em memory 256 MB for best performa nce • Syste m inte rrup t (IRQ) which is free .
Inst alling th e H ardwa re an d Softw are 9 What t ype of m onitor s do you need? Your Fire GL 8800 is optimal ly conf igured to be combin ed with digit al flat -panel (DFP) TFT LCD displays an d digital CRT displays . You can als o con nect the Fi re GL 8800 to high-res olutio n MultiSync or multi -frequenc y monit ors or other V GA mon itors.
10 Insta lling the Ha rdware and Sof twa re Are you planni ng a multi-monitor s y stem? • You may co nnect two m onitor s to the Fire GL 8800. • If DDC support is avail able, t he respect ive res olution a nd refr esh rate for ea ch m onito r is automati cally d etected.
Inst alling the Hardw are and Softw are 11 Setting the Display Driv er to Standard VG A To avoid possible driver c onflicts between your old and new graphics card, install th e standard VGA driver for your operating sy stem.
12 Insta lling the Ha rdware and Sof twa re Installing the Card To instal l yo ur graphics accelerator card, fol low these steps: 1 Switch off your computer and all external options (monitor, printer, and other s). Then disconnect all cables fr om th e bac k o f your computer.
Inst alling the H ardw are and Softw are 13 2 Remove the computer cover. If ne ce ss ar y , c on s ult you r c o mp ute r system manual about rem oving the cover. 1 Pow er Supply Remember to discharge your body’s static ele ctricity by touching the metal surface o f the computer chassis 3 Remove any exist ing gr aphics card fr om your comput er .
14 Insta lling the Ha rdware and Sof twa re 4 Insert the card in to the AGP slot. Note: You can use the F ire GL 8800 in either AGP 2x/4x or AGP 2x slots. • Locate the AGP 2x/4x slot. Compare the expansion slots in your computer with the following illustration: • If necessary , remove the metal slot cover from th e AGP slot .
Inst alling the H ardw are and Softw are 15 • Align the slot in the mounting brac ket of the card with the screw hole in the rear panel of the computer case. • Use the screws you removed f rom the expansion sl ot cover or a previously installed graphics card to secure the card in place.
16 Insta lling the Ha rdware and Sof twa re Connecti ng the Cabl es and Compl eting the Ins tallation Connecting the Monitor Cables You m a y connect o ne o r two mon itors , either analog VGA or DFP/digital CRT to the Fire GL 8 800.
Inst alling the H ardw are and Softw are 17 Note Please use t he DVI-t o-VGA adapter provid ed with yo ur card to conne ct a se co nd VG A mon ito r to the DVI connector ( 2).
18 Insta lling the Ha rdware and Sof twa re Connecting a Digital Fla t-Panel (DFP) Monitor or Digital CRT Monitor Securely attach the monitor’s data cable to the DVI o utput connector (2) on the c ard. Attach the cable to the monitor according to the monitor's instru ctions.
Inst alling the H ardw are and Softw are 19 Start your Syste m Switch on your monitor b ef o re you sw itch on yo ur computer. Failing t o do s o c oul d d a ma ge yo ur mo ni tor . If you have correctly in stalled the card, operating system messages will appear on your monitor when the boot procedure is fi nished.
20 Insta lling the Ha rdware and Sof twa re Installing the Softw are Before you Start : Inf orm atio n, Tip s and Hints Software Inst allation f or Windows NT 4.
Inst alling the Hardw are and Softw are 21 Before you Start: Information, Tips, and Hints Before you install the driv ers for yo ur Fire GL 8800 accelerator, make sure your monit o r cable is properl y attached to the card.
22 Insta lling the Ha rdware and Sof twa re HYDRA VISION TM D esktop Managemen t The HYDRAV ISION TM desk top ma n age me nt soft war e will inst al l automatically with the standard driv er ins tallation of the Quick S tart program.
Inst alling the Hardw are and Softw are 23 4 Click Next to c ontinue the installation. 5 When the ATI FGL Install dia l og di spl a ys t he c om p one n ts t o be inst alled click on Next . (Dependin g on wh ich components you chose di fferent windows might appear.
24 Insta lling the Ha rdware and Sof twa re 4 Click the button correspondin g to the t ype of installati on you wa nt. I f you sel e ct Custo m , a list of software compone nts will be displayed. Select the check boxes to specify the compone nts y ou w ant to inst all.
25 CHAPT ER 3 Using Your Fire GL 8800 IN THI S CHAPTER Changing the Vide o Settings on pa ge 2 6 Co nfiguring Applica tion Profiles on page 37 SEE ALSO HYDRAV ISION for Fi re GL As part o f its Windows driv ers, Fire GL 8800 installs additional propert y pages to your Display Proper ties control panel.
26 Using You r Fi re GL 8 800 Changing the V ideo Setting s The dialogs in th e Display Pr operties men u all ow se tti ng and adjusting th e video settings to bes t suit your specifi c requirements. How to Switch to the Display Properties? 1 Start Windows.
Usi ng Your F ire G L 88 00 27 Windows 2000 / Windows XP 1 Select the Se ttings dialog in the Display Propertie s window. 2 Set the resolu tion ( Scree n area ) and Colo rs that best suit y our requirements a nd your monitors ' performance.
28 Using You r F ire GL 8 800 Setting a Du alScre en Co nfiguration 1 Windows N T 4.0 : Select th e Dua lS creen dia log in th e Displ ay Properties window. Windows 2 000 / Wind ows XP: Select the Dual Screen dial og via Disp la y Properties > Settings > Ad va n c e d > Dual Scre en .
Usi ng Your F ire G L 88 00 29 2 Sel e ct yo ur Primary Mo nit o r . The primary monitor is the left monitor or top monitor, respectivel y , of a multiple-monit or desktop . Monitor icon 1 is for the monitor connected to the VGA connector, monitor icon 2 is for the monitor connected to the DVI connector.
30 Using You r Fi re GL 8 800 Windows Select how yo u want to di splay sizeable windows that normally appear in the middle of the screen: • Unchanged , o r • Mo ve d ful l y to t hat monitor wh ere the t op left corner o f the win dow is.
Usi ng Your F ire G L 88 00 31 Selecting your Monitor 1 Windows N T 4.0 : Select t he ATI Monitor dialog in th e Display Proper ties window. Windows 2 000 / Wind ows XP: Select the AT I Mo n it o r di a l og via Disp la y Properties > Settings > Ad va n c e d > AT I Monitor .
32 Using You r Fi re GL 8 800 You can customize th e settings of the connected monitors. For mo re in form atio n on s ett ing up th e mo nito rs ref er to the conte xt se nsi tiv e o nl ine h elp .
Usi ng Your F ire G L 88 00 33 4 Clic k th e Ap p l y or OK button to enable yo ur m onitor s ettin gs. Sele ct from lis t (co ntinue d) If the lis t does not dis play yo ur monitor type and y ou have a disk f rom the monit or man ufact urer, use the Have Di sk button to imp ort the mon itor in formatio n to the in ternal m onito r list.
34 Using You r Fi re GL 8 800 Adjus ting the M onito r Displa y Using this dialog you can adjust the display of the connected monitor(s). For more information on adjust ing the monitor's display refer to the context sensitive online help. 1 Windows N T 4.
Usi ng Your F ire G L 88 00 35 2 Monitor Tuning : • With the buttons in the Mo ve an d Size sections you can tune the position and size of the monitor's display for the indicated resolution and.
36 Using You r Fi re GL 8 800 3 Gamma Corr ection A djustment : Adjus t the monitor's gamma correction for optimal brightness with the red, green and blue slider bars. When these sliders are changed the gamma correction table modifies each pixel's color value.
Usi ng Your F ire G L 88 00 37 Configuring Application Profiles Use th e C onfigur at ion dial og to customize application pro files for individual application settings. How to switc h to the Confi guration dia log? Windows N T 4.0 : Select Display Pr operties > Configuration .
38 Using You r Fi re GL 8 800 Notes (1) The co nfigurat ion def ault sett ings ty picall y requir e modi fication on ly for the follow ing : • diagnosti c purpos es • fine-tuni ng a spec ifi c app.
Usi ng Your F ire G L 88 00 39 Adding a ne w application profile: Clic k th e Ad d button in the Configuration Profiles section and enter the new application for which you want to set the configuration parameters.
40 CHAPT ER 4 Reference IN THI S CHAPTER Removing the Fire GL 8800 Dri ver s on page 40 Troubleshooting on pa ge 42 Technic al De ta ils on page 45 Compliance Inf ormation on pa g e 52.
Referenc e 41 3 Click A dd/R em ov e com pone nt . Select ATI Fire GL 8800 Video Accelerator and unc heck th e checkbox Note : Make sure that onl y those components are unchecke d that you want to remove now. (Click Back and Ad d/ Re m o ve compo nen t to select specific software c omponents for removal.
42 Referen ce Troublesh ooting Your board is a complex electro nic device and can onl y be repaired by authorized technical person nel with speci al equipment. Do not attempt to change or repair any parts of this product. Doing so will render your warra nty invalid.
Referenc e 43 Scre en ima ge is off-ce nter, c olor ba lan ce is wrong, or t here is no pictur e • Try adjusti ng the bri ghtness , shar pness , contr ast, and c olor balance c ontrols of your moni tor. • Try adjusti ng the cent ering an d posi tionin g controls of your monitor to p osit ion the pic ture on th e scree n.
44 Referen ce Checking fo r addr ess and in terr upt confl icts • It is neces sary to ensur e that t he I/O and memory addres ses reserve d for t he graphic s boar d are not us ed by ot her ha rdw are de vi ce s.
Referenc e 45 Techn ical Details Features and Per f ormance on p age 45 Pin Assi gn ments on page 47 Video Modes on page 49 Features an d Perfor mance General Operatin g environ ment Wi ndows® NT 4.
46 Refere nce Functional System Windows® NT 4.0, Wi ndows® 2000, Windows® XP Bu s S yst em AGP 2x or AGP 4x/2 x Graphic contro ller RADEONTM 8800 GPU Video memor y Fire GL 8800 /64 MB : 64 MB SDRAM Fire G L 8 800 /1 28 MB: 1 28 MB SDRA M BIOS 128 Kbyte BI OS FlashROM, reprogr ammable by soft ware , 3 .
Referenc e 47 3D Per formance Test s y stem: Intel P4 1.5 GHz, single processor, 512 MB Ramb us Pin A ssignments • 12 . 5 Million antialiase d 3 D 10-pixe l ve ctors per se cond • 29 . 1 Million 3D 10-pixe l ve ctors p er se cond, non -antia liased • 45 .
48 Referen ce DVI- I Output Conne ctor Pin Functio n DVI: D igital V isua l Inte rface DDC: Dis play Data C hann el T.M. D.S : T ra ns itio n Mi n imize d Different ial Signal MicroC ro ss Pins : C1 A.
Reference 49 Video M odes All v ideo modes comply with VESA DMT (Discrete Mo nitor Timing) or VESA GTF (General Timing Format) standar ds. The Fire GL 8800 supp orts HiColor, 16 -bit modes and TrueC olor, 32-bit (24 co lo r , 8 α ) modes. There is no su pport for 8-bit modes .
50 Refere nce Digital Mo nitors with DVI connector – single monit or Resolutio n Refresh Rate (Hz ) Color Depth (Bits) 640 x 480 60, 75 16 / 3 2 800 x 600 60, 75 16 / 3 2 1024 x 768 60, 75 16 / 3 2 .
Reference 51 Dual Screen - 1 Moni tor with VG A c onn ector and 1 Monit or with DVI con nector Resolutio n Refresh Rates (Hz) Color Depth (Bits ) Dual Monit or 1 Moni tor 2 640 x 480 60, 75, 85, 100 6.
52 Referen ce Compl iance Infor mation FCC Co mplianc e Informati on FCC - DECL AR ATIO N OF CONFO RMIT Y FOR A CL A SS B DIGITA L D EVICE We, th e Responsible Party ATI Research Inc.
Referenc e 53 CE Com pliance Infor mation EMC Directive 89/336/EEC and amendments 91/263/EEC, 92/31/EEC and 93/ 68/EEC, Class B Digital Device EN 55022:1 998/CISP R 2 2 Class B, Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio Interference Characteristi cs Information Technolog y Equipment.
54 Referen ce VCCI Cla ss B ITE C omplia nce Inform ation.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts ATI Technologies GL 8800 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie ATI Technologies GL 8800 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für ATI Technologies GL 8800 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von ATI Technologies GL 8800 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über ATI Technologies GL 8800 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon ATI Technologies GL 8800 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von ATI Technologies GL 8800 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit ATI Technologies GL 8800. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei ATI Technologies GL 8800 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.