Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 107-40214-20 des Produzenten ATI Technologies
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RADEON ™ MAC ® EDITION User ’ sG u i d e Ve r s i o n 2 . 0 - J u n e 2 0 0 1 P/N: 10 7-40214-2 0 Copyrigh t © 2000 , A TI T echnologi es Inc. A TI and RADEON ™ are trade marks and /or registe red trade marks o f A TI T echnol ogies In c.
Page iii Disclaimer While every precauti on has been taken in the pre paration of thi s document , A TI T echnologies Inc . assumes no lia bility t o any p arty for e rrors or omissi ons contai ned in.
Page iv T ab le of Contents 1. Getting Started ..................... ........................... ....... 1 Introduction .................. ........... ................. ................. ........ 1 What You'll Need.............. .................
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Page 1 Getting Star ted Intr oduction The RADEON ™ MA C ® EDITION represent s the next generation in 3 D and video acceleration for you r Power Macintosh comput er . The RADEON ™ graphics chip is equipped with all the 3D hardware drawing capabilities in demand by 3D hi gh end users.
Page 2 What Y ou'll Need The RADEON ™ MA C ® EDITION runs with the following minimum s ystem req uirement s: • Po wer Macintosh or Mac OS compatible co mputer , with Po werPC process or , with an A GP or PCI e xpansion slot • Mac OS 9.
Page 3 Ins tallin g Y our Har d ware The RADEON ™ MA C ® EDITI ON f its into connect ors called expansion slots, in side your comput er . Y our Mac O S computer has on e or mor e expans ion slot s designed to accept Periph eral Component Interco nnect (PCI) cards and Accelerated Graphics Port (A GP) cards.
Page 4 Inst all ing your RADEON ™ MA C ® EDITIO N T urn off your computer , and d isconnect the m onitor cable. Open your c omputer . If necessary , consul t your computer system manual f or instructions .
Page 5 Choose the A GP or PCI exp ansion slot y ou wish to use. T ouch the metal part o f the power su pply case. T ouching the gr ounded po rti on of the pow er supp ly cas e will dischar ge your body’s static electricit y . Align the connector on the card with the selected expansion slot, and press firmly until f ully seated.
Page 6 If you are not sure whether your card is PCI or A GP , compare its bottom edge with the fo llo wing illustra tion: I fy o up l a nt ou s e m o r et h a no n em o n i t o r ,y o um u s ti n s t a l lac a r d for each monitor . Repeat steps 6 and 7 for each car d.
Page 7 P owere d Apple monitors using the ADC (Apple D isplay Connect or) is not suppor ted. NO TE.
Page 8 About Mon itor Sensing Apple’ s Mon itor Sensing sp ecification allo ws video disp lay cards to identif y the attached monitor . The RADEON ™ MA C ® EDITION auto-conf igures itself according to the monitor sense code detected and enables all resolutions supported b y the monitor .
Page 9 Fo r more information abo ut obtaining a sense code or synchro nization signa l adapter , contact A TI Cu stomer Suppor t or ask your dealer . For information about ho w to contact A TI Customer Su pport, select the S upport b utton on the A TI Displays control panel.
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Page 11 Installing Y our Software About A TI Software The RADEON ™ MA C ® EDITION requires sev eral additional component s be added to your System folder .
Page 12 Installi ng Software Insert the A TI Installation CD. Double-click on the RADEON ™ MA C ® EDITION Installer icon. The AT I spla sh and legal notice screens appear .
Page 13 Multimedia Fe atures Y our RADEON ™ MA C ® EDITION turns y our Mac computer into a 3D and 2D graphics po werhouse. Y ou can use your ne w graphics accelerator card to do the follo w ing: .
Page 14 Vie wing 3D Graphics RADE ON ™ MA C ® EDITION’ s 3D Acceleration features supports the following adv a nced 3D graphics capabilities: • OpengGL S upport • QuickD raw 3 D Rav e Support.
Page 15 A T I Displays Contr ol Pa nel The A TI Displays control panel pro vides access to the adv anced 3D features that RADEON ™ MA C ® EDITION has to offer .
Page 16 Identify Displays If you h av e more than one display connected t o your com puter , you can iden tify and con figur e each display . The A TI Displays control panel iden tifies all the di splays connected to your computer , but o nly configu res displays that are connected to A TI cards.
Page 17 Monitors The Monitors feature provid es access to the standard Mac OS Monitors control panel. Y ou can us e the Monitors control panel to select color depths and r esolutions , and set u p multiple monitors. For more information on the Monitors control panel refer to th e Mac OS Guide th at comes with your comput er .
Page 18 V G A Monitors If you hav e a non-DDC compliant VGA monitor connected to your RADEON ™ MA C ® EDITION , the VGA icon may be acti v e. Some VGA monitors use a Disp lay Data Channel (DDC). Y ou do not ha ve to do an ything e xtra to select the suppo rted resolutions.
Page 19 3D Memory Monitor The 3D Memory Mo nitor shows ho w av ail able memory in th e accelerator card is allocated when displaying 3D graphics. Using the 3D Memory Monitor When you op en 3D graphics on your Mac OS c omputer , run the 3D Memory Monitor to see ho w your RAD EON ™ MAC ® EDI TIO N has allocated 3D memory .
Page 20 Desktop Pattern bar indicates the amount of memory used by your desktop patt ern. T o reduce th e memory allocated to Dis play memory: • change t he color dept h from millio ns to thous ands.
Page 21 AT I H E L P The A T I HELP is an ad diti onal s ourc e of info rmat ion wh en yo u are using the A TI Displays control panel. It b eha ves similarly to the Mac OS Guide that co mes with your compu ter . Access the A TI HELP by clicking on the Apple HELP icon on the A TI Displays con trol panel, or the A T I Config Menu.
Page 22 U s i n g Q ui ckT i m e P l ay b a ck The RADEON ™ MA C ® EDITION’ s QuickT ime playback acceleration allows you to stretch e ven the smallest movies to full screen size without co mpromising frame rate or ima ge qu ali ty .
Page 23 QuickT ime clips must be in Cinepak (the most comm on QuickT ime mov ie format), In deo, or MPEG-1 fo rmat to be scaled by RADEON ™ MA C ® EDITION. T o determine if a video will be accelerated using RADEON ™ MA C ® EDITION’ s hardware scaler , check the video format.
Page 24 Using RADEON ™ MA C ® EDITION ’ s TV/Video Out Connector To output your computer’s displa y to a TV T urn of f your comput er and TV . Ensure your RADEON ™ MA C ® EDITION is installed correctly . Looking at the back of your Mac, locate your RADEON ™ MA C ® EDITION.
Page 25 Now that you have connected your RADEON ™ MA C ® EDITION to a TV , you need to enable Mac2TV . F or mor e information, see “Enablin g Mac2TV™” on page 27. To connect your computer ’s display to a V CR to record to video tape T urn of f your comput er and VCR.
Page 26 If you ar e connecting your RADEON ™ MAC ® EDITION to a VCR, make sur e that your VCR is connected to a televisio n that you can use a s your comput er’ s display . F or informati on about connecting a television to your VCR, see the d ocumentation supplied wi th your V CR.
Page 27 Enab ling Ma c2TV ™ Open the A TI Displays control panel. Click on the Mac2TV icon. In the V ideo O utput box, click V ideo Output On. ! W ARN ING • When you initiall y turn on Mac2TV V id eo Out, your monitor di splay will be dimmed.
Page 28 A mes sage a ppears, warn ing you your monitor will be dimmed . Click OK. A messag e appears on you r TV stating that your di splay has been successfully switched to TV . Click OK. If you do not click OK t o the message on t he TV, your displa y will retu rn to you r monitor a fter a few se conds.
Page 29 Hue, saturation, and brightness are the three qual ities which constitute what we normally refer to as “color”. • Hue , often us ed as a sy nonym f or “col or”, i s the qu ality that di stin guis hes am ong re d, gree n, yell ow , and s o on.
Page 30 Contrast is a ratio of how far the whitest w hites are f rom the blackest blacks . If the contrast is too high, the image may look stark, lik e pure white squar es on a jet- black backgroun d. If the contrast is too lo w , the image may look gray or washed out.
Page 31 Using RADEON ™ MA C ® EDITION D VI-I Connector Y our RADEON ™ MA C ® EDITION includes suppor t for D VI-I. Y ou can use t his feature t o connect your RADEON ™ MA C ® EDITION to a digital flat panel display . To output your co mputer’s display to a DVI-I digit al flat panel: T urn of f your computer a nd D VI-I flat panel.
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Page 33 T r oubleshoo ting Tips Bef ore Contacting Cust omer Support If you h ave a genera l ques tio n, or en coun ter pro ble ms w ith you r card, please r e view this inform ation completely b efore contacti ng Customer Support. Y ou can create a prob lem report from the A TI Displays control panel.
Page 3 4 I hav e a monitor with three BNC connectors. Why won't it wor k wit h my RADE ON ™ MA C ® EDITION ? • Monitors that only have three BNC connectors require a synchronization (“sync”) sign al to be sent do wn the green line. This is called Sync-on-Green (SOG).
Page 35 Does the RADEON ™ MA C ® EDITION work i n all Power Macintosh computers? •N o , t h e R A D E O N ™ MA C ® EDITION only wo rks with PCI and A GP based Po wer Macintosh computers. The minimum system requirements are listed in “What Y ou'll Need” on page 2 .
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Page 37 Specifications Video Mode T a b le The video mode table below lists the color depth capabilities for the suppo rted resolut ions on your RADEON ™ MA C ® EDITION. Please consu lt your monitor’ s specificat ions to determine which resolutions are av ailable with your dis play .
Page 38 Supported VESA/V GA 2D Modes Display Resolution V erti cal Ref r esh Hz Hori zontal Refres h kHz 512 x 384 60 24.48 640 x 480 60 31.48 67 35 72 37.50 75 37.50 85 43.27 90 45.54 100 50.8 9 120 61.7 9 640 x 870 75 68.85 800 x 600 56 35.16 60 37.
Page 39 3D Mode T able The 3D mode table measures the numb er of full screen 3D windo ws that are possible to display at a gi ven resoluti on. For e xample, a v alue of 2.75 means that there is enough memory left o ver in the current m ode to run 2 full screen 3D windo ws and another at 3/4 the size of full scr een.
Page 40 832 x 624 Thousands 7. 50 5.00 Millions 4. 50 3.50 1024 x 768 Thousands 4. 75 3.00 Millions 2. 75 2.00 1152 x 870 Thousands 3. 50 2.25 Millions 2. 00 1.50 1280 x 102 4 Thou sands 2.50 1.75 Millions 1. 25 1.00 1600 x 120 0 Thou sands 1.50 1.00 Millions 0.
Page 41 Specificati ons System Re quirements • Po wer Macintosh or Mac OS compatible computer with an AG P s l o t Operating S ystem • Mac OS software ( versio n 9.
Page 42 VGA Con nector - Standard VGA Monitor s with Apple conn ectors ar e supported usi ng the Appl e-to-V GA vide o adapte r (inclu ded). • S-V ideo Out (Composite Out adapter included) Video Interrup t • PCI interrupt request enab led; interrupt is auto- configured by s ys te m Po w e r • +5V %, @ 1.
Page 43 Compliance Inf ormation FCC Compliance Information This equipment has been tested and found to co mply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to P art 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to pro vide reason able protectio n against h armful interference in a residential ins tallation.
Page 44 Consult t he de aler or an experien ced techn ician for he lp. Industry Canada Compliance S tatement ICES-003 This Cl ass B digital ap paratus meets all requ irement s of the Canadi an Inter feren ce-Causi ng Equi pment Regula tions.
Page 45 EN 5008 2-1, No rme sur l'immunité g énéri que pou r produ its domestique s, commerciaux et industrie ls légers. (CE I 801-2, CEI 801 -3, CEI 801-4) EMC Richtlin ie 89/336 /EEC und Ä.
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Page 47 Glossar y Alpha blending When an image has an alpha v alue for each pixel, this tells how much to blend the colors from th e image with the background colo rs. The lo wer the alpha va lues the more transparent the image looks. Anti-aliasing Method used to remov e the jagginess of an image.
Page 48 Color Depth Color depth is the number o f color shades a vailable on your disp lay . The color depth of your monitor us ually includes; 2 56 colors (8-bpp) , Thousands of colors (16-bpp) , and Millions of co lors (32-bpp) , and is also measured in b its per pix el (bpp).
Page 49 Te x t u r e Mapping Mapping, or placing, an image onto an object. Images of realistic surfaces are placed on 3D models to create a richer and more complex visu al effect. T rilinear Filtering Sampling meth od used to p roduce the mos t realistic looking 3D objects.
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Page 49 Nume rics 3D Graphi cs memory usage 19 supp orted f eatur es 14 3D Memory Mon itor descri ption 19 A Apple D isplays using DVI adapter 41 using VGA adapter 2, 42 ATI Dis plays con trol panel d.
Page 50 V Video Card features 13 installatio n 3, 4, 6, 8 monitor s ensing 8 requiremen ts 2, 41 specifications 41 sync o n green 8.
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