Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 10200 des Produzenten Patton electronic
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SmartNode™ 10200 Series TDM+V oIP Smar t Media Gate way User Manual Sales Office: +1 (30 1) 975-10 00 Techni cal Su pport : +1 (301) 97 5-10 07 E-mail: suppor www Part Number: 07MSN10200, Rev . A Revised : April 3, 2012 Impor tan t This is a Class A de vice and is no t intended for use in a reside ntial environment.
Patton Electronics Company , Inc. 7622 Ric kenbacker Drive Gaithersburg , MD 20879 USA Tel: +1 (301 ) 975- 1000 Fax: +1 ( 301) 8 69-9293 Support: +1 (30 1) 975-10 07 Web: E-mai l: su ppor t@pa tton .co m T rademark Statement The term SmartNode is a tr ade mark of P att on El ectr onic s Co mpan y.
3 Summar y T able of Contents 1 General Information ........ ........ ............ ......... ........... ......... ............ ........ ............ ......... ........... ......... ............ .... 13 2 Hardware Installat ion .............. ........
4 T able of Contents Summary Table of Contents ...... ............ ......... ........... ......... ............ ........ ............ ......... ........... ......... ............ ... 3 Table of Contents .. ......... ........... ......... ............ .
5 SmartNode 10200 Series User Manual Accessing the SmartNo de via the Ether net Management port ............... ....................... ................. ..................33 Accessing a nd Navigating the Web Inte rface ................... ...........
6 SmartNode 10200 Series User Manual EMC ................. ...................... ................. ....................... ................. ...................... ........... ............................. . 53 Low Voltage Directive ( Safety) .......
7 List of Fi gures 1 Mounting the SN10200 to a rack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2 Connecting the mana gement interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8 List of T ables 1 General conven tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2 SmartNode 1020 0 PSTN Ports and Voice Channels . . . . . . . . . . .
9 About this guide This guid e describes th e SmartNod e 10200 hard w are, ins tal lation and basic configuration. For detailed soft- ware conf iguration inf o rmation refe r to the Smar t Media So ftware Config uration Gu ide located online at http:/ /www.
10 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual About this guide Precau tions Notes, ca utions, and w arnings, which have the following meanings, are used throughout this guide to help you become aware of potential problems. Warnin gs are intended to prev ent safety hazard s that could res ult in per- sona l in jury .
11 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual About this guide Safety when working with electricity • Do not open t he de vice when the po wer co rd is connect ed. Fo r sys tems without a power switch and without an external power adapter, lin e volt- ages ar e present with in the dev ice wh en the po wer cord is connect ed.
12 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual About this guide General observat ions • Clean the cas e with a soft slig htly moist anti-static c loth • Place the unit on a flat surfac e and ensure free a.
13 Chapter 1 General I nformation Chapter con tents SN10200 over view ............. ...................... ................. ....................... ................. ...................... ................. ............. 14 Features ............ ....
SN10200 overview 14 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual 1 • Gen eral I nfor mat ion SN10200 o ver view Servic e provid ers are add ing VoIP capabilities to their networks, wheth er to re duc e cost .
SN10200 overview 15 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual 1 • Gen eral I nfor mat ion EVRC/QCELP, G.728, G .729eg, and iLBC. SN10200 g at eways off e r indepe ndent dynami c codec se lec- tion per channel. Th is means that it is possible to as sign differ ent vocoders to diff erent channels, on a chan- nel-by-channel basis.
16 Chapter 2 Hardware Installation Chapter con tents Planning the insta llation ................ ....................... ................. ...................... ................. ....................... ................. . 17 Supplies ............ ..
Plan ning t he install ation 17 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual 2 • H ardware Installation Planning th e installa tion Suppli es In the SN1 0200 box, you w ill fi nd: • One SN10200 • One set of mounting brackets with sc rews. These are used f o r mounting a SN 10200 on a 19” r ack.
Mounting the SN10 200 to a rack 18 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual 2 • H ardware Installation Mounting the SN 10200 to a rack The SN1 0200 is mounted on a cust omer pro vided eq uipment rac k using the mounting hardware packaged i n the box. T o rack mount th e SN10200, you w ill need: • One 19 ” custo mer provi ded equipm ent racks .
Conn ecting the m ana geme nt inte rfac e 19 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual 2 • H ardware Installation Connecting the man agement in ter face The Smart Node 10200 Manageme nt Interface e nables admi nistrato rs to perf orm management tasks on the SN10200.
Connecting to the console serial port 20 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual 2 • H ardware Installation Connecting to the co nso le serial p or t The serial port interf ace enables ad ministrators to per form management tasks on the SN10200. To connect to the ser ial port of a SN102 00: 1.
Conn ecting to a V oIP netwo rk 21 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual 2 • H ardware Installation Connecting to a V oIP network The SN102 00 features dual GigE por ts for conne ction to diff erent VoIP ne tworks. This prov ides an access point t o manage VoIP traffic.
Connecting to the PSTN 22 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual 2 • H ardware Installation Connecting to the P STN The SN102 00 features a var iety of int erfaces to the PSTN networ k.
Connecting to the PSTN 23 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual 2 • H ardware Installation SCSI I nter face (T1/ E1) A SN10200-xx E w ith 4 SCSI connect ors enables the connec tion to T1/E1 lines. The termi nation impedance is set at 120 ohms. It is possible to connect an external balun in order to convert to 75 ohms ( Figure 6 ).
Connecting to the PSTN 24 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual 2 • H ardware Installation Dual BNC Inter face (DS3) A SN10200- DS3 with 3 se ts of BN C connector s enables the connection to D S3 lines ( Figure 7 ).
Connecting to the PSTN 25 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual 2 • H ardware Installation Opti ca l Int er f ace (OC 3/S TM -1) A SN10200- STM-1, with one mai n and one ba ckup OC3 or ST M1 port enable s connecti on to OC3/STM1 line s ( Figure 8 ). Refer to table 4 for a listing of optical interfac es.
Conn ecting powe r 26 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual 2 • H ardware Installation Connecting powe r The SN1020 0 is furnished wi th two AC or DC pow er connect ions. Only once all othe r equipment installati on work has b een comple t ed should the SN10200 be power ed up.
Conn ecting powe r 27 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual 2 • H ardware Installation Conne cting to D C P ower The SN10 200 DC models are fur nished wit h two DC pow er co nnection po rts. In addit ion, each DC powered SN10200 is supplied wi th two DC power cabl es.
Conn ecting powe r 28 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual 2 • H ardware Installation Powe ring Dow n Powering do wn the SN 10200 requir es that t he Linu x embedded host be shut down.
29 Chapter 3 Initial Setup and W eb Management Chapter con tents Overview ................. ................. ...................... ................. ....................... ................. ................ ................. ............. 30 Accessing t he SN10200 .
Overview 30 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual 3 • Initial Setup and Web Management Overv iew This chapte r explains how to connect the Smar tNode 10200 to the network, and how to access and manage the SmartNo de Web Inte rface.
Accessing the SN10200 31 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual 3 • Initial Setup and Web Management Changing the IP addres s 1. After logging into the console po rt, en ter the followi ng command to view the eth0 c onfiguration: vi /e tc/sysconfi g/network -scripts/if cfg-eth0 Note You must remov e the line DHCP_HOSTNAM E .
Accessing the SN10200 32 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual 3 • Initial Setup and Web Management Setting the IP address to DHCP 1. To change the IP address from static to DHCP, enter the following comm and to modify the eth0 config- uration: vi /e tc/sysconfi g/network -scripts/if cfg-eth0 Note You must remov e the IPADDR and NETMA SK lines.
Accessing the SN10200 33 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual 3 • Initial Setup and Web Management Accessing the Sm ar tNode vi a the Ethernet Mana gement por t The SN102 00 is shipped wit h the SN-CT RL pre-i n stalled .
Accessing an d Navigating th e Web Interface 34 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual 3 • Initial Setup and Web Management Accessing and Navigatin g the W eb Inter face This se ction descr ibes how to login and nav igate the SmartNode 10200 Web Portal.
Accessing an d Navigating th e Web Interface 35 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual 3 • Initial Setup and Web Management Figure 12. SN1020 0 Web Portal Navigation Knowing Your L ocation As you navigate the Web Portal, it is important th at you understand ho w to determi ne your curre nt location .
Managing Users 36 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual 3 • Initial Setup and Web Management Managing Users This se ction descr ibes how t o mange user acc ess leve ls in the SN10200 We b Portal. (Refer to “Connecting to the web server and logging on to the Web Portal” on page 34 fo r informati on about how to login to the W eb Portal).
Managing Users 37 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual 3 • Initial Setup and Web Management 2. The User List is disp layed. Figure 16. User List Creating a Ne w Us er 1. Select Users from the navigation panel. 2. Clic k Create New User . Fig ure 17. Us er List > C re ate N ew U ser 3.
Managing Users 38 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual 3 • Initial Setup and Web Management Deleting a Use r 1. Select Users from th e navigation panel. 2. Clic k Dele te in the in formation panel, next to the user account that yo u wish to delete. Figure 18.
Managing the Database Backup 39 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual 3 • Initial Setup and Web Management Managing the Database Backup After carry ing out system mod ifications, it is r ecommended that yo u back up the SQL database.
Managing the Database Backup 40 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual 3 • Initial Setup and Web Management Downloading a Database Backup Once you have created a backup of your database, it is recommended that you download it to store it to an external storage device.
Work ing wi th Con fig urati on s 41 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual 3 • Initial Setup and Web Management W or king with Con fig urat ion s This se ction explai ns how to manage appl ications and instances on the SN10200 Web Portal , how to activate a configur ation, and how to configur e IP interfac es.
Work ing wi th Con fig urati on s 42 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual 3 • Initial Setup and Web Management Starting an Application In order to be able to load and star t an application, it will need to have been installed on the Smart Media application server.
Work ing wi th Con fig urati on s 43 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual 3 • Initial Setup and Web Management Verifying that an Appl ication is Operatin g When an app lication’s target state is set to run, there are a number of crucial verifi cations that you should con- duct in order to know that an application is running properly.
Work ing wi th Con fig urati on s 44 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual 3 • Initial Setup and Web Management Activating th e Configura tion Changes made to the configuration of the Smart Me di a units are stored on the OAM &P Configuration and Logging database.
Work ing wi th Con fig urati on s 45 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual 3 • Initial Setup and Web Management 4. Verify tha t an acti vatio n con firma tion me ssa ge is di splay ed. T he sy stem will rem ind yo u to ba ck up your database when you are done configuring (at to p of screen, in yellow).
Work ing wi th Con fig urati on s 46 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual 3 • Initial Setup and Web Management General View: The general vi ew, shown be low, lists th e applications, and their cur rent general status (re ady, fault, not running. This window al so provides a coun t of all applications with ready or fault status.
Work ing wi th Con fig urati on s 47 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual 3 • Initial Setup and Web Management Configurin g IP Inte r faces The IP interf ace of the VoIP0 and Vo IP1 ports can b e configured by s etting the follow ing: • IP Address • Netmas k • Gate way To configur e a VoIP0 or Vo IP 1 port: 1.
Work ing wi th Con fig urati on s 48 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual 3 • Initial Setup and Web Management Note The IP addresses o f ET H0, ETH 1, VOIP 0 and VO IP1 mu st be on differ ent subnets . Figure 43. Editing an IP Interfac e 4. The changes are displayed in the IP interfaces information panel.
49 Chapter 4 Contacting Patton Chapter con tents Introd uction ....................... ...................... ................. ....................... ................. ...................... ............ ..................50 Contact inf ormati on ..
Introduction 50 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual 4 • Contacting Patton Intr oduction This chapte r contains t he follow ing infor mation: • “Contact information”—describes how to cont act Patton techni cal support for as sistance.
Warranty Service and Returned Merch andise Authorizations (RMAs) 51 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual 4 • Contacting Patton Out-of-war ranty service Patton servic es what we sell, no matter how you acquired it, including malfunc tioning products that are no longer under warranty.
52 Appendix A Compliance information Chapter con tents Comp lian ce ............. ............................ ...................... ................. ....................... ................. ...................... .............53 EMC ..............
Compl ian ce 53 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual A • Compliance information Complia nce EMC • FCC Pa rt 15 , Cla ss A • EN55022, Clas s A • EN ETSI 300 386 V1.
54 Appendix B Specifi cations Chapter con tents Capacity and vo ice processin g ................... ....................... ................. ....................... ................ ....................... ...... .5 5 Simultan eous sign aling s upport .
Capacity and vo ice processing 55 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual B • Specifications Capacity and voice pr ocessing VoIP channe ls —512 t o 2,016 PSTN interfaces —1 OC 3/S T M1 w it h AP S (.
OAM& P 56 SmartNode 10200 Series U ser Manual B • Specifications OAM&P Operation & Administration —Web•based system status and operations • SNMP v2/v3 GET, TRAPs and alarms • Dyn.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Patton electronic 10200 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Patton electronic 10200 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Patton electronic 10200 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Patton electronic 10200 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Patton electronic 10200 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Patton electronic 10200 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Patton electronic 10200 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Patton electronic 10200. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Patton electronic 10200 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.