Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung KX-TG7851FX des Produzenten Panasonic
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Operating Instructions Model No. KX-TG7851FX KX-TG7852FX Digital Cordless Phone Model No. KX-TG7861FX Digital Cordless Answering System Model shown is KX-TG7851. Before initial use, see “Getting Started” on page 10. Thank you for purchasing a Panasonic product.
Introduction Model composition .. .....................................3 Accessory information .. ................................3 General information ......................................5 Important Information For your safety .. ..................
Mode l comp ositio n n KX-T G7851 series n KX-T G7861 series R Mode l shown is KX -TG785 2. Seri es Mode l No. Base unit Hand set Part No. Part No. Quan tity KX-T G7851 seri es KX-T G7851 KX-T G7851 K.
No. Acce ssory i tem/Pa rt num ber Quan tity KX-T G7851 KX-T G7861 KX-T G7852 B Tele phone l ine co rd 1 1 C Rech argeabl e batt eries *1 2 4 D Hand set cov er *2 1 2 E Char ger – 1 F AC a daptor for c harger/ PNLV23 3CE – 1 *1 See page 4 for rep laceme nt bat tery i nforma tion.
Expa nding y our ph one sys tem Hand set (o ptiona l): KX -TGA78 6FX You can ex pand yo ur pho ne sys tem by regi stering optio nal ha ndsets (6 ma x.) to a sing le base unit. R Opti onal h andsets may b e a di fferen t colo ur from that of the suppl ied ha ndsets .
For your s afety To p revent severe injur y and loss o f life / prop erty, read th is sec tion c areful ly bef ore usin g the product to en sure p roper and sa fe oper ation o f your produ ct. WARN ING Powe r conne ction R Use only t he powe r sour ce mar ked on the prod uct.
– the handset batt eries n eed re chargi ng or have failed . – ther e is a power failur e. – the key lo ck feat ure is turne d on. Batt ery R We r ecommen d usin g the batter ies no ted on p age 4. USE ON LY rec hargea ble Ni-M H batt eries A AA (R0 3) siz e.
shou ld not be pla ced in rooms where the temp erature is le ss tha n 0 °C or gr eater than 40 °C . Damp baseme nts sh ould a lso be a voided. R The maximum calli ng dis tance may be shor tened w he.
DECT (Digi tal En hanced Cordle ss Tele communi cation s), GAP (Gener ic Acc ess Pr ofile) R Freq uency range: 1.88 GHz t o 1.90 GHz R RF t ransmi ssion power: Appr ox. 10 mW (a verage power per chan nel) R Powe r sour ce: 220– 240 V AC, 50 /60 Hz R Powe r cons umptio n: Base unit * 1 : Stan dby: A pprox.
Sett ing up Conn ections n Ba se uni t R Use only t he supp lied P anason ic AC adap tor PN LV226CE . *DSL/ADSL filter (not supplied) is required if you have DSL/ADSL service. Correct Incorrect Press plug firmly. Hook To telephone line Use only the supplied telephone line cord.
Batt ery cha rging Char ge for about 7 hour s. R When the b atterie s are fully charge d, “ Ful ly char ged ” is dis played . Confirm “ Charging ” is displayed. Note when settin g up Note for co nnecti ons R The AC ada ptor m ust rem ain co nnecte d at all times.
Cont rols Hand set A A A F G H J K I B C D E Spea ker M N (T alk) Dial keypa d MZN (Speak erphon e) Micr ophone Rece iver Disp lay MeN (Off/P ower) M R/E CO N R: R ecall/ Flash ECO: Eco m ode sh ortcut key M N (N oise r educti on key ) Char ge con tacts n Cont rol ty pe Sof t keys The handset feat ures 2 soft keys.
n KX-T G7861 series: page 3 B C D A G E F Char ge con tacts Spea ker M N (L ocator ) M N (E rase) M N (A nswer on) Answ er on indica tor MjN / MkN (V olume up/dow n) M N / M N (Repea t/Skip ) M N (P l.
Item M eaning IN U SE Answ ering s ystem is bei ng used by ano ther h andset or the base u nit. *2 *1 Call er ID subscri bers o nly *2 KX-T G7861 series: page 3 *3 SMS users only *4 Voic e mail subscr ibers only Hand set sof t key icons Icon A ction Retu rns to the p revious scree n or outs ide cal l.
– pres sing M e N at all ot her ti mes. Turn ing th e powe r on/o ff Powe r on Pres s M e N for ab out 1 second . Powe r off Pres s M e N for ab out 2 second s.
1 M N (r ight s oft ke y) #1 20 2 M b N : Selec t the desire d sett ing. 3 M OK N a M e N One touch eco mo de When the h andset is on the ba se uni t, the base unit transmi ssion power is red uced u p to 99.
Maki ng cal ls 1 Lift the h andset and di al the phone numb er. R To c orrect a digi t, pre ss M C N . 2 Pres s M N . 3 When you f inish t alking , pres s M e N or plac e the handset on th e base unit or char ger. Usin g the s peaker phone 1 Dial the p hone nu mber a nd pre ss M Z N .
2 M b N : Selec t the desire d volum e. 3 M OK N a M e N Temp orary h andset ringe r off Whil e the handset is ri nging for a call, you ca n turn the ri nger off temp oraril y by pr essing M N . Usef ul fea tures during a call Hold This featu re allo ws you to pu t an o utside call on h old.
Hand set n oise reduct ion (NR k ey) This featu re allo ws you to he ar the voice of the person you ar e talk ing to clear ly, by redu cing th e surr oundin g nois e comi ng from the other party’s telep hone. Pres s M N to turn on/off while talki ng.
Shar ed pho nebook The shared phoneb ook al lows y ou to make call s with out hav ing to dial manual ly. An y hand set reg istere d to t he bas e unit can u se the shared phoneb ook. Y ou can add 7 0 name s and p hone n umbers to th e shar ed phon ebook.
2 M b N : “ Phon ebook ” a M O K N 3 M b N : Selec t the desire d entr y. 4 Pres s M N (r ight s oft ke y) to dial t he numb er. Note : R When stori ng a ca lling card a ccess number and your P IN in the pho nebook as on e phon ebook e ntry, press M D N (Pause ) to a dd paus es aft er the number and P IN as nece ssary ( page 17 ).
Spee d dial You can as sign 1 phone number to ea ch of the dial k eys ( 1 to 3 ) on t he han dset. Addi ng phon e numb ers to speed dial keys n By e nterin g phon e numb ers: 1 Pres s and hold th e desi red sp eed di al key ( 1 to 3 ). a M N 2 M b N : “ Manu al ” a M OK N 3 Ente r the party’ s name (16 ch aracte rs max.
Prog rammab le set tings You can cu stomise the u nit by progr amming the f ollowin g feat ures u sing t he han dset. To a ccess the fe atures, there are 2 metho ds. n Scro lling throug h the displa y menu s 1 M N (r ight s oft ke y) 2 Pres s M C N , M D N , M E N , or M F N to se lect t he des ired m ain me nu.
Sub- menu 1 Sub- menu 2 Sett ings Code Sett ings Numb er of Rings *2 2-6: 2-6 Ri ngs 4: < 4 Ring s > 0: A uto #211 42 Reco rding T ime *2 1 : 1 Mi nute 3: < 3 Minu tes > 0: G reetin g Only.
Main menu: “ Ini tial S etup ” Sub- menu 1 Sub- menu 2 Sett ings Code Ring er Setu p Ring er Volu me – Hand set 0-6: Off -6 <6> #160 17 Ring er Volu me – Base Unit * 1, *2 0-6: Off -6 &l.
Sub- menu 1 Sub- menu 2 Sett ings Code Call er Barr ed *2 – – #217 30 Spee d Dial – – #261 22 Eco Setup Tr ansmis sion P ower * 2 1: < No rmal > 2: L ow #725 16 Disp lay Set up Wal lpape.
Sub- menu 1 Sub- menu 2 Sett ings Code Regi ster Regi ster H. set – #130 32 Canc el Regi ster * 3 – #131 32 Coun try *2 – 1: < Othe r > 2: Č eská r ep.
Sub- menu 1 Sub- menu 2 Sett ings Code Firs t Ring *2, *8 – 1: < On > 0: O ff #173 – *1 KX-T G7861 series: page 3 *2 If y ou pro gram t hese se ttings using one o f the handse ts, yo u do n ot nee d to p rogram the same item using a nother hands et.
*22 KX-T G7851 series: this menu i con is displ ayed w hen th e key finder is no t regi stered . Spec ial pr ogramm ing Alar m An a larm s ounds a t the set ti me for 1 min ute and is repe ated 5 times at 5 minute inter vals (sno oze fun ction) . A te xt mem o can also b e disp layed f or the alarm .
2 M b N : Selec t the desire d sett ing. a M OK N R If y ou sel ect “ Off ” , press M e N to exit . 3 Ente r the desired hour and mi nute y ou wish to st art th is feat ure. a M OK N R You can se lect 2 4-hour or 12- hour cloc k forma t ( “ AM ” or “ PM ” ) by pres sing * .
2 Ente r the phone n umber (24 di gits max. ). a M OK N R To e rase a digit, press M C N . 3 M e N View ing/edi ting/e rasing bar c all numb ers 1 M N (r ight s oft ke y) #2 17 2 M b N : Selec t the desire d entr y. R To e xit, p ress M e N . 3 To e dit a number : M N a Edit t he pho ne num ber.
– Call er list – Voic e mail messag es – Call restri ct R The follow ing ite ms wil l be r etaine d: – Disp lay lan guage – Date and t ime – Hand set nam e – Repe ater mo de – Reco rdi.
1 M N (r ight s oft ke y) #1 31 R All handset s regi stered to th e base unit are display ed. 2 M b N : Selec t the handse t you want t o canc el. a M OK N 3 M b N : “ Yes ” a M OK N R A co nfirma tion t one sou nds. R The handset does not be ep whe n canc elling its ow n regi strati on.
Usin g Call er ID servic e Impo rtant: R This unit is Call er ID compat ible. To use Call er ID feature s, you must subscr ibe to a Call er ID service . Cont act yo ur ser vice prov ider/te lephon e comp any fo r deta ils. Call er ID f eature s When an ou tside c all is being recei ved, t he call er inf ormatio n is d isplay ed.
Eras ing sel ected caller info rmation 1 M C N ( ) 2 M b N : Selec t the desire d entr y. 3 M N a M b N : “ Yes ” a M OK N a M e N Eras ing all calle r infor mation 1 M C N ( ) 2 M N a M b N : “ Yes ” a M OK N a M e N Stor ing cal ler in formati on to the phon ebook 1 M C N ( ) 2 M b N : Selec t the desire d entr y.
Usin g SMS SMS allows you t o send and re ceive text mess ages be tween other fixed- line a nd mobi le phon es that suppo rt com patibl e SMS netw orks an d feat ures. Impo rtant: R To u se SMS featu res, y ou mus t: – subs cribe t o a Ca ller I D and/ or an appr opriate servi ce suc h as S MS.
To u se the phone book: M N or M F N ( ) a M b N : Select the phon ebook e ntry. a M O K N 2 t imes 5 To s ave th e messa ge, se lect “ Yes ” . a M OK N 6 To s end th e mess age, pr ess M OK N .
2 M b N : “ Edit Messag e ” a M OK N 3 Cont inue f rom ste p 3, “ Writin g and send ing a n ew mes sage”, page 36 . Eras ing rec eived message s 1 Whil e readi ng a r eceive d mess age, p ress M N . 2 M b N : “ Eras e ” a M OK N R To e rase a ll mess ages, select “ Er ase All ” .
Answ ering system Avai lable for: KX-T G7861 series (page 3) The answeri ng sys tem ca n answ er and recor d call s for you whe n you are un availa ble to answ er the phone.
2 M b N : “ Yes ” a M OK N 3 Afte r a be ep sou nds, ho ld the hands et abou t 20 c m away and sp eak cl early into the microph one (5 0 seco nds ma x.
2 M b N : Selec t the desire d item from the mess age lis t. a M N R You can er ase the selec ted me ssage as f ollows: M N a M b N : “ Erase ” a M O K N a M b N : “ Yes ” a M OK N 3 When finis hed, pr ess M e N . Note : R If t he ite m has already been heard, “ ” is disp layed, even i f it w as hea rd usi ng anot her han dset.
part ies fr om list ening to you r mess ages remo tely. Impo rtant: R In o rder t o opera te the answe ring s ystem remo tely, you mus t firs t set a remo te acce ss code . 1 M N (r ight s oft ke y) #3 06 2 To t urn on remot e opera tion, enter the desi red 3-d igit r emote access code.
the phone rings f or the 3rd t ime. Y ou can then hang up wit hout b eing c harged for t he cal l. 1 M N (r ight s oft ke y) #2 11 2 M b N : Selec t the desire d sett ing.
Voic e mail servi ce Voic e mail is an automa tic an swerin g serv ice offe red by your s ervice provi der/te lephon e comp any. A fter y ou subs cribe to thi s serv ice, your servic e prov ider/t elepho ne com pany’s voic e mail system answe rs cal ls for you w hen you are un availab le to answer the p hone o r when your l ine is busy.
Inte rcom Inte rcom c alls ca n be m ade be tween hand sets. Note : R When paging the h andset , the paged hand set bee ps for 1 min ute. R If y ou rec eive an outsi de cal l whil e talk ing on t he int ercom, you he ar 2 t ones. To answ er the call, press M e N , then press M N .
Char acter entry The dial k eys are used to ent er cha racter s and number s. Eac h dial key h as mult iple c haract ers assi gned to it. The cha racter s that can b e ente red de pend o n the charac ter ent ry mod e (pag e 46). – Pres s M F N or M E N to mo ve the curso r left or ri ght.
Gree k char acter t able ( ) z y 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Exte nded 1 chara cter ta ble ( ) z y 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R The follow ing are used for bo th upp ercase and l owercas e: Exte nded 2 chara cter ta ble.
1 4 9 Erro r mess ages Disp lay me ssage Cau se/sol ution Base no pow er or No l ink to base. Reco nnect m ain ba se AC a daptor. R The handset has l ost co mmunic ation with t he bas e unit . Move clos er to the bas e unit and t ry aga in. R Unpl ug the base u nit’s AC ada ptor t o rese t the unit.
Trou blesho oting If y ou sti ll hav e diffi cultie s afte r foll owing the in struct ions i n this secti on, di sconne ct the base unit’s AC a daptor and t urn off the h andset , then recon nect t he bas e unit ’s AC adapto r and turn o n the hand set.
Prob lem Caus e/solu tion I ca nnot r egister a hand set to a base unit. R The maximum numbe r of h andset s (6) is alr eady r egiste red to the base u nit. Ca ncel u nused handse t regi strati ons fr om the base unit (page 32 ). R You entere d the w rong P IN.
Call er ID Prob lem Caus e/solu tion Call er info rmatio n is n ot disp layed. R You must s ubscrib e to a Calle r ID s ervice . Cont act yo ur ser vice prov ider/te lephon e comp any fo r deta ils. R If y our un it is connect ed to any ad dition al tel ephone equipm ent, remo ve and plug t he uni t dire ctly i nto th e wall jack.
Answ ering s ystem Prob lem Caus e/solu tion The unit d oes not recor d new message s. R The answeri ng sys tem is turne d off. Turn it on (page 39 ). R The message memor y is f ull. E rase u nwante d mess ages (pag e 40). R The recordi ng tim e is s et to “ Gre eting Only ” .
Index A Addi tional handse ts: 32 Alar m: 29 Answ ering c alls: 17 Answ ering s ystem: 39 Call screen ing: 39 Eras ing mes sages: 40 , 41 , 42 Gree ting m essage: 39 Gree ting o nly: 43 List ening t o.
54 Notes TG7851_61FX(en)_0215_ver011.pdf 54 2013/02/15 18:28:14.
55 Notes TG7851_61FX(en)_0215_ver011.pdf 55 2013/02/15 18:28:14.
N Czech N Slovakia B-dul Preciziei, Nr. 24, West Gate Park, Clădirea H3, Etaj 2, Sector 6, București, 062204, Romania Telefon: +40.21.316.31.61 Fax: +40.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Panasonic KX-TG7851FX (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Panasonic KX-TG7851FX noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Panasonic KX-TG7851FX - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Panasonic KX-TG7851FX reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Panasonic KX-TG7851FX erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Panasonic KX-TG7851FX besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Panasonic KX-TG7851FX verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Panasonic KX-TG7851FX. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Panasonic KX-TG7851FX gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.