Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung FS200 des Produzenten Panasonic
Zur Seite of 161
English Operating Instructions (For F acsimile) Digital Copier Befor e oper ating this equi pmen t, plea se re ad these in st ruct ions complet ely and keep t he se oper ating i nstruc tions for fu ture r efere nce.
IMPOR T ANT INFORMA TION When r equesti ng in f or mation, supplie s or s er v ice always ref er to the model and ser ial number of your machi ne. The model and se ria l number pl ate (Main Name P late) is l ocated on the mac hine as shown below . F or your conv e nience, spac e is provided below to reco rd inform ation you may need in the fut ure.
1 Table of Contents Safety In formation ......... ............. ............. ................... ............. ............. ................... ............. ............. ........ 5 Function Key ................. ............. ............. .......
2 ■ Setting Ro tation Tran smiss ion ........ ................... ............. ............. ................. 52 ■ Duplex Sca n .......... .................... ............ ............. .................... ............. .......... 53 ■ Sending D ocument( s) Using Du plex Scan .
3 Department Code .......... ................... ............. ............. .................... ............ ............. .................... ............. . 99 ■ General Des cri ptio n ........ ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... .....
4 This pag e is i ntentional ly left b lank..
GETTING TO KNOW YOUR MACHINE 5 Getting to Know Your Machine Safety In forma tion Decl arat ion of C o nfo rmit y ( DoC) "Hereby Matsushita G raphic Com munication S ystems , Inc.
GETTING TO KNOW YOU R MACHIN E 6 2 Th is eq uipment ma y not n ecessa rily provi de for the effecti ve hand-ov er of a c all to or from a t elepho ne connec ted to the s ame lin e.
GETTIN G TO KNOW YOUR MACHINE GETTING TO KNOW YOUR MACHINE 7 denotes haz ards that coul d result i n minor injur y or damage to the machine. CAUTION ! Do not ins tall the m achine n ear heati ng or an air cond itioning unit. Avoid e xposur e to dire ct sunli ght.
GETTING TO KNOW YOU R MACHIN E 8 Function Key Any fun cti on can be starte d by f irst pres sing and th en en ter th e fun ction numbe r, or by pres sing or scroll key re peated ly until the desired func tion ap pears on the disp lay. (see Note 1) NOTE 1.
GETTING TO KNOW YOUR MACHINE GETTIN G TO KNOW YOUR MACHINE 9 Extern al View Power sw itch • After conn ectin g all cab les and the P ower Cord, tur n the power swi tch ON.
This pag e is i ntentional ly left b lank. GETTING TO KNOW YOU R MACHIN E 12.
INSTALLING YOUR MACHINE 13 Installing your Machine Adjusting the Volume You can a dju st t he m oni tor and ri nge r vol um e on y ou r m ach in e. T he b uil t- in sp eak er ena ble s y ou to hea r the di al tone, dia lling si gnals, a nd bus y tone.
INSTALLING YOUR MACHINE 14 Setting the Ringer Volume Make sure that the FAX lamp i s ON. If not, pres s to select the "FA X MODE". 1 Stand by 2 repeat edly t o raise the volum e.
INSTALLIN G YOUR MACHINE INSTALLING YOUR MACHINE 15 User Pa rameters Your fa cs im il e ma ch in e ha s s ev er al basi c s etti ng s (U ser P ar ame ter s) to hel p y ou ke ep re cor ds of the d oc ume nts you sen d or recei ve.
INSTALLING YOUR MACHINE 16 Setting Your LOGO When yo u send a doc ument, yo ur LOGO a ppears o n the top of the copy printed o ut at the other st ation. The LOGO help s to id entify y ou to some one who rece ives your docu ment. Make sure that the FAX lamp i s ON.
INSTALLIN G YOUR MACHINE INSTALLING YOUR MACHINE 17 Setting Your Character ID If the remote machin e has a Character ID cap abilities, when you are se nding or rece iving, your Char acter ID will appe ar on the remot e machine's dis play and the remo te machine's Character ID wil l appear on your displ ay.
INSTALLING YOUR MACHINE 18 Setting Your ID Number (Fax Telephone Number) If the remo te mach ine does not have a C haracter ID but it ha s an ID N umber , when sendi ng or rece ivin g, your ID Number w ill appea r on the r emote mac hine's d isplay and thei r ID Numbe r will appe ar on your displ ay.
PROGRAMMING YOUR MACHINE 19 Programming Your Machine One-Touc h/Ab brevia ted Dialling Numb ers Entering One-Touch/Abbreviated Dialling Number s One-To uch and Abbr eviated Di alling ar e two fast ways of dial ling full teleph one numb ers.
PROGRAMM IN G YOUR MACHINE 20 (see Note 1) 9 Select the tele phone l ine to be used fo r the communi catio n. Ex: for “ L- 2 ” (Line 2 , Second Telepho ne line) 10 To record a nother nu mber, repeat step 4 to 10. To retu rn to sta ndby, press . NOTE 1.
PROGRAMMING YOUR MACHINE PROGRAMMING YOUR MACHINE 21 To set an A bbreviat ed Dialling Nu mber, follo w the step s below 1 2 3 4 Ex: (001 to 175) 5 Enter the telepho ne num ber (up to 36 digits incl uding pau ses a nd spa ces). Ex: 6 7 Enter the sta tio n name us ing char ac ter key s (up t o 15 ch arac ter s).
PROGRAMM IN G YOUR MACHINE 22 (see Note 1) (see Note 2 ) (see Note 3) ( see Note 4 ) 10 To record a nother nu mber, repeat step 4 to 10. To retu rn to sta ndby, press . NOTE 1. If you req uire a special access number to get an outsi de line, e nter it f irst an d then pres s .
PROGRAMMING YOUR MACHINE PROGRAMMING YOUR MACHINE 23 Changing or Erasing One-Touch/Abbreviated Dialling Num bers If yo u have to c hange or erase a ny of the O ne-To uch/Abbrev iated di alling nu mbers, f ollow the steps below. To change the settings of a One-Touch/ABBR.
PROGRAMM IN G YOUR MACHINE 24 (see Note 1) (see Note 2) (see No te 3) 9 To record a nother nu mber, repeat step 3 to 9. To retu rn to sta ndby, press . NOTE 1. If you m ake a mistake, use or to move the curso r beyon d the i ncorrect n umber , press then re-enter the new nu mber.
PROGRAMMING YOUR MACHINE PROGRAMMING YOUR MACHINE 25 To erase the settings of One -Touch/ABBR. Dialling number (see N ote 1) 1 2 Selec t for One-Touc h Dialling number Selec t for ABBR. Dia lling Num ber Ex: 3 Enter the sta tio n you wish to eras e. Ex: 4 5 To retur n to stan dby, press .
PROGRAMM IN G YOUR MACHINE 26 Printing O ut a Dire ctory Sh eet After pr ogramming a one-touch d ialling numbe r, you ca n print out the director y sheet whi c h in cludes the fi rst 12 char ac ters of eac h stati on nam e. Cut along th e d otte d l in e a nd pl ace i t o ve r the O ne- Tou ch key un der t he Directory Sheet Cov er.
PROGRAMMING YOUR MACHINE PROGRAMMING YOUR MACHINE 27 Customizing Your Machine Your fa csimile mac hine has a var iety of adjus table Fax Pa rameters. T hese parameter s, listed in the Parame ter Table, are preset for yo u and do no t need to be changed.
PROGRAMM IN G YOUR MACHINE 28 Fax Parameter Table No. Parameter Setting Number Setting Comments 001 CONTRAST 1 Lightest Setting the home position for the CONTRAST. 2 Lighter 3N o r m a l 4 Darker 5D a r k e s t 002 RESOLUTION 1 Standard Setting the home position for the RESOLUTIO N.
PROGRAMMING YOUR MACHINE PROGRAMMING YOUR MACHINE 29 017 RE CEIVE MODE 1 Manual Setting the reception mode to automatic o r manual. 2A u t o 022 SUB STITUTE RCV 1 Invalid Selecting whether the machine receives to memory when the recording paper runs out, toner runs out or the recording paper is jammed.
PROGRAMM IN G YOUR MACHINE 30 Customiz ing Your Machine 052 DIAGNOSTIC PASS WORD (----) Set ting the password for Remote D iagnostic M ode. Please ask your Panasonic A uthorized Dealer for d etails. 053 SUB-ADDRESS PASS WORD (----) Set ting a 20-digit password for secured sub-address communication.
PROGRAMMING YOUR MACHINE PROGRAMMING YOUR MACHINE 31 (see N ote 1) (see N ote 2) (see N ote 3) (see N ote 4) 099 MEMORY SIZ E (Fla sh Mem or y) - - Displays the amount of base and optional mem ory installed. (Base Memory + Optional Memo ry ) NOTE 1. The standa rd sett ings are p rinted on the Fax Parame ter List.
This pag e is i ntentional ly left b lank. PROGRAMM IN G YOUR MACHINE 32.
BASIC OPERATIONS 33 Basic Operations Loading O riginals How To Load Originals Sending Non-Standard Size Originals Flatbed Scanning When a b ook or a n origin al is pl aced on th e Platen Glass, the mess age “ ANOTHER ORIGINAL? ” is shown on th e LCD disp la y wh en is pr esse d and t he s canni ng is comp lete d.
BASIC OPERATIONS 34 Basic Tr an smis sion Set tin g s You can te mporar ily cha nge the transmiss ion setti ngs e ither bef ore or a fter you place the origina l on th e ADF. These setti ngs a re as follo ws: After the document( s) have b een se nt, your machine will autom atica lly ret urn to the preset s ettings.
BASIC OPERATIONS BASIC OPERATIONS 35 Original (Text/Photo) The O riginal s etting is use ful when s endin g phot ographs or illus trations with g ray ton es. Your machi ne is pres et to "TE X T ". Y ou can s ele ct ei ther "TEX T/PH OTO" or "PH OTO " mode .
BASIC OPERATIONS 36 Communication Journal (COMM. JOURNAL) A Communi cation Jo urnal lets y ou verify i f the transmis sion was successful . You can select the condition to print the Commun ication J ournal as follo ws. (see Note 1 ) When you s et COMM.
BASIC OPERATIONS BASIC OPERATIONS 37 Send ing Do cu m en t s You can choose either Me mory or Direct Transmi ssion. Use Memo ry Tran smis sion if: • You want to send the docum ent to m ultip le statio ns. • You hav e to retr ieve the docum ent immedi ately.
BASIC OPERATIONS 38 (see Note 1) Å (see Note 2) Å @ ( see Note 3 ) Å @ Å @ (see Not e 4) (s ee Note 5) NOTE 1. While stor ing the Fil e Number of the docu ment bein g stored is shown at the uppe r right corne r of th e displa y while stori ng the do cume nt.
BASIC OPERATIONS BASIC OPERATIONS 39 Manual Number Dialling To dia l the tele phone n umber man ually, fo llow th e steps b elow. (s ee Note 1) (see Note 2) (see Note 3 ) Make s ure that th e FAX lam p is ON. If not, pre ss to select th e "FAX MODE".
BASIC OPERATIONS 40 NOTE 1. If you nee d a spe cial acces s numb er to get an o utsid e line, dial it firs t then pr ess to enter a pause (represent ed by a "-") b efore di alling th e full number. Ex : 9 PAU SE 5551234 2. T his featu re is calle d “ Quick Memory T ransmiss ion ”.
BASIC OPERATIONS BASIC OPERATIONS 41 One-Touch Dialling One-To uch Diall ing allo ws you to dial a full tele phone number by pr essin g a singl e key. To set up the One- Touc h key s, se e pa ge 21. (see N ote 1) Make s ure that th e FAX lam p is ON. If not, pre ss to select th e "FAX MODE".
BASIC OPERATIONS 42 Abbreviated Dia lling Abbrev iated diall ing is a speedy way to dial a frequently dialed telepho ne number by preprogram ming the telephone number i nto the built-in a uto-dial er with a 3-digi t abbreviat ed cod e. To prog ram an abbreviat ed diallin g numbe r, see pa ge 21.
BASIC OPERATIONS BASIC OPERATIONS 43 Directory Search Dia lling Direct ory Search dialli ng allows you to dial a full telep hone number by s earching the stati on name entered in One-To uch key s or Abb reviated di alling numbers . Make s ure that th e FAX lam p is ON.
BASIC OPERATIONS 44 (see Note 1) 6 The docum ent(s) begin to s tore into memory with a f ile number. Then st arts diall ing the tel ephone nu mber imm ediately after st oring the first pa ge. (See Note 1) The remai ning p age(s) c ontinue to store in to memo ry.
BASIC OPERATIONS BASIC OPERATIONS 45 Multi-Station Transmi ssion (Broadcas ting) If you have to send t he same docu ment( s) to multi ple s tation s, you can save time in feedin g the docum ent (s) by usi ng memor y trans mission. T hat is, you can store the docu ment(s) into m emory a nd then se nd it to the station (s) automa tically .
BASIC OPERATIONS 46 (see Note 1) NOTE 1. You can rev iew the s tation s you ente red in s tep 3 bef ore storing your do cumen t into mem ory by pr essing or . Press to clear an entere d station or group shown on the dis play if needed . 4 All doc ument(s ) are stor ed into m emory wi th a file number.
BASIC OPERATIONS BASIC OPERATIONS 47 Direct Transmis sion If your machine's memory i s full or you wis h to send the docum ent imm ediately , use Dir ect Trans mission. Manual Number Dialli ng (Direct Transmis sion) To dia l the tele phone n umber man ually, fo llow th e steps b elow.
BASIC OPERATIONS 48 One-Touch Dialling (Dire ct Transmission) One-Touc h Dialli ng allows you to d ial a full telep hone nu mber by pressing a single key. To set u p the One- Touch key s, see p age 19. Make sure that the FAX lamp i s ON. If not, pres s to select the "FA X MODE".
BASIC OPERATIONS BASIC OPERATIONS 49 Abbreviated Dialling (Direct Transmission) Abbrevi ated dial ling is a s peedy way to dia l a freq uently d ialed te lephon e numb er by pr eprogra mming the telephon e number into the bui lt-in aut o-diale r with a 3-digi t abbrevi ated code.
BASIC OPERATIONS 50 Directory Searc h Dialling ( Direct Transmission) Directory Searc h dialling allows you to dial a full teleph one number by sear ching the statio n name entered in One-Touc h keys or Abbrev iated dia lling nu mbers. Make sure that the FAX lamp i s ON.
BASIC OPERATIONS BASIC OPERATIONS 51 Rotated Transmission Lett er or A4 Or ig inal (s ) ar e pla ced i n a Po rtr ait ( ) dir ec tio n, the doc ume nt(s ) wi l l be ro tat ed b y 90 ° and then transm itted i n a Landsc ape ( ) direc tion. Th e docu ment(s) wi ll be p rinted the same si ze as the transmi tted origi nals at th e Recei ving St ation.
BASIC OPERATIONS 52 Setting Rotation Transmission Make sure that the FAX lamp i s ON. If not, pres s to select the "FA X MODE". 1 2 3 4 5 SET M ODE ( 1-4) ENTER N O.
BASIC OPERATIONS BASIC OPERATIONS 53 Duplex Scan Sending Document(s) Using Duplex Scan Make s ure that th e FAX lam p is ON. If not, pre ss to select th e "FAX MODE". 1 a Place origin al(s) face up on the ADF. or 1 b Place a book or a n origin al face d own on th e Platen Glass.
BASIC OPERATIONS 54 (see Note 1) (see No te 2) 6 NOTE 1. The Dup lex Scan function will res et back t o OFF afte r the co mmunic ation i s compl eted. 2.
BASIC OPERATIONS BASIC OPERATIONS 55 Setting Duplex Print Make s ure that th e FAX lam p is ON. If not, pre ss to select th e "FAX MODE". 1 2 3 4 5 SET M ODE ( 1-4) ENTER N O.
BASIC OPERATIONS 56 Voice Mode Transmission If you wi sh to send the docu ment af ter talkin g with other pa rty, use Voi ce Mode Transmi ssion. Your m achin e requires an exte rnal teleph one. Off-Hook Dialling For Off-Hook Dialli ng, foll ow the ste ps below.
BASIC OPERATIONS BASIC OPERATIONS 57 On-Hook Dialling For On-H ook Dia lling, fo llow the s teps belo w. (see N ote 1) (see Note 2) Make s ure that th e FAX lam p is ON. If not, pre ss to select th e "FAX MODE". 1 a Place origin al(s) face up on the ADF.
BASIC OPERATIONS 58 Transmission Reservati on You ca n do the followin g while sending a doc ument from memory or receiv ing a document . • Reserve the next tra nsmissio n into mem ory for up to 70 di fferent fi les. • Rese rve a prio rity tr ansmi ssion .
BASIC OPERATIONS BASIC OPERATIONS 59 (see N ote 1) (s ee Note 2) 4 Dial by any com binati on of the fo llowing m ethods : • One-To uch Diallin g • Abbr ev iated Dia lli ng • Manu al Number Diall.
BASIC OPERATIONS 60 Direct Transmissi on Reservation (Priority Transmission Reservation) If you ar e in a rus h to send an ur gent docu ment, ho wever th ere are man y files in th e memory, u se Direc t Transmis sion Reser vation to send the urgent do cument.
BASIC OPERATIONS BASIC OPERATIONS 61 To cance l the dire ct trans mission reserv ation 4 Dial by using a ny one of t he followi ng meth ods: • One-To uch Diallin g • Abbr ev iated Dia lli ng • Manual Number Dialling an d press • Direct ory Sea r ch Dia lling and pres s (For de tails, see pages 39 to 43 .
BASIC OPERATIONS 62 Rediallin g Automatic Redialling Manual Redialling You can a lso red ial the l ast diale d numb er manually by pre ssing key. To redial the last dialed number through memory (see N ote 1) If a busy li ne is detected, the ma chine will r edial the number up to 5 ti mes at 3 minu tes inte rval.
BASIC OPERATIONS BASIC OPERATIONS 63 To redial the last dialed number through the ADF (see N ote 1) 1 Set docu ment(s) fa ce down . 2 Make sure that the lamp goes off. 3 Your m achine sta rts to di al the last dialed number . NOTE 1. While the u nit is disp laying " WAIT TO DIAL", yo u can press to start rediall ing imm ediately .
BASIC OPERATIONS 64 Receiving Docume nt s Your mac hine is p rovided wit h both au tomatic and manua l recept ion mod es. The s electio n of either recepti on mode is m ade with Fax Parame ter No. 017 (RECEIVE M ODE). Automatic Reception Your ma chine will recei ve do cumen ts auto mat ically if th e Fax Param eter No.
BASIC OPERATIONS BASIC OPERATIONS 65 Print Reduc t io n This ma chine can use L etter, Le gal, Ledge r, A3 o r A4 siz e plain pap er for recordin g. Some times, o versized docu ments s ent to you by th e other p artie s canno t be pr inted within a singl e page .
BASIC OPERATIONS 66 Receiving O versize D ocuments If the received document is extrem ely long (over 39% longer than the recording pape r ), the docu ment will be divided into se parat e pages. Whe n print ing on s eparate pages , the bott om 13 mm of first pag e wil l be overla pped on top of the ne xt pag e.
BASIC OPERATIONS BASIC OPERATIONS 67 Substitute Memory Reception If the rec ording paper ru ns out or jams or if th e toner runs ou t during rec eptio n, the mach ine aut omatic ally starts r eceiv ing d ocuments into i ts imag e data memo ry.
This pag e is i ntentional ly left b lank. BASIC OPERATIONS 68.
ADVANCED FEATURES 69 Advanced Features Batc h Tran smission To redu ce transm ission t ime and co st, thi s feature allows your mach ine to acc umulate d ifferent d ocume nts for the same de stinat ion(s) to be trans mitted i n a sing le phone c all.
ADVANCED FEA TURES 70 Timer Cont rolled Co mmunicati ons You can s end a doc ument t o one or m ultiple statio ns at a ny preset t ime within the ne xt 24 h ours. Up to 50 buil t-in timers can be se t for defer red tra nsmissio n and d eferred pol ling.
ADVANCED FE ATURES ADVANCED FEATURES 71 Deferred Polling NOTE 1. If you ente r a wrong number in Step 4, press then re-en ter the right num ber. 2. To change or cancel the Def erred Com municat ion se ttings, s ee pag e 87 and 89.
ADVANCED FEA TURES 72 (see Note 1) (see Note 2 ) 3 Enter th e start time from t he keypad. (Us e a 4- digi t, 24-h our cloc k) Ex: (3:30 a.m .) and 4 Enter a 4-dig it polli ng pas swor d.
ADVANCED FE ATURES ADVANCED FEATURES 73 Polling Pollin g mean s calli ng oth er stati on(s) to r etriev e a docu ment. T he other station must know i n advanc e that you will call a nd must ha ve a do cumen t set o n the ADF or stor ed in the m emor y.
ADVANCED FEA TURES 74 Preparing to be Polled In order to let other stations poll your ma chine, you must prepa re your machine with a do cumen t stored i n memory. Be sur e to set th e polling pass word befo re storing the do cument into memory. After be ing pol led, the docume nts store d in the me mory will be erased aut omatic ally.
ADVANCED FE ATURES ADVANCED FEATURES 75 To Poll Documents from Another Station The fol lowin g proce dure let s yo u poll a docum ent from one or m ultipl e sta tions. Be sur e to set the po lling passwo rd befor e polling . (S ee page 73) (see N ote 1) (see Note 2) 1 2 3 Enter a 4-digit po lling passwor d.
ADVANCED FEA TURES 76 Progra m Keys Your fax ma chine has speci al Progr am Keys. Thes e keys ar e useful if y ou frequentl y need to sen d or poll t he same grou p of stations.
ADVANCED FE ATURES ADVANCED FEATURES 77 Setting for Deferred Transmission To set a Pro gram Key f or deferre d transmis sion Make s ure that th e FAX lam p is ON. If not, pre ss to select th e "FAX MODE". 1 2 3 Ex: 4 Enter the statio n name (up to 15 c haract ers) by u sing the Charac ter keys.
ADVANCED FEA TURES 78 7 Enter th e stations by any combina tion of the foll owing method s: • One-Touc h Dial ling • Abbrev iated D ialling • Directo ry Search Diall ing, pres s afte r each st ation is entered (For deta ils, se e page 39 to 43.
ADVANCED FE ATURES ADVANCED FEATURES 79 Setting for Deferred Polli ng To set a program K ey for deferred polling Make s ure that th e FAX lam p is ON. If not, pre ss to select th e "FAX MODE". 1 2 3 Ex: 4 Enter the statio n name (up to 15 c haract ers) by u sing the Charac ter keys.
ADVANCED FEA TURES 80 8 Enter th e station( s) by any combin ation o f the follo wing method s: • One-Touc h Dial ling • Abbrev iated D ialling • Directo ry Search Diall ing, pres s afte r each st ation is entered (For deta ils, se e page 39 to 43.
ADVANCED FE ATURES ADVANCED FEATURES 81 Setting for Normal P olling To set a pr ogram Key f or nor mal pollin g Make s ure that th e FAX lam p is ON. If not, pre ss to select th e "FAX MODE". 1 2 3 Ex: 4 Enter the statio n name (up to 15 c haract ers) by u sing the Charac ter keys.
ADVANCED FEA TURES 82 7 Enter th e station( s) by any combin ation o f the follo wing method s: • One-Touc h Dial ling • Abbrev iated D ialling • Directo ry Search Diall ing, pres s afte r each st ation is entered (For deta ils, se e page 39 to 43.
ADVANCED FE ATURES ADVANCED FEATURES 83 Setting for One-Touch Key To set a program key for one-t ouch key Make s ure that th e FAX lam p is ON. If not, pre ss to select th e "FAX MODE". 1 2 3 Ex: 4 Enter the statio n name (up to 15 c haract ers) by u sing the Charac ter keys.
ADVANCED FEA TURES 84 Changing or Erasing the Program Key Settings To chan ge the sett ings in a Progr am Key, fo llow the p rocedur e on setti ng a Pro gram Key o n pages 76 to 83.
ADVANCED FE ATURES ADVANCED FEATURES 85 Edit Fi le Mode Your machi ne has a document im age mem ory which ena bles you to rese rve memory transmi ssion, memor y deferr ed trans mission, m emory po lling and so on .
ADVANCED FEA TURES 86 Viewing the Contents of a File List To view the contents of a file l ist on th e displa y without p rinting it, follow the steps bel ow. 1 2 3 4 5 or re peatedly until the disp lay s hows a file yo u want to edit. 6 EDIT F ILE MODE (1- 6) ENTER N O.
ADVANCED FE ATURES ADVANCED FEATURES 87 Changing the Start Time or the Station of a File To ch ange the start ti me and/ or stati ons in a c ommun ication file, foll ow the step s bel ow. 1 2 3 Enter the file nu mber or use or to sele ct the f ile that you want to change .
ADVANCED FEA TURES 88 (see Not e 1) (s ee Note 2) (see Note 3) 7 To dele te the st ation(s ), press or ke y unti l the station you wa nt to dele te appe ars.
ADVANCED FE ATURES ADVANCED FEATURES 89 Deleting a File To del ete the fil e in memor y, foll ow the step s belo w. (see N ote 1) (see N ote 2) Make s ure that th e FAX lam p is ON. If not, pre ss to select th e "FAX MODE". 1 2 3 Enter the file nu mber or use or to sele ct the f ile that you want to change .
ADVANCED FEA TURES 90 Printing a File To print th e contents of the communi cation file, fol low the ste ps below. (see Note 1) Make sure that the FAX lamp i s ON. If not, pres s to select the "FA X MODE". 1 2 3 Enter th e file num ber or u se or to selec t the file that you w ant to c hange.
ADVANCED FE ATURES ADVANCED FEATURES 91 Adding Documents into a File To add documents into the file, fo llow the s teps bel low. (see N ote 1) Make s ure that th e FAX lam p is ON. If not, pre ss to select th e "FAX MODE". 1 a Place origin al(s) face up on the ADF.
ADVANCED FEA TURES 92 Retr y an Incompl ete File If a memor y comm unica tion has been u nsuccess ful due t o a bus y line or no an swer , the docu ment y ou st ored is automa tically er ased fr om memor y after t he last redi al.
ADVANCED FE ATURES ADVANCED FEATURES 93 Receive To Memory This featu re is used to secure all receiv ed docum ents by st oring them into the me mory. To p rint the d ocuments from me mory, the authoriz ed oper ator must ent er the correct p assword. Setting the RCV To Memory Password Make s ure that th e FAX lam p is ON.
ADVANCED FEA TURES 94 Setting RCV To Memory (see Note 1) (see Note 2 ) Make sure that the FAX lamp i s ON. If not, pres s to select the "FA X MODE". 1 2 3 4 NOTE 1. When the memo ry ov erflows, the m achine w ill st op rec eiving a nd rel ease t he lin e.
ADVANCED FE ATURES ADVANCED FEATURES 95 Printing Documents After rec eiving a document w ith the Re ceive To M emor y feature, the f ollowi ng messa ge will ap pear on the displ ay. To print the documents, follow the steps below. (see N ote 1) (see Note 2) Make s ure that th e FAX lam p is ON.
ADVANCED FEA TURES 96 Fax Cove r Shee t General Description A Fax Cove r Sheet can be auto maticall y attached to your tran smit docum ent(s) that sh ows the rec ipient's name, ori ginator's na me and the number of pages attach ed. Using the Fa x Cover S heet To attac h a Fax Cover Sh eet to a tr ansmiss ion, foll ow the pro cedure below.
ADVANCED FE ATURES ADVANCED FEATURES 97 (see Note 1) (see Note 2) (see Note 3) (see Note 4) 4 or “ OFF ” (Cover She et is not a ttached) or for “ ON ” (Cover Sheet is attached) or 5 6 Dial by .
ADVANCED FEA TURES 98 Fax Cover Shee t Sample Explanation of contents ***** FACSIMILE COVER SHEET ***** (1) 12-NOV-2000 15:00 (2) Message To: SALES DEPT. (3) Message From: PANASONIC 201 555 1212 (4) 02 Page(s) Following This Cover Page (1) Starting ti me of communi catio n.
ADVANCED FE ATURES ADVANCED FEATURES 99 Department Code General Description This oper ati on req uir es the use r to inpu t a pres et 4-di gi t Depa rt men t Code befor e tran sm is s ion . The Depa rt men t Name of the sele cted Depar tment Code is pri nted on the Header of each pa ge sent, Co ver Sheet, COM M.
ADVANCED FEA TURES 100 (see Note 1) (see Note 2) 7 Enter your Departm ent Name (max. 25 c haracters and digits) b y using Character k eys. (Se e page 10) Ex: (See Note 1) 8 9 Enter a 4-digit Depa rt men t Code. Ex: 10 To record ano ther Depar tment Code, re peat step 6 to 10.
ADVANCED FE ATURES ADVANCED FEATURES 101 Changing or Erasing the Department Code If yo u have to c hange or erase a ny of the D epartm ent Codes, follow the steps below. Make s ure that th e FAX lam p is ON. If not, pre ss to select th e "FAX MODE".
ADVANCED FEA TURES 102 6 then enter a new LO GO. (See Note 1 an d 2) Ex: or just go to step 10 to era se the Depa rtment Cod e. 7 8 Then en ter a new De partment Code. Ex: 9 To change or eras e another Departme nt Code, re peat steps 6 to 10. To retur n to stand by, press .
ADVANCED FE ATURES ADVANCED FEATURES 103 Sending a Document with Department Code Make s ure that th e FAX lam p is ON. If not, pre ss to select th e "FAX MODE". 1 a Place origin al(s) face up on the ADF. or 1 b Place a book or a n origin al face d own on th e Platen Glass.
ADVANCED FEA TURES 104 Sending a Document with Department Code (Voice Mode Transm ission) 1 a Place o riginal( s) face up on th e ADF. or 1 b Place a book or an origi nal fa ce down on the Pl aten Glass. 2 Lift the ex ternal telepho ne or pr ess . Ex: Press 3 Enter a 4-digit Departmen t Code.
ADVANCED FE ATURES ADVANCED FEATURES 105 Printing a Department Code List The Dep artment Co de List wi ll be printed f ollowing the Fax Paramete r List. Sample Department Code List (Prints following th e Fax Parameter List) Explanation of contents 1 2 *************** -FAX PARAMETER LIST- ************** DATE 12-NOV-2000 ***** TIME 15:00 *** P.
ADVANCED FEA TURES 106 Printing a Department C ode Journal When the Depa rtmen t Code is se t, the Tran saction J ournal wi ll be sor ted by the Dep artme nt Code number when it is printed . All co ntents of the Jou rnal wil l be eras ed automa tical ly after be ing prin ted.
ADVANCED FE ATURES ADVANCED FEATURES 107 Sample Department Code Journal / Received Calls Explanation of contents *************** -JOURNAL- ************************* DATE 12-NOV-2000 ***** TIME 15:00 *** P.02 RECEIVED CALLS 10-NOV TO 12-NOV (1) (2) (3) TOTAL PAGES = 000011 TOTAL TIME = 00:13:41 NO.
This pag e is i ntentional ly left b lank. ADVANCED FEA TURES 108.
NETWORK FEATURES 109 Network Features Selective Re ce ption Your m achine h as a specia l featu re, Sel ectiv e Recepti on, whi ch can prevent the rec eiving of unne cessar y documen ts (i.
NETWORK FE ATU RES 110 Passwo rd C ommunication s General Descr ipti on Passwor d Commun ications , includi ng Passwo rd Transm iss ion and Pass word Recep tion wil l prevent your machine from s endin g a f ax to a wr ong statio n or r eceivi ng a fax from an unauth orized stati ons.
NETWORK FE ATU RES NETWORK FEATURES 111 Setting Password Transmission To set transmissi o n passwo rd and paramet er, (see N ote 1) (see Note 2): Make s ure that th e FAX lam p is ON. If not, pre ss to select th e "FAX MODE". 1 2 3 4 Enter a 4-digit T ransmiss ion Pas sword.
NETWORK FE ATU RES 112 Setting Password Reception To set receiving password and parameter, (see Note 1) (see Note 2 ) Make sure that the FAX lamp i s ON. If not, pres s to select the "FA X MODE". 1 2 3 4 Enter a 4-dig it Receiv i ng Pass wor d.
NETWORK FE ATU RES NETWORK FEATURES 113 Using Password Transmi ssion To us e Pass word Tran smis sion, y ou ca n selec t PASS WORD-XM T “ OFF ” or “ ON ” for each Trans mission by followi ng the pro cedure b elow. Make s ure that th e FAX lam p is ON.
NETWORK FE ATU RES 114 Using Password Reception There is no ad ditional opera tion req uired on ce you s et the paramete r by fo llowin g the p rocedure on pag e 112. The parameter , “ OFF ” or “ ON ” , canno t be s ele cte d f or each rece pti on.
NETWORK FE ATU RES NETWORK FEATURES 115 Confidential Mailbox Your ma chine is equipped wit h two Confid ential Comm unic ation features which ens ure that the Con fidenti al inform ation you send i s rece ived onl y by the person w ith the correct c onfide ntial co de.
NETWORK FE ATU RES 116 Sending a Confidential Document to a Remote Station's Mailbox Make sure that the FAX lamp i s ON. If not, pres s to select the "FA X MODE". 1a Place o riginal( s) face up on th e ADF. or 1b Place a book or an origi nal fa ce down on the Pl aten Glass.
NETWORK FE ATU RES NETWORK FEATURES 117 7 If neces sary, inf orm the receiv ing pers on and tell them the Confiden tial Co de. Confidential Mailbox.
NETWORK FE ATU RES 118 Polling a Confidential Document from a Remote Station's Mail box After y ou have been i nformed that so meone has trans mitted a confid ential documen t to a remote station 's mailbox , you can poll the c onfid ential do cument fr om the re mote st ation by f ollowing the proc edure bel ow.
NETWORK FE ATU RES NETWORK FEATURES 119 Receiving a Confidential Document to Your Machine's Mailbox No spe cial sett ing is requ ired, your machine comes with this feat ure ready to use. Your machin e receiv es a confide ntial f ax the sam e way it r eceiv es a norma l fax m essage.
NETWORK FE ATU RES 120 Storing a Confidential Document in Your Machine's Mailbox Use the fo llowing proc edure to s tore a doc ument in a confident ial mai lbox in y our mach ine. Once the confiden tial do cument is stored in y our mach ine, it can be po lled b y another m achin e.
NETWORK FE ATU RES NETWORK FEATURES 121 Printing a Confidential Document from Your Machine's Mailbox After y ou have been notifie d that someone has tran smitt ed a c onfiden tial doc ument to your mach ine's mailbox , use the following procedure to print the co nfid ent ial docu men t.
NETWORK FE ATU RES 122 Deleting a Confidential Document Stored in Your Machine's Mailbox If your m emory be comes ful l, or yo u just wan t to clean out you r confid ential doc uments, y ou may d elete on e or more co nfident ial faxes stored in your mach ine by us ing th e followi ng proce dure.
NETWORK FE ATU RES NETWORK FEATURES 123 To delete all conf idential files in memory Make s ure that th e FAX lam p is ON. If not, pre ss to select th e "FAX MODE". 1 2 3 4 CONF. COMM . (1-5) ENTER N O. OR ∨ ∧ DELETE CONF . FIL E CONF.COD E= ❚❚❚❚ DELETE ALL CO NF.
NETWORK FE ATU RES 124 Sub-Add ressi ng General Descr ipti on The Sub- Addressi ng func tion allows you furthe r routin g, forwardi ng or rel aying of docum ent(s) to the desi red recipi ent(s) when used in comb inatio n with the Networ king ve rsion o f Lase rFAX so ftware.
NETWORK FE ATU RES NETWORK FEATURES 125 To set the Sub-Address into a One- Touch/ABBR. dialling Numbers (see N ote 1) Make s ure that th e FAX lam p is ON. If not, pre ss to select th e "FAX MODE". 1 2 to select “ O ne-Touch ” . or to select “ ABBR.
NETWORK FE ATU RES 126 To send a Document with Sub-Address Using One-Touch/ABBR. Number Diall ing The operati on is th e same as for n ormal dial ling Make sure that the FAX lamp i s ON. If not, pres s to select the "FA X MODE". 1a Place o riginal( s) face up on th e ADF.
NETWORK FE ATU RES NETWORK FEATURES 127 Using Manual Number Dialling Use to s eparate th e Teleph one num ber and t he Sub-Addr ess. (see N ote 1) (see Note 2) (see No te 3) Make s ure that th e FAX lam p is ON. If not, pre ss to select th e "FAX MODE".
This pag e is i ntentional ly left b lank. NETWORK FE ATU RES 128.
PRINTOUT JOURNALS AND LISTS 129 Printout Journals and Lists Jour nals an d Lists To help yo u maintain re cords of the documen ts you se nt and receiv ed, as well as lists of the numb ers you re cord,.
PRINTOUT JOURN ALS AND LISTS 130 (see Note 1) NOTE 1. If you wi sh to disable t he automatic pr int of the Transac tion Journal , change the set ting of Fax Param eter No.
PRIN TOU T JOURNAL S AND LISTS PRINTOUT JOURNALS AND LISTS 131 Individual Transmission Journal (IND. XMT JOURNAL) An Indiv idua l Transmi ssion Journal contains the infor matio n on the latest tr ansm ission . Make s ure that th e FAX lam p is ON. If not, pre ss to select th e "FAX MODE".
PRINTOUT JOURN ALS AND LISTS 132 Sample Transaction Journal ( 1) (2) ***************** -JOURNAL- ************************* DATE 12-NOV-2000 ***** TIME 15:00 ********* (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) NO. COMM. PAGES FILE DURATION X/R IDENTIFICATION DATE TIME DIAGNOSTIC 01 B-OK 005/005 00:00:22 XMT SERVICE DEPT.
PRIN TOU T JOURNAL S AND LISTS PRINTOUT JOURNALS AND LISTS 133 Sample Individual Transmission Journal (IND. XMT JOURNAL) Continu ed on the next page ... (1) (2) ************** -IND. XMT JOURNAL- **************** DATE 12-NOV-2000 ***** TIME 15:00 ********* (10)(11) DATE/TIME = 12-NOV-2000 09:00 (3) JOURNAL No.
PRINTOUT JOURN ALS AND LISTS 134 Explanation of contents (1) Printout da te (2) Printout time (3) Journal numbe r (4) Communi cation result : "OK" ind icates th at the c ommuni cation was s uccessf ul. "BUSY" ind icates t hat the comm unicatio n has failed becau se of bus y lin e.
PRIN TOU T JOURNAL S AND LISTS PRINTOUT JOURNALS AND LISTS 135 Communication Journal (COMM. JOURNAL) The Com munic ation J ournal ( COMM. JO URNA L) lets y ou verify whethe r the trans miss ion or poll ing was successfu l. You may sel ect the printo ut conditio n (Off/Always/ Inc.
PRINTOUT JOURN ALS AND LISTS 136 Explanation of contents (1) Indicati on of comm uni cat ion mode (2) Start time of comm unica tion (3) End time of com munica tion (4) File number : 001 to 999 (When t he comm unication is st ored into memory, a file n umber is assigne d for ea ch co mmunica tion.
PRIN TOU T JOURNAL S AND LISTS PRINTOUT JOURNALS AND LISTS 137 One-Touch/Abbreviated and Directory Search List To print a On e-Touch/A bbreviated Number an d Directory Search List of the telepho ne numbers you have stored . Make s ure that th e FAX lam p is ON.
PRINTOUT JOURN ALS AND LISTS 138 Sample One-Touch List Sample ABBR. Number List *************** -ONE-TOUCH LIST- ****************** DATE 12-NOV-2000 ***** TIME 15:00 ******** (1) (2) (3) (5) ONE-TOUCH STATION NAME TELEPHONE NO. LINE <01> SERVICE DEPT.
PRIN TOU T JOURNAL S AND LISTS PRINTOUT JOURNALS AND LISTS 139 Sample Dire ctory Sea rch List Explanation of contents *************** -DIR. SEARCH LIST- ***************** DATE 12-NOV-2000 ***** TIME 15:00 ******** (11) (2) (1) (3) (5) STATION NAME ABBR NO.
PRINTOUT JOURN ALS AND LISTS 140 Program List To print a Progra m List of the Dial ling Pa tterns tha t you h ave pre viously e ntered in to the P rogram Keys. Sample Program List Explanation of contents Make sure that the FAX lamp i s ON. If not, pres s to select the "FA X MODE".
PRIN TOU T JOURNAL S AND LISTS PRINTOUT JOURNALS AND LISTS 141 FAX Parameter List To print out a F AX Par ameter L ist: Sample FAX Para m eter Li s t Explanation of contents Make s ure that th e FAX lam p is ON. If not, pre ss to select th e "FAX MODE".
This pag e is i ntentional ly left b lank. PRINTOUT JO URNALS AN D LISTS 142.
PROBLEM SOLVIN G 143 Problem Solving Trouble shoo ting If You Have Any of These Problems Mode Symptom Cause / Action Page During T ransmission Docum ent doe sn 't feed/mul tiple f eeds 1. Check that y our do cument is fre e of s taple s and paper clips, an d that it is not g reasy or torn.
PROBLEM SOLV ING 144 Communicati on No dia l tone 1. Check the conn ection of the tel ephone line. 2. Check the telep hone l ine. 148 No aut o answe r 1. Check the c onnection of the teleph one li ne. 2. C heck t he Re cepti on mo de s et ti ng . 3. If the Fax Parameter No.
PROBLEM SO LVING PROBLEM SOLVIN G 145 Information Codes When som ething unusual oc curs, the di splay may show one of the Informati on Codes list ed below.
PROBLEM SOLV ING 146 (see Note 1) 501/502 Commun ication e rror occurre d using t he inte rnal V.34 Modem. C h eck wi th th e ot he r par ty. - - 540/541 542 543/544 Commun icatio n error o ccurred wh ile tran smitting . 1. Reloa d the doc ument(s) a nd sen d again.
PROBLEM SO LVING PROBLEM SOLVIN G 147 Verification Stamp The Ve rifica tion St amp co ntains in k. Wh en the st amp ma rk appe ars faded or hard to see , the st amp sh ould be replaced . To remov e the stam p (see N ote 1) 1 Open the A DF Input Tr ay.
PROBLEM SOLV ING 148 Checking the Telephone Line If you do n ot h ear a di al tone whe n th e k ey is p re ssed or th e inc omi ng cal l doe s n ot ri ng o n y our mach ine (N o autom atic re ceive) . 1 Unplug the Telephon e Line Cable from the telephone jack that was suppli ed by the telephone compa ny.
APPENDIX 149 Appendix Specificat ions Compati bility ITU-T Group 3 Coding Scheme JBIG, MH, M R, MMR (Con forms to ITU-T Recommend ations) Modem Type ITU- T V.34, V .17, V.33, V.29, V .27 ter a nd V.21 Modem Speed 33600 - 2 400 bps Original Siz e A3/FLS • B4/A4/A5 Original Thickness 0.
APPENDIX 150 One-Touch / Abbriviated Dialling Memory C apacity 200 stat i ons (includ ing 20 One-tou ch and 5 p rogram keys) Each s tation ca n reg ister up to 36 digits for each teleph one numbe r (includ ing paus es and spa ces) and up to 15 char acters fo r each stat ion name Image Memor y Capacity (Based o n ITU-T Im age No.
APPEND IX APPENDIX 151 Options and Supplies The DP-200 0 is a digital photoco pier whic h can produ ce imag es with great cl arity. F urtherm ore, its co pying function ality c an also b e greatly enhan ced by th e addi tion of sp ecial ly selec ted options and sup plies.
APPENDIX 152 Glossary ADF (Automatic Document Feed er) The mec hanism that deli vers a stack of orig inal pages to the sc anner one page at a time. Automatic R eception The mode that a llows y ou to rec eive fax documen ts with out user intervent ion.
APPEND IX APPENDIX 153 Direct Dialling The method of diallin g where you en ter the entire te lephon e number through th e keypad . DTMF (Dual Tone Multi- Frequency) Dialling method th at send s a different s et of frequen cies for each digit of the teleph one ke ypad.
APPENDIX 154 Information Code A co de that is intern ally generated by your Fax m achine stati ng a specific operati onal e rror or mac hine failure. Initial Se nding Station In a rel ay ne twork, the station th at is or igina ting the or iginal transmi ssion.
APPEND IX APPENDIX 155 Rota ti on X MT The doc ument is set as ( ), the im age is r otated by 90 º and the n transmitted as ( ) . Se lect iv e Rece pti on A fun ction t hat can be set so tha t your unit wi ll receiv e from only thos e machines p rogramm ed into your dial er.
INDEX 156 A Abbreviate d Dialli ng (Direct Transmiss ion) .. ........49 Adjusting th e Volume ... ................... ............. ........13 Auto Journa l Print ... ............ .................... ............. .28 Automatic Receptio n .......... .
INDEX 157 P Password Communic ations .... ............. ............. . 110 Password Receptio n .. ............ ................... 112, 11 4 Password Tr ansmissio n ... ................... ............. . 111 Password-R CV ........... ............ ..
F acsimile T elephone Numb er Directory Name T e lephone Number.
English Operating Instructions (For F acsimile) Digital Copier Befor e oper ating this equi pmen t, plea se re ad these in st ruct ions complet ely and keep t he se oper ating i nstruc tions for fu ture r efere nce.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Panasonic FS200 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Panasonic FS200 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Panasonic FS200 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Panasonic FS200 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Panasonic FS200 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Panasonic FS200 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Panasonic FS200 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Panasonic FS200. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Panasonic FS200 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.