Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung DMC-S5 des Produzenten Panasonic
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VQT3X31 M121 1KZ0 Operating Instructions for advanced features Digital Camera Model No. DMC-FH6 DMC-FH4 DMC-S5 DMC-S2 DMC-FH6 DMC-FH4 DMC-S5 DMC-S2 Before use, please read these instructions completely .
- 2 - C o n t e n t s Before use Before use .............................................. 4 Standard Accessories ........................... 6 Names and Functions of Main Parts .... 7 Cursor button ................................................ 9 Preparations Charging battery .
- 3 - Co nt ent s Application (Record) T aking pictures with your own settings [Normal Picture] Mode ........................ 40 How to adjust focus ............................ 41 Using zoom .......................................... 43 Zoom types and use .
- 4 - B e fo r e u se ■ Camera handling Keep the camera away from excessive vibration, force, or pressure. ● Avoid using the camera under the following conditions, which may damage the lens, LCD monitor , or camera body . This may also cause the camera to malfunction or prevent recording.
- 5 - Be fo re use ■ Always take a test shot first Before important events when you will use the camera (at weddings, for example), always take a test shot to make sure that pictures and sound record correctly .
- 6 - S t an d a rd A cc e s so ri e s Check that all the accessories are supplied before using the camera. ● The accessories and their shape will differ depending on the country or area where the camera was purchased. For details on the accessories, refer to Basic Operating Instructions.
- 7 - N a me s an d F u nc ti o n s of M ai n P a rt s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 18 17 19 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 18 17 19 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 1.
- 8 - Na me s a nd Fu nct io ns of M ai n P art s 1 Self-timer indicator (→47)/AF Assist Lamp (→62) 2 Flash (→45) 3 Lens 4 Lens barrel 5 LCD monitor (→88) 6 Power button (→16) 7 Microphone (.
- 9 - Na me s a nd Fu nct io ns of M ai n P art s Cursor button [MENU/SET] (menu display/set) (→33) Left cursor button ( ) • Self-timer (→47) Down cursor button ( ) • Changing information disp.
- 10 - C h ar g i ng b a t te ry Always charge before first use! (battery shipped uncharged) ■ About batteries that you can use with this unit It has been found that counterfeit battery packs which look very similar to the genuine products are made available to purchase in some markets.
- 1 1 - Ch ar gin g b at ter y Guidelines for number of recordable pictures and operating time The number of recordable pictures or available operating time may vary according to surrounding environment and usage conditions. Figures may be reduced if flash, zoom, or other functions are used frequently , or in colder climates.
- 12 - I ns e r ti n g an d r e mo vi n g t he c a rd (o pt i on a l) / t he b at t er y T urn off the power and slide the card/battery door out ( ) before opening the door ( ) as illustrated Insert t.
- 13 - In se rti ng an d r em ovi ng t he ca rd ( op tio nal )/ the b att er y ■ T o remove • T o remove battery: Move lever in direction of arrow . DMC-FH6 DMC-FH4 DMC-S5 DMC-S2 • T o remove card: Press down in centre. ● Always use genuine Panasonic batteries.
- 14 - In se rti ng an d r em ovi ng t he ca rd ( op tio nal )/ the b att er y Picture save destination (cards and built-in memory) ■ Built-in memory (Approx. 70 MB) ● Pictures may be copied between cards and the built-in memory . (→77) ● The access time for the built-in memory may be longer than the access time for a card.
- 15 - In se rti ng an d r em ovi ng t he ca rd ( op tio nal )/ the b att er y Remaining battery and memory capacity Remaining battery (only when using battery) (flashes red) If the battery mark flashes red, recharge or replace battery .
- 16 - S e tt i n g th e cl oc k Press the Power button The power is turned on. If the language select screen is not displayed, proceed to step . Press [MENU/SET] while the message is displayed Press to select the language, and press [MENU/SET] • The [Please set the clock] message appears.
- 17 - Se tt ing th e clo ck T o change time setting When resetting date and time, select [Clock Set] from the [Setup] menu. • Clock settings will be saved for approx. 3 months even after battery is removed, provided a fully-charged battery was installed in the camera for 24 hours beforehand.
- 18 - Basics S e qu e n ce o f op er a t io ns Press the Power button Press [MODE] button Use cursor button to select the recording mode and press [MENU/SET] ■ Recording mode [Intelligent Auto] Mode (→22) T ake pictures with automatic settings. [Normal Picture] Mode (→40) T ake pictures with your own settings.
- 19 - Se qu enc e o f ope ra tio ns Holding the camera • T o avoid camera shake, hold it with both hands keeping your arms close to your body and standing with your feet slightly apart. • Do not touch the lens. • Do not block the flash or the AF Assist Lamp.
- 20 - Se qu enc e o f ope ra tio ns Press the shutter button and take pictures Press halfway (press lightly to focus) Press fully (press the button all the way to record) • For motion pictures, recording will start. T o end recording, press the shutter button again.
- 21 - Se qu enc e o f ope ra tio ns Use cursor button to select a picture to be played back • Play back motion pictures or panorama pictures • [Auto Retouch] • [Beauty Retouch] DMC-FH6 Previous.
- 22 - T a ki ng pi c tu re s w i th a u to m at ic se t ti n g s [I nt el lig en t Au to] M od e Recording mode: Optimum settings are made automatically from information such as “face”, “moveme.
- 23 - T ak ing p ict ur es wit h aut om ati c s et tin gs [ In te ll ige nt Au to ] Mo de Automatic Scene Detection Camera reads scene when pointed at subject, and makes optimum settings automatically .
- 24 - T ak ing p ict ur es wit h aut om ati c s et tin gs [ In te ll ige nt Au to ] Mo de Notes on setting items Only menu items which are displayed in the [Intelligent Auto] Mode can be set. The settings selected in the [Normal Picture] Mode or other modes are reflected for not displayed menu items on the [Setup] menu.
- 25 - T a ki ng mo t io n p ic t ur es [ Mo ti on Pi ct ure ] Mo de Recording mode: ● Depending on the type of card used, a card-access display may appear for a while after motion picture recording. This is not a fault. ● In [AF Mode], (23-area-focusing) is fixed.
- 26 - V ie wi n g y ou r pi ct u r es [No rm al Pl ay ] When a card is in the camera, pictures are played back from the card, and without a card, pictures are played back from the built-in memory . ● It may not be possible to view pictures which were edited in a computer on this camera.
- 27 - V iew in g y ou r p ict ur es [ Nor mal P lay ] Viewing motion pictures Select a picture with the motion picture icon, and press Playback now starts. Motion picture recording time When playback starts, the elapsed playback time is displayed in the top right of the screen.
- 28 - V iew in g y ou r p ict ur es [ Nor mal P lay ] Zooming in and viewing “Playback Zoom” DMC-FH6 T urn the zoom lever to T side DMC-FH4 DMC-S5 DMC-S2 Press the T side of the zoom button Current zoom position (displayed for 1 sec.
- 29 - V iew in g y ou r p ict ur es [ Nor mal P lay ] Viewing a list of pictures “Multi Playback” DMC-FH6 T urn the zoom lever to W side DMC-FH4 DMC-S5 DMC-S2 Press the W side of the zoom button Picture no.
- 30 - V iew in g y ou r p ict ur es [ Nor mal P lay ] Viewing pictures by their recording date “Calendar Playback” DMC-FH6 T urn the zoom lever to W several times DMC-FH4 DMC-S5 DMC-S2 Press the .
- 31 - D e le t i ng p i c tu re s ● Do not turn off the power during deletion. ● Use a sufficiently charged battery . ● Pictures cannot be deleted in the following cases: • Protected pictures • Card switch is in “LOCK” position.
- 32 - De le tin g p ic tur es T o delete multiple (up to 50)/T o delete all pictures Press to delete displayed picture Select [Delete Multi]/[Delete All] ● [Delete Multi] Use cursor button to select picture and press [MENU/SET]. • T o cancel → Press [MENU/SET] again.
- 33 - S e tt i n g th e me nu Refer to the procedure below for example on how to operate the menus. Example: Changing [AF Mode] in the [Rec] menu in [Normal Picture] Mode Press [MENU/SET] The menu selection screen is displayed.
- 34 - Se tt ing th e men u ● The operation screen examples in this manual may differ from the actual screen display or some parts of the screen display are omitted. ● The menu types and items that are displayed vary according to the mode. ● The setting methods vary depending on the menu item.
- 35 - U s in g th e [ S et up ] me nu Item Settings, notes [Clock Set] (→16) Set time, date, and display format. [World T ime] Set the local time at travel destination. Message will be displayed when setting for the first time. In this case, press [MENU/SET] and skip to step .
- 36 - Us in g t he [S etu p] me nu Item Settings, notes DMC-FH6 [Beep] Change or mute the beep/shutter sounds. [Beep Level] / / : Low / High / Mute [Beep T one] / / : Change beep tone. [Shutter V ol.] / / : Low / High / Mute [Shutter T one] / / : Change shutter tone.
- 37 - Us in g t he [S etu p] me nu Item Settings, notes [Focus Icon] Change the focus icon. / / / / / [Auto Power Off] T urn off the power when you are not using the camera to minimise battery consumption.
- 38 - Us in g t he [S etu p] me nu Item Settings, notes [Output] Adjust the settings used when the camera is connected to a TV , etc. via the A V cable. (Playback mode only .) [Video Out] [NTSC] / [P AL] [TV Aspect] / [Rotate Disp.] Automatically rotate portrait still pictures.
- 39 - Us in g t he [S etu p] me nu Item Settings, notes [Format] Use when [Built-In Memory Error] or [Memory Card Error] appears, or when formatting the built-in memory or card. When a card/built-in memory is formatted, the data cannot be restored. Check the content of the card/ built-in memory carefully before formatting.
- 40 - T a ki ng pi c tu re s w i th y o ur ow n s et t in g s [N or ma l P ic tu re ] Mo de Recording mode: Application (Record) ● If a warning is displayed about jitter , use [Stabilizer], a tripod, or [Selftimer]. ● If aperture and shutter speed are shown in red, you do not have appropriate exposure.
- 41 - Useful when subject is not in centre of picture. First adjust focus according to subject Align the AF area with the subject Hold down halfway Focus display ( When focus is aligned: illuminated .
- 42 - Ho w to adj us t f oc us ■ Focus range Zoom position The shortest focusing distance from the surface of the lens W end 5 cm (0.16 feet) T end 1 m (3.3 feet) * When the zoom is operated from the W (wide-angle) end to the T (telephoto) end, the shortest focusing distance changes in stages.
- 43 - U s in g zo om Recording mode: ● Adjust the focus after adjusting the zoom. ● Do not touch the lens barrel during zooming. ● The zoom ratio and the zoom bar displayed on the screen are estimates. ● The camera may make a rattling noise and vibrate when the zoom lever or the zoom button is operated - this is not a fault.
- 44 - Us in g z oom Zoom types and use The zoom ratio changes when the number of recording pixels is changed. (→55) ■ Optical Zoom Zooming in up to 5 times DMC-FH6 /4 times DMC-FH4 DMC-S5 DMC-S2 is possible if pictures without have been selected by [Picture Size] on the [Rec] menu.
- 45 - T ak in g pi ct u r es w i t h fl a s h Recording mode: Press to display [Flash] Use cursor button to select the desired type and press [MENU/SET] T ype, operations Uses [Auto] • Automaticall.
- 46 - T ak ing p ict ur es wit h fla sh ■ A vailable types in each mode (○: Available, –: Not available, : Default setting) [Scene Mode] ○ ○ * 1 ○○○ – ○○○○○ ○ – ○ �.
- 47 - T ak in g pi ct u r es w i t h se l f -t im e r Recording mode: We recommend using a tripod. This is also effective for correcting jitter when pressing the shutter button, by setting the self-timer to 2 seconds.
- 48 - T a ki ng pi c tu re s w i th E x po s ur e C om p en s a ti o n Recording mode: Corrects exposure when adequate exposure cannot be obtained (if difference between brightness of object and background, etc.
- 49 - T a ki ng pi c tu re s a c co rd i ng to t h e s ce n e [S ce ne Mo de ] Recording mode: Using [Scene Mode] enables you to take pictures with optimum settings (exposure, colouring, etc.) for given scenes. ● Selecting a Scene Mode inappropriate for the actual scene may affect the colouring of your picture.
- 50 - T ak ing p ict ur es acc or din g to the s cen e [S ce ne M ode ] [Portrait] Improves the skin tone of subjects for a healthier appearance in bright daylight conditions. T ips • The closer the zoom is positioned to the T (telephoto) edge and the closer the camera is brought to the subject, the greater the effect will be.
- 51 - T ak ing p ict ur es acc or din g to the s cen e [S ce ne M ode ] [Panorama Shot] Creates a single panorama picture by stitching multiple still pictures taken in rapid succession.
- 52 - T ak ing p ict ur es acc or din g to the s cen e [S ce ne M ode ] [Panorama Shot] (Continued) Notes • The zoom position is fixed to the W end.
- 53 - T ak ing p ict ur es acc or din g to the s cen e [S ce ne M ode ] [Sports] T akes pictures of scenes with fast movement, e.g. sports. T ips • Stand at least 5 m (16 feet) away . Notes • Shutter speed may slow down up to 1 second. [Night Portrait] T akes pictures of people and nightscapes with close to actual brightness.
- 54 - T ak ing p ict ur es acc or din g to the s cen e [S ce ne M ode ] [Baby] Uses weak flash to bring out skin colours. ([Baby1] and [Baby2] can be set separately .) Use cursor button to select [Age] and press [MENU/SET]. Use cursor button to select [SET] and press [MENU/SET].
- 55 - U s in g th e [ R ec ] m e nu [Picture Size] • For [Rec] menu setting procedures (→33) Set the size (number of pixels) of still pictures. Number of pictures which can be recorded depends on this setting.
- 56 - Us in g t he [R ec] m enu [Rec Quality] • For [Rec] menu setting procedures (→33) Set the picture size of motion pictures. ■ Recording mode: ■ Settings: Picture Quality Picture Size No.
- 57 - Us in g t he [R ec] m enu [White Balance] • For [Rec] menu setting procedures (→33) Adjust colouring to suit light source if colours otherwise appear unnatural.
- 58 - Us in g t he [R ec] m enu [AF Mode] • For [Rec] menu setting procedures (→33) Method of aligning focus can be changed according to position and number of subjects. ■ Recording mode: ■ Settings: / / T aking front-on pictures of people (Face Detection) Recognises faces (up to 15 people) and adjusts exposure and focus accordingly .
- 59 - Us in g t he [R ec] m enu [i.Exposure] • For [Rec] menu setting procedures (→33) Automatically adjusts contrast and exposure to give more lifelike colours when there is significant contrast between background and subject. ■ Recording mode: ■ Settings: [ON] / [OFF] ● When [i.
- 60 - Us in g t he [R ec] m enu [Burst] DMC-FH6 • For [Rec] menu setting procedures (→33) Enables still pictures to be taken in succession while the shutter button is pressed fully . ■ Recording mode: ■ Settings: Item Settings [Burst] Maximum burst speed: Approx.
- 61 - Us in g t he [R ec] m enu ● About [Hi-Speed Burst] and [Flash Burst] • The settings can be made in [Normal Picture] Mode only . • The picture size is changed in accordance with the aspect ratios of the pictures (→55) prior to the setting.
- 62 - Us in g t he [R ec] m enu [Color Mode] • For [Rec] menu setting procedures (→33) Set colour effects. ■ Recording mode: ■ Settings: [ST ANDARD] / [VIVID] * 1 (sharper) / [B&W] / [SEP.
- 63 - Us in g t he [R ec] m enu [Stabilizer] • For [Rec] menu setting procedures (→33) Automatically detects and prevents jitter . ■ Recording mode: ■ Settings: [ON] / [OFF] ● Cases where O.
- 64 - D i ff e r en t p l ay ba c k m et h o ds [ Pla yb ac k M od e] Recorded pictures can be played back in a variety of ways. ● When no card is inserted, pictures are played back from the built-in memory . ● The [Playback Mode] automatically becomes [Normal Play] when switching from recording mode to playback mode.
- 65 - Di ff ere nt pl ayb ac k m et ho ds [ Pl ay ba ck Mod e] [Slide Show] • For switching [Playback Mode] (→64) Automatically play pictures in order and to music. Recommended when viewing on TV screen. Use cursor button to select the playback method and press [MENU/SET] [All] Play all.
- 66 - Di ff ere nt pl ayb ac k m et ho ds [ Pl ay ba ck Mod e] ● When [URBAN] has been selected, the picture may appear in black and white as a screen effect. ● When panorama pictures are played back, the [Duration] setting is disabled. ● Part of [Effect] cannot be used when displaying pictures recorded in portrait position.
- 67 - Di ff ere nt pl ayb ac k m et ho ds [ Pl ay ba ck Mod e] [Calendar] • For switching [Playback Mode] (→64) Select the date from the calendar screen to view only the pictures taken on that day .
- 68 - R e to u c hi ng p ic tu r e s [Auto Retouch] Y ou can adjust the colour and brightness of a still picture to bring them into balance. • New pictures are created after editing pictures with [Auto Retouch]. Before starting to edit, make sure that there is enough free space in the built-in memory or memory card.
- 69 - Re to uch ing p ict ur es [Beauty Retouch] DMC-FH6 Still pictures taken by the camera that recognise the subject as a face can be retouched using the makeup effect etc., to enhance the portrait. • New pictures are created after editing pictures with [Beauty Retouch].
- 70 - Re to uch ing p ict ur es ● Y ou cannot retouch an already-retouched subject or two or more subjects at once. T o perform such an operation, save the picture once and then select a subject that you want to retouch again. ● The brightness or colour between a picture viewed before saving and the saved picture may be different.
- 71 - U s in g th e [ P la yb a c k] m e n u Y ou can set the recorded picture to upload to the image-sharing websites, edit the picture (for example, trimming), and set a protection setting in the picture. • For Playback menu display and operation methods (→33).
- 72 - Us in g t he [P lay ba ck] m en u ■ T o clear all Select [CANCEL] in step and select [Y es]. ● Not available on cards with less than 512 MB. [Resize] • For Playback menu display and operation methods (→33). Picture size can be reduced to facilitate e-mail attachment and use in web pages, etc.
- 73 - Us in g t he [P lay ba ck] m en u ■ [MUL TI] Use cursor button to select [MUL TI] and press [MENU/SET] Use cursor button to select size and press [MENU/SET] Use cursor button to select a still picture and press [MENU/SET] (up to 50 pictures) Resize setting Number of pixels before/ after resizing • T o cancel → Press [MENU/SET] again.
- 74 - Us in g t he [P lay ba ck] m en u [Favorite] • For Playback menu display and operation methods (→33). By labelling your favourite pictures with a star ( ), you can play back your favourite pictures only , or you can delete all pictures except your favourites.
- 75 - Us in g t he [P lay ba ck] m en u [Print Set] DMC-FH6 • For Playback menu display and operation methods (→33). Picture/picture no./date printing settings can be made for when printing with DPOF print- compatible shops or printers.
- 76 - Us in g t he [P lay ba ck] m en u [Protect] • For Playback menu display and operation methods (→33). Set protection to disable picture deletion.
- 77 - Us in g t he [P lay ba ck] m en u [Copy] • For Playback menu display and operation methods (→33). Y ou can copy pictures between built-in memory and memory card. Use cursor button to select the copy method (direction) and press [MENU/SET] : Copy all pictures from built-in memory to card (go to step ).
- 78 - V ie wi n g o n T V s cr ee n Connecting with other devices Y ou can view pictures on a TV screen by connecting your camera to your TV with the A V cable. Getting Ready: • Set [TV Aspect]. (→38) • Turn of f both camera and TV . Connect camera to TV T urn on TV ● Set to auxiliary input.
- 79 - V iew in g o n TV scr ee n ● Also consult TV operating manual. ● Always use a genuine Panasonic A V cable (optional). ● Y ou can play back pictures on TVs in other countries (regions) which use the NTSC or P AL system when you set [Video Out] in [Setup] menu.
- 80 - U s in g wi th y ou r P C Still/motion pictures can be copied from the camera to your computer by connecting the two together . • Some computers can read directly from the camera’s memory card. For details, see the manual for your computer .
- 81 - Us in g w ith y our P C Installing supplied software (PHOTOfunSTUDIO) This software allows you to acquire pictures to the PC, and also categorise these acquired pictures by their recording date or the model name of the camera used. • Before inserting the CD-ROM, close all running applications.
- 82 - Us in g w ith y our P C Copying still pictures and motion pictures Getting Ready: • Charge the battery sufficiently . • When importing pictures from the built-in memory , remove any memory cards. • Turn on the camera and computer . Check socket direction and insert straight in.
- 83 - Us in g w ith y our P C * 1 New folders are created in the following cases: • When pictures are taken to folders containing files numbered 999. • When using cards already containing the same folder number (for example, pictures taken with other cameras, etc.
- 84 - Us in g w ith y our P C Uploading pictures to image-sharing websites Using the uploading tool ([LUMIX Image Uploader]), you can upload still pictures and motion pictures to image-sharing websites (Facebook or Y ouT ube). There is no need to copy pictures to your computer or install specialised software.
- 85 - P r in t i ng Getting Ready: • Charge the battery sufficiently . • When copying pictures from the built-in memory , remove any memory cards. • Adjust the print quality or other settings on your printer , as needed. • Turn on the camera and printer .
- 86 - Pr in tin g Printing multiple pictures Connect camera to printer • Please make sure you use the supplied USB connection cable. Use of cables other than the supplied USB connection cable may cause malfunction.
- 87 - Pr in tin g Making print settings on the camera (Make settings before selecting [Print start]) Use cursor button to select the item and press [MENU/SET] Item Settings [Print with Date] [ON] / [OFF] [Num.of prints] Set number of pictures (up to 999 pictures) [Paper Size] When is selected, the printer settings take priority .
- 88 - L i st o f LC D mo ni t o r di s p la ys ■ In recording Others 1 Recording Mode (→18) 2 Picture Size (→55) Recording quality (→56) Backlight Compensation (→23) 3 Flash Mode (→45) Op.
- 89 - Li st of LC D mon it or di sp la ys ■ In playback * [h], [m] and [s] indicate “hour”, “minute” and “second”. Screens shown here are only examples.
- 90 - M e ss a g e di s p la ys Meanings of and required responses to major messages displayed on LCD monitor . [This memory card cannot be used] ● A MultiMediaCard was inserted.
- 91 - Me ss age di sp lay s [Memory Card Error] [Memory card parameter error] ● Card is not of SD standard. ● When cards in capacities of 4 GB or more are used, only SDHC or SDXC Memory Cards are supported. [Read Error]/[Write Error] [Please check the card] ● Data read has failed.
- 92 - Q & A T ro ub le sho ot in g T ry checking these items (→92 - 97) first. If the problem persists, performing [Reset] in the [Setup] menu may resolve the issue. (Note that except for some items such as [Clock Set], all settings are returned to their values from the time of purchase.
- 93 - Q& A T rou bl esh oot in g Recording (Continued) Brightness or colouring of recorded picture different from real life. ● When recording under fluorescent or LED lighting fixture etc., increasing the shutter speed may introduce slight changes to brightness and colour .
- 94 - Q& A T rou bl esh oot in g Flash No flash emitted. ● Flash set to [Forced Flash Off] (→45). ● The flash is unavailable when using [Burst] (other than [Flash Burst] DMC-FH6 ) or when using [Scenery], [Panorama Shot], [Night Scenery], [Sunset], or [Glass Through] Scene Modes.
- 95 - Q& A T rou bl esh oot in g Playback (Continued) Blackened red areas in recorded pictures. ● When digital red-eye correction ( , ) is operating, if a subject is recorded that has skin- coloured areas with red areas inside, the digital red-eye correction function may blacken the red areas.
- 96 - Q& A T rou bl esh oot in g TV , computer , printer (Continued) The card is not recognised by the computer . (Y ou are using an SDXC Memory Card.) ● Make sure your computer supports SDXC memory cards.
- 97 - Q& A T rou bl esh oot in g Others Menu not displayed in desired language. ● Change [Language] setting (→39). Camera rattles if shaken. ● This sound is made by the lens movement and is not a fault. Red lamp illuminated when pressing shutter button halfway in dark locations.
- 98 - U s ag e ca ut i o ns a n d n ot e s When in use ● Camera may become warm if used for long periods of time, but this is not a fault. ● Keep this unit as far away as possible from electromagnetic equipment (such as microwave ovens, TVs, video games etc.
- 99 - Us ag e c aut io ns an d n ot es Memory cards ● T o prevent damage to cards and data • Avoid high temperatures, direct sunlight, electromagnetic waves, and static electricity . • Do not bend, drop, or expose to strong impacts. • Do not touch connectors on reverse of card or allow them to become dirty or wet.
- 100 - Us ag e c aut io ns an d n ot es Lens ● If lens is dirty: Images may appear slightly white if lens is dirty (fingerprints, etc.). T urn the power on, hold the extracted lens barrel with your fingers, and gently wipe the lens surface with a soft, dry cloth.
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Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Panasonic DMC-S5 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Panasonic DMC-S5 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Panasonic DMC-S5 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Panasonic DMC-S5 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Panasonic DMC-S5 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Panasonic DMC-S5 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Panasonic DMC-S5 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Panasonic DMC-S5. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Panasonic DMC-S5 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.