Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung CU-E21CKE des Produzenten Panasonic
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1 Features 2 2 Functions 3 3 Product Specificatio ns 6 4 Dimensions 10 5 Refrigeratio n Cycle Diagram 12 6 Block Diagram 13 7 Wiring Diagram 14 8 Operation Details 15 8.1. BASIC FUNCTION 15 8.2. Protection Control Features 32 9 Operating Instructions 44 10 Installation And Servicing Air Conditioner Using R410A 52 10.
15 Replacemen t Parts List 85 16 Exploded View 86 17 Replacemen t Parts List 87 18 Electronic Circuit Diagram 88 18.1. REMOTE CONTROL 98 • Product − Microcom puter-c ontrolle d compressor operati .
2 Functions Remote Control Operation OFF / ON OFF/ON I Room Temperature Setting TEMP Operation Mode Selection • a Automatic Operation • HEAT Heating Operation • COOL Cooling Operation • DRY Soft Dry Operation • FAN Fan Operation Time / Timer Setting • Hours and minutes setting.
Indoor Unit Automatic Operation Switch • Press for < 5s to run Automatic Operation. (Used when the remote control cannot be used.) • Press continuously for 5s and < 8s to run Forced Cooling Operation. • Press continuously for 8s and < 11s to run Forced Heating Operation.
Anti-Dew Formation Control Indoor Power Relay Control Anti Freezing Control Low Pressure Control (Gas Leakeage Detection) Breakdown Self Diagnosis Function Anti-Cold Draft Control High Pressure Contro.
3 Product Specification s Unit CS-E18CKE CU-E18CKE Coolin g Capacity kW kcal/h BTU/h 5.30 (0.90 - 6.00) 4,560 (770 - 5,160) 18,100 (3,070 - 20,500) Heating Capacity kW kcal/h BTU/h 6.60 (0.90 - 8.00) 5,680 (770 - 6,880) 22,500 (3,070 - 27,300) Moisture Removal l/h Pint/h 2.
Unit CS-E18CKE CU-E18CKE Pipe Size (Flare piping) inch inch G (gas side) ; 1/2 ” L (liquid side) ; 1/4 ” G (gas side) ; 1/2 ” L (liquid side) ; 1/4 ” Drain Hose Inner diameter mm 12 — Length m 0.65 — Power Cord Length Number of core-wire 2.
Unit CS-E21CKE CU-E21CKE Coolin g Capacity kW kcal/h BTU/h 6.30 (0.90 - 7.10) 5,420 (770 - 6,110) 21,500 (3,070 - 24,200) Heating Capacity kW kcal/h BTU/h 7.20 (0.90 - 8.50) 6,190 (770 - 7,310) 24,600 (3,070 - 29,000) Moisture Removal l/h Pint/h 3.5 (7.
Unit CS-E21CKE CU-E21CKE Drain Hose Inner diameter mm 12 — Length m 0.65 — Power Cord Length Number of core-wire 2.1 m 3 core wires × 1.5 mm 2 — — Dimensions Height inch (mm) 10 - 13/16 (275).
4 Dimensions 10.
5 Refrigeration Cycle Diagram 12.
6 Block Diagram 13.
7 Wiring Diagram 14.
8.1. BASIC FUNCTION 8 Operation Details Inverter control , which equipp ed with a microco mputer in determ ining the most suitable operati ng mode as time passes , automa tically adjusts output power for maximu m comfor t al ways.
Table (b): Outdoo r Air Temperature Shifting Mode: Outdoor Temperature , X ( ° C): Temperature Shift ( ° C) Manual Operation Auto Operation Cooling/Soft Dry 38 X 1.50 2.00 30 X 38 1.25 1.25 23 X 30 1.25 1.25 X 23 1.75 1.75 Heating 21 X -2.25 -1.50 17 X 21 -1.
CompHz = Freq. A × Freq. H + Freq. C Example Calcula tion: Model No.: E18CK Operat ion Mode: Cooling When Intake Ai r Tempe rature - Internal setting Temperature: 1.5 ° C CompHz = Freq. A × Freq. H + Freq. C = 1.53 × 46 + 2.5 = 72 Hz (It cuts down less than a decimal point) Cooling & Soft Dry E18CK E21CK Freq.
8.1.4. Soft Dr y Operatio n Thermo stat control • Compres sor is OFF when Intake Air Tempe rature - Internal Setting Tempe rature < -2.5 ° C. • Compres sor is ON after waiting for 3 minute s, if the Intake Air Tempe rature - Internal Setting Tempe rature > Compr essor OFF point.
Values of T1, T2, and T3 depend on remote control setting temperature, as shown in below table. After the adjustment of T1, T2 and T3 values, the operati on mode for that particular environ ment and remote control setting is judged and perform ed, based on the above operati on mode chart, every 30 minute s.
B. Indoor Fan Contro l i. Indoor fan control operati on outline 1. Cooling / Dry 2. Heating 20.
ii. Auto Fan Speed 1. Cooling 2. Heating Note: a. UP: • If move from Lo, the fan speed will be shifted to Maximu m 1520 rpm (E21CK ), 1480 rpm (E18CK ). • If move from Maximum , the fan speed no change. • I n up zone, 10 rpm is added for every 10s until Maximu m 1520 rpm (E21CK ), 1480 rpm (E18CK ).
iii. Max Capaci ty Conditi on a) During Cooling operati on, if all to the followin g conditio n is fulfilled , the indoor fan speed is set to Shi. 1. Indoor intake temperature 24 ° C. 2. Operat ion frequency 72 Hz (E18CK ), 95 Hz (E21CK ) & above.
D. Deodo rizing Control i. Control conditio n Control at cooling /dry operati on and auto fan speed. No Deodor izing Control is performed during ON timer standb y operati on and during Anti-freezing control preven tion. ii. Operat ion The odor status is arrange d as below and it is shifted as follow.
Basic Rotatio n Speed 8.1.9. Airflow Directio n 1. There are two types of airflow, vertical airflow (directe d by horizon tal vane) and horizontal airflow (directe d by vertical vanes).
1. Automa tic vertical airflow directio n can be set using remote control ; the vane swings up and down within the angles as stated above. For heating mode operati on, the angle of the vane depend s on the indoor heat exchan ger temperature as Figure 1 below.
8.1.10. Quiet operatio n (Cooling Mode/Cooling area of Dry Mode) A. Purpos e To provide quiet cooling operati on compa re to normal operati on. B. Contro l condition a. Quiet operati on start conditio n • W hen “ quiet ” button at remote control is presse d. . Quiet operatio n (Heating ) A. Purpos e To provide quiet heating operati on compa re to normal operati on. B. Contro l condition a. Quiet operati on start conditio n • W hen “ quiet ” button at remote control is presse d. Quiet LED illumina tes.
8.1.11. Powerfu l Mode Operatio n When the powerful mode is selected, the interna l setting temperature will shift to achieve the setting temperature quickly .
8.1.14. Auto Restart Control 1. When the power supply is cut off during the operati on of air conditio ner, the compre ssor will re-operate within three to four minutes (there are 10 pattern s betwee n 2 minutes 58 second s and 3 minute s 52 second s to be selecte d random ly) after power supply resume s.
8.1.18. Ionizer Operatio n 8.1.17. Indoor Power Relay Control Power relay will turn on during operati on or in progress of stoppin g operation. Althoug h operati on stops, the power relay continu es on for three minute s. However, during instanta neous power failure (< 0.
3. Ionizer operati on status is not memorised by micon. After OFF, when operati on is “ ON ” again, air conditio ner operate s without ionizer operati on. c. Timer during ionizer operati on Refer to case study in next page for detail. . Ionizer Problem Detectio n Control i.
8.2. Protection Control Features 8.2.1. Protection Control For All Operatio ns Time Delay Safety Control 1. The compre ssor will not start for three minute s after stop of operation. 2. This control is not applica ble if the power supply is cut off and on again or after 4-way valve deices conditio n. IPM (Power transist or) Prevent ion Control A. Overheating Preven tion Contro l 1. When the IP M temper ature rises to 110 ° C, compre ssor operati on will stop imm ediately. 2. Compressor operati on restarts after three minute s the temperature decrea ses to 95 ° C. CT Disconn ection Detectio n 1. Contro l Starting Conditi on a. Total Curren t is below 0.74 ~ 0.94 Amp. b. Operat ing Frequency is 72 Hz (E18CK ), 95 Hz (E21CK ) +1 and above. c. Continu ously for 20s. 2. Contro l Conten ts a. Abnorm al signal transmitted to indoor unit after 3 minute s outdoo r power is supplie d.
8.2.2. Protection Control For Cooling & Soft Dry Operatio n Outdoor Air Temperature Control The compre ssor operati ng frequen cy is regulat ed in accord ance to the outdoo r air temper ature as shown in the diagram below. Cooling Overloa d Control i. Anti-Fre ezing Control 1. When indoor heat exchan ger temperature is lower than 2 ° C continu ously for six minute s, compr essor will stop operati ng. 2. Compressor will resume its operati on three minutes after the indoor heat exchan ger is higher than 10 ° C.
8.2.3. Protection Control For Heating Operatio n Anti Cold Draft Control Indoor fan speed varies in accord ance to indoor heat exchan ger temperature, based on typ e of air volume and directio n, as shown below.
Note: a. UP: • If move from Lo, the fan speed will be shifted to Maximu m 1520 rpm (E21CK ), 1480 rpm (E18CK ). • If move from Maximu m, the fan speed no change . • In up zone, 10 rp m is added for every 10s until Maximu m 1520 rpm (E21CK ), 1480 r pm (E18CK ). Overload Protecti on Control The compre ssor operati ng frequen cy is regulat ed in accord ance to indoor heat exchan ger temperature as shown in below figures . Outdoor Temper ature Control • Outdoor temperature is detected and the followin g control is perform . Deice Control A. Deice operat ion (Normal Deice Operation) 1. Detecti on methods Outdoo r heat exchan ger temperature sensor , timer. 2. Deice operati on time chart Notes a. During deice operati on, the relation ship betwee n outdoo r pipe temperature and time T1 is such operati on will procee d to next stage.
3. Explan ation of operati on 1) Before the deice is started, compressor frequency is set to the specified value for T0-timer. 2) After deice is started, the 4-way valve, OD Fan and ID fan are OFF. 3) After 4-way valve is OFF for 30 s, compressor frequency is set to the specified value.
3. Deice conditio n: OD air temp. t 0 ° C. OD heat exchan ger t emp. 0 ° C for 14 min. OD heat exchan ger t emp. -8 ° C for 10 min. 4. Auto clean deice time chart Similar to deice operati on 2 except for frequen cy values. a. Detecti on methods Outdoo r heat exchan ger temp.
Outdoo r heat exchan ger pipe temperature a 15 ° C b 18 ° C c 25 ° C Notes 1. During deice operation, the relation ship betwee n outdoo r pipe temperature and time T1 is such procee d to next operati on. 2. The deice will be perform ed only after 1 hour from when the operati on has started.
9 Operating Instructions 45 46 45 46 46 46 46 46 48 49 47 Ionizer DO NO T T OUCH 44.
49 50 48 47 45.
Current time OK? –> Setting: page 48 ON Select or Set time Confirm OFF or Set time Confirm ON & OFF Timer Timer Timer Set time Confirm 46.
every 6 months see page 44 see page 48 Soaps Neutral household detergents ( pH7) 47.
refer page 47 48.
48 49.
NEVER install, remove or reinstall y ourself Do NOT pull out the plug b y the cable Do NOT insert finger or other objects into the unit! — > especially dangerous for children! 50.
44 46 46 46 47 47 47 / 48 47 / 48 45 51.
10 Installation And Servicing Ai r Conditioner Using R410A 10.1. OUTLINE 10.1.1. About R410A Refriger ant 1. Conver ting air conditio ners to R410A Since it was declare d in1974 that chlorofluoroca rb.
d. R410A refriger ating machin e oil Conven tionally , minera l oil or a synthet ic oil such as alkylbe nzene has been used for R22 refriger ating machin e oil.
10.2.2. R410A Tools 1. Cooper tube gauge for clearan ce adjustment (used when flaring with the conven tional flaring tool (clutch type)) • This gauge makes it easy t o set the clearan ce for the copper tube to 1.0-1.5 m m from the clamp bar of the flaring tool.
5. Chargin g hose • The pressu re resistan ce of the charging hose has been raised to match the higher pressu re of R410A . The hose materia l has also been change d to suit HFC use, and the size of the fitting has been change d to match the manifo ld ports.
8. Electro nic scale for refrigerant charging • Because of the high pressu re and fast vaporiz ing speed of R410A , the refriger ant cannot be held in a liquid phase inside the chargin g cylinde r w.
10.3. REFRIGERANT PIPING WORK When working with refrigerant piping, the followin g points must be careful ly observ ed: no moisture od dust must be allowed to enter the piping, and there must be no refrigerant leaks. 1. Proced ure and precau tions for flaring work a.
2. Proced ure and precau tions for flare connec tion Table 11 R410A flaring dimensions Nominal diameter Outside diameter (mm) Wa ll thickness (mm) A (mm) R410A flaring tool, clutch type Conventional flaring tool Clutch type Wing-nu t type 1/4 6.35 0.8 0 - 0.
Precau tions • Be sure to read the instructions for the vacuum pump, vacuum pump adapto r and manifo ld gauge prior to use, and follow the instruct ions careful ly. • Make sure that the vacuum pump is filled with oil up to the designa ted line on the oil gauge.
10.4.2. Transfe rring (Using N ew Refriger ant Piping) 1. Removing the unit a. Collect ing the refriger ant into the outdoo r unit by pumpin g down The refrigerant can be collecte d into the outdoo r unit (pumpi ng down) by pressin g the TEST RUN button, even when the temperature of the room is low.
5. Set the refrigerant cylinde r onto the electro nic scale, then correct the hose the cylinde r and to the connec tion port for the electronic scale. (1)(2) Precau tion: Be sure to set up the cylinde r fo r liquid chargin g.
10.4.6. Brazing As brazing require s sophist icated techniq ues and experie nces, it must be perform ed by a qualifie d person . In order to prevent the oxide film from occurri ng in the pipe interior during brazing, it is effectiv e to procee d with brazing while letting dry nitrogen gas (N2) flow.
11 Installation Instructions Required tools for Installation Wor ks 1. Philips screw driver 5. Spanner 9. Gas leak detector 13. Multimeter 2. Level gauge 6. Pipe cutter 10. Measuring tape 14. Torque wrench 18 N ● m (1.8 kgf ● m) 55 N ● m (5.5 kgf ● m) 65 N ● m (6.
1. The equipment must be earthed. It may cause electrical shock if grounding is not perfect. 2. Do not install the unit at place where leakage of flammable gas may occur. In case gas leaks and accumulates at surrounding of the unit, it m ay cause fire.
Applica ble piping ki t CZ-4F5, 7, 10AN (E18CK , E21CK ) SELEC T THE BEST LOCAT ION INDOOR UNIT • There should not be a ny heat source or steam near the unit. • There should not be any obstacl es blockin g the air circulation. • A place where air circulat ion in the r oom is good.
11.2.1. SELECT THE BEST LOCATI ON (Refer to “Select the best location ” section) 11.2.2. HOW TO FIX INSTALL ATION PLATE The mounti ng wall is strong and solid enough to preven t it from the vibration. The centre of installa tion plate should be at more than 550 mm at right and left of the wall.
3. For the embed ded piping (This can be used for left rear piping & left bottom piping also.) 67.
1. The inside and outside connec ting cable can be connec ted without removing the front grille. 2. Connec ting cable betwee n indoor unit and outdoo r unit shall be approv ed polychl oropren e sheath ed 4 × 2.5 mm 2 (E18CK , E21CK ) flexible cord, type designa tion 245 IEC 57 or heavier cord.
AUTO SWITC H OPERATI ON • After selectin g the best location , start installa tion accord ing to Indoor/ Outdoo r Unit Installa tion Diagram . 1. Fix the unit on concre te or rigid f rame firmly and horizon tally by bolt nut. ( ø 10 mm). 2. When inst a llin g at roof, please conside r strong wind and earthquake.
CUTTING AND FLARIN G THE PIPING 1. Please cut using pipe cutter and then remove the burrs. 2. Remove the burrs by using reamer. If burrs is not removed, gas leakage may be caused . Turn the piping end down to avoid the metal powder enterin g the pipe.
DISPOSAL OF OUTDOOR UNIT DRAIN WATER • If a drain elbow is used, the unit should be placed on a stand which is taller than 3 c m. • If the unit is used in an area where temper ature falls below 0 ° C for 2 or 3 days in succes sion, it is recommended not to use a drain elbow, for the drain water freezes and the fan will not rotate.
1. Rated Freque nc y Operat ion 12 Servicing Information Caution: • P b free solder has a higher melting point than standard solder; Typically the melting point is 50 - 70 ° F( 3 0-4 0 ° C) higher.
2. Troubleshoot ing Air Conditioner Refrige ration cycle system In order to diagno se malfun ctions, ma ke sure that there are no electric al problem s before inspect ing the refriger ation cycle. Such problem s include insuffic ient insulati on, problem with the power source , malfunction of a compressor and a fan.
1. Relatio nship betwee n the condition of the air conditioner and pressu re and electric curren t Cooling Mode Heating Mode Condition of the air conditoner Low Pressure High Pressure Electric current.
Error Codes Table Diagnosis display Abnormality / Protection control Abnormality Judgement Emergency operation Primary location to verify H11 Indoor / outdoor abnormal communication > 1 min after s.
• Remote Contro l Reset When the batteries are inserte d for the first time, or the batterie s are replaced, all the indicati ons will blink and the remote control might not work. If this happen , remove the cover of the remote control and push the reset point once to clear the memory data.
1. The Electro nic Contro ller, a Signal Receiv er and an Indicato r (Fig. 3) can be seen b y the below steps: • Open the Intake Grille and remove the screw at the front of the Front Grille. (Fig. 1). • Remove the 3 caps and 3 screws at the bottom of the Front Grille.
1. In order to remove the Cross Flow Fan and Indoor Fan Motor, Contro l Board need to be taken out by releasin g all the connec tors as indicate d below. a. Releas e the Earth Wire screw. (Fig. 5) b. Releas e the Intake Air Sensor . (Fig. 5) c. Releas e the Piping Sensor .
6. Remove the Bearing . (Fig. 9) 7. Remove the screws at the left of the Evaporator. (Fig. 9) 8. Push up the Evaporator and pull out the Cross Flow Fan from shaft.
1. Remove the top panel and front panel Fig. 16 2. Remove the Outdoo r Electro nic Controller Fig. 18 Caution! Whe n handling electronic controller, be careful of electrostatic discharge.
13 Technical Data 81.
Outdoor Temp. ( ° C) Indoor wet bulb temp. 30 35 40 46 TC SHC IP TC SHC IP TC SHC IP TC SHC IP 17.0 ° C 5.26 3.99 1.51 4.91 3.82 1.63 4.57 3.67 1.74 4.16 3.49 1.88 19.0 ° C 5.30 1.65 19.5 ° C 5.77 4.17 1.54 5.40 4.01 1.66 5.02 3.86 1.77 4.56 3.67 1.
14 Exploded View Note: The above explode d view is for the purpos e of parts disasse mbly and replace ment. The non-nu mbered parts are not kept as standa rd service parts.
15 Replacement Parts List <Model: CS-E18 CKE & CS- E21CK E> REF. NO. PART NAME & DESCRIPTION QTY. CS-E18CKE CS-E21CKE REMARKS 1 CHASSY COMPLETE 1 CWD50C1293 ← 2 FAN MOTOR 1 CWA981056 .
16 Exploded View Note: The above explode d view is for the purpos e of parts disasse mbly and replace ment. The non-nu mbered parts are not kept as standa rd service parts.
18 Electronic Circuit Diagram 1 2 1 2 3 3 TEMPERATURE FUSE TO OUTDOOR (BLK) (RED) AC4 AC6 RY-PWR (BRW) AC2 AC1 (BLK) WHT AC5 WHT AC3 DISPLAY (PH10) 6 5 4 3 2 1 CN-DISP1 7 10 9 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 CN-DISP 7 10 9 8 FG1 FG2 (YLW/GRN) (YLW/GRN) PH10 (WHT) C29 C30 P L SW401 R42 110 Ω C10 0.
SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 2/3 P72 P73 P74 BUZ P64 P65 P66 P67 P40 P41 P42 P43 P44 P45 P46 P47 P50 P51 P52 P53 P54 P55 P56 P57 Vss0 Vdd0 P30 P31 P32 P33 TXD2 RXD2 ANI1 ANI2 ANI3 P14 P15 P16 P17 Avss Vdd1 P25 T.
SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 3/3 CN001 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 F001 Z001 C002 L001 C003 D007 R030 R046 CN002 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CN103 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CN101 5 4 3 2 1 DB004 TH001 TH002 R114 PC001 1 4 3 2 R002 ZD005 R116.
• CU -E1 8C K E CU -E21 C K E SC HEMATI C DIA G RAM 1 /5 D14 ERA15-01 1 2 1 2 3 3 AC-WHT AC-BLK TERMINAL DATA D6 ERA15-06 PC18 TLP421 (BL) PC17 TLP421 (GR) RED R152 ZD1 ZD5 R3 1.
SC HEMATI C DIA G RAM 2 /5 R2 499k 1/4W 1 % R1 499k 1/4W 1 % R139 8.25k 1% R28 499k 1/4W 1 % R8 499k 1/4W 1 % R134 7.68k 1 % FUSE 3.15A 250V 1 R17 10k 10 4 25 14 7 14 1 28 LJP109 BLACK LJP113 BLACK 37 43 41 31 17 30 11 9 CN203 12 7 CN203 6 CN203 CN202 15 10 LJP112 BROWN + C15 100 6.
SC HEMATI C DIA G RAM 3/5 40 30 8 38 7 37 36 35 41 44 16 25 29 26 27 R249 18 33 45 6 13 12 7 8 CN202 1 11 18 CN203 CN203 CN201 3 20 36 19 28 (GND)VSS (X)NPWM00 (U)PWM00 (V)PWM01 (3.3V)VDD (Y)NPWM01 (W)PWM02 (Z)NPWM02 (FM)PWM10 (RY-1)P71 (RY-2)P72 (3.3V)VDD (TR)73 (GND)VSS PWM20 (2.
SC HEMATI C DIA G RAM 4 /5 C84 10 50V C82 0.047 25V 2 1 R199 160 5W 5% PTC3 ZPC56CH251A1UC RY-2 ALD112A01 D23 ERA15-06 RY-1 ALA2ZF12E01 3 C65 0.22 630V C74 0.047 25V C75 0.047 25V + R75 10k R74 5.11k 1% R73 5.11k 1% C61 10 50V 1Ok 1Ok 1Ok 4.7k 4.7k 4.
SC HEMATI C DIA G RAM 5/5 + + D8 ERB83-006 + + R25 4.7k 1/4W R24 10 1W R19 10 1W R20 10 1W R26 D9 ERA22-04 C27 100 16V NJM78M05F IC2 NJM78M15F IC1 C HO CE Vcc IN COM C HO CE Vcc IN COM C HO CE U OUT V OUT W OUT roc CCT Vcc IN COM Vcc IN(X) IN(Y) IN(Z) VFO GND R66 R65 R12 15k 1% R11 15.
How to use electro nic circuit diagra m TIM ER TABLE < INDOO R> Test mode Name Time (Wh en test point Short-circuited) 4 way valve abnormality 4 min. 24 sec. Outdoor air temp. for Hz No. decision 30 min. 0 sec. Anti-dew formation control 20 min.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Panasonic CU-E21CKE (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
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Wenn Sie aber schon Panasonic CU-E21CKE besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Panasonic CU-E21CKE verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Panasonic CU-E21CKE. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Panasonic CU-E21CKE gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.