Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung BB-HGW700A des Produzenten Panasonic
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Network Camera Management System Operating Instructions Version 1.1 Model No. BB-HGW700A Please read this manual bef ore using and save this man ual for your future ref erence.
Opera ting In structions 2 Intr odu ction Thank y ou f or pur ch asing the Pa nasonic Netw ork Camera Management Syst em . Bef ore using Please re ad the Imp or tant Sa f ety Inst ruction s on page 4 bef ore using . Read an d unde rstand al l inst ructions .
[F or assis tance , please call: 1-800-2 72-7033] Operat ing Ins truc tions 3 Abbrevi ations • UPnP is t he abbre viation f or Univ ersal Plug an d Pla y . • CA TV modem s and ADSL modems are ref erred to as mode ms in thi s man ual. • Network c amer as are ref erred to as ca mera s in this manua l.
Opera ting In structions 4 IMPOR T ANT SAFETY INSTR UCTION S When usin g this produc t, basic s af ety prec autions sh ould alw ays be f ollowe d to reduce the risk of fire, electric sh ock , or person al inj ury . 1. Read and understa nd all ins tructions .
[F or assis tance , please call: 1-800-2 72-7033] Operat ing Ins truc tions 5 T a b le of Content s 1 Product Introduction ....... ....... .......... .......... ....... ......... ........ ... 7 1.1 Main F eatures .............. .......... ............
Opera ting In structions 6 • Routing ..... ........... ................. ........... ................. ................. ........... ................. ........... .. ........ 86 3.2.6 Using V PN (PPTP) . ............ .......... ......... ......... .
7 [F or assis tance , please call: 1-800-2 72-7033] Operat ing Ins truc tions Pr oduct Introduction 1 Pr oduct Intr oduction 1.1 Main Features This prod uct is a Netw ork Camera M anageme nt Sys tem with the f ollo wing f eatures: ■ IPv6 Compatib le This prod uct is c ompatib le with IPv6, th e ne xt gene ratio n of Internet pr otocol.
Opera ting In structions 8 1.2 Inc luded Accesso ries The f ollo wing it ems are pro vided with thi s product. Add itional pie ces can be ord ered b y callin g 1-800- 332-5368. Accessorie s to be Pr ovided b y Customer • Ethernet Cab le (cate gory 5 straight cabl e) - 1 p c.
9 [F or assis tance , please call: 1-800-2 72-7033] Operat ing Ins truc tions Pr oduct Introduction 1.3 Feature Lo cations 1.3.1 Fr ont Vie w 1.3.2 Rear Vie w POWER Indicator (see page 10) WAN Indicat.
Opera ting In structions 10 1.3.3 Indicator s Indicator s Light Color Description PO WER Green This pro duct is t urn ed o n. Red (Bl inking) There is a prob lem with this produ ct. Remo v e the A C cord from the outle t, and ins er t agai n. Green (Blinkin g) The firmw are is dam aged.
11 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Accessing This Product 2 Accessing This Pr oduct 2.1 Functio ns 2.1.1 T op P age The top pa ge all ows y ou to select th e Setup pag e or Cam era P ortal page. The Camer a P or tal pa ge dis pla ys the i mages o f the cam era con nected to this pr oduct.
Opera ting In structions 12 Notes • In the d ef ault setti ngs , it is po ssib le to dis pla y the top page by en tering " http://192.1 68.0.254:80 80 " into the w eb browse r's addre ss bar .
13 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Accessing This Product 2.1.2 Setup This pag e allo ws y ou to set up an IPv 4 Internet co nnection using y our PC's web browse r . The headi ng se lected on the men u pag e is dis pla yed on the main pag e.
Opera ting In structions 14 Basic Setup ISP Registration: Basic s etup to co nnect to t he Internet. (s ee page 22 ) Connec tion Mode: Sets the c onnectin g ISP . (see page 38 ) Camera: P erforms auto matic c amera re gistrati on setup and man ual registr ation a dding an d deletion .
15 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Accessing This Product * T o dow nload th e late st v ersion o f the firmwa re from P anaso nic's sup por t w ebsite , it is nece ssary to connec t to the In ternet.
Opera ting In structions 16 2.1.3 IPv6 Setup This pag e allo ws y ou to set up an IPv 6 Internet co nnection using y our PC's web browse r . The headi ng se lected on the men u pag e is dis pla yed on the main pag e. The Hel p page de scribes t he opera tions of each h eading.
17 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Accessing This Product 2.1.4 Camera P ortal This prod uct ha s a b uilt in w eb se r v er func tion. Ca mera P ortal allow s y ou to lis t up to 16 c amer as names a nd thei r still im ages .
Opera ting In structions 18 Notes • When refres hing th e camer a por t al, clic k [Refre sh Cam era] on t he Came ra P or tal p age . • After ente ring the cam era's user na me and p ass word and di spla ying the cam era im age once, the camer a ima ge will be d ispla yed on t he camer a portal without the k ey m ark.
19 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Accessing This Product View ing Camera Images from the W AN (Internet) Side This fun ction all ows y ou to view camer a image s by ac cessing the cam era portal from the W AN side.
Opera ting In structions 20 • If an e xclamation mark is dis pla yed, cli ck i t and t he cam era's password wi ndow is displa yed. P erf orm the setting s on eac h page. S etting Allow Acc ess from th e Internet to Enab le , displa ys the camer a images o n the Came ra P or tal o ver the Internet.
21 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Accessing This Product Notes • All user inf or mation (vi deo images , still images , Internet contents etc.
Opera ting In structions 22 3 Functions 3.1 Using the Functions 3.1.1 Registeri ng ISPs Consult w ith y our cont racted IS P about wh ich conn ection ty pe to use , or about yo ur service or con tract . Data Entry Field * If it is n ot necess ary to enter in f ormation into the dat a entry field, lea ve it blan k.
23 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions PPP oE Connection Fo llo w the step s belo w to se t up PPP oE connectio n. 1. Select [ISP Re gistrati on] . 2. Click [Regis ter/Edit] on th e ISP registr ation lis t.
Opera ting In structions 24 Notes • When regis tering or e diting, res tar t al l PCs co nnected t o the LA N (home) si de. • When addi ng more PC s after s etup has b een com pleted, co nnect the ne w PCs to jack s LAN1 to L AN4 and then restart.
25 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions DHCP Connection (Internet Conn ection using a DHCP Server ) Fo llow the steps below to set up DHCP connection, where an IP address is automatically allocated b y the ISP .
Opera ting In structions 26 Notes • When regis tering or e diting, res tar t al l PCs co nnected t o the LA N (home) si de. • When addi ng more PC s after s etup has b een com pleted, co nnect the ne w PCs to jack s LAN1 to L AN4 and then restart.
27 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions Static Connection (Internet Connection using a Static IP Addre ss) It ma y be necessary , if yo u are inst ructed b y the ISP , to en ter the v alue of the I P address or gate wa y address into setu p inf or matio n.
Opera ting In structions 28 Notes • When regis tering or e diting, res tar t al l PCs co nnected t o the LA N (home) si de. • When addi ng more PC s after s etup has b een com pleted, co nnect the ne w PCs to jack s LAN1 to L AN4 and then restart.
29 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions ISP Deletion Fo llo w the step s belo w to delete ISPs from th e ISP regist ration l ist/IPv6 ISP Registra tion List. 1. Clic k [Delet e] on the row o f the ISP y ou want t o delete .
Opera ting In structions 30 3.1.2 Registeri ng IPv6 ISPs Data Entry Field * If it is n ot necess ary to enter in f ormation into the dat a entry field, lea ve it blan k. What is IPv6 ? • IPv6 is s hor t f or "I nternet Protocol V ersion 6".
31 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions T unneling Connection It is pos sib le to enca psulat e IPv6 pa ck ets with IPv4 pac kets and perf orm IPv6 comm unicati on on a IPv4 netw ork. T ak e the foll owi ng ste ps to set up tunneli ng co nnection.
Opera ting In structions 32 7. Select the ISP enter ed in step 4. 8. When setu p is compl ete, cl ic k [Sa v e]. • The ent ered inf or mation is sa ved. Note When sa ving do not cut the po wer su pply . If cut, s avi ng might n ot be com pleted s uccessful ly .
33 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions 6to4 Connection 6to4 is a ty pe of tun nel conne ction whi ch can be u sed e xpe rimentally . 6to4 encap sulat es IPv6 p ack ets with IPv4 pa ck ets, and conne cts to the IPv6 net work through the 6to4 rela y router .
Opera ting In structions 34 9. When [Res tar t] is disp la y ed on the setu p page, clic k it. 10. Restart the PC . • Check that the PC i s conne cted to the Internet. (see pag e 37) Notes • When regis tering or e diting, res tar t al l PCs co nnected t o the LA N (home) si de.
35 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions Static v6 Connection This fun ction all ows y ou to commu nicate di rectly us ing IPv6. T o set up sta tic v6 connect ion, tak e the following steps. 1. Select [IPv 6 ISP Registr ation ].
Opera ting In structions 36 8. When setu p is compl ete, cl ic k [Sa v e]. • The ent ered inf or mation is sa ved. Note When sa ving, do not cut the po wer supply . If c ut, sa ving mi ght not be comp leted suc cessful ly . 9. When [Res tar t] is disp la y ed on the setu p page, clic k it.
37 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions 3.1.3 Confirming Connection to the In ternet Confirming Connection After the se tup f or Internet connect ion is co mplete , try to access a website . If the websi te is dis pla yed , you ha ve succes sfully connecte d to the Internet.
Opera ting In structions 38 3.1.4 Managing the Connect ion Mode The conn ection m ode page a llow s y ou to s witch betw een regi stered ISPs. On th e connec tion mod e page, conn ecting ISPs w hich h av e been regis tered, ca n be sel ected from the LAN (Home) side to the W AN (I nter net ) side.
39 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions Setting up the PPP oE Connect ion M ode to the W AN (Internet) Side Data Entry Field 1. Clic k C on necti on Mode on th e menu page . • The co nnection mode page i s displa yed .
Opera ting In structions 40 3.1.5 Using Camera The cam era p age allo ws y ou to set up ca mer as conne cted to th is prod uct. Usually it is not n ecessa r y to set up a camera because the au tomatic re gistrat ion fun ction of P anasonic's Netw or k Came ras se ts up the came ra name , port nu mber , and IP addres s automati cally .
41 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions IPv6 Camera Po r t Spec ify th e por t nu mber for the I Pv6 came ra. • The spec ified port will be provi ded autom atica lly to IPv6 came ras . • The def ault is 80.
Opera ting In structions 42 3.1.6 Registering a Camera A utomaticall y After conn ecting this prod uct to a P anasonic Network C amera (Cu stomer-pro vided), turning the camer a on, and ret urning the setti ngs to f acto r y def ault, the camer a's netw ork setup (IP ad dress and subnet m ask etc .
43 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions Changing the Setup of A utoma ticall y Registere d Cameras Notes • With came ras that ha v e the o ption of en ab ling im ages to be acce ssed from th e Internet, f ollo w the se tup guide lines sp ecifie d in the c amera' s man uals .
Opera ting In structions 44 Additional Camera Re gistration (Registeri ng Additional Cameras Manua lly) F ollo w the s teps belo w to register a dditio nal came ras .
45 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions Notes • When regis tering an add itional c amera, m odify the s ettings o n the camer a side to o .
Opera ting In structions 46 IPsec Connection be tween This Pr oduct and a W AN camer a Sele ct Enable IPs ec or Di sable IPsec. Pre-shared Ke y When Enab le IPsec is sele cted, e nter the Pre- shared k ey . Ret ype Pr e-share d Key Retype the same Pre- shared ke y as abov e.
47 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions Screen A ssignment This fun ction all ows you to set the f ormat of the ca mera portal page and se t the scre en assig nment. Data Entry Field 1. Clic k [Scree n Assignm ent] .
Opera ting In structions 48 3.1.7 Using Wirele ss The wire less se tup page a llo ws y ou to perf or m se ttings to conne ct to wi reless LAN a nd also perf or m security s ettings . The wi reless L AN uses radio w ave s in t he same wa y as a TV or tr ansceiv er does, selects a data channel , and sen ds/rec eiv es data.
49 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions Notes • Setting the stealt h SSID func tion to Dis abl e wea kens the sec urity . • Some data chan nels ma y be lim ited b y the wireles s LAN card used o n the wireless terminal side.
Opera ting In structions 50 Data Entry Field Wireless Netwo rk Mode Select a wireless network mode from Di sabl e, "80 2.11b", " 802.11b /g" or "802.11 g only ". • Select D isab le when y ou do not w ant to s end/recei ve wi reless d ata.
51 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions Notes • It is neces sar y to set the s ame SSID f o r the wireless d ev ice side an d this pro duct. • If neces sary , se t Encryption and M A C Address Filtering.
Opera ting In structions 52 Notes • The def ault is se t as the de vice-spec ific SSI D and the 13 char acter 128 bit en cryption ke y . The def ault S SID and th e 13 cha ract er 128 bit encryption k ey are d ispla yed on the rear of this product.
53 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions Note The KX-HCM2 50 and KX-H CM270 wirel ess LAN heading s corresp ond to the f ollo wing headings . Data Entry Field Note When mo difyin g the enc ry pt ion setu p of this product after a w ireless cam era etc.
Opera ting In structions 54 Data Entry Field Notes • When mod ifying th e encryption setup of th is produc t after a w ireless camera etc. h as been registered automati cally , it is necessa ry to match the w ireless camer a's set tings.
55 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions MA C Address Filtering PCs that a re not regis tered with this produc t cannot c onnect to th is produc t. On the LAN ca rd of each PC , a MA C address is registere d, which is sp ecific to tha t LAN card.
Opera ting In structions 56 3.1.8 Using DynamicDNS Dynamic DNS can b e used to vie w the image from the Internet. Using Vie service View netcam .com will allow yo u to create a pers onaliz ed web addres s (f or e xam ple, bob .viewne tcam.
57 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions Note The P ersonal UR L can be used afte r registering w ith the Vie wnetca service . 7. Clic k Y our Account Lin k. 8. By f ollo wing the Vie wnetcam. com regis tration instructions , you can regist er this pro duct with View netcam.
Opera ting In structions 58 Using User-specified Dynamic DNS When y ou use the us er-specif ied Dynamic DNS service other tha n the View netcam .com service, f ollow the steps belo w after re gistering wi th the ISP pr ov iding that DynamicD NS service.
59 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions 7. After y ou ag ree with th e contents in the [U ser- specifie d Dyna micDNS], c lic k [Ag ree]. 8. When [Res tar t] is disp la y ed on the setu p page, clic k it.
Opera ting In structions 60 3.2 Using Adv anced Setup 3.2.1 Accessing this Pr oduct from the Internet The addre ss tran slatio n page al lows you to perf or m deta iled setti ngs in or der to tr anslate the W AN (Internet) side' s global add ress and the priv ate ad dress, and acces s this pro duct's net work from the Internet.
61 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions Addres s T ranslati on P ort Forwar ding When data is sent from a PC on the W AN (Internet) sid e to the LAN (Home) se rver using an applica tion, a pa c ket i s sent out to this pr oduct.
Opera ting In structions 62 Data Entry Field Note When settin g up the tab le, there is a poss ibility of il legal ac cess to the forw arding por t from the Internet. Fo r saf ety , only set i t when required . Operat ion Allows yo u to Mo dify/De lete the p aramete rs of ea ch headi ng.
63 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions How to Add Entries 1. Clic k P or t F orwarding on the A ddress T ransla tion page . 2. Clic k Add under the Oper ation he ading. • The port fo rwarding regist ration page is displa yed.
Opera ting In structions 64 How to Modify/De lete Entries 1. Clic k P or t F orwarding on the Address T ransla tion p age . 2. Select the No . y ou w ant to m odify or dele te in por t f orwarding , and cl ick Modify/D elete u nder the o pe rati on headin g .
65 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions The DMZ Function The DM Z (De-milita rized Zone ) function allo ws dest inatio n unkno wn pac k ets se nt from the W AN (Internet) side to the LAN (Ho me) side , to be fo rwarde d to an IP a ddress spec ified in the DMZ function 's settin gs.
Opera ting In structions 66 3.2.2 Impr o ving Security This fun ction all ows you to limit a ccess to th is produc t and set up fil tering easily . Whe n perf or ming security s etup , a fi ltering lo g is sa v ed in the def ault settin gs. Th e sav ed log is d ispla yed as a three- char acter abbr ev iation .
67 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions Data Entry Field Easy Security Settings It is possib le to easily set up firew alls , which appear freq uently , and are v ery impor tant i n terms of secu rity .
Opera ting In structions 68 Notes • If the log output heading i s unchec ked, a lo g will not be recorded. • In order to improv e security , it is necess ary to manage y our current so ftwar e and upd ate firmware as approp riate.
69 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions P ac ket Filtering By specifyin g the IP address , por t and protocol pa rameters , it is pos sib le to either pas s or intercept IP pac kets that ar e being re ceiv ed.
Opera ting In structions 70 Ty p e Select P ermit (if it c onf orms to the pa rame ters it will be pass ed) or Prohib it (if it co nf orms to the par ameter s it will b e intercep ted). Direction Select W L (filtering when recei ving from W AN) o r L W (filt ering when sendin g to W AN).
71 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions Modifying or Deleting Filtering Headings 1. Clic k P a cket Filtering on the secu rity setup pa ge . 2. Clic k Modify /Delete und er the operation hea ding of t he filter y ou w ant to modif y or dele te from the filteri ng param eters lis t .
Opera ting In structions 72 3.2.3 Impr o ving IPv6 Se curity This fun ction allows you to limit I Pv6 co nnecti on acce ss to this product and se t up filtering easil y . In F actor y D ef ault Set tings , a filt ering log is s av ed when security s etup is p erf ormed.
73 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions Notes • If the log output heading i s unchec ked, a lo g will not be recorded. • In order to improv e security , it is necess ary to manage y our current so ftwar e and upd ate firmware as approp riate.
Opera ting In structions 74 Priority of Security Functions In order f or this produ ct to co mbat v arious type s of ill egal acce ss from the Internet, it is equ ipped wi th the f oll owin g security.
75 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions Data Entry Field No. Select a n entry no . betw een 1 a nd 64. P ack et filt ering is proce ssed from the smalle st ent r y no . up . If an entry is already r egiste red, it w ill be o v erwritten by the ne w entry .
Opera ting In structions 76 Modifying or Deleting Filtering Headings 1. Click IPv6 P ack et Fil tering on the s ecurity setup p age . 2. Clic k Modify /Delete under the oper ation hea ding of the filter y ou w ant to mo dify o r dele te from the filteri ng param eters lis t.
77 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions 3.2.4 Using Options The opti ons setu p pag e allo ws y ou t o set LA N (Hom e) settin gs and W AN (Internet) acc ess set tings .
Opera ting In structions 78 Note When cha nging the LAN sid e network, f or e xample , to 192 .168.1.254 , change the A vaila b le Address Range in A utomatic Setup in Cam era ac cordingly . DHCP Server De vices connected t o the LAN (Home) side are automa tically assigned an IP address wh en using the DHCP server function.
79 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions PPP oE This fun ction all ows you to connec t/discon nect PP P oE co nnection , when u sing it to connect with an ISP . When the ch arge f or Int er net access i s metered ac cordin g to the c ontract with y our ISP , select Manua l Conne ction.
Opera ting In structions 80 DNS Relay When sta bilizing the IP addre ss of a PC c onnecte d to the LAN (Ho me) side , it is necess ar y to e nter the DNS serve r address into the PC f or it to conne ct to th e Internet. DNS rela y shor tens th is troub lesome process .
81 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions Routing This Fun ction all ows you to set dy namic rou ting a nd static routing.
Opera ting In structions 82 UPnP™ This pro duct a llow s y ou to us e UPnP™ c ompatib le applica tions an d UPn P™ compati ble de vice s. The UPnP™ func tion is compatib le wit h PCs tha t use a wire d or wire less con nection. Regarding t he use of UPnP™ s upporting applicat ions ( Window s/MSN Me ssenger etc.
83 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions Notes • When mod ifying ad dress tr ansla tion setti ngs, also set the PCs c onnecte d to this p roduct , and rest ar t th e PCs.
Opera ting In structions 84 MA C Clone Y ou c an clone the MA C address of your PC's netw ork adapter onto th is product. A MA C addres s is a 12-di git code a ssigned t o a unique p iece of hard ware f or identifi cation.
85 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions 3.2.5 Using IPv6 Options This func tion allo ws yo u to perf or m detaile d IPv6 set tings on thi s product. O nly modif y these set tings if ess enti al. Y ou m a y need specia list knowledg e when perform ing th ese set ting s.
Opera ting In structions 86 RA(Router Advertisement) Note The RA i s disab led when the W AN sid e IPv6 global ad dress is not assi gned. Link MTU siz e This f unction al lows y ou se t the W AN side IPv6 l ink MTU siz e. Link MTU s ize is the maxi mum pa ck et siz e that can be sent wi thin the IPv 6 netw ork segment.
87 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions IPv6 Static Rou ting This prod uct al lows y ou to set 4 stab le gate way s , as wel l as auto matic ally sel ecting d ynamic routing . Theref ore it is possib le to build se ver al net works wo rking under this product, and set a fle xible ro uting syste m.
Opera ting In structions 88 3.2.6 Using VPN (PPTP) This prod uct allo ws you to create a V PN (Virtual Private N etw ork) using PPTP (P oint -to-P oint T unnelin g Protoc ol). A VPN is priv ate ne twork tha t is as saf e a s an e xclusiv e line and tr a vel s through the Internet.
89 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions Options This fun ction all ows you to set up an auth enticatio n meth od and en cryption method . Data Entry Field 1. Che ck MS-CHAP or MS-CHAP v2 are us ed; or Only MS -CHAP v2 is used, in A uthenticatio n Method Set up .
Opera ting In structions 90 3.2.7 Using VPN (IPsec) This fun ction all ows you to construct a VPN using I Psec. A VPN is priv ate netw ork that is as saf e as an e xclusiv e line an d tra vels through t he Inte r net. Y ou ma y need spe cialist kno wledge when p erf orming these se ttings .
91 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions Security P olicy Data base Registrat ion Up to 10 security po licy dat abase entries can be made . Data Entry Field IPsec (IPv4) Connection Exa mple Database Name Enter a dat abase name up to 10 alph anum eric chara cters .
Opera ting In structions 92 IPsec (IPv6) Connection Example IPsec (IPv4)/ IPsec (IPv6) C onnection Example Own LAN Network 2001:1001: ::/64 Destination LAN Network 2001:1002: ::/64 Destination IPv6 W AN address 2001:1002:: [IPv6 Settings] Enter "2001:1002:: " f or the Destination IPv6 W AN address.
93 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions Examples o f when this prod ucts cannot be conne cted via IPs ec In the e xample belo w , IP sec will not ope rate bec ause the two ne tworks a re the s ame. Own LAN Network 192.
Opera ting In structions 94 IPsec (IPv4) Options Setup It is pos sib le to p erfo rm detailed IPsec (IPv4 ) conn ection settings . Usual ly the y do not need to be modifie d. Y ou ma y nee d specia list kno wledge when pe rf orming thes e setting s. Basic ID Set an ID indicati ng y our ide ntity .
95 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions Phase 1 Setu p Phase 2 Setu p Note Y ou c annot select N ULL f or Enc ryption and No ne f or Hash sim ultaneo usly in p hase 2. Con ver sion Mode Set t he IKE phase 1 co nv ers ion mode to Mai n or Aggre ssive.
Opera ting In structions 96 IPsec (IPv6) Options Setup It is pos sib le to p erfo rm detailed IPsec con nection s etting s. Usu ally they do not nee d to be modified .
97 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions Basic Phase 1 Setu p See page 95 to set up p hase 1. Phase 2 Setu p See page 95 to set up p hase 2. ID Set an ID indicati ng y our ide ntity . Y ou ca n set an I Pv6 Addre ss or Domain Name .
Opera ting In structions 98 3.2.8 Using Applications This prod uct, a par t from th e basic p rogr ams (firmw are) t hat control the c amera, h as an ap plication platf or m funct ion. * The P anasonic Su pport Web site is l ocated at http://panaso nic.
99 [For a ssistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions Application List Controlling and Deleti ng Applications Executing Disab led Applications Ex ecutes d isab led appl ications . (see below) Disab les app lication s.
Opera ting In structions 100 Application E-mail This fun ction all ows you to set ma il f orwarding u sed in th e applic ation plat f orm function. • This setting m a y be ne cessary depend ing on the appli cation . Data Entry Field *1 Set 4 nu mbers (0-2 55) and 3 p eriods, in the f orm of 192.
101 [F or assistan ce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions 3.3 Managing This Product 3.3.1 Changing The P assw ord This func tion all ows y ou to chan ge the pa ss word f or access to the Camera P ortal and the setup page .
Opera ting In structions 102 3.3.2 Updating Firmware T o pre vent leak s of cus tomer inf or mati on, illeg al ope ration o f this prod uct, interf erence or inv oluntary shutdo wn etc , update firmware regularly . The mos t recent fi rmware fil e can be f ound on P anasonic 's Support We bsite ( http:/ /panaso nic.
103 [F or assistan ce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions Out of Memor y The b uilt-in m emory of this pro duct is reduced du e to load proc essing .
Opera ting In structions 104 3.3.3 S a ving Settings This fun ction all ows y ou to sa ve setup fil es, an d load the sav ed files . Save S ettings Note Applicati ons cann ot be sa ved. Load Settings Notes • When the fi le y ou are attempting to loa d is damage d or in v alid, an error mes sage is displa yed.
105 [F or assistan ce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions 3.3.4 Restarting When r estarting, this pr oduct's setup inf ormation is sa v ed. Notes • When using the DHCP ser v er function (see page 77 ), restart all LAN (Home) side PCs connecte d to this product.
Opera ting In structions 106 3.3.6 Using PPP oE Connection This fun ction all ows you to manu ally co nnect/ disconne ct the PPP oE connection to y our ISP . When cutting thi s product' s pow er supply , manual ly discon nect the PPP oE connecti on bef ore doin g so .
107 [F or assistan ce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions 3.3.7 Using VPN (IPsec) Connection This fun ction all ows you to manu ally co nnect and disc onnect VPN (IPs ec) conn ection. Connecting VPN (I Psec) Disconnectin g VPN (IPsec ) 1.
Opera ting In structions 108 3.3.8 Confirming Network Connection The Ping function allo ws y ou to c hec k if eac h de vice on the W AN (Internet) side or LAN (Ho me) side is con nected to this p roduct on a TC P/IP ne twork. Wh en a de vice i s conne cted suc cessfu lly , Success! is disp la yed.
109 [F or assistan ce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions 3.4 Getting Information 3.4.1 Getting Netw ork I nfo rmation This pag e dis pla ys inf orm at ion that i s useful when c ontact ing an aut horize d servicenter , such as Network Sta tus, UP nP P or t Mappin g T ab le and Cam era St atus.
Opera ting In structions 110 Deleting UPnP™ po rt mapping registered i nfo rmation This fun ction all ows you to delete the UPnP™ p or t ma pping tab le registere d on this pro duct. T he whole of the tab le will be dele ted b y clic king the del ete tab le b utton.
111 [F or assistan ce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions Camera Status This func tion displ a ys the reg istered in f ormation of came ras c onnected to this pr oduct. The m aximu m numbe r of ca mer as is 16 . These a re camer as th at ha v e been setup automatic ally .
Opera ting In structions 112 3.4.2 V ie wing Logs This fun ction displa ys t he v arious logs created b y this prod uct. The lo gs are displa yed f rom the m ost recent fi rst, and w hen full, they are delete d and replaced b y new logs .
113 [F or assistan ce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions Headings Displayed Connection Log The connection, disconnection a nd authentication logs during PPP oE or DHCP connection are displa yed. Y ou can c hec k the c onnec ting IP address in the conne ction lo g.
Opera ting In structions 114 DynamicDNS Log This fun ction allo ws y ou to displa y data commu nicat ion logs to/fro m the Dy namicD NS serve r . 100 logs can be d ispla yed on 1 page an d 400 can be recorde d in to tal. VPN (PPTP) Connection Log This func tion allo ws y ou to regist er up to 400 VPN (PPTP) Logs .
115 [F or assistan ce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Functions VPN (IPv6 IPsec) Connection Log This fun ction al lows yo u to vie w the VPN (IPv 6 IPsec) logs . 100 logs can be dis pla yed on 1 page and 400 can be reco rded in to tal.
Opera ting In structions 116 3.4.3 Suppor t The supp or t func tion allo ws you to get produ ct and support inf ormation from the Int er net. 3.4.4 Help The help function e xplain s each he ading on the se tup page . Note Y ou c an also v ie w help b y clicki ng on each head ing on tha t setu p page .
117 [F or assistan ce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Other Information 4 Other Information 4.1 F actory D efault There is a F ACT OR Y DEF A UL T RESET button on the rear of th is produc t. Push this b utton to initializ e the setti ngs.
Opera ting In structions 118 4.2 Disabling P op-up Blocker When Mic rosoft Wi ndo ws XP Service P ack 2 is used , a pop- up bl ock er may pre v ent the c amera from displa ying the i mage . The f ollow ing step s will displa y the image . • Registerin g the image as the per mitted website 1.
119 [F or assistan ce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Other Information 4.3 UPnP™ Setup on y our PC This prod uct allo ws you to use appl ications and de vices that supp or t UPn P™. The UPn P™ func tion can be used from ei ther a w ire-c onnec ted PC or wir eless ly conn ected PC.
Opera ting In structions 120 PC Prepa ration Using Windo ws XP • Window s Messenger: Select Wi ndo ws Messe nger V er sion I nfo rmation from the Windo ws Messenge r help me nu. • MSN Messenger : Downl oad MS N Messen ger (Windo ws XP vers ion) from Microsof t's w ebsite a nd instal l it.
121 [F or assistan ce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Other Information Using Windo ws 200 0, Windo ws Me or W indows 98SE Chec k the V ersion of MSN M essenger Select [M SN Mess enger v ersion inf ormation] in t he MSN M essenge r help men u.
Opera ting In structions 122 Others Operat ing En vironment When usin g Window s/MSN Mes senger with UP nP™, restrictions are put on oper ating en vironment b y the other p ar ty .
123 [F or assistan ce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Other Information *1 Due to the con nection e nvi ronment, s ometime s data can only be recei ved , and n ot sent.
Opera ting In structions 124 4.4 IPv6 Setup on y our PC 4.4.1 Setting an IPv6 Ad dress Using Windows XP Note If us ing Wi ndows XP S erv ice P ack 2 , you ma y no t be able to set an IPv6 address. Foll ow the ste ps below to che ck i f the PC y ou a re using h as Windo ws XP Serv ice P ack 2 ins talled.
125 [F or assistan ce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Other Information If us ing Wi ndows XP Ser vice P a ck 2, take the foll owing s etup s teps. 4. Cli ck the Gen eral tab, and check if th e Syst em is Service P ack 2 . 1.
Opera ting In structions 126 4. Clic k the Ad van ced tab a nd clic k [Settings.. .] fo r IC M P . 5. Chec k Allow incoming router request on the ICMP Settings window , and c lick [OK].
127 [F or assistan ce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Other Information 4.4.2 Re-obtaining an IPv6 Global Address 4.4.3 Setting a Static IPv6 Global Address. 1. Select [Start] [All Programs ] [Accesso ries] [Command Prompt ] and clic k.
Opera ting In structions 128 4.5 PPTP Setup when Using VPN: Windo ws XP This fun ction set s up a VPN (PPTP) conne ction on y our PC . T ak e the f ollowing ste ps when using Windo ws XP . 1. Clic k Net work a nd Internet Connectio n s from Control P anel on the Start menu .
129 [F or assistan ce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Other Information 5. Che ck Connect to the n etwork at my w orkplace and clic k [Next] . 6. Chec k Vir tual Private N etwork c o nnection a nd clic k [Ne xt] . 7. Enter the op tional network nam e and cli ck [Nex t] .
Opera ting In structions 130 9. Clic k [Fini sh] . 10. Clic k [Pro per ties] . 11. Clic k th e Netwo rk ing tab, select PPTP VPN f ro m th e VPN dropdo wn lis t, and cl ick [OK] . • Set the Se curity setti ngs and O ptions settin gs to match the authen tication and encryption methods (see pag e 89) set o n this produ ct.
131 [F or assistan ce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Other Information 4.6 W eb Bro wser Setup when Using a Pr o xy Ser ver The ISP ma y connect y ou to the Internet via a pro xy server . When con nected v ia a pro xy server , the s etup page cannot be acce ssed.
Opera ting In structions 132 4.7 Checking the PC's IP Address and MA C A d dress When t his produ ct's se tup page c annot be accesse d by a PC , or when data c annot not be sen t/ receiv ed to /from othe r PCs on the netw ork, there could be a prob lem wit h the PC's IP add ress set tings .
133 [F or assistan ce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Other Information 4.7.2 Using Windo ws Me/98SE The f oll owin g steps a re f or Wind ows 98 SE. 1. F rom the Start menu select Run. 2. Enter " wini pcfg " in the name field and clic k [OK] .
Opera ting In structions 134 Note When Obtain an IP addre ss autom atically is set and a v alue such a s 169.254 .XXX.X is displa yed, it i s possib le that the IP ad dress w as no t obtained correctly . In t hat case , take the fol lo wing steps to refresh the IP addre ss.
135 [F or assistan ce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Other Information 4.8 Stabilizing th e PC's IP Ad dress It is nec essary to set a unique IP a ddress f or each of the PCs o n this pro duct's TCP/IP n etwork.
Opera ting In structions 136 4.8.1 Using Windo ws XP/200 0 1. F rom the Start menu, selec t My Compute r , My Network, an d then Displa y Network Connec tion . • Right-cl ick the My Network Pl aces icon and select Pro per ties when usin g Windo ws 2000.
137 [F or assistan ce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Other Information 6. Clic k Use th e f ollo wing DN S s erver a ddress . 7. Enter the DNS s er v er addres s into the data entry field and c lic k [OK] . 8. Clic k [ OK ], 9.
Opera ting In structions 138 4.8.2 Using Windo ws Me/98SE 1. F rom the Star t menu, sele ct Set tings and cl ic k Control P anel . 2. Doub le clic k the Netwo rk icon . • If yo u cann ot find the Netw ork icon on Window s Me , clic k Dis pla y all Co ntrol P anel Opti ons .
139 [F or assistan ce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Other Information 7. Click the Gate wa y tab . 8. Enter " 1 54 " (th is produc t's f actor y def ault IP address) into the Ne w Gate wa y address f ield, and clic k [Add] .
Opera ting In structions 140 4.9 F actory D efault Settings List ISP Registration IPv6 ISP Regis tration Connection M ode Camera Wireless ISP Registration List No. 1 No . 2 No . 3 No . 4 DHCP Connection Unregi stered Unregi stered Unregi stered IPv6 ISP Regis tration List No .
141 [F or assistan ce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Other Information DynamicDNS Addres s T ra nslation Security Encryption Encryption Sett ings WEP (WEP k ey is disp la y.
Opera ting In structions 142 IPv6 Security Options Security IPv6 Easy Se curity Settings • Access b y Direct Hos ting of SMB is rej ected in both direc tions .
143 [F or assistan ce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Other Information IPv6 Option s VPN (PPTP) VPN (IPsec) UPnP IGD Enab le CP Enab le Automatic del etion of UPnP po rt ma.
Opera ting In structions 144 Applications Pas s wor d Application li st Camera Status Notifi cation a pplicatio n Cell Ph one Camer a P or tal app lication Setup P ages Set when ac cessin g this pro duct f or the first tim e.
145 [F or assistan ce, pl ease ca ll: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Other Information 4.10 Specifications Main Unit Heading Spec ifications P ower Su pply Special A C Adaptor: (Part Numb.
Opera ting In structions 146 Wireless Int erface IEEE 802 .11b T ransm issio n Method : DS-SS , half- duple x T rans mission Spe ed ([Stand ard v alue]Mb ps): 11/5.
147 [F or assistan ce, pl ease call: 1-80 0-272-7033 ] Operat ing Ins truc tions Other Information Software Heading Spec ifications Router Function W AN Si de Connection Mode: IPv4: PPP oE/DHCP/Static.
Opera ting In structions 148.
Operat ing Ins truc tions 149 Index.
Opera ting In structions 150 Numerics 6to4 Co nnect ion 33 A Addres s Transla tion 60 Appl icati ons 98 C Camera 40, 42 Camera Port al 17 Conn ection Mode 38 D Data Channel 4 8, 51 DC IN Jack 9 DHCP C.
Operat ing Ins truc tions 151.
P anasonic Consumer Electronics Compan y , Division of P anasonic Corporation of North America PSQX3566XB KK1104GJ3056 2004 P anasonic Communications Co ., Ltd. All Rights Reser v ed. P anasonic Puerto Rico, Inc. Carefully pack your unit, preferably in the original carton.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Panasonic BB-HGW700A (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Panasonic BB-HGW700A noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Panasonic BB-HGW700A - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Panasonic BB-HGW700A reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Panasonic BB-HGW700A erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Panasonic BB-HGW700A besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Panasonic BB-HGW700A verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Panasonic BB-HGW700A. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Panasonic BB-HGW700A gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.