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Oracle ® Retail Place Installation Guide Release 12.2 Nov ember 2008.
Oracle ® Retail Place Installation Guide, Release 12.2 Copyright © 2006, 2008, Oracle. All rights r eserved. Primary Author: An irudha Accanoor The Programs (wh ich include bo th the soft ware and d.
V alue-Added Res eller (V AR) Language Oracle Retail V AR Application s The following r estrictions and provision s only apply to the programs re ferred to in this sectio n and licensed to you. Y ou acknowledge that the programs may contai n third party softwar e (V AR applications) licensed to Oracle.
v Contents Preface ............ .............. .............. ................. .............. .............. ................. .............. ............... ................ .............. ix Audience .................... .............. ............
vi Setting Up the W ebLogic Startup Script ............. .............. .............. ................. .............. .............. ........ 4-4 Setting Up the Maximum Me ssage Size ................ .............. ................. .............. .
vii Setting Up a Foreign JMS Server on W ebLogic Server ................... .............. .............. ................. ..... 6-6 A Files and Directory Structure Application Director y Structure ............. .............. ................. .....
ix Preface This guide enables you to instal l the Oracle Retail Place application, along with the server-side compone nts requir ed for the application.
x Customer Suppor t ■ When contacting Customer Support, please provide: ■ Product version and pr ogram/module name ■ Functional and technical description of the probl.
Overview 1-1 1 Over vie w This chapter provides an overview of Oracle Retail Place and a r oadmap for implementing the application. It contains the following sections: ■ Overview of Place ■ Overvi.
Overview of Place 1-2 Oracle® Retail Place Installation Guide Figure 1–1 T ypical Configuration for Place Client System Tier The Client System tier contains the systems that connect to the Place application using a W eb browser .
Overview of Place Overview 1-3 Database Server Tier The Database Server tier contains the systems configur ed with the database management systems (Oracle 10 g Database) along with the necessary database software.
Roadmap for Implementing Place 1-4 Oracle® Retail Place Installation Guide Roadmap for Implement ing Place This guide explains how you can install and set up the Place application, along with the requir ed and optional software.
Planning Y our In stallation 2-1 2 Planning Y our Installation Before installing the Place application, you must first determine the performance and availability go als for your business, and then plan the har dware, network, and s torage requir ements accordingly .
Suppor ted Config urations 2-2 Oracle® Retail Place Installation Guide Planning f or Optimal Place P erf ormance Consider the following steps to plan and pr epare the product envir onment. 1. Determine the Place metrics r elevant to your bus iness needs.
Suppor ted Configu rations Planning Y our In stallation 2-3 Database Requirements Place requir es the use o f the Oracle database as described in the following table: Application Server Requirements Place requir es the use of the BEA W ebLogic 8.1 Server Service Pack 6.
Suppor ted Config urations 2-4 Oracle® Retail Place Installation Guide Client System Requirements The following table lists the suppo rted client system options: T able 2–3 Client System En vironment Software Requirements W indows XP Pro SP2 (with Office XP ) ■ Microsoft Of fice XP ■ Microsoft Inte rnet Explorer 7.
Setting Up the Database 3-1 3 Setting Up the Database Before you run the Oracle installer to install the application, you must set up the database to include certain ne cessary tablespaces, and a da tabase user account. This chapter describes how you c an set up your database, and the various database components.
Creating the Default T ablespaces 3-2 Oracle® Retail Place Installation Guide Creating the Default T ablespaces When you run the Oracle installer , schemas and tables for the application get installed on the database you create. For the schema s and tables to install success fully , the database must include cert ain default tablespaces.
Creating the Database Links Setting Up the Database 3-3 Creating the Database Links If you plan to instal l the Place application acr oss two database instances, you must create the instances in the f.
Creating the Database Links 3-4 Oracle® Retail Place Installation Guide.
Setting Up the Application Ser v er 4-1 4 Setting Up the Application Server Before installing the Place application, you must set up a domain on the applicatio n server . Based on your business need, you must set up the domain to include one or more ser ver instances, and logically r elated resources and s ervices.
Setting Up a WebLogic Domain 4-2 Oracle® Retail Place Installation Guide Setting Up a W ebLogic Domain Use the BEA W ebLogic Configuration W izard to cr eate and set up a domain on the W ebLogic Server . This section describes how you can create and set up a domain.
Setting Up a WebLogic Domain Setting Up the Application Ser v er 4-3 a. Configure Managed Servers W indow Click Ad d , and then enter appropriate information in the following fields: ■ Name – V alid server name. (String of characters that can include spaces.
Setting Up the WebLogic Star tup Scr ipt 4-4 Oracle® Retail Place Installation Guide Setting Up the W ebLogic Startup Script Before you start the W ebLogic server , you mu st edit the startW and set up the W ebLogic server connection inform at ion, LD_LIB RAR Y_P A TH envir onment variables, and the JA V A_DEBUG_OPTIONS.
Setting Up the Maximum Message Size Setting Up the Application Ser v er 4-5 2. After the CLASSP A TH statement, add the following statement to set up the LD_LIBRAR Y_P A TH environment variable: export LD_LIBRARY_ PATH=$<PRODUCT_INS TALL_BASE>/mod ules/Engine/lib/lin ux_ i686:$LD_LIBRARY_P ATH 3.
Setting Up the Maximum Me ssage Size 4-6 Oracle® Retail Place Installation Guide.
Installing Place 5-1 5 Installing Place After you have set up your database and application server , you can install Place using the guidelines pr ovided in this chapter . This chapter contains the following secti ons: ■ Overview of the Installation Process ■ Installing Place ■ Install.
Installing Place 5-2 Oracle® Retail Place Installation Guide Installing Place Installing Place consists of the follow ing tasks: ■ Accessing the Installation Softwar e ■ Setting Up Y our Installa.
Installing Place Installing Place 5-3 Oracle E-Delivery writes a ZIP file to the defaul t location you have selected for downloads. 6. Unpack the ZIP file to a temporary directo ry . In this guide, the director y that contains the installation media is re fer red to as the <PLACE_CD_IMAGE> directory .
Installing Place 5-4 Oracle® Retail Place Installation Guide Return V alue When run in the silent mode ( -s), a trace message appears on the console (the stdout). When run in the Oracle Installer mode (the default), the script displays a graphical user int erface.
Installing Place Installing Place 5-5 bash The We l c o m e screen appears. Figure 5–1 Welcome Screen 5. Click Next . The Place Instal lation Destination screen appears. 6. On the Place Installation Destination screen, specify the paths for the following: ■ Destination Directory - path to the Place installation target directory .
Installing Place 5-6 Oracle® Retail Place Installation Guide Figure 5–2 Pla ce Installa tion Destination Scree n 7. Click Next . The Place Selections scr een appears. 8. On the Place Selections screen, select the component you want to ins tall, and click Next .
Installing Place Installing Place 5-7 Figure 5–4 Appli cation Server Selections Screen 10. On the W ebLogic Applicatio n Server screen, enter the r elevant information (such as host, port, user name, passwor d) to connect to the W ebLogic server set up for the application.
Installing Place 5-8 Oracle® Retail Place Installation Guide Figure 5–6 Java Message Server Proper ties Screen 12. Click Next . The Data base Selection s screen appears. 13. On the Database Selections scr een, click Oracle , and then click Next . Figure 5–7 Data base Selections Sc reen 14.
Installing Place Installing Place 5-9 ■ Database alias – Enter the da tabase alias, whic h is typically the same name as the database. ■ Ta b l e s – Select one of the following options: –N o C h a n g e – Sel ect this option if you have an existing database schema that you do not want to modify .
Installing Place 5-10 Oracle® Retail P lace Installatio n Guide Figure 5–9 Sc hema Link Pr operties Screen 16. Review the Selection V erificati on screen, and click Install . Figure 5–10 Selection V erification Screen The Installation Pr ogress scree n appears.
Installing Place Installing Place 5-11 Setting Up ADF Libraries For the Online Help to work, you must in voke the ADF libraries in the W ebLogic Server Home dir ectory . Although the ADF libraries are part of the pr oduct installation and they get installed along with the product, you must source the setupadf.
Installing Place 5-12 Oracle® Retail P lace Installatio n Guide 2. On the W ebLogic Server Console, under Service Confi gurations , click Servers in the JMS column. The JMS Servers page appears. 3. On the JMS Servers page, cli ck AllocationServer . 4.
Installing Place Installing Place 5-13 Installing the Sample Dataset The Place installation comes along with a sample dataset that can be used during implementation and demonstrations. This dataset contains generic data and is designed to work along with the default produ ct configuration.
Install.proper ties P arameters Reference 5-14 Oracle® Retail P lace Installatio n Guide oper ties P arameter s Reference The operties file enables you to set up the following p.
Install.proper ties Parameters Reference Installing Place 5-15 Last Session Proper ties Fi les The Last Session Properties Files settings en able you to specify the location where you want to store the l opert ies and mi operties files.
Install.proper ties P arameters Reference 5-16 Oracle® Retail P lace Installatio n Guide Calc Engine User Setting The Calc Engine User setting enables you to specify the passwor d for the Calc Engine default us er account.
Install.proper ties Parameters Reference Installing Place 5-17 Oracle Da tabase Settings The Oracle Database setti ngs enable you to specify the Oracle database parameters for the Place application.
Install.proper ties P arameters Reference 5-18 Oracle® Retail P lace Installatio n Guide Use this parame ter to specify the data base alias name. Use this parame ter to spe cify the user name to connect to the database.
Install.proper ties Parameters Reference Installing Place 5-19 Au dit Database Proper ties The Audit Database pr operties enable you to specify the connection and authenticati on parameters for the Audit data base.
Install.proper ties P arameters Reference 5-20 Oracle® Retail P lace Installatio n Guide Place Schema Pr operties The Place Schema pr operties enable you to specify the connection and authentication parameters for the Place schema in the Place database.
Install.proper ties Parameters Reference Installing Place 5-21 ELM Schema Pr operties The ELM Schema properties enable you to specify the connection and authentication parameters for the ELM schema in the Place database. The following table describes the ELM Schema propertie s: database.
Install.proper ties P arameters Reference 5-22 Oracle® Retail P lace Installatio n Guide Place-specific Suite Pr operties The Place-specif ic Suite prope rties enable you to specify pr operties that appl y across the product suite.
Install.proper ties Parameters Reference Installing Place 5-23 MicroStrateg y Pr operties The MicroStrategy Pr operties settings en able you to specify the connection an d authentication parameters for MicroStrategy . It also enables you to specify th e highest hierarchy le vel, in your business, for the merchandi se and location hierarchy .
T roubleshooting Insta llation Issues 5-24 Oracle® Retail P lace Installatio n Guide T r oubleshooting Installation Issues The Oracle Installer simplifies the pr ocess of integrating and configuring multiple applications (for example, your database soft ware, your application server software, and Place).
T roubleshooting Installatio n Issues Installing Place 5-25 Installation Aborts Because of Incompatible Component s When upgrading to the Plan Release 12.
T roubleshooting Insta llation Issues 5-26 Oracle® Retail P lace Installatio n Guide.
Installing Place Over Plan 6-1 6 Installing Place Over Plan This chapter describes how you can install th e Place application to work along with an existing installation of P lan. It includes th e procedur es you can use to deploy the Place application in the same W e bLogic domain used by Plan.
Setting Up the Place I nstallation 6-2 Oracle® Retail Place Installation Guide database.<schema_n ame>.oracle.upgrade =yes For more information on the installation pr operties file and the Plan installation procedure, see the chapter Installing Plan .
Configuring Place Installing Place Over Plan 6-3 Configuring Place Once the Place application is installed, you must load the user roles and business rules used between Place and Plan. Y ou must also ru n certain scripts that load seed data for the Place application.
Configuring Place 6-4 Oracle® Retail Place Installation Guide load the seed data. For mor e information on the scripts, see Refer ence to the Data Load Scripts . T o load the seed data: 1. At the SQL pr ompt, run the f ollowing scripts: ■ custom_ir_objects.
Configuring Place Installing Place Over Plan 6-5 Reference to the Data Loa d Scripts The following table describes the scripts (req uired for the data loa d), and li sts their location in the AESample.
Upgrading a Co-deploy ed Environment 6-6 Oracle® Retail Place Installation Guide Upgrading a Co-deploy ed En vironment When upgrading to the Plan Release 12.2 and Place Release 12.2 on an existing co-deployed environment, the installation may abort because of the incompatible components.
Setting Up a Foreign JMS Ser ver on WebLogic Server Installing Place Over Plan 6-7 Local JNDI Name: CommonConnectionFa ctory Remote JNDI Name: CommonConnectionFa ctory 7. Configure a new Foreign JMS T opic and point it to the t opic created under the CommonJMS Server d eployed on Pl an.
Setting Up a Foreign JMS Ser ver on WebLogic Server 6-8 Oracle® Retail Place Installation Guide.
Files and Director y Structure A-1 A Files and Directory Structure This appendix provides a r eferen ce to the dire ctory structur e of a typical Place installation. It includes info rmation on the locations of the various enterprise archive (EAR) modules that get deployed over the W ebLogic server .
Application Directory Str ucture A-2 Installation Guide |------ integration Contains the configuration fi les for the Integration module. This includes the file. |----- testharness |----- translators |----- xsd |----- xsdvalidator |------ SIT Contains the configuration files fo r the System Information T ool (SIT) module.
Application Directory Str ucture Files and Director y Structure A-3 |------ Database Contains the sc ripts that help set up the application database. |------ Datasets Contains the scripts and co ntro l files that help set up a sample (AESample) datase t.
Modules Deployed On W ebLogic Ser ver A-4 Installation Guide Modules Deplo yed On W ebLogic Ser ver The following table lists the application modules EARs deployed on the W ebLogi c server: T able A.
Index-1 Inde x A ADF libraries, 5-11 application server requirem ents, 2-3 application serv er and database settings, 5-15 B brmadmin, 6-3 bulk loader, 6-3 business rule s, 6-3 C CE user setting, 5-16.
Index-2 webLogic application server settings, 5-16 install.prop erties file, 5-3 setup audit, 6-1 L last session prop erties files, 5-15 load business rule s, 6-3 seed data, 6-3 user roles, 6-3 M micr.
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Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Oracle Audio Technologies 12.2. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Oracle Audio Technologies 12.2 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.