Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung X-560WP des Produzenten Olympus
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DIGIT AL CAMERA X-560WP ● Thankyou forpurchasing anOlympus digitalcamera. Beforeyou startto use your new camera, please read these instructions carefully to enjoy optimum performance and a longer service life.
2 EN Step 5 Step 2 Step 4 Step 3 How to Use the Camera “ThreeT ypesofSettingOperations”(p.3) Printing “Directprinting(PictBridge)”(p.34) “PrintReservations(DPOF)”(p.37) Shooting and Playing Back Images “Shooting,Playback,andErasing”(p.
shootingmode(p.17). 1 Press the button. Thisexampledescribeshowtosetthe[POWER SA VE]. CAMERA MENU ME NU EXIT SET OK Shootingmodetop menu 2 Use abcd to select the desired menu, and press the o button.
4 EN Using the Direct Buttons Frequentlyusedshootingfunctionscanbeaccessedusingthe directbuttons. Shutterbutton(p.14) Zoombutton(p.20,p.23) g / E button(changinginformationdisplay/ menuguide)(p.
5 EN 5 1 G SLIDESHOW ................ p.28 2 H PERFECTFIX .............. p.28 3 I EDIT Q (Resize) ...............
6 EN Names of Par ts 1 Microphone ........................... p.26,29 2 Self-timerlamp ............................ p.21 3 Multi-connector ............... p.33,34,41 4 Connectorcover ....... p.33,34,41,51 5 Strapeyelet .
7 EN 3 1 4 5 2 7 6 9 10 8 1 Zoombutton .......................... p.20,23 2 Cardaccesslamp ....................... p.49 3 Monitor ........................ p.8,14,32,44 4 K button(shooting/switchingshooting modes) .
8 EN Monitor Shooting mode display 10 M +2.0 1/30 F3.7 P 4 IN AFL N ORM 1 9 7 8 11 13 14 15 10 12 17 16 2 4 5 6 3 8 +2.0 IN 00:34 VGA 1 5 1 9 11 10 12 15 17 16 2 4 6 3 ISO 1600 19 18 19 Stillimage Movie 1 Shootingmode ....................
9 EN Playback mode display 10 M 2009.08.26 12:30 4 +2.0 F3.7 10 IN x 100-0004 N ORM 1/1000 ISO 1 600 2 9 10 8 6 7 11 3 4 5 1 15 16 12 13 14 2009.08.26 12:30 100-0004 00:14 / 00:34 IN VGA 1 5 10 15 8 9 11 3 4 5 1 12 13 Stillimage Movie 1 Silentmode .
10 EN Preparing the Camer a Batterycomespartiallycharged.Before use,besuretochargethebatteryuntilthe chargingindicatorgoesoff(forapprox.
1 1 EN Loading the batter y and the xD-Picture Car d™ (sold separately) into the camer a Donotinsertanythingotherthanan xD-PictureCardorthemicroSD Attachment intothecamera.
12 EN Using a microSD car d/ microSDHC car d (sold separately) A microSDcard/microSDHCcard(hereinafter bothwillbereferredtoas“ThemicroSDcard”) isalsocompatiblewiththiscamerausingthe microSD Attachment.
13 EN Setting the date and time Thedateandtimesetherearesavedtoimage lenames,dateprints,andotherdata. 1 Press the n button to turn on the camera. Thedateandtimesettingscreenisdisplayed whenthedateandtimearenotset.
14 EN Shooting, Playback, and Erasing Shooting with optimum aper tur e value and shutter speed ( P mode) Inthismode,automaticcamerashootingcan beusedwhilealsoallowing.
15 EN T o play back movies Selectamovie,andpressthe o button. 2009.08.26 12:30 100-0004 4 IN MOVIE PLA Y OK Movie Thesoundrecordedinmoviescannotbe playedbackonthiscamera.T oplayback movieswithsound,connecttoaTVorPC.
16 EN Erasing ima ges during playback (Single image erase) 1 Press the D button when the playback image to be erased is displayed. ERASE OK IN N O YES SET CANCEL ME N U 2 Press a to select [YES], and press the o button.
17 EN Using Shooting Modes Theshootingmodechangesintheorderof P , G , h , s , A eachtimethe K buttonis pressed.
18 EN Using the digital image stabilization mode ( h mode) Thismodeenablestheusertoreduceblurring thatiscausedbyacamerashakeandsubject movement. 1 Press the K button a few times to set h . 10 M h 4 IN N ORM h modeindicator Shooting mo vies ( n mode) Audioisrecordedwiththemovie.
19 EN 2 Press the shutter button halfway down to focus on the subject, and gently press the button all the way down to start recording. Presshalfway Pressfully 00:34 REC Lightsupredduringrecording Remainingrecordingtime(p.49) 3 Gently press the shutter button all the way down to stop recording.
20 EN Using the ash Theashfunctionscanbeselectedtobest matchtheshootingconditionsandrenderthe desiredimage. 1 Press the # button. P OK OK AUTO SET FLASH AUTO AUTO ! # $ 2 Use cd to select the setting option, and press the o button to set.
21 EN Adjusting the brightness (Exposure compensation) Thestandardbrightness(appropriateexposure) setbythecamerabasedontheshootingmode (exceptfor G )canbeadjustedbrighteror darkertoobtainthedesiredshot.
22 EN Increasing the brightness of the monitor (Backlight boost) Pressthe L buttoninshootingmode. Themonitorbecomesbrighter .Ifthereis nooperationfor10seconds,theprevious brightnessresumes.
23 EN Using Playback F ea tures Index view and c lose-up view Indexviewenablesquickselectionofadesired image.Close-upview(upto10xmagnication) allowscheckingofimagedetails. 1 Press the zoom button.
24 EN Menus for Shooting Functions Settingscanbeadjusted,whenashootingmodeisselected. K indicatestheshootingmodesatwhichthefunctioncanbeset. Thedefaultsettingsofthefunctionarehighlightedin .
Adjusting to a natural color scheme [WB] B CAMERA MENU WB K : P h s A Submenu 2 Application AUTO Thecameraautomaticallyadjusts thewhitebalanceaccordingtothe shootingscene.
26 EN Recording sound when shooting still images [ R ] B CAMERA MENU R K : P h s Submenu 2 Application OFF Nosoundisrecorded. ON Thecameraautomaticallystarts recordingforapprox.4seconds aftertakingthepicture.
27 EN Make the settings for the functions while referring to “Using the Menu” (p. 3). Selecting the focusing mode [AF MODE] B CAMERA MENU AFMODE K : P h s Submenu .
28 EN Menus for Playbac k, Editing, and Printing Functions Settingscanbeadjusted,whentheimageisplayedbackbypressingthe q button. Playing back automatically [ G SLIDESHOW] G SLIDESHOW T o start a slideshow T ostarttheslideshow ,pressthe o button.
29 EN Make the settings for the functions while referring to “Using the Menu” (p. 3). Protecting images [ 0 ] J PLA YBACKMENU 0 Protectedimagescannotbeerasedby [ERASE](p.16),[SEL.IMAGE],or[ALL ERASE](p.
30 EN Erasing images [ K ERASE] K ERASE Checkeachpicturebeforeerasingtoavoid erasinganyimportantpicturesyoumaywant tokeep. Submenu 1 Application SEL.IMAGE Imagesareindividuallyselected anderased.
31 EN Make the settings for the functions while referring to “Using the Menu” (p. 3). Menus for Other Camera Settings Thesesettingscanbeadjustedfromtheshootingmodetopmenuorplaybackmodetopmenu.
32 EN Setting the operation sound [BEEP] E SETUP BEEP Submenu 2 Application OFF/ON Turnof forontheoperatingsound/ warningsoundofthecamera buttons. T oturnoffallsoundsatonce,makethe settingfrom[ F SILENTMODE](p.
33 EN Make the settings for the functions while referring to “Using the Menu” (p. 3). Selecting the video signal system to match your TV [VIDEO OUT] E SETUP VIDEOOUT TheTVvideosignalsystemvariesdependingonthecountriesandregions.
34 EN Printing 2 T urn on the printer , and then connect the printer and camera. USBcable(supplied) Multi-connector OK PC / CUSTOM PRINT EASY PRINT ST ART d 3 Press d to start printing. 4 T o print another image, use cd to select an image, and press the o button.
35 EN Changing the printer’s settings for printing [CUST OM PRINT] 1 Follow Steps 1 and 2 for [EASY PRINT] (p. 34), then press the o button. EASY PRINT USB SET OK EXIT CUSTOM PRINT PC 2 Use ab to select [CUST OM PRINT], and press the o button. 3 Use ab to select the print mode, and press the o button.
36 EN 6 Use cd to select an image. 7 Press a to [SINGLE PRINT] the current image. Press b if you wish to make detailed printer settings for the current image. T o make detailed printer settings 1 Use abcd tomakethedetailed printersettings,andpressthe o button.
37 EN 10 Use ab to select [PRINT], and press the o button. Printingstarts. When[OPTIONSET]isselectedin[ALLPRINT] mode,[PRINTINFO]screenisdisplayed. Whenprintingisnished,the[PRINTMODE SELECT]screenisdisplayed.
38 EN 3 Use ab to select [ < ], and press the o button. x 10 M 2009.08.26 12:30 100-0004 4 0 N ORM SET OK 4 Use cd to select the image for print reservation. Use ab to select the quantity . Press the o button. SET OK ME N U BACK DA TE TIME NO X 5 Use ab to select the [ X ] (date print) screen option, and press the o button.
39 EN Resetting the print reser vation data f or selected images 1 Follow Steps 1 and 2 of “Resetting all print reservation data” (p. 38). 2 Use ab to select [ < ], and press the o button. 3 Use ab to select [KEEP] and press the o button. 4 Use cd to select the image with the print reservation you want to cancel.
40 EN Using OL YMPUS Master 2 2 Select a display language and click [OL YMPUS Master 2]. Followthedisplayeddirections. AfterinstallingOL YMPUSMaster2,updateitrst beforeusingit. ● ● 1 T urn on your computer and insert the CD-ROM (OL YMPUS Master 2).
41 EN Windows Afterthecomputerdetectsthecamera,a messageindicatingthecompletionofthe settingappears.Conrmthemessageand click“OK”.Thecameraisrecognizedasa removabledisk.
42 EN Operating OL YMPUS Master 2 WhenOL YMPUSMaster2isstarted,Quick StartGuideappearsonthescreenthat helpsyoutohandlethecamerawithoutany question.WhentheQuickStartGuideisnot displayed,click inthetoolbartoshow theGuide.
43 EN Usage Tips Ifthecameradoesnotworkasintended,orif anerrormessageisdisplayedonthescreen, andyouareunsureofwhattodo,refertothe informationbelowtoxtheproblem(s).
44 EN Er ror messa ge Whenoneofthemessagesbelowis displayedonthemonitor ,checkthe correctiveaction. Error message Corrective action q CARD ERROR Card problem Insertanewcard. q WRITE PROTECT Card problem Useacomputertocancelthe read-onlysetting.
45 EN Shooting tips Whenyouareunsureofhowtotakeapicture thatyouenvision,refertotheinformationbelow .
46 EN Exposure (brightness) “T aking pictures with the right brightness” T aking pictures using [F ACE DETECT] (p. 27) Appropriateexposureisobtainedforaface againstthebacklight,andthefaceisbrightened. T akingpicturesusing[FILLIN](p.
47 EN Appendix Batter y and charger ThiscamerausesoneOlympuslithiumion battery(LI-42B/LI-40B).Noothertypeof batteriescanbeused. CAUTION Thereisariskofexplosionifthebatteryis replacedwiththeincorrectbatterytype.
48 EN Using your c harger a broad Thechargercanbeusedinmosthome electricalsourceswithintherangeof100 Vto240V AC(50/60Hz)aroundtheworld.
49 EN Readout/recording process of the card Neveropenthebattery/cardcompartment coverorunplugtheUSBcablewhilethe cameraisreadingorwritingdata,which isindicatedbyblinkingofthecardaccess lamp.
50 EN Increasing the number of pictures that can be taken Eithereraseunwantedimages,orconnect thecameratoacomputerorotherdeviceto savetheimages,andthenerasetheimages intheinternalmemoryorcard.
51 EN After Use: Besuretowipeoffanyexcesswaterordebris afterusingthecameraunderwater . After the camera is used under seawater , immerse the camera in a bucket containing fresh water for about 10 minutes (with the battery/card compartment cover and connectorcoverrmlyclosed).
53 EN CAUTION Stop using the camera immediately if you notice any unusual odors, noise, or smoke around it. Neverremovethebatterieswithbarehands, whichmaycauseareorburnyourhands. Do not leave the camera in places where it may be subject to extremely high temperatures.
54 EN CAUTION Beforeloading,alwaysinspectthebatterycarefully forleaks,discoloration,warping,oranyother abnormality . Thebatterymaybecomehotduringprolonged use.T oavoidminorburns,donotremoveit immediatelyafterusingthecamera.
55 EN Disclaimer of W arranty Olympusmakesnorepresentationsorwarranties, eitherexpressedorimplied,byorconcerningany contentofthesewrittenmaterials.
56 EN Representative plug of power supply cord of countries/regions around the world A T ype (AmericanT ype) BT ype (BritishT ype) BFT ype (BritishT ype) B3T ype (Brit.
57 EN For customers in North and South America For customers in USA DeclarationofConformity ModelNumber : X-560WP TradeName : OL YMPUS ResponsibleParty : Address : 3500Corporate Parkway ,P .O.Box 610,CenterV alley ,P A 18034-0610,U.
58 EN WHA T IS NOT COVERED BY THIS LIMITED W ARRANTY Excludedfromthislimitedwarrantyandnot warrantedbyOlympusinanyfashion,either express,implied,orby.
59 EN WHA T TO DO WHEN SERVICE IS NEEDED Thecustomermusttransferanyimageorother datasavedonaProducttoanotherimageor datastoragemediumand/orremoveanylm fromtheProductpriortosendingtheProductto Olympusforservice.
60 EN 2 Thecustomershalltransporttheproducttothe dealerorOlympusauthorizedservicestation athisownriskandshallberesponsibleforany costsincurredintransportingtheproduct.
61 EN SPECIFICA TIONS Camera Product type : Digitalcamera(forshootinganddisplaying) Recording system Still pictures : Digitalrecording,JPEG(inaccordancewithDesignruleforCameraFile system(DCF)) Applicable standards : Exif2.
62 EN Lithium ion battery (LI-42B) Product type : Lithiumionrechargeablebattery Standard voltage : DC3.7V Standard capacity : 740mAh Battery life : Approx.
63 EN Inde x E EASYPRINT ........................................ 34 EDIT I .................................................. 28 Erase ALL ERASE.................................... 30 ERASE K ..........................
64 EN M MACRO & ........................................... 21 MEMORY FORMA T .............................. 31 Menu ....................................................... 3 MENUCOLOR ..................................... 32 Menuguide .
65 EN W WhitebalanceWB ................................ 25 X xD-PictureCard .............................. 1 1,48 Z Zoom.............
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Olympus X-560WP (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Olympus X-560WP noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Olympus X-560WP - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Olympus X-560WP reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Olympus X-560WP erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Olympus X-560WP besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Olympus X-560WP verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Olympus X-560WP. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Olympus X-560WP gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.