Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung D-435 des Produzenten Olympus
Zur Seite of 114
Thank you for purchasing an Olympus digita l camera. Before you start t o use your new camera, please re ad these instructions carefull y to enjoy opt imum performance and a longer service life. Ke ep this manual in a sa fe place for futu re reference .
2 How to use this manual ( Indications used in this manual A sample page i s show n belo w to expl ain h ow to r ead the i nstruc tio ns in t his manual. Loo k at it carefully befo re taking or view ing pictu res. See the refere nce pages fo r further detai ls on how to u se the butto ns or menus .
3 Composition of the manual The title page of each chapter gi ves a short descri ption of the contents. Be sure to check it out. Basic operation Tips before you start taking pictur es Shooting Playback Useful fu nctions Printing pictu res Connecti ng the camera to a computer Appendix Miscellaneous Troubl eshoot ing.
4 Table of Contents How to use this manual ........ ......... ........ ........ ........ .......... ........ ........ .... 2 Compositio n of the manual ........ .......... ........ ........ .......... ........ ........ ..... 3 1 Basic operation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 How to u se the shootin g butto n and playba ck button .
Table of Contents 5 4 Playback - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 41 Playin g back stil l picture s .... ........ ........ ..... ........ ........ ........ ..... ........ .... 42 Selecti ng th e numb er of pictures ....... ........ .
Table of Contents 6 7 Connecting the camera to a computer - - - - - 72 Flow ...... ........ ..... ........ ........ ........ ..... ........ ........ ........ ..... ........ ........ ...... 7 3 Using O LYMPU S Master ....... ........ ........ ..... ...
7 1 Basic opera tion Basic operation Being able to use t he buttons effectively is important for operating th e digital camera. Just display a menu on the monitor and use the buttons to choose a setting. Familiarize yourself with the buttons and menus before reading the explanations of the various functions.
8 1 Basic opera tion How to use the sho oting button a nd play back butto n This camera fea tures a shooting mode and a pl ayback mode. Shooti ng mode is for t aking pictu res and making shoo ting sett ings, whereas playback mode is for displa ying pictures you have taken.
How to use the shooting button and playback button 9 1 Basic operation ( Turning the camera on in playbac k mode. When the power switch is OFF, press k . • The camera t urns on in playbac k mode. To turn the came ra off… → Press k . The monitor an d green lamp turn off.
How to use the shootin g button and playback button 1 Basic opera tion 10 ( Switching between shooting mode and playback mode When th e power switc h is ON, press l , k , or the sh utter b utton t o switch betwee n shoot ing mo de and playb ack mode. 05 0 5 27 2 7 05 0 5 5 2592 2592 1944 1944 2592 2592 1944 1944 2592 1944 Press k .
1 Basic operation 11 How to use the mode dial This camera is capab le of t aking st ill pict ures and mov ies. Use the mo de dial to swit ch between shooti ng modes before taki ng pictures. When the mode dial is set to a mode, the explanat ion for that mod e is displayed on the moni tor.
12 1 Basic opera tion How to use the direct buttons The butt ons that can be used in shooti ng mode and p layback mode d iffer. ( Direct button s in shooting mode c k (Play back) but ton g P. 10 The camer a switches t o playback mode. d j button g P. 15 The sh ooting mo de menu is d isplayed .
How to use the direct buttons 13 1 Basic operation ( Direct buttons in playback mode c l (Shoot ing) button g P. 10 The camer a switch es to sho oting mo de (when t he power swi tch is ON). d j butto n g P. 15 The pl ayback mode me nu is displ ayed. e S (E rase) bu tton g P.
How to use the direct buttons 1 Basic opera tion 14 Basic fun ctions can be easi ly oper ated usi ng the di rect bu ttons . Use the ar row pad and i to make se ttings. Follow the b uttons displa yed on the sc reen t o select and make e ach setti ng. How to set the flash mode us ing n is shown bel ow.
1 Basic operation 15 How to use the menus The menu is di splayed on th e monito r when j is pressed wi th the camera on. This menu is us ed to mak e all c amera setti ngs. The menu items displ ayed in shooti ng mode and playback mode differ. BACKUP EXIT EXIT 1/3 0.
How to use the menus 1 Basic opera tion 16 Use the ar row pad an d i to s elect and s et menu items . Fol low th e but tons display ed on th e menu scre en and use the arro w pad to make setti ngs. How to use the menus us ing scr eens fro m shooti ng mode is s hown belo w.
How to use the menus 17 1 Basic operation 4 Press j . • The menu cl oses, an d the camer a is rea dy to shoo t. TIPS • Setti ngs made in the menu ar e saved ev en if th e camera is turned off. • Menu ite ms common to both shoo ting mode and pl ayback mod e apply t o the same sett ing, and t he sett ing can be made fr om either mod e.
18 2 Tips before you start taki ng pictures Tips before you start taking pictures Your pictures are almost guaranteed to come out well just by setting the mode dial to h or P and pressing the shutter button.
Tips before you start taking pictures 2 19 Holding the camera Sometimes when you look at a pict ure you have take n, the contours of the subject are blurred. This is often ca used by movemen t of the camera at t he precise moment that t he shutter button is pressed.
2 Tips before you start taking pictures 20 If correct focus cannot be obtained The camera au tomatical ly detects t he focus target in the f rame. The level of contrast is one of the criteria it uses t o detect the subjec t.
If correct focus cannot be obtained Tips before you start taking pictures 2 21 4 Press the shutte r button fully. Under c ertain types o f cond itions, the au to focu s may n ot wor k prop erly.
2 Tips before you start taking pictures 22 Record mode You can select a record mode in which to take pictures or shoot movi es. Select the best re cord mode for your purpose (print ing, editing on a computer, websi te editing, etc.). For info rmation on t he image sizes for each record mode an d memory capacity, se e the table on P.
Record mode Tips before you start taking pictures 2 23 Movies ar e record ed in Mo tion-JPEG format. Still p ictur es Movies Movie record modes Number of sto rable sti ll pic tur es/ remai nin g reco .
Record mode 24 2 Tips before you start taking pictures j [ K ] i g “How to use the menus” (P. 15) 1 Select a record mode from [SHQ], [HQ], [SQ1] and [SQ2]. For movies, sele ct a record m ode from [HQ] and [SQ]. 2 Press i . •P r e s s j to exit the me nu.
Tips before you start taking pictures 2 25 Recording pictures Pictures taken are st ored in the intern al memory. You can also use an opt ional xD-Picture Card (referred t o as “card” in this manual) to store pic tures. Th e card h as greater c apacity than the in ternal memory, and so, is a ble to store more pictur es.
2 Tips before you start taking pictures 26 Using a card (optional) An opti onal card is availabl e for this camera . The card co rrespo nds to the f ilm of a norma l camera fo r record ing the pi ctures you have t aken. Pictu res reco rded and s tored on the card can eas ily be eras ed, over writt en, and/ or edited on a computer .
Using a card (optional) Tips before you start taking pictures 2 27 2 Slide the battery co mpartment/ card cover in the direc tion of A , and then lift it in the direction of B . • Use the ba ll of you r finge r to sli de the cover. Do not use yo ur fi ngernail as this could re sult i n inj ury.
Using a card (op tional) 28 2 Tips before you start taking pictures ( Removing the card 3 Push the card all th e way in and release slowly. • The c ard pr otrude s sli ghtly and stops .
29 3 Shooting A professional photographer adjusts the exposure to the optimal setting, chooses the best focusing method and eve n selects the type of film according to the subject. With a digital camera, you don’t need to learn how to make d ifficult settings.
3 Shooti ng 30 Selecting a shooting mode according to the situation Use the mode dial t o switch bet ween shooti ng modes before taki ng pictures. You can take pi ctures with the opti mum settings by setting the mode dial according to the sh ooting c ondition s or purp ose.
Selecting a shooting mode according to the situation 31 Shooti ng 3 j Sports Suita ble fo r capt uring fast- moving a ction (such as sp orts) withou t blur ring. E ven f ast- moving subjec ts app ear to be stat ionary. o Self Portrait Suita ble fo r taki ng pictu res o f your self - by yourse lf.
3 Shooti ng 32 Zooming in on a distant subject You can use the digital zoom to take pictures at 4.0× telephoto or wide - angle. 1 Press the zoom button. Note • Picture s taken w ith the digit al zoom may appea r grainy . •I n n mode, th e maximu m magnifica tion poss ible fo r digit al zoom is 2.
Shooti ng 3 33 Taking clos e-up pictures (macro) Focusing is usually slow whe n you get close t o a subject (20 cm to 50 cm/ 0.7ft to 1.6ft). Ho wever, in macro mode fo cusing is performed quickly. 1 Press o . • The macro s ettin gs scree n is disp layed.
3 Shooti ng 34 Flash shooting Select the flash mod e best suit ed to t he light conditio ns and the effect yo u want to ach ieve. Flash wor king ran ge: 3.0 m (9 .8 ft.) Auto-flash (No indicat ion) The flash fires au tomati cally i n low light or backl ight co nditi ons.
Flash shooting 35 Shooti ng 3 1 Press n . • The flas h setti ngs scre en is di splayed . g “How to use th e direc t buttons ” (P. 12) 2 Select the flash mode, and press i . 3 Press the shutter button halfway. • In con ditions where t he fl ash wil l fi re, # light s (flas h stand- by).
3 Shooti ng 36 Recording movies You can re cord movies, and play back the mo vies with the camera. Sound cannot b e recorded . The focus is locked. If the di stance to t he subject changes, f ocus may be compromised. 1 Turn the m ode di al to n . • The rema ining r ecordi ng time in t he interna l memory or card is disp layed on the monito r.
Shooti ng 3 37 Self-timer shooting This funct ion lets you ta ke picture s using the self -timer. Fix th e camera securely on a tripod for self-t imer shooting . This functi on is useful fo r taking pictures when you want to be inclu ded in the photo graph.
3 Shooti ng 38 Panorama shooting You can t ake advantage of panorama shootin g with an Olympus xD- Picture Card. Panorama shootin g lets you connect pictures with overlappin g edges into a si ngle pan oramic p icture, usin g the OLYMPUS Master software.
Panorama shooting 39 Shooti ng 3 2 Make sure th at the edges of the pictures o verlap, then take the pictu res. • The focu s and expos ure are s et by t he first pictur e. Do no t select an extreme ly brig ht subj ect (suc h as the su n) for t he firs t pictu re.
3 Shooti ng 40 Adjusting picture brightness (exposure compen sation) This fun ction all ows you to make changes to the e xposure sett ing. You can adjust the exposu re in the ra nge of ± 2.0 EV i n 1/3 EV steps. j [ F ] i g “How to use the menus” (P.
41 4P l a y b a c k With film-type cameras, yo u cannot see the pictures you have taken until the film has been developed. And aren’t you sometimes disappointed with the results when you do eventually see them? Pictur es of blurred scenery or so meone with their eyes shut.
4 Playba ck 42 Playing back still pictures When a card is in the came ra, a picture fr om the card is displaye d. To play back pictures from the internal memory, remove the card . 1 Press k . • The gree n lamp on the ca mera lights . • The las t pict ure take n is disp layed on the monit or (si ngle-fra me pla yback).
Playing back still pictures Playback 4 43 This f unction l ets you select the numb er of pi ctures in an in dex dis play fr om 4 and 9. j [ G ] i g “How to use the menus” (P.
Playing back still pictures 4 Playba ck 44 Pictur es tak en wit h the came ra held vertic ally a re disp layed horizo ntally. This functi on let s you rotate such p ictures 90° c lockw ise or coun tercloc kwise s o tha t they are or iented corre ctly.
Playback 4 45 Playing back movies 1 Use the arro w pad to dis play a picture with n . g “Pla ying bac k still pi cture s” (P. 42 ) 2 Press i . • The mo vie is played back. Wh en the movie is fin ished, the screen retu rns to playback mo de. •P r e s s i to cancel mo vie pl ayback .
4 Playba ck 46 Protecting pictures You are recommended to pro tect impo rtant p ictures to av oid acciden tall y erasing t hem. Protecte d pictures cannot be erased by t he single-frame /all-frame erase function, but they are all erased by formatting.
Playback 4 47 Erasing pictures This function erases recorded pictures. Pictur es can be erased either one at a time or all the pict ures in the int ernal memory or card a t once. • When you want to erase pict ures in the inte rnal memory , do not ins ert the card.
Erasing pictures 4 Playba ck 48 This fu nction erases al l the pi cture s in the i nterna l memory or car d. j [MEMORY SETUP (CARD SETUP)] i g “How to use the menus” (P. 15) 1 Sele ct [ R ALL ERASE], and press i . 2 Select [YES], and press i . • All th e pi ctures are er ased .
Playback 4 49 Formatting This function lets you forma t the internal memory or card. Formatting prepares c ards to rece ive data . • To format the in ternal memory, d o not i nsert t he card.
50 5 Useful functi ons One of the key features of a digital camera is that you can view the pictures you have taken immediately. But that isn’t all. For instance, yo u can select the appropriate int.
51 Useful function s 5 Selecting a language You can select a language fo r on-screen di splay. Avai lable lan guages vary depending on the area where you purch ased this camera. j [ W ] i g “How to use the menus” (P. 15) 1 Select a lang uage, an d press i .
52 5 Useful functions Setting the date and time This funct ion lets you set the date and ti me. The date and time is saved with each picture, and is used in the fi le name.
53 Useful function s 5 Resetting the settings to the default (RESET) The camera reta ins the changed set tings even i f the power is turn ed off. To reset the set tings to the factory def ault setting , use the reset fun ction. 1 Press p . • The [RESET ] scre en is di splayed .
54 5 Useful functions Copying pictures to a card (BACKUP) You can copy (backup) all the ima ge data st ored in t he internal memo ry to the card. Th e image dat a in t he internal me mory is not erased by copying it to the card . The optional card is required to use the backu p function.
55 Useful function s 5 Setting t he ti me period to swit ch to the sleep mode (SLEEP) The camera automatic ally switches t o the sleep mode and st ops operati ng if not used fo r the specif ied time perio d. You can specify th e time period before the camera enters sl eep mode.
56 6 Printing p ictures You can print out the pict ures you have taken either at a photo store or at home on your own printer. If you go to a photo store, it is a good idea to store the print reservat ion data on the card first. This lets you se le ct the pictures you want to print and decide how many prints you want.
57 Print ing pictur es 6 Direct printing (PictBridge) By conn ectin g the ca mera to a Pict Bridge -compa tible p rinter with th e USB c able, you can pri nt out rec orded pictures direct ly. With t he camera c onnec ted to the p rinter , select the pic tures you wan t to pri nt and the nu mber of print s on th e camer a’s monitor.
Direct printing (PictBridge) 58 6 Print ing pictur es Use the USB cable pr ovided t o connec t the came ra to a Pic tBrid ge-compa tible printer . 1 Turn the printer on an d plug the printer end of the USB cable into the printer’s USB port.
Direct printing (PictBridge) Print ing pictur es 6 59 When the came ra is con nected to a Pi ctBri dge- compatible pr inter, the [PRINT MODE SELE CT] scree n is disp layed on the monit or. Use t his screen to se lect th e pri nt mode . You c an ch oose from th e followi ng prin t modes.
Direct printing (PictBridge) 60 6 Print ing pictur es 3 Press [ to select framed or unframed, and p ress i . OFF ( ) The imag e is prin ted ins ide a blank fra me. ON ( ) The image is printed fillin g the entire page. 4 Press ^] to select the picture you want to print, and press i .
Direct printing (PictBridge) Print ing pictur es 6 61 3 Press [ to s elect framed or unframed, and pre ss i . OFF ( ) The imag e is printed insi de a blank frame. ON ( ) The image is prin ted fillin g the entire pa ge. 4 Press ^] to select the picture you want to pr int.
Direct printing (PictBridge) 62 6 Print ing pictur es ( Set [MORE] print reservations c Press . • The [ PRINT INFO] screen is displa yed. d Press [ to sele ct the item you want to set, and pres s i . Press [ to selec t the ite m, an d pres s i . e After you have se lected yo ur des ired se ttings, select [END], an d press i .
Direct printing (PictBridge) Print ing pictur es 6 63 7 Select [OK], and press i . • Printin g start s. • To cance l prin ting, se lect [CANCEL] and press i . The [PRINT MODE SELECT] screen wi ll be disp layed ag ain. • When pr intin g is fi nished , the mon itor returns to th e [PRINT MODE SE LECT] screen.
Direct printing (PictBridge) 64 6 Print ing pictur es 3 Press [ to select framed or unframed, and p ress i . OFF ( ) The imag e is prin ted ins ide a blank fra me. ON ( ) The image is printed fillin g the entire page. • The [ PRINT] screen is d ispla yed.
Direct printing (PictBridge) Print ing pictur es 6 65 When you h ave fini shed pr intin g, disco nnect t he camera from the p rinter. 1 In the [PRINT MODE SELECT] screen, pres s ^ . • The messag e is disp layed. 2 Remove the USB c able from the camera.
Direct printing (PictBridge) 66 6 Print ing pictur es If an e rror c ode is displa yed on the camer a’s mon itor du ring di rect print s etting o r printi ng, see t he followi ng tabl e. For more de tails, refer to t he printe r’s ins truction ma nual.
67 Print ing pictur es 6 Print settings (DPOF) Print re serv ation al lows y ou to sav e printi ng data ( the numb er of pr ints an d the dat e/ time inf ormati on) with the pictur es stor ed on the card.
Print settings (DPOF) 68 6 Print ing pictur es TIPS Relation betwe en printing and recor d mode when shooting The res olution of a co mputer/ print er is gen erally base d on the nu mber of do ts (pixels ) per i nch (d pi). The higher the dp i value , the b etter th e prin ted res ults.
Print settings (DPOF ) Print ing pictur es 6 69 You can print one cop y of all the im ages st ored on the car d. Sele ct whet her th e print date o r time will also b e inclu ded.
Print settings (DPOF) 70 6 Print ing pictur es Use this f eatur e to pri nt onl y selec ted pict ures. I t is al so used to chan ge the r eserved number o f prin ts and the dat e/time se tting s. Dis play th e frame you want to prin t and set the des ired nu mber of cop ies.
Print settings (DPOF ) Print ing pictur es 6 71 4 Select [SET], and pres s i . • < icon i s displ ayed on the im age displa yed on th e screen. •P r e s s j to exit the menu. This fu nction r esets a ll the print reserv ation data for t he pi ctures store d in th e card.
72 7 Connecting t he camera to a computer Viewing the pictures you have taken on your computer is just one of the man y ways you can enjoy your pictures.
73 Connecting the camer a to a com puter 7 Flow Using the USB cable provided with your camera, you can connect the camera and c omputer and download (transfer) the images to your com puter using the OLYMPUS Master software, also provided with the camera.
74 7 Connecting the camera to a computer Using OLYMPUS Master For edit ing and managing i mage files, instal l the OLYMPUS Master softw are from the pr ovided CD-ROM . OLYMPUS Mast er is app licati on softw are for e ditin g images t aken wit h a digital camera on a compute r.
Using OLYMPUS Master 75 Connecting the camer a to a com puter 7 Befor e instal ling t he OLYMP US Master softwa re, ple ase conf irm th at your computer is comp atible wi th th e followi ng sys tem requ irement s. For newe r opera ting sy stems, please r efer to t he Olym pus web si te as sh own on th e back co ver of th is manual .
Using OLYMPUS Master 76 7 Connecting the camera to a computer Windows 1 Insert the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. • The OL YMPUS Master setup sc reen i s displa yed. • If the sc reen is not disp laye d, dou ble- click the “My Computer” icon and click the C D- ROM icon.
Using OLYMPUS Master 77 Connecting the camer a to a com puter 7 3 Click “Next” and follow the on- screen instru ctions. • When the Qui ckTim e licensi ng agreemen t is displ ayed, r ead the agreemen t and clic k “Agr ee” t o proceed with the instal lation.
Using OLYMPUS Master 78 7 Connecting the camera to a computer 6 Follow the on-screen instructions. • The s creen confir ming t hat i nstal lation is comp leted i s display ed. Clic k “Finish”. 7 Select the option to restar t immediately wh en the screen asking you if yo u wish to restart th e computer is disp layed and click “OK”.
79 Connecting the camer a to a com puter 7 Connecting the camera to a computer Use the USB cable provided with th e camera to connec t the camera to your computer. 1 Make sure th e camera is turn ed off. • The monit or is of f. • The gree n lamp an d the or ange la mp on the camer a are off.
Starting up OLYMPUS Master 80 7 Connecting the camera to a computer •W i n d o w s X P When t he camer a is c onnect ed to t he comp uter, the sc reen f or sel ectin g an image f ile ope ration is disp layed. As OLYMPUS Mast er will be used to downloa d imag es, cli ck “Canc el”.
Starting up OLYMPUS Master 81 Connecting the camer a to a com puter 7 ( OLYMPUS Master main menu c “Transf er Ima ges” butto n Downloa ds imag es fro m the camera o r othe r media. d “Brows e Images” bu tton Display s the br owse wind ow. e “Print Imag es” bu tton Display s the pr int menu.
82 7 Connecting the camera to a computer Displaying camera images on a computer You can sa ve camera images on your co mputer. 1 Click “Transfer Images” on the OLYMPUS Master ma in menu. • The menu for sele cting the sourc e is displ ayed. 2 Click “From Camera” .
Displaying camera images on a computer 83 Connecting the camer a to a com puter 7 ( To disconnect the camera You can d isconne ct the ca mera aft er downl oading the image s to your computer . 1 Make sure tha t the orange lamp on the camera is off. 2 Make the follo wing prep arations for discon nectin g the USB cable.
Viewing still pictur es and movies 84 7 Connecting the camera to a computer 3 Disconnect the USB cab le from the camera. 1 Click “Browse Images” on the OLYMPUS Master main menu. • The “B rowse” window is display ed. 2 Doub le-click the sti ll pi cture thumbnail that you want to view.
Printing pictures 85 Connecting the camer a to a com puter 7 ( To view a movie 1 Double-c lick the movie th umbnail that you want to se e in the “Browse” window. • The c amera s witches to view mode an d the f irst fra me of the movi e is displa yed.
Printing pictures 86 7 Connecting the camera to a computer 2 Click “Photo” . • The “Ph oto Prin t” wind ow is displ ayed. 3 Click “Settings” in the “Photo Print” window. • The prin ter settin gs scree n is displa yed. Make the nece ssary pr inter sett ings.
To download and save images to a computer without using OLYMPUS Master 87 Connecting the camer a to a com puter 7 7 Click “Print”. • Printin g start s. • To re turn to the mai n menu, click “Menu” in the “P hoto Print” windo w. This camera is compati ble with USB mass sto rage.
88 8 Appendix This chapter contains useful information from OLYMPUS. Here you will find what to do when you are stuck or don’t understand the meaning of the terms used in this manual. Refer to this section for basic troubleshooting, camer a care and a full glossary to understanding the terms used in this manual.
89 8 Appendix Troubleshooting Error codes Monitor indi cation Possible ca use Correc tive ac tion q NO CARD The card is not inse rted, or it ca nnot be recogn ized. Insert a ca rd, or remove the card and inse rt it again corre ctly. If the pro blem pers ists, fo rmat the card.
Troubleshooting 90 8 Appendix ( Preparatory operations ( Shooting Troubleshooting Possib le cause Correctiv e action Ref. page The camer a does not turn on or functi on butt ons d o not resp ond. The power is off. Slide t he power sw itch to ON to tur n the camera on.
Troubleshooting 8 Appendix 91 The bat terie s ran out o f power du ring sho oting or while the imag es we re being written to the internal memo ry or card. (Monitor turns off.) Replace the batt eries with new on es, or charge the batter ies. (Wa it unt il the oran ge lamp turns off when b linki ng.
Troubleshooting 92 8 Appendix The batt ery run time is bri ef. You are us ing the camera in a co ld environme nt. Battery pe rforma nce dete riorat es in lo w temper atures . Keep the camer a war m by putting i t inside y our co at or clot hing. – The remai ning ba ttery power is not indic ated correc tly.
Troubleshooting 8 Appendix 93 ( Playback of recorded images Possible cause Correc tive actio n Ref. page The pi ctur e is ou t of foc us. A subje ct uns uited to AF was taken. Use f ocus l ock to focus o n the subj ect and then sh oot. P. 20 The camera moved when th e shutte r button was pres sed.
Troubleshooting 94 8 Appendix The colo rs of pi ctures look unna tura l. No white in the pict ure. Incl ude somet hing whit e in the pi cture , or shoot us ing [ # ]. P. 34 Part of th e pictu re is dar k. The lens was partly blocke d by your fin ger or the stra p.
Troubleshooting 8 Appendix 95 ( When the camera is connected to a computer or printer Possible cause Correc tive actio n Ref. page The pri nter fa ils to connect . [PC] was selected on the monitor a fter connec ting the camer a to the printer with the USB cable.
96 8 Appendix Camera care ( Cleaning the camera Exterior: • Wipe g ently with a soft clo th. If t he came ra is ver y dirty , soak the clo th in mil d soapy water an d wring we ll. Wip e the ca mera wit h the damp cloth and then dry it with a dry clot h.
97 8 Appendix AC adapter (optional) An AC adapter is useful for time-consumin g tasks such as image downloads to a computer. An optiona l Olympus AC adapt er allows you to po wer your dig ital camera from a common AC wall outlet.
98 8 Appendix Safety Precautions • T o protect the high-precision tech nol ogy contained in this product, never leave the camera in the places listed below , no matter if in use or sto rage: • Places where temperatur es and/or humidity a re high or go through extreme changes.
Safety Precautions 8 Appendix 99 • Recommended temperature ranges f or NiMH batteries: Operation ................. 0°C to 40°C (32°F to 104°F) Charge .
Safety Precautions 100 8 Appendix • Olympus makes no representations or warranties, either expressed or implied, by or concerning any content of these written materials or software, and in no event .
Safety Precautions 8 Appendix 101 • Radio and T elevision Interference Change or modifications not expressl y approved by th e manufacturer may void the user’s authority to operate this equipment. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Cla ss B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
102 8 Appendix Glossary of terms CCD (Charge- Co upl ed Device ) This co nverts light pas sing th rough the len s into el ectr ical sig nals. On this c amera, light is picked u p and conve rted in to RGB sig nals to build a si ngle ima ge. Contrast Detection Method This is used to measure the distanc e to the subjec t.
Glossary of terms 8 Appendix 103 Sleep Mode A mode desig ned to sav e bat tery li fe. T he came ra a utomatic ally enters the sleep mode if you do not o perate it for a cer tain ti me.
104 9 Miscellan eous Miscellaneous This chapter contains all the camera functions described in Chapters 1 to 7. Refer here for t he names of the camera parts and buttons, the names and meanings of the icons that are displayed on the monitor, and the lists of the menus.
105 9 Miscella neous Menu list l mode *1 Only ava ilabl e when a car d is inse rted. *2 In n mode, only HQ/SQ can be selected . *3 Availab le langu ages var y depe nding on the area wh ere you pu rchase d this camera. k mode *1 Not availa ble for movies .
106 9 Miscellaneous List of factory default settings The functi ons are se t as follows wh en the camera leaves t he facto ry. l mode k mode Common s ettin gs F 0.0 FLASH MODE AUTO ( n is [ $ ]) Y OFF & OFF PANORAMA OFF K HQ 0 OFF y 0° G 9 X Y-M-D 20 05.
107 9 Miscella neous Modes and shooting functions 9 : Availab le —: Not avai lable Mode Functi on P hi k l z jo q n Zoom 9 – 9 FLASH MODE 9 – & 9 – 9 Y 9 PANO RAMA 9 – 9 – 9 – K 9 F .
108 9 Miscellaneous Names of parts Camera Lens Self-timer lamp g P. 37 Flash g P. 34 Shutter butt on g P. 20 Power switch g P. 8 USB connector g P. 58, 79 DC-IN jack g P.
Names of parts 109 9 Miscella neous Battery compartmen t/ card cover g P. 27 Arrow pad ( [^] ) g P. 14, 16 Orange lamp g P. 8, 26, 79 Green lamp g P. 9, 26, 79 Monitor g P. 8 Shooting button ( l ) g P. 8, 13 Playback button ( k ) g P. 8, 12 Strap eyelet Arrow pad Self-timer butto n ( Y ) g P.
Names of parts 9 Miscellaneous 110 ( Shooting m odes * [IN] is disp layed whe n you are s toring pictures in the came ra’s i nterna l memory. [xD] i s dis played when the card is in sert ed. Monitor indications Still p ictur e Movie Item Indic ations Ref.
Names of parts 111 9 Miscella neous ( Playback mode * [IN ] is disp laye d when you a re stor ing pictu res in the camer a’s inter nal memor y. [xD] is displa yed when t he card i s insert ed. Still pi cture Mov ie Item Indic ations Re f. page 1 Batter y check e , f – 2 Current memo ry * [IN], [xD] P.
GLOSSARY INDEX 112 9 Index Index For reference page numb ers relating to camera parts, see “Names of parts”. A AC adapter .......... .............. ............. ...... 97 AF target mar k ..... ....... .......... .......... 20 All-fr ame erase R .
Index GLOSSARY INDEX 113 9 Index Pixels ............ ....... .......... .......... 22, 10 2 Playba ck mod e q ..... .......... ....... 9, 10 PORTRAIT i ............. ....... .......... .... 30 Press fu lly ............... ........... .......... .... 21 Press halfwa y. 2005 VH1093 01 Shinjuku Monolit h, 3-1 Nis hi-Shinj uku 2-cho me, Shinju ku-ku, Tokyo , Japan Two Corpo rate Cen ter Dr ive, P. O. Box 905 8, Melvi lle, NY 11 747-90 58, U.S. A. Tel. 6 31-844-500 0 Technical Support (USA) 24/7 online automated help: http://www.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Olympus D-435 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Olympus D-435 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Olympus D-435 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Olympus D-435 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Olympus D-435 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Olympus D-435 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Olympus D-435 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Olympus D-435. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Olympus D-435 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.