Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 14i des Produzenten Oki
Zur Seite of 40
OKIPAGE 14ex, 14i and 14i/n User’s Guide.
ii OKIPAGE 14ex, 14i and 14i/n Preface Every effort has been made to ens ure that the informa- tion in this document is complete, accurate, and up-to- date.
English User’s Guide iii Ta b l e o f c o n t e n t s P r e f a c e ........ ...... ......... ........ ...... i i EEC compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii E n e r g yS t a r ........ ...... ........ ...... ...... i i U n i v e r s a lS e r i a lB u s .
iv OKIPAGE 14ex, 14i and 14i/n F o n t s .......... ........ ......... ...... .....2 3 W h a ti saf o n t ? ...... ........ ...... ........2 3 P r i n t i n gaf o n tl i s t ........ ......... ..... ...2 3 U s i n gf o n t s ...... ........ ......... .
English User’s Guide 1 Safety instructions This printer has been carefully designed to giv e years of safe, reliable performance. As with all electrical equip- ment, however, there are a few basic p.
2 OKIPAGE 14ex, 14i, 14i/n • The po wer outlet into whi ch the printer is con- nected must remain accessible at all times. • Opening an y cover may e xpose hot surf aces. These are clearly labelled. Do NO T touch them. • Do not insert anything into the ventilation slots on the print er; you could get a s hock or cause a fir e .
English User’s Guide 3 • Small amounts of toner sp illed on skin or cloth- ing can be readily remov ed with soap and cold water . Using heated water will ma ke remo ving the stain much m ore diff icult. Emerg ency f irst aid • IF TO NER IS SW ALLO WED: Indu ce vomit- ing and seek medical attention.
4 OKIPAGE 14ex, 14i, 14i/n Printer contr ol pan el Ready LED i ndicator The R ead y LED i ndica tor ha s the follow ing fun ctio ns: • ON - printer is on-line ready to receive data. • OFF - printer is off-lin e, cannot receive data. All but ton functi ons on the c ontrol pan el are no w acti ve.
English User’s Guide 5 Button functions To access the p rimary function o n a button, pr ess mo- mentarily and release. To gain access to the secondary func tion , pre ss and hold th e butt on fo r at le ast tw o se c- onds. MENU 1 / M enu 2 When printer is off-line: • Press to access printer menu 1.
6 OKIPAGE 14ex, 14i, 14i/n • Press and hold to print t he current Menu S ettings . When the display show s MENU HP PCL6, press ENTER. TRA Y TYPE/ Pri n tF o n t s When the p rinter is off- line: • Press to en ter the T ray T ype quick menu. • Press and hold t o print a sample of all the resi- dent, card and soft fonts present.
English User’s Guide 7 Printer menus It is possibl e, using the front pan el buttons, to chan ge the default configuration of the pr i nter to accommodate software application, specific pape r size, method of pa- per feed and interface connection .
8 OKIPAGE 14ex, 14i, 14i/n 5. The curre nt active p arameter is indicated wi th an aster isk*. T o alter t he paramete r , pre ss the W W W W / Recover and X X X X / Reset buttons. T o ma ke a new parameter acti ve, press the ENTER b u tton when that parameter is d isplayed.
English User’s Guide 9 Paper Siz e Manual A4 Size A5 Size A6 Size B5 Size Com-9 C om-1 0 Monarc h DL Env C5 En v Lett er Exec Legal 1 4 Legal 13 Select s the phys ical paper si ze used for e ach paper f eed.
1 0 OKIPAGE 14ex, 14i, 14i/n Copies Copies 1 t o 999 Selects the number of copies to be printed. Euro S ign Euro S ign Enable D isable Used in certa in non-W indows appl ications to ena ble printing o f the Europea n currency symbol. Fonts & Symbols Font SRC Resident Card Selects the approp riate source for interna l printer fonts.
English User’s Guide 11 Lev el 2 menu setti ngs Categor y Item P arameter Explanation Print Mode Mode 600 V1200 (600 x 1200 ) 300 Printi ng reso lution s ettin g in dots p er inch (d pi).
12 OKIPAGE 14ex, 14i, 14i/n Parrallel I/F I-Prime Off On When O N, this feat ure enab les t he compu ter to r eset t he pri nter b y togg ling th e state of the I-PRIM E line on the data interface.
English User’s Guide 13 Language L anguage English D eutsch Fran cais Ital ian Castlan Svenska Nor sk D ans k Nederl Turkce Portug Polski This settings determines whi ch language is use d for LCD messa ges and menu print ing.
14 OKIPAGE 14ex, 14i, 14i/n Pa p e r P aper and en velope types The manufacturer of this printer recommends the fol- lowing guidelines when selecting paper and envelopes for use in yo ur print er: • Paper an d en velopes should be stored flat and aw ay from moisture, direct sunlight and heat sources.
English User’s Guide 15 Installing pape r 1. Remove the paper tray from the bottom of the printe r and place plain pa per in the tray , keeping the le vel of the paper in the tray bel o w the guide mark s (1).
1 6 OKIPAGE 14ex, 14i, 14i/n Use the MEDIA TYPE settin g in MENU 1 to adjust for different thi cknesses of paper. The fol lowing table gives the range of paper weight for each media type.
English User’s Guide 1 7 To n e r When to re place toner ca r tridge Replace the toner cartrid ge after TONER LOW dis- play s in the co ntro l panel LCD . Afte r TONE R LO W displa ys, the pri nter p rints abo ut 100 more pages , then displays TONER EMPTY and stop s printing.
1 8 OKIPAGE 14ex, 14i, 14i/n 4. Insert the cartridge into the printer , left end (1) first as illustrated. 5. Push the coloured tab (2 ) forward t o release t he toner into the toner hop per .
English User’s Guide 1 9 Image drum When to replace image drum When the drum reaches 90% of its life, a CHG DR UM message is displayed in the con trol panel LC D. Change the image drum cartridge when the print becomes f aint or begins to det eriorate.
2 0 OKIPAGE 14ex, 14i, 14i/n 3. Install the ne w image drum (1) int o the printer placing the al ignment pins on eac h end into the slot s in t he print er . 4. Remove the spong e packaging from the image drum and discard. 5. Install a new toner cartridg e.
English User’s Guide 21 Status messages This section expalins the different m essages that are displa yed on one, or bot h lines in th e LCD of the pri nt- er. tttttt = TRAY1 , FEEDER, TRAY2 (optio n). TRAY1 = upper tray TRAY2 = lower tray FEEDER = multi media feeder » Indicates that the second line is a s crolling display.
22 OKIPAGE 14ex, 14i, 14i/n ttttt mmm>> PA P E R > > REQUEST A request f or paper of siz e mmm. tttttt = TRA Y1, FEEDER, TRA Y2 (option). MEMOR Y OV E R F L O W Memory h as ov e rflowed for one of the following reasons. • T oo much da ta on page .
English User’s Guide 23 Fonts What is a font? A font refers t o a set of printable c haracters in a p artic- ular typeface of a speci fic size (e. g. 12 poin t) and st yle (e.g. roman, bo ld or bold-italic). In com puter printing, however, this term has been used in a wider context to refer to all sizes and styles of a particular typef ace.
24 OKIPAGE 14ex, 14i, 14i/n Printer maintenance Maintenance m enu This menu is used for printer maintenance and setting some opera ting functions. To e nter the mai ntenance menu: 1. T urn of f the printer . 2. Press and hold MENU 1/ Menu 2 and turn the printer on.
English User’s Guide 25 3. Pull do wn the manual feed tray (1) and adjust the paper guide s to t he width of the paper . 4. Insert a sheet of A4 plain paper into the m anual feed tray . 5. The LCD sho ws PRINT CLEANING as the paper i s fed. The paper emerges f rom the print er with grey shading and this sheet of paper may be disc arded .
2 6 OKIPAGE 14ex, 14i, 14i/n T r oubleshooting Pa pe r j a m s The printer may experience a paper jam in one of t hree areas. The prin ter status monitor wil l indicate which area has caused the jam : • INPUT J AM - paper has failed to lea ve the selected fed tray and enter the internal pap er path of the printer .
English User’s Guide 2 7 3. Carefully lift out th e image drum, co mplete with the toner cartridge. B e careful not to touch or scratch the green drum surface. 4. Remo ve any jammed sh eets from the paper path. 5. Re-install the image drum , ensurin g that it cor- rectly locates into the slots on each side of the printer .
2 8 OKIPAGE 14ex, 14i, 14i/n Software problems Your soft ware (ope rating env ironme nt, applica tions and printer drivers) controls the printing p rocess. Make sure you h ave selected the ri ght driver for us e with your printer. See y our software documentatio n for more in- formation.
English User’s Guide 2 9 Hard ware problem s Printe r’ s output is belo w rated speed . Much of the print ing delays w ill be caused by your applica tion. Sometime s purely tex t docu ments wil l print slowly depending on the sele cted fonts a nd how they are tran sferred t o the printer.
3 0 OKIPAGE 14ex, 14i, 14i/n Specifications Prin ting Pro cess: LED array imaging to organic photo- conduc tive dr um. Powe r Supp ly: Voltag e: 230V ±10% to 240V ±10% A C Freq uency: 5 0/60H z ±2% Po wer C abl e: 1.8m s eparate cable, te rminated with country specific plu g.
English User’s Guide 31 Produ ct life: Duty: 15,000 pages per month maximu m. Consumables: Image drum 20,000 pages (continuo us) Tone r 4,000 pages @ 5% densi ty Environm ent: Operating: 10 to 32°C.
32 OKIPAGE 14ex, 14i, 14i/n.
English User’s Guide 33 Index B B u t t o nf u n c t i o n s. ............ ........ ......... . 5 C C l e a n i n gp a g e ...... ............ ........ ...... 2 4 D D r u mc o u n t e r ......... ......... .............. 2 0 E Envelopes P r i n t i n g .
34 OKIPAGE 14ex, 14i and 14i/n Installing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 L a b e lt y p e s.. ........ ...... ......... .....1 4 P a p e rt y p e s.. .............. ........... ...1 4 T r a n s p a r e n c i e s ...
English User’s Guide 35 OKI SYSTEMS COMPANIES Oki Systems ( UK) Limited 550 Dundee Road Slough Tradin g Es tate Slough Berks SL1 4LE Tel: +44 (0) 1753 819 819 Fax: +44 (0) 1753 819 899 http://www.
3 6 OKIPAGE 14ex, 14i and 14i/n.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Oki 14i (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Oki 14i noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Oki 14i - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Oki 14i reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Oki 14i erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Oki 14i besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Oki 14i verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Oki 14i. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Oki 14i gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.