Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung UTA220/UTA220k des Produzenten Northern
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UTA220/UTA220k Terminal Adapter User Guide Motorola ING, Inc. Part No. T01 23 A 20 Cabot Blvd August 1 998 Mansfield, MA 02048-1 193 © 1998 Mo tor o la.
ii COPYRIGHT Copyright 1998 by Mot orola, In c. Publishe d by Motorola, who res erves the ri ght to make improve ments in th e products descri bed i n thi s manual as well as to revi se th is publ ic ation at any t ime and wit hout not ice to any pe rson of suc h revisi on or change .
iii FCC REQUIREMENTS WARNING This equipme nt uses, genera tes, and can radi ate radio frequen cy ene rgy inte rfering with radio c ommunic ations if not installed and used according to t he instruction manual. It has been teste d and complies wi th the limit s for a Class A co mputing d evice acco rding to FCC Rules, Part 15.
iv Repairs to certifi ed equipment shoul d be made by an author ized Canadi an mainte nance facili ty des ignate d by th e suppli er. Any repai rs or alte ration s made by the user to th is equipment , or equ ipment malfunction s, may give t he tel ecommunica tions compan y caus e to requ est the user to d isconnect the equi pment.
v Pre f ace PREFACE AND STATEMEN T OF APPLICATION This manua l is writt en for users o f the UD S UTA2 20/U T A220k termin al ada pter. P lease read th e appro priate ch apters befor e insta lling, cha nging any op tion, or op erating the unit.
vi Pre f ace.
Conten ts vii Motorola I nformation Syst ems Group Customer I nformation Chapter 1. Intr oduction FEA TURES ............ ............ ................. ........... ................. ................. ........... ............. 1-1 Compatibility .......
viii Contents ( continued) Chapter 5. LCD Operation LCD MENUS ..................... ........... ................. ................. ........... ................. ........... .. 5-1 Main Menus ....... ...... ...... ........... ...... ..... ...... .....
Contents ( continued) ix Chapter 8. AT Command Operation (Continued) BACKSP ACE KEY ................. ............ ................. ........... ................. ................. ....... 8-3 REPEA TING A COMMAND: A/ ................... ........... .
x Contents ( continued) Chapter 12. D-Channel X.25 (Continued) Issuing P AD Commands ........... ................. ........... ................. ................. ........... .. 12-6 Status: ST A T ............. ...... ..... ............ ..... ...... .
Contents ( continued) xi Chapter 13. Softload T A SOF TW ARE ARCHITECTURE .................... ................. ................ ............ ....... 13-1 Software Sets ................. ................. ................. ........... ...............
xii Contents ( continued) Appendix B. Factory Default Sett ings Appendix C. AT Command Set Appendix D. Interf aces ISDN INTERF ACE ............ ................. ................. ........... ................. ........... ............. D-1 INTERF ACES .
Motorola Info rmation Systems Group Customer Inf ormation xiii Motorola Information Systems Group Customer Information Introd uction U.S.A. customer s who have qu estio ns about Moto rola Informat ion Sys tems Group (ISG) pr oducts or s ervices should ref er to th e followi ng section s.
xiv Motorola Info rmation System s Group Custome r Inform ation T o Order Additional Motoro la ISG User Documentation If you would l ike to ord er additi onal copi es of Motor ola Inf ormati on Syste ms Group user doc umentation , call (50 8) 261-5933 .
Customer Response Card Motorola would like your help in improving its product documentation. Please complete and return this card (by mail or fax to (508) 3 39-6 814; Attention: Product Documentaton) , to provide your feedback.
UTA220/UTA220k 1-1 Introduction Chapter 1 Introduction The Moto rola UTA220 te rminal ada pter conn ects exis ting Data Termin a l Equ ip ment (D TE) to the In tegra te d Ser vi ces Digital Net work (ISDN).
1-2 UTA220/UTA22 0k I ntroduction OPERATION Nonvolati le memory hold s two set s of user def ined ope rati ng configur ations. Op tions and functions are sele cted fro m the front pan el or by AT commands. A menu driv en 32-chara cter liquid crystal display ( LCD) provide s command f eedback as well as re al time displays.
UTA220/UTA220k 1-3 Introduction Caution: Connecting a V.35 DTE to a non-V.3 5 port may damage the DTE. Figure 1-2. Rear Panel EIA- 232 Confi guration Figure 1-3.
1-4 UTA220/UTA22 0k I ntroduction LED Description The UTA220 has si x LED indicato rs: B1, B2, D, DP, T, PW. The funct ions of t hese LEDs are as foll ows: B1 - On when t he B1 channel has a cal l. B2 - On when t he B2 channel has a cal l. D - This LED is for th e D -Chan nel.
UTA220/UTA220k 2-1 Installation Chapter 2 Instal lation Instal lation of the UTA220/UTA22 0k is simpl e and straig ht forw ard. Pr ior to installa tion , refer t o Cha pter 3 to eithe r veri fy or change strap opt ions. RECEIPT INSPECTION After un packing the equipment, check t he content s against th e packing l ist.
2-2 UTA220/UTA22 0k I nstallation INSTALLATION A typical instal lation i s shown in Fi gure 2-1. Figure 2-1. T ypical Installati on Power Connection Insert the power pl ug into a gr ounded 115 or 220 VAC outlet as requir ed for the spe cific model. The UTA220 is now ready to be tu rned on and p rogrammed .
UTA220/UTA220k 2-3 Installation DTE Connection Insert each DTE cabl e into a DTE c onnector. Insert t he opposit e end into the DTE. Sec ure the conne ct scr ews to comple te the con necti on. DTE INTERFACE SPECIFI CATIONS The DTE inte rface to the UTA220 is throug h an EIA-232 D/E 25-pi n D-type connect or.
2-4 UTA220/UTA22 0k I nstallation.
UTA220/UTA220k 3-1 Getting Starte d Chapter 3 Getting Started This chap ter provi des inst ructions for sett ing switc hes and straps plus a quic k programming se tup for the DMS100 or the 5ESS ce ntral office sw itch or switches running National ISDN 1 (NI1).
3-2 UTA220/UTA22 0k Getting Started Figure 3-1. Cover Removal To replace the cover , align the loc k clips, re ar gui de grooves , and fr ont lo c k tabs .
UTA220/UTA220k 3-3 Getting Starte d (Fig ure 3-3). Figure 3-3. Str ap and Switch Locati ons V.35/EIA-232 Interface The V.35/EIA- 232 interfa ce cards c an conform to V.35 (facto ry) o r EIA- 232 D/E by means of t wo sli de swi tches and a DIP switc h.
3-4 UTA220/UTA22 0k Getting Started Note: Ens ure that b oth slide switches on the int erface ca rd are in t he same posi tion. Figure 3-4. V .35 EIA-232 inter face Card Interface Card Remova l The port 1 V.35/EIA-2 32 interf ace card must be re moved fr om the UTA220 t o change the DIP switch settings .
UTA220/UTA220k 3-5 Getting Starte d Remove t he two screws f r om the port 1 interf ace card and pu ll it st raigh t up ( Figure 3-5). To r e-ass embl e, al ign the interf ace card to t he UTA220 PC board, pr ess down, and i nsert the two screws. Figure 3-5.
3-6 UTA220/UTA22 0k Getting Started Transmit clock B can be disconne cted fro m pin AA/2 by turning switch pos ition 6 t o OFF. Switch po sitions 5, 7, 8 should be left in their f actory se ttings ( Table 3-3) . Note: Ext reme care s hould be ta ken to re-align the inte rface card when i nserting it in th e UTA220.
UTA220/UTA220k 3-7 Getting Starte d Setup Step 1 Plug the UTA220 in to the po wer outle t. Turn the power switch on the rear pan el ON. Note: Do not connect the UTA220 to t he ISDN lin e until t he UTA220 has be en properl y progra mmed.
3-8 UTA220/UTA22 0k Getting Started 14 D-CHANNEL PROV OPTIONS? Pres s NO. 15 D-CHANNEL LAPD OPT IONS? Press YES. 16 CURRENT PORT = 1 CHANGE? Press NO. 17 P1:X.2 5 TEI=DIS CHANGE? If D-channel X.25 is desired , follow the selec tions descr ibed in Step 18 for ente ring a TEI value.
UTA220/UTA220k 3-9 Getting Starte d Note: Some LCD screen di splays re quire dif ferent ac tions dependin g on the te lephone company’ s switch t ype. Setup Step 3 Insert t he I SDN l ine i nto th e ISDN U j ack l ocat ed on the r ear panel. 27 CURRENT PORT = 2 CHANGE? Press 3.
3-10 UTA2 20/UTA220k Getting Started.
UTA220/UTA220k 4-1 ISD N Chapter 4 ISDN This chap ter provi des infor mation to help yo u set up and use your Term in al Ada pto r (TA). For user s unfamil ia r wit h TAs, some funda mental Int egrated Se rvices Di gital Net work (ISDN) conce pts are pre sente d first.
4-2 UTA220/UTA22 0k I SDN Basic Rate Interface Seve ra l type s of IS D N netw o rk ser vices ar e ava ilable . The most common is Bas ic Rate Int erface (BRI). BRI pr ovides two B-channel s (bearer channels) and one D-channel (used to place and rele ase ca lls on th e networ k).
UTA220/UTA220k 4-3 ISD N ISDN Service Figure 4-1. ISDN Devices and Refer ence Point s To use the I SDN, you must subscribe to a network service. T he availa ble option s depend on t he car rier ( tele.
4-4 UTA220/UTA22 0k I SDN AT&T switche s define Single Term an d Multiple Te rm modes of opera tion for the TA. AT&T switc hes suppor t Point-t o- Point, Mult i-Point services and NI oper ation depe nding o n the softwar e version loaded in the swi tch.
UTA220/UTA220k 4-5 ISD N NT switche s support t hree Prot ocol Ve rsion Cont rol Issue Codes (P VCICs), dependi ng on the softwar e version l oaded in the swit ch. Refe r to Table 4-2. Set the Switch Versi on option on the TA acc ording to Ta ble 4-3.
4-6 UTA220/UTA22 0k I SDN The T E I is us ed to ide ntify th e termi nal de vice . In most applica tions, th e network s witch auto matica lly assi gns a TEI to the TA when the co nnec ti on i s est abl ished; ot her w is e, you must e nter the TEI befo re connect ing to the networ k.
UTA220/UTA220k 4-7 ISD N B-Channel Data Protocols To a llow grea ter f lexib ility for your DTE , the re ar e t hree rate adaptio n protocol s avail able for use on the B- channel: TLink, V.120, and Bond ing. Thes e protoco ls allow yo ur DTE to operate both synch ronously a nd asynchro nously, and at a differ ent speed than the B- channel.
4-8 UTA220/UTA22 0k I SDN Layer Two The data li n k layer ensure s error- free tr ansmiss ion of D-channel messages be tween the termina l and the network switc h. The link l ayer i n eff e ct pr o vides a virtu al er r or-fr ee connecti on for t he next hig her proto col layer to use.
UTA220/UTA220k 5-1 LCD Operation Chapter 5 LCD Operation The UTA220 has an easy -to-use f ront pane l with a Li quid Crys ta l Disp lay (LC D). Yo u can m onito r TA sta tus, pe rform operati ons, and pr ogram the TA wi thout u sing a term inal or computer.
5-2 UTA220/UTA22 0k L CD Operation At the l ast Ma in Menu s creen, pressing NO displa ys the first Main Menu screen. At t he last screen at any other level, pressi ng NO moves the d isplay up o ne level. The deepes t scr een (r ightmos t, in t he tab le) t ypical ly cha nges an optio n or perfo rms an acti on.
UTA220/UTA220k 5-5 LCD Operation CONFI GUR A- TION OP- TIONS ? (cont. ) PORT CONFIG OPTION S? ? (cont.) Pn: DTE CMD AND MESSAGE OPTIONS? (cont.) Pn: AT OPTION S? (cont.) Pn: ESCAPE CHAR=x. CHANGE? n=curre nt port x= 0 - 127; 128-255 disab l ed Pn:CR C HAR=x.
5-6 UTA220/UTA22 0k L CD Operation PnSsR14:PAD AFTR LF=x. CHANGE? n=curre nt port s = current session x= 000 - 255 PnSsR15: EDIT ING=x. CHANGE? n=curre nt port s = current session x= ENABLE, DISABLE T able 5-1.
UTA220/UTA220k 5-7 LCD Operation CONFI GUR A- TION OP- TIONS ? (cont. ) PORT CONFIG OPTION S? ? (cont.) Pn: DTE CMD AND MESSAGE OPTIONS? (cont.) Pn: X.3 PARMS? (cont.) PnSsR16 :CHAR DEL CHAR =x. CHANGE? n=curre nt port s = current session x= 000 - 127 PnSsR17:LINE DEL CHAR=x.
5-8 UTA220/UTA22 0k L CD Operation CONFI GUR A- TION OP- TIONS ? (cont. ) PORT CONFIG OPTION S? ? (cont.) Pn: ISDN PROTO COL OPTIONS? (cont.) Pn:V.12 0 OPTI ONS? Pn:MAX TX FRAME SI ZE=x. CHANGE? n=curre nt port x= 1-260 Pn:MAX RX FRAME SI ZE=x. CHANGE? n=curre nt port x= 1-260 Pn:WINDOW SIZE = x.
UTA220/UTA220k 5-9 LCD Operation CONFI GUR A- TION OP- TIONS ? (cont. ) PORT CONFIG OPTION S? ? (cont.) Pn:SESSION OPTIONS? (cont.) PnSs: X.25 OPTION S? (cont.
5-10 UTA2 20/UTA220k L CD Operation Pn: SAVE TO NONVOL? Pn:SAVE TO NONVO L x. CHANGE? SAVI NG n=cu rrent por t x= 0, 1 CONFI GUR A- TION OP- TIONS ? (cont.
5-12 UTA2 20/UTA220k L CD Operation VIE W PRODUCT INFORMATION b-s c p b = boa rd numbe r s = software r evision c = checksum p = PASS or FAIL VIE W DIAGNOSTI C CODE? DIAGNOST IC CODE =c. c = diagnostic code value to aid in field su pport. CLEAR DIAGNOST IC CODE VALUE? CLEARING DIAGNOSTIC CODE Res ets di agno stic code v alue to 0.
UTA220/UTA220k 6-1 V.25 bis Dialer Operation Chapter 6 V.25 bis Dialer Operation V.25 bis i s an autodial er option use d by synchronous DTEs to perform di aling and UTA220 co ntrol funct ions.
6-2 UTA220/UTA22 0k V.25 bis Dialer Operation In HDLC opera tion mode, V.25 bis command and respon se messages a re contai ned in st andard HDLC Unnumbe red Informat ion (UI) f rames (Fi gure 6-1). Each fi eld consi sts of one o r more ei ght b it octe ts.
UTA220/UTA220k 6-3 V.25 bis Dialer Operation CTS Pin Operation The UTA220 ass erts the CTS pin when DTR is high (CTS follows DTR), except t hat CTS goes low during t he conn ect sequence . DSR Pin Operation The UTA220 hol ds the DSR pin low unti l a connec tion is establ ished.
6-4 UTA220/UTA22 0k V.25 bis Dialer Operation After di aling, the UTA22 0 attempts t o establi sh a synchrono us connecti on with the re mote UTA220. As in other synchronous modes, fl ow control and buffering are not used when V.
UTA220/UTA220k 6-5 V.25 bis Dialer Operation Incoming Call Indication : INC Upon rece iving an inco ming call, the UTA220 sends the DTE an Incomin g Call Indi cation ( INC). Only one indicat ion is given per call. I f the aut o-answer op tion is on , the UTA220 will ans wer the call af ter th e number of rings des ignat ed by the S0 command.
6-6 UTA220/UTA22 0k V.25 bis Dialer Operation.
UTA220/UTA220k 7-1 EIA-366 Dialer Operation Chapt er 7 EIA-366 Dialer Operation The UTA220 impl ements the EIA-366 dial er in ac cordance with the EIA Standar d RS-366 spec ificati on. CONFIGURATION The upper two port s of the UTA22 0 are conf igured as EIA-366 di aler ports .
7-2 UTA220/UTA22 0k EIA-366 Dialer Operation INTERFACE SIGNAL DEFI NITIONS Power Indication (PWI) PWI is suppl ied by th e di ale r to ind ic ate the diale r ha s power . Call Request (CRQ) CRQ is suppli ed b y the DTE to req ues t t he di al er to ini ti at e a call.
UTA220/UTA220k 7-3 EIA-366 Dialer Operation The tele phone number c an have up t o 40 dig its, includ ing special charac ters. If more tha n 40 digi ts are receive d, the di aler turns on ACR and wait s for CRQ to d rop. The char acters are defined as fol lows: * and #: These are used for clarity only.
7-4 UTA220/UTA22 0k EIA-366 Dialer Operation Abandon Call and Retry ( ACR) ACR is suppl ied by the dialer t o indicat e that the c all cann ot be succe ssfully e stablis hed. The on co ndition i nstru cts the DTE to aband on the call by dropping the call lat er.
UTA220/UTA220k 8-1 AT Command Operation Chapter 8 AT Comm and Operation This chap ter provi des infor mation on how to use AT commands to operat e and confi gure the TA via a data port.
8-2 UTA220/UTA22 0k A T Command Operation CREATING A COMMAND ST ATEMENT: AT To creat e a command st atement , use the f ollowing s teps: 1. Type AT, the atte ntion code tell ing the un it a command statemen t follows . 2. Type the command. 3. Pre ss the re turn key t o “Enter” o r send the command statemen t to the T A.
UTA220/UTA220k 8-3 AT Command Operation The c harac ters t he AT co mm an d inte rpret er use s as en d-of - line, l ine feed, a nd backspac e are set respect ively by t he S3, S4, and S5 commands a nd can be ch anged.
8-4 UTA220/UTA22 0k A T Command Operation Some commands us e special formats o r have spec ial rul es concerni ng their use. For exa mple, th e dial D co mmand initi ates the dial proc ess so no ot her comma nds, only di al modifier s, can follo w the D command.
UTA220/UTA220k 9-1 Rate Adaption Chapter 9 Rate Adaption To allow g reater f le xib ility f or your DTE, t hr ee r at e a dapt io n protocol s are ava ilable f or use on t he B-channe l: T-Link , V.120, and Bond ing (s ee Chapter 10 for a de scripti on of Bonding).
9-2 UTA220/UTA22 0k R ate Adaption When using a rate ada ption prot ocol, bot h the ca lling an d called units mu st use th e same proto col. Also, u nless the TA is conf igured for T-Link “a daptive mode ,” the DTEs on both ends must be set to the s ame DT E sp ee d bef ore d a ta can be transf erred .
UTA220/UTA220k 9-3 Rate Adaption V.120 V.120 is a CCI TT protocol t hat supports synchronous and asynchro nous rate ada ption, and also provid es link- layer er ror control . Although er rors on a dig ital netw ork are rare r than on an anal og telepho ne line, t hey are p ossible.
9-4 UTA220/UTA22 0k R ate Adaption.
UTA220/UTA220k 10-1 BONDING Chapte r 10 BONDING BONDING is a new protocol standard fr om the Bandwidth ON Demand INter operabil ity Group f or combining the bandwidt h of sever al 56 kbps or 64 kbps chan nels. BONDING can ‘ bond’ from 2 t o 31 channe ls at on ce.
10-2 UTA2 20/UTA220k B ONDING PLACING A BONDING CAL L You can pla ce a ca ll from po rt 1 or por t 2 using any normal means. The a nsweri ng part y must be set to ru n BONDING or the call will di sconnect sh ortly after conne ction.
UTA220/UTA220k 11-1 Synchronous Operation Chapt er 1 1 Synchron ous Op eration SYNCHRONOUS MODES The UTA220 supp orts tw o synchrono us modes. Oper ation in each of t hese modes i s descri bed bel ow.
11-2 UTA2 20/UTA220k Synchronous Operation.
UTA220/UTA220k 12-1 D-Channel X.25 Chapte r 12 D-Chann el X.25 The TA provi des the 1984 CCITT specified X.25 protocol for the D-chann el with a Packet Asse m ble r/ Disassembler (PAD) interf ac e f or asynchr onous data ter m ina ls . The X.25 pr ot ocol support s the following X.
12-2 UTA2 20/UTA220k D -Channel X.25 ESTABLISHING AN X.25 SESSION Before us ing the TA f or X.25 co mmunicati ons on the D-channel , the u ser must su bscribe to t he ISDN D-pa cket servic e.
UTA220/UTA220k 12-3 D-Channel X.25 Note: The AT@P1=P and AT@P1= D commands do not ta ke effect unt il the TA power i s cyc le d or t he TA is res tar te d.
12-4 UTA2 20/UTA220k D -Channel X.25 Escaping to PAD Comma nd Mode When in data tr ansfer mode or connect-i n-progre ss mode, it is possibl e to escap e to the PAD c ommand mode to execute a PAD command. To escape to the PAD command mod e issue the PAD recall cha racter as s pecified by X.
UTA220/UTA220k 12-5 D-Channel X.25 COMMON APPARENT PRO BLEMS During a s ession t he X.25 netw ork or re mote PAD can alter the cu rren t valu es of t he X.3 para mete rs resul ting i n com mon apparent problems. Parameter 1 Changed PAD recall using the charact er DLE (Ct rl P) is no longer possibl e.
12-6 UTA2 20/UTA220k D -Channel X.25 Issuing PAD Commands PAD commands are accep ted by the PAD only when it is in PAD command mode (whe n a PAD prompt c haracter * display s at the beginning of the command li ne).
UTA220/UTA220k 12-7 D-Channel X.25 Note: The CR LF characte rs indica te a carri age retur n and line fe ed respons e and are not actua lly display ed.
12-8 UTA2 20/UTA220k D -Channel X.25 Read: PAR? This command requests a disp lay of the current val ues of th e specif ied X.3 pa ramete r(s). If more than on e parame ter is spe cified , each mu st be de limited by a comma. If none are specif ied, all p aramet ers ( 1 - 2 2) and their c orres ponding val ues ar e displa yed.
UTA220/UTA220k 12-9 D-Channel X.25 RPAR? <paramet er>,<paramet er>,... or RPAR? Response: PAR <paramet er>:<val ue>,<para meter>:<v alue>,... - Lists each par ameter spe cified by the read command and the corresp onding v alue.
12-10 UTA2 20/UTA220k D -Channel X.25 PAD Select This command establis hes an X. 25 virtua l call co nnection through t he ISDN packe t handler to a remot e host or d evice. The conte nts of the PAD select command det ermine the content s of the X.25 Cal l Request pack et.
UTA220/UTA220k 12 -11 D-Channel X.25 FACILITIES The fo llowing fa ciliti es and correspon ding co de formats are support ed by the TA. Reverse Charging: R Reverse Ch arging is a facili t y anal ogous to “coll ect” calls. All connect ch arges are cha rged to the re mote DTE.
12-12 UTA2 20/UTA220k D -Channel X.25 Recognized Private Ope rating Agency The Recogni zed Priva te Opera ting Agenc y (RPOA) facili ty permi ts the user to spec ify the pa rticula r inte rnationa l gateway to be use d when in itiati ng an in ternati onal virt ual c all.
UTA220/UTA220k 12 -13 D-Channel X.25 *Acknowledgm ent PAD ser vice signal is tra ns mitted to the local DTE as a carriag e retu rn and a line feed. Ta b l e 1 2 - 1 : PAD Command Set Summary Command D.
12-14 UTA2 20/UTA220k D -Channel X.25 PAD SERVICE SIGNALS The local DTE may recei ve servic e signals from the PAD i n response to an issue d PAD command or as the result of a packet or networ k action. Table 12-2 s hows the se rvice si gnals tha t may be trans mitted to the lo cal DTE by th e PAD.
UTA220/UTA220k 12 -15 D-Channel X.25 PAD Reset Service Sig nals A reset s ervice s ignal is transmit ted to the local DTE whe n resett ing is i nitiate d by the network or remo te DTE. The reset cause co de issued wi th the re set requ est packet from the network or local DTE i ndicates the reas on.
12-16 UTA2 20/UTA220k D -Channel X.25 X.3 PARAMETERS AND V ALUES Just as the AT comman ds control some of the opera ting featur es of the TA, the X.3 para meters control the PAD’s operati ng featur es.
UTA220/UTA220k 12 -17 D-Channel X.25 Ta b l e 1 2 - 5 : Default X.3 Parameters Parameter Descript ion Default Remarks 1 PAD r ecall using a characte r 1 DLE char acter (Ctr l P) is the PAD recall char.
12-18 UTA2 20/UTA220k D -Channel X.25 To save the c urrent X.3 par ameter configu ration to nonvolatil e memory, escape to c ommand mode and enter AT&W (see Esc aping to AT Command Mod e in Establishing an X.25 Session) . Enterin g AT&W saves t he port an d current session configur ation as well as t he X.
UTA220/UTA220k 12 -19 D-Channel X.25 Parameter 1: Pad Reca ll Character This parame te r desi gnat es the PA D reca ll cha racte r. PAD recall allows f or escape f rom the PAD data transf er mode or connect- in-progr ess mode t o the PAD command mod e in order to execu te a PAD comma nd.
12-20 UTA2 20/UTA220k D -Channel X.25 Parameter 2: Echo This par ameter est ablishes whether or not char acters trans mitte d from the l ocal DT E de vice to the P AD is ec hoed back to t he local DTE device by the PAD. For exa mple, if echo is ena bled an d the l etter P is typed , the PA D trans mits t he lette r P back to the termi nal.
UTA220/UTA220k 12 -21 D-Channel X.25 *default If a data forw ar ding c hara cter ’ s funct ion is dupl icated , the asso ciated func tion for th e character is acco rding to follo wing prio rity: 1. PAD recal l 2. Command s ignal delimi ter 3. XON and XOFF 4.
12-22 UTA2 20/UTA220k D -Channel X.25 Parameter 5: Ancillary Device Control Parame ter 5 spec ifie s whether o r not flo w contro l of the l ocal DTE device (a ncillar y device) by the PAD can occur , and if so, what modes of the PAD th e PA D flow c ontro l of th e loca l DT E are allo wed.
UTA220/UTA220k 12 -23 D-Channel X.25 *default Parameter 7: Action of P AD on Break from DTE Parameter 7 specif ies the a ction ta ken by the PAD whe n the PAD receive s a break signal fr om the loca l DTE. The b reak signal allows the DTE to signa l the P AD without lo ss of charact er trans parency.
12-24 UTA2 20/UTA220k D -Channel X.25 Parameter 8: Discard Output Parameter 8 specifies whether data rece ived by the PAD from the re mote en d is tran smitte d to th e loca l DTE de vice. T he control of data d elivery i s only pos sible when the PAD is in data tr ansfer mode (i.
UTA220/UTA220k 12 -25 D-Channel X.25 Parameter 10: Line Fold ing Parameter 10 speci fies the maximum number of displ ayable ASCII cha racters the PAD ca n send as a sing le line to the l ocal DTE before a new line i s begun. The displa yable ASCII decimal charact ers (32 - 126) are shown in Append ix F.
12-26 UTA2 20/UTA220k D -Channel X.25 Parameter 12: Flow Con trol of PAD by Local DTE Para meter 1 2 s pecif ies whe ther t he DTE is all ow ed to fl ow control the PAD. Flow co ntrol of the PAD is the ha ndled in conjunct ion with S-re gister 54 (DCE f low control) .
UTA220/UTA220k 12 -27 D-Channel X.25 Parameter 13 can be a ny added combin ation of the above values. defaul t = 5 (t he added combi nation o f values 4 and 1) Parameter 14: Padding after Line Feed Parameter 14 specif ies the number of paddin g (null) char acters insert ed after a line fe ed, which is transm itted or ec hoed to the local DTE.
12-28 UTA2 20/UTA220k D -Channel X.25 Parameter 15: Editing Parame ter 15 s pecifie s whet her edit ing of the curr ently stored PAD data chara cters is allowe d while in t he data trans fer mode. Once the PAD d ata chara cters ar e forwarde d, they can no longer be edi ted.
UTA220/UTA220k 12 -29 D-Channel X.25 default = ASCII decimal valu e 8 character BS Note: Do not substitut e a dis playable A SCII charac ter to initi ate char acter de lete . When used, a dis playab le charact er delete will dele te both t he initi ating char acter and the object characte r.
12-30 UTA2 20/UTA220k D -Channel X.25 Note: Do not s ubsti tut e disp layabl e ASC II ch aract ers fo r line delete . When used , a di splayabl e line delete will ca use the first chara cter in th e line to re main on th e display e ven though t he line buf fer is i ndeed empty .
UTA220/UTA220k 12 -31 D-Channel X.25 Parameter 19: Editing PAD Service Signals Parame ter 1 9 s pecif ies whe ther editi ng servi ce si gnals fo r the charact er delete ( parameter 16) and line dele te (para m ete r 17) are tr ansmitted to the loc al DTE, and al so specif ies thei r formats.
12-32 UTA2 20/UTA220k D -Channel X.25 Parameter 20: Echo Ma sk Parame ter 20, in conj unction wit h parame ter 2 set fo r chara cter echo, spec if ies what charac te rs are echoe d by t he PAD to the local DTE.
UTA220/UTA220k 12 -33 D-Channel X.25 Since t he PAD is not spec ified f or 8 bi t charac ters plus parity, do not set the l ocal DTE’ s pari ty to 8 bi ts plu s parity. When the local DTE’ s p arity is set to 8 bits plus parity , the data output to the DTE an d the PAD se rvice si gnals ca nnot be gu aranteed to be co rrect.
12-34 UTA2 20/UTA220k D -Channel X.25 Note : If parame ter 6 (contr ol of PAD service si gnals) is set to 0 (no PAD ser vice signals) and paramete r 22 (page wai t) is enabled, the page wai t servic e signal wi ll not be transmit ted to the l ocal DTE.
UTA220/UTA220k 13-1 Softloa d Chap ter 1 3 Softload The optiona l softloa d feature lets you down load new software into th e TA through t he local DTE port. The n ew soft ware is stored in nonvolat ile fl ash-progr ammable read -only memo ry devices (PROMS) and is r etained even when the unit is powered down.
13-2 UTA2 20/UTA220k Softload The TA softwa re file c ontains a n ASCII coded “ header” whi ch can be di splayed t o verify t he softwa re's prod uct and ver sion inform ation be fore in itiati ng the so ftload. On DOS base d PCs, this ca n be accomplish ed with the “TYPE” command.
UTA220/UTA220k 13-3 Softloa d SOFTLOAD OPERATION The soft load faci lity in the TA su pports th e followin g func tions : s et/dis play so ftloa d passw ord, re ques t s oftlo ad versi on in format ion (o n both a ctive and alte rnate sets) , initia te softlo ad, and s wap to al ternat e software .
13-4 UTA2 20/UTA220k Softload The passwor d, stored i n nonvolat ile memory, co nsists of zer o to eigh t alphanu meric digi ts. Leadi ng zeros are sign ificant . The passwo rd may also be disable d, prevent ing any sof tload operati ons except inquiri es.
UTA220/UTA220k 13-5 Softloa d Initiate Software Downloa d: $Y=x The $Y c omman d in itiate s a s oftlo ad in to th e alte rnate soft ware set. This com mand re qui res t he soft lo ad pass word pre vio usly set by t he %P1 co mmand. I f the passwo rd does not mat ch the unit’ s store d password, t he TA will r eturn an ERROR mes sage.
13-6 UTA2 20/UTA220k Softload Copy Active Flash: $Y2 =x The $Y2 comma nd initiat es a soft load into the alte rnate softwar e set. The source of t he softl oad is the a ct ive so ftware instea d of a downlo aded file . This comma nd requir es the softlo ad password pr eviously set by the %P1 command.
UTA220/UTA220k 13-7 Softloa d T able 13-6 : CPU Softload Error Codes Code Hex Description 81 51H Softload fi le header too long (EOF char not found) 82 52H Invali d softload f ile - missing or bad met.
13-8 UTA2 20/UTA220k Softload Swap to Alternate Softwa re: $T=x The $T comma nd initiat es a swap to the alte rnate set of softw are. If succe ssfu l, the al te rnate softwa re bec omes th e active software, and vice ve rsa. The TA will automat ically perfo rm a res et to re initial ize th e new so ftwa re afte r the sw ap.
UTA220/UTA220k 13-9 Softloa d 2. To be sure tha t the softwar e in the file is correct, disp lay the file on the host computer (b e care ful not t o modify it ). At the top of ea ch file is a heade r (ASCII for mat) cont ainin g the prod uct a nd ve rsion info rmatio n fo r the s oftlo ad f ile.
13-10 UTA2 20/UTA220k Softload 14. Af ter su ccess fu l comp le tion o f the s o ftload , the al terna te memory now contai ns the new download ed software . To verify this, r eturn to the te rminal emulati on mode on the hos t and enter AT$Q t o displa y the soft ware vers ion code s.
UTA220/UTA220k 14-1 Diagnostics Chapte r 14 Diagnostics COMMUNICATION DIAGNOS TICS Communicati on diagnost ic test s verify that the UTA220, the DTE, the NT1 , the ce n tral o ffice s witch, and the remote unit are op erating correct ly. Thes e tests c an help det ermine the source of a faul t down to a particul ar element responsibl e for it.
14-2 UTA2 20/UTA220k D iagnostics PORT TESTS Port c ommunic ation s test s are ini tiated and te rmina ted vi a the front p anel under the PORT TEST submen u of th e DIAGNOSTIC OPTIONS. The f ollowing sect ion describ es each of t he tests , when to use them and what it mea ns if the y fail.
UTA220/UTA220k 14-3 Diagnostics Figure 14-3. Local Loopback T est To initi at e th e te st , sel ect th e LOCAL LOOP opti on f rom t he PORT TEST submenu. Th e UTA220 may be on- line or o ff- line when the test is init iated. Any protocol, mode, and DTE rate may be us ed.
14-4 UTA2 20/UTA220k D iagnostics Figure 14-4. Digital Loopback T est To initi ate the tes t, select t he DIGITAL LOOPBACK opti on from the PORT TEST submenu. The UTA220 must be on-line when the test is in itiat ed (a cal l must be pla ced) be fore th e unit can loop B-channel d ata.
UTA220/UTA220k 14-5 Diagnostics Bilateral Loopback Tes t Bilater al loopba ck combines the funct ions of l ocal loopb ack and digi tal loopb ack. Its l oops data from the local t erminal back to t he term inal, so that whatever the termi nal sends is echoed ba ck (Figure 14-5).
14-6 UTA2 20/UTA220k D iagnostics To initi ate the tes t, select t he BILATERAL LOOPBACK option f rom the PORT TEST submenu. The UTA220 ca n be on-line or off -l ine when t h e t es t i s i nitia te d but a ca ll must be placed bef ore the unit can loop B-c hannel data.
UTA220/UTA220k 15-1 Maintenance Chapte r 15 Maintenance Warning: Disconnect power befor e performi ng mainten ance. Although dangerou s voltage levels a re not expo sed, disconne cting power will ens ure no elec tric sho ck hazar d is present . The unit contains no interna l elect ronic compon ents that can be servi ced or re placed by t he user.
15-2 UTA2 20/UTA220k M aintenance.
UTA220/UTA220k A-1 Specifications Appen dix A Specification s ISDN Line Type ISDN Basic Ra te Interfa ce Connection Types Circuit -swit ched (dia l-up) DTE Data Rates 300, 1200, 2 400, 4800, 960 0, 19.
A-2 UTA220/UTA220k Specifications Layer 2 (Li nk): Conf orms to AT&T specifi cation 5D5-900-31 1, December 1987, Pa rt III, b ased on CCITT Recommendat ion Q.921 Laye r 3 ( Signa ling): For 5E4.2, conforms to 5D5-90 0-301, Issue 1.0 4, September 1987, Parts IV - VI.
UTA220/UTA220k B-1 Factory Default Settings Appen dix B Factory Defau lt Settings T able B-1: UT A 220 Default Paramet er Options Global Parameter s Front Panel Lock Unlocked ISDN 64 kbps Switch Param.
B-2 UTA220/UTA22 0k Factory Default Settings DCD Pin Option Always On CTS Pin Option CTS follows RTS Protocol Opti on V.120 Auto Answer On S Reg #0: Rings Until Answer 1 S Reg #2: Escape Character 43 .
UTA220/UTA220k B-3 Factory Default Settings T-Link DTR Normal T-Link RTS Nor mal T-Link Nego tiation Enabled Bonding Rate Multipli er 2 Bonding Secondary Call Port 2 T able B-1: UT A 220 Default Param.
B-4 UTA220/UTA22 0k Factory Default Settings.
UTA220/UTA220k C-1 AT Command Se t Appen dix C AT Co mmand Se t T able C-1: UT A 220 A T Command Set Command Description Value Global Commands: Act ion >Tn Test Modes n = 0 End Test 4 2B+D Loopback.
C-2 UTA220/UTA22 0k A T Command Set !C1= Switch Software Version ! C0=0 0 AT&T Point -to-Point 1 AT&T Multi- Point !C0=1 2 DMS100 PVC IC-0 3 DMS100 PVC IC-1 !C0=2 4 Nati onal ISDN 1 < default > !C2= SPID (by port) * Range: 0- 20 character s default (null stri ng) !C3= D-Chan nel Provisioni ng 0 None <default> 1X .
UTA220/UTA220k C-3 AT Command Se t !X4= Number of Permanent Virtual Circui ts Range: 0- 255 default (0) !X5= Number of Incoming Logical Cha nnels Range: 0-255 default (0) !X6= Number of Two-Way Logical Cha nnels Range: 0-255 default (8) !X7= Number of Outgoing Logical Cha nnels Range: 0-255 default (0) !X8= X.
C-4 UTA220/UTA22 0k A T Command Set S4= Line Feed Character Range: 0-127 default (10) S5= Back Space Character Range: 0-32, 127 defa u lt (8 ) Range: 33-126, 12 8-255Disabled S7= Wait for Connec tion .
UTA220/UTA220k C-5 AT Command Se t &Ln Persistant DTR Dialing n = 0 Dis abl ed 1 Enabled &Qn Sync Mode n = 0 Async <default> 1 Sync - DTR disc del ay (S25) 2 Sync - DTR diali ng (aut o a.
C-6 UTA220/UTA22 0k A T Command Set %A4= Li ne Channel Speed 0 64 kbps < default > 1 56 kbps %A96= Echo Disable Tone 0 Off < default > 1O n %A97= Dialing Method O Overl ap E Enbloc < de.
UTA220/UTA220k C-7 AT Command Se t @P6= Number of Stop Bi ts 0 One < default > 1 One and One- Half 2T w o Port Commands: Acti on AA n s w e r D Dial S = n Dial st ored Number n 0-9,#, * Digits ;.
C-8 UTA220/UTA22 0k A T Command Set &Tn Test Modes n = 0 End Test 1 Local Loop- back 3 Dig ital Loop- back 9 L o c a l T e r - minal Loopback 8 Bilat eral Loopback &V= View Parameters E Port V.120 T Port TLink Z Stored Telephone Numbers &Wn Store port to non-v olati le set n n = 0, 1 Port Commands: V.
UTA220/UTA220k C-9 AT Command Se t Session Parameters : X.25 %B0= Recei ve Window Size Range: 0-8 default (0) %B1= Tr ansmit Window Size Range: 0-8 default (0) %B2= Recei ve Packet Size Range: 0, 7-10.
C-10 UTA2 20/UTA220k A T Command Set %B12= Transmit Through I nput Class 0 Use network defau lt <default > 1 Reserved 2 Reserved 37 5 4 110 5 300 6 600 7 1200 8 2400 9 4800 10 9600 11 19200 12 4.
UTA220/UTA220k C-11 AT Command Se t %B19= Transmit Delay Range: 1-65535 default ( 0) units = ms %B20= Reset Notice 0 Normal o peration <default > (wri te only 0) 1 DTE ori ginated 2 Local proc edure error 3 Incompati ble desti nation 4 Network conges tion 5 Remote pro cedur e error 6 Reset c ause unknown Not saved in non- volatile.
C-12 UTA2 20/UTA220k A T Command Set %L4= Selection of Idle Timer Delay Range: 0-255 default (0, 0,20 ) %L5= Ancillary Device Cont rol 0 Off 1 On in data transf er 2 On in data trans fer and com- mand.
UTA220/UTA220k C-13 AT Command Se t %L13= Line feed inserti on after carriage retur n 0 None 1 after <CR> to DTE 2 after <CR> from DTE 4 after ec ho of <CR> default (0, 0,0) %L14= Pa.
C-14 UTA2 20/UTA220k A T Command Set %L22= Page Wait Range: 0-255 default (0, 0,0) T able C-1: UT A 220 A T Command Set ( Continued) Command Description Value * Not e: "by port" indic ates that these switch para meters are associat ed with a particula r port.
UTA220/UTA220k D-1 Interfaces Appen dix D Interfaces ISDN INTERFACE Figure D- 1 and Table 1 show the UTA ISDN. Figure D-1. U Inter face RJ45 Pin Int erfaces INTERFACES Tables 2 through 4 de scribe t he pin fun ctions of the DTE interf aces on t he UTA.
D-2 UTA220/UTA220k I nterfaces 6 ---- No connect ion 7 Powering No con nection 8 Powering No con nection Ta b l e D - 2 : EIA-232/C/V.24 Pin Functi ons DB- 25 Pin EIA-232C Pin V.
UTA220/UTA220k D-3 Interfaces Table D-4 descr ibes the pin f unctions of the DTE inte rface s availa ble on ports t hree and four of the UTA220. Use th e table corresp onding to the DTE interfa ce on por ts thre e and four of your UTA220. Caution: Connection to pins designated “Not U sed” may cause unforeseen problems.
D-4 UTA220/UTA220k I nterfaces Ta b l e D - 4 : Ports 3 and 4 Pin Functions DB- 25 Pin EIA-232/V.24 Mode EIA-366 Mode EIA- 232E Pin V.24 Pin Function EIA- 366 Pin Function 1 AA 101 Frame Ground (FG) S.
UTA220/UTA220k D-5 Interfaces EIA-366A Requirements The EIA-366 r evision c hanged the function o f pin 18 to r eceive comm on. I f an E IA-36 6A de vice w ill be conn ecte d to the por t, a specia l .
D-6 UTA220/UTA220k I nterfaces DTE INTERFACE PIN DESCRIPTIONS Pin funct ions assume t hat the UTA is i n data mode. Note: There are a number of interpretations of these signals that the UTA can make , depending on its mode and configuration. The descriptions reflect the most common interpretations.
UTA220/UTA220k D-7 Interfaces Receive Clock In synchr onous modes , this output supp lies the DTE wit h timing info rmatio n for it to us e when read ing dat a fro m the UTA. This out put is not used in asynch ronous mode. Data Terminal Ready This si gna l is gener ally supp lied by th e DTE t o indi cate that it is read y to send da ta.
D-8 UTA220/UTA220k I nterfaces.
UTA220/UTA220k E-1 Network Option Values Appendix E Network Option Valu es For futu re ref erence, e nter the v alues, agreed upon with t he telep hone co mpan y, at su bs cript ion ti me.
E-2 UTA220/UTA220k N etwork Option Values Port 2 SPID Empty String 0-20 characters (7 numeri c digits for NI-1) Port 2 DN* Em pty String 0-20 characters (0-9 ,#,*) (9-20 numeric digit s for NI-1) Port 3 X.
UTA220/UTA220k F-1 ASCII and EBCDIC Chara cters Appendix F ASCII and EBCDIC Characters Hexadecima l equivale nts of binar y and decimal numbers are as fol lows : Hexadecima l Examples: The foll owing chart lists t he ASCII deci mal, hexadec imal, equival ent chara cter val ues, and EBCDIC c haracter s.
F-2 UTA220/UTA22 0k A SCII and EBCDIC Characters (LF) 10 0A (SMM ) J (VT) 1 1 0B VT (vertical t ab) K (FF) 12 0C FF (form feed) L (CR) 13 0D CR (carriage return) M (SO) 14 0E SO (s hift out) N (SI) 15.
UTA220/UTA220k F-3 ASCII and EBCDIC Chara cters 35 1 3 3 - - 45 2 3 4 P N 55 3 3 5 - - 6 54 36 UC (uppercase) 7 55 37 ET (end of transmission) 85 6 3 8 - - 95 7 3 9 - - :5 8 3 A - - ; 59 3B C3 (CU3) &.
F-4 UTA220/UTA22 0k A SCII and EBCDIC Characters [9 1 5 B * ( a s t e r i s k ) 92 5C ) (close paren t hesis) ] 93 5D ; (semico l on) ^ 94 5E ^ (caret or ¬ ) _9 5 5 F - - ‘ 96 60 / (ACK1) a9 7 6 1.
UTA220/UTA220k F-5 ASCII and EBCDIC Chara cters -- 132 84 d -- 133 85 e -- 134 86 f -- 135 87 g -- 136 88 h -- 137 89 i -- 138 8A -- -- 139 8B -- -- 140 8C ≤ (less than or equal) -- 141 8D ( -- 142 .
F-6 UTA220/UTA22 0k A SCII and EBCDIC Characters 173 AD [ 174 AE ≥ 175 AF • 176 B0 S0 (SM0) 177 B1 S1 (SM1) 178 B2 S2 (SM2) 179 B3 S3 (SM3) 180 B4 S4 (SM4) 181 B5 S5 (SM5) 182 B6 S6 (SM6) 183 B7 S.
UTA220/UTA220k F-7 ASCII and EBCDIC Chara cters 214 D6 P 215 D7 Q 216 D8 R 217 D9 -- 218 DA -- 219 DB -- 220 DC -- 221 DD -- 222 DE -- 223 DF -- 224 E0 (back slash ) 225 E1 -- 226 E2 S 227 E3 T 228 E.
F-8 UTA220/UTA22 0k A SCII and EBCDIC Characters 253 FD -- 254 FE -- 255 FF (trail ing pad) ASCII Symbol Decimal Hex EBCDIC Control Key.
UTA220/UTA220k G-1 Abbreviations and Acronyms Appendix G Abbreviatio ns and Acronym s This appe ndix shows t erms commonly u sed in d ata communic ations .
G-2 UTA220/UTA220k A bbreviations and Acronyms C C Celsius CA Circu it As suran ce CBX Computerized Private Branch Ex change CC Carr i er Cont rol CCIT T International Consultat ive C ommittee for Tel.
UTA220/UTA220k G-3 Abbreviations and Acronyms D DAA Data Access Arrangement (AT&T) dB, db Decibel dc Direct Current OR Digital Connection DCE Data Circ uit Termin ating Eq uipment OR Dat a Communi.
G-4 UTA220/UTA220k A bbreviations and Acronyms E EBCDIC Extended Binary C oded Decimal In terchange Co de (8 level) EIA Electronic In dustries Association EIA-232 C EIA-232D Interface between DTE an d.
UTA220/UTA220k G-5 Abbreviations and Acronyms H HDLC High Level Data Link Contro l HDX Half-Duplex Transmis sio n Hz Hertz (cycles per second) I INC Incoming Call INV Invalid INVCU Invalid C ommand - .
G-6 UTA220/UTA220k A bbreviations and Acronyms L (C ontin ued) LSD Long Space Disconnect LSI Large-Scale Integrated (circuit) LSO List of Stored Opt ions LSV List Version LT Loop or Lin k Termination .
UTA220/UTA220k G-7 Abbreviations and Acronyms P (Continued) POTS Plain Old Tel ephone Servi ce PRI Primary PRO Prog ram O ption PROG, PR Program mable PROM Programmable Read Only Memor y PRP Restored .
G-8 UTA220/UTA220k A bbreviations and Acronyms R (Continued) RMT LB Remote Loopb ack RNG Ringback Detection RO Receive Only ROM Read Only Memor y RT Remote Terminal RTS, R S Request to Send RX Receive.
UTA220/UTA220k G-9 Abbreviations and Acronyms T (C ontin ued) TELSET Telephon e Set TM Test Mode TP Test Pattern TR Terminal Ready TST Test TTD Temporary Tex t Delay TTL Transistor- to-Trans istor Logi c TX Transmit U U Reference Designator UART Universal Asynchrono us Receiver / Transmitter USOC Universal Service Order ing Code V V.
G-10 UTA220/UTA220k A bbreviations and Acronyms.
UTA220/UTA220k H-1 Status and Connection Mess ages Appen dix H Status and Co nnection Messages If the UTA 220 is in command mode, and the DTE sends it a command, the UTA at tempts to execute i t and then s ends a statu s mess age (i f the op tion to do so is enab led) to the DT E.
H-2 UTA220/UTA220k Status and Connection Messages.
UTA220/UTA220k I-1 128K Clear Channel L eased-Line Service Append ix I 128K Clear Chann el Leased-Line Service This appen dix provide s a descri ption of command s used for configur ing the UTA220k for 128K Clear Channel Leas ed Line (2B1Q) service.
I-2 UTA220/UTA220k 128K Clear Channel Leased-Li ne Service Configuring the Port and P rotocol The AT comman ds in thi s section let you: •Configure the port for 128K Clear C hannel •Enter a leased.
Return Procedures-1 Return Procedures Introd uction The foll owing sect ions ap ply to U.S.A. cu stomers onl y . Non-U.S.A. c ustomers wi th questio ns or conce rns regar ding ret urn proced ures shoul d conta ct their Motorola subsidi ary or di stribut or .
Return Procedu res-2 Factory Repai r T o r eturn equi pment for fac tory repa ir , call the Logi stics Admi nistrat ion Group at (508) 261 -4495, for r eturn aut horizat ion and ins tructions. When you call, yo u will be given a Re turn Mater ial Authoriz ation (RMA) control number .
Index Index-1 Symbols + + + 8-1 A Abandon call and retry 7-4 ASCII character table E-1 AT command mo de 8- 1 escaping to 12-4 AT Commands 8-1 B Backspace Key 8-3 Basic Rate Interface 4-2 BONDIN G disc.
Index-2 G Group Command s 8-3 H HDLC 6-2 I Installation 2-1 Interface EIA-232 3- 3 V.35 3-4 Interfaces DTE 2-3 V.35 2-3 ISDN 1-1 , 4-1 basic rate interface 1-1 connection of 2-2 line type A-1 ISDN U 1.
Index-3 S SELECTED PROM INVALID message 13-2 Service signals 12-31 Setup 3-6 Slide switch 3-3 Softload C ommands 13-3 SOFTLOAD COMPLETE 13-3 SOFTLOAD FAILED 13-3 SOFTLOAD IN PROGRESS 13-3 SOFTLOAD NOT.
WARRANTY Motoro la warrants that equipmen t manufact ured and sold by us is free from defec ts in materi al and wor kmanshi p. Under th is warran ty, our obli gation is li mited to re pairi ng or repl.
WARRANTY REGISTRATION C ARD The inf ormation y ou supply us on the for m below is extr emely val uable for warrant y protect ion, prod uct aler ts and new product updates. It al so helps us und erstand how you are using our pr oduc t and wher e you hea rd about us so t hat we may bet ter ser ve yo u in the futur e.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Northern UTA220/UTA220k (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Northern UTA220/UTA220k noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Northern UTA220/UTA220k - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Northern UTA220/UTA220k reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Northern UTA220/UTA220k erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Northern UTA220/UTA220k besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Northern UTA220/UTA220k verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Northern UTA220/UTA220k. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Northern UTA220/UTA220k gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.