Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung CVX 600 des Produzenten Nortel Networks
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296- 1011-2 02 Docume nt Revi sion 02.0 1 CVX Multi-Service Acces s Switch Releas e 5.0 August 2001 CVX 600 Multi-Service Access Switch Hardware In stallation Guide.
*Nortel, Nortel Network s, the Nortel Network s corporate logo, t he Globemark design, and CVX are trademarks of Nortel Networks. All other trademarks are the property of their owners. © 2001 Nortel Networks. All rights reserved. Information in thi s document is subject to change without notice.
296- 1011-202 Re l. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 iii Regulatory and Safety Regu lat ory Inf or mation U.S.A. Requirements FCC Radio Frequency Notice for the C VX 600 Acc ess Switch This devic e complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operat ion is subject t o the following two conditio ns: • This devi ce may not ca use harmf ul i nterfere nce.
Regulatory Information iv 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e If you ex perien ce trou ble wit h thi s equipme nt, please con tact No rtel Ne tworks for r epair a nd warr anty i nformat ion.
Regulatory Information 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. R ev. 02.0 1 v Regulatory and Safet y Before install ing this equ ipment, ensure that it is p ermissible to conn ect to the fac ilities of t he local telecommu nication s compan y . Y ou must install thi s equipmen t using an acc eptabl e con nectio n met h od.
Regulatory Information vi 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Jap an/Nippon Requireme nt s Only V olunt ary Control Council for I nterference (VCCI) S tatem.
Safety Wa rnings 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. R ev. 02.0 1 vii Regulatory and Safet y Safe ty W arnin gs General W arnings The following safety warnings apply: • Mechani cal haz ards and electr ical shock hazard s are p ossible if you remo ve on e or mo re of the modul es.
Safe ty W arni ngs viii 296-1011-202 Re l. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02 .01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Lithium Battery Caution Caution: Danger of e xplosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Re place only with the same o r equiva lent type recommende d by t he man ufacturer.
296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. R ev. 02.0 1 ix Contents Contents Regulatory and Safety Regulator y Inform ation ................... ...... ....... ...... ............. ....... ...... ............. ...... ....... ............ i i i U.S.A. Requir em ents .
x 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Do c. Rev. 02.01 Contents Chapter 1 Chassis Installation About This Chapte r ...... ............. ....... ...... ....... ............. ...... ....... ............ ....... ...... ............. ... 1-1 Introductio n .......... .
296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. R ev. 02.0 1 xi Contents Installing the CV X 600 Cha ssis ............ ............. .................... ............ ............. ............. . 1-18 Mounting Optio ns ..................... ...... ....... ...... ......
xii 296-10 11-202 Rel. 5.0, Do c. Rev. 02.01 Contents Connectin g Power t o the Chassi s ........ .................... ............. ............ ............. ............. . 2-16 Before Y ou St art ... ............. ............. ............. .....
296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. R ev. 02.0 1 xiii Contents Checking th e LEDs ..... .................... ............. ............. ............. ............ .................... ....... 2 -43 Introductio n .......... ............. ............. ......
xiv 29 6-1011-202 Rel. 5.0, D oc. Rev . 02.01 Contents Replacin g a Power Module ................... ............. ............. ............. ............. ................... . 3-4 0 Description ..... ............. ............. ............. ......
296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. R ev. 02.0 1 xv Contents T andem CV X to RA S CVX Cr ossover Cable ..... .................... ............ ............. ............. A-14 Introductio n .......... ............. ............. ............. ...............
296-1011 -202 Rel . 5.0, Do c. Rev. 02. 01 xv Preface About This Gui de Introduction This guide descr ibes how t o insta ll the Nortel Networks CVX* 600 Multi- Servi ce Access Swi tch for T elco and Inte rnet ser vice provide r (ISP) cu stomers.
Chapters and Appendixes in This Guide xvi 296-1011-202 Rel. 5.0, D oc. Rev . 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Chapters and Appendixes in This Guide This gui de contain s the fol lowing ch.
Information About CVX Products 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. R ev. 02.01 xvii Preface Information Abo ut CVX Product s About This Release This ver sion of th e CVX access s witch documen tation s upports so ftware deliver ed to cust omers usi ng CVX Release 5 .
Customer Se rvic es xviii 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Do c. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Customer Services T echni cal Support In the USA and Ca nada: If you are wit hin your wa rran.
296-1011 -202 Rel . 5.0, Do c. Rev. 02. 01 1-1 Chapter 1 Chassis Installation About Thi s Chap te r Introduction This chap ter descr ibes how t o instal l the CVX 600 ch assis.
CVX 600 Cha ssis Over view 1-2 2 96-1 011- 202 Rel . 5. 0, D oc. Rev. 02. 01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e CVX 600 Cha ssis Over view Description The CVX 600 chassis h as 6 slots: 4 sl ot s .
CVX 600 Ch assis Overview 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 1-3 Chas sis Ins tall ation Front View of CVX 600 Chassis The foll owing figur e shows the front of the CVX 600 chassis.
CVX 600 Cha ssis Over view 1-4 2 96-1 011- 202 Rel . 5. 0, D oc. Rev. 02. 01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Rear View of CVX 600 Chassis The foll owing figur e shows the rear of the CVX 600 chas sis.
Preparin g the S ite for t he Insta llation 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 1-5 Chas sis Ins tall ation Prep aring the Site for the Inst allation Overview Before yo u instal l the CVX 600 chassis , you need to prepare y our site .
Prepar ing the Si te for the Inst allatio n 1-6 2 96-1 011- 202 Rel . 5. 0, D oc. Rev. 02. 01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e 7 ft T elco rack CVX-0220A AC PM AC PM Fans 1 2 3 4 5 6 CVX-6oo BI.
Mounting the CVX 600 in a Rack 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 1-7 Chas sis Ins tall ation Mounting the CVX 600 in a Rack Rack Capacity Y ou can in stall up to seven AC- powered CVX 600s or up to ten DC-powere d CVX 600s in a standa rd T elco or El ectroni c Industr ies Associ ation (E IA) rack.
Mounting the CVX 600 in a Rack 1-8 2 96-1 011- 202 Rel . 5. 0, D oc. Rev. 02. 01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e • Properl y ventila ted • W ell l ig hte d Ceiling Requirements Consider th.
Mounting the CVX 600 in a Rack 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 1-9 Chas sis Ins tall ation Reference For P TE 2000 ra ck insta llation ins tructi ons, see th e PTE 2000 Inst allati on Guide (IM 07-08-154 3). Anchor Kit s Nortel Ne tworks of fers four type s of P TE 2000 anc hor kits ; each kit contains two anchors.
Mounting the CVX 600 in a Rack 1-10 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Sp ace Requirement s The foll owing tabl e lists the P TE 2000 racks and dimen sions. Flooring Requir ements Y ou must anc hor the P TE 2000 rack to t he equipment-r oom floor .
Mounting the CVX 600 in a Rack 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 1-11 Chas sis Ins tall ation Access Considerations The doorway s, corr idors, and eleva tors lea ding to the install ation si te must be able to accommoda te the ra ck.
AC and DC Power 1-12 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e AC and DC Power Description The CVX 600 uses eith er an AC or DC power s ource. AC Power Option If you a re usi ng AC power f rom an outl et, you sho uld be ins talling the AC c has sis option.
AC and DC Power 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 1-13 Chas sis Ins tall ation DC Power Option If you ar e using an external AC powe r supply , you sh ould be ins talling th e DC chassis optio n. The DC chass is option requires an external -48 VDC power so urce.
Prepar ing for th e CVX 600 I nstallation 1-14 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Prep aring for the CVX 600 Inst allation Overview T o prepare for the i nstalla tion of the CVX 600 chass is, make sure: • The shipmen t is comple te and unda maged.
Pr epar ing f or th e CVX 600 I nst alla tion 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 1-15 Chas sis Ins tall ation Checking the Shipment Careful ly inspec t the shi pment fo r comple teness, en suring th e items in the shippin g conta iner match those on t he packing list af fixe d to the s hipping contain er .
Prepar ing for th e CVX 600 I nstallation 1-16 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e T ools a nd Equipment Nee ded Before yo u instal l the CVX 600 chassis , ensure t hat you hav e all of the necess ary tools, c ables, con sole equipment , and mountin g hardware.
Pr epar ing f or th e CVX 600 I nst alla tion 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 1-17 Chas sis Ins tall ation Mounting Hardware T o inst all t he CVX 600 chassis i n a rack , you need a Phill ips #2 s crewdri ver an d a computer rack that meets the specific ations l isted in “ Rack Requir ements ” on page 1-7 .
Installin g the CVX 60 0 Chassis 1-18 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Inst allin g the CVX 600 Chassis Mounting Options Y ou can mount the CVX 600 in one of two way s: • Positi on the chas sis on a f lat, stur dy , horizonta l surfac e.
Installin g the CVX 600 C hassi s 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 1-19 Chas sis Ins tall ation Inst alling the Feet on the Bottom of the Chas sis T o in sta ll the feet , foll ow thes e step s: Ste p Action 1 Careful ly lay t he chass is on one side.
Installin g the CVX 60 0 Chassis 1-20 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Mounting the Chassis in a Rack The mountin g flanges are prei nstalle d on the cha ssis. Caution: Nortel Networks r ecommends u sing a P TE 2000 r ack.
Installin g the CVX 600 C hassi s 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 1-21 Chas sis Ins tall ation T elco and EIA Rack Hol e Sp acing Y ou can use mounting f langes to install th e CVX 600 chassis in a T elco or EIA rack. T elco and EIA rac ks have 0.
Installin g the CVX 60 0 Chassis 1-22 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Hardware Needed to Com plete the Chassi s Inst allation T o complet e the cha ssis.
Installin g the CVX 600 C hassi s 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 1-23 Chas sis Ins tall ation Inst alling the Chassis T o in s tall the chass is, fo llo w thes e st eps : Ste p Action 1 Have someone help you lift the c hassis to the des ired inst all ation heig ht.
Installin g the CVX 60 0 Chassis 1-24 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e 3 Insert t russ-he ad s cre ws t hrough ea ch fl ang e hol e a nd into the c orre spo nd ing holes o n the f ront vertic al suppo rts of the rack .
296-1011 -202 Rel . 5.0, Do c. Rev. 02. 01 2-1 Chapter 2 Chassis Connections About Thi s Chap te r Introduction This chap ter descr ibes how t o connect n etwork cabl ing an d optional con sole equipment to the CVX 600.
Connecting Alarms 2-2 2 96-1 011- 202 Rel . 5. 0, D oc. Rev. 02. 01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Connecting Alarms Introduction The SCC-L TM and SCC-RL TM contain a termina l block th at allows you to connect up to t hre e audib le al arms and three visua l alar ms.
Connecting Alarms 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 2-3 Chas sis Co nnection s Alarm T ypes The foll owing tabl e lists specifi c alarm typ es, severi ty , and possi ble causes : Alarm T ype Se.
Connecting Alarms 2-4 2 96-1 011- 202 Rel . 5. 0, D oc. Rev. 02. 01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Sonet/SDH S T rac e Mis match Minor The Secti on T rac e string i n the rece ived fram e does not matc h the con figured v alue in th e St raceS tringExpect att ribute.
Connecting Alarms 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 2-5 Chas sis Co nnection s Reference For pinou t assignmen ts, se e Appendix A, “ T echnical Spe cificatio ns. ” A TM PVPC PVCC Up Minor The PVPC/PVCC has been su ccessfully c reated. A TM PVPC PVCC M inor The PVPC/PVCC is down.
Connecting Alarms 2-6 2 96-1 011- 202 Rel . 5. 0, D oc. Rev. 02. 01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Procedure T o c onne ct al arm s to th e te rm in al blo ck, fo llo w the se st eps : Ste p Action 1 Select th e termina ls you wan t to use fo r the audi ble or visua l alarm.
Connecting Network Cables 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 2-7 Chas sis Co nnection s Connecting Network Ca bles Overview Y ou will n eed to att ach networ k cables t o the follo wing CVX 600 .
Connecting Network Cables 2-8 2 96-1 011- 202 Rel . 5. 0, D oc. Rev. 02. 01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Connecting to 10/100BAS E-T Interfaces Each 10/1 00BASE-T inter face on t he SCC-RL TM supports one full-duple x connecti on.
Connecting Network Cables 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 2-9 Chas sis Co nnection s Connecting to DS1/T1 Inte rfaces The DS1-DAC-L TM provides 12 or 24 cha nnelized T1 ports an d one port for connecti ng to an ex ternal c locking de vice.
Connecting Network Cables 2-10 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Connecting to E1 Interfac es The E1-DAC-L TM provi des 12 or 2 4 E1 ports a nd one port for conne cting to a n externa l clocki ng device.
Connecting Network Cables 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 2-11 Chas sis Co nnection s Connecting to DS3 Interfa ces T o c on ne ct to D S3 in terf aces, fol lo w th i s ste p: Ste p Action 1 Plug the TX and RX coax ial cabl e connecto rs into t he appropr iate DS3 recept acles on t he SCC or DAC.
Connecting Network Cables 2-12 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Connecting to the HSSI In terface The SCC-HSSI-RL TM contai ns one HSSI 50-pin inter face rece ptacl e. T o connect a HSS I cab le, fo llo w this step : Ste p Action 1 Plug t he cable connecto r into t he HSSI in terface rec eptac le.
Connecting Network Cables 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 2-13 Chas sis Co nnection s Connecting to the OC3/ST M1 Interface The Optic al DAC-L TM contains t wo sets of o ptica l ports (two primary and two redundan t, each wit h separate Tx and Rx cha nnels), co nsisting of a total o f eight optic al c onne ctio ns.
Connecting Network Cables 2-14 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Connecting an Optical Cable T o connec t an opti cal cable , follow t hese step s: Ste p Action 1 Remove the rubb er plugs f rom each pair of port s.
Connecting Network Cables 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 2-15 Chas sis Co nnection s 2 Remove the prot ective c overs from ea ch optic al conne ctor . 3 Orient th e the optic al cable conn ector so that th e ta b aligns wit h the slot in the p ort, and pus h the cab le co nnector in to the port .
Connecting Power t o the Chas sis 2-16 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Connecting Power to the Chassis Before Y ou St art Make sure you ca n power the C.
Connecting Power to the Chassi s 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 2-17 Chas sis Co nnection s Grounding the Chassis There ar e two ways to ground the CVX 600 chassis: • Use the NEBS- compliant dual-conne ctor post s. • Use th e compressi on term inal.
Connecting Power t o the Chas sis 2-18 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Using the NEBS-Compliant Dual-Connect or Post s T o ground the CVX 600 chassi s u.
Connecting Power to the Chassi s 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 2-19 Chas sis Co nnection s Using the Compression T erminal T o ground the CVX 600 chassis u sing the c ompression terminal, f.
Connecting Power t o the Chas sis 2-20 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e 3 Use a fla t-tip screwd river to loos en the loc king screw . 4 Use a w ire strippe r to remove a pproxima tely 1/2 i nch of in sulation from the groun d cable.
Connecting Power to the Chassi s 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 2-21 Chas sis Co nnection s Connecting to a Customer -Supplied DC Pow er Source The custo mer -suppli ed DC power sou rce is only f or the DC chassis o ption.
Connecting Power t o the Chas sis 2-22 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Connecting to a DC Power Source T o c onne ct to the po we r s our ce, fo llo w the se s teps : Ste p Action 1 Make s ure the powe r switches on the PDUs are off .
Connecting Power to the Chassi s 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 2-23 Chas sis Co nnection s 4 Place th e lugs of the wires o ver the post s. Mak e sure that the lugs for the black wires are .
Connecting Power t o the Chas sis 2-24 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Next Step T o apply power , see “ Applying Power to the CVX 600 ” on page 2-4 2 . 7 Inst all the clear pl astic pro tective cov er , securing the cove r with th ree screws .
Connecting Power to the Chassi s 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 2-25 Chas sis Co nnection s Connecting Chassis to a n AC Power Sourc e The AC power s ource is only for the AC c hassis opt ion.
Connecting Power t o the Chas sis 2-26 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Next S tep T o apply power , see “ Applying Power to the CVX 600 ” on page 2-4 2 . 2 Ins ert t he p ower cords int o the r ecepta cle s lab ele d “ AC PM2 ” and “ AC PM1.
Routing the Cables 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 2-27 Chas sis Co nnection s Routing the Cable s Cable Mount s The CVX 600 chassis i ncludes pl astic c able mounts that you c an use to po sition the cabl es, using cable ti es (not suppl ied), aro und the cha ssis.
Routing the Ca bles 2-28 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Routing Fiber Optic Cable s Introducti on The rout ing of fi be r o pti c cables requi re s d if fer ent co nsi der at ion s than th e r out ing of wi re ca b les, d ue t o th e d elic ate m ate ri al of the tran s mis si on l ine .
Installing and Removi ng the Flash Memory Cards 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 2-29 Chas sis Co nnection s Inst allin g and Remo ving the F lash Memory Cards Description The S CC- SM co nta ins dual P CM CIA s lot s for the flas h m emo ry card .
Installing and Removing the Flash Memory Cards 2-30 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Inserting a Flash Memor y Card T o inse rt a flash m emory card , follow th ese steps : Ste p Action 1 Posi tion the c ard so tha t its l abel i s facing up.
Installing and Removi ng the Flash Memory Cards 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 2-31 Chas sis Co nnection s Removing a Flash Memo ry Card T o remove a f lash memory ca rd, foll ow these st eps: Ste p Action 1 Press the eject bu tton next to the slo t (labeled 1 or 2) f rom which you wan t to remove a flash m emory ca rd.
Connecting Equip m ent to the Console Port 2-32 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Connecting Equ ipment to the Consol e Port Introduction Y ou can con nect a te rminal, PC, modem, or termina l server to the CVX 600, u sing the cons ole port o n the SCC.
Connecting Equipment to the Console Port 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 2-33 Chas sis Co nnection s Connecting a T erminal T o connec t a terminal to the CVX 1800 using the DB-9 to DB-9 ca ble, foll ow these s teps: Ste p Action 1 T urn on the termi nal, then config ure it using the p arameters listed below.
Connecting Equip m ent to the Console Port 2-34 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e 3 Att ac h the 9-pin recep t acle end of the console ca ble to the conso le port . 4 Att ach the 9- pin plug e nd of the c onsole cable to t he DB-9 po rt on the bac k of t h e te rmin al.
Connecting Equipment to the Console Port 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 2-35 Chas sis Co nnection s Connecting a PC T o connec t a PC to the CVX 600 using t he DB-9 to DB-9 ca ble, foll ow these steps: Ste p Action 1 Att ac h the 9-pin recep t ac le end of the console cable to the Cons ol e port.
Connecting Equip m ent to the Console Port 2-36 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e 2 Conne ct the 9-pi n plug en d of the console cable to the DB-9 p ort on the back of th e PC.
Connecting Equipment to the Console Port 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 2-37 Chas sis Co nnection s Connecting a Modem If you nee d remo te d ial- in acc ess to the c omm a nd l in e in terf a ce (C L I), y ou c an connect a modem (A T or Hayes compat ible) to t he CVX 600 using the DB-9 t o DB-25 modem cabl e.
Connecting Equip m ent to the Console Port 2-38 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e 4 Att ach the 9-pin rec ept acle end of the modem cabl e to the c onsol e port. 5 Att ach the 25 -pin plug end of the mode m cable t o the mod em ’ s DB-25 RS-232 d ata co mmunic ations po rt.
Connecting Equipment to the Console Port 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 2-39 Chas sis Co nnection s Connecting a T erminal Server A terminal se rver provides remote acce ss to multiple CVX switches through serial ports c onnected t o the conso le port of t he SCC-RL TMs.
Connecting Equip m ent to the Console Port 2-40 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Rear Connections for Sample Hardware Arr angement Recommendations T ermi.
Connecting Equipment to a Local Ether net Port 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 2-41 Chas sis Co nnection s Connecting Equipment to a Local Ethernet Port Description The 10/100 Mb/s Etherne t port on the SCC-L TM and SCC-RL TM allows you t o connect a remote PC or similar devi ce to the CVX 600 using an Ether net hub.
Applying P ower to the CVX 600 2-42 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Applying Power to the CVX 600 Procedure T o apply power to th e CVX 600, foll ow these st eps: Ste p Action 1 Ensur e th at y ou hav e c on nec ted al l po wer c abl es to t he app ropri ate term in als .
Checking t he LEDs 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 2-43 Chas sis Co nnection s Checking the LED s Introduction The LEDs provi de impor tant inf or mation a bout th e ope ra ting stat us of the syst em control and acces s card s.
Checking the LEDs 2-44 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e SCC-SM, SCC-RL TM (Ethernet 10/10 0 Mb/s ports) The foll owing figur e shows the LEDs o n the SCC-SM and SCC- RL TM.
Checking t he LEDs 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 2-45 Chas sis Co nnection s LEDs on the SCC-SM The foll owing tabl e describ es the LEDs o n the SCC-SM: LEDs on the SCC-RL TM The foll owin.
Checking the LEDs 2-46 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e SCC-HSSI-SM, SCC-HSSI-R L TM The foll owing figur e shows the LEDs on the SCC- HSSI-SM and SCC-HS.
Checking t he LEDs 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 2-47 Chas sis Co nnection s LEDs on the SCC-HSSI-SM The foll owing tabl e describ es the LEDs on the SCC- HSSI-SM: LEDs on the SCC-HSSI-RL T.
Checking the LEDs 2-48 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Optical SCC-II The foll owing figur e shows the LEDs on t he Optical SCC-I I-SM and the Optica l .
Checking t he LEDs 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 2-49 Chas sis Co nnection s LEDs on the Optical SCC-II-SM The f ollo wing tab le des cri bes th e LE D s on t he O p tica l SCC -II -SM : LE.
Checking the LEDs 2-50 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e LEDs on the Optical SCC-II-L TM The f ollo wing tab le des cri bes th e LE D s on t he O p tica l.
Checking t he LEDs 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 2-51 Chas sis Co nnection s Optical DAC The foll owing figur e shows the LEDs on the Opt ical DAC-SM: LEDs on the Optical DAC-SM The foll ow.
Checking the LEDs 2-52 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e DAC-SM LEDs The foll owi ng f ig ure s hows the LEDs on t he DS1- DAC-SMs, E1 -DAC-S Ms , an d DS.
Checking t he LEDs 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 2-53 Chas sis Co nnection s LEDs on DAC-SM The foll owi ng t ab le des cr ibe s t he LEDs on the DS1-DAC-SM, E1- DAC-S M, an d DS3-DAC-SM: L.
Checking the LEDs 2-54 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e MAC-SM LEDs The foll owing figur e shows the LEDs on the MAC-SM: LEDs on the MAC-SM The foll owin.
296-1011 -202 Rel . 5.0, Do c. Rev. 02. 01 3-1 Chapter 3 Replacing CVX 600 Components About Thi s Chap te r Introduction This chap ter descr ibes how t o replace and CVX 600 hardware compo nents.
Attaching the Antist atic Wr ist Strap 3-2 2 96-1 011- 202 Rel . 5. 0, D oc. Rev. 02. 01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Att aching the Antist atic Wrist S trap Location of Wrist Strap The a ntis t a tic wri st stra p is l ocate d in the ac ces sor y k it.
Attaching the Antist atic Wr ist Strap 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 3-3 Replacin g CVX 600 Component s 3 Place th e strap aro und your wri st, then a djust it to ensure th at the metal buckle inside t he stra p touches your sk in.
Replacing Modules and Filler Panels 3-4 2 96-1 011- 202 Rel . 5. 0, D oc. Rev. 02. 01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Replacing Modul es and Filler Panels Introduction This sect ion prov ide s instr ucti ons for r eplaci ng chass is compone nts and ha rdware modules.
Replacing Modules and Filler Panels 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 3-5 Replacin g CVX 600 Component s Removing a Rear Filler Panel T o remove a rear fill er panel , foll ow these st eps: Ste p Action 1 Use a 1/4-inch flat-tip sc rewdriver to loosen t he scr ews on the left an d right sides of the p anel.
Replacing Modules and Filler Panels 3-6 2 96-1 011- 202 Rel . 5. 0, D oc. Rev. 02. 01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Inst alli ng a Rear Fill er Panel T o inst all a re ar fill er panel, follow the se steps: Note: SC C fill ers m ust b e us ed f o r slo t 5 or 6, adjacen t to a si ngle SCC- L T M.
Replacing Modules and Filler Panels 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 3-7 Replacin g CVX 600 Component s Removing a Front Filler Panel T o re mov e a fr o nt fi ller pane l, fol low these ste ps: Ste p Action 1 Using a f lat-tip screwdr iver , t urn the screw at the upper left corne r of the fil ler pane l 1/4 tu rn counte rclockwis e.
Replacing Modules and Filler Panels 3-8 2 96-1 011- 202 Rel . 5. 0, D oc. Rev. 02. 01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Inst alli ng a Fro nt Fil ler Panel T o inst all a fr ont filler panel, fo.
Replacing Modules and Filler Panels 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 3-9 Replacin g CVX 600 Component s 2 Ensur e that the e jectors a re extende d at an an gle, but n ot all of th e way . Caution: Extending the ejec tors all of the way may resu lt in ej ector breakage when attempt ing to cl ose them in step 4.
Replacing Modules and Filler Panels 3-10 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e 3 Ensur e that th e latch paw l is in the c ard gui de cha nnel an d slid e the p anel into the cha ssis unt il it s conne ctor touc hes the c hassis mid-plane .
Replacing Modules and Filler Panels 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 3-11 Replacin g CVX 600 Component s Replacing the SCC-SM In a red undant conf igurati on, when you re place th e primary SCC- SM, the secondar y SCC-SM automati cally co pies the system soft ware and co nfigurat ion files f rom i ts fl ash mem ory ca rd.
Replacing Modules and Filler Panels 3-12 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Removing the SCC-SM T o re mov e th e S CC- SM, fol low th ese ste ps : Ste p Action 1 Remove the flash memory c ard from th e PCMCIA slot by press ing the ej ect button l ocated ne xt to th e slot.
Replacing Modules and Filler Panels 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 3-13 Replacin g CVX 600 Component s 3 Grasp t he left and right eje ctor leve rs and pul l them ou tward to ejec t the SCC-SM. Y ou will fe el the SCC -SM disco nnect from the chassi s mi d-plane and the SCC-L TM or SCC-RL TM.
Replacing Modules and Filler Panels 3-14 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Inst alli ng an SCC-SM T o in s tall an S CC- SM, foll ow th ese st eps : Ste p Action 1 Make su re that the locki ng scr ew is in the unloc ked pos ition (slot is hori zont al ).
Replacing Modules and Filler Panels 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 3-15 Replacin g CVX 600 Component s 3 Ensur e that the l atch p awl is in the ca rd guide c hannel an d slide the mo dule into the chassis until its c onnector touches t he chass is mid-p lane.
Replacing Modules and Filler Panels 3-16 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Reference For info rmatio n about the SCC-SM LEDs, see the “ Check ing the LEDs ” on page 2-43 .
Replacing Modules and Filler Panels 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 3-17 Replacin g CVX 600 Component s 3 Using a 1 /16-in ch flat-tip screwdriv er , l oosen th e lockin g screws.
Replacing Modules and Filler Panels 3-18 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e 4 Grasp t he left and right eje ctor leve rs and pul l them ou tward to ejec t the SCC-L TM/RL TM. Y ou will feel the mo dule discon nect from the SCC-SM.
Replacing Modules and Filler Panels 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 3-19 Replacin g CVX 600 Component s Inst alli ng an SCC-L TM or SCC- RL TM T o in s tall an SC C-L TM or SCC -RL TM, foll o w the se st eps: Ste p Action 1 Make s ure the powe r switches on the PDUs are both of f.
Replacing Modules and Filler Panels 3-20 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Reference For info rmatio n about the SCC-L TM and SCC-RL TM LEDs, see “ Checking t he LEDs ” on page 2-43 . 5 Use a1/16 -inch fla t-tip screwd river to ti ghten the f our locki ng screws on the front of the SCC-L TM/RL TM .
Replacing Modules and Filler Panels 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 3-21 Replacin g CVX 600 Component s Replacing Other Servic e Modules The MACs and DAC-SMs pr ovide the processi ng capabili ties for the rear -inst alled L TMs.
Replacing Modules and Filler Panels 3-22 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Removing a Service Module T o remove a MAC or DAC-SM, follow these steps: Ste p.
Replacing Modules and Filler Panels 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 3-23 Replacin g CVX 600 Component s 3 Grasp t he ejecto r levers a nd car efully sl ide the m odule out of the ch assis.
Replacing Modules and Filler Panels 3-24 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Inst alli ng a Service Module T o instal l a MAC or DAC-SM, follow t hese steps: Ste p Action 1 Make s ure that th e lockin g screw is in the un locked pos ition (slo t horizont al).
Replacing Modules and Filler Panels 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 3-25 Replacin g CVX 600 Component s Reference For info rmatio n about the LEDs, see “ Chec king the LE Ds ” on page 2- 43 .
Replacing Modules and Filler Panels 3-26 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Replacing the DAC-L TM/-RL TM If you ne ed to replac e an L TM or RL TM, note the con figuration of insta lled network c abling bef ore you di sconnect a ny cables.
Replacing Modules and Filler Panels 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 3-27 Replacin g CVX 600 Component s Removing a DAC-L TM or DAC-RL TM T o remove a DAC-L TM or DAC-RL TM, follow th ese steps: Ste p Action 1 Disconn ect any c ables at tached to the L TM or RL TM.
Replacing Modules and Filler Panels 3-28 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e 3 Grasp t he left and right eje ctor leve rs and pul l them ou tward to e ject the L TM or RL TM. 4 Grasp t he ejecto r levers a nd car efully sl ide the m odule out of the ch assis.
Replacing Modules and Filler Panels 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 3-29 Replacin g CVX 600 Component s Inst alli ng a DAC-L TM or DAC-RL TM T o instal l a DAC-L TM or DAC-RL TM, follow the se steps: Ste p Action 1 Holdi ng the mo dule, use the guide s to alig n the side s of th e module with the appr opr iate sl ot.
Replacing Modules and Filler Panels 3-30 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Reference For mor e informat ion about the DS1, E1, and DS3 LEDs, see “ Che cking the LEDs ” on page 2-43 . 4 Use a fla t-tip screwd river to ti ghten the t wo lock ing screw s on the fr ont of the LT M o r R LT M .
Replacing the Fan Module 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 3-31 Replacin g CVX 600 Component s Replacing the Fan Module Description The CVX 600 fan module c ontains t wo fans and i s locate d on the le ft side of the chass is. Caution: A malfunctioning f an modul e can cause the enti re chassi s to overheat .
Replacing the Fan Module 3-32 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Removing the Fan Module T o remove the fan module, follo w these ste ps: Ste p Action 1 Using a f lat-tip screwdr iver , t urn the two lockin g screws 1 /4 turn counterc lockwis e to unlock.
Replacing the Fan Module 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 3-33 Replacin g CVX 600 Component s Ste p Action 2 Grasp t he fan mo dule b y the hand le and pu ll firmly until yo u feel the fan module disconn ect from t he chass is. W arning: Th e fans will spin for a sho rt time as you slide the fa n modul e out of the cha ssis.
Replacing the Fan Module 3-34 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Inst alling a Fan Module T o instal l a fan modul e, follo w these ste ps: Ste p Action 1 Make s ure tha t the l ockin g scr ews are in the unloc ked po sitio n (slo t is v ertical).
Replacing the Fan Module 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 3-35 Replacin g CVX 600 Component s 2 Slide the replac ement fa n module into the c hassis unt il you feel the m odule touch th e fan con nector in the chass is. 3 Firml y push o n the f an module ’ s fron t panel unt il yo u feel the modu l e con nec t to the f an co nnector .
Replacing a PDU Module 3-36 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Replacing a PDU Module Description The CVX 600 contains two PDU (circuit breaker) modules, whi ch are loc ated near th e top cent er of the front of the cha ssis.
Replacing a PDU Module 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 3-37 Replacin g CVX 600 Component s 3 Grasp t he PDU mo dule b y the hand le and pu ll firmly until yo u feel it discon nect f rom the ch assis. 4 Slide the PDU modu le out of t he chass is.
Replacing a PDU Module 3-38 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Inst alling a PDU Module T o in s tall a PDU mod ule , foll ow th ese st eps : Ste p Action 1 Make su re that the locki ng scr ew is in the unloc ked pos ition (slot is hori zont al ).
Replacing a PDU Module 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 3-39 Replacin g CVX 600 Component s 4 Using a flat-tip screwdr iver , turn the locki ng screw 1/4 turn c lockwis e. 5 V e rify that th e red LED is on. 6 Switch the PDU on , and veri fy that the green L ED comes on.
Replacing a Power Module 3-40 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Replacing a Power Modu le Description If equi pped with the AC mod ule, th e CVX 600 cont ains two rep laceable power modules, whi ch are lo cated in t he top cen ter of t he front o f the chas sis.
Replacing a Power Module 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 3-41 Replacin g CVX 600 Component s 2 Grasp t he power module b y the han dle and pu ll firmly until yo u feel it discon nect f rom the ch assis. 3 Slide the power m odule out of the chassis.
Replacing a Power Module 3-42 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Inst alling a Power Modul e T o instal l a power modul e, follo w these st eps: Ste p Action 1 Make s ure that th e lockin g screws a re in the u nlocked position (slots are vertical).
Replacing a Power Module 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 3-43 Replacin g CVX 600 Component s 4 Using a flat-tip screwdr iver , t urn the locking screws 1/4 turn cloc kwise.
Ordering Replacement Compone nts 3-44 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Ord ering R eplac ement Comp onent s How to Order If nece ssary , you can o rder CVX 600 replace ment component s from Nort el Networks.
296-1011 -202 Rel . 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02. 01 A-1 Appendix A T echnical Specifications About This Ap pendix Introduction This appe ndix provi des the t echnical specifi cations f or the CVX 600.
Chassis S pecificat ions and C learance s A-2 296-10 11-202 Rel. 5.0 , D oc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Chassis Specifica t ions and Clear ances Dimensions, Weight, Slot Capaci.
Environ mental S pecificat ions 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 A-3 T echnica l Specific ations Enviro nment al Specifi catio ns Specifications The foll owing tabl e lists the envir onmental .
Cooling Requirements A-4 296-10 11-202 Rel. 5.0 , D oc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Cooling Requ irement s Need for V entila tion The CVX 600 is a high perf ormance ac cess swi tch, that pr oduces a s ignifica nt amount of h eat.
Electromagnetic Emissions and Radio Frequency 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 A-5 T echnica l Specific ations Electr omagne tic Emissi ons an d Radio Frequ ency CVX 600 Requirements The CVX 6.
Cable Spec ificatio ns A-6 296-10 11-202 Rel. 5.0 , D oc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Cable Specifications Cables Supplied by Nort el Networks The CVX 600 includes the foll owin.
Cable Sp ecificatio ns 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 A-7 T echnica l Specific ations Management Console Ca ble Specification s The SCC-RL TM has a s ingle cons ole inte rface. The interfa ce uses a DB- 9 plug connecto r that pr ovides an RS-232 seri al connect ion.
Cable Spec ificatio ns A-8 296-10 11-202 Rel. 5.0 , D oc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e DB-9 to DB-25 Pi n and Signal Assignment s The foll owing tabl e lists the pin an d signal .
Cable Sp ecificatio ns 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 A-9 T echnica l Specific ations HSSI Interface The foll owing figur e shows the HSSI connect or: HSSI DTE to DCE Pin and Signal Assignme.
Cable Spec ificatio ns A-10 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Pin Signal Pin Signal 8 DTE Ava il abl e+ 8 DTE Ava il abl e+ 33 DTE Ava ilabl e- 33 DTE A v.
Cable Sp ecificatio ns 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 A-11 T echnica l Specific ations Ethernet 10/100BASE-TX Interface Cable Specifications The Ether net 10/100 BASE-TX interf aces provi de unshie lded twist ed pair ( UTP) support .
Cable Spec ificatio ns A-12 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e E1 and T1 Interf ace Line Specifications The DS1-DAC-L TM, E1-DAC-L TM, and SCC-T1-RL TM interfa ces provide UTP support .
Cable Sp ecificatio ns 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 A-13 T echnica l Specific ations E1 and T1 Shielded Cab le Specifications Shielde d ca bling is an EMI r eq uir ement for CVX 600 E1 netwo rk configura tions, but is o ptional f or T1 networ k configur ations.
Tandem CVX to RAS CVX Cr ossov er Cable A-14 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e T andem CVX to RAS CVX Crossover Cable Introduction If you need a cro ssover cable to send dat a from a tande m CVX 600 to a RAS CVX 600, you m ust build the cable using the inform ation in this sect ion.
Tandem CVX to RAS CVX Crossover Ca ble 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 A-15 T echnica l Specific ations RJ-45 Pin Numbering The foll owing figur e shows the numbering o f the RJ-45 connector : Note: Pins 3, 6, 7, an d 8 are not use d.
Audible a nd Visu al Alarm Inter face Spec ificatio ns A-16 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e Audi bl e an d V i sual Ala rm I nte rf ace Speci ficat ions The foll owing figur e shows the alarm interface c onnector with bot h styles of labeli ng.
Power Spec ifications 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 A-17 T echnica l Specific ations Power Specifications Power Options The CVX 600 is powered b y an AC or DC p ower source. Use the infor mation in this s ecti on t o pl an for AC or DC p ow er.
SCC-LTM/-RLTM Interfaces A-18 296-1011 -202 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev. 02.01 CVX 600 Ha rdware I nstallati on Guid e SCC-L TM/-RL TM Interfaces The foll owing tabl e lists the inte rfaces on the SCC-L TM and.
DAC-LTM/-RLTM External Clock Interface 296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 A-19 T echnica l Specific ations DAC-L TM/-RL TM External Clock Interface The foll owing appli es to al l DAC L TMs and .
296-1011 -202 Rel . 5.0, Do c. Rev. 02. 01 Index-1 Index A AC and DC power 1-12 AC power m od ule 1-3 AC power requir emen ts A-17 airflow requir emen ts A-4 alarm interface conn ecting 2-2 specificat.
Index-2 296-101 1-202 Re l. 5.0, Doc. Rev . 02.01 Index conn ec tin g the CV X 60 0 to 2-26 F fan modu le 1-3 fan modu le, repl acing 3-3 1 filler pa nels, in stalling an d removing 3-4 flash mem ory .
296-1011-2 02 Rel. 5.0 , Doc. Rev. 0 2.01 Inde x-3 Index redundant lin e termination modules (RL TMs), replacing 3-16 regulatory com pli anc e inform ation iii replac eme nt hard ware, orde ring 3-44 .
CVX 600 Multi-Service A ccess Switch Hardware In stallation Guid e *Nortel, Nortel Networks, the Nortel Netw orks corporate logo, the Globemark design, and CVX are trademarks of Nortel Networks. All other trademarks are the property of their owners. © 2001 Nortel Networks.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Nortel Networks CVX 600 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Nortel Networks CVX 600 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Nortel Networks CVX 600 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Nortel Networks CVX 600 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Nortel Networks CVX 600 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Nortel Networks CVX 600 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Nortel Networks CVX 600 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Nortel Networks CVX 600. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Nortel Networks CVX 600 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.