Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 553-3901-200 des Produzenten Nortel Networks
Zur Seite of 48
Meridi an 1 ISD N Bas ic Rate Interf ace Installation Docum ent Number : 553-3901 -200 Docum ent Releas e: Stan dard 7. 00 Date: Jan uary 20 02 Y ear Publ is h FC C TM Copy ri gh t © 19 92 –20 02 N or te l Ne tw or ks Al l Ri ghts Rese r v ed Pr int ed in Ca na da Inform a tion is sub ject to chan ge wi thou t n otice.
Page 3 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n 4 Revision histor y January 2002 Standa rd 7. 00. This docume nt is up-issue d to to incl ude conte n t ch anges f or Meridi an 1 Relea s e 25.40. April 2000 Standa rd 6.00. This is a globa l doc ument a nd is u p-issue d f or X11 R elea se 25.
Pa ge 4 o f 46 553-39 01-200 Stand ar d 7.00 Januar y 20 02.
Page 5 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n 6 Content s About th is docu ment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Preinst allation prep aration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Insta ll ISDN BRI hardwa re . . .
Pa ge 6 o f 46 Content s 553-39 01-200 Stand ar d 7.00 Januar y 20 02.
Page 7 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n 8 About this do cument This doc ument appli es to Mer idi an 1 Interne t Enabled s ystems.
Pa ge 8 o f 46 About t his document 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002.
Page 9 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n 12 Prein stal lat ion p repa ratio n Contents Th e fo ll o w in g ar e th e to p i cs in th i s sect i on : Pr epa re th e sit e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Page 1 0 of 46 Preinst al lati on pr eparati on 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002 • Sys tem Engin eering (553 -3001-1 51) • Pow er Eng ine er ing (553-3001-1 52) After the site has been pla nned, th e foll owing items must be complet ed prior to I SDN BRI in stal lati on.
Preinst al lation pr eparat ion Page 11 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n • Keep t he circ uit cards in the ir antist atic bags until you are rea dy to install the m . • Do no t stack t he plug-i n ca rds on top of each ot her.
Page 1 2 of 46 Preinst al lati on pr eparati on 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002.
Page 13 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n 46 Install ISDN BRI ha rdware Contents Th e fo ll o w in g ar e th e to p i cs in th i s sect i on : Ins ta ll I SD N B RI h ar dw are f o r l ine ap p lic at io ns . . . . . . . . . .
Page 1 4 of 46 Ins ta ll IS DN B R I har dw are 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002 • ISDN P RI: In stallati on (553-2901-2 01) • Sys tem Inst allation P rocedu res (553-300 1-210) • ISD .
Install ISDN BRI hardware Page 15 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n Selec t the ca rd slo ts To install ISDN B RI cards, perform the foll owing steps: 1 Ident ify all the slots that c an contai n them.
Page 1 6 of 46 Ins ta ll IS DN B R I har dw are 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002 MISPs • MISPs a re i nserted int o the C E/Network Mo dule for options 5 1C and 61C, an d the Network Module for opt ions 81C .
Install ISDN BRI hardware Page 17 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n • In eac h modu le, install a maximum of 15 SILCs , or eight UILCs com bined with any othe r seven periph eral cards (inc luding SILCs).
Page 1 8 of 46 Ins ta ll IS DN B R I har dw are 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002 Figur e 2 NT 8D 37 IP E m o du l e Intelligent Peripheral Equipment Superloop Shelf IPE PE Module PE Pwr Sup .
Install ISDN BRI hardware Page 19 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n Figur e 3 NT5D21 Core/ Networ k module Rem ove th e module c o ve r for car d insta llati on To remove the co vers from Meri dian 1 modules with unused card slots , follo w the procedu r e be low.
Page 2 0 of 46 Ins ta ll IS DN B R I har dw are 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002 Figur e 4 Module cover locking l atch e s Insta ll the MISP Once covers ha ve been removed and c ard slot locati ons select ed for ISDN BRI cards, insta ll the MISP cards.
Install ISDN BRI hardware Page 21 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n 6 Obs erv e the re d LED on the MISP fac epl ate. • If the r ed LED l ights an d stays l it cont inuously wi thout flas hin g thr ee ti mes, the car d is defect ive.
Page 2 2 of 46 Ins ta ll IS DN B R I har dw are 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002 5 Push th e tab s firmly ag ain st the fro nt pa nel of the ca rd so they la tch to the f ront l ip i n t he modul e and t o the p ost on t he car d. 6 Obs erv e the red LED locat ed on th e facepla te.
Install ISDN BRI hardware Page 23 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n Figur e 5 Connect ISDN BRI t erminal s to Meridian 1 Meridian 1 IPE I/O Panel NE-A25B Cable Intermediate Di.
Page 2 4 of 46 Ins ta ll IS DN B R I har dw are 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002 Connect Meridian 1 m odules to th e MDF Meridi an 1 modul es connec t to the MDF us ing NE-A25B ca bles with 50-pin D-type male c onnect ors on ea ch en d.
Install ISDN BRI hardware Page 25 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n Figur e 6 Connect t he Meridian 1 to the MDF SILC/UILC port designations at the MDF The t ables th at follo w provid e SILC /UILC port designat ions a t the MDF , for the NT8D37 I PE.
Page 2 6 of 46 Ins ta ll IS DN B R I har dw are 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002 Tabl e 2 shows the SILC port desi gnation labe ls for the IPE Modul e. The UILC port de signati on label s for the IPE a nd CE/ P E Modules i s shown in Tab le 3.
Install ISDN BRI hardware Page 27 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n T T -T+R+R- 0 T -T+R+R- 1 T -T+R+R- 2 T -T+R+R- 3 T -T+R+R- 4 T -T+R+R- 5 T -T+R+R- 6 T- T + R + R 7 T U T .
Page 2 8 of 46 Ins ta ll IS DN B R I har dw are 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002 Cross-con nect the MDF The MDF cross - co nnects NE-A2 5B ca bles conne cted to SIL C and UILC ports with buildi ng wiring connecte d to ISDN BRI termina ls . Each SI LC provides eight four-wir e full duple x port s .
Install ISDN BRI hardware Page 29 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n Cros s- con nec t S IL C and/ or UILC po rts to th e bui l di ng wiri ng 1 Ident ify the car d type (SILC or UILC) for a conn ector on th e MDF.
Page 3 0 of 46 Ins ta ll IS DN B R I har dw are 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002 Figur e 7 Cross- connect the SI LC port to t he off ice wiri ng 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 .
Install ISDN BRI hardware Page 31 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n Figur e 8 Cross- connect the UILC port t o the offic e wiri ng 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18.
Page 3 2 of 46 Ins ta ll IS DN B R I har dw are 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002 Ta b l e 4 NT 8D 37 IP E m o du l e SILC and UILC pai r -termi nat ions fo r connector s A, E, K, R (12-cabl .
Install ISDN BRI hardware Page 33 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n Ta b l e 5 NT8D37 I PE module SILC and UILC pai r -termi nat i ons fo r connector s B, F , L, S (12-cabl e .
Page 3 4 of 46 Ins ta ll IS DN B R I har dw are 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002 Ta b l e 6 NT 8D 37 IP E m o du l e SILC and UILC pai r -termi nat ions fo r connector s C, G, M, T (12- cabl.
Install ISDN BRI hardware Page 35 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n Connect the ISDN BRI terminals to the DSL ISDN BRI te rminals are conne cted to DSL s using m odular cabl es up t o 10 meters (33 fe et) long, with RJ -45 pl ugs on each end.
Page 3 6 of 46 Ins ta ll IS DN B R I har dw are 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002 Figur e 9 Connect t he ISDN BRI ter m inal to the S/T int erf ace 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 4 5 6 7 8.
Install ISDN BRI hardware Page 37 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n Figur e 10 Connect t he ISDN BRI networ k ter minati on (NT1) to the U int erf ace 1 2 3 4R 5T 6 7 8 RJ-45 .
Page 3 8 of 46 Ins ta ll IS DN B R I har dw are 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002 Insta ll I SDN BRI ha rdware for tru nk app licatio ns The followi ng lists the proced ures for instal l ISDN BRI hardware for ISDN BRI trunk a pplica tions .
Install ISDN BRI hardware Page 39 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n The lo op num ber and locati on of the prim ary and seco ndary clock s ource is confi gured in the Di gital Da ta Bloc k overl a y 73. Ref e r to the ISDN Ba sic Ra te Inter f ac e: Admi nis t r atio n (553-390 1-300) .
Page 4 0 of 46 Ins ta ll IS DN B R I har dw are 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002 Connect clock refer ence cable s The fol lowing proc edure sh ould be follo wed to connec t the ISDN BRI clock re fe renc e c abl es to t he Cl ock Contr o ll er.
Install ISDN BRI hardware Page 41 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n Figur e 11 Clock ref er ence cable connec t ion Clock recovery The SIL C is confi gured in the sla ve -sla ve mode whe n act ing as a trunk inte rface. This i s set u p through t he Main tenanc e Signa lin g Channel (MSC) .
Page 4 2 of 46 Ins ta ll IS DN B R I har dw are 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002 All of the S/T c hips o n th e SIL C c ould be co nfigu red as T ermin al Equ ipmen t Slave s (TES), but onl y the clocks re c overe d from DSL0 and DSL1 are rout e d to the back pl ane connec tor pins.
Install ISDN BRI hardware Page 43 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n Figur e 12 Connect the networ k ter mination to t he U i nterface and to the S/T inter face ( in TE mode) 1.
Page 4 4 of 46 Ins ta ll IS DN B R I har dw are 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002 Car d loca tion form s The followi ng c ard loc at ion forms may be use d wh en inst a llin g S ILC/UILC and BRS C ca rds on the Meridi an 1.
Install ISDN BRI hardware Page 45 of 46 ISD N B as ic R at e Int e rfa c e Ins ta ll at io n Ta b l e 1 0 Car d locatio n f orm: NT8D37 IPE Modul e (12-cabl e c onfigurati on) Card T ype (SILC/UIL C o.
Page 4 6 of 46 Ins ta ll IS DN B R I har dw are 553-39 01-200 Standard 7. 00 Januar y 2002.
F amily Produc t Manual Cont acts Cop yr ight F CC notice T r ademarks Document n umber Product release Doc ument rel ease Date Pub lish Meridian 1 ISDN Basic Ra te Interfa ce Installation Copy ri gh t © 19 92 – 2002 N or te l Ne tw or k s Al l Ri ghts Rese r v ed In form a tio n i s su bj ec t t o c h an ge w it ho ut no tic e.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Nortel Networks 553-3901-200 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Nortel Networks 553-3901-200 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Nortel Networks 553-3901-200 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Nortel Networks 553-3901-200 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Nortel Networks 553-3901-200 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Nortel Networks 553-3901-200 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Nortel Networks 553-3901-200 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Nortel Networks 553-3901-200. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Nortel Networks 553-3901-200 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.