Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 400-S des Produzenten Nortel Networks
Zur Seite of 86
Part No. 209 375-A Novembe r 2000 4401 Gr eat Ame rica Parkway Santa C lara, CA 9505 4 Setting Up the BayStack Instant Internet 400-S Unit.
2 209375-A Copyright © 2000 Nortel Networks All righ ts reserv ed. Novemb er 2000. The informati on in this document is subj ect to change witho ut notice.
3 Setting Up the Ba yStack Ins tant Inter net 400-S Uni t EC Declaration of conformity This prod uct conform s to the pr ovisions o f the R&TTE Directive 1999/5 /EC.
4 209375-A Repai rs to cert ified equipme nt shoul d be coor di nate d by a repr ese ntati ve design ated by t he suppli er . Any repai rs or alteratio ns made by the user to th is equipment, or equipm ent malfunctio ns, may give the tele communicatio ns company cause to request the user to disco nnect the eq uipment.
5 Setting Up the Ba yStack Ins tant Inter net 400-S Uni t 1. Y ou are req uired to requ est service from th e t elephone co mpany before y ou connect the unit to a net w ork .
6 209375-A 4. If you experienc e tro uble with the un it, please con tact the Nortel Net works T e chnical So l utions Center in your area f o r service o r repairs. Repairs sh ould be pe rformed onl y by servi ce person nel auth orize d by Nortel Networks.
7 Setting Up the Ba yStack Ins tant Inter net 400-S Uni t Be sur e that the tel ephone line y ou are c onnec ting t he modem to is a stan dard an alog li ne and not a digital (PBX ), par ty , or coin tele phone li ne. If t he mode m is malf unctio ning, it may affect the tele phon e lines.
8 209375-A boucl é peut ê tre const í tu é e de n' impor te quelle co mb inaiso n de dispos itif s, pourvu que la somme des indic es de charge de l'en semble des dispo sitifs ne d é passe pas 10 0. L'indice de ch arge se trouve s ur le mod em.
9 Setting Up the Ba yStack Ins tant Inter net 400-S Uni t resultin g in the defec t; or (iii) d amaged by improper enviro nment, ab use, misuse, a ccident, or negligence.
11 Setting Up the Ba yStack Ins tant Inter net 400-S Uni t Contents Pref ace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 9 Before you begin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12 Contents 209375-A Chapter 4 Seven-port autosen sing switch specific ations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Instant Int ernet 10/1 00 Ethernet s witch over view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 Switch featur es .
Contents 13 Setting Up the Ba yStack Ins tant Inter net 400-S Uni t Appendix A T ech nical spe cific atio ns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Physical specif ications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
14 Contents 209375-A.
15 Setting Up the Ba yStack Ins tant Inter net 400-S Uni t Figur es Figure 1 Front pane l of the Instant Int ernet 400 -S unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Figure 2 Rear pane l of the Ins tant Inter net 400-S unit . . . . . . . . . .
16 Figures 209375-A.
Tables 17 Setting U p the Bay S t ack Ins tant Internet 400- S Unit Ta b l e s T able 1 Installatio n check list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 T able 2 Ethernet interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . .
18 Tables 209375-A.
19 Setting Up the Ba yStack Ins tant Inter net 400-S Uni t Preface This manual descr ib es the BayStack ™ I nstant I nternet 4 00-S unit. This manual also des cribes wha t you do to install the Instant Interne t ™ hardwar e and to ac cess the In terne t.
20 Pref ace 209375-A Acronyms The foll owing acron yms are u sed in thi s manual: AC Alternatin g Current AUI Attach ment Unit Inte rfac e CB C e rti fic at io n Body CEE Certifi cation of Electrical .
Preface 21 Setting Up the Bay Stack Insta nt Interne t 400-S Un it Related publi cations For mor e inform ation abo ut using I nstant I nternet, refer t o the f ollowing publica tions: • Important Notice for t he BayStac k Instant In ternet V ersion 7.
22 Pref ace 209375-A • Using the BayStack I nstant Inte rnet Managemen t Softwar e V ersion 7.1 1 (Part number 3008 68-G) Provides an introduc tion to I n st ant I nt ern et, in str uc tions for ad minist er ing th e product, and pro cedures f or using In stant Inte rnet fea tures.
Preface 23 Setting Up the Bay Stack Insta nt Interne t 400-S Un it How to ge t help If you pu rchased a service c ontract for your Nor tel Networks product fr om a distri butor or authorized r eseller , contact t he techni cal suppo rt staf f for that distri butor or reselle r for ass istance .
24 Pref ace 209375-A.
25 Setting Up the Ba yStack Ins tant Inter net 400-S Uni t Chapter 1 Introduction This chap ter int roduces you r Instant Interne t 400-S uni t and desc ribes pac kage content s, availa ble optio ns for your Instant Interne t unit, and any require ments and comp atibilit y issues.
26 Chapter 1 Introducti on 209375-A • Important Informat ion for t he BayStack Instant I nternet (Pa rt number 307603-E) • Instal ling the BaySt ack Inst ant Inter net Management Softwar e V ersion 7 .1 1 (Part n umber 209226- B) • BayStack Instant I nternet Softwar e and Documentatio n V ersion 7.
Chap ter 1 Introdu ction 27 Setting Up the Bay Stack Insta nt Interne t 400-S Un it Requirements a nd compatib ility Insta nt Int ern et sup po rts th e foll ow in g Inte rne t c onne ctio n types : • Dial-up Point-to -Point Pro tocol (PPP) connection wi th option al Multil ink Protocol (MP) at up to t wo times V .
28 Chapter 1 Introducti on 209375-A.
29 Setting Up the Ba yStack Ins tant Inter net 400-S Uni t Chapter 2 Installation preparation This chap ter descr ibes the steps you should fol low in p reparing for Interne t access, explains some decisi ons you need to make bef ore you ins tall your I nstant Intern et 400-S uni t, and provides a n instal lation c hecklist and workshe et.
30 Chapter 2 Insta llation p reparation 209375-A Making decision s Before you ca n acc ess the Intern et with your I nstant Int er net unit , you must ma ke the fol lowing deci sions: • Who will be your ISP? • What type of conne ct io n will you use — di al -up c onne ct ion (analog or I SDN), lease d-l in e con necti on (T1 , E1 , V .
Chapter 2 Insta llation p reparation 31 Setting Up the Bay Stack Insta nt Interne t 400-S Un it Installat ion checklist Use the che cklis t in Ta b l e 1 to ensure a s mooth instal lation. As you check o ff ea ch item, record th e info rmation in the “ Ins tallati on workshee t ” on page 33 .
32 Chapter 2 Insta llation p reparation 209375-A After co mpleti ng this ch ecklist , you are re ady to begi n installi ng the Ins tant Inter net hard ware . E1 Conn ection If yo u are usin g an E1 co nnection , ask you r E1 servic e provide r for the framing forma t, line en coding, d ata type, line bu ild-out, rat e multipl ier , and line speed .
Chapter 2 Insta llation p reparation 33 Setting Up the Bay Stack Insta nt Interne t 400-S Un it Installat ion worksheet ISP Informat ion ISP User Name: _____________ ______________ _____________ ________ This is the user n ame you enter to log on t o your ISP account.
34 Chapter 2 Insta llation p reparation 209375-A ISDN Pho ne N umb er requ i red for an sw er (optional) : _ ______________ ___ ISDN Pho ne N umb er requ i red for an sw er (optional) : _ ______________ ___ T1 Con nec tion I nform atio n This info rmat ion is availa ble fr om your T1 se rvice pr ov ider .
35 Setting Up the Ba yStack Ins tant Inter net 400-S Uni t Chapter 3 Instant Intern et 400-S hardware installatio n This chap ter help s you get t o know your In stant Int ernet un it, and pr ovides i.
36 Chapter 3 Insta nt Interne t 400-S h ardware ins tallatio n 209375-A • Seven 10/ 100 Link/Activi ty LEDs (label ed S1 – S7) di splay port s tatus fo r the switc h. F or det ails, refer t o Chapter 6, “ LEDs: support a nd diagnost ic functi ons, ” on page 61 .
Chapter 3 Instan t Internet 400-S hard ware instal lation 37 Setting Up the Bay Stack Insta nt Interne t 400-S Un it Figure 2 Rear pa nel of the In stant Internet 40 0-S uni t Interfaces Each unit has.
38 Chapter 3 Insta nt Interne t 400-S h ardware ins tallatio n 209375-A Ta b l e 2 describes t he Etherne t interf aces avai lable fo r your Ins tant Int ernet 400 -S unit. Ta b l e 3 describes t he communic ations i nterface cards avail able for your Inst ant Intern et 400-S unit.
Chapter 3 Instan t Internet 400-S hard ware instal lation 39 Setting Up the Bay Stack Insta nt Interne t 400-S Un it Power co rds The AC power r eceptacl e accepts th e AC power c ord (supplie d). For ins tallation outside of North America, make sure th at you have the pro per power cord for your region.
40 Chapter 3 Insta nt Interne t 400-S h ardware ins tallatio n 209375-A Ta b l e 4 lists sp ecificati ons for i ntern ational p ower cords. Ta b l e 4 Inter nat ion al power co rd spec ifica tio ns Co.
Chapter 3 Instan t Internet 400-S hard ware instal lation 41 Setting Up the Bay Stack Insta nt Interne t 400-S Un it Caution: Pl ease read i mmediately . Inspect this power cor d and determin e if it provi des the prop er plug and is approp riately ce rtifie d for use with you r electric al syste m.
42 Chapter 3 Insta nt Interne t 400-S h ardware ins tallatio n 209375-A Setting the voltage selector swi tch The volta ge of the Instant I nternet unit must match th e voltage of the power source. I f the swi tch is se t to 1 10 a nd the voltag e that th e unit is connecti ng to is 200 or a bove, y ou mus t re turn the uni t f or re pair .
Chapter 3 Instan t Internet 400-S hard ware instal lation 43 Setting Up the Bay Stack Insta nt Interne t 400-S Un it Ta b l e 5 shows the vol tage selec tor switc h settin gs for the dif ferent v oltage r anges.
44 Chapter 3 Insta nt Interne t 400-S h ardware ins tallatio n 209375-A If you expe rience p robl ems during i nst allati on, unplug all c onnection s, e xcept the LAN connecti on, and then restar t the Ins tant Int ernet unit. Y ou ca n moun t your Ins tant In ternet un it in an equipment rack or pl ace it on a flat surfac e.
Chapter 3 Instan t Internet 400-S hard ware instal lation 45 Setting Up the Bay Stack Insta nt Interne t 400-S Un it • If you are using an Etherne t connec tion t o attac h to a router or bri dge, use the Ethe rnet connect or (Eth2) on the bottom l eft of you r unit.
46 Chapter 3 Insta nt Interne t 400-S h ardware ins tallatio n 209375-A Mounting your In stant Internet unit in a rack T o install you r Instan t Inter net unit i n an equi pment rack , you will ne ed a Phil lips screwdri ver (not included) and the br ackets, scr ews, and washe rs provid ed in the rack mount ing kit.
Chapter 3 Instan t Internet 400-S hard ware instal lation 47 Setting Up the Bay Stack Insta nt Interne t 400-S Un it T o mount your Instan t Intern et 400-S in a r ack: 1 Remove the t hree scr ews from the cover on ea ch side of your Inst ant Inte rnet unit as shown in Figure 3 .
48 Chapter 3 Insta nt Interne t 400-S h ardware ins tallatio n 209375-A Figure 4 Attachi ng the mou nting bra cket to th e Instant In ternet 40 0-S unit 3 Positi on your unit in the r ack horiz ontally . Y our u nit should be facing out from the rac k.
Chapter 3 Instan t Internet 400-S hard ware instal lation 49 Setting Up the Bay Stack Insta nt Interne t 400-S Un it Figure 5 Attachi ng the Ins tant Intern et 400-S uni t to the fr ont of the r ack 1.
50 Chapter 3 Insta nt Interne t 400-S h ardware ins tallatio n 209375-A.
51 Setting Up the Ba yStack Ins tant Inter net 400-S Uni t Chapter 4 Seven-port autosens ing switch specifications The chapt er list s the key f eatures of the sev en-port a utosensi ng switch a nd explain s the compone nts of th e switch in de tail.
52 Chapte r 4 Seven-po rt autose nsing sw itch spe cificat ions 209375-A Switch features The Inst ant Inter net 400-S unit seve n-port swi tch of fers: • Seven RJ-45 10BASE-T/1 00BASE- T autos ensi ng Ethe rne t port s with auto nego ti at ion capabili ty .
Chapt er 4 Seven-p ort autosens ing sw itch specifi cations 53 Setting Up the Bay Stack Insta nt Interne t 400-S Un it MDI/MDI-X autosensing capability When you plug an Etherne t cable int o a port, t he switch a utosenses whether the cable i s MDI-X (normal, or straigh t-through) or MDI (upli nk, or crossove r).
54 Chapte r 4 Seven-po rt autose nsing sw itch spe cificat ions 209375-A.
55 Setting Up the Ba yStack Ins tant Inter net 400-S Uni t Chapter 5 DIP switch settings This chap ter descr ibes the Dual Inli ne Pins (DI P) switch settings for your I nstant Intern et 400-S uni t, inc luding th ose for no rmal opera tion and fo r resetti ng your unit ’ s passwor d and confi guration setting s.
56 Chapter 5 DIP sw itch settin gs 209375-A Switch settings for no rmal o peration Leav e all sw itch es off for n orm al ope rati o n, as s how n in Ta b l e 6 . Switch settings for sp ecial configurations During th e power -up seque nce, your I nstant I nternet 4 00-S unit chec ks the setti ngs of the switches.
Chapter 5 DIP s witch se ttings 57 Setting Up the Bay Stack Insta nt Interne t 400-S Un it Ta b l e 8 shows the switc h settin gs for re setting your unit ’ s password as well as some user -def ined conf igurations.
58 Chapter 5 DIP sw itch settin gs 209375-A Ta b l e 1 0 shows t he switch s ettings for rese tting your unit to factory d efault conditi ons. Resetting your Instant Internet unit Before yo u reset yo ur Insta nt Inter net unit, be s ure to bac k up the con figurati on.
Chapter 5 DIP s witch se ttings 59 Setting Up the Bay Stack Insta nt Interne t 400-S Un it 3 T urn on your unit . The LEDs on t he front o f your unit f lash and t hen glow st eadily amber , includi ng the Power LED, when they c ompletely match the s equence for the select ed switch s ettings.
60 Chapter 5 DIP sw itch settin gs 209375-A.
61 Setting Up the Ba yStack Ins tant Inter net 400-S Uni t Chapter 6 LEDs: supp or t and diag no stic functio ns This chapt er describes how the LEDs work on your Ins tant Interne t 400-S unit and how you can u se them to interpre t activi ty on your unit.
62 Chapter 6 LEDs: s upport an d diagnos tic func tions 209375-A Figure 7 Inst ant Interne t 400-S u nit LEDs LEDs 1 through 8 and Power LED at power-up sequ ence If a fa ilure oc curs during t he power -up sequ ence, the Power LED glows ambe r , and one or more of LEDs 1 through 8 gl ow red.
Chapter 6 LEDs : suppor t and diag nostic f unctions 63 Setting Up the Bay Stack Insta nt Interne t 400-S Un it LEDs 1 through 8 and the Po wer LED dur ing operation After t he power -up sequ ence is co mplete, the LEDs indica te statu s and acti vity during op eration as shown in Ta b l e 1 1 .
64 Chapter 6 LEDs: s upport an d diagnos tic func tions 209375-A Use the LED display to help y ou identify the type of probl em with the s even-port autosen sing swi tch and th en verify that: • The s witch is po wer ed on. • Each cabl e and port connecti on has the c orrect p in assignme nt and that no connecto rs are l oose.
65 Setting Up the Ba yStack Ins tant Inter net 400-S Uni t Chapter 7 Out-of-ban d ma nage ment su pp ort This chap ter descr ibes how t o set up you r Instant Interne t unit f or out-of -band management.
66 Chapter 7 Out-of -b and man age men t suppo rt 209375-A Configuring the Instant Int ernet unit th rough a PC direct connection T o configure the unit with a PC using th e out-of-ban d management f eature, you must: • Connect t he unit t o the PC.
Chapter 7 Out-of -band man agement s upport 67 Setting Up the Bay Stack Insta nt Interne t 400-S Un it This proc edure pro vides ins truction s for conf iguring t he HyperT erminal te rminal emul ation sof t w are. T o create a HyperT erminal PC connection profile : 1 Start the H yperT ermi na l so ft ware .
68 Chapter 7 Out-of -b and man age men t suppo rt 209375-A Figure 9 HyperT ermi nal Co nnect T o dia log bo x 5 From the Con nect using list, se lect COM1, and the n click OK.
Chapter 7 Out-of -band man agement s upport 69 Setting Up the Bay Stack Insta nt Interne t 400-S Un it 6 From the Bi t s pe r second li st , select 1 15200 to se t t he modem s peed, and t he n click OK. HyperT erminal e stablis hes a connec tion to the Instant I nternet unit.
70 Chapter 7 Out-of -b and man age men t suppo rt 209375-A Connecting a modem to a PC For this procedur e, you do not need to loa d the modem dr ivers on the P C. T o connect a modem to a PC: 1 Connect t he modem ’ s power cord t o the modem an d the power o utlet, as descri bed in the modem ’ s instal lation inst ructions .
Chapter 7 Out-of -band man agement s upport 71 Setting Up the Bay Stack Insta nt Interne t 400-S Un it Figure 12 Hyper T erminal Conne ction Descr ipt ion di alog b ox 2 In the Na me box, enter a name for t he connect ion. 3 In the I con area, s elect an icon for the connec tion.
72 Chapter 7 Out-of -b and man age men t suppo rt 209375-A Figure 14 Hyper T erminal COM1 Prope rties di alog box 6 From the Bi t s pe r second li st , select 1 15200 to se t t he modem s peed, and t he n click OK. HyperT erminal e stablishes a connecti on to the modem and th e cursor i s positi oned in the main HyperT erminal di alog box.
Chapter 7 Out-of -band man agement s upport 73 Setting Up the Bay Stack Insta nt Interne t 400-S Un it Connecting a modem to the Instant Internet unit Befo re you conn ect th e mod em to the In sta n t Int er net un it, y ou mu s t tur n off the unit.
74 Chapter 7 Out-of -b and man age men t suppo rt 209375-A.
75 Setting Up the Ba yStack Ins tant Inter net 400-S Uni t Appe ndix A T echnica l spec ifications This appe ndix descr ibes the physical and enviro nmental spe cificatio ns for your Insta nt Int ern et 400 -S un it. Physical specifications The Inst ant Inter net 400-S unit is 1 7.
76 Appendi x A Techn ical sp ecific ations 209375-A Environmental s pecifications The oper ating and nonoperat ing envi ron ment fo r the Instant I n t er net 40 0-S unit is as fol lows : • Operati .
77 Setting Up the Ba yStack Ins tant Inter net 400-S Uni t Appe ndix B Adapter cable pinout diagrams This appe ndix descr ibes the pin out sett ings for the V .35, X.21, modem, a nd null modem adapte r cables . Direct access adapter cables Cable part numbers If you order ed your Insta nt Interne t 400-S unit fo r use with a V .
78 Appendi x B Adapter c able pino ut diagr ams 209375-A V .35 adapter cable Figure 15 shows the pi nou t s ettings f or a V .35 modem ad apt er cable ( pa rt number CQ21 18005).
Appendix B A dapter c able pino ut diagrams 79 Setting Up the Bay Stack Insta nt Interne t 400-S Un it X.21 (DCE) adapter cable Figure 16 shows the pi nout set tings for an X.
80 Appendi x B Adapter c able pino ut diagr ams 209375-A Remote access adapter cables If you wan t to connec t a PC or dial -up modem dire ctly to y our Instant Internet 400-S uni t to confi gure the unit usin g remote ac cess comma nds (out- of-band management) , you must pr ovide the connectio n cable.
Appendix B A dapter c able pino ut diagrams 81 Setting Up the Bay Stack Insta nt Interne t 400-S Un it Modem adapter cable Figure 18 shows the pi nout set tings for a mod em adapter cable. This seri al cable must have a DB-9 female connector and a DB-25 male co nnector .
82 Appendi x B Adapter c able pino ut diagr ams 209375-A.
Index 83 Setting Up the Bay Stack Insta nt Interne t 400-S Un it Symbol s ! Default provi d er 3 0 Numbers 1-Meg modem 26 3DES Encry ption Module 58 A acronyms 20 altitude nonoperat ing 76 operating 7.
84 Index 209375-A line build-out 32 line encoding 32 line speed 32 rate multip lier 3 2 setti ng up 3 2 environment nonoperat ing 76 operating 76 Ethernet connection 100BASE- T 25 10BA SE-T 25 F facto.
Index 85 Setting Up the Bay Stack Insta nt Interne t 400-S Un it troubles hooting 63 M MDI 53 MDI-X 53 modem 1-Meg 25, 26 analog 26 V. 3 5 2 5 X.21 25 modem cable 81 Multilink P rotocol (MP) 27 N NT1 .
86 Index 209375-A resetting user-defined co nfigurations 57 special configurations 56 synch r onous PPP 31 T T1 connection da ta ty pe 31 framing for mat 31 leased-line 26 line build-out 31 line encod.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Nortel Networks 400-S (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Nortel Networks 400-S noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Nortel Networks 400-S - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Nortel Networks 400-S reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Nortel Networks 400-S erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Nortel Networks 400-S besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Nortel Networks 400-S verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Nortel Networks 400-S. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Nortel Networks 400-S gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.