Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 207344-B des Produzenten Nortel Networks
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Part No. 207 344-B February 200 0 4401 Gr eat Ame rica Parkway Santa C lara, CA 9505 4 Using the Centillion EtherSpeed II Switch Modules.
ii 207344-B Copyright © 2000 Nortel Netw orks All righ ts reser v ed. Febr uary 20 00. The informati on in this documen t is subject to ch ange withou t notice.
207344-B iii Achtung: Dieses ist ein Gerät der F unkstörgre nzwertklasse A. In W ohnbere ichen können bei Betrieb di eses Gerätes Rund funkst örunge n auftr eten, in welche n Fälle n der Be nutzer für ent spreche nde Ge genmaßn ahmen verantwo rtlich ist.
iv 207344-B Nortel Network s Software Lice nse Agreement NOTICE: Please ca refu l ly rea d this lic ens e agre em e nt befor e c opying or using th e ac compan ying sof t ware or in stallin g th e hard w ar e unit wit h pr e-enab led soft ware (ea ch of whi ch is refer re d to as “ Soft ware ” in this Agreement).
207344-B v 5. Gove rnment Licen sees. This provisi on appl ies to a ll Softw are and d ocume ntation acquired direc tly or ind irectly by or on behalf of t he United Stat es Gov er nm e nt.
vi 207344-B.
207344-B vii Contents Prefac e Before Y ou Begin ........ ............. .................... ................... ................... ............. ................. x v Related P ublications ................ ............. .................... ........
viii 207344-B Chapter 2 Planning a Network with EtherSpeed II Switch Modules Connectin g the Ether Speed II Swi tch Modul es to Ether net Hubs an d Network Dev ices 2-1 Et herSpe ed II 10/100B ASE-T Switc h Module .......... ................... ......
207344-B ix Appendix A T e chnical Specifica tions Appendix B Cables and Connectors UTP Cable L ength Limi tations .............. .................... ............. ................... ................... .. B-1 UTP Cabling ... ...... ...... ....... .
x 207344-B.
207344-B xi Figures Figure 1- 1. EtherSp eed II S witch Mod ules in a Network Cent er ... .................... ......... 1-2 Figure 1- 2. EtherSp eed II 1 0/100BAS E-T 20-Port S witch Mod ule .......................... ... 1-4 Figure 1- 3. EtherSp eed II 1 00BASE- FX 16-Port S witch Modu le .
xii 207344-B.
207344-B xiii Ta b l e s T able 2-1. Factory Default Se ttings for th e 10/100 BASE-T Swi tch Modul e ..... ....... 2-10 T able 2-2. Factory Default Se ttings for th e 100BAS E-FX Swit ch Module ........ ....... 2-10 T able B-1. Optical S pecificati ons for Mul timode Fibe r Optic Ca ble .
xiv 207344-B.
207344-B xv Preface This gui de provide s an overv iew of the Nortel Ne tworks ™ Centill ion ™ Ether Speed II ™ 10/100BASE-T 20- Port Switch Modul e and the Centillion Et herSpeedII 100BASE-FX 16 -Port Switch Module, an d informat ion about i nstall ing the switch modu les.
Using the Centilli on EtherSpe ed II Switc h Modules xvi 207344-B Relate d Publication s For infor mation about Ether SpeedII swi tch modules, refer to t he following r elated publica tions: • Using Spee dV i ew 4.2 for W indows (Par t number 893-891-E) Describe s this ap plication, wh ich is use d for conf iguring the module.
Prefac e 207344-B xvii How to Ge t Help If you pu rchased a service c ontract for your Nor tel Networks product fr om a distri butor or authorized r eseller , contac t the te chnical s upport st aff for that distri butor or reselle r for ass istance .
207344-B 1-1 Chapter 1 Overview of the EtherSpeed II Switch Modul es This chapt er in tr oduc es t he Cent illi on Eth erSp eedI I 10/1 00BA SE- T 20- Port Switch Modul e and the Centi llion Ether Spe.
Using the Centilli on EtherSpe ed II Switc h Modules 1-2 207344-B Figure 1- 1. EtherSpeed II Switch M odules in a Network Center Features of the Switch Mo dules The Centi llion EtherS peedII 10/ 100BA.
Overv iew of the E therSpeed II Swi tch Modules 207344-B 1-3 • 20 RJ-45 UTP n etwork int erface conne ctors (EtherSp eedII 10/ 100BASE-T switch modu le only) • 16 MT -RJ fi ber connec tors (Ether .
Using the Centilli on EtherSpe ed II Switc h Modules 1-4 207344-B MPOA is th e A TM For um standard that spec ifies a method to ef ficiently transpo rt inter subnet unica st data i n a LAN emulation (LANE) enviro nment.
Overv iew of the E therSpeed II Swi tch Modules 207344-B 1-5 The Ether SpeedII 100 BASE-FX switch mod ule ( Figure 1 -3 ) co ns ists o f a prin ted circui t board wit h a meta l module fa cepla te. The mod ule incl udes capti ve retain ing s cre w s and i nsert er/e x trac to r le ve rs o n the to p and b otto m of th e fron t panel.
Using the Centilli on EtherSpe ed II Switc h Modules 1-6 207344-B LED Displays on the Switch Modules LEDs on a swi tch module i ndicate port status . Figure 1-4 il lustra tes the f ront panel of an EtherSp eedII 10/100BASE- T switch module. Figure 1-4.
Overv iew of the E therSpeed II Swi tch Modules 207344-B 1-7 Switch Conf igu ration and Man agement Y ou manage and confi gure Ethe rSpeedII sw itch module s through acc ess to an instal led MCP modul.
Using the Centilli on EtherSpe ed II Switc h Modules 1-8 207344-B Optivity The Optivi ty Network Management Syst em ™ (NM S) prov ides e nterp rise- wide configu ration an d monitori ng support fo r the Cen tillion 50/ 100 chassi s switche s. SpeedV iew provides configura tion support when integr ated wit h Optivity NMS.
Overv iew of the E therSpeed II Swi tch Modules 207344-B 1-9 TF TP Support T rivia l File T ransfer Pr otocol ( TF TP) is a suppor ted T ransmissio n Control Protocol /Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) service you c an use to downlo ad software a nd configu ration i nformation to the M CP module memor y .
Using the Centilli on EtherSpe ed II Switc h Modules 1-10 207344-B Hot-Swapping Capability Y ou can insert EtherSp eedII switch modules int o or remove t hem from a chassis without i nterrupti ng service to other modules within t he Centillion 50/ 100 chassis.
207344-B 2-1 Chap ter 2 Planning a Network with EtherSpeed II Switch Modules Instal ling t he Ethe rSpeedII 10/100BASE- T or Eth erSpeed II 100BASE-FX switch modules i n a network c an signific antly impr ove LAN perfo rmance. This cha pter provide s informat ion to hel p you plan a network th at uses eit her or bot h of these module s.
Using the Centilli on EtherSpe ed II Switc h Modules 2-2 207344-B T o connect the por ts on the p atch panel to another Et hernet s witch or an Et hernet hub, foll ow these gu idelines: • Personal compute rs (PCs) a nd servers typical ly have netw ork inte rface car ds (NICs) t hat a re con figur ed as MDI co nnecti ons.
Planning a Network with EtherS peed II Switch M odules 207344-B 2-3 This sec tion desc ribes the followin g Ethernet switchin g applica tions: • Dedicate d ports f or serv ers ( pag e 2-4 ) • Repl.
Using the Centilli on EtherSpe ed II Switc h Modules 2-4 207344-B Giving a Server a Dedi cated Port Moving a se rver from a 10 Mb/s shared- media conne ction to a dedicated po rt on the Ether SpeedII 10/100 BASE-T switch mod ule or the EtherSpee dII 100BASE-FX sw itch modul e improves s erver respon se time and increase s throughp ut capaci ty .
Planning a Network with EtherS peed II Switch M odules 207344-B 2-5 Replacing a Bridge Using a swi tch inst ead of a brid ge in the n etwork can increase the aggre gate network b andwidth. The “ After ” exampl e in Figure 2- 3 shows one se rver connecte d to a dedi cated 10BASE- T port.
Using the Centilli on EtherSpe ed II Switc h Modules 2-6 207344-B Desktop Switch with A TM Uplinks In the e xample shown in Fi gure 2-4 , the EtherSpeedII 10/100BASE-T swi tch module pro vides 2 0 RJ-.
Planning a Network with EtherS peed II Switch M odules 207344-B 2-7 Segment Switch in an E nterprise Network T o achieve a gr adual trans ition fr om shared media t o switche d networks, y ou can use .
Using the Centilli on EtherSpe ed II Switc h Modules 2-8 207344-B Desktop Switch and Fram e-to-Cell Converte r For wiri ng closet s with higher densitie s and lower bandwidth r equirements, you can us.
Planning a Network with EtherS peed II Switch M odules 207344-B 2-9 MultiLink T runking MultiLin k T runking ( ML T) allows up t o four phys ical conn ections for the same media typ e and speed to be group ed and trea ted as a s ingle lo gical link. M L T improv es performanc e between t wo switches or b etween a swi tch and a s erver .
Using the Centilli on EtherSpe ed II Switc h Modules 2-10 207344-B Default P ort Conf ig uration The Ether SpeedII 10/ 100BASE-T swit ch module is shipped pr econfigu red with the fac tory defa ult sett ings li sted in Ta b l e 2 - 1 .
Planning a Network with EtherS peed II Switch M odules 207344-B 2-11 Predef ined Spe edView Config urati ons SpeedV iew offe rs several pre defined confi gurations.
207344-B 3-1 Chap ter 3 Install ing the EtherSpeed II Swi tch Mo dules This chapt er explai ns how to install and connect the EtherSp eedII 10/10 0BASE-T switch modul e or the EtherS peedII 100BASE-FX.
Using the Centilli on EtherSpe ed II Switc h Modules 3-2 207344-B Safety Always fol low stati c elect ricity and o ther safety guidelin es when handl ing EtherSpe edII swit ch modules.
Instal ling the E therSpee d II Switch Modules 207344-B 3-3 T o install and s ecure the module in t he chassis : 1. Rem o ve the fill er pa nel. Using the medium fl at-tip scr ewdriver , loosen t he two capt ive retain ing screws on t he fill er pane l unt il th ey pop fre e of the ch assis .
Using the Centilli on EtherSpe ed II Switc h Modules 3-4 207344-B 3. Align the left and r ight edges of the module in the guide s on each si de of the sl ot ( Figure 3-3 ). Figure 3-3. Slot Module Guides 4. Slide th e module into the chassi s until yo u feel it enga ge the backpl ane.
Instal ling the E therSpee d II Switch Modules 207344-B 3-5 5. T o seat the mo dule ont o the backplane, push the i nse rt er/ ext rac tor lev ers inward towar d the module ( Figu re 3- 5 ).
Using the Centilli on EtherSpe ed II Switc h Modules 3-6 207344-B Chec king LED s on th e Swit ch Modu les If an Et herSpeedII 10/100BASE-T s witch module is instal led corre ctly , upon power -up, all of the LEDs on the front p anel lig ht in a sequen tial pat tern.
Instal ling the E therSpee d II Switch Modules 207344-B 3-7 If an Et herSpeedII 10 0BASE-FX switch mod ule is in stalled correctly , upon power -up, all of the LEDs on the front p anel lig ht in a sequen tial pat tern. As you connect devices t o the swit ch module ’ s ports , watch the L EDs on the fr ont panel ( Figure 3- 7 ).
Using the Centilli on EtherSpe ed II Switc h Modules 3-8 207344-B Making 10/100 Mb/ s Cable Connec tions The 10/100 Mb/s ja cks on the EtherSpeedII 10/100BASE-T s witch module accept standar d UTP or STP cable c onnection s.
Instal ling the E therSpee d II Switch Modules 207344-B 3-9 2. W ait 45 sec onds. W aiting all ows t he s ys tem soft ware to pr oces s th e re qu ests to disa ble the po rts . 3. Usin g the m ed ium fl at-tip screwdr iver , loose n the tw o capt ive retai ning scr ews on the modul e until they pop fr ee of the c hassis.
Using the Centilli on EtherSpe ed II Switc h Modules 3-10 207344-B 5. Slide th e switch module out of the cha ssis ( Fi gure 3- 9 ). Hold the fro nt panel with one hand whil e you support the bot tom of the switch module wit h the othe r hand. Figure 3-9.
207344-B 4-1 Chapter 4 T roubleshootin g This chap ter provi des sugges tions fo r trouble shooting p roblems wit h the EtherSpe edII 10/10 0BASE-T switch module or the Et herSpeedI I 100BASE-FX switc.
Using the Centilli on EtherSpe ed II Switc h Modules 4-2 207344-B EtherS peed II Sw it ch Modu le St artup Fa ilu re Symptom: All LEDs ar e solidly l it (do not blink) o n the switch mod ule. T o resolve the pr oblem: 1. Ensur e that an MCP module is pr esent and op erational wit h the appr opriate ve rsion of s oftware.
Troubles hooting 207344-B 4-3 Port Con nection Pr oblems Symptom: The LED o n a switch p ort is of f. If an LED do es not li ght when tr affic is presen t, there may be a port connecti on problem. T o resolve the pr oblem: 1. V erify whether or not the port i s enabled, using SpeedV iew or the CLI.
Using the Centilli on EtherSpe ed II Switc h Modules 4-4 207344-B 3. V erify that the por t is tra nsmitting a nd rec eiving data frames. a. Check the gr een RJ-45 LED, whi ch indicates a data exchan ge. Refe r to Appendix C, “ LED Display s on the Et herSpeed II Switch Modules , ” for additi onal inform atio n .
207344-B A-1 Append ix A T echnical Specificati ons This appe ndix provi des techni cal spec ificat ions for t he EtherSp eedII switch modules. For connecto r pin assignme nts and oth er infor mation about ca bles, see Appendix B, “ Cables and Connect ors .
Using the Centilli on EtherSpe ed II Switc h Modules A-2 207344-B Memory Proc essin g Dynamic ally All ocated Buffe r Pool CAM (Con tent Addr essable Memory) 8 MB 16 MB 8,192 e ntries Electrical Sp ecifications Powe r Cons umpti on Thermal Rating 52 W (m ax) 194.
Technic al Spec ificati ons 207344-B A-3 *See the disclaimer on page ii of this manual. Mean T ime Between Failure (MTBF) 1 77,000 hours Cabling Spec ifications EtherSpeed II 10/100BASE-T sw itch modu.
207344-B B-1 Append ix B Cable s and Conn ectors This appe ndix provides general i nformation a bout 10BASE-T an d 100BASE-TX cabling and conn ections. UTP Cable Le ngth Limitati ons All 10BASE-T/ 100BASE-T port s on EtherS peedII swi tch modules support the maximum lengt hs for twi sted pair c able that ar e specif ied in th e IEEE 802.
Using the Centilli on EtherSpe ed II Switc h Modules B-2 207344-B UTP Cabling A 10BASE-T/ 100BASE-TX connecti on between t wo ports r equires two t wisted pairs . The trans mit d ata (T D) pa ir carr ies da ta out from the po rt tr an smit ter . The receive dat a (RD) pair carrie s data in to the por t receiver .
Cables an d Connectors 207344-B B-3 The switc h module recei ves data on pi ns 1 and 2 and transmit s its data on pins 3 and 6. The host modul e p ort s impl ement th is MDI st and ard cr oss over in ternall y and a re call ed MD I-X (t he X for cross over) , as sh o wn in Figure B-1 .
Using the Centilli on EtherSpe ed II Switc h Modules B-4 207344-B Figure B- 3 illustra tes an MT -RJ connec tor . Figure B-3. MT -RJ Connector Ta b l e B - 1 lis ts the opt ical spe cificatio ns for mu ltimode fi ber . Ta b l e B - 2 lists th e spec ifica tions for mu l timo de fib er .
Cables an d Connectors 207344-B B-5 UTP Cable s and Conn ectors Ta b l e B - 3 shows t he pin ass ignments f or 10BASE-T/100 BASE-TX ports i n the standar d MDI-X configura tion. Figure B- 4 shows a 10BASE-T/100BASE- TX Ethernet UTP crossov er cable used to connec t an Ethernet hub direc tly to the Et herSpeedI I switch module .
Using the Centilli on EtherSpe ed II Switc h Modules B-6 207344-B Pin 1 cro sses to pi n 3, and pin 2 crosses to pin 6. T o build th is cable, you must cross pa irs. The pa irs are listed in Ta b l e B - 4 , with an ex ample of the co lor combinati ons found i n two typi cal cable s.
Cables an d Connectors 207344-B B-7 Using Shielde d T wiste d Pair Cables T ype 1 shie lde d twis ted pair (STP ) ca bling also ope rates with 10B ASE -T Et hern et and 100BASE-TX Fa st Ether net.
207344-B C-1 Append ix C LED Displays on the EtherSpeed II Switch Modules This appe ndix descr ibes the LED displays fo r the Centi llion Ether SpeedII 10 / 100BASE-T 20-P ort switc h module and t he Centilli on EtherSpe edII 100BASE-FX 16-P ort switc h module.
Using the Centilli on EtherSpe ed II Switc h Modules C-2 207344-B Ta b l e C - 1 descr ibes the operatin g conditions that caus e the LEDs to light on t he switch modu le.
LED Displ ays on th e EtherSpee d II Switch M odules 207344-B C-3 The Ether SpeedII 100 BASE-FX switch module LED display ( Fi gure C-2 ) consist s of two LEDs f or each port .
Using the Centilli on EtherSpe ed II Switc h Modules C-4 207344-B Ta b l e C - 2 descr ibes the operatin g conditions that caus e the LEDs to light on t he switch modu le.
207344-B Index-1 Numbers 10/100 BASE-T 20-port switch mo du le cable connec tions, 3-8 cable len gth limitatio ns, B-1 factory def ault set ti n gs, 2-10 features, 1 -2 filter parameters, 2-10 install.
Index-2 207344-B technical spe cificati on s, A-3 Ty p e 1 , B - 7 UTP , B-2, B-6 cable length limita tio ns, B-1 Catego r y 3 UTP ca b le connectin g with, 3- 8 Catego r y 5 UTP ca b le connectin g with, 3- 8, B-6 CLI , 1-8, 4- 3 command lin e interface.
207344-B Inde x-3 M Manag e me nt Infor matio n Base. See MIB MCP funct ions, 1- 8 MCP (master control processor), 1-8 MDI connecti ons, 2-2 MDI- X pin as signme nts, B- 5 mean time b etween failure, .
Index-4 207344-B publica tions hard cop y , xvi related, xvi R removal, 3-8 RFC 1213, 1-8 RJ-4 5 co nnect ors, 3-8 RJ-45 crosso ver cable, B-6 S safety agency ap proval, A-2 segme nt switc h, 2-7 serv.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Nortel Networks 207344-B (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Nortel Networks 207344-B noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Nortel Networks 207344-B - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Nortel Networks 207344-B reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Nortel Networks 207344-B erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
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Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Nortel Networks 207344-B. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Nortel Networks 207344-B gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.