Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Installing Media Dependent Adapters des Produzenten Nortel
Zur Seite of 44
TM Part No. 302403-F Rev 00 March 2001 Insta lli ng Media Dependen t Adapter s (MD As ).
Copyr ight © 20 01 Nor t el Networ ks. All rights reserved. March 2001. T r adema rk s Nortel Networks, the Nort el Networks l ogo, the Globem ark, Unified Networks, BayStack, and Business P olicy Swit ch 200 0 are tr ademarks of Nortel Networks.
1 Intr od uction This guide sho ws ho w to install medi a dependent adapters ( M D As ) into suppo rted Nor tel Netw or ks * prod ucts. T able 1 li sts the a v ai lable MD A models .
2 T able 2 lists the s upported Nortel Netw orks p roduct s. T able 2. Su ppor te d Pr oducts/M inim um SW V ers ions Mode l BayStac k 350 1 / 450 1 Ba yStack 350 10 /10 0/1 000 Ser ies s witc hes onl y .
3 10B A SE -T / 1 00 B A SE -TX MD As Thi s section descri bes three 1 0B ASE-T/ 100B A SE-T X MD A models. The thr ee models can supp ort v arious product lines (see T able 2 on page 2 for a complete list o f suppo rt e d prod uct lines). For installatio n inst ructio n s, see “Ins tallin g an MD A” on page 35.
4 If you connect to an ot her Ethern et hub or E th ernet s w it ch, you n eed a cros sov er cable unles s an MDI conn ection e xists on the ass ociated port of the attached de vice. Figur e 1 sho ws the 4 00-4TX MD A and th e 8100 -4TX MD A. Figure 1.
5 The 10 B ASE-T/100B ASE-TX MD A ports can ope rate at either 10 Mb/s or 100 Mb/s. The port speed is determin ed thr ough au tone goti ation with its connect ing de vice. T able 3 describes the 4 00-4TX MD A and the 8100 -4TX MD A front -panel co mponents .
6 Figur e 2 sho ws the B PS2000- 4TX MD A. Figure 2. BPS2 000 -4TX MD A 3 F Dx Full-duple x por t s tatus LEDs (green): On: The corresponding por t is in full-duple x mode. Off: T he corresponding por t is in half-duple x mode. 4 Activity P or t activity LEDs (green): Blinking: Indicates the ne tw ork activ ity le vel f or the cor responding por t.
7 T able 4 des cribes t he BPS2000 -4TX MD A front-p anel compo nents. T able 4. BPS2 000 -4TX MD A Item Label Description 1 10/100 10BASE -T/100B AS E-TX por t status LEDs: On (green): The corr esponding por t is set to oper ate at 100 Mb/s. On (yello w): The c orresp onding por t is set to operate at 10 Mb/s.
8 100B ASE-FX MD As W arning: F iber op tic equip ment ca n emit laser or in frared light that can injure y our e yes. Ne ver look in t o an opti cal fiber or con nec tor po rt. Alw ays assu me that fiber optic cabl es are co nnected to a light source.
9 Thi s secti on des cri bes t h e si x 10 0B ASE-FX MD A m odels (t hr e e du a l - p or t a n d th r e e qu a d- p or t m o de ls ). The si x mod els can s upport v ariou s pro duct li nes (see T able 2 on page 2 fo r a compl ete li st of s uppor ted pr oduct lines).
10 Dual-P or t 100B ASE-FX Models The three dual-port m odels are: • 400- 2FX MD A Not su ppo rted on the Bu sine ss Policy Switch and P a s s por t 813 2. • 8100 -2FX MD A Sup ports B ayStack 3 50/45 0, BayS tack 410, and P a s s por t 813 2 Modul e s.
11 Figure 3. 400-2 FX and 8 100-2FX M D As T able 5 des cribes t he 400- 2FX MD A and t he 8100 -2FX MD A fron t-panel componen ts. BS45071A RX TX 100BASE-FX RX TX 100BASE-FX Activity Link F Dx 8100-2.
12 T able 5. 4 00-2 FX MD A / 8 100 -2FX M D A Des cr ipti on Item Label Description 1 Link Communications link LEDs (green): On: V alid communications link. Off: In v alid c ommunicat ions link or no connection to this por t . Blinking: The c orres ponding por t is manage ment disabled.
13 Figur e 4 sho ws t he BPS2000- 2FX MD A. Figure 4. BPS2 000 -2FX MD A T able 6 des cribes the B PS2000 -2FX MD A front -panel compo nents. T able 6. BPS2 000 -2FX MD A D escr iptio n Item Label Description 1 Link Link status LEDs (green): On (green): V alid 10 0 M b/s communications li nk .
14 Quad- P or t 100B ASE-FX Models The three quad-po rt models are: • 400- 4FX MD A Not su ppo rted on th e Bu sine ss Po licy Switch or P a s s por t 813 2. • 8100 -4FX MD A Sup ports B ayStack 3 50/45 0, BayS tack 410, and P a s s por t 813 2 Modul es .
15 Figur e 5 sho ws the 4 00-4FX MD A and the 8100 -4FX MD A. Figure 5. 400-4 FX and 8 100-4FX M D As T able 7 des cribes t he 400-4F X MD A and the 810 0-4FX MD A front-panel com ponents.
16 T able 7. 4 00-4 FX MD A / 8 100 -4FX M D A Des cr ipti on Item Label Description 1 Link Communications link LEDs (green): On: V alid communications link. Off: In v alid c ommunicat ions link or no connection to this por t . Blinking: The c orres ponding por t is manage ment disabled.
17 Figur e 6 sho ws t he BPS2000- 4FX MD A. Figure 6. BPS2 000 -4FX MD A T able 8 des cribes the B PS2000 -4FX MD A front -panel compo nents. T able 8. BPS2 000 -4FX MD A D escr iptio n Item Label Description 1 Link Link status LEDs (green): On (green): V alid 10 0 M b/s communications li nk .
18 2 Activity P or t activity LEDs (green): On: Indicates t he network activity le v el f o r the corresponding por t. A high le v el of network activity can cause LEDs to appear to be on contin uous ly . Off: No activ ity . 3 100BASE -FX por t connectors: The B PS20 00-4FX MD A uses M T -RJ connectors.
19 100 0B AS E-X MD As W arning: This is a Cla ss 1 Laser/LED product. I t cont ai ns a lase r light sourc e that can injure yo ur e ye s. N ev er lo ok in to an optic al f i ber or conn ect or p ort . Al w a ys a ssu me that t he f ibe r o pti c cab le or co nnector is c onne c ted to a laser lig ht sou rce.
20 Thi s section describes the four 1000B ASE-X MD A model s: T wo s hortw a v e gig ab i t model s: • 450- 1SR MD A • 450- 1SX MD A T wo l o ng wave g i ga b it m o de ls : • 450- 1LR MD A • 450- 1LX MD A The fo ur model s can sup port v ari ous pr oduct l i nes (see T able 2 on page 2 fo r a compl ete li st of s uppor ted pr oduct lines).
21 Shortwave Gigabit M odels The two 10 00 B ASE - SX (s hor twa ve g iga b it ) M D A mo d el s are: • 450- 1SR MD A -- singl e MA C MD A w ith a sep arate re dundant P hy ( backup Ph y port). Only o ne Ph y port can be acti ve at an y time. If the acti ve Ph y port fails , the redu ndant P hy po rt automatically becomes the acti v e port.
22 Fi gure 7. 4 50-1SR and 450-1SX MD A Fr ont P anels 1000BASE-SX TX RX Phy Link Activity 450-1SX MDA TX RX 1000BASE-SX RX 1000BASE-SX TX Activity Link Phy Select 450-1SR MDA 3 BS45044A 4 3 4 450-1SR.
23 T able 9 descri bes the 450- 1SR MD A and t he 450- 1SX MD A front- panel co mponents . T able 9. 4 50-1SR / 4 50-1SX MD A Descript ion Item Label Description 1 Link Communication link LEDs (green): On: V alid communications link. Off: The communi c ations link connection is bad or there is no connection to this por t .
24 Longwa ve Gigabit Mode ls The tw o 100 0B A SE- LX (lon gw a ve gig a bit ) MD A models are: • 450- 1LR MD A -- singl e MA C MD A wit h a separa te re dundant P hy ( backup Ph y port). Only o ne Ph y port can be acti ve at an y time. If the acti ve Ph y port fails , the redu ndant P hy po rt automatically becomes the acti v e port.
25 Figure 8. 450-1 LR and 45 0-1LX M D A Fr ont P anels T able 10 des crib es th e 450-1LR MD A and the 450- 1LX MD A front -panel comp onent s. 1000BASE-LX TX RX Phy Link Activity 450-1LX MDA BS45045.
26 T able 10. 4 50-1LR and 45 0-1LX MD A De script ion Item Label Description 1 Link Communication link LEDs (green): On: V alid communications link. Off: The communi c ations link connection is bad or there is no connection to this por t . Blinking: The c orresp onding por t is management disabled.
27 AT M M D A s W arning: This is a Cla ss 1 Laser/LED product. I t cont ai ns a lase r light sourc e that can injure yo ur e ye s. N ev er lo ok in to an optic al f i ber or conn ect or p ort . Al w a ys a ssu me that t he f ibe r o pti c cab le or co nnector is c onne c ted to a laser lig ht sou rce.
28 Thi s section describes the tw o A TM MD A model s (multimo de and sin gle-mo de f iber models) . The t wo mo dels can s upport v ari ous pro duct l ines ( see T able 2 on page 2 fo r a compl ete li st of s uppor ted pr oduct lines). F or ins tallati on instruct ions, see “ Installi ng an MD A ” on page 35.
29 Both por ts can be acti ve at the s ame time. In the e ven t of a port failure, traf f i c destin ed for the failed port can be set to automatically ro ute to the remaining o perational por t (see “ A TM Conf igurati on Menu ” in you r switch ’ s User Gu ide ).
30 T able 11 des c rib es th e 450-2M3 MD A and 450-2S 3 MD A front- panel components. T able 11. 4 50-2M3 and 45 0-2S3 MD A Des cription Item Label Description 1 Rx Receiv e St atus: On steady (green): V alid communications li nk ; no activity . On steady (y ello w ): No v alid communications li nk .
31 GB IC M D A W arning: This is a Cla ss 1 Laser/LED product. I t cont ai ns a lase r light sourc e that can injure yo ur e ye s. N ev er lo ok in to an optic al f i ber or conn ect or p ort . Al w a ys a ssu me that t he f ibe r o pti c cab le or co nnector is c onne c ted to a laser lig ht sou rce.
32 Thi s section descri bes the 4 50-1GBIC MD A: The 45 0-1GBIC MD A ( s ee Figure 10) pro vides a s ingle hos t port for supported Gigabit Interf ace Con v erters (GBIC s ).
33 Figure 10. 450-1 GBIC MD A Fr ont P anel GBIC Phy Link Activity 450-1GBIC MDA BS450102 A 3 4 450-1GBIC MDA 2 1 GBIC model with e xtractor tabs GBIC model with e xtractor handle SC connector.
34 T able 12 des crib es th e 450-1GB IC MD A fr ont-panel compo nents. T a ble 12. 450-1GBIC MD A Description Item Label Description 1 Link Communication link LEDs (green): On: V alid communications link. Off: The communi c ations link connection is bad or there is no connection to this por t .
35 Installi ng an MD A The U pli n k/ Exp a nsio n Modu le slo t o n s up por t ed sw it ches can accomm odate a sing le MD A. The con nection can b e eit her an RJ-45 10/100B ASE-TX MD A or a f iber (10 0B A SE-FX o r 1000B ASE-SX/ LX ) MD A with an SC or MT -RJ connector .
36 Fi gure 11. Instal ling an MD A 4. Pr es s the M D A fi rm ly into the Uplink /Ex pa ns ion Modu le slo t . Be s ure that the MD A is fully seated into the matin g connecto r . 5. Secur e the MD A by tightenin g the thum b screws on th e MD A f ront p an el.
37 6. Attach devices to the MD A ports. Refer t o yo ur switch ’ s User Gu ide f o r instru ctio ns on attaching de vices to the MD A ports. A fter connecting the por t cables, follo w the instru ctions to connect po wer and verify the i nstallatio n .
38 Inst alli ng GBICs This section describes ho w to install the g i gab i t interf ace con ve rte rs (GBIC s) to your 45 0-1GBIC MD A ’ s Host po r t. The follo win g optional GBIC v ers ions are a v ailab le to sup port your 45 0-1GBIC MD A: T a bl e 1 3.
39 The GBICs are a v ailable in d i f ferent cas e s tyles (Figu re 12). O ne typ e has t wo spri ng tabs at the f ront of the GBIC; the other ty pe has an e xtr actor h andle on th e front . GBIC s are s hipped wi th a protect i v e rubber plug in the connector s .
40 T o install a GB IC: 1. Remove the GBIC fr om its pr otect iv e packaging . 2. Insert the GBIC into t he Host port on the MD A (F i gur e 13). GBICs are ke yed to pre vent improper inser tio n. If the GBIC res ists pr essure, do not for ce it. Remo v e it, t urn it o v er , an d reinser t it.
41 Remo vi ng an Install ed G BIC T o remo ve an installed GBI C: 1. If th e GB IC ha s sp ring ta bs, press in o n th e ta bs on each side of the GBIC as y ou pul l the GBIC out o f the MD A ’ s Hos t port (Figur e 14). Fi gure 14. Remo ving a GBIC 2 .
42 1000B ASE-LX Multimode Applications F or 1000 B ASE-LX mu ltimo de application s, the longwa ve gig abit transcei v ers mus t be m ode cond itioned e xternally via a s pecial of fset SMF/MMF patch cord. The of f set SMF/MMF patch cord allo w s the same t ranscei ver to b e used for both multimode an d si ngle- m ode f iber .
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