Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Alteon Link Optimizer 150 des Produzenten Nortel
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Part No. N0008714 0 2 22 Novem ber 200 4 CallPilot 100/150 Desktop Messaging Installation and Maintenance Guide.
2 N0008714 0 .1 CallPilot 100/150 Desktop Messaging Installation an d Maintenance Guide Copy right © 2004 Nortel Netw ork s All right s reserved. 200 4.
3 CallPilot De sktop Me ssaging Installa tion and M aintenanc e Guide Contents Chapter 1 Requirements f or installing Desktop Messa ging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 About Cal lPilot Desktop Messaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Contents N0008714 0 2 Removing the CallPilot Me ssage Stor e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 Configur ing Gr oupWise for Desktop M essaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Configur ing Lo tus Notes .
Contents 5 CallPilot De sktop Me ssaging Installa tion and M aintenanc e Guide The subscr iber ha s message a ccess problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6 The subscr iber ha s problems sendin g messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 Contents N0008714 0 2.
7 CallPi lot Desk top Messagi ng Inst allation and Maintenan ce Guid e Chapter 1 Requirements for installing Desktop Messaging About CallPilot Desktop Messaging With Call Pilot Desk top Messaging f rom subscri bers can a ccess their Cal lPilot mai lbox f rom their personal computer.
8 Chapter 1 Requirem ents fo r installing Desktop M essaging N0008714 02 Softwa re requirem ents Integrated c lients Integr ated c lients r un with a corpo rate email server. You can us e Desktop Messaging with one or more of t hese clie nts: • Microsof t Outlo ok 2000, 2002 (XP) and 2003 • Lotus Note s 4.
Chapt er 1 Requ irements for i nstalling Des ktop Mes saging 9 CallPilot D esktop M essagin g Installatio n and Mai ntenance G uide Where to g et help USA and Canada Authorized Distributors - ITAS Technical Support Telephone: 1-800-4NORTEL ( 1-800-466- 7835) If you al ready hav e a PIN Code, you can ent er Expres s Routing Cod e (ERC) 19 6#.
10 Cha pter 1 Req uirements for install ing Desktop Mess aging N0008714 02.
11 CallPi lot Desk top Messagi ng Inst allation and Maintenan ce Guid e Chapter 2 Configuring y our system for Deskto p Messag ing Bef ore y ou install Desk top Messaging Before i nstalli ng and using.
12 Cha pter 2 Con figurin g your syste m for Desktop M essaging N0008714 02 Configuring IMAP/LD AP/SMTP ser ver s fo r Desktop Me ssa ging CallPil ot supp orts IM AP/LDAP protocol s, which let Desktop.
Chapter 2 Configur ing your s ystem for De sktop Me ssaging 13 CallPilot D esktop M essagin g Installatio n and Mai ntenance G uide Configuring en vironments without a DNS The D omain Name Syste m (DN S) is a n Intern et ser vice th at tra nslat es do main names i nto IP address es.
14 Cha pter 2 Con figurin g your syste m for Desktop M essaging N0008714 02.
15 CallPi lot Desk top Messagi ng Inst allation and Maintenan ce Guid e Chapter 3 Install ing an d conf iguring De sktop Messaging It tak es approxi m ate ly 10 min utes to i nstal l CallPil ot Desk top Messa ging. De pending on the subscri bers’ exp e rti se, you can a s k the m to instal l Desktop Me ssaging on their computer.
16 Cha pter 3 In stalling and configuri ng Desktop Mess aging N0008714 02 Uninstalling an ear lier vers ion of Desktop Messaging If the subscribe r has Desktop Messag ing 1.06 or ear lier on t heir comput er, uninstall it before you do th e instal lati on procedur e.
Chapter 3 Installing and confi guring De sktop Me ssaging 17 CallPilot D esktop M essagin g Installatio n and Mai ntenance G uide Installing Desktop Messagi ng You insta ll Deskto p M ess aging fro m the Call Pilot 100/150 Doc umentat ion and Cli ent Software CD.
18 Cha pter 3 In stalling and configuri ng Desktop Mess aging N0008714 02 Install ing only the Ca llPilo t Player If you want only the CallPilot Pl ayer funct i onali ty of Desk top Messaging. yo u can inst all only the CallPil ot Player component. W ith the CallP i lot Player , you can record greeting s, prompt s or names a s a .
Chapter 3 Installing and confi guring De sktop Me ssaging 19 CallPilot D esktop M essagin g Installatio n and Mai ntenance G uide Installi ng Desktop Messaging versi on 2.0 or 2.5 1 Load the Ca llPilo t 100/150 CD in the CD -ROM drive o f your computer.
20 Cha pter 3 In stalling and configuri ng Desktop Mess aging N0008714 02 8 Click th e Next button. The D estin ation Folde r scree n app ears. 9 Click t he Next but ton to accept th e default di rect.
Chapter 3 Installing and confi guring De sktop Me ssaging 21 CallPilot D esktop M essagin g Installatio n and Mai ntenance G uide 11 Select the check boxes for the e mail clients t hat you use. Intern et Mail clie nts inclu de Microsoft Outl ook Express, Micr osoft Outl ook in Internet mail mode, Netsc ape Messe nger, an d Qualcomm Eu dora Pro.
22 Cha pter 3 In stalling and configuri ng Desktop Mess aging N0008714 02 15 Click th e Next button. The C allPilo t Mail box N umber scree n appea rs. 16 Enter t he subsc riber’s mailbox numbe r. The mailbox numb er is usua lly the subscr iber’s extensi on number.
Chapter 3 Installing and confi guring De sktop Me ssaging 23 CallPilot D esktop M essagin g Installatio n and Mai ntenance G uide 19 Click th e Next button. The Ready t o Instal l! wind ow appears. We r ecommend y ou leave t he Update default mai l profil e box se lect ed.
24 Cha pter 3 In stalling and configuri ng Desktop Mess aging N0008714 02 20 Click th e Next button. The inst allation progr ess ba r appears and indicates t hat files are being c opied.
Chapter 3 Installing and confi guring De sktop Me ssaging 25 CallPilot D esktop M essagin g Installatio n and Mai ntenance G uide Installi ng Desktop Messaging versi on 1.07 1 Load the Ca llPilo t 100/150 CD in the CD -ROM drive o f your computer. 2 Double -click t he CD folder and double-cli c k the Optio nal Softwar e folde r .
26 Cha pter 3 In stalling and configuri ng Desktop Mess aging N0008714 02 7 Select the check boxes for the e mail clients t hat you use. Intern et Mail clie nts inclu de Microsoft Outl ook Express, Micr osoft Outl ook in Internet mail mode, Netsc ape Messe nger, an d Qualcomm Eu dora Pro.
Chapter 3 Installing and confi guring De sktop Me ssaging 27 CallPilot D esktop M essagin g Installatio n and Mai ntenance G uide 10 Click th e Next button.
28 Cha pter 3 In stalling and configuri ng Desktop Mess aging N0008714 02 14 Click th e Next button. The C allP ilot S erver Settin gs scre en ap pears . 15 In the Server Name or IP A ddres s b ox type the FQDN or IP a ddress of the Ca llPilot 100/150 syste m.
Chapter 3 Installing and confi guring De sktop Me ssaging 29 CallPilot D esktop M essagin g Installatio n and Mai ntenance G uide If you ar e instal ling Desktop Me ssagin g for Lotus Notes, you must ente r your Lot us Notes passwo rd before the installa tion process cont inues .
30 Cha pter 3 In stalling and configuri ng Desktop Mess aging N0008714 02 After you install Desktop Messaging After yo u install Deskt op Messagi ng: • Set the de fault em ail c lient.
Chapter 3 Installing and confi guring De sktop Me ssaging 31 CallPilot D esktop M essagin g Installatio n and Mai ntenance G uide Conf iguring Ou tlook 200 2 Outlook 20 02 handles mail ac counts differe ntly t han previ ous ver sions of Out look. This secti on descri bes how t o configur e the Desktop Messag ing optio ns for Outlook 2002 .
32 Cha pter 3 In stalling and configuri ng Desktop Mess aging N0008714 02 • Do not se lect th e Log on using Secure P assword Authent ication ( SPA) check box. • Serv er Inf orm ation — Ente r the Call Pilot fully qua lified domain na me (FQDN) fo r both the inc oming and outgoing se rvers.
Chapter 3 Installing and confi guring De sktop Me ssaging 33 CallPilot D esktop M essagin g Installatio n and Mai ntenance G uide Conf iguring N ovell Gr oupW ise This sectio n is an over view of how G roup Wise i s int egrat ed with Call Pilot .
34 Cha pter 3 In stalling and configuri ng Desktop Mess aging N0008714 02 5 In the Mailbox box, ent er the su bscriber’s mail box numbe r. 6 At Check for new messages (Auto m atica l ly/Man ually), if the subs criber use s ISDN or dialup, sel ect Manually .
Chapter 3 Installing and confi guring De sktop Me ssaging 35 CallPilot D esktop M essagin g Installatio n and Mai ntenance G uide Configuring Lotus Notes Updating the Mail database In Lo tus No tes, the Mail datab ase d esign dete rmine s which mes sages a ppea r in th e Note s mes sage list.
36 Cha pter 3 In stalling and configuri ng Desktop Mess aging N0008714 02 4 On the File men u, click Database , and then click Replace Desi gn . The Replac e Datab ase Design d ialog box a ppears. 5 Select Tem plate Serv er . The Templat e Server wi ndow appe ars.
Chapter 3 Installing and confi guring De sktop Me ssaging 37 CallPilot D esktop M essagin g Installatio n and Mai ntenance G uide Configuring Int ernet Mail clients CallPil ot Desk top Messa ging su p.
38 Cha pter 3 In stalling and configuri ng Desktop Mess aging N0008714 02 6 In the E-mail address box type the su bscr iber’s CallPi lot address in the form <SMTP/VPIM pref ix><mailbox numb er>@<local CallP ilot 100/ 150 sys tem>. For exampl e: 14165556003@voices erver.
Chapter 3 Installing and confi guring De sktop Me ssaging 39 CallPilot D esktop M essagin g Installatio n and Mai ntenance G uide Configuring an LDAP directory service for Outlook Express or Outlook 1 Start Out look. 2 On the Tools menu , click Accounts .
40 Cha pter 3 In stalling and configuri ng Desktop Mess aging N0008714 02 Configuring special settings for Outlook Express or Outl o ok in Intern et Mail mode 1 Select the settings f or the type of Out look the subscri ber us es. • If the subscr iber uses Outlook Express: a On the Tools menu , click Options .
Chapter 3 Installing and confi guring De sktop Me ssaging 41 CallPilot D esktop M essagin g Installatio n and Mai ntenance G uide Configuring Netscape Me ssenger 4.x If the subscr iber uses Netscape Messenger version 4.x as t heir Internet Mail cl ient, use these procedur es.
42 Cha pter 3 In stalling and configuri ng Desktop Mess aging N0008714 02 12 From When I delete a message , se lect Ma rk it as d elete d . 13 Select the Clean up (“Expung e”) Inbox on e xit check box. 14 Click th e OK button. You r eturn to the Ma il Serve rs scr een.
Chapter 3 Installing and confi guring De sktop Me ssaging 43 CallPilot D esktop M essagin g Installatio n and Mai ntenance G uide Configuring an LDAP dir ectory serv ice for Nets cape Messenger 1 Start Ne tscape Messenge r. 2 On the Communicator menu, select Address Book .
44 Cha pter 3 In stalling and configuri ng Desktop Mess aging N0008714 02 Configuring Netscape Me ssenger 6.2 If the subscr iber uses Netscape Messenger version 6.2 as t heir Internet Mail cl ient, use these procedur es. If the subsc riber uses Nets cape Mess enger ver sion 4, r efer to “Configuri ng Netscap e Messenger 4.
Chapter 3 Installing and confi guring De sktop Me ssaging 45 CallPilot D esktop M essagin g Installatio n and Mai ntenance G uide 12 Click th e Next butt on. The Account Name page appears. 13 T ype a name f or the CallPi lot mai lbox t o help th e subsc riber to ide ntify it in Net scape Ma il.
46 Cha pter 3 In stalling and configuri ng Desktop Mess aging N0008714 02 Conf igurin g Eudora Pro To change a ny part of this confi guration after it is complete, on t he Tool s menu click Options to display the configur atio n screen s. Configuring an IMAP account on Eudora Pro 1 Double click th e Eudora Pro icon.
Chapter 3 Installing and confi guring De sktop Me ssaging 47 CallPilot D esktop M essagin g Installatio n and Mai ntenance G uide 12 Click th e Next button with out enter ing a location p refix . The New Account Wizard - Outgoing E-Mail Server screen appears.
48 Cha pter 3 In stalling and configuri ng Desktop Mess aging N0008714 02 Configuring an LDAP directory service for Eudora Pro 1 Start Eu dora Pr o. 2 On the Tools menu click Di recto ry Se rvice s . 3 From the Pr otocol s box, sele ct LD AP . 4 Click th e New Database button.
49 CallPi lot Desk top Messagi ng Inst allation and Maintenan ce Guid e Chapter 4 Troubl eshooti ng This chap ter is about: • Troubles hootin g during i nstallation • Troubles hootin g log on pro .
50 Cha pter 4 Troub leshooting N0008714 02 Microsoft Outlook de fault mail client You see t he error messa ge when you install Des ktop Mes saging: “Either Outlook is not the de fault mail clien t or the re is n o def ault ma il clie nt to f ulfil l the cu rren t requ est.
Chapter 4 Trouble shooting 51 CallPilot D esktop M essagin g Installatio n and Mai ntenance G uide 4 From Update Call Pilot Ma il data bases , sele ct Add CallPi lot c omponents or R emove Call Pilot compo nents . 5 Click OK . 6 From the Se lect database(s) dialog b ox, select one or a group of mail fi les to upd ate.
52 Cha pter 4 Troub leshooting N0008714 02 Troubleshoo ting log o n problems Invalid cre dentials The subsc riber sees messa ges such as “Invalid crede ntials. P lease retry” or “The s erver coul d not be locat ed. Please Retry. ” 1 On the subs crib er’s comput er, che ck that Des ktop Messagi ng is configure d with the proper setti ngs.
Chapter 4 Trouble shooting 53 CallPilot D esktop M essagin g Installatio n and Mai ntenance G uide Troubleshoo ting Outlook 2002 problem s These ar e is sues with how Desktop Mes saging works wit h Outlook 2002. These issu es sho uld be resolve d with a future Ou tlook s ervice r eleas e patch fr om Microsoft.
54 Cha pter 4 Troub leshooting N0008714 02 Troubleshoo ting Lotus No tes log on problem s When Desktop M essa ging i s instal led, Des ktop Messagi ng appears under Folders and View s.
Chapter 4 Trouble shooting 55 CallPilot D esktop M essagin g Installatio n and Mai ntenance G uide 6 Make s ure that : • the Inhe rit f uture des ign changes c heck box is selec t ed • Hid e form ulas a nd Lo tusScr ipt is n ot sel ected 7 Select CallPil ot Ma il (R5.
56 Cha pter 4 Troub leshooting N0008714 02 Troubleshoo ting after loggin g on The CallPilot address book i s empty Lotus Note s subscribers mus t log on t o CallPilot bef ore th ey can downlo ad the address boo k. 1 Make sure t hat your Add ress Book —People (Cal lPilot) window i s the a ctive win dow.
Chapter 4 Trouble shooting 57 CallPilot D esktop M essagin g Installatio n and Mai ntenance G uide Messa ges remain in the subscriber’ s Outb o x On Microsof t Outlook, mess ages remain in the mai l client outbox ( not the Cal lPilot Mess age Store outbox).
58 Cha pter 4 Troub leshooting N0008714 02 • Ask th e subscri ber to check that their ma ilbox is not ful l. If the ir mailbox is f ull, they cannot send messa ges until some mess ages ar e delete d. • Ask th e subscri ber to check the format of the me ssage addr ess.
Chapter 4 Trouble shooting 59 CallPilot D esktop M essagin g Installatio n and Mai ntenance G uide "Unknown" appears in the Sender field In some mess ages, the subscr iber sees a name or pho ne number in the Sen der field. In other messages, the subscrib er sees “ Unknown.
60 Cha pter 4 Troub leshooting N0008714 02 Messa g es no longer on server The subsc riber receives the e rror messa ge: “This message c ould not be found o n the server. Messages mus t exi st on the s erver in order to be played via t he telep hone.
Chapter 4 Trouble shooting 61 CallPilot D esktop M essagin g Installatio n and Mai ntenance G uide A subscriber w ho forwar ds or replies to a v oice messa ge in Outlook Express recei ves non -deliver.
62 Cha pter 4 Troub leshooting N0008714 02 Accessing D esktop Messaging online Help Desktop Mess aging for Mic rosoft Outlook, No vell GroupW i se, an d Lotus Notes p r o vides standard Help. To access online Help From Micros oft Outloo k: • From your I nbox , on the Hel p menu, sele ct CallPi lot De sktop Me ssagi ng Help .
Chapter 4 Trouble shooting 63 CallPilot D esktop M essagin g Installatio n and Mai ntenance G uide Using Desktop Messaging Supp ort Tools Resetting the Cal lPilot message store for Microsoft Outlook This fea t ure i s avai lable on ly for subscrib ers who use Micr osoft Ou tlook.
64 Cha pter 4 Troub leshooting N0008714 02 Using CPTrace You can use CPTrace to collec t information a bout probl ems with one of the desktop clients that CallPil ot run s on. You save this information t o a log file th at you can analyze to determine the cause of the pr oblem.
Chapter 4 Trouble shooting 65 CallPilot D esktop M essagin g Installatio n and Mai ntenance G uide CP Trace settings The CPTrace settings are stored in the Windows regis try.
66 Cha pter 4 Troub leshooting N0008714 02.
CallPi lot Desk top Messagi ng Inst allation and Maintenan ce Guid e 67 Index A Accessing Help 62 C CallPilot Ad dress Book setting up in Outlook (Internet mail mode) 32 settin g up in Outlook Express.
68 Index N0008714 0 2 conf iguring 35 error message 50 M Message waiting ind icator 60 Micr osoft Outlook (Internet mail mode) 8 Outlook Express 8 Microsoft Outlook (Interne t mail mode) conf iguring .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Nortel Alteon Link Optimizer 150 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Nortel Alteon Link Optimizer 150 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Nortel Alteon Link Optimizer 150 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Nortel Alteon Link Optimizer 150 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Nortel Alteon Link Optimizer 150 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Nortel Alteon Link Optimizer 150 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Nortel Alteon Link Optimizer 150 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Nortel Alteon Link Optimizer 150. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Nortel Alteon Link Optimizer 150 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.