Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung SB-22 des Produzenten Nikon
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Nikon Autofocus Sp-ee(tligtlt INSTRUCTION MANUAL.
e===============CONTENTS================~ 2 FOREWORO ... . .. . ................. . ... . "" 3 NOMENCLATURE "" " .. . .. "" .. " ..... . .. .. .. . 4-6 BASIC OPERATION ... .............................. 7-12 In s talling Batterie s.
~==FOREWORDI====-. Thank you for purchasing the Nikon Auto - focus Speedlight S8 - 22 . We hope the S8-22 will make photography a much bigger part of your life . Get to know your S8 -22, but before using it , be sure to read both your camera instruction manual and this man- ual.
NOMENCLATURE Bounce angle indicators For bounce flash shooting, see page 41 . Battery cover indices Battery chamber cover Mounting loot 4 Flash head Autolocus assist illuminator LED See pages 13 to 15. Light sensor lor non·TTL auto flash operation External power source terminal Accepts power cord from N ikon DC Unit SD·7 .
Sync/multiple flash terminal For (1) off-camera opera ti on with a sync cord and (2) multiple flash photography in manual flash operation (page 46) . Wide-flash adapter Covers the picture · angle of lenses 28 mm or longer. Slides out an d covers the flash head (see page 36) .
Aperture index w i ndows Used in automatic operation . Aperture scale wi ndow Film speed scale window Film speed inde x Film speed setting knob Di stance scale window Bounce set ind i cator Blinks when flash head is tilted . Power switch See page 33 .
BASIC OPERATION--------------- Installing Batteries 1. Slide down the battery chamber cover and lift it out. 2 Load four 1.5 V AA·type • penlight alkaline· manganese or manganese batteries or 1.
4 Turn the mounting foot • lock nut clockwise as far as it goes . 5 Slide mounting foot • forward into the camera ' s accessory shoe as far as it goes.
Programmed TTL Auto Flash Shooting (with Nikon F-501/N2020 , F-401/N4004 or F-301/N2000) Step s 7 through 9 provide instructions for programmed TTL auto flash s hooting w i th the Nikon F -5 01 / N2020* , F-401lN4004** or F-301/N 20 00* camera.
With F· 301/N2000 8 Set camera to a programmed exposure mode (P DUAL, P • or P HI for F-501/N2020 ; P or P HI for F-301/N2000)_ With the Nikon F · 401/N4004 , set the camera to either program auto.
Flash Shooting 10. Set power switch to 5TBY (standby 11. Make sure bounce angle is set at 0 0 • position) to turn on 5B·22 . LED indicating se l ected flash mode immediately lights up . ~----------------~ '. If the flash h ead is tilted , '.
12. Lightly press shutter release button and view- finder ready-light comes on to indicate flash is ready to fire. .----------- ..... ( For b li nk i ng ready · '. light warnings , see • page 35 . I • I I I I _ I - I .... _________ fIIIIII" 12 13.
AUTOFOCUS FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY (with Nikon F-501/N2020 or F-401/N4004)- ~----------------, I I n programmed TTL au tof oc us fla sh photog· r aphy, use film wi th a film s pe ed sp eci fied in th e table below for greater d e pth of f ie ld : Lens ma x imum Film speed aperture Lens 1/2 .
2. Set aperture. With Nikon F·401/N4004, use camera 's aperture dial. Don ' t forget to lock lens at minimum position. For other flash operations , set as follows : For programmed TTL operation , set to smallest lens aperture (largest f· number) and lock the lens aperture .
3. Lightly press camera shutter release button . When ready-light comes on but ambient light is insuffi- cient for autofocus operation , AF illuminator fires to start autofocus operation . If ambient light is sufficient, the AF illuminator does not fire .
SETTING CAMERA SHUTTER SPEED--------- Se t came r a's s hutter s peed , refe rring to th e table be l ow . As sh own in t he table , automatic sy nc s peed se tt i ng is avai l ab le wi th mo s t N ikon came r as . Nikon camera s~~~~~Or!~~t . ifn Camera setting Running shutter Viewfinder sh utter spee d indication speed (se c.
DETERMINING APERTURE------------- TTL Mode (for TTL Automatic Flash Exposure Control) TTL mode is for exc l usive use wit h Nikon F -50 1/N2020 , F-401 / N4004, F-301/N2000 , FA , FE2 and FG cameras only .
2.Align film speed in use with the film speed index. Note : Line s between the numbers on the film sp ee d scale represent inter- medi ate setti ng s. (See illu stration) 32 :~~ :25 8P~ :50 125-........= 100 1 60-= 200 ;~~/~ 400 500~: 800 1 :;/;1: 1600 1 250 1 3.
.",------------ ... I I I I I I I The shooting distance scale changes when the wide-flash adapter is used . For example , selecting fl4 lets you take pictures of subjects 0 . 6m to 4.4m (approx. 2. 0ft. to 14 ft .) away . See page 36 . ..... _-----------"'" 4.
Usable apertures/shoot i ng distance range in TTL mode I SO film speed 1000" 800" 400 200 100 2.8+ ' /3 2.8 2 - - 4+ ' /3 4 2.8 2 - 5.6+'/3 5.6 4 2.8 2 8+ ' /3 8 5.6 4 2.8 c. 11+ ' /3 11 8 5 .6 4 0 ~ 16+ ' 13 16 11 8 5.
Exposure compensation in TTL mode With a dark subject (with low reflectivity) or one that is light in tone (having high reflectivity), over- or under- exposure may occur. To prevent this, compensate exposure by rotating camera's exposure compensation dial.
A1 or A2 Mode (for Non-TTL Automatic Flash Exposure Control) Use the S8-22 on Al or A2 mode for automatic oper- ation with Nikon Cameras other than Nikon F-5011 N2020 , F- 401/N4004* , F-301/N2000 , FA, FE2 and FG.
2. Select appropriate aperture The aperture index windows show usable apertures . With the film speed inde x at ISO 100 , for example, you can se lect either aperture f/4 or f/8 . If you s elect fl4 , you can take pictures of sub jec ts 0. 8m to 6 .2 m (approx .
il 3 . Set 58 · 22 ' s mode selector to A1 or A2 according to the selected aperture . 24 4. Set your chosen aperture. With Nikon F - 401/N4004 , use camera 's aperture dial. Next turn on flash unit and take shot in the same manner shown in " BASIC OPERATION , " steps 10 to 14 .
Shooting distance range in A 1 or A2 mode Regardless of the film speed and the correspondi ng flstop available at A1 or A2 , the auto shooting range is as shown in the following table. Auto shooting range Selector mode Normal With wide-flash adapter A1 O .
M Mode (for Manual Flash Exposure Control) In M mode , the S8-22 fires at its maximum light output regardless of the flash-to-subject distance. To determine aperture with the S8-22's aperture selection/shoot- ing di s tance range panel for manual fla sh operation, read the following .
3. Choose aperture . Determine. the shooting distance and follow the appropriate vertical line upward from the distance scale until it meets the right edge of one of the distance range indicators . Then follow the dis- tance range indicator horizontally and you can find the appropriate aperture .
4. Set your chosen aperture. With Nikon F- 401 / N4004 , use camera 's aper- ture dial . 28 Ne xt , turn on fla sh unit and take s hot in the same manner s hown in " BASIC OPERAT I ON ," s teps 10 to 14 .
MD Mode (for Manual Flash Exposure Control with Motor Drive Operation) At the motor drive (MO) setting, the S8 -22 is able to recycle fast enough to synchronize with a motor - driven camera firing con- tinuously up to 6 frames per second. It is possib le to take up to four full flash pictures in rapid succession in this way.
3. Choose aperture. Determine the shooting distance and follow the appropriate vertical line upward from the distance scale unti l it meets one of the aperture/distance index windows for MD mode on the distance range indicators. Then follow the distance range indicator hori· zontally and you can find the appropriate aperture .
4. Set your chosen aperture. With Nikon F·401/N4004 , use camera's aper · tur e dial. Ne xt, turn on fla sh unit and take shot in the same manner s hown in " BAS I C OPERATION ," ste ps 10 to 14.
The maximum number of flashes for con t inuous shoo t ing a re li st ed below. Maximum Frames Batteries number of per flashes' second AA-type alkaline-manganese 4 61ps batteries in side 88-22 AA-type alkaline - manganese 10 61ps batteries inside 88-22 plus C-type a l ka li ne-manganese batteries in s ide 40'" 4 .
SETTING POWER SWITCH------------ m 06 1 1.5 3 ft 2 3 4 5 7 10 POWER UNCE OFF .... ST,BY ,.oN FLA • I • GN(lSO lOa) 25(m)/82(ft) STBY (STANDBY) Position Use to conserve energy and shorten recycling time . With Nikon F· 501/N2020 , F·401/N4004 , F·301l N2000 , FA , FE2 and FG: U se the S8-22 's ST8Y position to turn on the S8 -2 2.
READY-LIGHT INDICATIONS , ---------- -- When the flash unit i s turned on , the S8 - 22 's ready - light lights up to indicate the flash is ready to fire .
Ready-Ught Warning Functions To prevent errors, the ready - light inside the camera's viewfinder blinks in the cases listed below. When blink- ing occurs , check the S8-22's flash mode se lector setting, the camera ' s shutter speed/mode selector set- ting or film speed setting and adjust as necessary.
USING WIDE-FLASH ADAPTER----------- The ang le of illumination of the S8 - 22 covers the picture angle of a 35 mm lens. When the wide-flash adapter stored in the flash head is set , it increases the angle of cover - age, allowing the S8-22 to be used with a 28mm lens.
SYNCHRO-SUNLIGHT FILL-IN FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY----- For backlit subjects , to fill in s hadow s and balance lighting , use the 88-22 even in daytime . ~----------------, r In the following , use a s lower s hutter s peed to '. avoid a dar k background .
In TTL Mode 1. Set the camera shutter speed manually to a flash synchronization speed or slower speed . 2. Frame the background in the camera viewfinder, turn on the camera ' s exposure meter to determine aperture for a correct background exposure, then set the aper ture on the lens .
In M Mode 1. Manually set the camera shutter speed to a flash sync hronization speed or slower speed. 2 . Frame the background in the camera's viewfinder , then turn on the camera's exposure meter to read proper aperture for correct background exposure , and set the aperture on the lens.
DIFFUSING THE LlGHT-------------- 40 Di ffu se d light eliminates h arsh sha dow s an d c r eates a ttra ctive portr ai t s, There a re two ways to diffuse light: 1, Boun ce light off a broad re fl ec tive sur f ace suc h as the cei l ing ; 2, U se a diffu se r between the fla sh a nd the s ubj ec t.
Bounce Flash Photography Procedure 1. Select a ceiling to bounce the flash from. In color photography , se l ect a whi t e or si l ver cei l ing-other· wise , co l or photographs come out with an unnatural colo r cast simi lar to that of the reflecting surface.
Using A Diffuser Place a translucent material, such as one or more sheets of tracing paper , between the flash and subject to diffuse light. It is recommended that you experiment with different flash-to-d i ffuser distances and/or more than one diffuser .
MULTIPLE FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY----------- TTL Multiple Flash Photography Use the Nikon 8peedlight 88-22 , 88-20, 88-18 , 8B-16B or 88-15 connected to an F -5 01 / N20 20, F-401/N4004 , F -30 1lN 2000, FA,.
System chart for TTL multiple flash operation S8 - 21A 44 m Nlkon F· 50 1 1N2020 "------- -1 MQJ~ Nlkon F-401fN4004 Ni kon FE2 Nlkon FG Nikon F·30 1 1N2000 "------- -1 @ indicates the "master" flash unit. :~"''' I rra 5B- 14 0 .
f-------~ ~ ~ r e. ' 7 58 · 11 58 · 141 58·140 L1 AS·l1 ""~,.,. ctd se· ,~ ~~0iD ----,-------~ AS · l 0 ~--------------~ I -------------- ~~~~ " ~~~ I I I ~~Q I AS·'O i ~ '6A '.
Manual Multiple Flash Photography Conne c t th e S8 -22 a nd other fla sh unit s with the opt i on a l N i kon Sy nc C ord SC-11 or SC -1 5 v ia the S8 -22 's mult i pl e fl as h te rm i nal. For c orre c t ex po s ure in manual mult i ple fla sh opera - t i o n, be s ure all fla sh unit s a re set at manual fla sh mode .
CLOSE-UP FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY IN TTL MODE------ When used with the Nikon F-S01/N2020, F-401/N4004, F-301/N2000, FA, FE2 or FG cameras, th e optional TTL Remote Cord SC - 17 lets you perform flash shooti ng with a subject closer than 0.6m. 1_ Use the SC-17 to connect the S8-22 and camera.
TIPS ON SPEEDLIGHT CARE------------ • To remove smudges , wipe with a dry soft or silicon-treated cloth . Never use thinner, benzine or alcohol-they might damage plastic parts. 48 • Never disassemble or repair the flash unit ; if the S8-22 malfunc- tions , take it immediately to an authorized Nikon dealer or ser - vice center .
• Keep the S8-22 away from salt water and out of the rain . • When not using the S8-22 , re - move batteries to avoid damage due to battery leakage. If leakage occurs, take the S8-22 to your nearest Nikon authorized service facility . • When the S8 - 22 is not used , per- form the following once a month : 1.
ABOUT BATTERIES-------------- New batteries Purchase the new (freshest) batteries possible . Temperature Battery life ratings are based on operation at 20°C (68°F) . At other temperatures, battery life is shortened. For low temperature operation , keep spare batteries and if possible, use NiCd batteries .
ACCESSORIES---------------- Sync Cords SC - 11 and SC-15 For off-camera or manual multiple lighting setups or to connect the S8-22 to a camera without a hot shoe use sync cord SC-11 (25 cm l ong) or coi l ed sy nc cord SC- 1 5 (one meter long).
TTL Multi·Flash Sync Cords SC-18 and SC-19 Use the SC-18 or SC-19 to connect flash units in TTL multiple f l ash operation. The SC-18 is app r ox. 1.5m long ; the SC-19 is approx. 3m . Flash Unit Couplers AS-4 and AS-7 To mount the S8-22 on a Nikon F3-series camera wi th th e OE - 2 or OE -3 finder , use the AS-4 or AS-7.
SPECIFICATIONS--------------- All performance data are for normal· temperature operation [20°C (68°F)) Electronic construction Guide number Angle of coverage Au tom at ic si l icon·con tro ll ed r.
Flash exposure control TTL mode Usable film speed range in TTL mode Usable aperture range in TTL mode Automatic mode Five flash mode s are provided : TTL, A1, A2 , M and MD Used only with Nikon F - 50.
No reproduction in any form of this manual, in whole or in part (except for brief quotation in crit i ca l articles or reviews), may be mad e without written authorization from NIKON CORPORAT I ON .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Nikon SB-22 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Nikon SB-22 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Nikon SB-22 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Nikon SB-22 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Nikon SB-22 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Nikon SB-22 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Nikon SB-22 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Nikon SB-22. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Nikon SB-22 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.