Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 900GV des Produzenten Network Technologies
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DIGI TAL VNsw itch 900 GV In stal l ation an d Conf igur ati on Part Number: E K–DV NG V–IN. A01 Septem ber 19 98 This ma nua l describe s how to insta ll and conf igur e the DIGITAL VNswit ch 900GV m odule . Revision Information: This is a n ew doc ument.
Cabl etr on Sy st ems re serve s t he right to mak e cha nge s in sp ec if ic at ions an d oth er inf orma tion co nta in ed i n thi s d ocum e nt wi th out pri or not ic e. The re ade r sh ould in all cas es cons ul t Cab le tr on Sys te ms to deter mine whet her any such c han ges h ave be en mad e.
iii Contents Pr efac e Ov erv ie w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .v ii Pu rpo se of t he M an ual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iv 2 Ins ta lling th e D IGIT AL V Nsw itc h 900 GV Ov erv ie w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 1 Int ro duc ti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
v [5 ] S et O u t- of- Ban d In t erf ac e IP A d dr ess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4- 15 [6 ] S et D e fau l t G at ew a y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
vii Pref ac e Over view Purpo se of t he Man ual This ma nua l describe s how to insta ll and set up th e DIGITAL VNswit ch 900GV modul e. It als o pr ovid e s probl em solvi ng, connect or and adap ter , and pin ass ig nm ent informat ion.
Organizati on vi ii Organizatio n This manua l is organized as fol lows: Section Descr iption Chapt er 1 Prov ide s an overvi ew of the DIGIT A L VN swi tch 900GV modul e an d des cri bes its feat ure s. Chapter 2 Prov ide s i ns truc tions for i nstalli ng the DIGIT AL VNswitch 900GV modul e in a DIGIT AL Multi Switch 900 cha s si s.
ix Associated Document s As so ci at e d D o c u m e n t s The fol lowi ng documents provide rela ted infor matio n. For info rm ati on on how to or der additi onal do c umenta tion, see the ord eri ng inform at ion prov ided in th is prefa ce .
Conventions x Convention s This book us es the foll owing conventi ons. Convention Description NOTE Conta ins info rma ti on of special intere st . Special Type Indica tes system out pu t in e xam ples . Boldface In dicat es use r inpu t in examples .
xi Acces sing Onli ne Information Acc essing Onli ne I nform ation Do cumen tation Comments If you have c omments or suggest ions about this document , sen d them to T ec h Writ ing @ cab l e tron. co m Onlin e Services To loc ate product -specific in formation, refer to one of the following World Wide Web sites: Americas: http://www.
xi i i Sa fe t y Over view The caut ions tha t must be obse rved for the hardware descri bed in thi s manual ar e listed belo w in En glish , G erman, F re nch, and S pan ish. Any wa rning or caution that appea r s in this manual is define d as follo w s: W ARNING Conta ins info rmation to pre vent person al injury .
xi v CAUTION Th is acti on del etes all confi gured setting s and repl aces them with fa c tory def ault val ues . All configu ration se ttings wi ll be lost. ACHTUNG Bei d i esem Vo rgan g wer d e n all e Konf igurati onseins tell ungen gelöscht und d ie Wer ksein stel lun gen wie der ein ges et zt.
P r odu c t Intr o duc ti on 1 -1 Chapter 1 Product Introduction Over view This cha pt e r describ es the feature s of the DI GITAL VNswit ch 900 GV module.
What is the DIGITAL VNswitc h 900GV ? 1-2 Produc t Introduc t ion What i s th e DIGI TAL VNswi tch 900G V? The DIGITAL VNswitc h 900GV ( al s o ref e rred to in this manua l as the modu le) i s a sin .
Product Int roduct ion 1- 3 Feat ures Feature s This s ectio n des cr ibes the featur es of the DIGITA L VNswitc h 900GV module. F or furthe r infor mation, refer to the DIGIT AL VNswitch 900 Seri es T echnic al Overvi ew .
Features 1-4 Produc t Introduc t ion Bridging The followi ng brid ging feat ures an d o ptions a re a vaila ble: • High-s peed loc al t raffic filt ering and for wa rding • Compl iant with s panni ng tree loo p det ectio n protoc ol, IEEE 802 .
Product Int roduct ion 1- 5 Feat ures MIB S The followi ng MIBs are suppo rted: — MIB II (RFC 1213) — In ter fa ces MIB (RFC 1573) — Br idge MI B ( RFC 1493) — DIGITAL VLAN V1 MIB — DIGITAL .
Features 1-6 Produc t Introduc t ion VLAN Sec ure Domains The VLAN Secure Domains ( VSD) suppo rt has the foll owing features : • Abili ty to group ports into VSDs • Abili ty to join VS Ds in di f.
Install ing the DIGITAL VNswi tch 900GV 2-1 Chapter 2 Installing t he DIGITAL V Nswit ch 900G V Over view In trod ucti on This chapt er desc ribes the front and back panel com pone nts of the DIGI TAL VNswit ch 900GV module and pro vides the ta s ks for insta lling the modu le into a DIGITAL Mul tiSwitch 90 0 cha ssis.
Module Componen ts 2-2 Inst al ling the DIGI TAL VNswitch 900G V Module Com ponents The followi ng sec t ions describe the fro nt and b ack pane l co m ponent s for the DIGITAL VNswit ch 900GV module. For more informat ion about the module’s LEDs, refer to Append ix A.
Ins tallin g the DIGITAL VNswitc h 900GV 2-3 Module Component s 1 The V N bu s Stat us and T raffic L EDs di splay d iffer en t indicat ions d uring a l oa d st ate.
Module Componen ts 2-4 Inst al ling the DIGI TAL VNswitch 900G V Back Pane l Components Figur e 2-2 s hows the front p anel component s a nd Ta b l e 2 - 2 descri bes them. Figur e 2-2: Back P anel Compone nts Ta b l e 2 - 2 : Back Panel Components Item Nam e Descri ption 1 Locki ng tab Locks the module int o a Mult iSwitch 900 backpl ane.
Ins tallin g the DIGITAL VNswitc h 900GV 2-5 How to Inst all the M odule How to I nstall the Module The h ot-swa p featur e allows yo u to i nstal l the m odule i nto t he DIGITAL Mult iSwit ch 900 withou t turning off power. Sea ting the modu le init iates the power- up.
How to Ins tall the Module 2-6 Inst al ling the DIGI TAL VNswitch 900G V Task 2 : Seat th e Modu le To seat the m odul e into a DIGITAL Multi Switch 900 ( F igure 2-4 ) , c omp lete th e follow ing st eps: Figur e 2-4: Seating the Module St ep Action 1 Place th e module ’ s mounti ng tab (1) into a mount ing slot on the DIGIT AL MultiSwitch 900.
Ins tallin g the DIGITAL VNswitc h 900GV 2-7 How to Inst all the M odule Task 3 : Verify Initi al LED Opera tion To veri fy ini t ial L ED ope rat ion, che ck th e followin g stages : If … Th en… This is a new inst alla tion Turn on the power to the DIGIT AL Multi Switch 900.
How to Ins tall the Module 2-8 Inst al ling the DIGI TAL VNswitch 900G V Task 4 : Conne ct the L DM Por t Cable To perf orm a remo te dump, the LDM cable must be con nected to the LDM port. The LDM port us es st raight -through, 10BaseT, 8-pi n MJ connectors .
Ins tallin g the DIGITAL VNswitc h 900GV 2-9 How to Inst all the M odule Task 5 : Conne ct the G BIC Con nector The DIGITAL VNswitc h 900GV uses a Giga bit Interfac e Converter (GBIC) conne ctor.
How to Ins tall the Module 2-10 Ins tal lin g the DIGITAL VNswi tch 900GV Task 6 : Conne ct the Du plex SC Cable s The DIGITAL VNswitc h 900GV uses both Sing le-Mode Fibe r (SMF) and Mult i- Mode Fibe r (MMF) port conn ectors. WARNING Some fiber optic equip ment can em it l aser or infrared light that can injure y our eyes.
Instal l ing the Set up Port Ca bl e 3-1 Chapter 3 Installing the Setup Port Cable Over view In trod ucti on The s etup por t on the DIGITAL Mult iSwit ch 900 cha ssi s allo ws you to acce ss and se t DIGITAL VNswitc h 900GV par ameters.
Setup Port Signa ling Stan dards 3-2 Instal ling t he Setup Po r t Cab le Setup Po rt Sign aling S tandar ds Sig nal s from the Mult iSwitch 900 Cha ssis Manag er s et up port conform to the EIA- 232D s ignal ing s ta ndard at 96 00 b aud . To the user, the port a ppea rs a s a da ta term in a l equi pment (DTE) devic e.
Instal l ing the Set up Port Ca bl e 3-3 Connec ting to the Setup Port Connecting to the Se tup Por t To conn ect to the setup port on the modul e, comple te the follo w ing ste ps: The fol lowing le .
Connecting to the Setup Port 3-4 Instal ling t he Setup Po r t Cab le Figur e 3-1: Setu p Po rt Cabl ing Comp one nts After all cabl es are conne cted, g o to Chapter 4 .
Configuri ng the Module in a DIGITAL Mul tiSwitch 900 4-1 Chapter 4 Configuring the Module in a DIGITAL MultiSwitch 90 0 Over view In trod ucti on This chapt e r desc ribes h ow to c onfigure your DIGIT AL VNswi tch 90 0GV module when it is ins tal led in a DIGITAL Multi Switch 900 chas sis.
Assigning an IP Address 4-2 Configur i ng the Modul e in a DIGITAL MultiSwit ch 900 Assigning a n IP Add ress After i nstall ing the modu le in a D IGITAL Mult iSwitch 9 00 c has sis an d connecti ng the cabl es, you nee d to ass ign an IP address.
Confi gur ing the Modul e in a DIGITAL MultiSwi tch 900 4-3 DIGITAL MultiSwitc h 900 I NSTALLAT ION M ENU DIGITAL MultiSwitch 900 INSTALLAT ION MENU The fol lowi ng example shows the DIGITAL MultiSwitch 900 INSTALLATION MENU . To acce ss the module ’s setup scre en, you must choos e option [9] Start Redirect Mode .
[9 ] Start Redirect Mode 4-4 Configur i ng the Modul e in a DIGITAL MultiSwit ch 900 [9] S tart Redirect Mode The Start Redirect Mode opt ion redire ct s the DIGITAL Mult iS wit c h 900 Chas sis Manager setup port t o the s etup port o f any ne twork module (su ch as the DIGIT AL VNs witc h 900GV) that is inst alled into th e MultiSwit ch 900.
Confi gur ing the Modul e in a DIGITAL MultiSwi tch 900 4-5 Using Menus to Configure the Module Using Me nus to C onfigure the Mod ule The fol lowi ng screen s hows the opt ions avai lable fr om th e VNswitch 900GV INSTALLATION MENU when the modul e is operat ing in a Multi Swi tc h 900 confi gura tion.
[1] R es ta rt w ith F act or y D e fa u lts 4-6 Configur i ng the Modul e in a DIGITAL MultiSwit ch 900 [1] Re start with Factory Defaults This opt ion reboots th e module , causing its configure d Nonvolat ile Rand om Access Memor y (NVRAM) pa r am et ers to b e initia lize d t o factory default va lu es fol lowed by a module re set.
Confi gur ing the Modul e in a DIGITAL MultiSwi tch 900 4-7 [2] Restart with Current Settings [2] Re start with Current S ettings This opt ion resets the modu le but leave s th e m odule ’s confi gure d nonvolat ile confi guratio n storage par ameters at thei r curre nt values .
[3] Sh o w Cu rre n t S ett i ng s 4-8 Configur i ng the Modul e in a DIGITAL MultiSwit ch 900 [3] S how Current S ettings This option s hows t he module ’ s cur rent s e ttings. If the mod ule i s being configured for t h e f ir st tim e, s ome fiel ds wi ll be b lan k.
Confi gur ing the Modul e in a DIGITAL MultiSwi tch 900 4-9 [4] Co nfigure IP [4] Configure I P This opt ion provides you with IP confi gurati on select ions. NO T E For any of t he IP Configura tion me nu op tions to ta ke effect , t he modu le needs to be reset .
[4] Configure IP 4-10 Configur ing the Modul e i n a DI GITAL Mul tiSwitc h 900 [3] Delete SNMP T rap Addresses 4-13 [4] Se t In-Band I n terface IP Address 4-14 [5] Se t Out-of-Band I nterface I P Ad.
Confi gur i ng the Modul e in a DIGI TAL M ult i Switch 900 4-11 [4] Co nfigure IP [1] Se t S N MP Re ad / Wri t e C om mu ni t y This opt ion prompts you to ente r the module’ s read/wri te community na me. The com m un it y na me ca n be u sed fo r rea d/ wr ite ac ce ss c ont rol .
[4] Configure IP 4-12 Configur ing the Modul e i n a DI GITAL Mul tiSwitc h 900 [2 ] Add S NMP Tr ap A ddres ses This option prom pts you to ente r IP a ddres ses to wh ic h t he DIGITAL VNSwitch 900GV m odule sends SNMP tra ps . You c an enter up to e ight t rap ad dresse s.
Confi gur i ng the Modul e in a DIGI TAL M ult i Switch 900 4-13 [4] Co nfigure IP [3] D elete S NMP T r ap A ddresses This opt ion prompts you to sele ct SNMP trap addre sses for dele tion from the communi ty t ra p address ta ble. If one or more SNMP trap addre sses were previou s ly confi gured, th e screen di sp lay s those tra p address es.
[4] Configure IP 4-14 Configur ing the Modul e i n a DI GITAL Mul tiSwitc h 900 [4] S et In- B and Interf ace IP Ad dress This opt ion prompts you to chan ge or en ter the module ’ s in- band IP address, subne t mask, and de faul t gate w ay for the in-ba nd interf ace.
Confi gur i ng the Modul e in a DIGI TAL M ult i Switch 900 4-15 [4] Co nfigure IP [5] S et Out-of -Band Inter face IP Address This o pti on pro mpts you t o c hange o r en ter the IP addre ss and su bnet m ask for th e ou t- of -ban d interfa ce.
[4] Configure IP 4-16 Configur ing the Modul e i n a DI GITAL Mul tiSwitc h 900 [6] S et D efault Ga teway This option se ts the defau lt ga teway, if ne c es sa r y. This is the address the modul e uses when c ommunicati ng with a remote host. Th e default g ateway addr es s must be i n th e sa m e subn et a s you r in-band a ddress .
Confi gur i ng the Modul e in a DIGI TAL M ult i Switch 900 4-17 [5] Go to Local Console [5] G o to Local Console To perfo rm a ddit i onal c onfigurat ions on th e m odule , selec t [5] Go To Local Console fr om the VNswitch 900GV INSTALLATION MENU .
[6] Prod uct-Specific O ptions (VNswitc h 900GV ) 4-18 Configur ing the Modul e i n a DI GITAL Mul tiSwitc h 900 [6] P roduc t-Specific Options (VNswitch 900GV) To vie w or cl ear the modu le ’s err.
Confi gur i ng the Modul e in a DIGI TAL M ult i Switch 900 4-19 [10] Prod uct-Specific O pt ions (MultiSw itch 9 00) [10] Pr oduct-Specifi c Opti ons (MultiSwitch 900 ) This opt ion provides pro duct-s pec if ic s el ecti ons when you ar e us ing a Mul tiSwi tc h 900.
Rem ovin g the Cables, Connect or and Mod ule 5-1 Chapter 5 Removing the Cables, Connec tor and Mod ule Over view In trod ucti on This chapte r descri be s ho w to r emove the DIGIT AL VNswit ch 900GV modul e, cabl es and con nectors from a DIGITAL Multi Switc h 900 cha ssis.
Removing the Cab les 5-2 Removing t he Cables, C onnector a nd Module Removin g the Cab les Before the modul e is unse a ted, the LDM cable s must be remov ed from the module .
Remov ing t he Cabl es, Connector and M odul e 5-3 Removing th e GBIC Card Removin g the GBIC Car d The GBIC is hot-s wappabl e and can be removed whi le the DIGITAL VN swi tch 900GV ha s po wer.
Unseating the Modul e 5-4 Removing t he Cables, C onnector a nd Module Unseating the Module To unsea t the module fro m the DIGITAL Multi Swi tc h 900 chassi s ( Figu re 5- 3 ), com p l e t e th e fo .
Problem Sol vin g A-1 Appendix A Proble m Solving Over view In trod ucti on This append ix desc ribes how to di agn ose and sol ve proble ms wit h the module using a light -emi tti ng diodes (LED) displa ys.
Normal Power-Up A-2 Problem So lving Norm a l Pow e r-U p When the modul e’s power is in itial ly turned on , the f oll owing events occu r: Refer t o Ta b l e A - 1 for a li st of LED s tates t ha t are po s sible for e ach of the module. Event Descrip tion 1 The modul e's Power LED light s as soon as power is ap plied to the uni t.
P robl em Sol ving A-3 LED Descriptions LED Descri ptions The modul e's LEDs provi de dynamic indic atio ns of the module ’s stat us. The LEDs can be in var ious states (on, off, or flashin g), and can change co lor (green or yell ow) depe nding on the ope rat ional sta tu s of the module or the le vel of activi ty on the networ k.
LED De scri pti ons A-4 Problem So lving LED Name Of f O n (Green ) On ( Y ell ow) Flas hing LDM A ct ivi ty LED N/A Indi c ate s high traffic. N/A Tra nsmitt ing or receivin g pa ck ets . Port Status LEDs No valid li nk being re ceived on the port. No cable is at tache d.
P robl em Sol ving A-5 Proble m Solving Using LEDs Problem S olving Usi ng L EDs When di agnos ing a probl e m wit h t he mo dule, not e that the problem i s ofte n indicate d by t he co mbined sta tes of the mod ule LE Ds.
Problem Solving Using LED s A-6 Problem So lving Symp tom Pr ob abl e C aus e Correcti ve Action VNbus St atus LE D i s off. No conn ectio n. Check th at the module is proper l y at ta ched to on e of t h e b a ckplan e VNbus ch anne ls and t ha t the VNbus i s c o nn e ct ed by m a na g e m e n t software.
Connector Pi n Assi gnments and Adapt ers B-1 Appendix B Connector Pin A ssignments and Adapters Over view This a ppe ndix s hows det aile d illu strat ion s of th e conne ctors and th eir pin ass ignme nts (if appl icable), and adapter s used on the DIGITAL VN swi tc h 900GV modul e.
Connectors an d Pin As signments B-2 Connect or Pin Assi gnment s and Adapters Conn ecto r s and Pin Assig nmen ts 10 BaseT Po rt (8 -pin MJ ) Straigh t-thr ough Conne ctor The DIGITAL VNswitc h 900GV uses a strai ght-thro ugh c onnector for its LDM 10Bas eT front panel port.
Connect or Pin Assi gnm ent s and Adapter s B-3 Adapters Adapters H85 71-J A dapter Fig ure B -2 shows the H8571 -J adapt er (6-pin MMJ conne ct or to 9-pin D-su b conne ctor) and i ts pin assig nments.
Adapters B-4 Connect or Pin Assi gnment s and Adapters H8575-A Adap ter Fig ure B -3 shows the H8575-A adapter (6-pin MMJ connect or to 25-p in D-sub conne ctor) and i ts pin assig nments.
Product Spec if i cation s C-1 Appendix C Product Specifications Over view This app endix li sts the prod uct and acous ti c al s pec ifi c ati ons for the DIGITAL VNswit ch 900GV module. It also provi des a list of conn ectors on the DIGI TAL VNswit ch 900GV module, the Mult iSwit ch 900 chassi s.
Product Specif ications C-2 Product Speci fic ati ons Product Spe cifications Ta b l e C - 1 list s the product spe ci ficat ions for the modu le . Tab le C-1: P rod uct Sp ec i fica ti on s 1 For si tes abov e 2400 m (8,0 00 f t), dec r eas e t he ope r atin g te mperat ur e s peci fic ati o n by 1.
Produc t Specif i cations C-3 Acoustical Specificati ons Acousti ca l Sp ecifi cat io n s Ta b l e C - 2 li sts the ac oust ica l spe ci fic atio ns for t he m odu le in E ngl ish. Ta b l e C - 3 list s the acous tica l s pecif ications for the module in German.
Connectors C-4 Product Speci fic ati ons Connect ors Ta b l e C - 4 provides a li st of connec tors for DIGITAL VNswit ch 900GV module and th e Mul tiSwi tch 90 0 chassi s .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Network Technologies 900GV (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Network Technologies 900GV noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Network Technologies 900GV - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Network Technologies 900GV reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Network Technologies 900GV erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Network Technologies 900GV besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Network Technologies 900GV verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Network Technologies 900GV. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Network Technologies 900GV gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.