Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung WF-2301 des Produzenten Netis
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150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r A P U ser Man ual Netis WF-2 301 150M bps Wirele ss N Outdoor AP User Man ual.
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r A P U ser Man ual Certifi c ation FCC CE F CC S tatem e nt This equipment has been tested a nd f ound to com p ly with t he limits f or a Class B d igi ta l device , pursuant to part 15 of the FCC r ule s.
150 Mbps Wir eles s- N Outdoo r A P User Man ual Pa c kage Con tents Th e foll ow ing item s s hould b e found i n yo ur p ackage Ø 150Mbps W ire less-N Outdoor A P Ø Powe r a dapte r Ø Qui c k Ins.
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual Con t ents 1 INTRODU CTION ... ... . .. ... .. ... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .... .. .. . ... .. .. ... ... .. . .. ... ... . .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... . 6 1.1 P ROD UCT O VER VIEW .
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual A d vanc ed .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. ... ... . .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ... . .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ... ... . .. .. ... .. ... . ... .. .. .. ... . 44 4.3.2 Multiple AP Setup .
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual 1 Intr oduction 1.1 Product Overview Outdoo r AP is dedicated to distri ct Wirele ss net work s olution , operating i n the 2. 4GHz fr eq uency band , com p lies w it h IEEE802.1 1n t echnical sta nd ar ds, dat a t r ansfe r rate up to 150Mbps, the output powe r o f up to 500mA .
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual 1.3 Supportin g Standard and Proto col Ø IEEE 802.1 1b/g/n Ø IEEE 802.1 1e Ø IEEE 802.1 1h Ø IEEE 802.
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual 2 Hardwar e Installa ti on 2.1 S y stem Requirement Minim u m R equi r emen ts : Ø Broad ba nd Interne t access se r vice ( DSL / Cable / Ethe r net) Ø In t erne t Explor e r ® 5.0, Firefo x® 2.0 or Safari® 1.
150 Mbps W ir eless-N Outdoo r A P User Man ual Figure 2-3 LED Fu nction ON Powe r on Off Powe r off On Conne ction no r m a l Off A b nor m al Flashing Data tran s mi tt ing POE On Powe r supply norm.
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual 2.4 Hardware I nsta ll ati on Procedure s The pr oced ur e s to install the 150Mbps outdoo r AP pl ease refe r t o Figure 2- Figure 2-4 Ø Step 1 co nnect ing C able/ADSL M odem t o the W A N por t.
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual 3 Login Y ou can m a n age the 150Mbps A P through the W eb br ow s e r-based con f iguration utility . T o con f igure the device via W eb browser , a t l east one prope rly config ur ed com put e r m ust b e connected to the device vi a Ethernet or wirele ss network.
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual 3.1.2 W indow s 20 00 Please f ollow t he s t eps below to s etup yo ur com put er: 1. Go to Start à Se ttings à C o ntrol Panel Figu re 3-1 2. Double cli c k the i c on N e t work and D ial-up Conne ct ions 3.
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual Figu re 3-2 4. Highligh t In t erne t Pr otocol (T CP/IP), and t hen press Pr ope r ties button Figu re 3-3 5.
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual Figu re 3-4 6. Pr e ss OK to close the L ocal Ar e a Connection P r ope r ties window Figu re 3-5 3.1.3 W indow s X P Please f ollow t he s t eps below to s etup yo ur com put er: 1.
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual 2. Cli c k Network a nd In t erne t Connections Figu re 3-6 3. Cli c k Network C onnections Figu re 3-7 4.
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual Figu re 3-8 5. Highligh t In t erne t Pr otocol (T CP/IP), and t hen press Pr ope r ties button Figu re 3-9 6.
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual Figu re 3-10 7. Pr e ss OK to close the L ocal Ar e a Connection P r ope r ties window Figu re 3-1 1.
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual 3.1.4 W indow s V ista Please f ollow t he s t eps below to s etup yo ur com put er: 1. Go to Start à Se ttings à C o ntrol Panel 2. Cli c k Network a nd Sharing Cen t er Figu re 3-12 3. Cli c k Manage N etwork Connections Figu re 3-13 4.
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual Figu re 3-14 5. Highligh t In t erne t Pr otocol V ersion 4 (TCP/IP) and t hen pre ss Pr ope rties button.
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual Figu re 3-15 6. Cho ose Obtain an IP addr ess a utom a tically and Obt ain DNS se r ve r address a utom a tically , a n d then press OK to clo s e the I nt.
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual Figu re 3-16 7. Pr e ss OK to close the L ocal Ar e a Connection P r ope r ties window ..
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual Figu re 3-17 3.1.5 W indow s 7 Please f ollow t he s t eps blow t o setup yo ur comput e r : 1. Go to Start → Con tr ol Panel → N e t work and In t ernet. 2. Cli c k Network a nd Sharing Cen t er → Change a dapte r settings.
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual Figure 3-18 Figure 3-19.
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual 4. Choo s e Obtain an IP a dd ress automatically and Obta in DNS serve r add r e ss a utom a tically , and t hen press the OK to close the wind ow . Figure 3-20 5. Pr e ss OK to cl ose the L ocal Ar e a Connection P r ope r ties window .
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual Figure 3-21 2. Cli c k N e t work, Sele ct Use DHCP at the Configura tion ba r , the syst em wi ll get the IP addre ss automatical ly .
150 Mbps W ir eless-N Outdoo r A P User Man ual Figure 3-22 3. Press A pply to comple t e this operation a nd clo s e the window . 3.2 Checking C onnection with the A dapter A ft er c onfig ur ing the TCP/IP p r oto col, use the ping com mand t o ve r i f y if t he computer can comm u nicat e w it h t he AP .
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual C: D ocuments and S ettings a dmin>ping 1 Pinging wi t h 32 byte s of d a ta: Re p ly from 192. 168.1.1: byte s=32 time =1 ms T T L=64 Re p ly from 192. 168.1.1: byte s=32 time =1 ms T T L=64 Re p ly from 192.
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual 3.3 Login Ø Open a we b browse r (Safari, In t erne t Explore r, etc.) o n t he c om put e r yo u have just connected to the A P , type http: //192.
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual Figure 3-25.
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual 4 System Se tting 4.1 S y stem Information This feature prov ides running s tatus in f orm ation a nd detailed i nformation about route r . 4.1.1 System This i t em provides curr e nt r un ning infor m ation of System .
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual 4.1.3 W ireless In fo This i t em provides curr e nt r un ning infor m ation of wireless. Figure 4-3 Ø W ireless st atus: Display wirele ss interface stat.
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual 4.1.5 Statistics This i t em provides sta tistic s in for m a tion about the b its r oute r s end s and received. Figure 4-5 4.2 S y stem Log Figure 4-6 V iew t he system log. Y o u ca n s e t the numb er of r ecords pe r pa ge , default is 10.
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual 4.3 Wire less Manageme nt 4.3.1 W ireless S etup Basic Pr ov iding ba sic c onfig ura tion it em s f or wirele ss AP users, including “ wi r eles.
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual Ø Channel wid t h: This switch allows you to s et Router's wirele ss ba ndwid t h. 20MHz: I n this mode you can get low ba ndwidth , little int e r fer en c e a nd slow r ate. 40MHz : In this m ode you can get high bandwidth, high int e r fer e nc e a nd r apid rate.
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual 4.3.1. 2.2 WEP Figure 4-9 Ø Key L ength: T he r e ar e two basic level s of WEP encry ption, 64 bits and 128 bits, the more bits pa sswo r d have , the b etter security wirele ss ne t work is, a t the sa me time t he sp eed o f wirele ss is mo r e s lower .
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual 4.3.1. 2.3 WP A-PSK Figure 4-10 Ø Encry pt ion type: Y ou ca n s e lect the algorit hm you w a nt to use, T KIP , AES or T KIP&A ES. TKIP m ean s “T em poral K ey Integ r ity Proto c ol”, which incorporates Message Integ r ity Code (MIC) to provide pr ote ction against hacke rs.
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual Figure 4-1 1 4.3.1. 2.5 WP A/WP A2-PSK This it em mi x ed WP A-PSK and WP A2-PSK mode , which pro vides h igher security level; yo u can con f igure it acco r ding with W P A-PSK or WP A 2-PS K. Figure 4-12 4.
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual Figure 4-13 Ø WDS Name : G ive a de s cription of your wi r ele ss bridge to te ll a part. Ø WDS MA C Add r ess: If t he curr en t wo r king mode is “WDS” or “AP+WDS”, then you need to configure w ir ele ss bridge configuration .
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual Ø Cli c k on ‘ W ir ele ss Ma nagem ent’- ‘ AP S etup’- ‘S e curit y’ and s elec t a nd save N one a s WDS authen t ication ty p e o r s elect a WDS security t y p e, en t er key and sa ve. Ø In put WDS name ( e .
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual **-** - **-** - **-** ( e . g .: 00-22-33-da-cc- bb ) . F o llow the foll ow ing steps to set Wire less Access Contr o l: 1.
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual Figure 4-17 Ø WPS Status: yo u can use this fu nction to s etup the wir eless conne ct ion be t ween t hi s router and wi r ele ss network card.
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual 2. Push the ‘PIN Input Config (P IN)’ in the W i-Fi protect se tup of the a dapte r Figure 4-20 3. Selec t this A P in the p op-up window , then click ‘Select’ Figure 4-21 4.
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual Figure 4-22 Meth od 2: 1. Cli c k ‘connect’ in the r outer ’ s WPS P BC config ur e pa ge Figure 4-23 2. Push the ‘Push button Con f ig (PBC)’ in the W i-Fi protec t setup o f the a dapte r unti l the follow ing pictur e a ppears Figure 4-24 3.
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual Advance d The s e s etting s ar e only f or mo re t e c hnically a dv a n c ed users who have a suffi cient knowledg e about wi r ele ss LA N. The s e setting s should not be changed unle ss yo u know w hat ef f ect the ch a nge will have on your AP .
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual acce ss .T h e defaul t s e tti ng is “A uto” and you can s e t this value between 1-54Mbps range . Ø Sho r tGi: Y ou can selec t “Enable” or “disable” for shortgi. Ø Pr ote ct ion: Using 802.
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual 4.4 Wire less LED Thres holds Figure 4-29 Please s et the AP to the e xt er nal LED ligh ts a nd wir eless sign al str eng t h received corre spondence, when the A P re c eive s the wi r ele ss sign a l, acco r ding to the w ir ele ss sign a l str eng t h, the co r responding LED will be lit.
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual 4.5.2 DHCP Server Figure 4-31 Ø DHCP Se r ve r Status: Kee p the def a ult setting “E nable”, so r o ut er is able t o us e DHCP fun ct ion. If a DHCP s e r ver has already existed in the network , please s ele ct “ Disable”.
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual 4.6 A p pli cations & Game 4.6.1 UPnP The U PnP fun ction supports load A pp lication’ s po r t forward reco rd automatically .
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual item existed in routing t able . 4.8 S y stem M anage ment System mana gement incl u de s passwo r d setup, upgrade , r e boot, r esto re, WO L and S ystem t im e 4.8.1 Password Setup The default usern a m e/password is guest/g u est.
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual Figure 4-37 4.8.4 Restor e Cli c k "Re st ore" button, the Route r will erase all of your setting s and r eplace them with t he fa ct ory defaults, m a ke s ure you have ba ckup curren t s ettings befo r e click th is button.
150 Mbps Wir eless-N Outdoo r AP User Manual 5 T r oubleshooting 1. I can not access th e W e b-based Co nfi g u r ation Utility fr o m the Et herne t com put er u se d to confi g ur e t he AP . Ø Check that the LA N LED is on . If the LED is no t on , verify that the cable for the LAN connection is f irmly c onne ct ed.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Netis WF-2301 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Netis WF-2301 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Netis WF-2301 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Netis WF-2301 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Netis WF-2301 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Netis WF-2301 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Netis WF-2301 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Netis WF-2301. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Netis WF-2301 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.