Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung RV-6S des Produzenten Mitsubishi Electronics
Zur Seite of 78
Supplemental Instructi on Thank y ou for purchasin g the Mitsub ishi Indu strial R obot MELF A Series. This docu ment ad ditiona lly explains to t he M itsubis hi Ind ustrial Robot "R V-6S Series I NSTRUV TION M ANUA L (BFP-A8323)". Therefore, check the cont ent, and use it toget her wit h your instruction manua l.
3. Change of the lubrication method and notes Details of change a nd su pplem ent A proce dure and precaut ions app licable to the product s affec ted by the c hange wer e added to “(2) L ubricat ion method” on P5-50. T he pro cedure a pplicab le to t he produc ts aff ected b y the chan ge is desc ribed be low.
4. Supplemental note for the installation sur face receiving force Supplemental details Magnitude of eac h reaction forc e added to P2- 8 “2.2.3 Instal lation pr ocedures ”. Table 2-2 s ho ws the m aximum reaction f orce ( design valu es) that m a y be applie d to an ins tal lation st and.
All tea ching work must be c arrie d out by an o perator who ha s re ce ived s pecia l trai ning. (This a lso ap plie s to m aintena nce wo rk wi th the pow er sourc e tu rned ON.
The p oints of t he preca utio ns giv en in the s epara te "Sa fety Ma n ual" are giv en belo w. Refer t o the act ual "S afety Man ual" for det ails. Use the robot w ithi n the e nviron ment g iven in the sp ecifi cation s. Fa ilure to do s o could lead to a dro p or reliabil ity or faul ts.
Revision history Date of Point Inst ructio n Ma nual No. Revision D etail s 2003-10-10 BFP- A8323 First pri nt 2004-05 -20 BFP- A8323 -A Installing the hand input/o utput cable was added.
■ Int roduct ion Thank you for purch asing the Mit subi shi indu stria l r obot. This instr uctio n m anua l expla ins pro cedur es to be ta ken for u np acking, ins tall ing, se rvicin g and insp ecting the robot arm . Always re ad thro ugh t his manu al b efore s tarti ng use to ens ure c orre ct u sage o f the r obot .
CONTENTS i Page 1 Before starting use ....... ...................... ............ ..................... ..................... ................................. ................................. .................. .. 1-1 1.1 Using the instruction man uals .
ii Page (2) Lubrication method ............................... ......... ....................... ...................... ................................. ........... .................. 5-50 5.3.5 Replacing the backup battery ..........................
1 B e f o r e s t a r t i n g u s e Using t he ins truction manuals 1 - 1 1 Before starting use This chap ter e xpl ains the deta ils and usage m eth ods o f t he i nst ruction m anuals, the basic t ermino logy a nd t he safety preca ution s. 1.1 Using the instruction m anuals 1.
1-2 Using the inst ructio n ma nuals 1Before starti ng us e 1.1.2 Symb ols used in inst ruction manua l The s ymbol s and expr essi ons shown i n Table 1-1 are used thro ugho ut this i nst ructi on m anua l. Learn the mea ning of th ese symb ols b efor e readin g this ins tructio n man ual.
1 B e f o r e s t a r t i n g u s e Safe ty P rec autio ns 1 - 3 1.2 Safety Precautions Always read the foll owing prec aution s and the sepa rate "S afety Manual" before s tartin g us e of the robot to learn the r equire d mea sures to b e take n.
1-4 Safet y Prec autio ns 1Before starti ng us e 1.2.1 Pr ecauti ons given in the se parat e Safe ty Ma nual The p oints of the p recaut ion s given in the separ ate "S afety Man ual" are giv en bel ow. Refer t o the actu al "Sa fety Ma nual" fo r deta ils.
2 U n p a c k i n g t o I n s t a l l a t i o n Confirm ing t he p rodu ct 2 - 5 2 Unpacking to Installation 2.1 Confirming the product The s tand ard c onfi gur atio n o f th e rob ot arm, part of the purch a sed product, i s shown in T able 2-1 . Confirm the pa rts.
2-6 Instal latio n 2Unpac king to Insta lla tion 2.2 Installation 2.2.1 Un packing Fig. 2-1 : Unpacking the ro bot arm T h e r o b o t i s s h i pp e d f r o m t he f a ct o r y i n ca r d b o a r d a nd w o o de n f rame pac king. Always refer to Fig .
2 U n p a c k i n g t o I n s t a l l a t i o n Instal lati on 2 - 7 2.2.2 Transportat ion pro cedures (Transport ing wit h a crane) Fig.2 -2 : Tran sportati on pro cedure s (tr ansp orti ng w ith a.
2-8 Instal latio n 2Unpac king to Insta lla tion 2.2.3 Inst allat ion procedur es 1) The robot insta llation surfac e has been m achin e finish ed. U se th e ins tallat ion ho les (4-φ 9 hole s) opened at the four corners o f the base, and securely fix the robo t wit h the enclos ed i nsta lla - tion b olts (M8 x 40 hexagon socke t bolts ).
2 U n p a c k i n g t o I n s t a l l a t i o n Instal lati on 2 - 9 2.2.4 Gro und ing pr oced ure s (1) Groundi ng methods 1) T here a re th ree grou nding me thods as show n in Fig. 2-4 , but the dedicated grounding ( Fig . 2-4 ( a ) ) shou ld be used for the rob ot ar m and co ntrol ler when possible.
2-10 Ins talla tion 2Unpac king to Insta lla tion 2.2.5 Conn ecting with the co ntroller Fig.2- 6 : Connecti ng the mac hine cables (CN2 ) (CN1) CN1 CN2 Robot arm Controlle r Motor p.
2 U n p a c k i n g t o I n s t a l l a t i o n Install ation 2 - 1 1 Carry out the fo llowing procedur e after i nstallin g the c ontrol l er referring to the separat e "Co ntroll er Setup , Ba sic Operation and Maintenan ce" man ual. 1) Mak e sur e tha t the power s witch on the f ront of t he cont rolle r is t urne d OFF.
2-12 Settin g the o rigin 2Unpac king to Insta lla tion 2.3 Setting the origin The origin is set so tha t the robot ca n be used with a h igh acc uracy. A fter purch asing th e robot, al ways carry ou t this s tep before startin g work. Thi s step must also be carrie d o ut if th e combi nation of robot and contro ller bein g used i s ch anged.
2 U n p a c k i n g t o I n s t a l l a t i o n Setti ng t he or igin 2 - 1 3 2.3.2 Set ting the origin with the o rigin data input met hod (1) Confirming the orig in data T h e o r i g i n d a t a t .
2-14 Settin g the o rigin 2Unpac king to Insta lla tion (3) Preparing the T/B Next , prepare to u se the T/B 1) S et the [MODE ] swit ch on the front of th e co ntrolle r to "TEA CH". 2) Set the T /B [E NABLE/DISA BLE] sw itch t o "ENABLE ".
2 U n p a c k i n g t o I n s t a l l a t i o n Setti ng t he or igin 2 - 1 5 (4) Selectin g the ori gin setting metho d <T/B scr een> [Ke ys u sed] 1) Press the [5] key on the m enu screen, and display the mainte na nce screen. 2) Press the [4] key on th e mai nten ance screen, and display the origin setting method select ion sc reen.
2-16 Settin g the o rigin 2Unpac king to Insta lla tion (5) Inputting the origin data Inpu t the value con firmed in sect ion "(1) C onfi rming the origi n data " on page 13 . The corresp ondenc e of the orig in data la bel value a nd a xis to b e inpu t is s how n i n Fig.
2 U n p a c k i n g t o I n s t a l l a t i o n Setti ng t he or igin 2 - 1 7 (6) Installin g the shoulder cover B Return the shoulder coverB , re moved i n s ection "(1) Confir ming the origi n data" on page 13 to its orig inal posit ion. This comp lete s the settin g of the o rigin with the o rigin data i nput method.
2-18 Conf irming the ope ration 2Unpac king to Insta lla tion 2.4 Confirming the operation In thi s se ction, the ro bot wi ll be m oved ma nuall y usi ng the T/B to co nfir m th at the opera tion is correc t. Mov ing th e ro bot manuall y is call ed " jog o perat ion ".
2 U n p a c k i n g t o I n s t a l l a t i o n Conf irming the o peratio n 2 - 1 9 Fig.2-11 : XYZ jog ope ration Fig.2-12 : TOO L jog operation +X +Y +Z -Z -Y -X T o o l l e n g t.
2-20 Conf irming the ope ration 2Unpac king to Insta lla tion Fig. 2-13 : 3-axis XY Z jog opera tion Fig. 2-14 : CYLI NDE R jog operat ion J5 J6 + - - + +X +Y +Z -Z -Y -X T o o l l e n g t h Control point J4 + - * The axis m oves strai ght al ong the b ase c oordin ate sy stem.
2 U n p a c k i n g t o I n s t a l l a t i o n Conf irming the o peratio n 2 - 2 1 (1) JOINT jog op eration Pres s the [MOVE ] + [JOINT ] keys to se lect t he JOINT jog mode .
2-22 Conf irming the ope ration 2Unpac king to Insta lla tion ・ When th e [MOVE] + [+Z (J3) ] key s are p resse d, the J3 ax is will rotat e in t he p lus dire cti on. When the [MOVE ] + [-Z (J3)] keys are pressed, R otate in t he m inus d irect ion.
2 U n p a c k i n g t o I n s t a l l a t i o n Conf irming the o peratio n 2 - 2 3 (2) XYZ jog operation Press the [MOVE] + [XYZ] key s to sele ct the XYZ jog m ode .
2-24 Conf irming the ope ration 2Unpac king to Insta lla tion ・ When the [MOV E] + [+A (J 4)] key s are pres sed, T he X axis will ro tate i n the plus direct ion.
2 U n p a c k i n g t o I n s t a l l a t i o n Conf irming the o peratio n 2 - 2 5 (3) TOOL jog ope ration Press th e [MOVE] + [TOOL ] keys to selec t the TOOL j og mod e.
2-26 Conf irming the ope ration 2Unpac king to Insta lla tion ・ When th e [MOVE] + [+ A (J 4 )] k eys a re pre ssed, The X axi s wil l rotate in th e plus dir ecti o n of the too l coordi nate system. When the [MO VE] + [ -A (J 4 )] keys a re pre ssed, Rotat e in t he m inus direct ion.
2 U n p a c k i n g t o I n s t a l l a t i o n Conf irming the o peratio n 2 - 2 7 (4) 3-axis XYZ jog operation Press the [MOVE] + [XYZ] keys, and t hen press only the [XYZ ] key. "XYZ45 6" will appea r at t he upp er le ft of the s cree n.
2-28 Conf irming the ope ration 2Unpac king to Insta lla tion ・ When th e [MOVE] + [+A (J4)] keys are press ed, the J4- axis wi ll rotate in the p lus di rection .
2 U n p a c k i n g t o I n s t a l l a t i o n Conf irming the o peratio n 2 - 2 9 (5) CYL NDE R jog ope ration Press the [ MOVE] + [XY Z] ke ys, a nd t hen pr ess only t he [XYZ] ke y. "CYL NDER" wil l appe ar at t he upper lef t of t he scr een.
2-30 Conf irming the ope ration 2Unpac king to Insta lla tion ・ When the [MOVE] + [+A ( J4)] k eys ar e pressed , The X axis will r otate in the pl us dir ection .
3 I n s t a l l i n g t h e o p t i o n d e v i c e s Install ing t he sol enoid valve set ( 1S-VD01- 02/ VD02-02/VD0 3-02/ V D04-02) 3 - 3 1 3 Installing the option devices 3.1 Installing the solenoid valve set ( 1S-VD01-02/VD02-02/VD03-02/VD04-02 ) Fig.
3-32 Insta lling the s olen oid va lve s et (1 S-VD01-0 2/VD02- 02/VD03 -02/V D04-02) 3Insta ll ing th e op tion devic es Fig. 3-1 and Fig . 3-2 show s the soleno id val ve in stallat ion proced ures and th e sole noid valve co nnecto r conne ction procedu res.
3 I n s t a l l i n g t h e o p t i o n d e v i c e s Install ing t he sol enoid valve set ( 1S-VD01- 02/ VD02-02/VD0 3-02/ V D04-02) 3 - 3 3 Fig.3-3 : Solenoid va lve i nsta llatio n diag ram det ails 2 8) When you have comp leted the ins tallat ion, rei nsta ll the No.
3-34 Insta lling the hand input cable 3Insta ll ing th e op tion devic es 3.2 Installing the hand input cable The proced ure f or instal ling the h and i nput cab le is as f ollows . Conduct work by referring to "Fig. 3-1So leno id valv e inst allati on p roced ures" o n pa ge 31 and "Fi g.
3 I n s t a l l i n g t h e o p t i o n d e v i c e s Install ing the han d o utput cabl e 3 - 3 5 3.3 Installing the hand output cable The proced ure f or instal lin g the h and ou t put cab le is as foll ows. Condu ct wo rk b y ref erring t o "Fig.
3-36 .Changi ng the op erating ran ge 3Insta ll ing th e op tion devic es 3.4 . Changing the operating range The op erating rang e of t he J1 axis can b e ch anged t o the rang e shown in Table 3-2 .
3 I n s t a l l i n g t h e o p t i o n d e v i c e s .Changin g t he ope rating range 3-37 (2) Se tting t he p aramete rs 1) C hange the va lues of th e fi rst ele ment (J1 axis minu s si de) and s econd e lement ( J1 axi s plus side ) of th e join t operat ing rang e pa rameter ME JAR.
4-38 4Basic operat ion s 4 Basic operations The bas ic ope ratio ns fro m creat ing the prog ram to automa tic ope ra tion a re ex plai ned i n se ctio n "4. Basi c operati ons" in th e "From Cont roller Setup to Maintena nce" manual.
5 M a i n t e n a n c e a n d I n s p e c t i o n Main tenan ce an d in spec tion int erval 5-39 5 Maintenance and Inspection The main tenan ce an d inspe ction proced ures to be c arried out to use the robot for a long time with out trouble are descri bed in thi s ch apte r.
5-40 Inspec tion i tems 5Main tenan ce and Insp ecti on 5.2 Inspection items The i nspect ion item s fo r the ro bot arm are sh own bel ow. Also refer to sect ion "5. Maintenanc e and inspe ction" in the "C ont roller setup, basic operation, and maintenanc e" manua l, and inspect the control ler.
5 M a i n t e n a n c e a n d I n s p e c t i o n Insp ecti on i tem s 5-41 5.2.2 Pe riodic inspection Carry o ut pe riodi c insp ection with the p rocedure s give n in Tabl e 5-2 .
5-42 Mainten ance and ins pectio n pro cedure s 5Main tenan ce and Insp ecti on 5.3 Maintenance and in spection procedures The procedure s f or carrying out the periodic mainten ance and in spect ion are descri bed in t his sectio n. Tho roughl y read t he c onte nts, and f ollow the inst ructio ns.
5 M a i n t e n a n c e a n d I n s p e c t i o n Mainten ance and ins pectio n pro cedure s 5-43 Fig 5- 2 : Outline structure of robo t arm Upper arm Elbow Fore arm <12>J6 axis mot or <13&.
5-44 Mainten ance and ins pectio n pro cedure s 5Main tenan ce and Insp ecti on 5.3.2 Installing/remo ving the cover Fig.5-3 : Inst alling/re moving the co ver Check to s ee tha t th e pack ing h as no t been peel ed of f when the co ver was mo un te d /r em ov ed .
5 M a i n t e n a n c e a n d I n s p e c t i o n Mainten ance and ins pectio n pro cedure s 5 - 4 5 Tabl e 5-3 : Cove r names Table 5-4 : Cove r ins talla tion sc rew l ist (1) Refer to Fig. 5-3 and remove the co ver. (2) The n ames of t he covers are given in Ta ble 5-3 , and a li st of the cover install ation screws is g iven in Table 5-4 .
5-46 Mainten ance and ins pectio n pro cedure s 5Main tenan ce and Insp ecti on 5.3.3 Inspec tion, maintenance and replacem ent of timing belt This robot use s a t imin g belt for t he dr ive co nveyan ce s ystem of the J5 axis. Co mpared to g ears a nd c hains, the tim i ng be lt do e s n ot re qu ir e lu br ic at io n an d h as a l ow no is e.
5 M a i n t e n a n c e a n d I n s p e c t i o n Mainten ance and ins pectio n pro cedure s 5 - 4 7 (2) Inspection, maintenance a nd re plac ement of J5-a xis timing b elt Fig.
5-48 Mainten ance and ins pectio n pro cedure s 5Main tenan ce and Insp ecti on (3) Timing belt tension Fig. 5-5 : Belt tens ion The tim ing b elt can sa tisfac toril y conve y the drive an d ke ep a durable force only when it has an adequa te tensio n.
5 M a i n t e n a n c e a n d I n s p e c t i o n Mainten ance and ins pectio n pro cedure s 5 - 4 9 5.3.4 L ubricatio n (1) Lubrication po sition and spec ifications F i g . 5 - 6 : L u b r i c a t i o n p o si t i o n s View from A A J5 axis drain bolt (M3) 4.
5-50 Mainten ance and ins pectio n pro cedure s 5Main tenan ce and Insp ecti on Tabl e 5-5 : Lubricatio n spe cific ations The gr ease nip ple p osition is shown in Fig.
5 M a i n t e n a n c e a n d I n s p e c t i o n Mainten ance and ins pectio n pro cedure s 5 - 5 1 5.3.5 Replacing the ba ckup battery An absolu te e ncoder is u sed for th e po sitio n d etecto r, so t he p ositi on mu st be saved with t he back up battery when t he power i s turne d OFF.
5-52 Mainten ance parts 5Main tenan ce and Insp ecti on 5.4 Maintenance parts The cons umable parts that must b e r eplac ed per iodica lly are s ho wn in Table 5- 6 , and sp are parts that may be required dur ing repa irs are sh own i n Table 5- 7 . Pu rchase these parts from the d ealer when re quired.
5 M a i n t e n a n c e a n d I n s p e c t i o n Rese tting t he o rigin 5 - 5 3 5.5 Resetting the origin The origi n is set so that the robot can be us ed with a high acc uracy. After purch asing the robot , a lways carry out this s tep bef ore st arting work.
5-54 Rese tting t he o rigin 5Main tenan ce and Insp ecti on 5.5.1 Jig method The pr ocedur e of s etting the origin with t he calib ration jig is shown below.
5 M a i n t e n a n c e a n d I n s p e c t i o n Rese tting t he o rigin 5 - 5 5 (1) J1 a xis o rigin set ting 1) Move the J 1 ax is s lowly to ward t he fron t usin g both ha nds. Align the pinhol e of th e No .1 arm and the pinho le a t t he ba se s ecti on, fe ed throu gh the orig in jig (φ 8) i nto the pinholes an d fast en.
5-56 Rese tting t he o rigin 5Main tenan ce and Insp ecti on (2) J2 a xis orig in set ting 1) Slowly rotate the J2 a xis in the direc tion of minus 90° with both hands . Align the p inho les of the N o. 1 arm a nd shou lder, feed th rough the origin j ig (φ 8) i nto the pin holes and f aste n.
5 M a i n t e n a n c e a n d I n s p e c t i o n Rese tting t he o rigin 5 - 5 7 (3) J3 a xis orig in set ting 1) Sl owly rot ate the J3 axis t o the p lus directi on with b oth han ds. A lign t he p inhole s o f the No . 1 and No . 2 arm , fee d thro ugh th e ori gin j ig ( φ8) into the p inho les and fa sten .
5-58 Rese tting t he o rigin 5Main tenan ce and Insp ecti on (4) J4 a xis orig in set ting 1) Sl owly rot ate the J4 axis t o the p lus directi on with b oth han ds. A lign t he p inhole s o f the No . 2 arm and elbo w , feed th rough the origi n jig (φ 6) into the p inho les and fa sten .
5 M a i n t e n a n c e a n d I n s p e c t i o n Rese tting t he o rigin 5 - 5 9 (5) J5 a xis orig in s etting 1) Slowly rota te t he J 5 axis in the dire ction o f plus 90° wit h bot h han ds. Ali gn the pinho les of th e No. 2 arm and wrist housing , fee d throug h the orig in jig (φ6) into the p inho les an d fa sten.
5-60 Rese tting t he o rigin 5Main tenan ce and Insp ecti on (6) J6 a xis orig in set ting 1) Slowly mo ve the J6 axi s wit h bot h ha nds, a nd align the ABS mark of the wrist housing wit h the ABS ma rk of the han d mou ntin g fl ange. 2) P ress t he [ ↓ ] ke y.
5 M a i n t e n a n c e a n d I n s p e c t i o n Rese tting t he o rigin 5 - 6 1 5.5.2 User ori gin method Before using t his metho d, th e ori gin must be set wit h th e othe r metho d. The se ttin g metho d is explai ned in "5 .5.2 User or igin metho d" on pag e 61 .
5-62 Rese tting t he o rigin 5Main tenan ce and Insp ecti on 8) Pre ss the [ ↓ ] key, an d in put "1" fo r th e axis for whic h the origin is to b e set. Press the [INP] key to di spla y the C onf irmat ion s cree n. 9) Pre ss th e [1] key and then the [IN P] key.
5 M a i n t e n a n c e a n d I n s p e c t i o n Rese tting t he o rigin 5 - 6 3 5.5.3 ABS origi n method When the o rigi n s ettin g of the robot is pe rformed for the f irst time, this p roduct records the angular po sition o f the origin withi n on e rotat ion o f the enco der as the offset value.
5-64 Rese tting t he o rigin 5Main tenan ce and Insp ecti on The proce dures for s etting the ori gin wit h the ABS me thod are e xplained be low. (1) S elect the T/ B 1) Pre ss th e [5] key on t he Menu screen to s elect the Mai ntena nce scre en. 2) P ress t he [4] key to se lect t he Ori gin Setting screen.
5 M a i n t e n a n c e a n d I n s p e c t i o n Rese tting t he o rigin 5 - 6 5 5.5.4 Record ing the origin data When the ori gin has be en set with the j ig meth od, record that o r igin data on the origin dat a label. With thi s, the ori - gin c an be set w ith t he orig in d ata inp ut met hod t he ne xt ti me.
Append ix-6 6 Conf igura tion fla g 6App endi x 6 Appendix Appendix 1 : C onfiguration flag The conf iguratio n f lag indi cates the ro bot postu re. For the 6-axis type robot , the robot han d end is sav ed wi th the posit ion data con figured of X, Y, Z, A, B a nd C.
6 A p p e n d i x Conf igura tion fla g A p p e n d i x - 6 7 (3) NO NFLIP/ FLIP (6 -axis robot o nly. ) This m eans i n whi ch sid e th e J6 a xis is in compa rison wi th t he plane thro ugh bo th th e J4 a nd the J 5 axis .
MAY..20 04 MEE Printe d in Japan o n recyc led paper . Specific ati ons ar e subje ct to c hange w ithout n otice. HEAD OFF ICE : MIT SUBISHI DENK I BLDG M ARUNOUCHI TOK YO 100-8 310 T ELEX : J24532 C.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Mitsubishi Electronics RV-6S (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Mitsubishi Electronics RV-6S noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Mitsubishi Electronics RV-6S - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Mitsubishi Electronics RV-6S reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Mitsubishi Electronics RV-6S erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Mitsubishi Electronics RV-6S besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Mitsubishi Electronics RV-6S verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Mitsubishi Electronics RV-6S. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Mitsubishi Electronics RV-6S gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.