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FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Forew ord • This man ual contai ns te xt, diag rams and e xp lanations which wil l guide the re ader in the cor rect install ation and op eration of the FX 1N Series Prog rammab le Con t roll ers . It should be read and u nderstood be f ore attempt ing to install or use the unit.
FX 1N SERIES PR OGRAMMING CA UTION Thank y ou f or buyi ng The Mitsubis hi FX 1N seri es control ler . Please note the f ollo wing. Notes: Bloc k Mo ve instruction Applicab le PLC: FX 1N Applicab le i.
i FX 1N Series Pr ogrammable Contr oller s Har d w are Man ual This manua l confers no in dustrial prop erty rights or any rights of any other kind, n or does it conf er any patent licenses .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers ii Guidelin es f or the safety of the user and protection of the FX 1N . This manual pro vides inf or mation f or the installation and use of the FX 1N . The manual has been wr itten to be used by trained and competent personnel.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers iii Note ’ s on the symbols used in this ma nual At v arious times through out this man ual cer tain symbols will be us ed to highlight poin ts of inf or mation wh ich are intended to e nsure the users personal saf ety and protec t the integrity of the equipm ent.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers iv • Under no cir cumstances will Mitsubishi Electric b e liable or resp onsib le f or any consequen tial damage that ma y arise as a result of th e installation or us e of this equipment.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers v Marine standard The FX 1N Series conf or ms to the marine standards listed belo w . Ov erall, regulation conf or mity restrictions on v ar ious equipment are reduced when the FX 1N Series installation setup complies with mar ine standards .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers vi Note Conce rning the CE Mark ing This docum ent does not guarantee tha t a mechan ical system includin g this product will comp ly with the f ollowing stan dards. Comp liance to EMC direct iv e and L VD directiv e of the ent ire mecha ni cal sy ste m shou ld be che ck ed by the us er / m anuf ac tur er .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers vii EMC The f ollo wing products ha v e sho wn compliance throu gh direct testing (of the identified standards belo w) and design analysis (through the creation .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers viii T ype : Prog rammab le Controller (Open T ype Equipment) Models : MELSEC FX 1N s er ies manuf actured from March 1s t, 2000 FX 1N -232-BD FX 1N -485-BD FX 1.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers ix F or the pr oducts shown on the pre vious page, PLCs man uf actured bef ore September 30th, 2013 are complia nt with EN50081-2 (EN61000-6-4) and EN61000-6-2 a.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers x Models : MELSEC FX 0N s er ies manuf actured from No v ember 1st, 1995 FX 0N -40ER-ES , FX 0N -8EX-ES , FX 0N -8EYR-ES, FX 0N -8EYT -ESS from F ebruar y 1st, 1.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers xi Models : MELSEC FX 2N s er ies manuf actured from J uly 1st, 1997 FX 2N - ER-ES/UL FX 2N - ET -ESS/UL Where indicates :32,48 FX 2N -16EX-.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers xii EN61131-2:199 4 Progr ammable controllers /A11:199 6 - Equipm ent requirements a nd /A12:2000 tests Compli anc e wi th a ll r elev ant as pect s of the stan dar d.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers xiii Note s when using the F X 0N -40ER-ES/UL. This unit ma y be used as supplied and will be in compliance wit h the pre viousl y identified standards / directiv es .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers xiv LV D The f ollo wing products ha v e sho wn compliance throu gh direct testing (of the identified standards belo w) and design analysis (through the creation of a technical constr uction file) to the European Directive f or Low V oltage (2006/95/EC) when used as directed by t he appropriate documenta tion.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers xv Models : MELSEC FX 0N s er ies manuf actured from No v ember 1st, 1995 FX 0N -40ER-ES , FX 0N -8EX-ES , FX 0N -8EYR-ES, FX 0N -8EYT -ESS from F ebruar y 1st, .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers xvi Models : MELSEC FX 2N s er ies manuf actured from J uly 1st, 1997 FX 2N - ER-ES/UL FX 2N - ET -ESS/UL Where indica tes:32,48 FX 2N -16EY.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers xvii Associated Manuals The f ollo wing man uals are recommended as essential ref erence material f or the correct oper ation of a FX 1N ser ies Programmab le co ntroller .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers xviii FX 1N -2AD-BD User’ s Ma nual JY992D96201 This manual contains e xpla nation f or installation, specification and special auxiliar y rela y allocation.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers xix FX 2N -8AD User’ s Ma nual JY992D86001 This manual contains e xpla nation f or wir ing, installation , specification and BFM allocation. FX 2N -2LC User’ s Ma nual JY992D85801 This manual contains e xpla nation f or wir ing, installation , specification and BFM allocation.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers xx MEMO.
xxi T ab le of Contents Guideline ........... ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ii Associated Man uals . ............. .............. ................. .............. .............. xvii 1. Intr oduction .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers xxii 3. Installation Notes ..... ....... ....... ....... ....... ..... ..... ....... ..... ....... ..... ....... ..... .... 3-1 3.1 P roduct Outlin e ................... .................................... .....
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers xxiii 5. Inputs . ..... ....... ..... ....... ....... ..... ....... ..... ....... ....... ..... ....... ..... ....... ....... ..... .. 5-1 5.1 24V DC input Specifications .......................... ..............
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers xxiv 7. Diagnostics ................ ............ .................................... ........................ .... 7-1 7.1 P reliminary Checks ...................... .................................... .......
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 INTR ODUCTIO N 2 TERMINAL LA Y OUTS 3 INST ALLA TION NO TES 4 PO WER SUPPL Y 5 INPUTS 6O U T P U T S 7 DIA GNOSTICS 8 APPENDI X FX1N Ser ies Prog rammab le C ontrollers.
Introduction 1. 1-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. Intr od uction This man ual co v ers hardw are installati on instr uctions f or the FX 1N Series PLC . Note: Occu pied points ar e shown in brac k ets f or input and outputs .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Introduction 1. 1-2 Figure 1.1 :Main unit outline Please see the pre vious pa ge f or each units width measurement.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Introduction 1. 1-3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 T ab le 1.2: P owe red Extension Units MOD EL INP UT OUTPUT PO WER SUPP L Y DIMENSION S mm (inc hes) WEIGHT kg (lbs ) QTY TYPE QTY DEVICE W H D FX 0N -40E R-ES/UL 24 24V DC Sink/ Source 16 Rela y 100- 240V A C +10%, -15% 50/6 0Hz 150 (5.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Introduction 1. 1-4 T ab le 1.3: Extension blo cks MOD EL INP UT OUTPUT D IMENSIONS mm (in ches) MASS (WEIGHT) kg (lbs ) QTY TYPE QTY DEVICE TYPE W H D FX 0N -8EX -U A1/UL FX 2N -8EX -U A1/UL 8 110V AC inputs -- - 43 (1.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Introduction 1. 1-5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 T ab le 1.4: Special function b lock s MODEL DE SCRIPT ION DIMENS IONS mm (inches) MASS (WE IGHT) kg (lbs) W H D FX 0N -3A Analog / Digital con ver ter 43 (1.70) 90 (3.55) 87 (3.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Introduction 1. 1-6 *1 The comm unication adapter needs to connect via an FX 1N -CNV -BD to the FX 1N Ser ies PLC .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Introduction 1. 1-7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.1 W orld Specification. T ab le 1.6: W orld Specification Input Sink / Sour ce W or ld spec models : SINK / SOURCE. J apa nese models : AL W A YS SINK . Output s T ransistor W or ld spec models : AL W A YS SOURCE.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Introduction 1. 1-8 1.2 Model Name *1. The FX 0N- 40ET -DSS and FX 0N- 40ER-DS FX 0N series e xte nsion units do no t hav e UL cer tifi- cation. T able 1.7 :Notes on model n ame Ref . Description Ref. Descriptio n A) PLC type: FX 1N E) Features B) T otal number of I / O channels Omit A C , J apanese spec.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Introduction 1. 1-9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.3 Serial Numbers Year (Example: 2009): Last digit of year Year (Example: 2010): Last two digit of year 0 1 1000 Control number <Product from January, 2010> <Product during December, 2009 or earlier> 1 Month (Example: Jan.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Introduction 1. 1-10 1.4 Configuration 1.4.1 Sc hematic system FX 1N -4E X-BD *1 FX 1N -2EY T-BD *1 FX 1N -232-BD FX 1N -42 2-B D FX 1N -48 5-B D FX 1N -8A V-BD .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Introduction 1. 1-11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 *1 A v ailab le f or use with FX 1N v ersion 2.00 or later . *2 When using the FX 1N -EEPR OM-8L with an e xpansion boa rd in group C , only the lo ader function (transf er program) can be used.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Introduction 1. 1-12 T able 1.8 : Configuration Notes A FX 1N Series Ma in Unit H HMI De v ices (GO T -F900/ GO T -A 900/ DM/ DU) <GO T : Graphic Operation T .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Introduction 1. 1-13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.4.2 Note f or Using Expansion Boar d The f ollowing conditions can not be accomplis hed with an FX 1N PLC .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Introduction 1. 1-14 1.4.3 Input/Output P oints and Current Consumption The f ollowing table s show t he input/output points of v ar ious types of FX 0N and FX 2N ser ie s e xtension b loc ks, and special function b loc ks, along with the special function bloc k current consump tion.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Introduction 1. 1-15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 T able 1.11: Special functi on bloc k/Function adapter s/Expansion boar d MODEL CURRENT CONSUMPTI ON INPUT OUTPUT TOT A L IN.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Introduction 1. 1-16 *1 FX 1N series PLC cannot connect t ogether with an FX 2N -32ASI-M and FX 2N -16CCL-M. An FX 2N -32ASI-M module can not be attached to an FX 1N series PLC that is using an FX 2N -16CCL-M module .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Introduction 1. 1-17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 *2 Maxim um number of I /O points pe r system Connection is allo wed as f ar as the f ollo wing condition is satisfied: (Act.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Introduction 1. 1-18 1.4.4 Rules of Expansion The maxim um I/O f or an FX 1N system is 128 I/O points and 8 s pecial function bloc ks .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Introduction 1. 1-19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 • If a DC po w ered main unit is used with a pow er supply o f less than 24VDC -15 % (20.4V DC or less), then it cannot be fully e xpanded b y u sing special function b locks or pow ered e xtensio n units.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Introduction 1. 1-20 1.5 Bac k up Data 1.5.1 EEPR OM bac kup Data includes t he Program, Comment, File Regi sters (D1000 ~ D7 999), and parameter data . This will be s t ored as long as the EEPR OM is not damaged.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Introduction 1. 1-21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.5.3 Initialize Latc hed (Keep) De vices • When using no n-latched de vices T o use the l atched d e vices as the no n-latched de vices , re set the l atched d e vices b y an initial pul se (M8002) in prog ram.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Introduction 1. 1-22 • Reset of de vice b y ZRST (zone reset) instruction The Z RST inst r uction c an cle ar multiple de vice s at onc e . (Becau se a l imited d e vice range can be spe cified f o r the ZR ST instr uction, on ly par t of the lat ched ( k eep) de vices can be cleared at a ti me.
Terminal layouts 2. 2-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2. T erminal la y outs The f ollowing selection of ter minal la yo uts are tak en from the FX 1N pro duct range . Note: All la yout s are schematic only and are inten ded to aid the creati on of wiring diagr ams .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Terminal layouts 2. 2-2 S/ S X1 N X0 X4 FX 1N -4 0 M R - E S /U L X5 0V Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 X3 X2 24V COM0 COM1 COM3 COM2 L X7 X6 Y5 COM4 X12 X13 X11 X10 X15 X14 Y6 Y4 Y.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Terminal layouts 2. 2-3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 S/ S X1 N X0 X4 FX 1N -6 0 M R - E S /U L X5 0V Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 X3 X2 24V COM0 COM1 COM3 COM2 L X7 X6 Y5 COM4 X12 X13 X11 X10.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Terminal layouts 2. 2-4 2.2 DC P o wered Main Units S/S X1 X0 X4 FX 1N -14MR-DS X5 0V Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 X3 X2 24V COM0 COM1 COM3 COM2 X7 X6 Y4 COM4 COM5 Y5 - + S/S X1 .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Terminal layouts 2. 2-5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 S/S X1 X0 X4 FX 1N -40MR-DS X5 0V Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 X3 X2 24V COM0 COM1 COM3 COM2 X7 X6 Y5 COM4 X12 X13 X11 X10 X15 X14 Y6 Y4 Y.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Terminal layouts 2. 2-6 S/S X1 X0 X4 FX 1N -60MR-DS X5 0V Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 X3 X2 24V COM0 COM1 COM3 COM2 X7 X6 Y5 COM4 X12 X13 X11 X10 X15 X14 Y6 Y4 Y14 Y7 Y11 X20 X2.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Terminal layouts 2. 2-7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2.3 FX 0N , FX 2N -8E Extension bloc ks S/S X1 X3 X0 X2 COM1 X5 X7 X4 X6 FX 0N - 8EX-ES/UL FX 2N - 8EX-ES/UL Y1 Y3 Y0 Y2 .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Terminal layouts 2. 2-8 2.4 FX 2N Exte nsion bloc ks X5 X7 FX 2N -16EX-ES/UL FX 2N - 16EYR-ES/UL FX 2N -16E YT-ES S/ UL X3 X1 X0 X5 X6 X3 X1 S/S X7 X4 X2 X0 X6 X.
Installation Notes 3. 3-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3. In stallation No tes The installation of FX 1N pr oducts has been designed to be saf e and easy . When the products associated with this manual are used as a system o r individually , the y must be installed in a suitab le enclosure .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Installation Notes 3. 3-2 3.1 Pr oduct Outline Figure 3.1:Features o f the FX 1N PLC.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Installation Notes 3. 3-3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 T able 3.1 : Features tab le 1 T op cov er 2 Direct mounting holes (4.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Installation Notes 3. 3-4 3.2 FX 1N R UN/ST OP Contr ol R UN or ST OP of the FX 1N can be controlled b y: n The R UN/ST OP s witch mounted ne xt to the progr amming por t. o A standard inp ut (X0 to X17) defined b y the sys tem paramet ers.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Installation Notes 3. 3-5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3.3 General Spec ifications *1 The criter ion is sho wn in IEC61131-2.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Installation Notes 3. 3-6 *2 P erf or m dielect r ic withsta nd v oltage and i nsulation resistanc e tests at the stated v oltage betw een each ter minal and the main unit’ s g round ter minal. *3 Ground the PLC indep endently or jointly .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Installation Notes 3. 3-7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3.4 PLC Mounting Arra ngeme nts T o pre vent a r ise in temperat ure, mount the units t o walls.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Installation Notes 3. 3-8 Caution • Units should not be installed in a reas subject to the f ollo wing conditions: ex cessiv e or conductiv e dust, corrosiv e gas (salt air , Cl 2 , H 2 S, S O 2 , NO 2 , et c.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Installation Notes 3. 3-9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 • Use the batter y f or memor y bac kup c orrectly in conf or mance to th is manual . - Use the batt er y only f or the specified pur pose . - Connect the batte r y correctly .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Installation Notes 3. 3-10 • The “L” and “N” ter minals are not re v ersib le. If the “L” and “N” te r minals are re ve rsed, the units/b loc ks ma y be seriously dam aged. • The “24V” and “0V” ter minals are not re v ersibl e.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Installation Notes 3. 3-11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3.5 DIN Rail Mounting Units can be snap mounted to 35 mm (1.37") DI N rail (DIN 46277). T o release, pu ll the spr ing loaded cl ips a wa y from the r ail and slide the unit up and off .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Installation Notes 3. 3-12 ∅ = 4.5mm (0.17") T a ble 3.3 :Hole positions UNIT mm inches ± 0.2 ± 0.01 C = W/2 FX 2N - 16E ✩ 20 0.79 D = W FX 0N -8E ✩ , FX 2N -8E ✩ , FX 0N -3A, FX 2N -2AD , FX 2N -2D A, FX 2N -32C CL, FX 2N - 16LNK-M, FX 2N - 64CL-M, FX 0N - 232ADP , FX 0N - 485ADP 43 1.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Installation Notes 3. 3-13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ∅ = 4.5mm (0.17") T a ble 3.3 :Hole positions UNIT mm inches ± 0.2 ± 0.01 E = W -8mm (0.3 2") FX 2N - 8AD 67 2.64 F = W -24.5mm (0.97") FX 2N C -2 32ADP , FX 2N C -4 85ADP 65.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Installation Notes 3. 3-14 ∅ = 4.5mm (0.17") T a ble 3.3 :Hole positions UNIT mm inches ± 0.2 ± 0.01 G = W -10mm (0.40") FX 0N - 16E ✩ 60 2.37 FX 2N - 16CCL-M 75 2.96 FX 0N- 16EX-ES POWER I N 01 234567 01234567 W G W G 80(3.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Installation Notes 3. 3-15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3.7 Wiring 3.7.1 T ermination at Scre w T erm inals T e r min al scr e ws sh ould be t ighte ned to be tween 0.5 t o 0.8 N m. T er mina l screws must be secured to pre v ent a loose conne ction thus a v oiding a mal function.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Installation Notes 3. 3-16 2) Handle the crimp ter minal of the f ollowi ng size when 2 wires are use d per ter minal. Re f er to Figure 3.6 f or installation ins tr uctions . Figure 3.5:Crimp T erminal f or M3 Scre ws Figure 3.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Installation Notes 3. 3-17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3.7.2 Remo v al and installation of quic k -release termina l bloc k • Remo v al : Loosen the le ft and r ight scre ws e v enly . • Installation : Tighten the left an d r ight scre ws e v enly .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Installation Notes 3. 3-18 3.8 Installing Optional Units 3.8.1 Expansion Boa rds The f o llowing is a generic e xplanation of ho w to install an e xpansion board on to the FX 1N PLC .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Installation Notes 3. 3-19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Alw a ys mak e sure the pow er is tur ned off , bef ore installing a special funct ion board. Only one board can b e used at an y one time , do not tr y to stac k m ultiple boards .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Installation Notes 3. 3-20 3.8.2 FX 1N -5DM Displa y Module Alw a ys mak e sure the po wer is tur ned off , be f ore installing the 5 DM. A) T op cov er f or DM B) Optional equi pment connector por t. C) M3 scre w to secure top co ver .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Installation Notes 3. 3-21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3.8.3 Extension I /O module and Special Function modu le Install/rem ov e e xtension module as s hown in th e figure belo w . Caution Cut off a ll phases of pow er source b ef ore installing/removing the e xtension module.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Installation Notes 3. 3-22 MEMO.
Power Supp ly 4. 4-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4. P ower Suppl y 4.1 Wiring T echniques Wir ing f o r FX 1N products has been designed to be sa f e and easy . If the use r is concer ned about th e correct ins t.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Power Supp ly 4. 4-2 4.3 P ower Suppl y • When wir ing an A C supp ly , the “Liv e” cab le should be connecte d to the “L” ter minal and the “Neutr al” cab le should be c onnected to the “N” ter minal.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Power Supp ly 4. 4-3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4.4 P ower Requirements *1 Includes th e input current (5 or 7mA per point). *1 Includes the i nput current (5 or 7mA per poin t). T able 4.1 :A C P o wer Supply Units FX 1N -14M FX 1N -24M FX 1N -40M FX 1N -60M P owe r supply 100 - 240V A C +10%, -15%, 50- 60Hz Max.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Power Supp ly 4. 4-4 4.5 Example Wiring 4.5.1 A C P o wer s upply *1 It is recommended to use the same po wer sourc e to pow er the main unit, po wered e xtension un its and special fun ction bloc ks/units.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Power Supp ly 4. 4-5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ➊ A C P ower supply 100 - 240V A C , +10% -15%, 50 - 60 Hz ➐ Grounding resistor 100 Ω or les s ➑ Fuse ➋ Circuit pro.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Power Supp ly 4. 4-6 4.5.2 24V DC P ower suppl y *1 It is recommended to use the same po wer sourc e to pow er the main unit, po wered e xtension un its and special fun ction bloc ks/units.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Power Supp ly 4. 4-7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 *3 When using a DC po wer supply type, it i s the po wer sourc e f or an input e xtensio n bloc k betw een "24V" and "0V" terminals. Ne v er suppl y an e xter nal po wer supply to these ter minals .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Power Supp ly 4. 4-8 4.5.3 12V DC P ower Suppl y *1 Ne v er connect the "0V" a nd the "-" ter minals of a DC pow er supply type ma in unit.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Power Supp ly 4. 4-9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4.6 Ser vice P o wer supp l y An A C po wered FX 1N ca n supply a ser vice current of 24V DC at 400mA when use d on its ow n and, when use d with e xtension or special function b loc ks .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Power Supp ly 4. 4-10 MEMO.
Inputs 5. 5-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5. Inputs 5.1 24V DC in put Specifications FX 1N mai n unit, e x tension b lock FX 0N , FX 2N Extension bloc k X0 → X7 X 10 → ∞ Input v oltage 24V DC ± 10% Input current 24V DC , 7mA 2 4V DC , 5mA 24V DC , 5mA Input s witching current OFF → ON >4.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Inputs 5. 5-2 5.1.1 T ypical Wiring Not e : The input circui t po wer suppl y provid es a clean +24VDC suppl y f or the inputs . Hence use a n e xter nal +24VDC po wer supply at y our o wn r isk. The input c ircuit po wer suppl y cannot pro vide a ser vice suppl y to special func tion b lock s (SFB).
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Inputs 5. 5-3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5.1.2 Input Cir cuit Connection FX 1N Main and FX 0N /FX 2N Extension Units FX 2N and FX 0N Extension b loc ks 24V X 24V DC 0V S/S .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Inputs 5. 5-4 5.1.3 Diodes and Inputs Conn ected in Series Vdrop across the diode Max. 4V No more than 2 LEDs should be connecte d in series. 5.1.4 Resistor s and Inputs Connected in P arallel P arallel res istance Rp: FX 1N = 15k Ω .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Inputs 5. 5-5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5.2 A C1 10V Input Extensi on Bloc k 5.2.1 Input Cir cuit Connection FX 0N -8EX-U A1/UL FX 2N -8EX-U A1/UL Input v o ltage 85-132V AC 50-60 Hz Input impedance 21k Ω /50HZ 18k Ω /6 0Hz Input current 4.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Inputs 5. 5-6 5.2.2 Pr ogramming Caution When using 110V A C units , high spe ed counter and in terr upt routines are no t suitab le f or use due to the l ong 'ON/OFF' times . The f ollo wing instructions are al so not suitab le .
Outputs 6. 6-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6. Outputs 6.1 Output Specifica tions Description Rela y Output T ransistor Output Switched v o ltages (resistive load) ≤ 240V A C , ≤ 30V DC 5-30V DC Rated current / N point s (resistiv e load) 2A/1 point, 8A/COM 0.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Outputs 6. 6-2 6.2 Rela y Output Exam ple T ypical Rela y ➊ Do not use this ter minal ➐ Inductiv e load ➋ Fuse ➑ Incandescent Lamp ➌ Re v erse-current protection diode (See section 6.4) ➒ DC P ower Supply ➍ Exter nal Mechanical Inter loc k (See section 6.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Outputs 6. 6-3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6.2.1 Pr oduct lif e of rela y contacts The pro duct lif e of rela y contac ts v ar ies c onsiderably depending on the load type us ed.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Outputs 6. 6-4 The product lif e of rela y contacts becomes consider ably s h or ter than the abov e conditions when the rush o v ercurrent is shut do wn. * F or countermeasures while using inductiv e loads , ref er to "Output circuit configur ation" belo w in this secti on.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Outputs 6. 6-5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6.2.2 Output cir cuit configuration An inter nal protection circuit f or the rela ys is not pro vided in the rela y output circuit f or this product. It is recommended to us e inductiv e loads with b uilt-in p rotection circuits .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Outputs 6. 6-6 3) Interloc k 4) In- pha se F or loads such as f orward/re v erse contactors, etc., where a hazardous condition could res ult if s witched ON simul taneously , an e xter nal inter loc k should be provided f or inter loc king the P LC's inter nal progr ams as sho wn to the right.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Outputs 6. 6-7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6.3 T ransis tor Output Example 6.3.1 T ransistor Output Writi ng Diagram (Sour ce T ype) 6.3.2 Japanese Mo del T ransistor Output (SInk T ype) ➊ Do not use this ter minal ➋ Emergency Stop ➌ Fuse ➍ Exter nal Mechanical Interlock (See Section 6.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Outputs 6. 6-8 6.3.3 Response T imes OFF times inc rease as the load curre nt decreases . F or impro v ed response times use a ‘dummy’ resistor , see the figure below .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Outputs 6. 6-9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6.3.4 External wiri ng precaution 1) Contact pr otection circuit f or inductiv e loads T ransi stor out puts use i nter nal zener d iode (50V) as protection circuitr y .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Outputs 6. 6-10 MEMO.
Diagnostics 7. 7-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7. Diagnostics 7.1 Preliminar y Checks Chec k power supply , ground and I/O cab les are wired correctly . T ur n the power supply on. Check that the pow er LED is lit. Down load a small test pro gr am to the PLC . V e rify the progr a m to ensure it has been wr it- ten to the PLC correctly .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Diagnostics 7. 7-2 7.2 ERROR LED O N (C PU ERROR) Fa u l t ERR OR LED ON Remed y Reset PLC . Po w e r OFF ,ON and tr igger R UN input.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Diagnostics 7. 7-3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 . 3 Co m m o n E r ro rs - Corroded contact po ints at some point in an I/O line. - An I/O de v ice has been used out side its speci fied operati ng range . - An input signal occurs in a shor ter time period that tak en b y one prog ram sca n.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Diagnostics 7. 7-4 7.5 Operation and Error Flags Para lle l link erro r Para meter erro r Synt ax error Prog ram (cir cuit ) erro r Pro gram executi on error Execut ion err or latc h M8063 (r ef. D8063) M8064 (r ef.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Diagnostics 7. 7-5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7.6 PLC Status Register s 02H =E EP R O M pr ot ect sw i t ch O F F 0A H =E E PR O M pr ot ect sw i t c h O N 10H =M P U m em or y D 8000 ( def aul t 200m s) D 8001 D 8002 D 8003 D 8004 W at chdog t i m e r PL C v er s i on 26100 = F X 1N Versi on 1.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Diagnostics 7. 7-6 7.7 Err or Registers D8062 D8063 D8064 D8065 D8066 D8067 D8068 D8069 Error c ode for P LC/P P comm unication er ror Err or code for paral lel .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Diagnostics 7. 7-7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7.8 Err or Codes D8062 Check the progr ammer /PC connectio ns No e rror 0000 Par ity, ov errun or frami ng err or 6201 Com mun.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Diagnostics 7. 7-8 7.9 Instruction List 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 000 Program Flo w CJ CALL SR ET IR ET EI DI FEN D WDT FOR NEXT 010 T ransf ers , Comp CMP ZCP MO V BM.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Diagnostics 7. 7-9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Symbol FNC No D P Symbol FN C No D P Sym bol FNC No D P A ABS 155 E EI 004 P PID 88 ABSD 06 2 ENCO 042 PLSR 059 ADD 020 F FEND.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Diagnostics 7. 7-10 T T A DD 162 V VRRD 085 Z ZCP 011 TCMP 160 VRSC 086 ZRN 156 T O 079 W W AND 026 ZRST 040 TRD 166 WDT 007 TSUB 163 WOR 027 TWR 167 W R3A 177 T.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Diagnostics 7. 7-11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7.10 De v ice List Item Specification Remarks Progr am capacity 8k steps Provided b y built in EEPR OM momor y I/O configur a tion Max hardw are I/O configuration points 128, dependent on user selecti on (Max.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Diagnostics 7. 7-12 Counters (C) Gener al 1 6 points Range: 1 to 32,767 counts C0 to C15 T ype: 16 bit up counter Latched (EEPROM bac ked-up) 184 points Range: 1.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Diagnostics 7. 7-13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Data registers (D) Gener al 128 points D0 to D127 T ype: 16 bit data storage register pair f or 32 bit de vice Latched (EEPRO.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Diagnostics 7. 7-14 Constants Decimal K 16 bit: -32,768 to +32,767 32 bit: -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647 He xadecimal H 16 bit: 0000 to FFFF 32 bit: 00000000 .
Appendix 8. 8-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8. Appe ndix 8.1 Discontinued models The tab le below sho ws discontinued models of MELSEC-F Ser ies PLCs descri bed in this manual.
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Appendix 8. 8-2 8.2 Precautions f or Battery T ranspor tation When tr anspor ting lithium b atter ies, f ollow th e transpor tation regulations . The batteries f or the F X 1N Series CPU unit are classified as sho wn in f ol lowing tab le .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Appendix 8. 8-3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8.3 Handling of Batteries a nd De vice s with Built-in Batteries in EU Mem ber States Thi s sect ion describes the precautio ns f or dis posing o f wast e batteries in EU member st ates and e xpor ting batter ies and/o r de vices wi th bu ilt-in batteries to EU member states .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Appendix 8. 8-4 8.3.2 Expor tation precautions The ne w EU Batte r y Directiv e (200 6/66/EC) requires the f ollw oing when mark eting or e xpor ting batteries and/or de vices with b uilt-in batteries to EU member states .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Appendix 8. 8-5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8.3.3 Regulated FX 1N Series pr oducts a) Included m odules and batteries None .
FX1N Ser ies Programmab le Controllers Appendix 8. 8-6 MEMO.
HEAD OFFICE: TOKYO BUILDI NG, 2-7- 3 MARUNOUCHI, CHIYODA- KU, TOKYO 100-8310, JAPAN JY992D8 9301R (MEE) Effective Apri l 2015 Specificati on are subject to chan ge without notice.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Mitsubishi Electronics MELSEC-F (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Mitsubishi Electronics MELSEC-F noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Mitsubishi Electronics MELSEC-F - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Mitsubishi Electronics MELSEC-F reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Mitsubishi Electronics MELSEC-F erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Mitsubishi Electronics MELSEC-F besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Mitsubishi Electronics MELSEC-F verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Mitsubishi Electronics MELSEC-F. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Mitsubishi Electronics MELSEC-F gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.