Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung GOT-A900 des Produzenten Mitsubishi Electronics
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GOT-A900 Series Operating Manual MITSUBISHI Graphic Operation Terminal (SW4D5C-GOTR-PACKE compatible Extended•Option Functions Manual).
A - 1 • • • • SAFETY PRECA UTIONS • • • • (Alwa ys read t hese instruc tions b efore us ing t his equ ipment.) Befor e using this pr oduct, please read th is manu al and the rel evant m anuals introd uced in this m anual car efull y and pa y full attent ion to s afet y to hand le the product correc tly.
A - 2 Revisions *The m anual num ber is given on the bottom left of the back cover. Print Date *Manual Number Revision Jan.,2000 SH(NA)-080069- A First edition May .,2000 SH(NA)-080069- B Partial additions Section 1.2, 4.1, 4.5 This manual confers no industrial property rights or any rights of any other kind, nor does it confer any patent licenses.
A - 3 INTRODUCTION Thank you for choos ing the M itsubis hi Gr aphic Op eration Term inal. Befor e using the equ ipment, please r ead t his m anual car efull y to use t he equ ipment to i ts o pt i mu m. Pleas e forwar d a cop y of th is manu al to the end us er.
A - 4 [ A950GOT-TBD/SBD/LBD (-M3), A951GOT-QTBD/QS BD/QLBD (-M3), A951GOT-TBD/SBD/LBD (-M3), A953GOT-TBD/SBD/LBD (-M3), A956GOT-TBD/SBD/LBD (-M 3) User's Manual(Hardware) ] • T o know the feat ures o f A950GOT/A951GOT/A953GOT/A956GOT uni t. • To c onfirm the s pecificatio ns of A950 GOT/A951 GOT/A953 GOT/A956GOT un it.
A - 5 [ GOT- A900 Ser ies User ’s Manua l(SW 4D5C-GOT R-PACKE c ompati ble Conn ection S ystem Manual) ] • To know the connection forms available for the GOT -A90 0 s e ries. • To confirm the specifications of each connection for m. • To know the s y stem configuration of each connection form.
A - 6 Abbre viations , gen eric term s and s pecia l term s used in this m anua l Abbre viations , gen eric term s and s pecia l term s used in this m anua l are desc ribed as fol low s: Abbreviati on.
A - 7 Abbreviati ons, generic terms and special ter ms Descr iption External I/ O unit Abbreviatio n of A9GT-70KBF and A8GT-50KBF type external I /O interfac e unit Printer int erface unit Abbreviatio.
A - 8 Manual The f ollowing manua ls relate d to th is produc t are a vailabl e. Obta in the m anuals as requir ed the acc ording to th is table. • Related manua l Manual nam e Manual num ber (Model.
A - 9 Manual nam e Manual num ber (Model code) A7GT-BUS2S Type multi-drop bus c onnection unit Us er's Manual Describes specificat ions, part nam es and operation of A7GT-BUS 2S.
A - 10 Manual nam e Manual num ber (Model code) Add-on mem ory board for A9GT-FNB, A9GT-FNB1 M, A9GT-FNB2M, A9GT-FNB4M and A 9GT- FNB8M type optio n function Describes specificat ions, part names and i nstallati on of A9GT-FNB (1M/2M/4M/8M).
A - 11 CONTENT S 1 OVERVIEW .................................................................................................... 1 - 1 to 1 - 16 1.1 Befor e getting started with vario us func tions .....................................................
A - 12 4 OPERATING THE UTILITY FUNCTION........................................................ 4 - 1 to 4 - 18 4.1 Utilit y function table ...............................................................................................................
A - 13 9 OPERATION OF THE VARIOUS SYSTEM MONITOR SCREENS ............. 9 - 1 to 9 - 22 9.1 Screen c onfigur ation, c omm on operat ions and c hangin g screens when monitor ing ....................... 9 - 1 9.1.1 Basic s creen c onfigur ation and key func tions (m enu) .
A - 14 12.4 A1SD61 module m onitor ...................................................................................................... .......... 12 - 11 12.4.1 O peration m onitor ...................................................................
A - 15 12.16.4 G raph m onitor ........................................................................................................... .. 12 - 45 12.16 .5 Graph monit or (conn ect No. 0 to conn ect No. 7 when m ultiplex modul e is us ed) .........
A - 16 12.23.8 Mo nitoring Speed/ Position C ontrol ............................................................................ 12 - 91 12.23.9 Mo nitorin g specia l startu p, joggi ng, an d manual pulser op erat ion ........................... 12 - 9 2 12.
A - 17 17 USING THE NETW ORK MONITOR SCREENS ....................................... 17 - 1 to 17 - 18 17.1 Own st ation m onitor .........................................................................................................................
A - 18 20 OPERATION OF EDIT ING SCREEN FOR EACH LIST............................ 20 - 1 to 20 - 16 20.1 Basic o peratio n of k ey input ............................................................................................... .............. 20 - 1 20.
1. OVERVIE W 1 - 1 MELSEC GOT Chapter1 Ov ervi ew This manua l that ca n be us ed on a G OT wit h an op eratin g system inst alled. T hese functi ons inc lude the utilit y functi on, ladd er m onitor fu nction, s ystem monitor funct ion, speci al modu le m onitor func tion, network m onitor func tion an d list editor f unctio n.
1. OVERVIE W 1 - 2 MELSEC GOT (a) Connection with QCPU QCPU(Q Mode) QCPU(A Mode) Functions Ref. Secti on Bus connecti on CPU direc t connecti on Compu ter link connecti on MELSEC NET connecti on CC-Li.
1. OVERVIE W 1 - 3 MELSEC GOT (b) Con nectio n with QnAC PU or ACPU QnACPU A CPU Functions Ref. Secti on Bus connecti on CPU direc t connecti on Compu ter link connecti on MELSEC NET connecti on CC-Li.
1. OVERVIE W 1 - 4 MELSEC GOT (c) Connec tion with FXCPU, thir d party PLC or m icrocom puter FXCPU Functions Ref. Secti on CPU direct connect ion Other PLC connect ion Microcomputer connection Brightness/ contrast adjustment Adjusting the brightness/contrast of a monitor screen Secti on 4.
1. OVERVIE W 1 - 5 MELSEC GOT (3) If a s ystem progr am (OS) for the expande d or opt ion func tions has been insta lled, the fo ll ow in g spac e i s requ i red in th e GOT buil t -in int e rnal memory t o st ore use r- creat ed monit or scree n data.
1. OVERVIE W 1 - 6 MELSEC GOT 1.3 Fe atures The m onitor f uncti ons descr ibed in this manua l are inte nded t o im prove the efficie nc y of trou ble-shoo ting a nd maint enance operati ons for the PLC s ystem . The f eatures of each m onitor f unct ion are explai ned in the foll owing sec tions .
1. OVERVIE W 1 - 7 MELSEC GOT (3) Set ting a use en vironm ent of th e GOT ( see Sect ion 4.5 for det ails). You ca n set th e operat ing env ironm ent of the G OT suc h as the beep so und, me ssage disp lay lan guage a nd scre en sa ver's i dle tim e.
1. OVERVIE W 1 - 8 MELSEC GOT 1.3.2 Features of the ladder monitor functi on Instal ling the ladder monit or functio n opera ting s ystem int o the G OT bui lt-in m emor y using th e drawing sof tware enab les ladder m onitori ng of the PLC CPU progr am as shown in a l adder d iagram .
1. OVERVIE W 1 - 9 MELSEC GOT (2) T he displa y form at can be c hanged to sh ow comm ents for devices ( see S ection 6.2. 2 fo r de t ail s). (Sam ple disp lay) Ladd er monit or scre en 7 M910 PLS Y0.
1. OVERVIE W 1 - 10 MELSEC GOT 1.3.3 F eatures of the s ystem monitor f unctio n Instal ling the scree n monitor funct ion oper ating s ystem into t he GOT built-in mem ory using the dra wing sof tware en ables m onitori ng and testing of the buffer m emor y for the PLC CPU pro gram an d the s pecial f unctions module.
1. OVERVIE W 1 - 11 MELSEC GOT (2) D ata can b e chang ed b y test op eration (see Section 9 .6 for details ). (Tes t sam ple) W hen M0 is on NETWK No.[ 0] STATION[FF] DEC DEVICE[ M] [ 0] RST:0 SET:1[1] 7 4 1 0 8 5 2 − 9 6 3 A C E AC B D F DEL ! W hen changing D0 pres ent value NETWK No.
1. OVERVIE W 1 - 12 MELSEC GOT 1.3.4 F eatures of the s pecial module m onit or funct ion Instal ling (or downl oading) the spec ial m odule m onitor f unction operat ing s ystem and speci al modu le .
1. OVERVIE W 1 - 13 MELSEC GOT (2) D ata can b e chang ed b y writi ng (see Sectio n 12.1. 5. for de tails). (W riting exam ple) Monitor scree n W hen changing channe l that ca n be c hanged Menu sele.
1. OVERVIE W 1 - 14 MELSEC GOT 1.3.5 F eatures of the n etwork monitor funct ion To us e the net work m onitor f unctio n, you firs t mus t install an oper ating s ystem (OS) for the networ k m onitor func tion on your GO T b y using dr awin g soft ware.
1. OVERVIE W 1 - 15 MELSEC GOT (3) T he status of oth er stat ions can be mon itored o n the o ther-sta tion m onitor sc reen. The ot her-stat ion m onitor sc reen pr ovides th e fol lowing typ e of i.
1. OVERVIE W 1 - 16 MELSEC GOT 1.3.6 F eatures of the L ist edi tor funct ion Instal lation of the L ist edit or func tion OS into the mem ory with t he dra wing sof tware allows for lis t ed it of the s equenc e progr am in the ACPU . The f ollowing shows f eatur es of the List ed itor func tion.
2. BEFORE BE GINNING OPERATION 2 - 1 MELSEC GOT Chapter2 Be fore beg inni ng oper ati on The req uired e quipm ent for us ing th e moni tor func tions in this m anual are des cribed in this secti on. 2.1 R equired equipm ent The c hart be low sho ws the equ ipm ent require d for us ing the m onitor funct ions.
3. SPECIFICATIONS 3 - 1 MELSEC GOT Chapter3 Specificati ons In th is chap ter, the s pecif ications of the ladder monitor funct ion, s ystem m onitor functi on, spec ial m odule mon itor func tion, and list editor functi on are d iscuss ed separ ately.
3. SPECIFICATIONS 3 - 2 MELSEC GOT 3.2 S ystem monitor func tion sp ecifica tions 3.2.1 P LC CPUs t o be m onitored The P LC CPUs t hat allo w system monitor ing are the QC PU, Qn ACPU, ACPU, FXCPU and mot ion contr oller C PU. For d etails, r efer to S ection 1.
3. SPECIFICATIONS 3 - 3 MELSEC GOT (3) T he "Dat e" colum n of a Ra ted P late sho w s the date m anufactur ed and f unction vers ion num ber.
3. SPECIFICATIONS 3 - 4 MELSEC GOT 3.3 Spec ial m odule monitor funct ion sp ecific ations POINT S • The m emor y board is require d to use the sp ecial unit mon itor func tion on the A985/9 7*/960GO T. • The spec ial unit mon itor f unction c annot be use d on the A95*GOT .
3. SPECIFICATIONS 3 - 5 MELSEC GOT 3.3.3 Memor y capac ity req uired f or usin g the s pecial m odule m onitor functio n The m emor y capacit y require d when savin g speci al modu le mon itor dat a to th e GOT built- in mem ory and the mem ory capacit y require d when savi ng to a Persona l com puter har d disk ar e shown below.
3. SPECIFICATIONS 3 - 6 MELSEC GOT 3.3.4 Preca utions when usin g the s pecia l module monit or funct ion The prec autions to f ollow whe n using the s pecial m odule m onitor f unction are discus sed bel ow.
3. SPECIFICATIONS 3 - 7 MELSEC GOT (c) W hen m onitoring the A1S D75M, AD75M The A1 SD75 M/ AD 75M i s di spl ay ed a s A1SD 75 P/ AD75 P. The A1 SD75 M/ AD 75 M can be moni to re d wi th in the mon i to ri ng ran ge of t he A1SD 75P/A D75P. (d) W hen monitor ing the A81C PU The A 81CPU is monit ored in the f ollowi ng wa y.
3. SPECIFICATIONS 3 - 8 MELSEC GOT 3.4 N etwork monitor f uncti on spec ificati ons POINT S • The m emor y board is require d to use the net work m onitor f unction o n the A985 /97* /960 GOT. • The A 95*GOT -*BD-M3 (m emor y extens ion type) is require d to use the networ k monitor funct ion on the A9 5*GOT.
3. SPECIFICATIONS 3 - 9 MELSEC GOT 3.4.2 Ac cess r anges to be m onitored For acc ess ran ge for m onitor ing, see Ch apter 2 of the G OT-A900 Series User’s manual (S W 4 D 5C -G O TR - P AC KE c omp at ib le Connection system manual) .
3. SPECIFICATIONS 3 - 10 MELSEC GOT 3.5 L ist edit or func tion sp ecifica tions POINT S • To use t he List editor functi on on the A985/ 97*/960G OT, th e mem ory board is requir ed. • To use t he List editor functi on on the A95*GO T, the A95*GOT -*BD-M3 (m emory extensi on type) is requir ed.
3. SPECIFICATIONS 3 - 11 MELSEC GOT 3.5.4 L ist of key arran gement and ke y functi ons Key ar rangem ent and k ey func tions of the l ist edit window a re sho wn belo w.
3. SPECIFICATIONS 3 - 12 MELSEC GOT * Movem ent of the c ursor key betwe en ste ps, betwe en the m enu item s and in the input ar ea is explai ned be low. (1) Kee p press ing the cursor k ey to r epeat t he mov ement to ward the s pecif ied k ey direc tion.
3. SPECIFICATIONS 3 - 13 MELSEC GOT In th is operat ing m anual, t he List editor f unction key is repres ented in the fo llowi ng abbre viation f orm. (1) Ex press ion of .. .. ... Key 1 Key 2 Key n m eans the s equent ial inp ut from Key 1 to Key n .
3. SPECIFICATIONS 3 - 14 MELSEC GOT 3.5. 5 Di spl ay for mat on th e di splay The f ollowing describ es the position and c ontent of each data fie ld in the displa y area provide d b y the Lis t edit or functi on. Current mode display Valid key display Step number; device name and number Pr og ram li st etc.
3. SPECIFICATIONS 3 - 15 MELSEC GOT (2) Cursor display The G OT contro ls th e displ ay of t he cursor when the user has t o input data; it displ ays a " " at the curs or posi tion.
3. SPECIFICATIONS 3 - 16 MELSEC GOT (7) Sh ifting of data to the l eft duri ng the in put of a progr am W hen the user inputs a pr ogram , the codes enter ed before a touc h on the GO ke y will appear on the 4th (bottom ) line of the dis pla y area.
3. SPECIFICATIONS 3 - 17 MELSEC GOT 3.5.6 List of List ed itor func tion Mode (mode displ ay) Function A ction Write program Writes , adds, or modifi es a program.
3. SPECIFICATIONS 3 - 18 MELSEC GOT Mode (mode displ ay) Function A ction Change T/C s et values Changes val ues set to t imer/counter devices . Read erroneous step Displays details of an error i n the ACPU and the ass ociated st ep number. PC check P rogram check Che cks duplex coils, instruct ion codes, and other elem ents in the program .
4. OPERAT ING THE UTILITY FUNCTION 4 - 1 MELSEC GOT Chapter4 Operating the utility function 4.1 Uti lity funct ion ta ble Functions Descri ption Remark s Ref. sec tion Brightnes s/contr ast adjus tment A djusting the bri ghtness/c ontrast of a monit or screen.
4. OPERAT ING THE UTILITY FUNCTION 4 - 2 MELSEC GOT 4.2 Selec ting th e utilit y fu nction This sectio n descri bes ho w to sel ect the utilit y funct ion. The ut ility func tion c an be ac tivated with a to uch of th e screen . To selec t the utilit y function, f ollo w either of the f ollowin g two s teps.
4. OPERAT ING THE UTILITY FUNCTION 4 - 3 MELSEC GOT 4.3 Se lectin g the re quired f unctio n on the u tilit y menu sc reen ( Adjusting the br ightnes s/contr ast of th e moni tor screen) (1) Display screen The di spl ay scree n di ffe r s w ith the GOT used .
4. OPERAT ING THE UTILITY FUNCTION 4 - 4 MELSEC GOT (3) Operation (a) B asic o peratio n Direc tly touch the port ion wh ere the f unction you wi ll selec t is b eing dis played. (b) R eturn to th e moni tor screen Touc h to retur n to the m onitor scree n.
4. OPERAT ING THE UTILITY FUNCTION 4 - 5 MELSEC GOT 4.4 C opying t he monit or data/O S data betwee n the i nternal m emor y and m e mor y card ( Screen & OS cop y) (1) Display screen Sample scree n (2) Fe atures • Project data s tored in the in ternal m emor y can be saved to the m emor y card.
4. OPERAT ING THE UTILITY FUNCTION 4 - 6 MELSEC GOT (5) D irector y tree in a mem ory card The d irector y tree in a m emory car d is sh own as f ollows. (Direc tor y Tree) ALA RM HS T. DA T ................. Alarm hist ory dat a file RE CIP 00 1 . CSV to .
4. OPERAT ING THE UTILITY FUNCTION 4 - 7 MELSEC GOT 4.5 Set ting the opera ting envir onment of the GO T (Set up) POINT Afte r chan ging any of the i tems in Setu p, touchi ng automatic ally resets th e GOT and shows the m onitor scree n. (1) Display screen The di spl ay scree n di ffe r s w ith the GOT used .
4. OPERAT ING THE UTILITY FUNCTION 4 - 8 MELSEC GOT (2) Functions • B uzz er vol ume You can s elect the le ngth of the beep sound.(F actor y-set to SHORT ) • Outs ide sp ea ker so un d You can s .
4. OPERAT ING THE UTILITY FUNCTION 4 - 9 MELSEC GOT • Screen sav e Human sens or You can select whether the screen saver is deactivated or not when the Human sensor has detected a man's motion.
4. OPERAT ING THE UTILITY FUNCTION 4 - 10 MELSEC GOT (3) Operation (a) B asic o peratio n • Touch or to s elect the necess ary item . • W hen the A9 85GOT, A950 h andy GOT is us ed, sel ect the last item on P age 1/2 an d t ou ch to sh ow Page 2/2.
4. OPERAT ING THE UTILITY FUNCTION 4 - 11 MELSEC GOT 4.6 R unning d iagnost ic chec ks on GO T har dware (s elf-tes t) (1) Display screen (2) Fe atures Diagnos tic chec ks on GO T hard ware inc lude th e follo wing optio ns: • Grap hi c Ch ec k ....
4. OPERAT ING THE UTILITY FUNCTION 4 - 12 MELSEC GOT 4.7 D ispla y ing GOT mem ory infor matio n (mem ory inf ormation) (1) Display screen S a mple scree n (2) Fe atures The con tents of GOT m e mor y.
4. OPERAT ING THE UTILITY FUNCTION 4 - 13 MELSEC GOT 4.8 Set ting the Clock (Clock) (1) Display screen S a mple scree n ∗ The tim e when the Cloc k Settin gs screen was displa yed is sho wn in the windo w panel. The time indicat or in the upper-rig ht corne r of the screen shows the curren t time.
4. OPERAT ING THE UTILITY FUNCTION 4 - 14 MELSEC GOT 4.9 D ispla y ing the displ ay area c leanup s creen (s creen cleanu p) (1) Display screen (2) Fe atures • A blac k screen is displa y ed when cle aning up th e displa y are a. This m akes the screen eas y to view.
4. OPERAT ING THE UTILITY FUNCTION 4 - 15 MELSEC GOT 4.10 Chan ging secur ity leve ls (secur ity pass word) (1) Screen display (2) Fe atures • If objec ts (num eric input or touch k eys, etc. ) are s ecured by us ing drawi ng softwar e, the ir secur ity le vels can be chan ged b y enteri ng a pas sword.
4. OPERAT ING THE UTILITY FUNCTION 4 - 16 MELSEC GOT 4.11 Co ntrolling limite d access to the ut ilit y menu (pass word) (1) Screen display (2) Fe atures • Pass word protec tion c an be se t on the G OT b y using drawing s oftwar e.
4. OPERAT ING THE UTILITY FUNCTION 4 - 17 MELSEC GOT 4.12 Adj ustin g the br ightnes s of th e monit or scre en on the dedica ted scr een (Br ightness adjustm ent) (1) Display screen Scre en Exampl e.
4. OPERAT ING THE UTILITY FUNCTION 4 - 18 MELSEC GOT (2) Function • Used to adjust the bright ness of the m onitor sc reen. (3) Operation (a) B asic o peratio n • Touch a ny of to to sel ect the br ight ness. • Touch and at top of t he scree n to m ake contr ast adjus tment.
5. OPER ATION PR OCEDURE S FOR THE L ADDER MON ITOR FUNC TION 5 - 1 MELSEC GOT Chapter5 Operati on pr ocedur es for the ladd er moni tor function The op eration procedur es to f ollow wh en usin g the lad der mon itor func tion ar e expl ai ne d in th e follow i ng se ctio n .
5. OPER ATION PR OCEDURE S FOR THE L ADDER MON ITOR FUNC TION 5 - 2 MELSEC GOT 5.2 Op eration proced ures from displ ay of us er-cre ated mon itor scr een to st art of l adder m onitori ng This sectio.
6. OPERATING THE VARIOU S LADD ER MONI TOR SCREENS 6 - 1 MELSEC GOT Chapter6 Operati ng the v arious ladder moni tor scr eens The foll owin g se cti ons descr ib e each scr een op e rati on when usin g t he ladde r monit o r functi on.
6. OPERATING THE VARIOU S LADD ER MONI TOR SCREENS 6 - 2 MELSEC GOT 2) In "R ead Select ion", specif y the seq uence pr ogram to be r ead from the obj ect stat ion. Specif y wheth er or n ot to perf orm c omm ent read. 3) Inp ut the k eyword t hat is regist ered to that stat ion.
6. OPERATING THE VARIOU S LADD ER MONI TOR SCREENS 6 - 4 MELSEC GOT (2) W hen the MELSEC- QnA la dder m onitor is execute d [Operat ion proc edure ] 1) Touc h the ladder m onitor s tarting touch s witch on the m onitor screen pr epared by the user or touc h the LADDER MON.
6. OPERATING THE VARIOU S LADD ER MONI TOR SCREENS 6 - 5 MELSEC GOT 4) The s ettin g windo w appears . Make t he sett ing for initia l ladder monitor start . Touc hing the MEMO RY key chan ges the s ettin g choice as indic ated bel ow. DISPLAY USE OF EXISTI NG DATA, SELECT USE O R CL EAR.
6. OPERATING THE VARIOU S LADD ER MONI TOR SCREENS 6 - 6 MELSEC GOT 6) The Dri ve Select ion W indo w is displa yed. Select th e drive (appl icable m emor y ) with the follo wing ke ys. 0 to 4 : Inpu t th e d riv e nu mber . 0 (in te rnal RAM) 1 - 4 (me mo ry car d ) AC : Clear all in put dat a on th e drive.
6. OPERATING THE VARIOU S LADD ER MONI TOR SCREENS 6 - 7 MELSEC GOT 6.1.2 L adder r ead op eration This sectio n descri bes the object s equenc e progr am of the ladder monit or that is read from the PLC CPU, for the oper ation dis played on the lad der monit or screen.
6. OPERATING THE VARIOU S LADD ER MONI TOR SCREENS 6 - 8 MELSEC GOT 7 4 1 0 8 5 2 − 9 6 3 ! A C E AC B D F DEL [ ] STEP Step.Sea. When specifying and reading the step num ber in the program.
6. OPERATING THE VARIOU S LADD ER MONI TOR SCREENS 6 - 9 MELSEC GOT *3 W hen devic e search , cont act poi nt search , or co il searc h is per form ed during ladder monitor ing, onl y the ladd er block w hic h includes the read searc h device is displ ayed.
6. OPERATING THE VARIOU S LADD ER MONI TOR SCREENS 6 - 10 MELSEC GOT 6.1.3 Us ing the defect search The def ect se arch en ables yo u to ex amine a n ladd er bloc k that c aused a f ailure.
6. OPERATING THE VARIOU S LADD ER MONI TOR SCREENS 6 - 11 MELSEC GOT [Sear ch resul t s] Search res ults r eveal a ny occ urrences of the search device. The y are usef ul wh en you deter mine wh ether a defec tive de vice is co nductiv e or no nconduc tive.
6. OPERATING THE VARIOU S LADD ER MONI TOR SCREENS 6 - 12 MELSEC GOT (2) W hen two oc currenc es of t he sear ch dev ice are f ound. If t wo occurr ences of the sear ch de vice are f ound as a resu lt of t he searc h, the search will be complet ed and a m essage ap pears, t elling that "t he defec t searc h is interr upted.
6. OPERATING THE VARIOU S LADD ER MONI TOR SCREENS 6 - 13 MELSEC GOT 6.1.4 Ch anging f rom one scree n to anoth er This sectio n descri bes the s creen movem ents wh en exec uting t he ladder m onitor fr om the status where the us er-cre ated monitor screen is dis played .
6. OPERATING THE VARIOU S LADD ER MONI TOR SCREENS 6 - 14 MELSEC GOT 6.2 La dd e r moni to r The l adder m onitor sc reen dis pla y and the keys t hat are s hown at the to p of the screen are ex plained in this sect ion.
6. OPERATING THE VARIOU S LADD ER MONI TOR SCREENS 6 - 15 MELSEC GOT (2) W hen MEL SEC-QnA ladder monit or is ex ecuted (a) Display 7 M910 PLS Y0023 M9036 0 T0 25 Norm alily ON Action X0001 4 Charac ter string display Ready display Opera tion ready K25 T0 Oper ation start warnin g X0002 Start operation instr uctio n Exit PLCRD.
6. OPERATING THE VARIOU S LADD ER MONI TOR SCREENS 6 - 16 MELSEC GOT 6.2. 2 P re cau ti on du ri ng lad d er mon i to ri ng (1) W hen m a king con nection to the FX CPU (a) T he comm ent dis play is kana c omm ents onl y . (b) D uring PLC r ead op eration , the PLC r ead c an onl y be perf ormed f or own statio n onl y .
6. OPERATING THE VARIOU S LADD ER MONI TOR SCREENS 6 - 17 MELSEC GOT 6.2.3 Switch ing the displa y form (dec imal/hex adecim al) a nd turn ing the comm ent disp lay on/ off You ca n switc h the d ispla y form ( decim al/hexa decim al) of the word device v alue or the time r/count er value th at is displ ayed on th e ladder m onitor scre en.
6. OPERATING THE VARIOU S LADD ER MONI TOR SCREENS 6 - 18 MELSEC GOT 6.2. 4 C ha ngi ng th e de vi ce val ue CAUTION • Read t he m anual car efull y and fu lly und erstand the ope ration b efore the.
6. OPERATING THE VARIOU S LADD ER MONI TOR SCREENS 6 - 19 MELSEC GOT 6.2. 5 P ri nt in g Prin ting out during lad der moni to ring is describ ed. • W hen perfor ming pr intouts of the ladder m onitor sc reen, always instal l the opt ion driver to GOT .
7. ERROR DISPLA Y A ND HANDLING W ITH LADDER MONITORING 7 - 1 MELSEC GOT Chapter7 Err or di splay and handl ing with ladder moni tor i ng The f ollowing chart sh ows the error m essages that ar e displ ayed duri ng the l adder monitor opera tion and the m ethod of h andling them .
8. OPERATIO N PROCEDURES FO R THE SYSTEM MONIT O R FUNCTION 8 - 1 MELSEC GOT Chapter8 Operati on pr ocedures for the system moni tor function The op eration proce dures f or usin g the s y stem monitor f unct ion are explai ned in th is sectio n.
8. OPERATIO N PROCEDURES FO R THE SYSTEM MONIT O R FUNCTION 8 - 2 MELSEC GOT 8.2 Op eration proced ures from user-c reated m onitor screen displa y to star t of s y stem monitori ng This sectio n expl.
9. OPERA TION OF THE VARIOU S SYSTEM MONITOR SCR EENS 9 - 1 MELSEC GOT Chapter9 Operati on o f the v arious sy stem moni tor scr eens This chapter c ontains an exp lanation of eac h scree n operat ion wh en usin g the s ystem monitor funct ion.
9. OPERA TION OF THE VARIOU S SYSTEM MONITOR SCR EENS 9 - 2 MELSEC GOT 9.1.2 Switch ing the displa y form (dec imal/hex adecim al) a nd turn ing the comm ent disp lay on/ off ( FORM) (1) S witchin g t.
9. OPERA TION OF THE VARIOU S SYSTEM MONITOR SCR EENS 9 - 3 MELSEC GOT Belo w is an explana tion of the o peratio n for ch angin g the dis pla y , usin g the Entr y Monitor window as an exam ple. The o pe rat io n pro ced u re is the same fo r chan gi ng th e di splay when sel e ctin g wind o w s othe r th an En try M onit or.
9. OPERA TION OF THE VARIOU S SYSTEM MONITOR SCR EENS 9 - 4 MELSEC GOT 9.1.3 Specif ying t he monit or st ation and devic e (S ET) An exp lanat ion of th e proced ure for specif ying th e monitor stati on and th e dev ice for execu ting the s ystem monito r is ex plained below, using th e Entr y Monitor windo w as exam ple.
9. OPERA TION OF THE VARIOU S SYSTEM MONITOR SCR EENS 9 - 5 MELSEC GOT NETWK N o.[ 0] ST ATION[FF] DEVICE[ D ] [ ] 16b:0 3 2b:1 [0 ] XY ML AC B G F Z D V W TC A E DEL 1) Arrow: Select input area. ( : Lef t / righ t) Character: Input network no., station, device name, de vi ce n o.
9. OPERA TION OF THE VARIOU S SYSTEM MONITOR SCR EENS 9 - 6 MELSEC GOT 9.1. 4 C hangi ng scr een s This sectio n shows the scr een cha nges whe n execu ting e ach m onitoring operat ion of the s y stem monitor f unctio n from the stat us wher e the user -creat ed m onitor scr een is displ ayed.
9. OPERA TION OF THE VARIOU S SYSTEM MONITOR SCR EENS 9 - 7 MELSEC GOT 9.2 En t ry moni to r Enter the de vice to be monito red in advanc e. The f unctio n that monitor s onl y the device th at was enter ed is calle d the "entr y moni tor". The en try m onitor op eration when ex ecuting the s ystem m onitor f unction is expla ined below.
9. OPERA TION OF THE VARIOU S SYSTEM MONITOR SCR EENS 9 - 8 MELSEC GOT 9.2.2 E ntry m onitor sc reen dis pla y and k ey functions In this secti on, the Entry Mon itor scr een disp lay and the fu nctions of the k eys displ ayed at t he top of the sc reen ar e exp lained.
9. OPERA TION OF THE VARIOU S SYSTEM MONITOR SCR EENS 9 - 9 MELSEC GOT 9.2. 3 D eleti ng a r egi st er ed devi ce The op eration of delet ing (eras ing) the entr y of the device be ing mon itored wi th the Entry Mo nitor scree n i s expl ained below .
9. OPERA TION OF THE VARIOU S SYSTEM MONITOR SCR EENS 9 - 10 MELSEC GOT 9.3 Batc h moni tor W hen monitor ing, the funct ion of s pecif ying the devic e at the beginn ing of an opt ional devic e range and m onitoring it is called the "batc h m onitor".
9. OPERA TION OF THE VARIOU S SYSTEM MONITOR SCR EENS 9 - 11 MELSEC GOT 9.3.2 Batch m onitor s creen displa y and k ey funct ions In th is secti on, the Batch M onitor sc reen d ispla y and th e funct ions of keys dis played at the to p of t he scr ee n a re e xplai ne d.
9. OPERA TION OF THE VARIOU S SYSTEM MONITOR SCR EENS 9 - 12 MELSEC GOT 9.4 T C Monit or (monit or of timer a nd count er) The f unction t hat m onitors on ly the t ime (T ) and cou nter (c) when m onitorin g is ca lled the T C monit or. The T C monitor oper ation when exec uting the s y stem monitor is ex plained below.
9. OPERA TION OF THE VARIOU S SYSTEM MONITOR SCR EENS 9 - 13 MELSEC GOT 9.4. 2 TC M oni t o r screen di splay and key func ti on s In this secti on, the T C Monitor scree n displ ay cont ents and the func tion of keys displ ayed at t he top of the sc reen ar e exp lained.
9. OPERA TION OF THE VARIOU S SYSTEM MONITOR SCR EENS 9 - 14 MELSEC GOT 9.5 BM Monitor (monit or of buf fer m emor y ) W hen monitori ng, the functio n that m onitors the buff er mem ory of the speci al funct ion m odule is c alled th e "BM m onitor ".
9. OPERA TION OF THE VARIOU S SYSTEM MONITOR SCR EENS 9 - 15 MELSEC GOT 9.5.2 B M Moni tor scree n disp lay and key fu nctions In th is secti on, the BM Moni tor scr een disp lay and th e func tions of keys dis pla yed at the to p of t he scr ee n a re e xplai ne d.
9. OPERA TION OF THE VARIOU S SYSTEM MONITOR SCR EENS 9 - 16 MELSEC GOT 9.6 T est CAUTION • Rea d the m anual c arefull y and fu lly und erstand t he oper ation b efore th e test operat ion (ON/OF F.
9. OPERA TION OF THE VARIOU S SYSTEM MONITOR SCR EENS 9 - 17 MELSEC GOT Select t est item. 1) When SET/RST is sele cted . NETWK No .[ ] STAT ION[ ] DEVICE[ ] [ ] RST:0 SET: 1 X B Y F G ML AC S DEL NETWK No .[ ] STAT ION[ ] DEVICE[ ] [ ] VL[K ] W D G AC S DEL R C T V Z A E When VALUE16 VALUE32 / is selec ted.
9. OPERA TION OF THE VARIOU S SYSTEM MONITOR SCR EENS 9 - 18 MELSEC GOT *1 Th e data being ent ered ca n be cl eared b y using the fol lowing k eys. AC : Clear all dat a bei ng enter ed in the object area. DEL : Cle ar one c haract er from the cur sor pos ition.
9. OPERA TION OF THE VARIOU S SYSTEM MONITOR SCR EENS 9 - 19 MELSEC GOT 9.6.2 Quick test func tion In addi tion to t he ex isting t ests for t he direct input of devic e, stat ion No.
9. OPERA TION OF THE VARIOU S SYSTEM MONITOR SCR EENS 9 - 20 MELSEC GOT 2) Op eration to turn off the qu ick tes t funct ion W hen TEST is t ouched when the quick test func tion is on, a dialog box is displ ayed. W hen OK is touc hed, the quick test can be canc eled.
9. OPERA TION OF THE VARIOU S SYSTEM MONITOR SCR EENS 9 - 21 MELSEC GOT 4) Quic k test f or the word devic e, T/C m onitor, a nd buf fer m e mor y D 15 -2147483648 DW ZR 1042431 -32767 X 0001 ! M 25 " W 0 43 R 200 68378428 DW D 50 0 W 10 0 0 NETWK No .
10. ERROR DISPLAY AND HANDL ING W ITH SYSTEM MONITORING 10 - 1 MELSEC GOT Chapter10 Err or displ ay and handl ing w i th system monitori ng The f ollowing chart sh ows the error m essages that m ay be dis played when op erating the s y stem monitor and th e method of hand ling them .
11. OPERATION PROCEDURES F OR SPECIAL MODULE MONITOR FUNCTION 11 - 1 MELSEC GOT Chapter11 Operati on pr ocedures for special mod ul e monitor function The op eration proce dure whe n using the spec ial m odule m onitor f unction is exp lained in th is cha pter.
11. OPERATION PROCEDURES F OR SPECIAL MODULE MONITOR FUNCTION 11 - 2 MELSEC GOT 11.2 O peratio n proce dures f rom us er-creat ed m onitor scr een d ispla y to star t of sp ecial m odule m onitor This.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 1 MELSEC GOT Chapter12 Operati on of e ach speci al modul e m onitor scr een Each s creen operati on when using the spec ial m odule m onitor functi on is ex plaine d in this c hapter.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 2 MELSEC GOT Key Function Scrolls display up or dow n one level to display the sy stem conf iguration of the level number just before or after the one t hat is c urrently display ed. Operation of these keys i s enabled w hen the sy stem c onfiguration ex tends to three levels or more.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 3 MELSEC GOT 12.1. 3 Settin g metho d for r emote st ation m onitor ing The s etting m ethod t o perfor m rem ote stat ion mon itoring during s pecia l modu le monit oring is describ ed bel ow.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 4 MELSEC GOT 12.1. 4 Specif ying m onitor modu le and s electin g moni tor m enu The op eration when st artin g the spec ial m odule m onitor for a n optio nal m odule is expla ined, us ing th e posit ioning m odule ( AD71) as an exam ple.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 5 MELSEC GOT 12.1. 5 Test f or spec ial func tion module CAUTION • Read t he m anual caref ull y and fu lly und erstand the oper ation b efore th e test operat ion (m odif ying the c urrent value of a buf fer m emory) of specia l func tion m odule monit or.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 6 MELSEC GOT Display key window on monitor screen. 1) (Touch) 3) (Test continues) (Tes t ends) 2 ) (Touch: input confirmation) W hen Da ta Chg.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 7 MELSEC GOT 12.1. 6 Changi ng the sc reen This sectio n descri bes how to chang e the s creen wh en exec uting e ach m onitor functi on of t he spec ial modul e moni tor func tion fr om the st atus where the user-c reated monit o r scr een is di spl ay ed.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 8 MELSEC GOT 12.2 A61LS m odule m onitor 12.2. 1 Operat ion m onitor 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 10 ) No. Conte nts of displa y Buffer m emory ad dress to refer ence (decim al) 1) The num ber of th e pro gram be ing used is dis played.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 9 MELSEC GOT 12.2. 2 I/O m onitor 1) No. Conte nts of displa y 1) The ON /OFF sta tus of the I/O s ignal cor respon ding t o the PLC CPU is displa yed. The I/O sign al is ON when displa yed in a revers e disp lay.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 10 MELSEC GOT 12.3 AD61 m odule m onitor 12.3. 1 Operat ion m onitor 4) 1) 2) 3) No. Conte nts of displa y Buffer m emory ad dress to refer ence (decim al) 1) The curr ent val ues of c hannels 1 and 2 are d ispla y ed.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 11 MELSEC GOT 12.4 A1SD61 m odule monito r 12.4. 1 Operat ion m onitor The Chan nel 1 and 2 Mo nitor Scre en is used as a n example .
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 12 MELSEC GOT 12.4. 2 I/O m onitor 1) No. Conte nts of displa y 1) The ON /OFF sta tus of the I/O s ignal cor respon ding t o the PLC CPU is displa yed. The I/ O sign al is O N when displa yed in a revers e disp lay.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 13 MELSEC GOT 12.5 A62DA- S1 m odule mon itor 12.5. 1 Operat ion m onitor 3) 1) 2) 1) 2) No.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 14 MELSEC GOT 12.5. 2 Graph m onitor 4 ) 1) 2) 3) No. Conte nts of displa y Buffer m emory ad dress to refer ence (decim al) 1) The c urre.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 15 MELSEC GOT 12.6 A1S62DA module m onitor 12.6. 1 Operat ion m onitor 1) 4) 5) 6) 7) 13 ) 12 ) 11 ) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 8) 10) 9) 2) 3) No.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 16 MELSEC GOT 12.7 A62LS m odule m onitor 12.7. 1 Operat ion m onitor As a s creen ex ample, we will s tore th e monitor scree ns from CH. 0 to CH . 3 in the me mo ry . 1) 2) 10) 11 ) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8 ) 9) 3) No.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 17 MELSEC GOT 12.7. 2 I/O m onitor 1) No. Conte nts of displa y 1) The ON /OFF sta tus of the I/O s ignal cor respon ding t o the PLC CPU is displa yed. The I/O sign al is ON when displa yed in a revers e disp lay.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 18 MELSEC GOT 12.8 A1 S62RD m odule m onitor 12.8. 1 Operat ion m onitor 8) 9 ) 4) 5) 10 ) 1) 2) 3) 6) 7) No.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 19 MELSEC GOT 12.8. 2 I/O m onitor 1) No. Conte nts of displa y 1) The ON /OFF sta tus of the I/O s ignal cor respon ding t o the PLC CPU is displa yed. The I/O sign al is ON when displa yed in a revers e disp lay.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 20 MELSEC GOT 12.8. 3 Graph m onitor 6) 7) 2) 3) 8) 7) 4) 5) No. Conte nts of displa y Buffer m emory ad dress to refer ence (decim al) 1) The tem peratur e detec tion va lue of each c hannel is disp layed as a gr aph.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 21 MELSEC GOT 12.9 A1S63DA module m onitor 12.9. 1 Operat ion m onitor 7) 2) 6) 5) 4) 3) 1) 11) 12) 8) 9) 10) No. Conte nts of displa y Buffer m emory ad dress to refer ence (decim al) 1) The s pecifie d con version enable d/disab led st atus for each c hanne l is displ ayed.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 22 MELSEC GOT 12.9. 2 Simple lo op monit or 3) 6) 7) 8) 2) 1) 4) 5) No. Conte nts of displa y Buffer m emory ad dress to refer ence (decim al) 1) The s pecifie d sim ple loo p contro l exec ution enable d/dis abled st atus is displ ayed.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 23 MELSEC GOT 12.9. 3 I/O m onitor 1) No. Conte nts of displa y 1) The ON /OFF sta tus of the I/O s ignal cor respon ding t o the PLC CPU is displa yed. The I/O sign al is ON when displa yed in a revers e disp lay.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 24 MELSEC GOT 12.10 A1S64D A modu le m onitor 12.10.1 Operat ion mon itor 6 ) 7 ) 2) 1) 4) 5) 3) No. Conte nts of displa y Buffer m emory ad dress to refer ence (decim al) 1) The s pecifie d con version enable d/disab led st atus of each ch annel is displ ayed.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 25 MELSEC GOT 12.10.2 I/O mon itor 1) No. Conte nts of displa y 1) The ON /OFF sta tus of the I/O s ignal cor respon ding t o the PLC CPU is displa yed. The I/O sign al is ON when displa yed in a revers e disp lay.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 26 MELSEC GOT 12.10.3 Graph m onitor 2 ) 3 ) 2) 4 ) No. Conte nts of displa y Buffer m emory ad dress to refer ence (decim al) 1) The c ur.
12. OPERATION OF EACH SPECIAL M OD ULE M ONI TOR SCR EEN 12 - 27 MELSEC GOT 12.11 A68AD m odule m onitor 12.11.1 Operat ion mon itor 6) 3) 4) 2 ) 1) 5) No. Conte nts of displa y Buff er mem ory addres s to ref erence ( decim al) 1) The s pecifie d stat us for t he aver aging pr ocessi ng/sam pling pr ocessi ng of each c hanne l is dis pla yed.
12. OPERATION OF EACH SPECIAL M OD ULE M ONI TOR SCR EEN 12 - 28 MELSEC GOT 12.11.2 I/O mon itor 1) No. Conte nts of displa y 1) The ON /OFF sta tus of the I/O s ignal cor respon ding t o the PLC CPU is displa yed. The I/O sign al is ON when displa yed in a revers e disp lay.
12. OPERATION OF EACH SPECIAL M OD ULE M ONI TOR SCR EEN 12 - 29 MELSEC GOT 12.11 .3 G raph m onitor 2 ) 1) No. Conte nts of displa y Buff er mem ory addres s to ref erence ( decim al) 1) The c urrent.
12. OPERATION OF EACH SPECIAL M OD ULE M ONI TOR SCR EEN 12 - 30 MELSEC GOT 12.12 A1S68 AD modul e monit or 12.12.1 Operat ion mon itor 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7 ) No. Conte nts of displa y Buff er mem ory addres s to ref erence ( decim al) 1) The A/D c onvers ion en abled/ disabl ed stat us of eac h chan nel is displa yed.
12. OPERATION OF EACH SPECIAL M OD ULE M ONI TOR SCR EEN 12 - 31 MELSEC GOT 12.12.2 I/O mon itor 1) No. Conte nts of displa y 1) The ON /OFF sta tus of the I/O s ignal cor respon ding t o the PLC CPU is displa yed. The I/O sign al is ON when displa yed in a revers e disp lay.
12. OPERATION OF EACH SPECIAL M OD ULE M ONI TOR SCR EEN 12 - 32 MELSEC GOT 12.12.3 Graph m onitor 1) 2 ) No. Conte nts of displa y Buff er mem ory addres s to ref erence ( decim al) 1) The c urrent o.
12. OPERATION OF EACH SPECIAL M OD ULE M ONI TOR SCR EEN 12 - 33 MELSEC GOT 12.13 A 68ADN m odule m onitor 12.13.1 Operat ion mon itor 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 7) 6) No. Conte nts of displa y Buff er mem ory addres s to ref erence ( decim al) 1) The s pecifie d con version enable d/disab led st atus of each ch annel is displ ayed.
12. OPERATION OF EACH SPECIAL M OD ULE M ONI TOR SCR EEN 12 - 34 MELSEC GOT 12.13.2 I/O mon itor 1) No. Conte nts of displa y 1) The ON /OFF sta tus of the I/O s ignal cor respon ding t o the PLC CPU is displa yed. The I/O sign al is ON when displa yed in a revers e disp lay.
12. OPERATION OF EACH SPECIAL M OD ULE M ONI TOR SCR EEN 12 - 35 MELSEC GOT 12.13.3 Graph m onitor 1) 4 ) 3 ) 2 ) No. Conte nts of displa y Buff er mem ory addres s to ref erence ( decim al) 1) The c .
12. OPERATION OF EACH SPECIAL M OD ULE M ONI TOR SCR EEN 12 - 36 MELSEC GOT 12.14 A68RD m odule m onitor 12.14.1 Operat ion mon itor 8) 9 ) 4 ) 5 ) 10 ) 1) 2) 3) 6) 7) No.
12. OPERATION OF EACH SPECIAL M OD ULE M ONI TOR SCR EEN 12 - 37 MELSEC GOT 12.14.2 I/O mon itor 1) No. Conte nts of displa y 1) The ON /OFF sta tus of the I/O s ignal cor respon ding t o the PLC CPU is displa yed. The I/O sign al is ON when displa yed in a revers e disp lay.
12. OPERATION OF EACH SPECIAL M OD ULE M ONI TOR SCR EEN 12 - 38 MELSEC GOT 12.14.3 Graph m onitor 6) 7 ) 2) 3) 8 ) 1) 4) 5) No. Conte nts of displa y Buff er mem ory addres s to ref erence ( decim al) 1) The tem peratur e detec tion va lue of each c hannel is disp layed i n a grap h.
12. OPERATION OF EACH SPECIAL M OD ULE M ONI TOR SCR EEN 12 - 39 MELSEC GOT 12.15 A1S68D AI, A1 S68DAV modu le m onitor The c ontents displa yed on eac h moni tor of th e A1S 68DAI m odule a nd A1S6 8DAV module are n earl y identic al, exc ept f or the s ectio ns dis playing the m odule f ormat.
12. OPERATION OF EACH SPECIAL M OD ULE M ONI TOR SCR EEN 12 - 40 MELSEC GOT 12.15.2 I/O mon itor 1) No. Conte nts of displa y 1) The ON /OFF sta tus of the I/O s ignal cor respon ding t o the PLC CPU is displa yed. The I/O sign al is ON when displa yed in a revers e disp lay.
12. OPERATION OF EACH SPECIAL M OD ULE M ONI TOR SCR EEN 12 - 41 MELSEC GOT 12.15.3 Graph m onitor 1) 2) 3) No. Conte nts of displa y Buff er mem ory addres s to ref erence ( decim al) 1) For A1 S68DA.
12. OPERATION OF EACH SPECIAL M OD ULE M ONI TOR SCR EEN 12 - 42 MELSEC GOT 12.16 A 616AD m odule m onitor 12.16.1 Operat ion mon itor 1) 6) 4) 5) 2) 3) 7) No. Conte nts of displa y B uffer memory ad dre ss to refer ence (hex adecim al) 1) The s pecifie d con version enable d/disab led st atus of each ch annel is displ ayed.
12. OPERATION OF EACH SPECIAL M OD ULE M ONI TOR SCR EEN 12 - 43 MELSEC GOT 12.16.2 Operat ion mon itor (co nnect N o. 0 to c onnect N o. 7 wh en multi plex m odule is used) 2 ) 8 ) 5) 7) 6) 9 ) 4) 3) 1) No.
12. OPERATION OF EACH SPECIAL M OD ULE M ONI TOR SCR EEN 12 - 44 MELSEC GOT 12.16.3 I/O mon itor 1) No. Conte nts of displa y 1) The ON/ OF F stat u s of the I/ O sign al co rre spo nd ing to th e PL C CPU i s di spla y e d. The I/ O signa l i s ON when displa yed in a revers e disp lay.
12. OPERATION OF EACH SPECIAL M OD ULE M ONI TOR SCR EEN 12 - 45 MELSEC GOT 12.16.4 Graph m onitor 3) 2 ) 1) No. Conte nts of displa y B uffer memory ad dre ss to refer ence (hex adecim al) 1) The c u.
12. OPERATION OF EACH SPECIAL M OD ULE M ONI TOR SCR EEN 12 - 46 MELSEC GOT 12.16.5 Graph m onitor (connec t No. 0 to connec t No. 7 when m ultiplex m odule is use d) 4) 2) 1) 3 ) No. Conte nts of displa y B uffer memory ad dre ss to refer ence (hex adecim al) 1) The con nect num ber of the m onitor b eing us ed is d isplayed .
12. OPERAT ION OF EACH SPECIAL MODULE MONIT OR SCREEN 12 - 47 MELSEC GOT 12.17 A616DAI , A616 DAV m odule moni tor The cont ents displ ayed on eac h monitor of the A616DAI m odule and A6 16DAV module are n earl y identic al, exc ept f or the s ectio ns dis playing the m odule f ormat.
12. OPERAT ION OF EACH SPECIAL MODULE MONIT OR SCREEN 12 - 48 MELSEC GOT 12.17.2 I/O mon itor 1) No. Conte nts of displa y 1) The ON /OFF sta tus of the I/O s ignal cor respon ding t o the PLC CPU is displa yed. The I/O sign al is ON when displa yed in a revers e disp lay.
12. OPERAT ION OF EACH SPECIAL MODULE MONIT OR SCREEN 12 - 49 MELSEC GOT 12.17.3 Graph m onitor 2 ) 3) 1) No. Conte nts of displa y Bu ffer me mory add ress to refer ence (hex adecim al) 1) The cu rr .
12. OPERAT ION OF EACH SPECIAL MODULE MONIT OR SCREEN 12 - 50 MELSEC GOT 12.18 A616TD module m onit or 12.18.1 Operat ion mon itor (IN PUT 0-F) 1) 7 ) 4) 5) 9 ) 2 ) 8 ) 6) 6) 3) No.
12. OPERAT ION OF EACH SPECIAL MODULE MONIT OR SCREEN 12 - 51 MELSEC GOT 12.18.2 Operat ion mon itor (co nnect N o. 0 to c onnect N o. 7 wh en multi plex m odule is used) 3) 10 ) 5) 8) 11 ) 9) 7) 6) 4) 2) 1) No.
12. OPERA TION OF EACH S PECIAL M ODULE MON ITOR SC REEN 12 - 52 MELSEC GOT 12.18.3 I/O mon itor 1) No. Conte nts of displa y 1) The ON /OFF sta tus of the I/O s ignal cor respon ding t o the PLC CPU is displa yed. The I/O sign al is ON when displa yed in a revers e disp lay.
12. OPERA TION OF EACH S PECIAL M ODULE MON ITOR SC REEN 12 - 53 MELSEC GOT 12.18 .4 Setti ng monit or (whe n A60MX T is us ed) 3 ) 4 ) 2 ) 1 ) No. Conte nts of displa y B uffer memory ad dre ss to re.
12. OPERA TION OF EACH S PECIAL M ODULE MON ITOR SC REEN 12 - 54 MELSEC GOT 12.18.5 Tem perature m onitor ( connect No. 0 t o connec t No. 7 when A6 0MXT is used) 3 ) 1) 2) 4) No. Conte nts of displa y Bu ffer me mory add ress to refer ence (hex adecim al) 1) The con nect num ber of the m onitor b eing us ed is d isplayed .
12. OPERA TION OF EACH S PECIAL M ODULE MON ITOR SC REEN 12 - 55 MELSEC GOT 12.18.6 Graph m onitor (INPUT 0-F ) 1) 3 ) 2) No. Conte nts of displa y B uffer memory ad dre ss to refer ence (hex adecim a.
12. OPERA TION OF EACH S PECIAL M ODULE MON ITOR SC REEN 12 - 56 MELSEC GOT 12.18.7 Graph m onitor (connec t No. 0 to connec t No. 7 when m ultiplex m odule is use d) 2) 5 ) 3) 1) 4) No. Conte nts of displa y B uffer memory ad dre ss to refer ence (hex adecim al) 1) The c onnect n umber of the m onitor being us ed is displaye d.
12. OPERA TION OF EACH S PECIAL M ODULE MON ITOR SC REEN 12 - 57 MELSEC GOT 12.19 AD70, A 1SD70 m odule m onitor The c ontents displa yed on eac h moni tor of th e AD70 modu le and A 1SD70 m odule are nearl y identic al, exce pt for th e sections displa ying the m odule form at.
12. OPERA TION OF EACH S PECIAL M ODULE MON ITOR SC REEN 12 - 58 MELSEC GOT No. Conte nts of displa y Buff er mem ory addr ess to ref erence ( decim al) 11) The err or cod e is dis pla yed when an error occurs that can be ha ndled by a sequenc e pro gram suc h as a s tartup d ata err or or BU SY in pr ogress.
12. OPERA TION OF EACH S PECIAL M ODULE MON ITOR SC REEN 12 - 59 MELSEC GOT 12.19.2 Zero re turn m onitor 1) 11) 13) 16) 15) 14) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 12) 10) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) No. Contents of display Buffe r memory address t o reference (d ecimal) 1) The ON/OFF st atus of the I/O signal corres ponding to the PLC CP U is displayed.
12. OPERA TION OF EACH S PECIAL M ODULE MON ITOR SC REEN 12 - 60 MELSEC GOT 12.19.3 I/O Mon itor 1) No. Conte nts of displa y 1) The ON /OFF sta tus of the I/O s ignal cor respon ding t o the PLC CPU is displa yed. The I/O sign al is ON when displa yed in a revers e disp lay.
12. OPERA TION OF EACH S PECIAL M ODULE MON ITOR SC REEN 12 - 61 MELSEC GOT 12.20 A70D m odule m onitor 12.20.1 Positi oning m onitor 2) 1) 13 ) 15) 18) 17) 16) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 14 ) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 12 ) 10 ) 11 ) 25) No.
12. OPERA TION OF EACH S PECIAL M ODULE MON ITOR SC REEN 12 - 62 MELSEC GOT No. Conte nts of displa y Buff er mem ory addr ess to ref erence ( decim al) 12) The err or cod e is dis pla yed when an error occurs that can be ha ndled by a sequenc e pro gram suc h as a da ta error or BUS Y in pr ogress.
12. OPERA TION OF EACH S PECIAL M ODULE MON ITOR SC REEN 12 - 63 MELSEC GOT 12.20.2 Zero re turn m onitor 1) 14 ) 2) 6) 7) 8) 9) 15 ) 13 ) 11 ) 12 ) 18) 17) 16) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 3) 4) 5) 10) 26) No.
12. OPERA TION OF EACH S PECIAL M ODULE MON ITOR SC REEN 12 - 64 MELSEC GOT No. Conte nts of displa y Buff er mem ory addr ess to ref erence ( decim al) 12) This displa ys wheth er the t orque c omman.
12. OPERA TION OF EACH S PECIAL M ODULE MON ITOR SC REEN 12 - 65 MELSEC GOT 12.20.3 Param eter data monit or 1) 15) 18) 17) 16) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 13) 14) No. Contents of display Buffer memory address to reference (decimal) 1) The ON/O FF status of the I/O signal corresp onding to th e PLC CPU is display ed.
12. OPERA TION OF EACH S PECIAL M ODULE MON ITOR SC REEN 12 - 66 MELSEC GOT No. Conte nts of displa y Buff er mem ory addr ess to ref erence ( decim al) 18) The se t valu e o f th e accele r ati on ti me i s displ ay ed. 42 19) The s et value of the deceler ation time is displ ayed.
12. OPERA TION OF EACH S PECIAL M ODULE MON ITOR SC REEN 12 - 67 MELSEC GOT 12.20.4 I/O mon itor 1) No. Conte nts of displa y 1) The ON /OFF sta tus of the I/O s ignal cor respon ding t o the PLC CPU is displa yed. The I/O sign al is ON when displa yed in a revers e disp lay.
12. O PERATION OF EACH SP ECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 68 MELSEC GOT 12.21 AD71 Mo dule m onitor 12.21.1 Positi oning m onitor 1) 2) 13) 14) 15) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Buff er mem ory address to refer ence (decim al) No.
12. O PERATION OF EACH SP ECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 69 MELSEC GOT 12.21.2 Zero re turn m onitor 1) 2) 13 ) 14) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 17) 16) 15) 15) Buff er mem ory address to refer ence (decim al) No.
12. O PERATION OF EACH SP ECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 70 MELSEC GOT 12.21.3 Param eter data monit or 1) 2 ) 14 ) 15 ) 5) 7) 8) 12) 16) 16) 4) 3) 6) 10) 9) 11) 13) Buff er mem ory address to refer ence (decim al) No.
12. O PERATION OF EACH SP ECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 71 MELSEC GOT 12.21.4 M cod e comm ent monitor 1) 2) 5) 3) 4) 6) 7) 8) Buff er mem ory address to refer ence (decim al) No. Conte nts of displa y X axis Y axis 1) The ON/ OF F stat u s of t he I/ O si gnal cor respo nd in g to the PL C CPU is displ ayed.
12. O PERATION OF EACH SP ECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 72 MELSEC GOT 12.21.5 I/O mon itor 1) No. Conte nts of displa y 1) The ON /OFF sta tus of the I/O s ignal cor respon ding t o the PLC CPU is displa yed. The I/O sign al is ON when displa yed in a revers e disp lay.
12. O PERATION OF EACH SP ECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 73 MELSEC GOT 12.21.6 Positi oning da ta m onitor The pos itionin g Data Moni tor Screen No.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 74 MELSEC GOT 12.22 AD72, A 1SD71 m odule m onitor The con tents dis played on eac h monitor of the AD72 m odule and th e A1SD71 module are nearl y identic al, exce pt for th e sections displa ying the m odule form at.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 75 MELSEC GOT 12.22.2 Zero re turn m onitor 1) 2 ) 13 ) 14 ) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 17) 16) 15) 15) Buffer memory address to reference (de cimal) No. Contents of display X a xis Y a xis 1) The ON/O FF status of the I/O signal corresp onding to th e PLC CPU is display ed.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 76 MELSEC GOT 12.22.3 Param eter data monit or 1) 2 ) 14 ) 15 ) 3) 5) 7) 8) 12) 16) 16) 4) 6) 9) 10) 11) 13) Buff er mem ory address to refer ence (decim al) No.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 77 MELSEC GOT 12.22.4 M cod e comm ent monitor 1) 2 ) 5) 4) 6) 7) 8) 3) Buff er mem ory address to refer ence (decim al) No. Conte nts of displa y X axis Y axis 1) The ON/ OF F stat u s of t he I/ O si gnal cor respo nd in g to the PL C CPU is displ ayed.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 78 MELSEC GOT 12.22.5 I/O mon itor 1) No. Con tents of disp lay 1) The ON /OFF sta tus of the I/O s ignal cor respon ding t o the PLC CPU is displa yed. The I/O sign al is ON when displa yed in a revers e disp lay.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 79 MELSEC GOT 12.22.6 Positi oning da ta m onitor The P osition ing Data Monitor Scree n No. 1 is use d as an ex am ple. 1 ) 2 ) 3 ) 4 ) 5 ) Buffer memory address to reference (de cimal) No.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 80 MELSEC GOT 12.23 AD75, A 1SD75 m odule m onitor The con tents dis played on eac h monitor of the AD75P 1 (P2 , P3) modul e and the A1SD 75P1 (P2, P3) modul e are ne arly ident ical, exc ept for the sec tions d ispla y ing t he module form at.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 81 MELSEC GOT 12.23.2 Operat ion mon itor 1) 7) 4) 2) 3) 5) 6) 8) 9) 10) 11 ) Buff er mem ory address to refer ence (decim al) No. Conte nts of displa y Axis 1 A xi s 2 Axis 3 1) The feed curre nt valu e is d ispla yed.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 82 MELSEC GOT 12.23.3 Basic param eter monitor (1) Basic parameter 1 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Buff er mem ory address to refer ence (decim al) No. Conte nts of displa y Axis 1 A xi s 2 Axis 3 1) The com mand m odule fo r posit ionin g contr ol is d ispla y ed.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 83 MELSEC GOT (2) Basic parameter 2 1) 2) 3) Buff er mem ory address to refer ence (decim al) No.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 84 MELSEC GOT 12.23 .4 Exten ded par ameter m onitor (1) E xtended parameter 1 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Buff er mem ory address to refer ence (decim al) No.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 85 MELSEC GOT (2) E xtended parameter 2 1) 2) Buff er mem ory address to refer ence (decim al) No.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 86 MELSEC GOT 12.23.5 Zero re turn param eter m onitor (1) Basic parameters for ze ro return 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Buff er mem ory address to refer ence (decim al) No. Conte nts of displa y Axis 1 A xi s 2 Axis 3 1) The ze r o re tu rn met h od is di spl ay ed.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 87 MELSEC GOT (2) D etailed param eters for origin return 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Buff er mem ory address to refer ence (decim al) No.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 88 MELSEC GOT 12.23.6 Monitori ng the error h istory and war ning histor y 1) 2) Buff er mem ory address to refer ence (decim al) No. Conte nts of displa y Axis 1 A xi s 2 Axis 3 1) The er ror h istor y is d ispla yed.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 89 MELSEC GOT 12.23.7 Monit oring th e error termporar y start up histor y and s tartup histor y 1) 2) Buff er mem ory address to refer ence (decim al) No. Conte nts of displa y Axis 1 A xi s 2 Axis 3 1) The er ror star tup h istor y is dis pla y ed.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 90 MELSEC GOT *1 T he displa y is based on the da ta in Bits 13 an d 14 of the objec t buffer m emor y . *2 T he corr espond ence bet ween the num eric va lue disp layed in the "Oper ation T ype" colum n and t he type of startu p is s hown be low.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 91 MELSEC GOT 12.2 3. 8 Mo ni to r in g Sp ee d/P o si ti on Co nt rol 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Buff er mem ory address to refer ence (decim al) No.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 92 MELSEC GOT 12.23 .9 Monit oring spec ial s tartup, j ogging, and m anual pu lser o peratio n 1) 2) 3) 4) Buff er mem ory address to refer ence (decim al) No.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 93 MELSEC GOT 12.23 .10 Monitor ing an orig in point return 1) 3) 2) 4) 5) 6) 7) Buff er mem ory address to refer ence (decim al) No. Contents of dis play Axis 1 Axi s 2 Axis 3 1) The ad dress of the ori gin poi nt set when an or igin p oint re turn is com pleted is dis pla yed.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 94 MELSEC GOT 12.23 .11 Monitor ing axis c ontrol dat a 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Buff er mem ory address to refer ence (decim al) No. Contents of displa y A xis 1 Axi s 2 Axis 3 1) The v alue f or the c urrent value c hange is disp layed.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 95 MELSEC GOT 12.23.1 2 Moni toring the outpu t speed 1) 2) 3) Buff er mem ory address to refer ence (decim al) No. Conte nts of displa y Axis 1 Axis 2 Axis 3 1) W hen position ing, the actual sp eed, tak ing th e overri de and th e speed limit v alue into cons iderat ion, is disp layed.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 96 MELSEC GOT 12.23 .13 Monitor ing the tar get values an d machi ne values 1) 2) Buff er mem ory address to refer ence (decim al) No. Conte nts of displa y Axis 1 Axis 2 Axis 3 1) The obj ect va lues wh en usin g positi oning b ased o n positi on contr ol are d isplayed .
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 97 MELSEC GOT 12.23 .14 Monitor ing exter nal I/O signa ls and stat us signals (flags) 1) 2) Buff er mem ory address to refer ence (decim al) No.
12. OPERA TION OF EACH S PECIAL M ODULE MON ITOR SC REEN 12 - 98 MELSEC GOT 12.23 .15 Monitor ing pos itioning inform ation 1) 2) 3) No. Contents of display Buff er memory address to referenc e (decimal) 1) The positi oning data correspon ding to the data num ber and data name shown on t he screen for Axis 1 is di splayed.
12. OPERA TION OF EACH S PECIAL M ODULE MON ITOR SC REEN 12 - 99 MELSEC GOT 12.24 AJ71PT 32-S3 and A1SJ 71PT 32-S3 m odule m onitor The c ontents displa yed on th e moni tor scree ns of t he AJ71 PT32-S3 and A1SJ7 1PT32- S3 modu les ar e the sam e, exce pt for the sec tion where the modu le m odel name is dis played.
12. OPERA TION OF EACH S PECIAL M ODULE MON ITOR SC REEN 12 - 100 MELSEC GOT 12.24.2 Monit oring the link s tatus 1) 2 ) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) No. Contents of display Buffer memory address to reference (de cimal) 1) The total number of remote stati ons connecte d is di splayed.
12. OPERA TION OF EACH S PECIAL M ODULE MON ITOR SC REEN 12 - 101 MELSEC GOT 12.2 4. 3 Mo ni to r in g ba t ch r e fre s hi ng 1) 2) No. Conte nts of displa y Buf fer m emory ad dress to refer ence (decim al) 1) The ou tput stat us for the batc h refres h t y pe rem ote I/O m odule is disp layed.
12. OPERA TION OF EACH S PECIAL M ODULE MON ITOR SC REEN 12 - 102 MELSEC GOT 12.24.4 Monit oring sep arate ref reshin g As a s creen ex ample , we will store the moni tor scre ens fr om the sp lit refr esh mon itors (num bers 1 to 8) in the mem ory. 1) 2) No.
12. OPERA TION OF EACH S PECIAL M ODULE MON ITOR SC REEN 12 - 103 MELSEC GOT 12.24.5 Monit oring inp ut and output ( expans ion mode) 1) No. Conte nts of displa y 1) The ON /OFF sta tus for the I/O s ignal cor respon ding to th e PLC CPU of th e master module is displ ayed.
12. OPERA TION OF EACH S PECIAL M ODULE MON ITOR SC REEN 12 - 104 MELSEC GOT 12.25 AJ71ID 1 (ID2)- R4 and A1SJ7 1ID1 (ID2) -R4 m odule m onitor 12.25.1 Action m onit or (CH 1 and CH 2) 1) Buff er mem ory address to refer ence (decim al) No.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 105 MELSEC GOT 12.25.2 I/O mon itor 1) No. Conte nts of displa y 1) The ON/O FF status for th e I/O sign al corr esponding to the P LC CPU is displa yed. An I/O signal is ON when it is dis pla y ed in a rever se dis play.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 106 MELSEC GOT 12.25.3 Mo nitorin g set inf ormati on 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Buffer memory address to reference (de cimal) No. Contents of display CH1 CH2 1) The output command for the data carrier i s displ ay ed.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 107 MELSEC GOT 12.26 A84AD m odule m onitor 12.26 .1 Acti on monit or 1) 7 ) 8 ) 3) 4) 5) 6) 9) 2) No.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 108 MELSEC GOT 12.26.2 Setting m onit or 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) No. Conte nts of displa y Buf fer m emory ad dress to refer ence (decim al) 1) The s pecifie d stat us for t he aver aging pr ocessi ng/sam pling pr ocessi ng of eac h of th e ch an nel s i s di spl ay ed.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 109 MELSEC GOT 12.26.3 I/O mon itor 1) No. Conte nts of displa y 1) The ON/O FF status for th e I/O sign al corr esponding to the P LC CPU is displa yed. An I/O signal is ON when it is dis pla y ed in a rever se dis play.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 110 MELSEC GOT 12.26.4 Monit oring gr aphs 1) 3) 4) 2) 5) No. Contents of display Buffer memory address to reference (de cimal) 1) The cur.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 111 MELSEC GOT 12.27. A1S64T CTT (B W)-S1 a nd A1S 64TCRT( B W )-S1 modul e monitor 12.27.1 Operat ion mon itor 1) 2 ) 3) 4 ) 5) 6) 7) 8) Buff er memory address to referenc e (hexadecimal ) No.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 112 MELSEC GOT 12.27 .2 Alert detail m onitor 1) Buff er mem ory address to refer ence (hexadec imal) No. Conte nts of displa y CH1 CH2 CH3 CH4 1) A " ! " is displa yed in the colum n c orrespon ding t o the warning detai l s dete cte d fo r ea ch ch an nel .
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 113 MELSEC GOT 12.27.3 Operat ion mon itor (CH 1 to CH4) 1) 16 ) 4) 7) 10) 11) 13) 14) 15) 17 ) 8) 5) 2) 19) 18) 12) 9) 6) 3) Buff er memory address to referenc e (hexadecimal ) No.
12. O PERATION OF EACH S PECIAL MOD ULE MON ITOR SCR EEN 12 - 114 MELSEC GOT Buffer memory address to reference (hex adec imal) No. Contents of display CH1 CH2 CH3 CH4 7) The ratio range (P) which is set in the PID con stant setti ng of each channel is display ed.
13. OPERATING I/O M ODULE MONITOR SCREENS 13 - 1 MELSEC GOT Chapter13 Operati ng I/O modul e moni tor screens This sectio n expla ins how t he var ious sc reens are oper ated in the s pecial m odul e monitor funct ion, when m onit oring inp ut or ou tput m odules.
13. OPERATING I/O M ODULE MONITOR SCREENS 13 - 2 MELSEC GOT 13.2 Monitor s creen co nfigur ation a nd ke y functions This sectio n descri bes the c onfi guration of m onitor scre ens d ispla y ed b y specif ying the inp ut m odule on th e system confi guratio n screen , and ex plains the func tions of the ke y s disp layed on the sc reen.
14. ERROR DISPLA Y AND HANDLING W IT H SPECIAL MODULE MO NIT O RING 14 - 1 MELSEC GOT Chapter14 Err or displ ay and handl i ng wi th speci al module moni tor ing The f ollowing chart sh ows the error m essages that m ay be dis played when op erating the sp ecial m odule m onitor a nd the m ethod of handli ng them .
15. OPERAT ING THE NETW ORK MONITOR FUNCTION 15 - 1 MELSEC GOT Chapter15 Operati ng the netw ork moni tor function This chapter d escribes how t o opera te the net work m onitor f unction.
15. OPERAT ING THE NETW ORK MONITOR FUNCTION 15 - 2 MELSEC GOT 15.2 Steps i n startin g the n etwork monitor f unction from the user-c reated m onitor screen The f ollowing flowchar t outl ines ho w t.
16. SW ITCHING THE NETW ORK MONITOR SCREENS 16 - 1 MELSEC GOT Chapter16 Sw i tchi ng the netw ork monitor scr eens The f ollowin g flowc hart o utlines the st eps in volved in s witching the net work m onitor screens .
17. US ING THE NET W OR K MONITOR SCREE NS 17 - 1 MELSEC GOT Chapter17 Usi ng the netw ork monitor screens This chapter d escribes how t o use v arious m onitor s creens when y ou exec ute the network monitor funct ion.
17. US ING THE NET W OR K MONITOR SCREE NS 17 - 2 MELSEC GOT No. Contents of Display The following loop status i n the data l ink sy stem is di splay ed. (Primary loop: F, Sub- loop: R) (a) Data is linked in the Primary loop. (b) Data is linked in the sub- loop.
17. US ING THE NET W OR K MONITOR SCREE NS 17 - 3 MELSEC GOT 17.2 Detailed own st ation m onitor This sectio n descri bes the s tructur e of th e monitor screen and t he comm on opera tions used when exec uting th e deta iled own s tation m onitor . 17.
17. US ING THE NET W OR K MONITOR SCREE NS 17 - 4 MELSEC GOT 17.2. 2 Displ ay conte nts and k eys f unctions: actin g as a M ELSEC NET/B or MELSECN ET (II) loca l statio n This sectio n descri bes the.
17. USING THE NET WORK MONITOR SCREE NS 17 - 5 MELSEC GOT 17.2. 3 Displ ay conte nts and k eys f unctions : actin g as a M ELSEC NET/10 C ontrol s tatio n/ordin ary St ation This sectio n descri bes the c onten ts of the detai led own s tatio n monitor screen and the functi on of on- screen k eys.
17. USING THE NET WORK MONITOR SCREE NS 17 - 6 MELSEC GOT No. Sect ion Contents of Displa y 3) D-Link Info • Total of L-Sta : Indica tes the m axim u m num ber of t he stati ons to be linked. The m axim um num ber is defin ed b y comm on param eters.
17. USING THE NET WORK MONITOR SCREE NS 17 - 7 MELSEC GOT No. Sect ion Contents of Displa y 6) Ts St’ Sta • Param eter Set ting: C omm on Param , Comm on + Sp ec if, Defa ul t Pa r a m, De fau l t + Sp eci f • Re se rv ed Sta : Indi cat e s the avai labil ity o f a reserv e d stat io n.
17. USING THE NET WORK MONITOR SCREE NS 17 - 8 MELSEC GOT 17.2. 4 Displ ay contents and k eys func tions: acting as a MEL SECNET /10 r emote m aster st ation This sectio n descri bes the detailed own .
17. USING THE NET WORK MONITOR SCREE NS 17 - 9 MELSEC GOT No. Sect ion Contents of Displa y 3) D-Link Info • Total of L-Sta : Indica tes the m axim um num ber of the s tations to be l inked.
17. USING THE NET WORK MONITOR SCREE NS 17 - 10 MELSEC GOT No. Sect ion Contents of Displa y 6) Ts St’ Sta • Param eter Set ting: N ot disp layed. • Re se rv ed Sta : Indi cat e s the avai labil ity o f a reserv e d stat io n. (H ave/ No ne ) • Comm unicatio n Mode: Indica tes either of "Norm al mode" or "Const ant LS.
17. USING THE NET WORK MONITOR SCREE NS 17 - 11 MELSEC GOT 17.3 Ot her sta tion m onitor This sectio n descri bes the s tructur e of th e monitor screen and t he comm on opera tions used whe n executi ng the other st ation mon itor.
17. USING THE NET WORK MONITOR SCREE NS 17 - 12 MELSEC GOT 17.3. 2 Displa y contents and k eys func tions: other s tation c ommunic ation s tatus m onitor This sectio n descr ibes th e other s tatio n comm unicat ions st atus m onitor sc reen a nd the func tion of on-scre en k ey s.
17. USING THE NET WORK MONITOR SCREE NS 17 - 13 MELSEC GOT 17.3. 3 Displa y contents and k eys funct ions: ot her stat ion data link status m onitor This sectio n descri bes the other st ation data link status monitor scree n and t he functi on of on- screen k eys.
17. USING THE NET WORK MONITOR SCREE NS 17 - 14 MELSEC GOT 17.3. 4 Displa y contents and k eys func tions: other st ation p arameter s tatus m onitor This sectio n descri bes the other st ation param eter status monit or scre en and the functi on of on- screen k eys.
17. USING THE NET WORK MONITOR SCREE NS 17 - 15 MELSEC GOT 17.3. 5 Displa y contents and k eys funct ions: ot her stat ion C PU actio n status m onitor This sectio n descri bes the other st ation CP U action status m onit or scree n and the functi on of on- screen k eys.
17. USING THE NET WORK MONITOR SCREE NS 17 - 16 MELSEC GOT 17.3. 6 Displa y conte nts and k eys func tions: other s tation C PU RUN sta tus mon itor This section d escri bes the other st ation CP U RUN st atus m onitor scr een and the functi on of on- screen k eys.
17. USING THE NET WORK MONITOR SCREE NS 17 - 17 MELSEC GOT 17.3. 7 Displa y contents and k eys func tions: other s tation l oop stat us m onitor This sectio n descri bes the other st ation loop s tatus m onitor s creen and th e functi on of on-scr een ke y s.
18. ERROR DISPLAYS AND COUNT ERMEASURES W HEN MONITORING NETW ORKS 18 - 1 MELSEC GOT Chapter18 Err or Di splays and Counter measur es w hen Monitor i ng Netw or ks The f ollowing chart sh ows the error m essages that ar e displ ayed duri ng the ne twork monitor operati on and how to ha ndle them .
19. OPERATION PROCEDURES FOR THE LIST EDITOR FUNCTION 19 - 1 MELSEC GOT Chapter19. Operati on Pr ocedures for the List editor function This sectio n descri bes the operati on proc edures f or use of list e ditor fu nctio n.
19. OPERATION PROCEDURES FOR THE LIST EDITOR FUNCTION 19 - 2 MELSEC GOT 19.2 Operatio n proc edures f rom us er-crea ted moni tor scr een disp lay to s tartin g list ed iting This sectio n expla ins h.
19. OPERATION PROCEDURES FOR THE LIST EDITOR FUNCTION 19 - 3 MELSEC GOT 19.2. 1 Operati on of k eyword input If a key word i s regi ste r ed i n the ACP U wh en th e conne ct ed ACP U o r the ACP U PL C No. cor respond ing to the oper ation is cha nged, the G OT re quests f or inpu t of the regi st e red key w ord .
19. OPERATION PROCEDURES FOR THE LIST EDITOR FUNCTION 19 - 4 MELSEC GOT W hen input of a ke yword is r equest ed, al l param eters a nd seque nce pr ogram s can be cleared toget her with th e keywo rd regis tered in the A CPU usi ng the op eration below.
19. OPERATION PROCEDURES FOR THE LIST EDITOR FUNCTION 19 - 5 MELSEC GOT 19.2. 2 Selec tion a nd oper ation of mode After t he ke yword inp ut, se lect the mode in the l ist edit or funct ion for opera tions in Chap te r 20 . (1) Se lectio n and c hange of mode with m ode key Selec t the m ode with the m ode ke y (Refer t o 3.
20. OPER ATION OF EDI TING SCREEN FOR E ACH LIST 20 - 1 MELSEC GOT Chapter 20. Operati on o f Edi ting Scr een for Each List This sect ion descri bes the oper ation proc edures of the list edit sc reen. 20.1 Bas ic operat ion of ke y input After s tartin g the lis t editor funct ion, bas ic oper ations of k ey input ar e desc ribed.
20. OPER ATION OF EDI TING SCREEN FOR E ACH LIST 20 - 2 MELSEC GOT 20.1. 2 Comm and input proce dures Comm and input proce dures ca n be clas sifie d as fol lows: 1) Inp ut the com mand k ey to us e the com mand on the k ey. 2) Inp ut the a lphanum eric k eys corr esponding to eac h charac ter of c ommand sequen tiall y .
20. OPER ATION OF EDI TING SCREEN FOR E ACH LIST 20 - 3 MELSEC GOT (2) For comm and code and devi ce (1) Comm and SP DEVICE DEVICE No. GO (Ex) W hen LD X0 is input W1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 0 N N U K 0 0 T 1 P.
20. OPER ATION OF EDI TING SCREEN FOR E ACH LIST 20 - 4 MELSEC GOT (Ex 3) W hen MC N3 M 5 is input W1 1 2 2 5 5 0 1 M N N C M 0 0 5 P P N3 SP N 3 1 1 1 1 MC W1 1 1 1 4 4 5 6 0 N N U K 0 0 T 1 P P T1 1.
20. OPER ATION OF EDI TING SCREEN FOR E ACH LIST 20 - 5 MELSEC GOT (5) For extens ion t imer/ex tensio n counter of A nA and AnUCPU W hen the ext ension t imer (T 256 to T 2047) a nd the ex tension counter (C256 to C1023) are in put as th e first device of the c ommand, input t he firs t device and th e device num ber.
20. OPER ATION OF EDI TING SCREEN FOR E ACH LIST 20 - 6 MELSEC GOT 20.1. 3 Action if an incorr ect key is inp ut (1) Input the CLEAR k ey before the GO k ey . Then input th e correct k ey. Input of the CLEA R key clears th e comm and and the dev ice number th at have been inpu t immed i at ely .
20. OPER ATION OF EDI TING SCREEN FOR E ACH LIST 20 - 7 MELSEC GOT 20.2 Bas ic operat ion of list ed it This sect ion descr ibes bas ic operat ions of list ed it with sim ple oper ation exam ples . 20.2. 1 Readin g sequenc e pro gram The s equence program is rea d to ch eck its c onten t.
20. OPER ATION OF EDI TING SCREEN FOR E ACH LIST 20 - 8 MELSEC GOT 20.2. 2 Chang ing (over writi ng) com mand The f ollowing exampl e shows the chan ging proc edure of the se quenc e program . 3 OUT Y010 4 OUT T0 K100 X000 X00 1 0 Before ch an ge After c hange Change th e timer setti ng value fr om K1 0 to K100 .
20. OPER ATION OF EDI TING SCREEN FOR E ACH LIST 20 - 9 MELSEC GOT 20.2. 3 Addin g (inser ting) com mand The f ollowing exampl e shows the proce dure of addin g the com mand t o the se quence program .
20. OPER ATION OF EDI TING SCREEN FOR E ACH LIST 20 - 10 MELSEC GOT 20.2. 4 Delet ing com mand The f ollowing exampl e shows th e proce dure of delet ing the com mand f rom the sequenc e program . T0 +P K8 0 K5 D2 0 MOV D20 K2 Y018 M0 5 Before deletion After deletion Delete the ANI MO co mmand.
20. OPER ATION OF EDI TING SCREEN FOR E ACH LIST 20 - 11 MELSEC GOT 20.2. 5 Using Help f unction HELP is input t o use th e Help f unctio n. Input of HELP dis pla y s the Help f unction m enus i n each m ode. Se lect th e corres ponding item f or execu tion.
20. OPER ATION OF EDI TING SCREEN FOR E ACH LIST 20 - 12 MELSEC GOT (2) D ispla ying Ka na comm ent The f ollowing exampl e shows the proc edure of disp laying t he Kana c omm ent in the R ead mode. [Oper ation exam ple] 1) HE LP 1 2 * : : * COMMENT DISPLA Y *H E L P M E N U CLEAR:END *** READ Input the HELP key in the Read mode .
20. OPER ATION OF EDI TING SCREEN FOR E ACH LIST 20 - 13 MELSEC GOT 20.3 Oper atio n procedur e list of lis t edit 20.3. 1 Comm on opera tion Details Purpose Procedures (key input sequenc e) Input of keyword at start -up Input when the keyword is registered i n the ACPU.
20. OPER ATION OF EDI TING SCREEN FOR E ACH LIST 20 - 14 MELSEC GOT 20.3. 3 Operati on in Read m ode (R) Details Purpose Procedures (key input sequenc e) Command readi ng with the specif ied step number Read the comm and of the specif ied step number in the program .
20. OPER ATION OF EDI TING SCREEN FOR E ACH LIST 20 - 15 MELSEC GOT 20.3. 6 Operati on in Param eter mode (P) Details Purpose Procedures (key input sequenc e) Clearing al l parameters Retur n th e p ar a mete r s to the init ial setti ng status. PARAM END GO GO 1 Paramete r se ttin g (for A0J 2HCPU) Set t he parameters for t he A0J2HCP U.
20. OPER ATION OF EDI TING SCREEN FOR E ACH LIST 20 - 16 MELSEC GOT 20.3. 7 Operati on in O ther m odes (O) Details Purpose Procedures (key input sequenc e) Error chec k Oper atio n th a t ch e cks the error st ep number/error code for t he current error in the ACPU.
21. ERR OR DISP LAY AND C ORRECTIV E ACTIONS F OR LIS T EDIT 21 - 1 MELSEC GOT Chapter 21. Err or Di splay and C orr ectiv e Actions for List Edit 21.1 Er ro r de te cted wi th th e li st ed it o r fu.
21. ERR OR DISP LAY AND C ORRECTIV E ACTIONS F OR LIS T EDIT 21 - 2 MELSEC GOT Error m essage Display c ondition Acti on Address error • In machine language writing, the add ress which was t ried to be written was at the write-prot ect area. • Set the correct address.
21. ERR OR DISP LAY AND C ORRECTIV E ACTIONS F OR LIS T EDIT 21 - 3 MELSEC GOT Error m essage Display c ondition Acti on **KS over • The value exceedi ng the range of the program capacity by **K steps was attempted to be se t. • Reduce the program capacity by **K s teps for setting.
21. ERR OR DISP LAY AND C ORRECTIV E ACTIONS F OR LIS T EDIT 21 - 4 MELSEC GOT 21.2 Error of PLC C PU W hen the error s tep re ad in ot her m ode is p erform ed, the er ror mes sage an d the err or step of the c urrent err or in the ACP U are displa yed.
21. ERR OR DISP LAY AND C ORRECTIV E ACTIONS F OR LIS T EDIT 21 - 5 MELSEC GOT 21.3 Err or usin g list editor functio n on the link system W hen the list editor function is used on the li nk system , the "PLC com munic ation error ( **)" m ay a ppear.
21. ERR OR DISP LAY AND C ORRECTIV E ACTIONS F OR LIS T EDIT 21 - 6 MELSEC GOT (3) W hen connec ted to t he CPU in MELSE CNET/10 An err or in th e MELS ECNET /10 is r eported using a four d igit (hex adecim al) er ror number . For det ails of the error s and cor rectiv e actions , see t he MELS ECNET /10 Network System Refere nce Man ual.
Index - 1 INDEX [A] Adaptor address ............................................ 4 - 8 [B] Batch m onitor .............................................. 9 -10 BM m onitor .................................................. 9 -1 4 Bright ness/con trast adjustm ent of m onitor s creen .
Index - 2 [R] Readin g data from the P LC ......................... 6 - 1 Require d equipm ent ..................................... 2 - 1 Reverse displa y ............................................. 4 - 8 [S] Scre en displa y and key func tions Batch m onitor .
Index - 3 MEM O.
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GOT-A900 Series Operating Manual When exported from Japan, this manual does not require application to the Ministry of International Trade and Industry for service transaction permission.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Mitsubishi Electronics GOT-A900 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Mitsubishi Electronics GOT-A900 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Mitsubishi Electronics GOT-A900 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Mitsubishi Electronics GOT-A900 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Mitsubishi Electronics GOT-A900 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Mitsubishi Electronics GOT-A900 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Mitsubishi Electronics GOT-A900 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Mitsubishi Electronics GOT-A900. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Mitsubishi Electronics GOT-A900 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.