Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung MN100 des Produzenten MicroNet Technology
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mn100 Dual Digital Display uu037 rev. 8.
mn100 Dual Digital Displ ay EMC Conformance All Tacktick equipment is designed to the best i ndustry standards for use in the recreational mari ne environment. The design and manufacture of Tacktick equipment conforms to the appropriate Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standards.
mn100 Dual Digital Displ ay 36 6.2.10 No NMEA data showing on external instrume nts. From any Digital ins trument ente r Setup and Calibration Mode (page 18) and scroll throug h to the Hea lth Chapter. Che ck the signal level and battery status of the N MEA Interface.
mn100 Dual Digital Displ ay 2 1 - Information 1.1 Introduction Your Micronet instrument is powered for life by the envi ronment. Although feature packed and highl y visib le in al l condit ions, cu rrent demand is so low, and the supply so effici ent, that the solar-powered display is self su fficie nt.
mn100 Dual Digital Displ ay 32 5.4 Surface Mounting 5.4.1 Where there is no access to the rea r of the mounting surface Easy insta llation b ut will a llow remova l without gaining access to the boat. Position the suppli ed Template carefully before starting.
mn100 Dual Digital Displ ay 4 If there is no boat speed or change in heading registered on the system for a period of 12 hours your Micronet instrument will switch off to conserve power. A “POWER SAVE” alarm will sound before the instrument system is switched off.
mn100 Dual Digital Displ ay 34 6 Maintenance and Fault Finding 6.1 Care and Mainten ance All Micronet products are totally sealed against water and are not serviceable. Any attempt to take a Micronet product a part will invalidate the warranty. To clean, use only a dam p, soft cloth.
mn100 Dual Digital Displ ay 6 2.2 Switching the System On and Off To switch on your Micronet system select any instrument and press the button for 2 seconds. To switch off your Micronet system select any instrument and press and hold the button for 2 seconds.
mn100 Dual Digital Displ ay 30 5 Installation 5.1 Tools Required and Parts List 1. 2mm or 5mm Drill Bit (7mm if power connection required) 2. Power Drill 3. Cross Head Screwdriver 1. Mount ing Temp late 2. Display Bracket 3. Mounting Screws (3) 4. Mounting Bolts (3) 5.
mn100 Dual Digital Displ ay 8 2.5 Chapter and Page Operation Instrument information is displayed in a “Chapter and Page” format using the (Chapter) button to scroll through the Chapters which are .
mn100 Dual Digital Displ ay 28 4.3 Wind Calibration Both Wind Speed and Directi on can be calibrated to ensure that readings from the Wind Transmitter are displ ayed accurately.
mn100 Dual Digital Displ ay 10 2.6 Chapter and Page Descriptions 2.5.1 Chapters (c1) DEPTH The Actual Depth beneath the vessel as measured by the Depth Transducer. The d isplayed value will be affected by any keel or waterline offset added (see page 2 3).
mn100 Dual Digital Displ ay 26 4 - Seatrial and Calibration Once the Micronet Instrument system has been installed on the vessel and Auto Networking has been completed i t is necessary to carry out Calibration. It is not safe to use the instruments for navigational purposes until Calibration has been carried out correctly.
mn100 Dual Digital Displ ay 12 (p12) APP WIND A n gl e The Actual Wind Angle with respect to the vessel as measured by the Wind Transmitter. (p13) TRUE WIND Speed The True Wind Spee d with respect to the vessel , calculated by the instrument taking i nto account the vessels speed through the water.
mn100 Dual Digital Displ ay 24 Options Chapter (s30) AUTO NETWK Only avai lable on the ins trument wh ich was u sed to po wer up the system. Refer to the “A uto Network” sheet for further informat ion. (s31) CHAP PROG (lower window) Allows one further selection to be added to the Chapter list (see p age 9).
mn100 Dual Digital Displ ay 14 (p25) DTW Distance To (active) Waypoint. The active Waypoint being the one to which the GPS is currently navi gating. When the Waypoint has been named in the GPS the name will be displayed (first five digits only). (p25) DTW Distance To (active) Waypoint.
mn100 Dual Digital Displ ay 22 (s15) XTE LARGE Sets the instrument to alarm if a Large Cross Track Error alarm is issued by the GPS. On/ Off . (s16) WP ARRV E Sets the i nstrument to alarm if a Wa ypoint Arrival alarm is issued by the GPS. On/ Off . 3.
mn100 Dual Digital Displ ay 16 (p32) Target Page Produces a “Trim” indication showing an increase or decreas e in value from a s et point . First s elect t he appropria te chap ter in the up per disp lay using the bu tton then select “L ock” in the lower display using the or buttons.
mn100 Dual Digital Displ ay 20 3.4 Setup Page Description 3.4.1 Memory Chapter In each case press the button qui ckly to reset. (s1) TRIP The Distance Travelled since the last Trip Reset. Resets to 0.00. (s2) DEPTH MIN The Minimum Depth encountered since swi tch on or since the last Minimum Depth Reset.
mn100 Dual Digital Displ ay 18 3 - Setup and Calibration 3.1 Entering Setup and Calibration Mode To enter the Setup and Calibration menu press and hold for 2 seconds the button.
mn100 Dual Digital Displ ay 18 3 - Setup and Calibration 3.1 Entering Setup and Calibration Mode To enter the Setup and Calibration menu press and hold for 2 seconds the button.
mn100 Dual Digital Displ ay 20 3.4 Setup Page Description 3.4.1 Memory Chapter In each case press the button qui ckly to reset. (s1) TRIP The Distance Travelled since the last Trip Reset. Resets to 0.00. (s2) DEPTH MIN The Minimum Depth encountered since swi tch on or since the last Minimum Depth Reset.
mn100 Dual Digital Displ ay 16 (p32) Target Page Produces a “Trim” indication showing an increase or decreas e in value from a s et point . First s elect t he appropria te chap ter in the up per disp lay using the bu tton then select “L ock” in the lower display using the or buttons.
mn100 Dual Digital Displ ay 22 (s15) XTE LARGE Sets the instrument to alarm if a Large Cross Track Error alarm is issued by the GPS. On/ Off . (s16) WP ARRV E Sets the i nstrument to alarm if a Wa ypoint Arrival alarm is issued by the GPS. On/ Off . 3.
mn100 Dual Digital Displ ay 14 (p25) DTW Distance To (acti ve) Waypoint. The active Waypoint being the one to which the GPS is currently navi gating. When the Waypoint has been named in the GPS the name will be displayed (first five digits only). (p25) DTW Distance To (acti ve) Waypoint.
mn100 Dual Digital Displ ay 24 Options Chapter (s30) AUTO NETWK Only avai lable on the ins trument wh ich was u sed to po wer up the system. Refer to the “A uto Network” sheet for further informat ion. (s31) CHAP PROG (lower window) Allows one further selection to be added to the Chapter list (see p age 9).
mn100 Dual Digital Displ ay 12 (p12) APP WIND A n gl e The Actual Wind Angle with respect to the vessel as measured by the Wind Transmitter. (p13) TRUE WIND Speed The True Wind Spee d with respect to the vessel , calculated by the instrument taking i nto account the vessels speed through the water.
mn100 Dual Digital Displ ay 26 4 - Seatrial and Calibration Once the Micronet Instrument system has been installed on the vessel and Auto Networking has been completed i t is necessary to carry out Calibration. It is not safe to use the instruments for navigational purposes until Calibration has been carried out correctly.
mn100 Dual Digital Displ ay 10 2.6 Chapter and Page Descriptions 2.5.1 Chapters (c1) DEPTH The Actual Depth beneath the vessel as measured by the Depth Transducer. The d isplayed value will be affected by any keel or waterline offset added (see page 2 3).
mn100 Dual Digital Displ ay 28 4.3 Wind Calibration Both Wind Speed and Directi on can be calibrated to ensure that readings from the Wind Transmitter are displ ayed accurately.
mn100 Dual Digital Displ ay 8 2.5 Chapter and Page Operation Instrument information is displayed in a “Chapter and Page” format using the (Chapter) button to scroll through the Chapters which are .
mn100 Dual Digital Displ ay 30 5 Installation 5.1 Tools Required and Parts List 1. 2mm or 5mm Drill Bit (7mm if power connection required) 2. Power Drill 3. Cross Head Screwdriver 1. Mount ing Temp late 2. Display Bracket 3. Mounting Screws (3) 4. Mounting Bolts (3) 5.
mn100 Dual Digital Displ ay 6 2.2 Switching the System On and Off To switch on your Micronet system select any instrument and press the button for 2 seconds. To switch off your Micronet system select any instrument and press and hold the button for 2 seconds.
mn100 Dual Digital Displ ay 32 5.4 Surface Mounting 5.4.1 Where there is no access to the rea r of the mounting surface Easy insta llation but will a llow remova l without gaining access to the boat. Position the suppli ed Template carefully before starting.
mn100 Dual Digital Displ ay 4 If there is no boat speed or change in heading registered on the system for a period of 12 hours your Micronet instrument will switch off to conserve power. A “POWER SAVE” alarm will sound before the instrument system is switched off.
mn100 Dual Digital Displ ay 34 6 Maintenance and Fault Finding 6.1 Care and Mainten ance All Micronet products are totally sealed against water and are not serviceable. Any attempt to take a Micronet product a part will invalidate the warranty. To clean, use only a dam p, soft cloth.
mn100 Dual Digital Displ ay 2 1 - Information 1.1 Introduction Your Micronet instrument is powered for life by the envi ronment. Although feature packed and highl y visib le in al l condit ions, cu rrent demand is so low, and the supply so effici ent, that the solar-powered display is self su fficie nt.
mn100 Dual Digital Displ ay 36 6.2.10 No NMEA data showing on external instrume nts. From any Digital ins trument ente r Setup and Calibration Mode (page 18) and scroll throug h to the Hea lth Chapter. Che ck the signal level and battery status of the N MEA Interface.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts MicroNet Technology MN100 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie MicroNet Technology MN100 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für MicroNet Technology MN100 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von MicroNet Technology MN100 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über MicroNet Technology MN100 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon MicroNet Technology MN100 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von MicroNet Technology MN100 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit MicroNet Technology MN100. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei MicroNet Technology MN100 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.