Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung MVP871 des Produzenten McIntosh
Zur Seite of 52
McIntosh Laboratory , Inc. 2 Chambers Street Binghamton, New Y ork 13903-2699 Phone: 607-723-3512 F AX: 607-724-0549 MVP871 Owner ’ s Manual Au dio Vid eo Pl ay er Ma nuf ac t u red u n der l ice ns e f rom D olby Lab or ato r ies. “ Dol- by”, “ML P Lo ssles s” an d th e double -D s ym bol a re t r ade ma rk s of Dolby La bor at or ies.
2 The lightning flash with arrowhead, within an equilateral triangle, is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated “danger- ous voltage” within the product’s enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons.
3 1. Read these instructions. 2. Keep these instructions. 3. Heed all warnings. 4. Follow all instructions. 5. Do not use this apparatus near water . 6. Clean only with a dry cloth. 7. Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance with the manufacturer ’ s instructions.
4 Thank Y ou Y our decision to o w n t his McIntosh M VP87 1 Audio V ideo P lay er r an k s you a t the ver y top among disc r im in ati ng music listeners. Y ou no w h av e “ The Best. ” T he Mc I ntosh dedication to “Q ual ity , ” is ass ur ance t hat you will receive many years of visu al and musical enj o y ment f rom this u n it.
5 General Infor mation and Disc Information General Infor mation 1 . F or add itional con nect ion infor mation, refer to the owner’ s ma nual ( s ) for an y component(s ) c onnec ted to the M V P87 1 A udio Vi deo Pla yer .
6 X LR Connectors Bel o w is the Pi n conf igu r ation fo r the X LR Balanc ed Out put Con nector s on the M V P8 7 1 . Ref er to t he diag ra m for connect ion: P I N 1 : Shiel d /G round P I N 2: + .
7 Introduction Per formance Features The McIntosh MV P87 1 Audio V ideo P layer o f fers t he latest i n audio /video tech nol ogy , pro vidi ng stat e o f the a r t reprod uction o f digital v ideo and audio progr am sou rce s. A f ul l compl ement o f per for mance feat u res a llo ws f or the enj oyment o f D V Ds.
8 Dimensions Dimensions The foll owing di mensions can a ssist in dete r m in ing t he best locat io n for y ou r M V P8 7 1 . T here is add itional in - form ation on the next page per ta in ing to i nst all ing t he M V P8 7 1 i nto cabinets. 17- 1/2 " 44.
9 Installation Installation The M V P87 1 can be place d upr ight on a tabl e or she lf, sta ndi ng on its f ou r feet. I t also can b e custom i nst alled i n a piece o f f u r n itu re or cabi net o f y our choice . The four feet may be remo ved from t he bot tom o f the M V P87 1 when i t is custom i nst alled a s outlined b el o w .
10 Rear P anel Connections PO W ER CONT R OL I N rec eiv es t u r n -on sig nals f rom a McIntosh comp o - nent and P O W ER CON- TRO L OUT se nds t u r n- on signa ls on to a nothe r McIntosh Comp onent Con nec t the M V P87 1 power cord to a live A C outlet.
1 1 How to Con nect Control, Analog and Digit al Audio How to Con nect Control, Analog and Digit al Audio McInto sh A / V Co nt rol Cent er 1 . Con nect a P ow er Cont rol Cab le from t he M VP87 1 PO W ER CO N T R OL I N to t he PO WER CONTRO L A CC Out put jack o f a McIntosh A / V Cont rol Center .
12 McInto sh A / V Co nt rol Cent er T o A C O utle t How to Connect Video and AC Power How to Connect Video and AC Power 1 . Con nect component video cabl es bet ween the M V P87 1 and t he Mc I ntos.
13 Notes.
14 F ront Panel Displa ys and P ush- but tons Sta ndby Po wer O n Ind icator IR Se nsor r eceives com ma nds f rom a Remote Cont rol Disc Tray opens t o load a nd un load a d isc Front P a nel In for .
15 Indicates when the two digits below are display- ing the T rack or Chapter Number F ront Panel Information Display Indicates when the disc con- tains multiple viewing angles Indicates the type of d.
16 Remote Control P ush- Buttons Use to Clear the last programmed track Starts Playback of a disc and allows moving forward or back- ward one chapter .
17 How to use the Remote Control How to use the Remote Control The Remote Cont ro l is capable o f pe rfor mi ng both ba si c Op erat ing Fu nctions and Set up O pt ions f or the M V P8 7 1 Disc P lay e r .
18 Y ou r Mc I ntosh M V P8 7 1 ha s been fa ctor y con f ig ur ed for default operati ng set ti ngs that w ill al lo w you to im med i- ately en jo y sup erb video a nd high f ide lit y audio f rom a D V D - Video . I t also re produces D V D -A udio, S A CDs and CDs with u npa ral le led sonic pur it y .
19 Setup Mode Default Set tings T he fo llowing l ist ings i nd icate t he fact or y default set t i ngs. Ref er to t he list ed page nu mbe r for inst r uct ions on how to cha nge a default set t i ng. M A I N SETTI NGS FOR: Lang uage Set up: Name Select ion Ref er to Page Dialog .
20 Language Setup Th is is to select the La ng uage of the Soundt rack , Subtitl es, Disc Menus and O n Scree n Displa y (OS D). Dialo g Th is selects t he dialog langu age that w ill be hea rd when the D V D Disc is play e d. Note: The Alter na te Lan gu ages of Fre nch , S pani sh an d other s ma y not b e a vailable on all DVD Disc s.
21 SETUP , con’t Note: The t itle of the icon b utt on- bar will ch ange color f rom yellow (the cu rsor color) to b lue in dica ting the selec ted ite m. 4. R et u r n to t he Lang u age Setup Menu by pressing the Lef t fo l lo wed by the Up di rect ional Push-but tons.
22 4. R et u r n to t he Vi deo Set up Menu b y pressing t he Left fo l lo wed by the Up d i rect ional Pu sh-buttons. 5 . Next continue to t he A U D IO S ET U P Set ti ngs. If no other cha nges are to b e made i n Set up Mode at this ti me, exit b y pressing t he R T R N (Ret u r n) Push-but ton.
23 SETUP , con’t 3 5H z with in - 3d B of the midr ange f reque ncies i t is consid- ered SM A LL. 1 . Use the Up or Down di rect ional Pu sh-butt on to se- lect SP EA K ER CONF I GUR A T IO N foll ow ed by press - ing t he S ELECT Pu sh-button on the Remote Control.
24 to the n ext L oud spe ak er th ree sec ond s af te r user ad just men ts ha ve sto pped . Refer to f ig ure 1 6 if th e Automa tic M ode will be u sed .
25 SETUP , con’t Note: The SETU P Push -bu tton m a y also be p res sed to exit th e setu p mod e. Au to F or mat TV/Monitors w ith F i xed Pixe l Display , such as DLP , LCD , Li Cos and Plasma all h av e nat iv e r esol ution that al l incom- ing video signal s are convert ed to.
26 ( 4:3 PS ) C onv e ntiona l Scre en Mode wit h Pan and Sca n F or mat refer to f ig u re 25 . ( 4:3 LB ) C onv entiona l Scre en Mode wit h Let t er Box F or ma t refer to f ig u re 26.
27 Note: I f there i s a Disc pla yin g in the M VP87 1 p res s the STOP Push- but ton t wic e before p res sing the SETUP Pu sh- but ton . 2. Use the Do w n di re ctional P ush-but ton on the Re- mote Control to sel ect t he CO M PONEN T VI DEO OUT Menu.
28 Up or Do wn di rec tional Pu sh-butt ons to select one o f t w o other pre sets ( Interlace d or HDMI ) fo llo w ed by pressing t he SE LECT Pu sh-button. If a d if ferent dela y value is needed, u se the Up or Down d i rect ional Pu sh-butt ons to sel ect OTH ER fo l lo wed by the SELECT Pu sh-butt on.
29 t wice b efore pr essin g the SETU P Push -but ton . 2. Use the Do w n di re ctional P ush-but ton on the Re- mote Control to sel ect t he P R OGR ESS IV E MOD E Menu.
30 The M V P87 1 has bui lt in Digital Audio to A nalog A udio Decod i ng C ircu itr y for the var ious Digital Audio F or mat s used on tod ays CD and D V D Discs. T hese included S A CD, D V D - Audio , Dol by Di git al, DTS Digital, M P3 , WM A , H DCD and Div X.
31 Loudsp ea ker capability for reproduci ng bass f re quencies down to 3 5H z with i n - 3dB of the mid ra nge fre quencies. If a Loudsp ea ker can not reproduce ba ss f reque ncies do wn t o 3 5H z with in - 3d B of the midr ange f reque ncies, it is cons id- ered SM A LL.
32 In the Auto- mat ic Mod e, the M V P8 7 1 will swit ch to the ne xt Lou d- spea k er thre e seco nd s af ter u ser a djust me nts h a ve stoppe d. Refe r to f ig ur e 44 if the Automat ic M ode will be u sed .
33 1 . Pre ss the SETU P Pu sh-butt on on the supplied Remote Control to acce ss the O n-Scre en La ngu age Set up Menu. Then pre ss the R ight di rect ional Pu sh-button to select the Audio Setup T ab. Note: I f there i s a Disc pla yin g in the M VP87 1, press the STOP Push- but ton t wic e before p res sing the SETUP Pu sh- but ton .
34 How to Set the Audio , con’t 2. Use the Do w n di re ctional P ush-but ton fo l lo wed by the R ight di rect ional Pu sh-button on the Remote Control to sel ect SOUR CE DIR ECT .
35 3 . Using the N U M ER IC Pu sh-buttons on t he Remote Control, enter t he defa ult password “00 00” foll ow ed by SEL ECT Pu shbutton. Ref er to f ig u re 5 7 . 4. R et u r n to t he Rat ing Menu by pressing the Up di rect ion- al P ush-butt on.
36 4. N ext conti nue to the OT HER SE TU P Menu. If no other changes a re to be ma de in Set up Mode at th is ti me, exit by pressing the Down d i rec- tional P ush-but- ton to select the EX IT SE T U P menu cho ice fo l lo wed by the SEL ECT Pu sh- butt on and the M V P8 7 1 wi ll ret u r n to nor - mal ope ration.
37 f rom yellow (the cu rsor color) to b lue in dica ting the selec ted ite m. 4. R et u r n to t he Vi deo Set up Menu b y pressing t he Left fo l lo wed by the Up d i rect ional Pu sh-buttons. 5 . Next continue to t he C A P TION S Set t ings.
38 Note: The t itle of the icon but ton - bar w ill cha nge color f rom yellow (the cu rsor color) to blue ind icat ing th e selected i tem . 4. R et u r n to t he Ot her Set up Menu b y pressing t he Left fo l lo wed by the Up d i rect ional Pu sh-buttons.
39 5 . Next continue to the SLIDE SH O W Set - ti ngs. If no other cha nges are t o be made in Set up Mode at th is ti me, exit by pressing the R T R N ( Retu r n ) Pu sh-butt on. Note: The SETUP Pu sh- but ton ma y b e also pre sse d to exit the set up m ode .
40 How to Operate the MVP871 Y ou r Mc I ntosh M V P8 7 1 ha s been c onf ig u red for de fault oper ati ng sett i ngs that wi ll allow y ou to i m mediately enj o y super b video and h igh f idelity audio f rom a wide var iet y o f discs.
41 How to Operate the MVP871 Ho w t o Pla y a SA CD D isc Wi th a d isc al ready loaded i nto the M V P87 1 , press t he P LA Y P ush-butt on on the F ront P anel o f the M V P8 7 1 or Remote Con t rol.
42 How to Operate the MVP871, con’t On Screen Icon Display The re are O n-Sc reen Icons av ailable to indicate t he cur rent audio t ra nspor t oper ati ng conditions and some also provide the abilit y to ma ke changes to the d isc cu r rently being pla y ed.
43 S A CD or CD Repe at Th is allows repeati ng a SA CD/CD T r ack or the Disc on a conti nuo us ba sis. R ef er to f igu re 77 . 1 . Sta r t pla yi ng the disc or t he par t of the disc yo u desire to hav e repe ated.
44 How to Operate the MVP871, con’t S A CD and CD Disc P rogram Playb ack M ode Th is featu re a llo ws for the pla yback of T r acks of S A CD a nd CD Discs in t he desired order .
45 How to Operate the MVP871, con’t MP 3/ W M A Audio CD, J PE G Ph oto CDs , Video CD and Div X D V D Playb ack The M V P87 1 has t he ability of p laying back sp ecial t y pes o f disc for mats t hat a re creat ed pr im ar ily on a computer .
46 How to Operate the MVP871, con’t Video CDs T o sta r t playback o f t he Vi deo CD Disc pe rfor m the fol - lo w ing ste ps: 1 . Load a Video CD Disc i nto the M V P8 7 1 , about 5 to 20 seconds lat er a Disc Menu On-scr een Icon will ap pea r on the Monitor/T V ind icati ng the av ailabl e choi c es for pla yback.
47 Note: Whe n the M VP87 1 HDMI O ut pu t is a c- tive t he vid eo sign al at th e Comp one nt Video O ut pu t will au- toma tica lly swit ch to the Inte rlaced M od e eve n tho ugh the word “ Prog res sive ” is illu- mina ted on th e Front Panel Infor ma tion Displa y.
48 T o exit the Memory 1 Adjust 1 Mode press the SELECT Pu sh-butt on. T o ma ke addit ional video adjustme nts, use the R ight d ir ect ional Push-but ton to select Memory 1 Ad just 2 and pre ss the SELECT Push-but ton. If no other adjust ments a re to be ma de at th is ti me, exit b y pressing P IC ADJ Push-but ton.
49 used sp ar - ingly , they can m ake a si g nif icant im- pro vement in the app ear enc- es of the video im age, o ver use ca n also hav e t he op- posite effect.
50 General Spe cifications Video Speci fications Dig it al Out put Opt ical: - 1 5dbm to - 2 1 dbm Coax ial: 0.5V p-p /7 5 ohm Dig it al Sig nal F ormat Sampling Frequencies: 44.
51 Packing Instructions Packing Instructions In t he ev ent it is necessar y to re pack the equ ipment f or shipment, the e quipment must be packed exactly as sho w n belo w . I t is very i mpor t a nt that the four plast ic feet are at- ta ched to the bot tom of the equipment.
The continuous improvement of its products is the policy of McIntosh Laboratory Incorporated who reserve the right to improve design without notice. Printed in the U.S.A. McIntosh Laboratory , Inc. 2 Chambers Street Binghamton, NY 13903 McIntosh Part No.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts McIntosh MVP871 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie McIntosh MVP871 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für McIntosh MVP871 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von McIntosh MVP871 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über McIntosh MVP871 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon McIntosh MVP871 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von McIntosh MVP871 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit McIntosh MVP871. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei McIntosh MVP871 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.