Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung OPENconnectors Command Line Interace des Produzenten McDATA
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McDATA Corporation 380 Interlocken Cresc ent Broomfield , CO 80021-3464 Cor por ate He adqu art er s : 800.545.5773 We b : Sales E -mail: sa les@ mcda ta.
McDA T A OPENconnector s Command Line Inter face USER MANUAL P/N 620-000134-500 ii Record of Revisions and Updat es Copyri ght © 2002 Mc DATA Corp oration .
P/N 620-000134 -500 McDA T A OPENconnectors Comm and Line Inter face USER MAN UAL iii Preface ................ ........... ........... ............ ................. ........... ........... ............ ................ ....... ix Chap ter 1 Intr oductio n Command Line Interface Overview.
McDA T A OPENconnector s Command Line Inter face USER MANUAL P/N 620-000134-500 Contents iv Chapter 2 CLI Commands Comma nd Ove rvie w ............. ........... ................. ........... ........... ......... 2-2 config .......... ............ ...
P/N 620-000 134-500 Mc DA T A OPENconnector s Comm and Line Inter face U SER MANU AL Conte nts v config.zoning ...... ........... ................. ........... ............ ........... ....... 2-44 config.zoning.setDefZ oneState .......... ...........
McDA T A OPENconnector s Command Line Inter face USER MANUAL P/N 620-000134-500 Contents vi show .port.status .............. ........... ........... ............ ................ ....... 2-79 .... ................. ........... ...
P/N 620-000134 -500 McDA T A OPENconnectors Comm and Line Inter face USER MAN UAL vii 1-1 CLI Command Tree Navigation Conventions ................ ................. ......... 1-3 1-2 CLI Command Tree ............... ........... ........... ...........
McDA T A OPENconnector s Command Line Inter face USER MANUAL P/N 620-000134-500 T ables viii.
P/N 620-000 134-500 Mc DA T A OPENconnector s Comm and Line Inter face U SER MANU AL ix 3U H I D F H This pub lica tio n is p art of t he do cume ntat ion suit e th at sup port s t he McDA T A® Spher.
McDA T A OPENconnector s Command Line Inter face USER MANUAL P/N 620-000134-500 Preface x • McDA T A products in the user ’ s ne twork The publication s listed in Related Publications provide consid erable information about b oth concepts and McD A T A products.
P/N 620-000 134-500 Mc DA T A OPENconnector s Comm and Line Inter face U SER MANU AL Preface xi • McDA T A I ntrepid 61 40 Directo r Installa tion and Servic e Manual (620-000 157) • McDA T A O PE.
McDA T A OPENconnector s Command Line Inter face USER MANUAL P/N 620-000134-500 Preface xii Manual Conventions The following notational conventions are used in this document: A note presents im port ant in form ation t hat is no t hazard- related.
P/N 620-000 134-500 Mc DA T A OPENconnector s Comm and Line Inter face U SER MANU AL Preface xiii Forwarding Publication Comments W e si ncerely appreciate any comments about this publication.
McDA T A OPENconnector s Command Line Inter face USER MANUAL P/N 620-000134-500 Preface xiv.
Introductio n 1-1 This chapter intro duces the Command Line Interface (CLI) and describes the essentials for using the CLI commands. ,QW URG XFWL RQ Section Pa ge Comm and Lin e Interf ace Ove rvi.
1 Intr oduction McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -500 1-2 &RPPDQ G/L QH ,QWH UI DFH 2Y HUYL HZ The Command L ine Interface (CLI) is a f eature.
Introd uction Entering Comman d Line Inter face Com mands 1 1-3 (QWH UL QJ& RPPDQ G/LQ H, QWH UID FH &RPPDQ GV The CLI commands can be enter ed dir ectly at the command line of a terminal or co ded in a script. Note that the CLI commands are not case sensitive.
1 Intr oduction McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -500 1-4 ^B Control- B Position the cur sor left one character. ^D Control-D Delete the current charac ter . ^E Control- E Position the cur sor to the end of the line.
Introd uction Entering Comman d Line Inter face Com mands 1 1-5 &RPPDQG7 UHH The comman d tr ee of the CLI be gins fr om the r oot. The commands in the four extended bran ches (config, maint, perf, and show) ar e described in Chapter 2 , CLI Co mmands .
1 Intr oduction McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -500 1-6 sho w userRights ------- ------ - administrator operator sho w snmp - ------- ------- ---- -- add.
Introd uction Entering Comman d Line Inter face Com mands 1 1-7 deleteWwnMem deletePortMem renameZone showPending showActive maint -- ------- ----- ------ - port --- ------ ------- ---- --- beaco n re.
1 Intr oduction McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -500 1-8 Note that the comm ands are shown, with the exception of th e zoning commands, in alphabetical or der to make them ea sier to locate.
Introd uction Entering Comman d Line Inter face Com mands 1 1-9 Maint> port Maint.Port> beacon 4 true Another appro ach to making the navigation more concise is to use the complete co mmand syntax from the Root> prompt each time. Fo r example, to issue the config.
1 Intr oduction McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -500 1-10 3 DUDPHWHUV Some command parameters accept character strings that include spaces. Quotation marks ar e required w hen a string includes spaces. Config.
Introd uction Log ging In and Loggi ng Out 1 1-1 1 / RJJL QJ ,QDQ G/ RJJLQJ 2XW The CLI allows a sin gle T eln et client to be connected to the swi tch. If a T eln et client logs out, or if after 15 minutes o f inactivity the client ’ s access times out , another T el net client may log in .
1 Intr oduction McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -500 1-12 The access rights chosen for the CLI are completely independent of the other product interfaces, for example, SNMP or McDA T A product interfaces. 3 DUDP HWHUV This co mman d has no par amet ers.
Introd uction Using t he comma Delim C ommand 1 1-1 3 8VLQ JW KHF RPPD'H OLP &RPPDQG Note that the output examples shown in the other sections of this publication presume that commaDelim is of f.
1 Intr oduction McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -500 1-14 +DQGOLQJ &R PPDQG /LQH ,QWHUIDFH( UURUV T wo ty pes of err ors detected by the CLI ar e: • An error as sociated with the interface.
Introd uction Using the Comma nd Line Inter face Help 1 1-1 5 8VLQJWKH &RP PD QG/LQH, QWHUIDFH+ HOS The question mark (?) can be used wi thin a command to obtain certain information: • If the question mark is used in place of a command keyword, all the keywords at that level of the CLI command tree display .
1 Intr oduction McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -500 1-16 &RPPHQ WLQ J6 FUL SWV The pound sign (#) can be us ed to add comments in a script file. The pound sign must be the f irst character in the lin e; the CLI ignores everything after the pound sig n in that line.
Introd uction ED-5000 D irector 1 1-1 7 (' 'LU HFW RU A subset of the CLI commands described in this publication ar e avail abl e on th e ED- 5000 Di recto r ™ . The globally availa ble commands (l ogin, logout, an d commaDelim) ar e described previously in this chap ter .
1 Intr oduction McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -500 1-18 7 HOQHW6HVV LRQ The CLI can only be used thr ough a T elnet clien t session in an out- of-b and m anage men t en vir onme nt, usi ng the Ethern et p ort in t he director or switch.
CLI Co mmand s 2-1 This cha pter describes the Command Line Interf ace (CLI) comman ds, including their syntax, purpose, and parameters, as well as examples of their usage and any output that they generate.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-2 &RPPDQ G2YH UY LHZ Most of the comman ds in this chapter ar e listed in alphabetical order to make them easy to locate.
CLI Com mands config 2 2-3 FRQILJIHDWXUHVHQWHUSULVH) DE0RGH 6QW D[ enterpriseFabMode ente rpriseFabModeState 3XUSRV H This command sets the Enterpris e Fabric Mode state for the fabric. The McDA T A SANtegrity ™ f eatu r e key mu st be in sta lled to acti vat e the Enterprise Fabric Mode state.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-4 FRQILJIHDWXUHVLQVWDOO. H 6QW D[ installKey featureKey 3XUSRV H This command allows the user to install a feature s et that is enabled by the provided feature key .
CLI Com mands config 2 2-5 FRQILJIHDWXUHVVKRZ 6QW D[ show 3XUSRV H This comm and show s the product feature informa tion con figured for this switch.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-6 FRQILJLSHWKHUQHW 6QW D[ ethernet ipAddress gat ewayAddress subnetMask 3XUSRV H This command sets the Ethern et network setting s. 'HVFU LS WLRQ The T elnet conne ction can be lost when t hese Ethernet network settings are changed .
CLI Com mands config 2 2-7 2XWS XW The LA N configuration d ata is displayed as a table that in cludes the following properties. 2XWSXW([DPS OH The output fr om the command displays as follows. IP Address: Gateway Address: 0.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-8 FRQILJSRUWH[W'LVW 6QW D[ extDist portNumber ext DistOn 3XUSRV H This command sets the exten ded distance state fo r a port. (The Spher eon 4500 does n ot accept this command.
CLI Com mands config 2 2-9 FRQILJSRUWIDQ 6QW D[ fan portNumber fanOn 3XUSRV H This comman d sets the fa bric addr ess notifi cation (F A N) state fo r a port (Sphereon 4500 on ly). This config uration can be applied to any port regardless of its cu rrent configuration.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-10 FR QIL JSR UW QD PH 6QW D[ name portNumber “ portN ame ” 3XUSRV H This command sets the na me for a port. 3 DUDP HWHUV This c omm and ha s tw o r eq uir ed para mete rs.
CLI Com mands config 2 2-1 1 FRQILJSRUWVSHHG 6QW D[ speed portNumber portSpeed 3XUSRV H This command sets the sp eed for a port. 'HVFU LS WLRQ A port can be configur ed to operate at 1 Gbps, 2 Gbps, o r a negotiat ed speed. The port speed can be set only to 1 Gbps if the switch speed is 1 Gbps.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-12 FRQILJSRUWWSH 6QW D[ type portNumber portTy pe 3XUSRV H This command sets the allowed type for a port. 'HVFU LS WLRQ A port can be configured as a n F_Port, an E_Port, or a G_Port.
CLI Com mands config 2 2-1 3 FRQILJSRUWVKRZ 6QW D[ show portNumber 3XUSRV H This command dis plays the port con figuration for a s ingle port. 'HVFU LS WLRQ This show command, on the config.port branch, displays the current conf igu rati on fo r the specif ied p ort.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-14 2XWSXW([DPS OH The output fr om the config.port.
CLI Com mands config 2 2-1 5 This comm and takes effec t immedia tely . The CLI ve rifies the list befor e activa ting it t o the fab ric an d adds th e manage d switch t o the list if it is not alr eady pr esent. 3 DUDP HWHUV This co mman d has no par amet ers.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-16 abricBinding.clearMe mList 6QW D[ clearMemList 3XUSRV H This co mman d cle ars t he f abri c me mber ship lis t fo r t he p endin g fabric binding wo rking area.
CLI Com mands config 2 2-1 7 6QW D[ replacePending 3XUSRV H This command replaces the pendin g working area with the fabric binding config uration that is currently loaded on the fabric. 3 DUDP HWHUV This co mman d has no par amet ers.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-18 Active 6QW D[ showActive 3XUSRV H This comm and displa ys the fabri c binding configurati on saved on the fabric.
CLI Com mands config 2 2-1 9 abricBinding.showPe nding 6QW D[ showPending 3XUSRV H This command d isplays th e fabric binding conf iguration in the pending workin g area and has not yet been activat ed to the fabric. If no changes have been made to the pend ing environment, the CLI displays the Active membership list.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-20 FRQILJVHFXULW SRUW%LQGLQJ rtBinding.bound 6QW D[ bound portNumber portBindingState 3XUSRV H This command sets the port binding state for a given port.
CLI Com mands config 2 2-2 1 rtBinding.wwn 6QW D[ wwn portNumber boundWw n 3XUSRV H This command co nfigures the single device WWN to which a port is bound. 3 DUDP HWHUV This command has two parameters. portNumber Specified the po rt number for which the bound WWN is being set.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-22 &RP PDQG([ DPSOHV Root> config security portBinding wwn 4 AA:99:23:23:08:14:88:C1 Root> config security portBinding wwn 4 attached Root> config security portBinding wwn 4 remove config.
CLI Com mands config 2 2-2 3 FRQILJVHFXULW VZLWFK%LQGLQJ 6QW D[ addMember wwn 3XUSRV H This command adds a new member to the Sw itch Membership List. A maximu m number of 256 me mbers ma y be added to the swi tch membership list.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-24 witchBinding.setState 6QW D[ setState switchBinding State 3XUSRV H This command sets the switch binding state on the switch.
CLI Com mands config 2 2-2 5 6QW D[ show 3XUSRV H This command d isplays th e switch binding co nfigurati on. 3 DUDP HWHUV This co mman d has no par amet ers. 2XWS XW Thi s command dis plays th e following sw itch bindin g configuratio n data: 2XWSXW([DPS OH The output fr om the config.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-26 FRQILJVHFXULW XVHU5LJKWV Rights.administrator 6QW D[ administrator “ usernam e ” “ password ” 3XUSRV H This co mmand set s the name and passw or d f or a dmin istr ato r- le vel access.
CLI Com mands config 2 2-2 7 erRights.operator 6QW D[ operator “ username ” “ p assword ” 3XUSRV H This command sets the n ame and passwor d for opera tor-l evel access.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-28 6QW D[ show 3XUSRV H This command show s the user rights for the CLI acces s levels. 3 DUDP HWHUV This co mman d has no par amet ers.
CLI Com mands config 2 2-2 9 FRQILJVQ PSDGG&RPPXQLW 6QW D[ addCommunity commIndex "commName" writeAuthorization trapRecipient udpPortNum 3XUSRV H This command adds a n SNMP community to the SNMP configuration. 3 DUDP HWHUV This c omman d has f ive paramete rs.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-30 FRQILJVQ PSDXWK7 U DSV 6QW D[ authTraps enabledState 3XUSRV H This command enables or disa.
CLI Com mands config 2 2-3 1 FRQILJVQ PSVKRZ 6QW D[ show 3XUSRV H This command shows the switch SNMP configuration. 3 DUDP HWHUV This co mman d has no par amet ers. &RPPD QG ([DPS OH Root> config snmp show 2XWS XW The s witch configu ration data is displayed as a table that in cludes the following properties.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-32 FRQILJVZLWFK Some of the config.switch commands r equire that the switch be set offline. ( Use the maint.system.setOnlineState to set the switch offline.
CLI Com mands config 2 2-3 3 FRQILJVZLWFK LQVLVW'RPDLQ,G 6QW D[ insistDomainId insiste ntDomainIdState 3XUSRV H This command sets the insistent domain ID state for the switch.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-34 FRQILJVZLWFK LQWHURS0RGH 6QW D[ interopMode interopMod e 3XUSRV H This command sets the in ter operability mode for the switch . The switch must be offline to complete this command.
CLI Com mands config 2 2-3 5 FRQILJVZLWFK SULRULW 6QW D[ priority switchPriorit y 3XUSRV H This command sets the sw itch priority . 'HVFU LS WLRQ The switch must be set of fline befor e this command is entere d. 3 DUDP HWHUV This co mman d ha s one para meter .
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-36 FRQILJVZLWFK UD7 2 9 6QW D[ raTOV timeoutValue 3XUSRV H This command sets the R _A_TOV for the switch. 'HVFU LS WLRQ The switch must be set of fline befor e this command is entered.
CLI Com mands config 2 2-3 7 FRQILJVZLWFK UHURXWH'HOD 6QW D[ rerouteDelay rerouteDe layState 3XUSRV H This command ena bles or disables rerouting delay for the swi tch. 'HVFU LS WLRQ The switch can be either of fli ne or online when this command is executed.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-38 FRQILJVZLWFK VSHHG 6QW D[ speed switchSpeed 3XUSRV H This command sets the speed fo r the switch. This comm and is on ly applica ble for th e Intr epid 6064.
CLI Com mands config 2 2-3 9 FRQILJVZLWFK VKRZ 6QW D[ show 3XUSRV H This command shows the switch configuration. 3 DUDP HWHUV This co mman d has no par amet ers. 'HVFU LS WLRQ The switch can be either of fli ne or online when this command is executed.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-40 2XWSXW([DPS OH The output fr om the command displays as follows. BB Credit: 2 R_A_TOV: 20 E_D_TOV: 4 Preferred Domain Id: 1 Switch Priority: Principal Speed: 2 Gb/sec Rerouting Delay: Enabled Interop Mode: Open Fabric 1.
CLI Com mands config 2 2-4 1 FRQILJVV WHPGDWH 6QW D[ date sysDate sysTime 3XUSRV H This command sets the sy stem date and time. 3 DUDP HWHUV This c omm and ha s tw o r eq uir ed para mete rs.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-42 FRQILJVV WHPORFDWLRQ 6QW D[ location “ systemLocati on ” 3XUSRV H This command sets the sy stem location attribute. 3 DUDP HWHUV This c omman d ha s one para mete r .
CLI Com mands config 2 2-4 3 FRQILJVV WHPVKRZ 6QW D[ show 3XUSRV H This comma nd shows th e system con figuration. 3 DUDP HWHUV This co mman d has no par amet ers. &RPPD QG ([DPS OH Root> config system show 2XWS XW The system configuration is displayed as a table that includes the following properties.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-44 FRQILJ]RQLQJ Note that the config.zoning commands function in a dif fer ent way fro m most CLI commands, which are s ingle action commands that take effect immediat ely .
CLI Com mands config 2 2-4 5 FRQILJ]RQLQ JDFWLYDWH=RQ H6HW 6QW D[ activateZoneSet 3XUSRV H This command activates th e zone set contained in the work area to the fabric and takes eff ect immediately . 'HVFU LS WLRQ This c ommand t akes ef fect im mediately in the fabric.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-46 FRQILJ]RQLQJ UH SODFH=RQH6HW 6QW D[ replaceZoneSet 3XUSRV H This command replaces the work area with the active zone set that is currently loaded on the fabric.
CLI Com mands config 2 2-4 7 FRQILJ]RQLQ JDGG=RQH 6QW D[ addZone “ zoneName ” 3XUSRV H This command adds a new ( empty) zone to the zone set in th e work area. 'HVFU LS WLRQ Changes are not activated on the switch unti l the config.zoning.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-48 FRQILJ]RQLQJ UHQDPH=RQH6HW 6QW D[ renameZoneSet “ zoneSet Name ” 3XUSRV H This command changes the name of the zo ne set in the work are a.
CLI Com mands config 2 2-4 9 FRQILJ]RQLQ JDGG3 RUW0HP 6QW D[ addPortMem “ zoneName ” domainId portNumber 3XUSRV H This command adds th e domain ID and port number of a zone member to the specified zone in th e work area.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-50 FRQILJ]RQLQJ FOH DU=RQH 6QW D[ clearZone “ zoneName ” 3XUSRV H This command clears all z one members for the specified zone in the work area.
CLI Com mands config 2 2-5 1 FRQILJ]RQLQ JGHOHWH3 RUW0HP 6QW D[ deletePortMem “ zoneNam e ” domainId portNumber 3XUSRV H This comman d deletes a domai n ID and port number for a z one member in the specified zone in the wor k area. 3 DUDP HWHUV This c omman d ha s th r ee pa rame ters .
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-52 FRQILJ]RQLQJ UHQDPH=RQH 6QW D[ renameZone “ oldZoneNam e ” “ newZoneName ” 3XUSRV H This command r enames a z one in the work area .
CLI Com mands config 2 2-5 3 FRQILJ]RQLQ JVKR Z3 HQGLQJ 6QW D[ showPending 3XUSRV H This comm and s hows t he zo ning c onf igur ation in th e wor k ar ea of the zone set that ha s not yet been activated. 3 DUDP HWHUV This co mman d has no par amet ers.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-54 FRQILJ]RQLQJ VKRZ$FWLYH 6QW D[ showActive 3XUSRV H This comm and sho ws the zoni ng conf igu ration save d on t he fab ric. 3 DUDP HWHUV This co mman d has no par amet ers.
CLI Com mands maint 2 2-5 5 PDLQW The maint branch of the CLI command tr ee contains commands that relate to maintenance activities. The commands in the maint branch can be used only by the admin istra tor .
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-56 PDLQWSRUWUHVHW 6QW D[ reset portNumber 3XUSRV H This command r esets a port. 'HVFU LS WLRQ This command resets an individ ual port without a ffecting any other ports.
CLI Com mands maint 2 2-5 7 PDLQWVVWHPFO HDU6V(UURU 6QW D[ clearSysError 3XUSRV H This command clears the syst em error light. 3 DUDP HWHUV This co mman d has no par amet ers. &RPPD QG ([DPS OH Root> maint system clearSysError PD LQ WV V WH P LSO 6QW D[ ipl 3XUSRV H This command IPLs the switch .
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-58 PDLQWVVWHPUHVHW&RQILJ 6QW D[ resetConfig 3XUSRV H This command resets all NV -RAM confi guration parameters to th eir default values, including featur e key s and IP addr esses.
CLI Com mands per f 2 2-5 9 SHUI The perf branch of th e CLI command tree co ntains commands that relate to performance services. The commands in the perf branch can by used by either the administrator or the operator . Note that the counters in perf com mand ou tput are 32-bit values th at wrap at 4,294 ,967, 296.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-60 2XWSXW([DPS OH The output fr om the perf.class2 command displays as follows. SHUI FODVV 6QW D[ class3 portNumber 3XUSRV H This command displays port Class 3 counters for a single port.
CLI Com mands per f 2 2-6 1 3 DUDP HWHUV This co mman d ha s one para meter . &RPPD QG ([DPS OH Root> perf class3 2 2XWS XW The port Class 3 co unter data is displa yed as a table tha t includes th e following statistics, alo ng with a wrap count for each corr esponding counter .
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-62 SHUI FOHDU6WDWV 6QW D[ clearStats portNumber 3XUSRV H This command re sets all port statistics for an individual port or for all ports. 3 DUDP HWHUV This c omman d ha s one para mete r .
CLI Com mands per f 2 2-6 3 2XWS XW The po rt err or counter data is displayed as a table that in cludes the followi ng statistics . 2XWSXW([DPS OH The output fr om the perf.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-64 SHUI OLQN 6QW D[ link portNumber 3XUSRV H This command displays port link counters for a single port. 3 DUDP HWHUV This c omman d ha s one para mete r .
CLI Com mands per f 2 2-6 5 2XWSXW([DPS OH The output from the command di splays as follow s. Port 2 Statistic Count ----------- ---------- OLS In 753452 OLS Out 351269 Reset In 2953184 R.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-66 2XWS XW The port traffic counter data is displayed as a table that includes the following statistics, along with a wrap count for each corr esponding counter .
CLI Com mands show 2 2-6 7 VKRZ The show branch of the CLI command tr ee contains commands that display , but do not change, stored da ta values. The displayed output that results from these comm ands is no t necessarily id entical wi th the output from the show commands tha t are within the other CLI command tree branches, for exa mple, config.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-68 2XWSXW([DPS OH The output fr om the show .eventLog command displays as follows.
CLI Com mands show 2 2-6 9 VKRZ IUXV 6QW D[ frus 3XUSRV H This command display s informatio n about all FRUs. 3 DUDP HWHUV This co mman d has no par amet ers. &RPPD QG ([DPS OH Root> show frus 2XWS XW The FR U informatio n is displayed as a ta ble that includes th e following properties.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-70 2XWSXW([DPS OH The output fr om the show .frus command displays as follows.
CLI Com mands show 2 2-7 1 VKRZ O RJLQ6HUYHU 6QW D[ loginServer 3XUSRV H This command dis plays informa tion from the login server database for devices attach ed to this switch . Note that it is possible to have more than one device per port for any public loop devices attached to an FL Po rt.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-72 VKRZ QDPH6H UYHU 6QW D[ nameServer 3XUSRV H This command displays information fr om the name server databas e for devices attached to this switch.
CLI Com mands show 2 2-7 3 2XWSXW([DPS OH The output fr om the show .nameServer command displays as fo llows. Type Port Id Port Name N ode Name COS FC4 Typ es ---- ------- ----------------------- -.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-74 2XWS XW The de vice information da ta is displayed a s a table that includes th e following properties. 2XWSXW([DPS OH The output fr om the show .
CLI Com mands show 2 2-7 5 VKRZ S RUW F RQI LJ 6QW D[ config 3XUSRV H This command shows the port configuration for all ports. 3 DUDP HWHUV This co mman d has no par amet ers. &RPPD QG ([DPS OH Root> show port config 2XWS XW The port confi guration a ttribu tes ar e dis played as a ta ble that includes the follow ing properties.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-76 VKRZ S RUW LQ IR 6QW D[ info 3XUSRV H This command displays port information for all ports. 3 DUDP HWHUV This co mman d has no par amet ers.
CLI Com mands show 2 2-7 7 VK RZ SRU WQ RGH V 6QW D[ nodes portNumber 3XUSRV H This command di splays the loo p node list f or a specified port. This command is valid only on the Spher eon 4500.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-78 2XWSXW([DPS OH The show .port .nodes c omman d outp ut for a m ix of publi c and private n od.
CLI Com mands show 2 2-7 9 VKRZ SRUWVWDWXV 6QW D[ status 3XUSRV H This command displays port status for all ports. 3 DUDP HWHUV This co mman d has no par amet ers. &RPPD QG ([DPS OH Root> show port status 2XWS XW The port status data is dis played as a table that includes the followin g properties.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-80 Reason An optional message number that indicates if the port has a segmented ISL, if a port binding violation has occurred, or if th e port is inactive.
CLI Com mands show 2 2-8 1 2XWSXW([DPS OH The outpu t fr om t he show .p atus command di spla ys a s foll ows. Port State Type Atta ched WWN Beaconing Reason ---- ---------------- ----- ----.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-82 VKRZ S RUWWHFKQRORJ 6QW D[ technology 3XUSRV H This command d isplays port technology in formation f or all ports. 3 DUDP HWHUV This co mman d has no par amet ers.
CLI Com mands show 2 2-8 3 VKRZ VHFXULW IDEULF%LQGLQJ 6QW D[ fabricBinding 3XUSRV H This comm and displa ys the fabri c binding configurati on saved on the fabric. The command performs the same function as .fabricBinding.showActive.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-84 VKRZ VHFXULW SRUW%LQGLQJ 6QW D[ portBinding 3XUSRV H This command sh ows the port bin ding configurati on for all ports. 3 DUDP HWHUV This co mman d has no par amet ers.
CLI Com mands show 2 2-8 5 VKRZ VHFXULW VZLWFK%LQGLQJ 6QW D[ switchBinding 3XUSRV H This command d isplays th e switch binding co nfigurati on. 3 DUDP HWHUV This co mman d has no par amet ers.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-86 VKRZ VZLWFK 6QW D[ switch 3XUSRV H This command dis plays switch attributes.
CLI Com mands show 2 2-8 7 2XWSXW([DPS OH The output fr om the show .switch command displays as follows. Switch Information State: Online BB Credit: 2 R_A_TOV: 20 E_D_TOV: 4 Preferred Domain Id: 1 Switch Priority: Default Speed: 2 Gb/sec Rerouting Delay: Enabled Operating Mode: Open Systems Interop Mode: Open Fabric 1.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-88 VKRZ VVWHP 6QW D[ system 3XUSRV H This comm and displ ays a set of s yste m att rib ute s.
CLI Com mands show 2 2-8 9 2XWSXW([DPS OH The output from the show .system command displa ys as follows. System Information Name: Joe ’ s Switch Description: McDATA Intrepid 6064 Fibre Channel Di.
2 CLI Co mmands McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -300 2-90.
Error Messages A-1 $ This appendix lists and explains err or messages for the Command Line Interface (CLI). Any err or numbers that are not listed ar e res erved for future use. The message that is r eturned is a string that includes the err or number and the text of the message.
A Error Messages McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -500 A-2 Message Error 09 : Invalid Switch Descripti on Desc rip tio n The va lue entered for the switch description is invalid. Action The description for the dir ector or switch may contain 0 – 25 5 characters.
Error Messages Error M essage s A A-3 Message Error 14: Inv alid Po rt Name Desc rip tio n The value entered for the port name is invalid. Action The port name for the individual port may contain 0 – 24 chara cters. Enter a name with 0 – 24 characters and r e-submit.
A Error Messages McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -500 A-4 Message Error 2 0: Inv alid Pr efer red Doma in ID Desc rip tio n The value entered for the pr eferr ed domain ID for the dir ector or switch is inva lid.
Error Messages Error M essage s A A-5 Message Er ror 31: Inva lid Subnet Mask Desc rip tio n The va lue entered for the subnet mask is invali d. Action The new subnet mask for the Ethernet interfac e must be entered in dotted decimal format ( e.g. 255.
A Error Messages McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -500 A-6 Message Error 3 7: Inval id Mon th Desc rip tio n The value of the month entered for the new system date is invalid. Action The format of the date para meter must be mm:dd:yyyy or mm/dd/y yyy .
Error Messages Error M essage s A A-7 Message Er ror 42: Inva lid Second Desc rip tio n The value of the second entered for the new system time is invalid. Action The format of the time param eter must be hh:mm:ss. The s econd can contain an integer in th e range 0 – 59.
A Error Messages McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -500 A-8 Message Error 57 : Duplicate Zone Desc rip tio n T wo or more zone names in the zone s et are iden tical. Action All zone name s must be unique. Ma ke the appropriate changes and re- s u bm i t .
Error Messages Error M essage s A A-9 Message Er ror 69: Duplica te Port Name Desc rip tio n T wo or mo r e po rt n ame s ar e ide nti cal. Action Port names must be unique. Make a ppropriate changes an d re-submit. For more information, see config.port.
A Error Messages McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -500 A-10 Message Error 7 4: Inv alid Number of Zon es Desc rip tio n The specified zone set contains less than one zone or mor e than the maxi mum nu mber of zones allow ed f or th is pr oduct.
Error Messages Error M essage s A A-11 Message Error 79: FRU Failed Desc rip tio n The spe cifie d FRU has f ail ed. Action Consult the in stallation/service ma nual for appropriate action .
A Error Messages McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -500 A-12 Message Error 89 : Not All owed in S/390 Mode W ithout the SANteg rity (TM) Featu re Desc rip tio n Ca nnot conf igure port types in S/390 mod e without ins tallin g SANtegrity .
Error Messages Error M essage s A A-13 Message Er ror 94 : Invalid Fe ature Combina tion Desc rip tio n The features re quested cannot be installed at th e same time on one director or switch.
A Error Messages McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -500 A-14 Message Error 1 16: Switch Not Capab le of 2 G b/sec Desc rip tio n The request cannot be completed because the switch is not capable of operating at 2 Gbps.
Error Messages Error M essage s A A-15 Message Er ror 134: Inv alid Membership List Desc rip tio n Gen eric message to indicate a problem in either the switch binding or fabric binding mem bership list. Action Be sur e that the membership list submitted does not isolate a switch already in the fabric.
A Error Messages McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -500 A-16 Message Error 13 8: Invalid Sw itch Bindi ng State Desc rip tio n The switch binding state submitted is not recognized by the CLI.
Error Messages Error M essage s A A-17 Message Er ror 142: Inv alid Domain RSCN Stat e Desc rip tio n The request cannot be comple ted because an invalid domain RSCN state has been submitted. Action The domain RSCN state must be set to either enable or disabl e .
A Error Messages McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -500 A-18 Message Error 14 8: Not Al lowed While Swi tch Off line Desc rip tio n The switch must be online to complete this request. Action Change the state of the switch to ONLINE and re-submit the request.
Error Messages Error M essage s A A-19 Message Er ror 154: In valid Membership List WWN Desc rip tio n The request ca nnot be completed becau se the WWN does not exis t in the switch bindi ng membership lis t. Action Make sure that the WWN deleted matches the WWN in th e switch membership list.
A Error Messages McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -500 A-20 Message Error 20 2: Invali d Change Autho rization I D Desc rip tio n The sw itch will not accept a change request from this particular client. Action Be sur e all parameters have been enter ed corr ectly and re- submit.
Error Messages Error M essage s A A-21 Message Er ror 210: Busy Processing Anothe r Request Desc rip tio n A differen t switch in the Fabric was busy processing another r equest and could not complete the command. Action Be sur e all parameters have been entered correctly and re- submit.
A Error Messages McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -500 A-22 Message Error 21 5: Zone Set Siz e Excee ded Desc rip tio n The lo cal work area zone set has outg rown the size limitatio ns imposed by the Comm and Line Interfa ce.
Error Messages Error M essage s A A-23 Message Er ror 223: U nknown Error Desc rip tio n The switch did not accept the r equest Action Contact your service repr esentative. Message Er ror 224: I nvalid Argu ment Desc rip tio n One or more parameters ar e invalid for this command .
A Error Messages McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -500 A-24 Message Error 22 8: Invali d W rite A uthorizat ion Argument Desc rip tio n The writeAuthorization parameter does not contain a valid value. Action Parameters must be typed exactl y to specification to be recognized correctly by the CLI.
Error Messages Error M essage s A A-25 Message Error 233: Inva lid Membe r Desc rip tio n The zone member added i s not val id. Action For the appropriate para meters, see the section of the manual that corresponds to the attempted comman d. Parameters must be typed exactly to specif ication to be recognized correctly by the CLI.
A Error Messages McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -500 A-26 Message Error 23 7: Invali d Zoning Dat abase Desc rip tio n There was an unidentifiable problem in the local zone set work ar ea. Action V erify all parameters ar e enter ed corr ectly and re-submit.
Error Messages Error M essage s A A-27 Message Er ror 242: Open trunking th reshold % value must be 0 – 99 Desc rip tio n An invalid thre shold per centage ha s been e ntered. Action The Open trunking threshold must be in the range 0 – 99. Make sur e all values ar e valid and r e-submit the re quest.
A Error Messages McDA T A OPENconnecto rs Comman d Line Inter face USER MAN UAL P/N 620-000134 -500 A-28.
g-1 P/N 620-000134 -500 McDA T A OPENconnectors Comm and Line Inter face USER MAN UAL *ORVVDU The following cross-r efer ences are used in this glossary: Contra st wi th . This ref ers to a term that has an o pposite or substanti vely differ ent meaning.
McDA T A OPENconnector s Command Line Inter face USER MANUAL P/N 620-000134-500 Glossa ry g-2 backup FRU When an acti ve FRU fails, a n identical backup FRU takes over operation autom atically (fai lover) to maintain director and Fibre Channel lin k operat ion.
P/N 620-000 134-500 Mc DA T A OPENconnector s Comm and Line Inter face U SER MANU AL Glos sary g-3 configuratio n. A configuration backup file is required to restor e configuratio n data if th e CTP card in a n onredundant Intrepid 6064 is remo ved and r eplaced.
McDA T A OPENconnector s Command Line Inter face USER MANUAL P/N 620-000134-500 Glossa ry g-4 dialog box A window containing informational messages or data fields to be modified or f illed in with desir ed options.
P/N 620-000 134-500 Mc DA T A OPENconnector s Comm and Line Inter face U SER MANU AL Glos sary g-5 Ethernet A widely implem ented local area network (LAN) protocol that us es a bus or star topology and serve d as the bas is for the IEEE 802. 3 standard, which specifies the physica l and software layers.
McDA T A OPENconnector s Command Line Inter face USER MANUAL P/N 620-000134-500 Glossa ry g-6 Fibre Channel Address Ther e ar e tw o types of Fibre Channel addr esses: • An addr ess for a public device, comp rised of the domain ID, port addres s, and it s AL_P A • An addr ess for a private device, comprised of 0000 followed by its AL_P A.
P/N 620-000 134-500 Mc DA T A OPENconnector s Comm and Line Inter face U SER MANU AL Glos sary g-7 Gx_Port A port configuration a llowing a port to trans ition operationall y to FL_Port as well as to the port operational states described for a G_Port.
McDA T A OPENconnector s Command Line Inter face USER MANUAL P/N 620-000134-500 Glossa ry g-8 L LIN See link incide nt. link Physical connection between two devices on a switched fabric. link incident Int erruption to link due to loss of light or other causes .
P/N 620-000 134-500 Mc DA T A OPENconnector s Comm and Line Inter face U SER MANU AL Glos sary g-9 format, o r a domain name (a s administer ed on a cus tome r netw or k). node In Fibre Cha nnel terminology , node refers to an end device (server or storage device) that is or can be connected to a switched fabric.
McDA T A OPENconnector s Command Line Inter face USER MANUAL P/N 620-000134-500 Glossa ry g-10 out-of-band management T ransmission of manag ement info rmation using frequencies or channels other tha n those routinely used for informatio n transfer .
P/N 620-000 134-500 Mc DA T A OPENconnector s Comm and Line Inter face U SER MANU AL Glos sary g-11 operations will a utomatically failover in the event of a co mponent failure. Redundancy is a vital characteristi c of virtually all high-avai lability (24 hr .
McDA T A OPENconnector s Command Line Inter face USER MANUAL P/N 620-000134-500 Glossa ry g-12 SNMP community Also known as SNMP communi ty string. SNMP com munity is a cluster of managed products (in SNM P terminology , hosts) to which the server or managed pro duct running the SNMP agent belongs.
P/N 620-000 134-500 Mc DA T A OPENconnector s Comm and Line Inter face U SER MANU AL Glos sary g-13 W warning messag e Indication that a possible erro r has been detected. See als o err or messa ge; i nform ation mess age. world wide name Eigh t byte identifier uniquely assigned to a switch or to a no de (end device), even on global networks.
McDA T A OPENconnector s Command Line Inter face USER MANUAL P/N 620-000134-500 Glossa ry g-14.
P/N 620-000134 -500 McDA T A OPENconnectors Comm and Line Inter face USER MAN UAL i-1 Symbols " 1-10 # 1-16 .. 1-8 ? 1-15 Numerics 60 cha racte rs in hi stor y log 1-9 80-column out put 1-1 0 A a.
McDA T A OPENconnector s Command Line Inter face USER MANUAL P/N 620-000134-500 Inde x i-2 using 1-2 command tree 1-5 limi tati ons on movem ents with in 1-9 navig atio n of 1- 8 commands async hronou.
P/N 620-000 134-500 Mc DA T A OPENconnector s Comm and Line Inter face U SER MANU AL Index i-3 G G_port, setting 2-1 2 gatew ay a ddress 2-6 globally availa ble com mands 1-5 H help co mmand 1-15 help.
McDA T A OPENconnector s Command Line Inter face USER MANUAL P/N 620-000134-500 Inde x i-4 deleti ng 2-51 port stati stics , re setting 2-62 port status 2-79 port techn ology inform ation 2- 82 por t .
P/N 620-000 134-500 Mc DA T A OPENconnector s Comm and Line Inter face U SER MANU AL Index i-5 strings , nul l 1-10 strings , quotat ion marks in 1-10 subnet ma sk 2-6 switc h attr ibu tes, disp layi .
McDA T A OPENconnector s Command Line Inter face USER MANUAL P/N 620-000134-500 Inde x i-6 members adding b y port 2-49 adding by WWN 2-48 deleti ng by port 2-51 deleting by WWN 2-50 renami ng 2-52 zo.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts McDATA OPENconnectors Command Line Interace (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie McDATA OPENconnectors Command Line Interace noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für McDATA OPENconnectors Command Line Interace - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von McDATA OPENconnectors Command Line Interace reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über McDATA OPENconnectors Command Line Interace erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon McDATA OPENconnectors Command Line Interace besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von McDATA OPENconnectors Command Line Interace verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit McDATA OPENconnectors Command Line Interace. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei McDATA OPENconnectors Command Line Interace gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.