Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Replicator 2 des Produzenten MakerBot
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A WEL C OME. LET’S GET S T ARTED 04 Specific ations 06 How Does it W ork? 07 B SETTING UP Y OUR MAKERBO T REPLIC A TOR 2 DE SKT OP 3D PRINTER 08 What’ s in The Box 10 MakerBot R eplicator 2 Diagr.
W elc ome. L et ’ s get started. A.
05 W ARNING: The MakerBot Replica tor 2 g enerat es high temper atures and incl udes moving parts that can cause injury . Nev er reach inside the Mak erBot Replicat or 2 while it is in oper ation. Al wa ys allo w the MakerBot R eplicator 2 to c ool down bef ore re aching inside.
06 A WEL COME, LET’ S GET S T ARTED PRINTING Print T echnology: Fused Fil ament Fabric ation Build V olume: 11.2 L x 6 .0 W x 6. 1 H in [28.5 x 15.3 x 15.5 cm] High 100 microns [0 .0039 in] Medium 270 microns [ 0.0106 in] Lo w 340 microns [ 0. 0133 in] Positioning Precision: XY: 11 m ic ron s [0.
07 A WEL COME, LET’ S GET S T ARTED The MakerBot R eplicator 2 mak es solid, three-dimensional objects out of mel ted Mak erBot PLA Filament. Y our 3D design file s are transl at ed into instructions f or the MakerBot R eplicat or 2 and sent to the machine via U SB cabl e or SD Card.
Setting U p Y our Mak erBot ® Repli cator ® 2 Deskt op 3D Printer B.
09 When y ou set up y our MakerBot ® R eplicat or ® 2 Desk top 3D P rinter , r emember that it w as buil t and pack age d very c arefull y at the Mak erBot fa ct ory . W e hope you’ll tak e your time and be jus t as c areful unpacking it and g etting it set up .
10 B SETTING UP Y OUR MAKERBO T REPLICA TOR 2 DE SKT OP 3D PRINTER Filament guide tube Po wer suppl y and cabl e Hex wrenche s PTFE-based gr ease Spool hol der USB- A to USB-B cabl e Support car d Blu.
12 UNP ACKING Y OUR MAKERBO T REPLIC A T OR 2 1a. Pla ce the Mak erBot Replic at or 2 box on the ground. Open the bo x and remove the top c ardboard shee t.
13 UNP ACKING Y OUR MAKERBO T REPLIC A T OR 2 CONTINUED 3a. R emov e the two r emaining prot ective foam piec es from the bottom of the R eplicat or 2’s bo x. 3b. Li out the a cc essory box. This box contains the r emaining items from the “What’ s in the Box” section.
14 INS T ALLING BUILD PLA TE B SETTING UP Y OUR MAKERBO T REPLICA TOR 2 DE SKT OP 3D PRINTER 5a. Use strong sciss ors or a wire cut ter to cut the zip ties hol ding the gantry sy stem in plac e. Disc ard the zip ties and the pl astic pieces hol ding them in place .
15 INS T ALLING FILAMENT GUIDE TUBE AND SPOOL HOLDER B SETTING UP Y OUR MAKERBO T REPLICA TOR 2 DE SKT OP 3D PRINTER 6a. L ocat e the filament guide tube . Insert one end into the hol e at the t op of the extruder and push the tube in as far a s it will go .
16 MOUNTING FILAMENT SPOOL AND A TT ACHING U SB C ABLE 9a. L ocat e the USB- A to USB-B c able . Insert the USB cabl e into the USB-B port on the back of the Mak erBot Replic ator 2. Do not atta ch the other end of the USB cabl e to anything y et. 9b.
10a. L ocat e the pow er supply and c able . At tach the cabl e to the po wer suppl y . 1 0 b . Ensure that the po wer swit ch on the MakerBot R eplicator 2 is se t to the OFF position. 1 0 c . Insert the pow er suppl y connect or into the po wer input on the back of the R eplicat or 2.
S tart up Pr oces s: L e v eling, L oading, T esting C.
19 THE LCD KEYP AD • Four arrow but tons surround a c entral M button. Use the arro ws to na vigate through the L CD menus and make sel ections. • The l e arrow usuall y allo ws you to g o back or canc el an action. • A solid red M means the Mak erBot R eplicat or 2 is working.
20 Aer the initial w elc ome message, the S tartup Script will displ ay the f ollo wing: • If the build pl at form is t oo far from the e xtruder nozzl e, or if one part of the plat e is farther aw ay from the no zzle than another part, your buil ds might not stick to the buil d plate .
21 LEVELING THE BUILD PLA TE CONTINUED C ST ARTUP PR OCESS: LEVELING , L OADING, TES TING Lev eling Knobs Support Card When direct ed by the L CD screen, tight en each of the thre e knobs under the build plat form about four turns.
22 LEVELING THE BUILD PLA TE CONTINUED C ST ARTUP PR OCESS: LEVELING , L OADING, TES TING The script will prompt y ou to adjust the knobs individuall y . As you adjust e ach knob, mak e sure the MakerBot Support card just slide s betw een the nozzl e and build pl at e.
23 L O ADING MAKERBO T PLA FILAMENT C ST ARTUP PR OCESS: LEVELING , L OADING, TES TING When you ha ve c omple ted the initial l ev eling tasks, the L CD menu will displa y the foll owing te xt: “ Aaah, that fe els much bett er .
24 L O ADING MAKERBO T PLA FILAMENT CONTINUED Free the end of the Mak erBot PLA Filament from the fil ament spool. With a pair of scissors, c ut a clean e dge. Feed the end of the MakerBot PLA Fil ament into the end of the guide tube where it a ttaches t o the back of the Mak erBot Replic ator 2.
25 C ST ARTUP PR OCESS: LEVELING , L OADING, TES TING Aer y ou’ve f ed the MakerBot PLA Fil ament all the wa y through the guide tube, press the M button on the L CD menu. The MakerBot R eplicator 2 will st art to hea t your e xtruder . W ARNING: Do not touch the extruder whil e it is heating — it hea ts to 230° C.
26 T ake the end of the MakerBot PLA Fil ament close st to the e xtruder and firml y push it into the hol e in the top of the e xtruder . Ensure that the fil ament goes int o the cent er of the opening and doesn’t g et caught at the e dge of the opening.
27 C ST ARTUP PR OCESS: LEVELING , L O ADING, TE STING Push the guide tube ba ck into the opening on the top of the e xtruder . NO TE: If you ha ve probl ems or need to l oad the MakerBot PLA Fil ament again, y ou can use the up and down arro ws t o scroll through the t op-lev el menu on the L CD panel and use the M button t o selec t Utilities.
28 C ST ARTUP PR OCESS: LEVELING , L OADING, TES TING Aer y ou hav e succ essfull y le vel ed the build pl atform and l oaded the MakerBot PLA Fil ament into the e xtruder , the L CD panel will ask.
29 C ST ARTUP PR OCESS: LEVELING , L O ADING, TE STING MAKING A TES T OBJECT FR OM THE SD CARD C ONTINUED Pr ojects A vailabl e on the SD Card CHAIN LINK S Fi le Na me : Chain Link s Make Time: 12 Min.
Making a n O bject wit h Mak erBot Mak erW ar e D.
31 Ho w to mak e an object using a c omputer and Mak erBot ® Mak erW are ™ . D MAKING AN OBJECT WITH MAKERBO T MAKERW ARE ™.
32 USING MAKERBO T MAKERW ARE D MAKING AN OBJECT WITH MAKERBO T MAKERW ARE 1c. Open the install er and foll ow the directions t o install the sow are. 1d. Use the supplied USB c able t o connec t your Mak erBot Replic at or 2 to y our comput er . NO TE: Y ou can find a video of this tutorial at ht tp:/ / www .
33 Thingivers e is a websit e where MakerBot user s and others can shar e design files. 2a. Open a bro wser session and g o to www .thingiver se.c om. Use the search fiel d at the upper right to search f or “Minimalist NYC buil dings. ” Y our search r esults shoul d include “Minimalist NY C building s by JonMonaghan.
34 USING MAKERBO T MAKERW ARE CONTINUED 3 Open Mak erBot MakerW are [1] CAMER A HOME: Resets Mak erW are to the defaul t view of the objec t. [2] +/-: Zoom in and out. Y ou can also use the scroll wheel on y our mouse to z oom in and out. [3] LOOK: Click the L ook butt on or hit the L ke y to g o into L ook mode.
35 USING MAKERBO T MAKERW ARE CONTINUED 3 Open Mak erBot MakerW are | C o n t i nu ed 1 2 7 8 9 10 11 3 6 4 5 D MAKING AN OBJECT WITH MAKERBO T MAKERW ARE NUT AND BOL T Design By: au ben c Thingiverse.
Minimalist NY C buildings Design By: JonMonaghan Thingiverse: 12 762 36 4a . Click on the Add button. Navig ate t o the loc ation of the fil e FlatIr on.stl and sel ect it. The fil e will open at the cent er of the build plat e. 4b . S ele ct the Mov e button and click and drag the Fl atiron Buil ding to the l e.
37 4e. Click on the Fl atiron Buil ding to sele ct it. Hol d down the shi k ey and click on the W ool worth Buil ding. Then rel ease the shi k ey . Both models should be sel ected. 4f. S ele ct the Sc ale butt on. Click and drag t o change the siz e of both models tog ether .
38 TIP: If you pl an to buil d from an SD card inst ead of directl y from MakerW are, sel ect “Export to a Fil e” at the top of the Mak e dialog inst ead of “Mak e It Now . ” If your R eplicat or 2 is not connec ted to y our comput er , “Export to Fil e” will be sel ect ed automatic ally .
5c . Accept the default s ettings and click the Make It! butt on. Mak erW are will slice your m odel and send it to y our MakerBot R eplicator 2 f or building. TIP: Y ou can cancel a slic e or build by clicking the X at the c orner of the slicing progress bar or the c ancel button in the S tatus submenu.
E T r oubles hooting, Diagnosti cs, a nd Maintena nce.
41 This chapt er describes ba sic troubl eshooting and maint enance t ask s for y our Mak erBot ® R eplicat or ® 2 Desk top 3D P rinter . For de tails on mor e adv ance d troubl eshooting and maint enance t ask s, g o to mak erbot.
Can’t l oad Mak erBot PLA Filament int o the ex truder Make a fr esh cut at the end of the Mak erBot PLA Filament. Cut the Mak erBot PLA Filament at an angl e—a narrow tip will help with loa ding. It is also important tha t the filament hav e no bends in it.
PROBLEM SOL UTION 43 E TROUBLE SHOO TING, DIA GNOSTIC S, AND MAINTENANCE TRO UBLESHOO TING CONTINUED Can’t r emove Mak erBot PLA Filament fr om ex truder Object w on’t stick to buil d pla te Objec.
44 E TROUBLE SHOO TING, DIA GNOSTIC S, AND MAINTENANCE DIA GNOS TICS L CD P ANEL | T OP-LEVEL MENU BUILD FROM SD Display s the list of models on the SD car d. Sel ect one to start a buil d PREHEA T All ows y ou to preheat the e xtruder . UTILITIES T ools that allo w you to config ure and maintain y our MakerBot R eplicator 2.
45 E TROUBLE SHOO TING, DIA GNOSTIC S, AND MAINTENANCE UTILITIES Monitor Mode Displa ys the curr ent temper ature of the e xtruder . When making an object, displ ay s the perc ent compl ete d. Lev el Build Pl ate Script that w alks y ou through the proc ess of le veling the build pl at e.
46 E TR OUBLESHOO TING, DIA GNOS TICS, AND MAINTENANCE INFO AND SETTINGS Bot Sta tistics Displa ys the estima ted t otal hours and minut es of building in the lif etime of your Makerbot R eplicator 2 and the duration in hour s and minutes of the l ast buil d.
47 E TROUBLESHOO TING, DIA GNOS TICS, AND MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE Aer appr oxima tel y 50 hours of buil d time, y ou should l ubricat e the threa ded rod on y our Z-axis and the X -axis idler pull ey . T o lubricat e the threa ded rod and the idl er pulle y: 1.
48 E TR OUBLESHOO TING, DIA GNOS TICS, AND MAINTENANCE Lubrica ting the Threade d Rod and the X -Axis Idl er Pull ey | Continue d 7 . Locat e the X -axis idler pull ey . If you are facing the fr ont of the MakerBot R eplicator 2, the idler pull ey is at the top l e side.
49 E TROUBLESHOO TING, DIA GNOSTIC S, AND MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE CONTINUED Cl eaning the Drive Ge ar The drive g ear is the part of the ex truder that pushes fil ament through the ex truder . When you make things with y our MakerBot Replic ator 2, small pieces of har dened PLA can stick t o the drive g ear .
50 E TR OUBLESHOOTING , DIAGNOS TICS, AND MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE CONTINUED Cl eaning the Drive Ge ar | Continued 6. R eseat the mot or assembl y . 7 . Plug in the motor wir es. 8. A dd the fan guar d, the fan, the heat sink, and spacer s to the front of the e xtruder and bolt them on.
51 E TROUBLE SHOO TING, DIAGNO STIC S, AND MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE CONTINUED Adjus ting the Plung er If you ar e having troubl e building things, y ou might need to adjus t the plung er in the ex truder assembl y . The plunger pushes the Mak erBot PLA Filament against the driv e gear .
52 E TROUBLESHOO TING, DIA GNOS TICS, AND MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE CONTINUED Adjus ting the Plung er | Continue d 2. A er you’ve r emov ed the screw s, mo ve the activ e cooling fan t o the side. Push the wires out of the wa y so you hav e a cle ar view of the bl ack plas tic drive bl ock.
AC TIVE COOLING F AN: The fan that cools the Mak erBot PLA Filament as it ex trudes. BLUE T APE: Blue masking t ape that makes a gr eat buil d surface f or objects printed with Mak erBot PLA Filament. Y ou can find bl ue tape at any hardw are st ore.
MOT OR ASSEMBL Y : The stepper mot or and the drive bl ock that push fil ament into the e xtruder . MOT OR WIRES: The bundle of el ectrical wires that pr ovide po wer t o the motor . NOZZLE: The opening on the end of the ex truder from which heat ed Mak erBot PLA Filament emerg es to be spr ead ont o the build pl at e.
C ONT A CT US 55 E TROUBLE SHOO TING, DIAGNO STIC S, AND MAINTENANCE SUPPORT SALE S FEEDBA CK makerbot. com/ support Our websit e has ex tensiv e documentation and tr oubleshooting informa tion about your Mak erBot Replic ator 2 De sktop 3D Print er .
56 F TERMS OF SERVICE TERMS OF SERVICE Ple ase re ad these T erms of Service (“T erms”) carefull y befor e using this W ebsite or ordering fr om MakerBot Industrie s, LL C (“MakerBot”). Y our use of the website www .makerbot. com (“W ebsite”) confirms y our unconditional ac ceptanc e of the follo wing T erms.
57 F TERMS OF SERVICE TERMS OF SERVICE C ONTINUED attribut es than those list ed, or may a ctuall y carry a dier ent price than that s tate d on this W ebsite. In addition, w e may mak e changes in inf ormation about pric e and avail ability without notice.
58 F TERMS OF SERVICE transmission, dis closur e, publica tion, broadc ast, de vel opment, manufac turing and/ or marketing in any manner whatsoe ver f or any or all commer cial or non-commercial purpo ses. W e may , but are not obliga ted t o, monit or or review any User C ommunications.
equipment, or other propert y caused b y or arising from y our acc ess to , use of , or bro wsing this W ebsite , or your do wnloa ding of any informa tion or material s from this W ebsite.
MakerBot One Metr oT ech Center , 21st Fl oor , Brookl yn, NY support@mak makerbot.c om.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts MakerBot Replicator 2 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie MakerBot Replicator 2 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für MakerBot Replicator 2 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von MakerBot Replicator 2 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über MakerBot Replicator 2 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon MakerBot Replicator 2 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von MakerBot Replicator 2 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit MakerBot Replicator 2. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei MakerBot Replicator 2 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.