Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Omniclone Xi des Produzenten Logicube
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Logicube Omniclone Xi™ User Manual I Logic ube Omniclon e Xi™ U ser’s Ma nual Logicube, Inc. Chatsworth, C A 91311 USA Phone: 818 700 8488 Fax: 818 700 8466 Version: 1.
TABLE OF C ONTENTS II Logicube Omniclone Xi™ User’s Manual Limitation of Liability and Warranty Information Logicube Disclaimer LOGICUBE IS N OT LI ABLE FOR A NY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQU ENTI AL DAMA.
TABLE OF C ONTENTS Logicube Omniclone Xi™ User’s Manual III Table of C ontents LOGICUBE OMNICLONE XI™ U SER’S MANUAL ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... I LIMIT A T ION OF LIABILITY A ND WARR ANTY INFORMAT ION ...... ...... .. II T ABLE OF CONTENTS.
TABLE OF C ONTENTS IV Logicube Omniclone Xi™ User’s Manual CHS Trans lation Modes ...... ...... ............ ...... ...... ...... ............ ...... .. 22 Security Ide ntification Nu m ber (SID ) Issues ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 22 Introd uct ion .
TABLE OF C ONTENTS Logicube Omniclone Xi™ User’s Manual V 10. SOFTWA RE LOADING INSTRUCTIONS ............ ...... ............ ...... ..... 49 Loading So f tware Us ing the Co m pact Flas h ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 49 Loa ding So f tware Thro ugh the Para ll el Port .
Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 1 1. Introduction to the Logicube Omni clone Xi™ Introduction Congratulations on your purch ase o f the Log ic ube Omnicl one X i™. You are now the proud owner of a state-of -the-art IDE /SATA di sk cloni ng de v ice.
INTRODUCTION 2 Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual Hundreds of different ty pes o f fil e systems ha v e been des i gned through the years. Onl y a hand f ul are in com m on use. A m ong those are FAT16, FAT32, and NTFS. FA T 16 – The fil e system us ed by DOS since v ersion 3.
INTRODUCTION Logicube Omniclone Xi™ User’s Manual 3 Using this guide Thi s user gu i de is m ade up o f 11 se cti ons: • Introdu ction • Getti ng S tarted ( Fast Start) • Cloning Modes and S.
INTRODUCTION 4 Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual • For the OCXi™ and OCX5i™: An AC power cord. • For the OCX2i™: An external 12VDC – 5.5A power supply. • A li ght bar that m ounts on the back of the unit. NO TE: The OCX2i™ doe s not come w i th a li ght ba r, though one can be purchased sepa rately .
INTRODUCTION Logicube Omniclone Xi™ User’s Manual 5 Figure 1. Logicube Omniclone X i™.
INTRODUCTION 6 Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual Caution: A void drop ping the Log icube Omnic lone Xi™ or sub jecting i t to sha rp jolts. W hen in us e, place i t on a fl at surface. Caution: Keep the unit dry. If you need to cl ean your L ogic ube Omniclone X i™, us e a lightly dam p, lint f ree cloth.
Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 7 2. Getting Started (Fast St art) A pplyin g p ower t o the Logicube Omniclone Xi™ The Logicube Omnicl one X i™ is able to detect w hether an IDE (parallel ) or Seria l ATA ( SATA) drive is attached to the Master or Target pos iti ons.
GE TTING STARTED 8 Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual unit. In 2 – 3 seconds, the m ain “Sp l ash” screen appear s. Connecting Serial A T A (SATA) Drives 1.
GETTING S TA RTED Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 9 Power and Reset butto ns The Logicube Om nicl one Xi™ i ncl udes one On/Off switch and one reset button. The pow er sw itch is a rocker sw i tc h that is located on the un i t’s power supply.
GE TTING STARTED 10 Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 2. Press and hold the Set button, then release the Res et button. 3. Hold the Se t button until the unit boots to a screen that reads “Touchpad Cali bration. Pl eas e touch s quare w i th fi nger (1/5)”.
GETTING S TA RTED Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 11 If an error occurs during cloning, the St atus indic ator li ghts on the f ront panel w il l shut o ff . If one o f the drives caus ed the error to occur, the Stat us LED of the driv e will rem a i n li t.
Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 12 3. Cloning M odes a nd Setti ngs Main Me nu Scree n The m ain m enu screen appears w hen the Logicube Omnicl one Xi ™ is fi rst pow ered up. It d i splays the Titl e Screen an d the Ti me/Date . It also di splays two m enu options: A bo ut and Drives .
CLONING MODES AND SETTINGS Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 13 To return to the m ai n m enu, sim ply press the “Back” icon at any tim e. Drives Sel ect the Dr iv e Inf o s creen by pressing the “ Drives ” icon. The un i t w i ll then pow er up all of the driv es that are a tt ached.
CLONING MODES AND SETTINGS 14 Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual N O TE : Each time the Logicube Om niclone Xi™ i s rebooted the cl on ing mode and pre f erence s ettings are saved from the l ast cloni ng ses sion. Clever Clon e ™ M od e Thi s is the default mode.
CLONING MODES AND SETTINGS Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 15 unique copy m ethod 3 to us e f or each. The a v ailabl e m ethods are: Clever Clone™ – The default mode that lets the Omnicl one Xi™ determi ne the bes t (usually fastest) w ay to clone.
CLONING MODES AND SETTINGS 16 Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 4. On the right hand side you will see a designator for the pa rtiti on type. So m e ex am ples are : • 16 - FAT16 partition • 32 - FAT32 partition • NT - NTFS partition • Linux – Li nu x partition • ?? - unknow n partition 5.
CLONING MODES AND SETTINGS Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 17 Mir r or Simple partit ion mirror (no adjustments) None Do not co py this partitio n Mirror Cl on e ™ M od e Thi s m ode simply m a kes a bi t- by-bit mi rror copy o f the Master dri v e.
CLONING MODES AND SETTINGS 18 Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual Master Manag er™ Mode (Optional) Thi s i s a spe ci al m ode that ass i sts i n the creation o f Master drives.
CLONING MODES AND SETTINGS Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 19 driv e. If you are rea dy to do thi s, choos e “Yes” to continue. 6. N O TE : W hen C l ever C l one™ scales down an NTFS partiti on, it can o nly scale it to 55% of the origi na l s i ze.
CLONING MODES AND SETTINGS 20 Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual Optional Preference Settings In addition the different cloning m odes, there are pref erence s etti ngs that can be used to adjus t the beha v i or of the cloni ng operation.
CLONING MODES AND SETTINGS Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 21 Speed The s peed setti ng pro v i des the option to set the speed at w hi ch an operati on w il l be per f ormed at.
CLONING MODES AND SETTINGS 22 Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual Geometry Thi s Mode sets the geome try ( C ylinder, H ead and S ector) translation us ed on the Target dr iv e. CHS inf ormati on is stored in the partiti on tabl e o f the hard drive and i s us ed by the BIOS to determi ne from w hi ch partition to boot.
CLONING MODES AND SETTINGS Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 23 f or security and authentication purpos es. The sam e SID nu m bers are f ound i n the s ystem registry in v ario us l ocati ons. W hen such driv es are cloned, the S ID nu m bers get copied w ithout change.
CLONING MODES AND SETTINGS 24 Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual if an error s uch as a bad driv e sector i s encountered. Skip - Ski p will a ll ow the Logicube Omniclone Xi™ to conti nue by stepping o v er the bad sector.
CLONING MODES AND SETTINGS Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 25 the license key, follow thi s procedure to enter i t into your Logicube Omniclone Xi ™. Set Option Step-b y-S tep 1. Fr om anywhere in the m enu sys tem , press the Set button to enter the Settings m enu.
CLONING MODES AND SETTINGS 26 Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 4. Exit the General Preferences screen by touching the Back icon. Thi s w ill take you bac k to the previ ous Set tings screen. Database Thi s setting i s cover ed i n Chapter 6: Th e Database/Barcode Op tion .
Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 27 5. Om niDiagnostics™ Introduction OmniDiagnostics™ is a po werf ul s et of features that aid i n the reco v ery an d repair o f driv es with bad or w eak data s ec tors, and in the s ecure eras ure of sensitiv e data.
OMNIDIAGNOSTICS™ 28 Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual • Fast (Default) – This i s the fastest. • Thorough – Thi s i s the m ost thorough. The Thorough operati on writes patterns to s om e sectors, w hich can cause data corruption.
OMNIDIAGNOSTICS™ Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 29 Repair T arget Mod e Step -by-Step 1. Fr om anywhere in the m enu sys tem , press the Set button to enter the Settings m enu. 2. Press the Cloni ng Mode icon that appears in the upper left- hand corner.
OMNIDIAGNOSTICS™ 30 Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual qui ckly wipi ng a driv e where rem oval o f sensiti ve i n f ormati on i s not an i ssue.
OMNIDIAGNOSTICS™ Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 31 8. A message w il l appear stati ng that portions of your Target dr iv e will be o v erwri tten. If you are prepared to continue, choos e “<Yes>”. If you w i sh to abort the operati on, choo se “< No>”.
Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 32 6. T he Database/Barc ode Optio n Introduction The Logicube Database/Barcode Option gives your Omnicl one X i™ the abilit y to record v ital cloni ng inf ormati on and store i t on the Co m pact Fl ash (CF) driv e.
THE DA TAB ASE/BARCODE OPTION Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 33 Breakdown of Config.txt Inf or m ation collect ed by the Database opti on is go v erned by a “ Config List ”. This list contai ns all of the i tems that t he Database will rec ord.
THE DA TAB ASE/BARCODE OPTION 34 Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual Scan2- UserEnteredName2 – Thi s i s the second line o f data coll ected b y the Barcode Scanner ( i .e. Batch Nu m ber). The entered na m e needs to be 18 characters or less.
THE DA TAB ASE/BARCODE OPTION Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 35 W e can see f rom this ex ample that a Master driv e w a s cl oned to a singl e Tar get driv e on May 18, 200 5. Mirror C lone mode w as used and the cloning s ession comp leted su cces sfully.
THE DA TAB ASE/BARCODE OPTION 36 Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 11. W hen the cloning Session i s f inished, the unit w i l l write data to the database.csv file. If one or m ore “Scan” li nes are in the Con fi g L ist, then the Us er will be pro m pted to us e the Barcode Scanner.
THE DA TAB ASE/BARCODE OPTION Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 37 NO TE: Any s tandard printer can be used as l ong as it is able to pri nt fr om plain ASCII codes. Manage Data base – This allows the user to delete one or m ore Con fi g Lists f rom the Con fi g.
THE DA TAB ASE/BARCODE OPTION 38 Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual Barcode Scanner The Barcode Scanner i s us ed to enter data that is not access i ble f rom i nside the Om n iclone- Xi™ unit. The data could incl ude thi ngs such as an Operat or Badge number or other data that is i n barcode f orm.
THE DA TAB ASE/BARCODE OPTION Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 39 NO TE: A hands-f ree stand is a v ail able fr om W asp Technologies. Beep Settings – These setti ngs change the v ol u m e lev el of the “beep” that the s canner e mi ts when i t successf ul l y reads a barcode.
Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 40 7. Using t he USB P ort Introduction The integral U SB port on your Log i cube Om n iclone Xi™ pro v ides connectivity of your CF d rive or Master hard driv e ( the unit’s Master drive) to an y USB-enabled PC.
USING THE USB PORT Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 41 How to use under W indows (for Master Drive Ma nag ement) 1. Make sure a Master driv e i s properly attached to your Logi cube Om n i clone Xi™. 2. Make sure your PC is running W in98 or abo v e.
USING THE USB PORT 42 Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 1. Locate the USB icon in the system tray (ty pically at the bottom right of screen). 2. Click the icon once. 3. Wait f or W indows to bri ng up a m essage that it is safe to remo v e the de v ice.
Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 43 8. Compact Flash (CF) Car d Introduction The Logicube Om nicl one Xi™ comes with a 64MB Com pact Flash (CF) Dr iv e that is i nserted in a CF slot at the back o f the un i t.
USING THE USB PORT 44 Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual Connecting the CF Drive to Windows via USB Thi s is neces sary to load new sof tware fil es to the CF Dr iv e. The CF drive is connected through W indow s v i a the Software Setup Screen.
COMPACT FLASH (C F) CARD Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 45 Logicube Omniclone Xi™, the un i t has to be properly "unmounted" from W indows. To do that: 1. Locate the USB icon in the system tray (ty pically at the bottom right of screen).
Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 46 9. Us er Repl acea ble Hardware Introduction Many o f the co m ponents that m ake up the Log icube Omniclone X i™ are des igned to be re m o v able by the us er. This includes driv e cab les, drive stati ons and ev en the power supply itself.
USER REPLACEA BLE HARD W ARE Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 47 Proper Han dling of Dr ive Cables UDMA Cables – W hen removing the cable f rom a driv e, be sure to pull on the w hit e tab that is attached to the head. D O NOT pul l on the cable itself as this w ill d imin ish cable life .
USER REPLACEA BLE HARD W ARE 48 Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual Power Supply The OCXi and OCX5i models hav e an inter nal power supply that can also be replaced by the user.
Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 49 10. S oftware Loadin g Instructions Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ Software Updating Pr ocedures New and im prov ed so f tware w i ll appear f rom time to tim e on our w eb s i te at www. . It is possible to update the operati ng so f tware i n the fi eld by a user.
SOFT W ARE LOADING INST RUC TIONS 50 Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 2. Boot The Log icube Omn iclone Xi™ while holding dow n the Start/Stop button. The unit w i ll boot to the So ft w are Setup Men u. 3. Us e the Select button to Scro ll down to “Engage CF to U SB”.
SOFT W ARE LOADING INST RUC TIONS Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 51 Note : W indows 2000 and NT that ha v e N TFS file sys tem s cannot be used s ince NTFS i s not accessibl e through D OS. The fil e systems that are com patible i ncl ude FAT16 and FAT32.
Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 52 11. Frequently As ked Q uestions and Answers FAQ’s Q. By co m par i so n my Logi cube Om n i clone Xi™ appears to be operating slow er than other units. A. Make sure that your un it is us i ng the latest software.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS AND ANS W ERS Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 53 Q : Can the Logicube Omniclone Xi™ clone partitions created with file s ystems such as UNIX, LINUX and HPFS? A : Yes, but res ult s are g uaranteed only if they are cloned between identi cal Master an d Target driv es.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS AND ANS W ERS 54 Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual Q : How does the Logicube Omniclone X i™ handle Window s NT Security Identificati on (SID) dupl i cati on i ssues? A : T he Log icube Om niclone X i™ does duplicate the SI D.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS AND ANS W ERS Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 55 Q : Can the Logicube Omniclone Xi™ correctly c l one hard drives with dual boot con fi gurat i ons, ev en in conjunction w i th N TF S? A : Yes.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS AND ANS W ERS 56 Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual Also che ck and make sure that the firs t part ition s elect ed for clon ing on the Master dri v e cons ists of a bootable operating s ystem . It is poss ible to select a data-only partition to be cloned.
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS AND ANS W ERS Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 57 Q : W hy do I ge t the error “Can’t fit data to Target” when cloning betw een drives of the s ame size? A : The driv es may be f ro m different m anu f acturers and the Target actually so mewha t smaller tha n the Mas ter.
Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 58 12. R eference Glossary BIOS ( B a s ic I nput /O u t put S ystem ) Built-in so f tware on a m otherboard that contai ns the instructi ons required for a PC to boot, control the hard driv es, keyboard, monitor and serial comm un i cations, and perf orm other l ow lev el f uncti ons.
REFERENCE Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 59 A m ethod o f checking f or errors i n data tr ansmitted from one d evice to another, e.g. from one h ard drive to anothe r. W ith CRC the s ending de vice appli es a 16- or 32-bit poly no mi al to a block o f data to be transmitted and then appen ds the res ult to the block.
REFERENCE 60 Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 65,536 cl usters while FAT32 al lows f or enou gh cl us ters to s upport up to two terabyt es o f dat a .
REFERENCE Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 61 Master/Single Drive, IDE The primary or controlli ng de v ice connected to an IDE i nterf ace. The second de v ice connected to an IDE i nterf ace i s call ed the Slave drive. W he ther a de v i ce is the Master or the Slave is determi ned by jum per settings on the devi ce, itself.
REFERENCE 62 Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual QWERT Y Ref ers to the arrangement o f the keys on a standard Engl ish computer keyboard. The na m e deriv es f rom the fi rst six characters located on the top row of the keyboard. RA M Disk RAM that has been confi gured to app ear to a com puter as a hard driv e.
REFERENCE Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 63 T ar get Drive, Logicube Omnicl one Xi™ The hard driv e to w hi ch the Logicube Om niclone Xi™ copies the con tents of the Master drive. The Target drive is co mm on l y the one connected ex ternally to the Logicube Om n i clone Xi™.
Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 64 13. Index Active Dir ectory , 22 Add Partition, 19 Alphanume r ic Key pad, 26, 37 bad sec tor , 20, 28 BIOS, 22, 49 , 51, 52 , 54, 57 , 59, 62 BIOS, Ph.
INDEX Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 65 LB A 8.5, CH S Tran slation S etting, 22 LB A, CHS Tran slation Setting, 8, 22, 5 1, 55, 5 9, 62 LB A-1, CHS Tran slation Setting, 22, 5 5 LB A-2.
REFERENCE 66 Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual Win 2 000, 2 Win 9 5/ 98, 2 Win 9 8, 2 Win dow s NT, 2 WipeClean Target Mode, IV , 18, 29, 30, 31, 62.
INDEX Logi cube Om n i clone Xi ™ User’s Manual 67 NOTES.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Logicube Omniclone Xi (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Logicube Omniclone Xi noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Logicube Omniclone Xi - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Logicube Omniclone Xi reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Logicube Omniclone Xi erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Logicube Omniclone Xi besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Logicube Omniclone Xi verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Logicube Omniclone Xi. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Logicube Omniclone Xi gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.