Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung WCG200 des Produzenten Linksys
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Wireless-G Cable Gateway Use this guide to install the following product: WCG200 User Guide.
COPYRIGHT & TRADEMARKS Specifications are subject to change without notice. Linksys is a r egistered trademark or trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and certain other coun- tries. Copyright © 2003 Cisco Systems, Inc.
T able of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction 1 The Linksys Cable Gatew ay 1 F eatures 1 An Introduction to LANs and W ANs 2 IP Addresses 2 Netw ork Setup Ov erview 4 Chapter 2: Getting to Know the Cable.
Chapter 1: Introduction The Linksys W ireless-G Cab le Gatew a y is the all-in-one solution for Inter net connectivity in your home. The Cable Modem function gi ves y ou a b lazing fast connection to the Inter net, far faster than a dial-up, and without tying up your phone line.
Dynamic IP Addresses A dynamic IP addr ess is automatically assigned to a de vice on the netw ork, such as PCs and print servers. These IP addresses are called “dynamic” because they are onl y tempor arily assigned to the PC or device. After a certain time period , they expire and ma y change.
5 Chapter 2: Getting to Know the Cable Gateway The Cable Gate w a y’ s ports are located on the back panel of the Cable Gatew ay , as sho wn in F igure 2-1. On/Off Switch This switch is used for turning the Cable Gate w a y on and off. Powe r The Po wer port is where y ou will connect the pow er adapter .
7 6 Powe r Green or red. The Green P o wer LED is solid w hen the Cable Gate w a y is po wered on. If the LED lights up red , there is an er ror . Internet - Cab le Green. The Green LED will go through a series of flashes as the Cable Gate w a y goes through its startup and registration process.
9 Chapter 3: Connecting the Cable Gateway Y ou will connect the Cable Gate w a y to your Cable service’ s coaxial cable line and to the computers in your home or business. With the Cab le Gate w a y , you can use a standard Ethernet connection or connect via USB.
First, mak e sure that all the de vices that you’ ll be working with are po wered do wn, including y our PCs and the Cable Gate w a y . 1. Connect the coaxial cable that is pro vided by y our cab le service provider to the Cable port that is on the back of the Cable Gate w a y , as sho wn in F igure 3-4.
3. Select CD-R OM driv e as the onl y location w here W indo ws will search for the driv er softw are and click the Ne xt button. 4. W indo ws will notify y ou that it has identif ied the appropriate driver and is ready to install it. Click the Next button.
1. Start up your PC in W indo ws Millennium. W indo ws will detect new hard- ware connected to y our PC. 2. Insert the Setup CD into your CD-R OM dri ve. When W indo ws asks you for the location of the best driv er , select A utomatic sear ch for a better driv er (Recommended) and click the Ne xt button.
1. Start up your PC. W indo ws will notify you that it has detected new hard- ware. Insert the Setup CD into the CD-R OM dri v e. 2. When the F ound New Har dwar e W izar d screen appears to conf irm that the USB Modem has been identif ied by y our PC, make sure the Setup CD is in the CD-R OM dri ve and click Ne xt .
5. W indo ws will notify you that it has located the appropriate driv er and is ready to install it. Click the Next button. 6. When W indo ws has completed installing the driver , click Finish . The Windo ws 2000 driv er installation is complete. Return to the section on the USB P or t Connection to f inish the setup.
3. W indo ws will now search for the dri v er software. Click the Ne xt button. 4. When W indo ws has completed installing the driver , click Finish . The Windo ws XP driv er installation is complete. Return to the section on the USB P or t Connection to f inish the setup.
2. On the Conf iguration tab, select the TCP/IP line for the applicable Ethernet adapter , as sho wn in Figure 4-1. Do not choose a TCP/IP entry whose name mentions DUN, PPP oE, VPN, or A OL.
4. Select Internet Pr otocol (TCP/IP) , as sho wn in Figure 4-4, and click the Pr operties button. 5. Select Obtain an IP addr ess automaticall y , as sho wn in F igure 4-5. Once the new windo w appears, click the OK button. Click the OK button again to complete the PC conf iguration.
4. Select Inter net Pr otocol (TCP/IP) , and click the Pr operties button. 5. Select Obtain an IP addr ess automatically . Once the ne w windo w appears, click the OK button. Click the OK button again (or the Close but- ton if any settings w ere changed) to complete the PC conf iguration.
29 Wireless-G Cable Gateway 28 The Setup The f irst screen that appears is the Setup tab . This tab allows y ou to change the Router's general settings. Change these settings as described here and click the Sa ve Settings button to sa ve your changes or Cancel Changes to cancel y our changes.
Basic Wir eless Settings Wir eless Netw or k. If you w ant to disab le wireless netw orking, select Disa ble . Wir eless Netw or k Name. Enter the W ireless Network Name (SSID) into the f ield. The SSID is the netw ork name shared among all devices in a wireless net- w ork.
33 Wireless-G Cable Gateway Wir eless Security Wir eless SSID Br oadcast. When wireless clients survey the local area for wireless netw orks to associate with, the y will detect the SSID broadcast by the Router . T o broadcast the Router's SSID , keep the default setting, Enab led.
35 Wireless-G Cable Gateway 128-Bit Encryption Default Ke y . Select which WEP k ey (1-4) will be used w hen the Router sends data. Make sure the recei ving de vice is using the same ke y . P assphrase f or K e ys. Instead of manuall y entering WEP ke ys, you can enter a Passphrase.
the next DTIM with a DTIM Interval v alue. Its clients hear the beacons and a w aken to recei v e the broadcast and multicast messages. F ragmentation Thr eshold. This value should remain at its default setting of 2346. The range is 256-2346 bytes. It specif ies the maximum size for a packet before data is fragmented into multiple packets.
39 Wireless-G Cable Gateway Fir e w all When you click the Security tab, y ou will see the F ire wall screen (see F igure 5-11). This screen contains Filters and Block W AN Requests. Filters block specif ic internal users from accessing the Inter net and block anon ymous Internet requests and/or multicasting.
W ebsite Blocking Ke yword Blocking . T o block a k eyw ord , click Enab le. Enter a keyw ord in the New K eyw ord f ield , then click Ad d. T o remo ve a ke yw ord from being b locked , select the keyw ord from the Ke yw ord List, then click Remo ve .
43 Wireless-G Cable Gateway Select the MA C Address from the list, click the Select button , and click the Add button. Click the Refresh button if y ou w ant to refresh the screen. Click the Close button to return to the previous screen. When you return to the T imed Access screen, the MA C Address will appear in the f ields.
P or t Rang e F orw arding P or t Range. T o add a ser ver using P ort Range F orwarding, complete the fol- lo wing f ields: Application. Enter the name of the application. Start and End. Enter the number or range of external ports(s) used by the serv- er or Internet application.
DMZ The DMZ screen allo ws one local user to be exposed to the Internet for use of a special-pur pose service such as Inter net gaming and videoconferencing. Whereas P ort Range F orw arding can onl y forw ard a maximum of 10 ranges of ports, DMZ hosting forwards all the ports for one PC at the same time.
Diagnostics This screen allo ws y ou to run a Ping T est to determine if an IP Address is online. Ping T est Ping T arget . Enter the IP Address that you w ant to ping in the f ield. No. of Pings . Enter the number of times that you want to ping. Ping Siz e.
51 Wireless-G Cable Gateway Ad v anced The Advanced screen allo ws y ou to restore the Router’ s conf iguration to its f ac- tory def ault settings, and to enable routing and N A T . Ad v anced Administration Restor e F actory Defaults. T o clear all of the Gatew a y’ s settings and reset them to its factor y defaults, click Ye s .
53 Wireless-G Cable Gateway 52 Startup Procedur e . The status and comments for Acquire Do wnstream Channel, Connectivity State, Boot State, and Security are displa yed. Do wnstream Channel. The status of the do wnstream channel items of Lock Status, Modulation, Channel ID , Sybol rate, Do wnstream P o w er, and SNR, are displa y ed.
4. The Cable Link LED will not go solid. • V erify that the coaxial cable is f ir mly plugged into the Cab le Gatew a y’ s cable port, with the other end plugged directly into the Cab le wall jack.
57 Wireless-G Cable Gateway 56 How do I get Half-Life: T eam Fortress to work with the Cable Gateway? The default client port for Half-Life is 27005. The computers on your LAN need to ha ve “+clientport 2700x” added to the HL shor tcut command line; the x w ould be 6, 7, 8, and on up.
59 Wireless-G Cable Gateway 58 Appendix B: Configuring Wireless Security in Windows XP An acronym for Wired Equi v alent Pri v acy , WEP is an encryption scheme used to protect your wireless data communications.
2. In the “Control Panel” windo w , click the Netw ork and Inter net Connections icon. 3. Click on the Netw ork Connections icon. 4. The “Netw ork Connections” windo w will appear . Under LAN or High- Speed Internet you will see all Netw ork cards that are installed and operat- ing in your computer .
63 Wireless-G Cable Gateway 62 6. When the “W ireless Netw ork Connection Proper ties” windo w appears, click the Wir eless Netw or ks Ta b . 7. If the appropriate wireless netw ork, specif ied by the Gate w a y’ s SSID , is displa y ed in the “Prefer red netw orks” section, doub le-click it and continue to the next step.
Appendix C: Installing the TCP/IP Protocol F ollow these instructions to install the TCP/IP protocol on one of your PCs only after a netw ork card has been successfull y installed inside the PC. These instructions are for W indows 95, W indows 98, and Windo ws Me.
67 Wireless-G Cable Gateway 6. Find and doub le-click TCP/IP in the list to the right (see Figure C-2). 7. After a few seconds, the main Netw ork windo w will appear . The TCP/IP Protocol should no w be listed. 8. Click the OK button. W indo ws ma y ask for original W indows installation f iles.
69 Wireless-G Cable Gateway 68 2. In the command prompt, enter ipconf ig /all . Then press the Enter key . 3. Write do wn the Ph ysical Address as sho wn on your computer screen; it is the MA C address for y our Ethernet adapter . This will appear as a series of letters and numbers.
Appendix E: Glossar y 10BaseT - An Ether net standard that uses twisted wire pairs. 100BaseTX - IEEE ph ysical la y er specif ication for 100 Mbps o ver tw o pairs of Category 5 UTP or STP wire. 802.11b - One of the IEEE standards for wireless netw orking hardw are.
DHCP ( D ynamic H ost C onf iguration P rotocol) - A protocol that lets netw ork administrators manage centrally and automate the assignment of Internet Protocol (IP) addresses in an organization's netw ork. Using the Inter net's set of protocol (TCP/IP), each machine that can connect to the Internet needs a unique IP address.
FTP ( F ile T ransfer P rotocol) - A protocol used to transfer f iles ov er a TCP/IP netw ork (Internet, UNIX, etc.). F or e xample, after dev eloping the HTML pages for a W eb site on a local machine, they are typicall y uploaded to the W eb ser v- er using FTP .
LAN ( l ocal a rea n etw ork) - A g roup of computers and associated devices that share a common communications line and typically share the resources of a single processor or server within a small geographic area (for example, within an of f ice building).
SPI ( S tateful P ack et I nspection) - A f irew all technolo gy that monitors the state of the transaction so that it can verify that the destination of an inbound pack- et matches the source of a previous outbound request.
WA N ( W ide A rea N etw ork)- A communications netw ork that co vers a rela- tiv el y large geo g raphic area, consisting of two or more LANs. Broadband com- munication o v er the W AN is often through public netw orks such as the tele- phone (DSL) or cable systems, or through leased lines or satellites.
Dimensions: 7. 32 " x 2.48" x 6.08" (186 mm x 63 mm x 154.5 mm) Unit Weight: 1.5 lb . (0.68 kg) Power: 12VDC, 1A Certifications: DOCSIS 1.1, DOCSIS 2.0, FCC Part 15B Class B , UL 1950, EN60950, CE EN 55022 Class B , VCCI, IC-03 Operating T emp.
85 Wireless-G Cable Gateway Appendix G: Warranty Information LIMITED W ARRANTY Linksys warrants to Y ou that, for a period of three years (the “W ar ranty Period”), y our Linksys Product will be substantially free of defects in materials and w orkmanship under normal use.
© Copyright 2003 Linksys, All Rights Reserved. www
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Linksys WCG200 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Linksys WCG200 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Linksys WCG200 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Linksys WCG200 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Linksys WCG200 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Linksys WCG200 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Linksys WCG200 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Linksys WCG200. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Linksys WCG200 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.