Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung MULTIPLE SCAN 15AV des Produzenten Apple
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A pple Multiple Scan 15 AV Display User ’s Guide 15-inch CR T (13. 75-inch diagonal viewable image size).
K Apple Computer , Inc. © 1996 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Apple. Your rights to the software are governed by the accompanying software license agreement.
iii Co m m unic ations re gul ati on i nformati on v 1S e t t i n g U p 1 Im porta nt saf ety instr uct ions 1 What about elec troma gn etic emi s s ions? 2 Gettin g ready t o set up 3 Y our Mult iple.
2U s i n g t h e D i spla y So ftw a re 1 5 A bout t he Contr ol S trip 1 5 W orking with t he Contr ol S trip 1 6 Changing screen re solut ion 1 7 Other thing s y ou c an do with the Monit ors contr .
Com mu n icat i ons regu lat io n i n f orma t i on FCC statement This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device in accordance with the specifications in Part 15 of FCC rules. See instructions if interference to radio or television reception is suspected.
DOC statement DOC Class B Compliance This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus as set out in the interference-causing equipment standard entitled “Digital Apparatus,” ICES-003 of the Department of Communications.
The A pp l e Mu ltip le S c a n 1 5 AV Disp la y i s a 1 5-i nch c ol or monit or (di a g onal vi ew able ima ge s ize is 1 3 . 7 5 inche s) that s uppor ts a v ariety of re s olut ions and has a bu ilt-in amplifier and stereo speakers f or producing s ounds a nd mus ic .
Be s ure that y ou alw a y s do the f o llo wi ng: m K eep y our monit or a w a y from s ource s of li qui ds , s uc h as w a sh ba s i ns , bat ht ubs , sho w er stalls , a nd so on . m Don ’ t r emo ve t h e c o ve r of the monit or . m Do n’ t set anyt hi ng on t op o f the monit or (s uc h as a book or cup) .
Ge tt i ng rea dy t o se t u p As y ou b e gi n to set up y our disp la y s y stem, be s ure y ou ha v e eas y acce ss t o th e f ollo wi n g items f or your Mu lt iple S c an 1 5 AV Disp la y: No t e : Y our pow er cor d ma y app ear diff erent from the one pic tured here .
4 Chapter 1 Yo u r M u lt ipl e S c an 1 5 AV Disp l ay a t a g la nce ™ Monitor cable ≤ Power cord receptacle _ Sound input port Stereo speakers f I F ≤ _ I Power button Control panel f Headpho.
5 Setting Up Choosing a goo d loc at i on f or y our moni tor Here are s ome k e y f act ors t o cons ider w h en determi ni ng w here to p l ace y our m onit or: m Be sure t hat the des k or table c an support the monit or ’ s w ei ght— appro ximate l y 30 pounds .
Con n ect i ng the m on i t o r’ s base The m onit or a nd base are pac ka ged separatel y . T o connect the monit or ’ s ba se , fol l o w t h es e s t eps: 1P lace the monitor on its left side on a table or other firm surface. 2P lace the base on its side facing the bottom of the monitor.
Po s iti o n in g t h e m o ni to r Once y our monit or is in pl ace , either on t op o f y our computer or nex t to it on a de s k or table , f oll o w these steps: 1P lace the monitor so that the screen faces the user. 2 To slide the monitor, lift the front up slightly and push or pull in the direction you want.
Do y o u need a v i de o ca rd? To u s e t h e Multip le Sc a n 1 5 AV Disp l a y , y ou need compat ib le v ideo circuitry built int o y our computer or a c ompati ble v i deo c ard installed i n your co mputer .
Con n e ct i ng th e m o n i t o r t o y o ur co m pu t er Fol l ow t h es e steps t o connect t he Multip le Sc an 1 5 AV Disp la y t o y our com puter: IMPORTANT Bef ore y ou connect an y cor ds or c able s, mak e sure t hat y our com puter is turn ed of f and un plu g g ed.
2P lug the other end of the power cord into an outlet or power strip. If y our c omputer has an a v ailab le po wer s o c ket , y ou c an use a detac hable po wer c ord with a rece s sed end t o plu g the monit or di rect l y into t he co mputer . Y ou c an get t his c ord fr om an App le-authorized dealer or serv ice pro v ider .
Con n ect i ng headp h o nes t o y o u r mo n i t o r If y ou wi sh, y ou c an plu g a pai r of headphones (or ot h er sound output de v ice) int o t he M u lt iple S c an 1 5 AV Disp la y .
No t e : If the pow er li ght is y ell ow or amber , one of t he fo ll owin g ma y be the ca us e : m The c om puter isn ’ t tur n ed on. m The m onit or ’ s c able i sn ’ t c onnected proper l y t o the computer . m Th e v ideo c i rcuitry or v ideo c ard in your c omputer is not compat ib le with th e m onitor .
4 Read the Welcome screen and click OK. The Ins t aller screen appears . 5M ake sure the disk named in the box is the one on which you want to install the software. If not, click Switch Disk until the correct disk name appears. 6C l i ck the Install button.
15 Thi s c ha p te r ex pl ai ns how t o use the new di spl a y s of t w are y ou ha v e installed. Y our s of tw are i nc lude s a n ew f eature c alled the C ontro l Strip , whi ch y ou c an us e to ch a nge m onitor sett i ng s quic kl y a nd eas il y .
Y ou c an chang e the fo llo wi ng sett i ng s with the C ontro l S trip module s: m Monit or R es o luti on lets y ou c ha ng e the re so luti on o f the screen. m Monit or B itDepth lets y ou chang e the numb er of c ol ors on your screen . m S ound V olume lets y ou chan ge t he v olum e of t he s y stem sound.
Chang i ng scre en re sol ut ion Y ou c an chang e the res olut ion o f y our monit or t o zoom i n for detail w ork or to z oom out a nd see a who le pa ge or m ore at a time . m To change screen resolution with the Control Strip, press the Resolution control and choose the resolution you want in the menu.
3M ake the following choices in the control panel: No t e : The c ho i ce s you see in thi s window ma y dif f er from those sho wn here , dependi ng on y our computer , y our v ideo c apability , a nd the monitors attac h ed. 4C lick the Options button to see what resolutions you can choose.
6C lick OK to return to the main window of the Monitors control panel. Dependi ng on w hich opt i on y ou selec ted i n the contro l pan el, t he n e w re so luti on will b e disp la y ed w h en y ou c lose t he dial og bo x or w hen you re star t the computer .
Conser vi ng en erg y When y ou sa v e en erg y , y ou sa v e natural res ource s a nd red uce polluti on. Y our Mult iple S can 1 5 AV Disp la y i nc ludes f eature s that aut omati c all y sa v e en er g y .
Wh a t h ap p e n s aft er y ou t u r n o n the e ner g y-sa v i n g f eat u re When E ner gy S a v er is on, t he monit or “ g o es t o s leep ” after a specif ied period of i na ctiv ity . T he monitor screen l ooks dark and the monit or is u sin g les s ener gy .
Usin g C olo r Syn c Col orS ync is A pple ’ s unique c o lor -matc hing s o ft w are that ens ures that A pple col or printers pri nt the b est pos s ib le reproduct ion o f the c ol ors that appear on y our monit or screen.
3C l i ck Set Profile. A di alo g bo x app ears that enab les y ou to se lect t he name of t he monitor y ou w ant to u s e . 4C lick a monitor name to select it. 5C lick Select to return to the main window of the ColorSync control panel. 6C lose the ColorSync control panel by clicking the close box in the upper-left corner.
3T o show or hide the Control Strip, click the button labeled Show Control Strip or Hide Control Strip. The c ha nge t a kes effe c t immediate l y . 4C l i ck the close box to close the control panel.
4 To change the keyboard command, click “Define hot key.” A bo x app ears . 5P ress the keys you want to use, then click OK. Y ou must inc lude either the x (C ommand) ke y or a funct ion k e y (F1–F1 5) . If y ou choose an inappropri ate command, y ou see a me s sa ge .
3T o change the font, choose a font from the Font pop-up menu. To change the font size, choose a size from the Size pop-up menu. 4C l i ck the close box to close the control panel.
In m os t c a ses , you w on ’ t need to mak e a ny ad justm ents to t he pic ture . Ho we v er , y ou can f i n e-tune the screen displ a y t o s uit y our pref erences u sing th e c ontro ls on t he front o f the monit or . Af ter y ou set the contr ol s , your m onit or will use y our setting s each t ime y ou tur n on the computer .
Ma k i ng a dju s tm e nt s to t h e p i c tur e Adju s ting t h e b r ightn e s s of t h e pi c tur e Turn the brightness control to increase or decrease brightness. Adju s ting t h e co n tra s t o f the p ic t u re Turn the contrast control to increase or decrease contrast.
3P ress the Select button until the indicator light for the horizontal center icon goes on. 4A djust the horizontal center of the picture by pressing the Down button to move the center of the picture left or the Up button to move the center of the picture right.
3P ress the Select button until the indicator light for the height icon goes on. 4A djust the height of the picture by pressing the Down button to shorten the picture or the Up button to lengthen the picture. Adju s ting t h e sou nd v ol ume Turn the volume control to increase or decrease sound volume.
Th is c hapter i nc ludes inf ormation on t he care and c lea ni ng o f your m onit or , protec ting y our monit or from t hef t , a nd trouble shoot i ng . Ca re an d cle ani ng m Do not bl ock t h e monit or ’ s v ents . m Do not let liqu id g et on or into t he monitor .
To c l e a n t h e screen of t h e monit or: 1T u r n y our computer and monitor off. 2D isconnect the monitor’s power plug from the back of the monitor. (Pull the plug, not the cord.) 3 Use a mild, non-abrasive cleaner on a soft cloth and wipe the screen.
The monitor’s power indicator light doesn’t come on. m Make s ure the monit or i s tur n ed on. m Make s ure that t he pow er cor d i s plu g g ed i n prop erl y . If t h e m o n it o r p ow e r c or d i s p l u g g e d int o a w al l out le t , mak e s ure the cor d is fi r mly pl ug ged in .
m If t h e p o we r i n d i ca to r li g h t is ye llow or ambe r , on e of t h e f oll o wi ng ma y b e th e ca use : m The c om puter isn ’ t tur n ed on. m The m onit or ’ s c able i sn ’ t c onnected proper l y t o the computer . m Th e v ideo c ircuitry or v ideo c ard in y our computer is not c ompat ible with the m onitor .
m If y ou ha v e more than one monitor attac h ed t o y our computer , the monitors ma y i nterf ere with one a nother . Mo v e the monit ors f ar ther apar t or set the m onit ors at an a n gle , s o their screens are c lose and their bac k pa nels are fa rt he r apart.
The screen appears greenish, the screen image is unreadable, or there is “snow” on the screen. m Make s ure the monit or c able i s c onn ected fir ml y t o the cor rect por t on the back of t h e computer .
You can’t control the sound volume of a CD. m Th e v olume c ontrol on t he Contr ol S trip af f ects t h e computer ’ s b eep sound onl y . T o contro l the v olume o f a CD , use the A ppleCD A udio P l a y er , lo cat ed in t he Appl e ( K ) menu.
After you change the screen resolution, icons move. Changing t he screen res olut ion a f f ects ho w i nf ormation c a n b e disp l a yed on y our screen. The displ a y so ftw are ma y aut omati c all y repos iti on ic ons af ter y ou chan ge t he screen res olut ion.
Monitor features m Mult iple sc a n m Re s o l u t i on ra ng e: 6 4 0 x 480 t o 1 0 24 x 7 68 Screen m 1 5-i nch di a g onal CR T , 1 3 . 7 5-inch di a g onal v ie w able ima g e s ize m Anti static , anti gl are s urf ace treatment m 0.
User controls m Po we r -on s witch m Au to mati c deg au ss at po wer -up; manual de g aus s by turni ng po wer s witc h off , t h e n on (c apable o f full de g aus s after m onit or is tur n ed of .
Weight m A ppr o ximatel y 30 pounds (1 3 .5 kil o grams) Dimensions m Hei ght 3 8 3 millimeters (mm) ± 5 mm m Wi d t h 370 mm ± 5 mm m Depth 3 94 . 5 mm ± 5 mm Interfaces m Headphone/sp eak er: On.
Monitor cable specifications m 1 5-pin mi niature D-type connect or Pin Output signal 1 Red video ground 2 Red video 3 Not used 4I D 1 5G reen video 6G reen video ground 7I D 2 8 Not used 9B lue video.
Apple Computer , Inc. 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino, California 95014-2084 408.996.1010 030-8471-A Printed in Taiwan .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Apple MULTIPLE SCAN 15AV (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Apple MULTIPLE SCAN 15AV noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Apple MULTIPLE SCAN 15AV - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Apple MULTIPLE SCAN 15AV reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Apple MULTIPLE SCAN 15AV erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Apple MULTIPLE SCAN 15AV besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Apple MULTIPLE SCAN 15AV verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Apple MULTIPLE SCAN 15AV. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Apple MULTIPLE SCAN 15AV gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.