Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 4036-304 des Produzenten Lexmark
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X4500 Scanner 4036-304 • T able of Conten ts • Pro blem Solving • Safet y and Notices • T rademarks • Inde x Le xmark and Le xm ark with dia mo nd des ig n are trad emarks of Le xma rk Inter national, Inc ., registere d in the U nited Stat es and/or other coun tries.
E d ition: M a y 2 0 0 4 The f ollo wing p aragrap h does not ap ply to a ny country wh ere such p ro visions are inco nsistent wi th local law : LEXMARK INTERNA TIONAL, INC .
iii 4036-304 Table of Content s Safety Inform ation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v Safety In formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iv 4036-304 Hard Disk Drive, MFD Cont roller Card, 1394 Commu nication s Card and Power Distributi on Board Rem oval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 -19 Main Contr ol Board R emoval . . . . . . . . . . .
Safety Inf or mat ion v 4036-304 Safety Inf ormation Safety Inf ormation • This prod uct is desi gned, tested and a pproved to meet stri ct global sa f ety standards with t he use of s pecific Lexmark com ponents. Th e safety f e atures of s ome par ts may not always be obvious.
vi Ser vice M anual 4036-304 Sich erheitshinweise • Dies es Produk t und die zugeh ö rige n K om ponenten wu rden entworfen und geteste t, um beim Einsa tz die weltweit g ü l tigen Siche rheitsa nf orderungen zu erf ü llen. D ie sicherhe itsrelev anten Fu nktionen der Bauteil e und Option en sind n icht immer offensichtlich.
Safety Inf or ma t io n vii 4036-304 Inf ormaci ó de Seguretat • Aquest p roducte est à dissenyat, comprovat i aprovat per tal d'acom plir les e str ictes nor mes de seguretat gl obals am b la utili litzaci ó de com ponents esp ec í fics de Lexmark.
viii Ser vice M anual 4036-304.
Over view 1-1 4036-304 1. Overview This m anual is for maintenan ce engin eers. It desc ribes the maint enance area s, insta llation, dis assembly , and the ma in troublesh ooting guides. T ake your time to read this manual thoroughly to obtain co mprehens iv e knowledge abou t the scan ner before ser vicin g the unit.
1-2 Ser vice Manual 4036-304 Digital Copi er and Full-function Fax Machine When the s canner is connected to a Lexmark printer, it perf or ms convenient digita l copying. When c onnected to t elephone l ine, the scanne r performs a full fax function - to send and to recei ve f a xes.
Over view 1-3 4036-304 Pr oduct Specifications The scann er is desi gned to me et the following produ ct specifi cations: Scanner Scann er T ype Flatbed Sc anner wit h ADF built in Optic al Resolution.
1-4 Ser vice Manual 4036-304 Environm ent: -Op erating -S torage 10 ° C to 35 ° C (50 ° F to 95 ° F) 20% to 80% RH ( Relative Humidity) -40 ° C t o 65 ° C (-40 ° F to 149 ° F) 10% to 90% RH ( Relative Humidity) Rand om Vibration: -U npack e d non-op -Pac kage -B ump -D rop 10-200Hz, 0.
Over view 1-5 4036-304 Theory of Operation System Descri ption The Lexmar k X4500 is a duplexing scann er option which can sy nchronous ly scan bo th the top an d bottom s ides of a d ocument in color.
1-6 Ser vice Manual 4036-304 A uto Document Fe eder Oper ation When usi ng the Auto Document Feeder (ADF) mec hanism , a page is fed into the ADF by a pick roller an d through the ADF by a feed roller . A separation p ad locate d opposite to the pick roller is used to pro perl y f ee d the pages one at a time when placed on the inpu t tra y .
Over view 1-7 4036-304 Scanner Mechanism Overvie w and Locations This sec tion con tains an over view of the majo r compo nents of th e scanne r hardware.
1-8 Ser vice Manual 4036-304 Internal C omponents.
Over view 1-9 4036-304 Abbreviations ADF A uto Docum ent F eeder CCD Cha rge-Co uple Device CCFL Cold Cath ode Fluores cent Lam p CDB Com mand Des cri ptor B locks DMM Dig ital Mult imete r LED Light .
1-10 Ser v ic e Manual 4036-304.
Prob lem Solv in g 2-1 4036-304 2. Pr oblem Solving This chap ter descr ibes two m ethods to sol v e the operational problems. The first re lies on the scan ner inter nal diagnosti cs to repo r t error c odes. The seco nd uses troubleshooting techniqu es to isol ate the p rob lem.
2-2 Ser vice Manual 4036-304 Note: F or generat ion 2 MFD co ntroller cards, ther e are f our pairs of LEDs. The LE Ds are viewab l e after th e controll er cage is remov ed from t he scanner . The L ED patter n shown depicts which LEDs ar e illuminated i n the two rows.
Prob lem Solv in g 2-3 4036-304 Error: 24 - Serial por t f ailure 2 1st Probl em with TTY/Serial P or t. Replac e the MFD controll er card. 2nd Error: 28 - Problem wit h the CPU 2 1st Replac e the MFD controll er card. 2nd Error : 3 1 - No hard d rive found.
2-4 Ser vice Manual 4036-304 Error: 41 - Scanner interf ace not f ou nd 4 1st The sca nner imag e proc essor board wa s not f ound. Chec k connect ions to the interf ace board. If conn ections a re good , replace the im age proc essor board. 2nd N/A Error : 51 - Not enough memory Note: Err or message not displa yed.
Prob lem Solv in g 2-5 4036-304 Scanner Er ror s Scanner Errors are errors detec ted within the scan ner mechani sm and auto d ocument f e eder asse mbly . T hese errors ap pear on th e user interface touch s creen alon g with a number of flas hes of the fla tbed CCD lamp (the flash seque nce is repeat ed 10 times).
2-6 Ser vice Manual 4036-304 None Could n ot match sca nner , abor t ing The MFD co ntroller c age could not find the r est of the scanner. Mak e sure the USB- style c abl e is pr operly connecte d between the 13 94 communicat ion s boar d and main sca nner contr ol board.
Prob lem Solv in g 2-7 4036-304 T roubleshooting The tables in th is sect ion provide de tailed tr oubleshooting inf or mation. The P ower does not come on * Check explains how to check the failed i tem.T o do a v isual check obse rve the pa r t or obser ve the offline tes t display on the front pa nel.
2-8 Ser vice Manual 4036-304 Scan module does not mo ve to lock position Cause Re levant Uni t Check A ction Hom e position sens or bo ard fai l u re CCD bo ard T ester check Replace th e CCD PCBA. Motor -main contro l PCBA connec tion fai l u re None Visu al check Conn ect the connecto r .
Prob lem Solv in g 2-9 4036-304 Scan module does not mo ve to the home position Cause Relevant Unit Check Ac tion Hom e position sens or bo ard- main c ontrol PCBA connec tion fai l u re None Visual c heck Connec t the connecto r .
2-10 Ser v ic e Manual 4036-304 Scan module does not mo ve to the flat bed position Reading is not perf ormed Cause Re levant Uni t Check A ction Po we r s u p p l y - main s canner board connec tion fai l u re None Visu al check Conn ect the connecto r .
Prob lem Solv in g 2-11 4036-304 Image d oes not appear Large jitter Cause Relevant Unit Check Ac tion ADF cov er open ADF cov er Visua l chec k Cl ose the AD F cover . 1394 Communic a- tion bo ard- main c ontrol board connec tion fai l u re None Visual c heck Connec t the connecto r .
2-12 Ser v ic e Manual 4036-304 Reading position deviation Cau se Relevant Uni t Check A ction Motor -main scann er PCBA connec tion fai l u re None Visu al check Conn ect the connecto r . Motor f ai lure Carr ier moto r Visual che ck Replace th e carr ier mo tor .
Prob lem Solv in g 2-13 4036-304 Ima ge unc lear Cau se Relevant Unit Check Ac tion Lamp t oo dark Lamp Visual che c k Repl ace CCD opt ical unit. Dirt on calibrati on ref erence plat e Calibration referen ce plate Vis ual ch ec k Clean the flatbed glass with isop rop yl alcoh ol.
2-14 Ser v ic e Manual 4036-304 Strange Sound Generated (flatbed) Frequent paper jam, double feed or skew Cau se Relevant Uni t Check A ction Motor unit fai l u re M otor unit Vi sual check Repl ace the carr ier mo tor . Main s canner card f ailure Mai n scanner card Replace the main scanne r card.
Prob lem Solv in g 2-15 4036-304 Strange sound ge nerated (ADF) Cau se Relevant Unit Check Ac tion P aper set tin g fai l u re Operati on error Is t he paper corre ctly set in the p aper chute? T each user s to proper ly pos i tion the paper .
2-16 Ser v ic e Manual 4036-304.
Maintenanc e 3-1 4036-304 3. Maintenance This cha pter desc ribes cleaning m ethods ma intenance par ts re placemen t, and adjustme nt and lub rication n ecessar y f o r nor mal scann er operation. P erform pre ventative maintenan ce in the shor ter te rm ei ther ev er y s ix month s or ev er y 60,000 sheets sca nning.
3-2 Ser vice Manual 4036-304 Maintenance T ools The following table descr ibes the tools neces sar y for the mainte nance of t his scanne r . Remov als P ar ts Replaceme nt 1. Clean the d isassembly and a ssembly location. 2. T ur n off the power switch and r emov e the A C pl ug from the ou tlet before disass embly and as sembly .
Maintenanc e 3-3 4036-304 CCD Board Scre ws Screws for the CCD board in the opti cal unit are a s shown. Th ese screws hav e a red coating i ndicating t hey should never be loosened .
3-4 Ser vice Manual 4036-304 ADF Snap-in P ad Modu le Remov al and Mounting After s canning ap prox imately 100, 000 pages through the ADF , the ADF pad mo dule may be wor n and you may e xper ience problem s with docum ent f eeding. In this c ase, replace the A DF pad mo dul e.
Maintenanc e 3-5 4036-304 Document Co ver Remo val Lift the do cument c ov er t o remove the studs from the hing e holes. The s tuds are lo osely attached t o the hinge holes to accommodate the depth o f the or iginal. ADF Co ver Remov al Remov e the two ADF cover screws and lif t the ADF cover .
3-6 Ser vice Manual 4036-304 ADF Optical CCD Unit Remo val W arning: Do no t loosen any scr e ws with red coating . 1. Remov e the ADF c ov er. Go to “ ADF Cover Remov al ” on pa ge 3-5 . Rem ov e the two screws from the ADF opt ical CCD unit as sh own, and pull out th e unit.
Maintenanc e 3-7 4036-304 4. Disconnect the two CCD connectors. 5. Remov e the ADF o ptical CCD uni t. ADF Unit (Upper and Lo wer Unit) Remo val 1. Remov e the ADF o ptical CCD uni t. Go to “ ADF Optical CCD Uni t Remo val ” on page 3-6 . 2. Remov e the screws located at the f our co rn ers of the A DF unit.
3-8 Ser vice Manual 4036-304 3. Disconn ect 15PIN ADF motor/sen sor cable from ADF m otor/sen sor card. 4. Lift the A DF unit and r emov e it..
Maintenanc e 3-9 4036-304 Note: The upper and lower units of the ADF unit can now be sep arated. User Interface Remo v al 1. Remov e the document outp ut tra y and do cument cover . 2. Place th e scanner on its back. 3. Remov e the three screws to lo osen the use r interface from the s canner .
3-10 Ser v ic e Manual 4036-304 4. Place th e scanner right side up and sl ide the us er interface f orward. 5. Disconn ect the ca b l es..
Maintenanc e 3-11 4036-304 6. Remov e the right sid e touch scree n suppor t b rac ket to discon nect the ground wire. 7. Remov e the user inter f ace gently .
3-12 Ser v ic e Manual 4036-304 Upper Housing Remo v al 1. Remov e the ADF u nit. Go to “ ADF Unit (Upper and Lo wer Unit) Remov al ” on page 3-7 . 2. Remov e the user interface. Go to “ User Inte rface Removal ” on page 3- 9 . 3. Remov e the f o ur rubber pa ds with a flat screwdr iv er .
Maintenanc e 3-13 4036-304 5. Remov e the four screws on the l eft side of the housing. 6. Remov e the five screws form th e front of the housing. 7. Remov e the upper housi ng.
3-14 Ser v ic e Manual 4036-304 Flatbed CCD Optical Unit Remo val Wa r n i n g : Do not loose n any screws with red coating. 1. Remov e the upper housi ng. Go to “ Upper Housing Remova l ” on page 3-12 . 2. Press the pulley on the carriage belt pull e y assem bly tow ard the c enter of th e unit and remove the carr iage bel t from the pul ley .
Maintenanc e 3-15 4036-304 3. Remov e the sliding r od and the flat cable. (See following fig ures.) Wa r n i n g : Be ver y careful when handlin g the flatbe d optical CCD . The lamp is e xpo sed and c an be easily broken. Do not touch. 4. T ake out the flatb ed optical C CD .
3-16 Ser v ic e Manual 4036-304 Carriage Motor Assembly Remo val 1. Remov e the upper housi ng unit. Go t o “ Upper Housing Remov al ” on page 3-12 . 2. Press the pulley on the carriage belt pull e y assem bly tow ard the c enter of th e unit and remove the carr iage bel t from the pul ley .
Maintenanc e 3-17 4036-304 4. Lower MFD contro ller cage and disconn ect the three connect ors and ground wire..
3-18 Ser v ic e Manual 4036-304 5. Swing the MF D controller ca ge assembly to the r ight and disc onnect the two cables. Use a sc re wdr iver on the lower cable connec tor to unlatc h the con nector .
Maintenanc e 3-19 4036-304 Har d Disk Dri ve, MFD Contr oller Car d, 1394 Communications Car d and P ower Distrib uti on Board Remov al 1. Remov e the MFD controll er cage.
3-20 Ser v ic e Manual 4036-304 4. Remov e the componen t y ou want fro m within the M FD cage..
Maintenanc e 3-21 4036-304 Main Con tr ol B oar d Removal 1. Remov e the MFD controll er cage. Go to “ MFD Contr oller Cage Removal ” on pa ge 3-16 . 2. Remov e the screws securi ng the main c ontrol boar d. 3. Disconn ect the cables and r emov e the board.
3-22 Ser v ic e Manual 4036-304 Note: When repla cing the mai n scanner control boa rd with a new one, remove the EPROM from t he old boa rd (with a c hip puller ) and insta ll it in the new board. Thi s EPROM contai ns settings unique t o the scanner.
Conn ector Locat ions 4-1 4036-304 4. Connecto r Lo catio ns The pin assignment s shown are v ol tages and grounds whic h can be test ed in the fi eld. Use a multimete r grounded to t he scann er MFD contro ller cage when measur ing the v olta ge f or the m ain scan ner board.
4-2 Ser vice Manual 4036-304 MFD Contr oller Cage All com ponents wi thin the M FD control ler cage a re self diagnose d. Any errors ar e repor ted a s MFD cont roller ca ge errors. Low V oltage P ower Supply The following diagram and c har t repres ents the p ow er sup ply outpu t connect or .
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 5-1 4036-304 5. P ar ts Catalog.
5-2 Ser vice Manual 4036-304 Assemb l y 1: Upper Scanner 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 8 10 11 12 13.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 5-3 4036-304 Assembl y 1: Upper Scanner Asm- Index Par t Number Units Description 1 56P2717 1 T ra y , Document Input 2 56P0024 1 Cov er , Scanner Document 3 56P0032 1 Cov er , .
5-4 Ser vice Manual 4036-304 Assemb ly 2: Lo wer Scanner 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 20 24 5 11 12 17 18 19 21 22 23.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 5-5 4036-304 Assemb l y 2: Lower Scanner Asm- Index Par t Number Units Description 1 56P0036 1 Cable , ADF CCD (6PIN + 14PIN) 2 56P0 035 1 Cable, ADF Motor/S ensor (15PIN) 3 56P.
5-6 Ser vice Manual 4036-304 Assemb l y 2 (cont.): Lower Scanner 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 20 24 5 11 12 17 18 19 2 23.
Pa r t s C a t a l o g 5-7 4036-304 Assembly 2 (cont.): Lower Scan ner Note : • R e f er to L E D pa t te r n i m a ges on pa g e “ M FD C o nt r oll e r E r r o r s ” on p a g e 2 - 1 to i de n ti f y c on t r o l l e r bo a r d ge n e r at i on.
5-8 Ser vice Manual 4036-304.
I-1 4036-304 Index A Abbreviations 1-9 C Cleaning ADF Unit 3-1 Cover and Glass 3-1 Touch Screen 3-1 Connector Locations 4-1 E Error Codes MFD Controller 2-1 Scanner 2-5 M Maintenance 3-1 Maintenance T.
I-2 Ser vice Manual 4036-304 56P0558 5-7 56P0559 5-7 56P1211 5-7 56P1466 5-5 56P1472 5-5 56P1473 5-5 56P1808 5-7 56P2042 5-7 56P2110 5-7 56P2112 5-7 56P2401 5-3 56P2406 5-7 56P2467 5-5 56P2554 5-5 56P.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Lexmark 4036-304 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Lexmark 4036-304 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Lexmark 4036-304 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Lexmark 4036-304 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Lexmark 4036-304 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Lexmark 4036-304 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Lexmark 4036-304 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Lexmark 4036-304. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Lexmark 4036-304 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.