Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung VP-23RC des Produzenten Kramer Electronics
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Kramer Ele ctronics, Ltd. USER MANUAL Model: VP-23RC Presentation Switcher / Controller .
Contents i Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Getting Started 1 2.1 Quick Start 1 3 Overview 3 3.1 About the VP-23R C 3 3.1.1 Understanding the Presentation Switcher Section 3 3.1.2 Understanding the Media / Room Controller Section 4 3.1.3 Controlling the VP-23RC 5 3.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Contents ii 9.3.4 Turning the Light of the Backlit Buttons On and Off 34 9.4 The Presentation Switcher Sectio n Operation 34 9.4.1 The Independent Switchers Mode 34 9.4.2 The Master Audio Mode 35 9.4. 3 Th e Pre se nta ti on Sw itc her S EL ECT OR But ton s Ma cr o S equ en ce 37 10 Flash Memory Upgra de 38 10.
Contents iii Figure 24: Atmel – Flip Window 39 Figure 25: Device Selection Window 40 Figure 26: Selecting the Device from the Selection Window 40 Figure 27: Loading the Hex 41 Figure 28: RS-232 Wind.
Introduction 1 1 Introduction Wel com e to K ramer Elec troni cs! Since 1981 , K ramer Elect ronics h as bee n prov iding a w orld o f uni que, c r ea tiv e, an d aff ordabl e solu tions to th e vast range of pro blems tha t conf ront th e vide o, au dio , p resen tatio n, an d bro adc as ting prof essi ona l on a dai ly basi s.
Overview 3 3 Overvie w This section describes: Using shielded t wisted pair (STP) /unshielded twisted pair (UTP ) (see section 6.3) The VP-2 3RC (see section 3 .1) Presentation Switcher sect ion (see section 3.1. 1) Media / Room Controller (see section 3.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Overview 4 Di gi tal mi crophon e inpu t leve l co ntrol and d igit al mas ter au dio le vel con trol M ic ro pho ne ta lk- ove r m od e 1 A CAT 5 ou tpu.
Overview 5 3.1.3 Controlling the VP-23RC Control the VP-23RC using the front panel butto ns, or remotel y vi a: RS-232 1 serial commands trans mitted by a touch scree n system, PC, or other serial.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Overview 6 3.2 Connecting the V P-23RC Rear Panel The VP-2 3RC can be connected in different co nfigurations, integrating t he Presentation Switcher sect ion with the Media/Roo m Controller sectio n.
Overview 7 To connect the VP-23 RC as illustrated in the blo ck diagram in Figure 1: Connect the A/V equip ment 1 to the Presentation Switcher section (see section 6) Connect the A/V equip ment and room items to t he Media/Room Controller section (see section 7 ) 3.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Your Presentation Switcher / Controller 8 4 Your Presentation S w itcher / Co ntroller The VP-2 3RC front and rear panels relate in the following way: The Presen.
Your Presentation Switcher / Controller 9 Figure 2: VP-23RC Presentation Switcher / Controller – Front View.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Your Presentation Switcher / Controller 10 Table 2: Front Panel VP-23RC Presentation Switcher / Controller Features # Fe atu re Fu nct ion 1 IR (In fra red ) Rec e i.
Your Presentation Switcher / Controller 11 Figure 3: VP-23RC Presentation Switcher / Controller – Rear View.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Your Presentation Switcher / Controller 12 Table 3: Rear Panel VP-23RC Presentation Switcher / Controller Features # Fe atu re Fu nct ion 1 MIC IN Conn ector Connect to the m icrophone 2 COND.
Your Presentation Switcher / Controller 13 4.3 The VP-23RC Und erside Panel Figure 4 and T able 4 define the VP-23 RC underside features: VS HS RESET Figure 4: VP-23RC Presentation Switcher / Controll.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Installing the VP-23RC on a Rack 14 5 Installing the VP -23RC on a Rack Th i s secti o n de sc ribe s w hat to do b efore insta lling on a rack and how to r ack mou nt.
Connecting the VP-23RC Presentation Switcher Section 15 6 Connecting the VP -23RC Presentation S w itcher Sect ion To connect 1 the VP-23RC P resentation Switcher section, as il lustrated in the example in Figure 5 , do the following 2 : 1 .
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Connecting the VP-23RC Presentation Switcher Section 16 8 . I f r e qu ir ed , co nn ec t a PC t o th e RS - 23 2 p or t (s ee s ec ti on 8 .
Connecting the VP-23RC Presentation Switcher Section 17 6.1 Connecting the Bal anced/Unbalanced Ste reo Audio Input/O utput Figure 6 illustrates ho w to wire a balanced input/output connection: Figure.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Connecting the VP-23RC Presentation Switcher Section 18 6.2 Wiring the C A T 5 LINE OUT RJ-45 Connector Table 5 and Figure 9 define the CAT 5 PINOUT, using a straigh.
Connecting to the Media / Room Controller Equipment 19 7 Connecting to the Medi a / Room Con troller Equipment To connect 1 the VP-23RC M edia/Room Controller section, as the example illustrated in Figure 10 shows, do the following 2 : 1 .
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Connecting to the Media / Room Controller Equipment 20 Co mp uter Grap hics S o urce Co mp osite V i de o Pla yer s- Vid eo Pl ayer Pro j ec t or Lif t Scr een Bl i .
Connecting to the Media / Room Controller Equipment 21 7.1 Setting the M edia / Room Controller PROGRAM Dipsw itches The PROGRAM d ipswitches are lo cated in the CONTROLLER area o f the rear panel (see section 7.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Controlling the VP-23RC 22 8 Controlling the VP-23R C The VP-2 3RC can be controlled via: A PC (see section 8.1) RS-232 and RS-485 (see section 8.2) The ETHERNET (see section 8.3) 8.1 Controlling the VP-23 RC via a PC To c on tr ol th e V P-2 3RC 1 v ia th e c on t ro l s oftw ar e: 1.
Controlling the VP-23RC 23 8.1.1 Connecting an RS-232 port to a PC Yo u ca n c onn ect a PC t o th e VP -23 RC v ia an RS -2 32 po rt, as de fin ed in Ta bl e 7 : Table 7: Connecting an RS-232 Port to.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Controlling the VP-23RC 24 8.2 Controlling Additional Kramer Machin es via RS-232 and R S-485 You can cascade other Kr amer machines 1 together with the VP-23RC via the RS-485 po rt, and control them via the SWIT CHER CONTROL RS-232 port using a PC.
Controlling the VP-23RC 25 Machine # 2 VP-8x8A VP-8x8A VP-23RC Machine # 3 Figure 13: Control Configuration via RS-232 and RS-485 8.3 Controlling via th e ETHERNET You can control t he VP-23RC via the Ethernet a s well as configure the Media/Roo m Controller b uttons and the Presentation S witcher SELECTOR buttons 1 .
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Controlling the VP-23RC 26 B e f or e us in g th e V P- 23R C v i a a n e tw or k hu b or n e tw o rk r ou te r, m a k e s u re t h at : The IP number of the mac.
Controlling the VP-23RC 27 6 . S e l ec t U s e th e f oll ow i n g IP A dd re ss , a n d fi ll i n th e d et a i l s a s sh ow n i n F i g ur e 1 5. 7 .
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Operating Your VP-23RC 28 9 Operating You r VP-23RC This section describes t he: Front panel buttons (see sec tion 9.1) VP-23RC b utton configuration (see sectio n 9.2) Media/Roo m Control section operation (see section 9.
Operating Your VP-23RC 29 Pressing an illumi nated AUDIO SELECT OR button for m ore than 2 second s disconnects that m aster audio output, and the button no lo nger illuminates.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Operating Your VP-23RC 30 Com posi te V ide o Pl aye r Pro jec tor Lif t s-V ideo Pla yer Sc ree n Blind s Lig htin g Sy stem INT ERNET Pro j ec tor Figure 16: Examp.
Operating Your VP-23RC 31 F ig ure 17 sh ow s a c omm on se tu p f or th e V P- 23RC in a m edi a r oom . A n ov erh ea d p roj ect or an d sc reen , sp eak ers , l igh ts ; a nd a ca bin et w it h a DV D an d a VC R i ns i de , a re all co n tro l le d v i a t he VP- 23R C .
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Operating Your VP-23RC 32 9.3.1 Operating the Media / Room Controller In the following example 1 , illustrated in Figure 1 8, the VP-23RC is lab eled 2 with specific functio ns and each button is pro grammed 3 to perform several tasks 4 as defined in Table 10.
Operating Your VP-23RC 33 9.3.2 An Example of Operating the VP-23RC Figure 19 sho ws an operatin g example: ON OFF DVD PC PC VCR V o l UP V o l DOWN VC R DV D Figure 19: VP-23RC Operation Example 9.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Operating Your VP-23RC 34 If you want to stop a macro sequence, pre ss and hold that button for 5 seconds. The sequence will come to an end. You ca n resume oper ation by pressing any button 1 . The unit will carr y out the macro sequence co mman ds from the beginning.
Operating Your VP-23RC 35 Each pressed button ill uminates 1 , indicating selection a nd outputting o f that video and audio source. If a button includes a macro sequence, it will be executed when pressing that button.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Operating Your VP-23RC 36 (I) When pre ssing button 2 under the VGA/UXG A-AUDIO SELECT OR, the UXGA IN 2 signal is ro uted to the displa y 1 .
Operating Your VP-23RC 37 9.4 .3 The P res entat ion Switc her SE LEC TOR B utton s Macr o Sequ ence The SELECTOR butto ns can be configured to execute a sequence of commands (a m acro) in a simi lar way to the Media / Roo m Controller buttons (see section 9.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Flash Memory Upgrade 38 10 Flash Memory Upgrade The firmware is upgrad ed separately for the Pr esentation Switcher section (see section 10.1) and for the Me dia/Room Controller section (se e section 10.2). 10.
Flash Memory Upgrade 39 10.1.3 Upgrading the Firmware Follow these steps to upgrade the fir mware for the Presentation S witcher section: 1 . D ou b l e cl ic k th e de sk t o p i co n : “ Sh or tc u t to F LI P. EX E ” . Th e S pl as h sc re en a p p ea rs a s f ol lo ws : Figure 23: Splash Screen 2 .
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Flash Memory Upgrade 40 Figure 25: Device Selection Window 4 . C l ick th e bu tt on n ex t t o t h e na m e of t he dev i ce an d s el ec t fr om t he li st : A T8 9C 51 R D2 : AT89 C51 RD2 T 89C 51 RD 2 Figure 26: Selecting the Device from the Selection Window 5 .
Flash Memory Upgrade 41 A Figure 27: Loading the Hex 6 . T h e O pe n F il e wi nd ow ope ns . S e l e ct t he c or r ec t H E X f il e th at c on t ai n s th e u pd at ed v er si on of t h e fi rm wa re f or V P -2 3 RC (f o r ex am pl e, 2 3R CM _V 1p 2.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Flash Memory Upgrade 42 A VP23RC.he x Figure 29: Atmel – Flip Window (Connected) 9 . C l ick Ru n . A ft er e ac h st ag e of t h e op er at io n is c om pl et ed , th e ch ec k- b ox f or t ha t st ag e b ec om es c ol or ed g re en 1 .
Flash Memory Upgrade 43 1 2. D is co nn ec t th e R S- 2 32 re ar p an el p or t on t he V P -2 3 RC u ni t fr om t he Nu l l- m od em a da pt e r . 1 3. R e le as e th e FL AS H PRO G bu t t o n on r ea r pa n el . 1 4. C on ne ct t he po w er t o th e VP -2 3R C .
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Flash Memory Upgrade 44 10.2.3 Upgrading Firmware Follow these steps to upgrade the fir mware: 1 . D ou b l e cl ic k th e KF R- P r og r am me r de sk to p i c on . Th e K FR -P ro g ra mm er w in d ow a p pe ar s (s ee F ig ur e 3 1 ).
Flash Memory Upgrade 45 10.3 T roubleshooting Firmw are Upgrade Issues If the RC device does not communicate and it is i mpossible to p erform the flash upgrade pr ocedure, the problem may so metimes be solved b y perfor m ing the factor y default restore p rocedure.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Technical Specifications 46 11 Technical Spec ifications Table 11 includes the technical specificatio ns 1 : Table 11: Technical Specifications of the VP-23RC Presen.
Hex Table 47 12 Hex Table Table 12 lists the Hex values (which the pro tocol in section 13 describ es in more detail) for the VP-23RC Pre sentation Switcher section: Table 12: VP-23RC Hex Table In.
KRAMER: SIMPLE CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY Hex Table 48 Table 16: Set the Audio Output Gain Control for the Master Audio Au dio Ga in Con tro l f or Mas ter Ou t 16 85 80 81 Mu te … 16 85 F9 81 0 d B … 16.
Communication Protocol 49 13 Communication Protoc ol This proto col, wh ich enables RS-232 communicatio n between the VP-23RC and the PC, uses 4 b ytes of information, and d ata is at 9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits and 1 stop bit.
Communication Protocol 51 NOTE 3 The reply to a “ REQUE ST” instruction is as f ollows: the sa me instruction and input co des as were sent are returned, and the OUTPUT is assigned to the value of the requested para meter.
Kramer Electron ics, Ltd. Web site: www . kramerelectro E-mail: P/N: 2900–000155 REV 5 For the latest in formation on ou r products and a list o f Kramer distributors, visi t our Web site: www.kra merelectr, where updates to this user manua l may be f ound.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Kramer Electronics VP-23RC (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Kramer Electronics VP-23RC noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Kramer Electronics VP-23RC - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Kramer Electronics VP-23RC reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Kramer Electronics VP-23RC erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Kramer Electronics VP-23RC besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Kramer Electronics VP-23RC verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Kramer Electronics VP-23RC. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Kramer Electronics VP-23RC gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.