Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung VP-1608 des Produzenten Kramer Electronics
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KRAMER ELECTRONICS LTD. USER MAN UAL MODEL: VP - 1608 16x8 RG BHV/Ba lanced Aud io Matri x P/N: 2900 - 00160 8 Rev 5.
VP - 1608 – Contents i Conte nt s 1 Introduct ion 1 2 Getting S tarted 2 2.1 Achi eving the Best Performance 2 3 Overview 3 3.1 Defining t he VP - 1608 16x8 R GBHV/Balanc ed Audio Matrix 3 4 Installing in a Rack 8 5 Connecting a Single VP - 1608 9 5.
ii VP - 1608 - C onte nts Figures Figure 1: VP - 1608 16x8 RGBHV/Balanced Audio Matrix Front Panel 4 Figure 2: VP - 1608 16x8 RGBHV/Balanced Audio Matrix Rear Panel 6 Figure 3: VP - 1608 Underside Fla.
VP - 1608 - Introduct ion 1 1 Intr oduction Welcome to Kramer Electronics! Since 1981, Kramer Electronics has been providing a world of unique, creative, and affordabl e solutions to the vast range of problems that confront the video, audio, presentation, and broadcasting professional on a daily basis.
2 VP - 1608 - G etti ng S tart ed 2 Getting Start ed We recommend that you: • Unpack the equipment careful ly and save the original box and packaging materials f or possible future shipm ent • Rev.
VP - 1608 - O verview 3 3 Ove rvi ew The VP - 1608 16x8 RGBHV/B alanc ed Audio M atrix i s a true mat rix switcher, routing any input to any or all outputs.
4 VP - 1608 - O verview Fig ure 1 : VP - 1608 16 x8 RGBHV/Bal an ced Audio Matrix F ront Pa nel 4 VP - 1608 – Over view.
VP - 1608 - O verview 5 VP - 1608 – O verview 5 # Feat ure Funct ion 1 IR Receiv er T he LED i s illum inat ed wh en rec eiving signal s from the K ramer Infra - red rem ote co ntrol trans mitter 2 .
6 VP - 1608 - O verview Fig ure 2 : VP - 1608 16 x8 RGBHV/Bal an ced Audio Matrix Re ar Pan el # Feat ure Funct ion 15 RS - 232 9 - pin D - sub (F) Connec tor Connects to the P C or other S erial Con .
VP - 1608 - O verview 7 VP - 1608 – O verview 7 # Feat ure Funct ion 25 Video Input s R INPUT BNC C onnect ors Connect to the RGBHV vide o sour ces ( 1 to 16 ) 26 G INPU T BNC C onnect ors 27 B INPU.
8 VP - 1608 - I nstall in g in a Rac k 4 Insta lling i n a R a ck This section provides i nstructions for rack mounting the unit..
VP - 1608 - C onne ctin g a S ingl e VP - 1608 9 5 Connecti ng a Single VP- 1608 Always switch off the power to each device before connecting it to your VP - 1608 . After connect ing your VP - 1608 , connect its power and then switch on the power to each device.
10 VP - 1608 - Con necti ng a Sin gle V P - 1608 Fig ure 4 : Connecti ng the VP - 16 08.
VP - 1608 - C onne ct in g a S ingl e VP - 1608 11 5.1 Connecting a Balanced/Unbalanced Stereo Audio Input/Output This section ill ustrates how to wire: • A balanced s tereo audi o connection, s ee .
12 VP - 1608 - Con necti ng a Sin gle V P - 1608 To connect a device with a RS - 485 port to the VP - 1608 : • Connect the A (+) pin on the RS - 485 port of the PC to the A (+) pin on the RS - 485 p.
VP - 1608 - C onne ctin g a S ingl e VP - 1608 13 5.5 Setting the DELAY DIP -S witches To achi eve clean trans itions when s witching between non - genlocked s ources, set the delay time — ranging from 0sec to 3.5sec i n i nc rem e nt s of 0. 5s ec — via the DELAY DIP - s witches, as shown in the following tabl e .
14 VP - 1608 - Con necti ng M ulti ple VP - 1 608 U nits 6 Connecti ng Multip le VP - 1608 Units You can connect up to eight single VP - 1608 units from a PC or serial controller via RS - 232 and RS - 485 ( see S ect io n 6.1 ), or up to seven s ingle VP - 1608 units via RS - 485 ( see Section 6.
VP - 1608 - C onne ctin g Mul ti ple VP - 16 08 Unit s 15 Fig ure 8 : Control Configur ation via RS - 232 an d RS - 485 6.2 Connecting via an R S - 485 Controll er To connect up to seven single VP - 1.
16 VP - 1608 - Con necti ng M ulti ple VP - 1 608 U nits 2. On each VP - 1608 unit, se t the MACHINE # DIP - switches, as required. For example, set the fi rst VP - 1608 unit to MACHINE # 2, the second VP - 1608 unit to MACHINE # 3, and so on, up to MACHINE # 8 for the seventh VP - 1608 unit ( se e S ect io n 5.
VP - 1608 - O pera ting Your VP - 1 608 1 6x8 RGB HV/B alance d Aud io M atrix 17 7 Opera tin g Your VP- 1608 16x8 RGBHV/Ba lance d Audio Matrix This section describes how to operate the VP - 1608 . The section includes: • Ch oosing t h e Audio - Foll ow - Video or Breakaway option ( see Sec t io n 7.
18 VP - 1608 - Oper ati ng Yo ur V P - 160 8 16x8 RGBHV/ Bal anced Audio M atrix 7.1.1 Setting the A udio - Follow - Video To set the a udio - fol low - video (A FV ) option, pres s the A FV button: • If the AUDIO and VIDEO configurations are the same, the AFV button illuminat es.
VP - 1608 - O pera ting Your VP - 1 608 1 6x8 RGB HV/B alance d Aud io M atrix 19 7.3 Confirming Settings Choose to work in the AT ONCE or the CONFIRM m ode, as explained in S ection 7.3.1 . W hen the VP - 1608 operates in the AT ONCE mode, pressing an OUT - IN combination implem ents the switch immediately.
20 VP - 1608 - Oper at i ng Yo ur V P - 160 8 16x8 RGBHV/ Bal anced Audio M atrix 7.3.2 Confirming a Switching Action To confir m a switching act ion (in CONFIR M mode), do the following: 1. Press an OUT - IN c ombination. The corresponding input number that is displ ayed in the INPUT STATUS 7- segment display flashes.
VP - 1608 - O pera ting Your VP - 1 608 1 6x8 RGB HV/B alance d Aud io M atrix 21 2. Press one of the INPUT SELECTOR buttons from 1 to 15 (this becomes the setup # in which the current status is stored). If in the CONFI RM mode, press the f lashing TAKE button to c onfirm t he action.
22 VP - 1608 - Oper ati ng Yo ur V P - 160 8 16x8 RGBHV/ Bal anced Audio M atrix 7.5 A djusting t he Audio Gain Control You can adjust the gain control for each input and output signal using the latest K- Router Windows® - based control s oftware (provided).
VP - 1608 - O pera ting Your VP - 1 608 1 6x8 RGB HV/B alance d Aud io M atrix 23 7.7.1 Resetting to the Curre nt Status You can reset t he VP - 1608 u nit t o the current status (reloads the current .
24 VP - 1608 - Fla sh Mem or y Up gra de 8 Flash M emor y Upgrade The VP - 1608 fi rmware is located in FLASH memory, which lets you upgrade to the latest Kram er firmware versi on in mi nutes! The process i nvolves: • Downloading from the Internet ( s ee Sec t i on 8.
VP - 1608 - Flash M em ory U pgr ade 25 Fig ure 11 : VP - 160 8 Und erside Flash P rogram S witches S et for U pgra de 8.3 Upgrading the Firmware To upgrade the firmware, follow these steps: 1. Double - click the desktop icon: “ S hortc ut to FL IP.
26 VP - 1608 - Fla sh Mem or y Up gra de Fig ure 13 : Atm el – Fli p W i ndow 3. Press the k eyboard short cut key F2 (or select the “ S el ec t ” c ommand from the Devi ce menu, or press the inte grated circuit icon i n the upper right corner of the window).
VP - 1608 - Flash M em ory U pgr ade 27 Fig ure 15 : De vice S elec tion W i ndow 5. Click OK and select “Load Hex ” f rom the File menu. Fig ure 16 : Loading the Hex A T89C 51RD2 T89C51RD2.
28 VP - 1608 - Fla sh Mem or y Up gra de 6. The Open File window opens. Select the correct HEX file that contains the updated version of the firm ware for the VP - 1608 (for example 1608M_V1p2.
VP - 1608 - Flash M em ory U pgr ade 29 9. Click Run. After each stage of the operation is complet ed, the check - box f or that stage becomes colored green ( see also the blue progress indicator on the status bar ).
30 VP - 1608 - Tec hnic al S pecifi ca tion s 9 Technical Specifications INPUTS: 16 x 3 video (RGB ) 0.7Vpp/ 75 Ω on BN C con necto rs. 16 x 2 H& V, TTL l evel on BNC con necto rs 16 balance d audio ster eo on detac habl e term inal block s OUTPUTS: 8 x 3 v ideo (RGB ) 0.
VP - 1608 - Table of He x C od es for Se rial C ommu nicati on 31 10 Table of He x Codes f or S er i al Communic ation This table lists t he h ex values for switching a single machi ne (MACHINE # 1) v.
32 VP - 1608 - Tabl e o f Hex C od es f or Se rial Com mu nicati on Switc hing Audi o C han nels Switc hing Vid eo Ch ann els 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 OUT 02 8F 88 81 02 8F 87 81 02 8F 86 81 02.
VP - 1608 - He x Ta ble s for Aud i o Inp ut / Ou tp ut Ga in C o ntr ol 33 11 Hex Tabl e s for Audio Input/ Output Gain Con trol Sections 11.1 and 11.2 c ontain the tables of hex code s for input and output signal gain control adjustm ent, respectively.
34 VP - 1608 - Hex Ta bl e s for A ud io In p ut /O u tp ut Ga in C o ntr ol INPUTS ALL 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 16 80 80 81 16 90 80 81 16 8F 80 81 16 8E 80 81 16 8D 80 81 16 8C 80 81 1.
VP - 1608 - He x Ta ble s for Aud i o Inp ut / Ou tp ut Ga in C o ntr ol 35 11 .2 Hex Tables for A udio O utput Gain Control Before adjusti ng the audio outputs gain, instruction 42, the AUDIO PARAMETER SETTIN GS FO R INSTRUCTIONS 22, 24 , 25 is sent.
36 VP - 1608 - Hex Ta bl e s for A ud io In p ut /O u tp ut Ga in C o ntr ol OUT PUT S ALL 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 *In the Mute state, the audio output is physically disconnected from the input 16 80 80 81 16.
VP - 1608 - Kr amer Pr otoc ol 20 00 37 12 Krame r Pr ot oc ol 2000 The Kramer Protocol 2 - 000 RS - 232/RS - 485 communicati on uses four bytes of informat ion as defined below.
38 VP - 1608 - Kramer Pr otocol 2000 INSTRU CTION DE FINITI ON FOR SP EC IFIC IN STRUC TION NOTE # DESCR IPTION INP UT OUT PUT 0 RESET VIDEO 0 0 1 1 SWITCH VIDEO Set equal to v ideo input whic h is to.
VP - 1608 - Kr amer Pr otoc ol 20 00 39 INSTRU CTION DE FINITI ON FOR SP EC IFIC IN STRUC TION NOTE # DESCR IPTION INP UT OUT PUT 59 LOAD VID EO DATA Set equal to vide o input (0 = disconnect ) Set eq.
40 VP - 1608 - Kramer Pr otocol 2000 NOT E 12 - Und er normal c onditi ons, the m achine' s present s tatus is save d each time a c hange i s made. T he "power - down" s ave (auto - s ave) may be di sabled usi ng this code. N ote that whenever the machi ne is turne d on, the auto - save function i s set.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Kramer Electronics VP-1608 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Kramer Electronics VP-1608 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Kramer Electronics VP-1608 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Kramer Electronics VP-1608 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Kramer Electronics VP-1608 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Kramer Electronics VP-1608 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Kramer Electronics VP-1608 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Kramer Electronics VP-1608. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Kramer Electronics VP-1608 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.