Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Printer/Fax/Scanner/Copier 250 des Produzenten Konica Minolta
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U ser ’ s G uide [ Network S canner Op erations ].
Introd ucti on 200/25 0/350 x- 1 Introduction Thank you for choos ing this machine. This Use r’s Guide contain s detai ls on th e operation meth ods req uired for us- ing the network co nnection an d scanne r function s of the b izhub 200 /250/ 350, p recautions on t heir use , a nd basic tr oubleshootin g proced ures.
Intro duc ti on x-2 200/2 50/350 Trademarks an d registered trade marks KONICA MINOLTA, KONICA MI NOLTA L ogo, and The essentials of imaging are registered trademarks or tradem arks of KONICA MINOLTA HOLDINGS, INC. PageScop e and bi zhub are regist ered tr a demarks or trade marks of KONICA MINOLTA B USINESS TECHNOLOGIES, IN C.
Introd ucti on 200/25 0/350 x- 3 4. The names “OpenSSL Toolkit” and “OpenSSL Project” must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior writte n permis sion. For wri tten permi ssion , pleas e contac t openssl - core@openssl.
Intro duc ti on x-4 200/2 50/350 Re dist ributi on an d use in sou rce an d bina ry form s, with or wit hout modif ica- tion, are permitted p rovided that t he follow ing condi tions are met: 1. R edist ributi ons of sourc e code must r etain t he cop yright n otice , thi s list of co nditio ns and th e fo llowing discla imer.
Introd ucti on 200/25 0/350 x- 5 Contents Introduction Energy Star ® ........... ........... ................. ........... ........... ............ ............ x-1 What is an ENER GY STAR ® Product? .. ............ ........... ........... ........ x-1 Trademarks and registered trademarks .
Intro duc ti on x-6 200/2 50/350 Subnet Mask ............... ................. ........... ........... ................. ..........2-11 Gateway ..... ........... ........... ................. ........... ............ ................. .... 2-12 Network Board Set .
Introd ucti on 200/25 0/350 x- 7 2.13 Specifying e- mail server settin gs ................. ................. ........... ..... 2-52 To the ne twork adminis trator ........... ........... ........... ................. ..... 2-52 2.14 Entering a domain name .
Intro duc ti on x-8 200/2 50/350 3.6 Registerin g destinations ................ ................ ............ ................. ....3-35 Programming a one-touch d ial button ......... ................. ............ .... 3-35 To program a one-touch dial butt on .
Introd ucti on 200/25 0/350 x- 9 5S c a n t o S M B 5.1 Specifying a destination wi th a one-touch dial button .......... ....... 5-2 Selecti ng a one-to uch dial bu tton ......... ............ ................. ........... . 5 -2 Speci fying a d estinati on by touc hing a on e-touch d ial bu tton .
Intro duc ti on x-10 20 0 /25 0/3 50 6.3 Specifying t he scanning q uality and zoom ratio ..... ........... ..........6-16 Quality .. ............ ........... ................. ........... ........... ........... ................6-16 To spec ify the sc anning qua lity .
Introd ucti on 20 0/2 50/ 350 x -11 8 Specifying settings using PageScope We b Connection 8.1 Items that can be specified using PageS cope Web Connectio n ........ ................. ........... ........... ................. ............ ........... . 8 -2 Scan tab ( User mode ) .
Intro duc ti on x-12 20 0 /25 0/3 50 8.11 TX Document (Admin istrator mode) ................... ........... ............ .... 8-50 Specif ying the address of th e forwardin g desti nation ........ ..........8-50 8.12 RX Document (Administrator mo de) .
Introd ucti on 20 0/2 50/ 350 x -13 9.3 Specifying tr ansmission repo rt settings (TX Se ttings) ........... ....... 9 -6 Specif ying the Quality/Mode settings ......... ................. ........... ....... 9-6 Specif ying Comm. Menu settin gs ......
Intro duc ti on x-14 20 0 /25 0/3 50 Specif ying swit ching of the SMTP s erver (mode 371) ........ ..........9-46 Specify ing t he transmi ssion int erval when e-mai l messa ges are separat ed (mode 372 ) ...... ............ ........... .............
Introd ucti on 20 0/2 50/ 350 x -15 11 Scan funct ion troubleshooting 11.1 When the fo llowing are displ ayed ................ ........... ................. ..... 11-2 11.2 Network error list ......... ............ ................ ............ ......
Intro duc ti on x-16 20 0 /25 0/3 50 Ab out th is manua l This User’s Guid e covers the bi zhub 200, 250, and 350 network and scan - ning func tions. This section int roduces the structu re of the man ual and no tati ons used for product na mes, et c.
Introd ucti on 20 0/2 50/ 350 x -17 Notat ions Images that are used Generally, the touch pan el screen s and applicat ion win dows tha t appea r in this man ual show th at the opt ions hav e not been instal led.
Intro duc ti on x-18 20 0 /25 0/3 50 User’ s Guides The follow ing User’s Guides have bee n prepared for this machin e. User’s Guide [Copy Operations] This manual c ontai ns detai ls on basi c operations and the ope ratin g proce- dures for th e various copy functi ons.
Introd ucti on 20 0/2 50/ 350 x -19 User’s Guide [Facsimile Operations] This manual cont ains details on operat ing procedu res for usin g the Fax func- tion s. - Refer to this Us er’s Guide for det ails on operati ng procedure s for the Fax functi ons when th e fax kit i s ins talled.
Intro duc ti on x-20 20 0 /25 0/3 50 Explan ation of m anual conve ntions 8 Auxiliary functions 8-30 200/250/350 Auxiliary functions Chapter 8 8.10 Printing copies overlapping a different image (Image Overlay function) Images previously stored on the hard disk can be printed overlapping copies.
Introd ucti on 20 0/2 50/ 350 x -21 Auxiliary functions 8 200/250/350 8-31 Auxiliary functions Chapter 8 5 Select the document ori- entation. To cancel changes to the settings, touch [Cancel]. 6 Press the [Start] key. The document is scanned, and the overlay image is stored.
Intro duc ti on x-22 20 0 /25 0/3 50.
1 Featur es Chapter 1 Features.
1 Features 1-2 200 /25 0/3 5 0 Featur es Chapter 1 1F e a t u r e s 1.1 Scan t o E- Mai l The Scan to E-Ma il operat ion i s used to se nd images sca nned on this ma- chine as e-mail at tachme nts.
Featur es 1 20 0/2 50/ 350 1- 3 Featur es Chapter 1 E-mail server Client c omputer Intranet Internet E-mai l server Client computer.
1 Features 1-4 200 /25 0/3 5 0 Featur es Chapter 1 1.2 Scan t o F TP The Scan t o FTP oper ation is used t o uploa d the scann ed data of an orig inal document to an FTP sev er on a netw ork.
Featur es 1 20 0/2 50/ 350 1- 5 Featur es Chapter 1 1.3 Scan t o SM B The Scan to SMB operat ion is used to send the s canne d dat a of an origin al document to a s hared folder on a comp uter on the netw ork.
1 Features 1-6 200 /25 0/3 5 0 Featur es Chapter 1 1.4 Scan t o HD D Data spec ified for copyi ng, scann ing or prin ting can be saved in a user box on the option al HDD. The save d file ca n be print ed, downl oaded or routed, depe nding on t he mode in which it was sa ved.
Featur es 1 20 0/2 50/ 350 1- 7 Featur es Chapter 1 1.5 Internet fax ing The Internet fax operation at tache s the image da ta of an origi nal docu ment to an e-mail messa ge and sen ds it over t he Internet or an intranet t o an In- ternet fax term in al.
1 Features 1-8 200 /25 0/3 5 0 Featur es Chapter 1 Client computer Client c omputer E-mail server E-ma il se rver Inte rne t fa x terminal Intranet Internet.
Featur es 1 20 0/2 50/ 350 1- 9 Featur es Chapter 1 1.6 PageScope Web Con necti on A computer can be u sed to check t he transmi ssion/printi ng status and fax log of the machine. In addition, one-touch dial buttons and mail programs can be regist ered.
1 Features 1-10 2 00/250 /350 Featur es Chapter 1.
2 Setu p Chapte r 2 Setup.
2 Setu p 2-2 200 /25 0/3 5 0 Setu p Chapte r 2 2S e t u p 2.1 Connecting to a LAN This machine communicates wi th the TCP/IP protocol using a LAN. There- fore, a LAN cable mu st be conn ected. To connect to a LAN , use a LAN cable (Fa st Ethernet 100BASE-TX cab le).
Setu p 2 20 0/2 50/ 350 2- 3 Setu p Chapte r 2 The sta tus o f each L ED i s descr ibe d belo w. LED c olo r Stat us Descript ion Gr een an d ye llo w Off Th e mac hine is no t tur ned on. The LAN is not properly connected . Green On The LAN is pro perly co nn ected (100 M bps).
2 Setu p 2-4 200 /25 0/3 5 0 Setu p Chapte r 2 2.2 Specifying th e network s ettin gs The operations t hat are availab le depen d on the LAN environmen t of the ma- chine. Specify th e network set tings accord ing to th e LAN environmen t and the op- eration to be p erformed.
Setu p 2 20 0/2 50/ 350 2- 5 Setu p Chapte r 2 *1 When us ing the E -Mail Notificat ion funct ion, also s pecify the e-mail tra nsmis sion ( SMTP) s etti ngs.
2 Setu p 2-6 200 /25 0/3 5 0 Setu p Chapte r 2 2 Reminder If th e [ Utility /Coun ter] ke y was pres se d to regi ster items an d speci fy set - ting s, be sure to press t he [Reset] key in the control p anel after ret urning to the in iti al s creen .
Setu p 2 20 0/2 50/ 350 2- 7 Setu p Chapte r 2 4 Touch [Admin. 2]. 5 Tou ch [ Net work Se ttings ]. 6 If the opt ional s canner un it or fa x kit has be en in stalle d, t ouch [Netw ork Setti ng 1]. Utility/Counter Administrator Management Enter Admin.
2 Setu p 2-8 200 /25 0/3 5 0 Setu p Chapte r 2 7 Specify ea ch net work setting, an d then t ouch [Enter] . 8 To app ly t he se tt ings spe cif ied o n a s creen th at is disp la yed by tou ch- ing a butt on marked w ith , turn the machine off, then on ag ain.
Setu p 2 20 0/2 50/ 350 2- 9 Setu p Chapte r 2 2.3 Basic Sett ings Set ting s Sett ings ca n be spe cif ied for the fo llow ing. DHCP 1 In the Net work Setti ng screen, tou ch [Basic Settin gs]. 2 Touch [DHCP ]. Item Descript ion DHCP Specify wheth er to acq uire an IP addr ess autom atically fro m the DHCP serve r or use a fixed IP address.
2 Setu p 2-10 2 00/250 /350 Setu p Chapte r 2 3 To use the DHCP s erver, to uch [Auto-Ob tain]. To use a fixed IP ad- dre ss, touc h [IP I nput]. – Wh en [IP Inpu t] wa s sel ec ted, sp ecif y th e sett ing s fo r “IP A ddre ss Setti ng” and “Sub net Mask ”.
Setu p 2 20 0/2 50/ 350 2 -11 Setu p Chapte r 2 3 Use the k eyp ad to type i n the IP add ress . – You ca nnot speci fy an IP add ress that begins wi th 0, 12 7, or 224 or hig her . – When less t han th ree digit s are entered , use [→ ] to mov e the curso r to th e next n umber.
2 Setu p 2-12 2 00/250 /350 Setu p Chapte r 2 3 Use the k eyp ad to type i n the IP add ress . – When less t han th ree digit s are entered , use [→ ] to mov e the curso r to th e next n umber. 4 Tou ch [En ter ]. Gateway Specify a s etti ng when “DHCP ” is set to “IP Input”.
Setu p 2 20 0/2 50/ 350 2 -13 Setu p Chapte r 2 3 Use the k eyp ad to type i n the IP add ress . – You ca nnot speci fy an IP add ress that begins wi th 0, 12 7, or 224 or hig her . – When less t han th ree digit s are entered , use [→ ] to mov e the curso r to th e next n umber.
2 Setu p 2-14 2 00/250 /350 Setu p Chapte r 2 To specify the network board settings 1 In the Net work Setti ng screen, tou ch [Basic Settin gs]. 2 Tou ch [ Net work Boa rd Se t]. 3 Touch [Netwo rk Board Set], an d then sel ect t he transmi ssion spe ed.
Setu p 2 20 0/2 50/ 350 2 -15 Setu p Chapte r 2 2.4 DNS Settings Sett ings ca n be spe cif ied for the fo llow ing. DNS S etti ng 1 In th e Networ k S etti ng sc reen, touch [DN S Sett ings ]. Item Descript ion DNS Se tti ng Sp ec if y “ YES ” or “ NO” for th e D NS (Do ma in N a me Sys tem ).
2 Setu p 2-16 2 00/250 /350 Setu p Chapte r 2 2 To use the DNS server, touch [YES] . If the DNS serv er is not to be used, touch [ NO]. – If “YES” is selected , specify se ttings for “Hos t Name”, “Domain Name”, and “DN S Ser ver Addre ss”.
Setu p 2 20 0/2 50/ 350 2 -17 Setu p Chapte r 2 Domain Name 1 In the D NS Sett ing sc reen, tou ch [Domain Name]. 2 Type in th e domain name of the DNS serv er, and then touch [E nter]. DNS Server Address 1 In the D NS Se tting sc reen, touch [ DNS Serv er Addres s].
2 Setu p 2-18 2 00/250 /350 Setu p Chapte r 2 3 Type in the IP add ress of DNS server 1, an d the n touc h [Enter ]. – You ca nnot spe cify an IP ad dress th at begi ns with 0, 127, or 2 24 or hig her . – When less t han th ree digit s are entered , use [→ ] to mov e the curso r to th e next n umber.
Setu p 2 20 0/2 50/ 350 2 -19 Setu p Chapte r 2 2.5 M achine Name Specify t he name of this machine. The machine na me is used as part of t he file name wit h Scan to E- Mail, Scan to FTP , Scan to SMB, Scan to HDD, and Interne t faxing . In addi tion, part of the Sub ject l ine i s used in Scan to E-Mail and Int ernet fax t ransm issi ons.
2 Setu p 2-20 2 00/250 /350 Setu p Chapte r 2 2.6 SMTP Settings Sett ings ca n be spe cif ied for the fo llow ing. 2 Note The follow ing appear wh en bits 6 and 2 of mode 380 are set to “1” in th e Software Swit ch Settin g screen. For de tails, refer to “Specifying software switch setti ngs (machine functions)” on pa ge 9-29.
Setu p 2 20 0/2 50/ 350 2 -21 Setu p Chapte r 2 SMT P Ser ver Add re ss 1 In th e Networ k S etti ng sc reen, touc h [SM TP Se ttin gs]. 2 Tou ch [ SMTP Se rver A ddress ]. 3 Type in the SM TP server ad dress. – When “D NS Set ting” is s et to “YE S”, you can enter the I P add ress and the h ost name.
2 Setu p 2-22 2 00/250 /350 Setu p Chapte r 2 4 To spe c ify th e h ost name , t ouc h [ Host Na me], type in the ho st n am e, and then touch [Enter] . 5 To change the port, touch [Port] . The Port s creen app ears. 6 Type in th e port numbe r usin g the keypad, and the n touch [E nter].
Setu p 2 20 0/2 50/ 350 2 -23 Setu p Chapte r 2 E-Mail Add ress 1 In th e Networ k S etti ng sc reen, touc h [SM TP Se ttin gs]. 2 Touch [E-M ail Ad dress] . 3 Enter the e-mai l add ress of this machin e, and then touch [Enter] . SMTP Settings SMTP Server Address E-Mail Address Enter Cancel .
2 Setu p 2-24 2 00/250 /350 Setu p Chapte r 2 SMTP Authentication User Name 1 In th e Networ k S etti ng sc reen, touc h [SM TP Se ttin gs]. 2 Touch [SMTP Authen ticati on User Name]. 3 Type in the SM TP authen tica tion use r name, an d then t ouch [En ter ].
Setu p 2 20 0/2 50/ 350 2 -25 Setu p Chapte r 2 SMTP Authentication Password 1 In th e Networ k S etti ng sc reen, touc h [SM TP Se ttin gs]. 2 Tou ch [SM TP Aut hent ication Passwo rd]. 3 Touch [ New Pas sword], type in the S MTP passw ord, and then touc h [Enter ].
2 Setu p 2-26 2 00/250 /350 Setu p Chapte r 2 2.7 POP3 Set ti ngs Sett ings ca n be spe cif ied for the fo llow ing. POP3 Server Address 1 In t he Netw ork Set ting sc reen, touch [P OP3 Se tting s]. 2 Touch [POP3 Server Address ]. Item Descr iption POP3 S erver Addr ess Require d s etting f or rec eiving Int ern et faxe s.
Setu p 2 20 0/2 50/ 350 2 -27 Setu p Chapte r 2 3 Type in the POP3 server address using the keyp ad. – When “D NS Set ting” is s et to “YE S”, you can enter the I P add ress and the h ost name. 4 To spe cif y th e h ost na me , to uc h [H ost Name ], t ype in th e hos t na me, and then touch [Enter] .
2 Setu p 2-28 2 00/250 /350 Setu p Chapte r 2 7 Tou ch [En ter ]. POP3 User N ame 1 In t he Netw ork Set ting sc reen, touch [P OP3 Se tting s]. 2 Tou ch [PO P3 U ser Nam e] . 3 Type in the POP3 user name, an d then t ouch [En ter]. POP3 Settings Enter POP3 Server Address .
Setu p 2 20 0/2 50/ 350 2 -29 Setu p Chapte r 2 POP3 Password 1 In t he Netw ork Set ting sc reen, touch [P OP3 Se tting s]. 2 Touch [POP3 Password]. 3 Touch [ New Pas sword], type in the P OP3 pa ssword, and t hen touc h [Enter ]. 4 Touch [ Confirm New Pa ssword], ty pe in t he SMTP pas sword again , and then touch [Enter] .
2 Setu p 2-30 2 00/250 /350 Setu p Chapte r 2 Auto-RX Check 1 In t he Netw ork Set ting sc reen, touch [P OP3 Se tting s]. 2 Touch [Auto-RX Check]. 3 Type in th e interva l for POP3 recept ion usin g the keyp ad, and t hen touc h [En ter]. – If POP3 recepti on is not t o be performed au tomatical ly, tou ch [Check OFF].
Setu p 2 20 0/2 50/ 350 2 -31 Setu p Chapte r 2 2.8 P riority Compress Level (E-Mail Mode) You can speci fy the maximum tran smissi on size, t he maximum tran smission qualit y, and th e encodi ng meth od that are giv en pr iority wh en sendi ng an In- ternet fax .
2 Setu p 2-32 2 00/250 /350 Setu p Chapte r 2 TX Size (Max .) 1 In the Net work Setting s creen, to uch [Priority Compress L evel]. 2 Touch [E-M ail Mode ]. 3 Touch [TX S ize (Max. )]. 4 Select th e maximum document size for transmis sion, and then to uch [Enter ].
Setu p 2 20 0/2 50/ 350 2 -33 Setu p Chapte r 2 TX Quality (Max.) 1 In the Net work Setting s creen, to uch [Priority Compress L evel]. 2 Touch [E-M ail Mode ]. 3 Touch [TX Q ualit y (Max .)]. 4 Select th e maximum res olution for transmi ssion, and then tou ch [En- ter].
2 Setu p 2-34 2 00/250 /350 Setu p Chapte r 2 Codin g Method 1 In the Net work Setting s creen, to uch [Priority Compress L evel]. 2 Touch [E-M ail Mode ]. 3 Touch [Coding Method]. 4 Selec t the encoding method, and t hen touc h [Ent er]. Priority Compress Level Enter E-Mail Mode Scan Mode 100% Memory Free Select E-Mail Mode.
Setu p 2 20 0/2 50/ 350 2 -35 Setu p Chapte r 2 2.9 P riority Compress Level (Scan Mode) You c an sp ecify the f ile forma t and enco ding method f or tran smittin g file s with the Scan to E-Mail, Sca n to FTP, Scan to SMB , or Scan to HDD opera- tions.
2 Setu p 2-36 2 00/250 /350 Setu p Chapte r 2 2.10 Scanner Settin gs Sett ings ca n be spe cif ied for the fo llow ing. Item Descr iption Acti vity Repo rt Sp ecify wheth er to be n otifi ed of the Intern et fax re ceptio n resu lts.
Setu p 2 20 0/2 50/ 350 2 -37 Setu p Chapte r 2 In the D ivide Set tings s creen, settin gs can be spec ified for the foll owing. Activity Rep ort 1 In the Net work Setting s creen, touch [Scanner S ettings]. 2 Touc h [Act ivit y Repo rt]. 3 Select “ON” or “OFF”, and th en touch [Enter].
2 Setu p 2-38 2 00/250 /350 Setu p Chapte r 2 RX Doc. Header Print 1 In th e Netwo rk Setti ng sc reen, to uch [ Scanner Setting s]. 2 Touch [ RX Doc . He ader P rint]. 3 Select “ON” or “OFF”, and th en touch [Enter]. Scanner Settings Enter Activity Report RX Doc.
Setu p 2 20 0/2 50/ 350 2 -39 Setu p Chapte r 2 E-Mail Header Text 1 In the Net work Setting s creen, touch [Scanner S ettings]. 2 Touch [E-Mail Header Text] . 3 Select th e text i nsertion method , and the n touch [En ter]. Scanner Settings Enter Activity Report RX Doc.
2 Setu p 2-40 2 00/250 /350 Setu p Chapte r 2 Gateway TX 1 In the Net work Setting s creen, touch [Scanner S ettings]. 2 Touch [Gateway TX]. 3 Se lect wh ethe r to a llow o r rest rict gatewa y tra nsmiss ions, and then touc h [En ter]. Scanner Settings Enter Activity Report RX Doc.
Setu p 2 20 0/2 50/ 350 2 -41 Setu p Chapte r 2 Subj ec t R egi str at io n 1 In the Net work Setting s creen, touch [Scanner S ettings]. 2 Touch [Subject Registration]. 3 Touch the numb er of the sub ject to be regi stered or chan ged, type in the tex t, and th en tou ch [En ter].
2 Setu p 2-42 2 00/250 /350 Setu p Chapte r 2 Divide Settin gs 1 In the Net work Setting s creen, touch [Scanner S ettings]. 2 Tou ch [ Divide Settin gs]. 3 Select “ON” or “OFF” for Page Division and Binary Division. 4 If “B inary Divisi on” i s set to “ON”, t ouch [B inary Di vision Size ].
Setu p 2 20 0/2 50/ 350 2 -43 Setu p Chapte r 2 5 Type in the da ta d ivis ion si ze, an d then touc h [Ent er] . 6 Tou ch [En ter ]. Enter Binary Division Size.
2 Setu p 2-44 2 00/250 /350 Setu p Chapte r 2 2.11 LDAP Sett in g The settings used by the LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) serv- er in a netw ork can be speci fied. Sett ings ca n be spe cif ied for the fo llow ing. LDAP Search 1 In the N etwor k Se tti ng scr een, to uch [LDA P Sett ing] .
Setu p 2 20 0/2 50/ 350 2 -45 Setu p Chapte r 2 3 Select w hether to all ow LDAP searches. – If [Yes ] was s elected, speci fy the LD AP server set tin gs.
2 Setu p 2-46 2 00/250 /350 Setu p Chapte r 2 LDAP Se rver Sett ing LDAP se rver sett ings c an be speci fied for th e foll owing. Item Description LDAP S erver Na me Enter the L DAP se rver na me. Up to 16 charac ters can be en - tered . Ser ver Addre ss Ent er t he I P ad dre ss or hos t na me o f th e LDAP ser ver .
Setu p 2 20 0/2 50/ 350 2 -47 Setu p Chapte r 2 To specify the LDAP server settings 1 In the N etwor k Se tti ng scr een, to uch [LDA P Sett ing] . 2 Touch [LDAP Se rver Setting]. 3 Touch the button for t he LDAP server to be registered or changed. – To register a new LD AP server, touc h a button with no n ame on it.
2 Setu p 2-48 2 00/250 /350 Setu p Chapte r 2 5 Touch [Fwd], and then specify t he setti ngs. 6 Ch eck the setti ngs, a nd then tou ch [Ent er]. Search Default Setting 0 [Search D efault Se tting] ap pe ars when two or more LDAP s ervers have been regist ered.
Setu p 2 20 0/2 50/ 350 2 -49 Setu p Chapte r 2 3 Select th e primary LDAP server for performi ng searches , and then touc h [En ter]. Select the desired LDAP server .
2 Setu p 2-50 2 00/250 /350 Setu p Chapte r 2 2.12 IP Fil tering Selec t whether or not reception i s possib le with in t he range of speci fied I P address es. As an example, this secti on prov ides the p roced ure for sp ecify ing the range w here acces s is permit ted.
Setu p 2 20 0/2 50/ 350 2 -51 Setu p Chapte r 2 3 Touch [Enable] or [Disable]. 4 Tou ch [1] of th e r ange. 5 Touch [Sta rt], a nd then typ e in the I P addres s at the begi nnin g of the range.
2 Setu p 2-52 2 00/250 /350 Setu p Chapte r 2 2.13 Spec ifying e-mail ser ver settings To be able to use the s canning functions of t his machin e, it is nece ssary t o specify ce rtain set tings accordin g to the netw ork environment of the ma- chine.
Setu p 2 20 0/2 50/ 350 2 -53 Setu p Chapte r 2 2.14 En tering a domain na me When en tering an e-mail address with this mach ine’s control p anel, t he de s- tinati on addre ss can be en tered qu ickly when th e character st ring of a do- main name that is entered often h as been regis tered.
2 Setu p 2-54 2 00/250 /350 Setu p Chapte r 2 4 Touch [Domain Name]. 5 Touch the butt on for the domain name to be registered or ch anged. – To register a new domain na me, touch a button with no n ame on it. 6 Type in th e domain name, and th en touch [ Enter].
Setu p 2 20 0/2 50/ 350 2 -55 Setu p Chapte r 2 Using a registered dom ain name On a screen where [Domain ] appears, you can enter the regi stered charac- ters with a s ingle operati on. 1 On an i nput sc reen, touc h [Domain]. 2 Touch the key where the domain name to be entere d.
2 Setu p 2-56 2 00/250 /350 Setu p Chapte r 2 2.15 Checking th e network con necti on (Ping) By sendi ng a pin g, you c an check w hether t he net work (LAN) is properly con- nec te d. The connec tion to an SMTP s erver, PO P3 se rver, or any s erver (w ith a spec- ified IP addre ss) can be ch ecked.
Setu p 2 20 0/2 50/ 350 2 -57 Setu p Chapte r 2 5 Check th e resu lts, and t hen t ouch [Enter]. 10 Ping Reply from 10:OK Reply from 192.
2 Setu p 2-58 2 00/250 /350 Setu p Chapte r 2 2.16 Use r authentic ation and account tra ck To limit th e users of th is machin e, sett ings for user au thent ication and ac- count trac k can be sp ecifie d. For details on t he user authen ticati on and accoun t track setti ngs, refer to the User’s Guide [C opy Operat ions].
Setu p 2 20 0/2 50/ 350 2 -59 Setu p Chapte r 2 2 Touch [Pas sword], t ype in th e pass word, and then tou ch [Ent er]. 3 Touch [Login] or press th e [Acces s] key i n the cont rol panel. The init ial s creen app ears. Input User Name and Password to login.
2 Setu p 2-60 2 00/250 /350 Setu p Chapte r 2 If account track settings have been specified Contact the ad mini strator for the tr ack name and pa ssword to be used. 1 Tou ch [ Acc ount Name ], typ e in the acc ount n umb er, and th en touch [Enter ].
3 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 Scan t o E-Mail.
3 Scan to E- Mail 3-2 200 /25 0/3 5 0 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 3S c a n t o E - M a i l 3.1 Specifying a destination with a one-touch dial butt on You c an tra nsmit da ta simp ly by t ouchi ng a one-touch dial button i f the e- mail addres s of a dest inat ion or a mail program has be en registered with a one-touch dial b utton i n advance.
Scan to E -Ma il 3 20 0/2 50/ 350 3- 3 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 4 Select the i ndex contai ning the d esired de stinat ion, a nd t hen touch the one-t ouch dial button . – To sel ect an ind ex , touc h th e cor res pon ding ta b, or t ouc h [ ← ] or [ → ] to s elect a d ifferen t on e.
3 Scan to E- Mail 3-4 200 /25 0/3 5 0 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 6 Speci fy the necess ary Me nu set ting s. – If th e optional fax kit h as been instal led, speci fy the FAX Menu set- tin gs. – For details, refer to “Specifying add itional functions” on page 3-20.
Scan to E -Ma il 3 20 0/2 50/ 350 3- 5 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 Entering the number of a one- touch dial button A one-touch dial bu tton is assi gned a n umber, as show n in the il lustrati on. You can qu ickly selec t a des tinati on by s pecif ying t he numbe r of a one-t ouch dial but ton i ns tea d of t ouc hing the bu tton.
3 Scan to E- Mail 3-6 200 /25 0/3 5 0 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 3 Press the [#] key on the con trol panel. 4 Use the k eypad to ty pe in th e num ber of t he one -tou ch dia l butto n.
Scan to E -Ma il 3 20 0/2 50/ 350 3- 7 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 5 Specify t he Qu ality & R educt ion settings for t he origi nal document t o be sent . – For detai ls, refer to “Speci fying th e scanni ng quality and zoom ra- tio” on page 3 -15.
3 Scan to E- Mail 3-8 200 /25 0/3 5 0 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 Searching for a one-touch dial button To find a one-to uch di al but ton, t he name of a des tinati on regist ered wi th the but ton ca n be sear ch ed f or. 1 Positi on the do cument to b e scann ed.
Scan to E -Ma il 3 20 0/2 50/ 350 3- 9 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 5 Touch the desired one-touch dial b utton. – You can sp ecify mu ltip le des tinatio ns for simult aneous transmi ssion wit h the sam e one-touc h dial b utton. Up t o 300 destin ation s can be specif ied at a ti me.
3 Scan to E- Mail 3-10 2 00/250 /350 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 7 Speci fy the necess ary Me nu set ting s. – If th e optional fax kit h as been instal led, speci fy the FAX Menu set- tin gs. – For details, refer to “Specifying add itional functions” on page 3-20.
Scan to E -Ma il 3 20 0/2 50/ 350 3 -11 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 3.2 Entering an addres s You can di rectly enter dest inat ions tha t have not been regist ered in a one- touch di al but ton.
3 Scan to E- Mail 3-12 2 00/250 /350 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 4 To select the commu nication mode, touch [Chan ge Comm. Mode]. 5 Touch [PC], [E-M ail], t hen [En ter]. – If mode 476 of the software switch s ettings was ch anged, only communication modes that can be s elected appear.
Scan to E -Ma il 3 20 0/2 50/ 350 3 -13 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 6 Type in the de stin ation address . – To change an entered ad dress, press the [C] (cle ar) key, an d then enter a new address . – If parts of frequently used addres ses are regis tered, they can be quic kly ente red by to uchi n g [Do main ].
3 Scan to E- Mail 3-14 2 00/250 /350 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 8 Specify t he Qualit y & Redu ction set tings for t he original doc ument to be sent . – For details , refer to “Speci fying th e scanning q uality and zoom ra- tio” on page 3-1 5.
Scan to E -Ma il 3 20 0/2 50/ 350 3 -15 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 3.3 Specifying th e scan ning quality and zoom ratio You can spe cif y the scan ning qualit y an d zoom ratio by t ouching [ Quality & Reducti on] in th e screen that ap pears when the [Fax /Scan] key on the con trol panel is pres sed.
3 Scan to E- Mail 3-16 2 00/250 /350 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 To specify the scanning quality 1 Touch [ Quali ty & Red uction] . 2 Touch [Qual ity], and then tou ch the des ired qu ality s etting. – To select a higher resolu tion, touc h [600dpi].
Scan to E -Ma il 3 20 0/2 50/ 350 3 -17 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 Dens ity Accor ding t o the type o f docu men t bei ng sen t, sel ect th e appr opr iate densit y from th e sett ings d escri bed be low .
3 Scan to E- Mail 3-18 2 00/250 /350 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 Original S ize Set . You can s pecify the scan area as a standa rd size. A porti on of a large ori ginal document as well as a n on-st andard -sized d ocument can be sent in a standard size.
Scan to E -Ma il 3 20 0/2 50/ 350 3 -19 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 3 Select a sc an are a size, and then touch [E nter]. – Touch [Au to Detect ] to aut omatical ly sele ct the size clos est to t he size of the ori ginal docu ment. Howeve r, Letter s ize is sele cted for documents smalle r th an Let ter size .
3 Scan to E- Mail 3-20 2 00/250 /350 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 3.4 Specifying a dditio nal functi ons You can add the followi ng function s by pres sing the [Fax/Sca n] key on th e control panel , then touchin g [Menu] on the scree n that appears . 2 Note If t he opti onal fax kit h as b een ins talled, [Me nu] ch anges to [Fax Menu].
Scan to E -Ma il 3 20 0/2 50/ 350 3 -21 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 Specifyi ng the transmissi on report printing conditi ons You can spe cif y the con dit io ns for printing a transmission rep ort (TX Rep ort).
3 Scan to E- Mail 3-22 2 00/250 /350 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 To specify the transmissi on report printing conditions 1 Touch [Menu]. – If t he op tional fax kit h as b een instal led, touch [FA X M enu]. 2 Touch [ Setting 1] , then [T X Report]. – If the optiona l fax kit has bee n instal led, touc h [Set 1], then [TX Re- port ].
Scan to E -Ma il 3 20 0/2 50/ 350 3 -23 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 Specifying 2in1 t ransmission 1 Touch [Menu]. – If the optional fax kit has been inst all ed, touch [FAX Menu ]. 2 Touch [ Setting 1] , then [2in 1]. – If the optional fax kit has been in stall ed, tou ch [Set 1 ], then [2in1 ].
3 Scan to E- Mail 3-24 2 00/250 /350 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 3 Select th e desired binding margin positi on. – Left B ind: The docu ment is sc anned wit h a binding margin on the lef t sid e. – Top Bind: Th e docum ent is scanne d with a b inding margin at the top .
Scan to E -Ma il 3 20 0/2 50/ 350 3 -25 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 ! Detail When load ing a dou ble-sid ed d ocument with pages of d ifferen t width s, we r eco mmen d l oadin g th e pa ges w ith the same ori enta tion . Whe n a document with pages of diff erent orien tations is scan ned, t he orie ntation of the image dat a may not be correct.
3 Scan to E- Mail 3-26 2 00/250 /350 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 Specifying timer transmis sion 1 Touch [Menu]. – If t he op tional fax kit h as b een instal led, touch [FA X M enu]. 2 Touch [Setting 2], then [Timer TX Setting]. – If t he op tional fax kit h as b een instal led, touch [S et 2], then [Ti mer TX Setting].
Scan to E -Ma il 3 20 0/2 50/ 350 3 -27 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 Specifying the stamp setting 1 Touch [Menu]. – If the optional fax kit has been inst all ed, touch [FAX Menu ]. 2 Touch [S ettin g 2], t hen [St amp]. – If th e opt ional fax kit has been ins talle d, tou ch [S et 2 ], th en [Sta mp].
3 Scan to E- Mail 3-28 2 00/250 /350 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 Changing the subject The subj ect line of a n e-mail message can be selected from subject lines reg- iste red in adv ance. To specify sett ings, ref er to th e Scanne r Sett ings scree n, displ ayed from the Admini strator Mana gement scre en on page 2-36.
Scan to E -Ma il 3 20 0/2 50/ 350 3 -29 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 3 Select a su bjec t, an d then tou ch [E nter]. – Touch [OFF] to cancel the settings. ! Detail If no subj ect has bee n regist ered, th e e-mail message is sent with the subject lin e “[Imag e File] <one -to uch _nam e>, <m ach in e_na me> , <number >”.
3 Scan to E- Mail 3-30 2 00/250 /350 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 2 Touch [Ne twork ], then [Repl y Addr ess] . – If the optional fax kit has been inst alled, touch [Net .], t hen [Repl y Addres s] . 3 Selec t a return addr ess, and then tou ch [Enter].
Scan to E -Ma il 3 20 0/2 50/ 350 3 -31 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 Specifying a file name You can speci fy the file name of the image data to be att ached in an e-mail. Up to 16 cha racters can be entered . 1 Touch [Menu]. – If the optional fax kit has been inst all ed, touch [FAX Menu ].
3 Scan to E- Mail 3-32 2 00/250 /350 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 3 Type i n the fil e name, and then tou ch [Enter]. – Touch [OFF] to cancel the setting.
Scan to E -Ma il 3 20 0/2 50/ 350 3 -33 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 3.5 If transmission could not be complete d If th e tra nsmis sion co uld not be c omple ted cor rect ly, a transm ission re port is pr inte d. ! Detail You can change the tran smission report pri nting cond itions .
3 Scan to E- Mail 3-34 2 00/250 /350 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 Resending You c an resend up to 20 f ailed t ransmission s. 1 Touch [Job List ], th en [ Type], and t hen select t he d ocument that could not be sen t. – If [Ret ry] and [Ch ange Desti nation ] appear in the screen, t he docu- ment does not n eed to be s canned agai n.
Scan to E -Ma il 3 20 0/2 50/ 350 3 -35 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 3.6 Registering destinations Programming a one-tou ch dial but ton By registerin g a destinat ion wit h a one-touch dial but ton, transmi ssions can be performed ea sily and accuratel y.
3 Scan to E- Mail 3-36 2 00/250 /350 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 To prog ram a one-tou ch dial but ton 1 Pre ss the [Ut ility/C ounter ] key. 2 Touch [User Setting]. Destination Type in the d estination e-mail ad dres s. Up to 64 cha racter s can b e en- ter ed.
Scan to E -Ma il 3 20 0/2 50/ 350 3 -37 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 3 Touch [E-M ail In put] . – If the optional fax kit has been inst all ed, touch [FAX]. 4 Touch [One-Touch]. 5 Touch the one-touch dial button to b e programmed. – Touch an ind ex tab or [Ind ex Li st], t hen th e des ired one-t ouch dial butt on.
3 Scan to E- Mail 3-38 2 00/250 /350 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 6 Type i n the de stinat ion n ame that wi ll ap pear on the one-t ouch d ial but - ton, and th en tou ch [ Next ].
Scan to E -Ma il 3 20 0/2 50/ 350 3 -39 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 – To change an entered ad dress, tou ch [ ← ] or [ → ] to move the cur- sor, or press th e [C] (cl ear) key t o enter a addres s. 9 To change th e fil e format and enco ding method, w hic h were spe cif ied in advan ce by th e admin istrator, touch [S can Mode] .
3 Scan to E- Mail 3-40 2 00/250 /350 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 Changing or deleting a one-touch dial button 1 Perform steps 1 throu gh 4 of the procedure in “To program a one- touc h dial button” . 2 Touch the one-touch dial button t o be change or deleted.
Scan to E -Ma il 3 20 0/2 50/ 350 3 -41 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 Copyin g a one-touch dial button 1 Perform steps 1 throu gh 4 of the procedure in “To program a one- touc h dial button” . 2 Touch the one-t ouch dial bu tton to be copied. 3 Touch [One-Touch], th en [One-Touch Copy].
3 Scan to E- Mail 3-42 2 00/250 /350 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 Registering/del eting a s econdary destination 0 A secondary reci pien t can be speci fied if the optiona l scanner uni t or fax kit is inst al led. 1 Perform steps 1 throu gh 4 of the procedure in “To program a one- touc h dial button” .
Scan to E -Ma il 3 20 0/2 50/ 350 3 -43 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 5 Enter the se condary d esti nation i nformati on, and t hen touc h [Ente r]. 6 Tou ch [E nter] u ntil t he in itial s creen appea rs.
3 Scan to E- Mail 3-44 2 00/250 /350 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 Namin g a n inde x By classi fying one- touch di al buttons into index es named, for examp le, “Branches” or “Clien ts”, you can easi ly find a desired on e-touc h dial button. ! Detail An ind ex name ca n contain up to 8 cha racters.
Scan to E -Ma il 3 20 0/2 50/ 350 3 -45 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 4 Type i n the in dex na me, and th en touch [Enter]. 5 Tou ch [ Ent er] u nti l the firs t sc reen app ears .
3 Scan to E- Mail 3-46 2 00/250 /350 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 As shown below, the s ettin gs of ce rtain parameters may not b e avail able for registration in a program, depending on the operation used.
Scan to E -Ma il 3 20 0/2 50/ 350 3 -47 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 ! Detail For procedures on specifying settings for the various operations , ref er to the following pages. Scan to E-Ma il (p. 3 -11, p. 3- 15) Scan to FTP (p. 4- 11, p. 4-16) Scan t o SMB (p.
3 Scan to E- Mail 3-48 2 00/250 /350 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 To register a m ail program 1 Pre ss the [Ut ility/C ounter ] key. 2 Touch [User Setting]. 3 Touch [E-M ail In put ]. – If t he op tional fax kit h as b een instal led, touch [FA X]. Utility/ Counter Exit User Management Reports Admin.
Scan to E -Ma il 3 20 0/2 50/ 350 3 -49 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 4 Touch [Mail Program]. – If the optional fax kit has been instal led, tou ch [FA X Program]. 5 Touch the one-touch dial button to b e registered. – To uch a n In dex t ab o r [Inde x List ], th en th e d esir ed o ne-to uch dial butt on.
3 Scan to E- Mail 3-50 2 00/250 /350 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 6 Type in the p rogram name which will appear on th e one-touch dial b ut- ton, and th en tou ch [ Next ]. – The p rogram na me can contai n up to 12 cha racters. 7 If the opti onal fa x kit has been in stalle d, sel ect th e tran smission type, and then touch [Next].
Scan to E -Ma il 3 20 0/2 50/ 350 3 -51 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 – If no d estinat ion is to be regis tered, touch [No D estinati on]. 9 Tou ch [Nex t]. 10 Touch [Transmission Setting]. 11 Specify t he set tings to b e registe red. – Touch [Quality ] to specify settings for “Quality”, “D ensity”, “Zoom”, and “Ori ginal Si ze Set.
3 Scan to E- Mail 3-52 2 00/250 /350 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 – In ord er to use the “Sta mp” functi on, the option al stamp unit m ust be ins tal led. 12 Tou ch [En ter ]. 13 Check the in formation to be registered, an d then t ouch [Ente r]. 14 Tou ch [ Enter] u ntil t he in itial s creen app ears.
Scan to E -Ma il 3 20 0/2 50/ 350 3 -53 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3 Changin g/deleting a mail prog ram 1 Perform steps 1 throu gh 4 of the procedure in “To program a one- touc h dial button” . 2 Touch the on e-touch dial button wit h th e mail program to be changed or deleted.
3 Scan to E- Mail 3-54 2 00/250 /350 Scan to E-Mai l Chapter 3.
4 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4 Scan t o FTP.
4 Scan t o FTP 4-2 200 /25 0/3 5 0 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4 4 Scan to FTP 4.1 S pecifying a destination wit h a one-touch dial button You ca n transmi t data simpl y by tou ching a one-tou ch dial butto.
Scan to FTP 4 20 0/2 50/ 350 4- 3 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4 – After p ressing [Fax/Scan ], you c an spe cify P riority Screen settings in the Us er’s Choice scree n that appears . For deta ils, refe r to th e User’s Gui de [Copy Op erations] . 3 Touch [One-Touch].
4 Scan t o FTP 4-4 200 /25 0/3 5 0 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4 6 Speci fy the necess ary Me nu set ting s. – If th e optional fax kit h as been instal led, speci fy the FAX Menu set- tin gs. – For details, refer to “Specifying add itional functions” on page 4-16.
Scan to FTP 4 20 0/2 50/ 350 4- 5 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4 2 Press t he [Fax/Sca n] ke y. 3 Press the [#] key on th e control panel . Fax/Scan.
4 Scan t o FTP 4-6 200 /25 0/3 5 0 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4 4 Use the k eypad to ty pe i n the num ber of a on e-to uch dia l butto n. – You can sp ecify mu ltiple des tination s for simult aneous tran smis- sion with the sa me one-t ouch dial button.
Scan to FTP 4 20 0/2 50/ 350 4- 7 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4 6 Speci fy the nece ssary Men u setti ngs. – If th e optional fax kit h as been instal led, speci fy the FAX Menu set- tin gs. – For details, refer to “Specifying add itional functions” on page 4-16.
4 Scan t o FTP 4-8 200 /25 0/3 5 0 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4 Searching for a one-touch dial button To find a one-to uch di al but ton, t he name of a des tinati on regist ered wi th the but ton ca n be sear ch ed f or. 1 Positi on the do cument to b e scann ed.
Scan to FTP 4 20 0/2 50/ 350 4- 9 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4 – You can sp ecify mu ltiple des tination s for simult aneous tran smis- sion wit h the s ame one-touc h dial bu tton. Up to 300 de stination s can be speci fied at a t ime. 6 Specify t he Qualit y & Redu ction set tings for t he origi nal document t o be sent .
4 Scan t o FTP 4-10 2 00/250 /350 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4 7 Speci fy the necess ary Me nu set ting s. – If th e optional fax kit h as been instal led, speci fy the FAX Menu set- tin gs. – For details, refer to “Specifying add itional functions” on page 4-16.
Scan to FTP 4 20 0/2 50/ 350 4 -11 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4 4.2 Specifying th e scan ning quality and zoom ratio You can spe cif y the scan quali ty and z oom ratio by touchi ng [Quali ty & Re- duction ] in the screen that app ears when the [Fax/S can] key on the con trol panel is pres sed.
4 Scan t o FTP 4-12 2 00/250 /350 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4 To specify the scanning quality 1 Touch [ Quali ty & Red uction] . 2 Touch [Qual ity], and then tou ch the des ired qu ality s etting.
Scan to FTP 4 20 0/2 50/ 350 4 -13 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4 Dens ity Accor ding t o the type o f docu men t bei ng sen t, sel ect th e appr opr iate densit y from th e sett ings d escri bed be low . ! Detail If “600 dpi Text” or “600 dpi Text & P hoto” is selected, the density can be set t o one of thre e levels : “Ligh t”, “Std.
4 Scan t o FTP 4-14 2 00/250 /350 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4 2 Tou ch [ Density ], a nd th en tou ch th e des ired densit y se tting. Original S ize Set . You can s pecify the scan area as a standa rd size. A porti on of a large ori ginal document a s well as a n on-stand ard-si zed document can be sen t in a st and- ard size.
Scan to FTP 4 20 0/2 50/ 350 4 -15 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4 2 Touch [Redu ction/A rea], and t hen touch [Original Size Se t.]. – The “Zoom” parame ter has no effe ct, even if sett ings have bee n specifi ed. 3 Select a sc an are a size, and then touch [E nter].
4 Scan t o FTP 4-16 2 00/250 /350 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4 4.3 Specifying a dditio nal functi ons You can add the followi ng function s by pres sing the [Fax/Sca n] key on th e control panel , then touchin g [Menu] on the scree n that appears . 2 Note If t he opti onal fax kit h as b een ins talled, [Me nu] ch anges to [Fax Menu].
Scan to FTP 4 20 0/2 50/ 350 4 -17 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4 Specifyi ng the transmissi on report printing conditi ons You can spe cif y the con dit io ns for printing a transmission rep ort (TX Rep ort). The printin g conditions for a tran smissi on report are preset with the Report Setti ngs parameters from the Administ rator Management screen.
4 Scan t o FTP 4-18 2 00/250 /350 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4 2 Touch [ Setting 1] , then [T X Report]. – If the optiona l fax kit has bee n instal led, touc h [Set 1], then [TX Re- port ]. 3 Specify t he des ired print ing condi tions, and then touch [E nter].
Scan to FTP 4 20 0/2 50/ 350 4 -19 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4 Specifying 2in1 t ransmission 1 Touch [Menu]. – If the optional fax kit has been inst all ed, touch [FAX Menu ]. 2 Touch [ Setting 1] , then [2in 1]. – If the optional fax kit has been in stall ed, tou ch [Set 1 ], then [2in1 ].
4 Scan t o FTP 4-20 2 00/250 /350 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4 3 Select th e desired binding margin positi on. – Left B ind: The docu ment is sc anned wit h a binding margin on the lef t sid e. – Top Bind: Th e docum ent is scanne d with a b inding margin at the top .
Scan to FTP 4 20 0/2 50/ 350 4 -21 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4 ! Detail When load ing a dou ble-sid ed d ocument with pages of d ifferen t width s, we r eco mmen d l oadin g th e pa ges w ith the same ori enta tion . Whe n a document with pages of diff erent orien tations is scan ned, t he orie ntation of the image dat a may not be correct.
4 Scan t o FTP 4-22 2 00/250 /350 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4 Specifying timer transmis sion 1 Touch [Menu]. – If t he op tional fax kit h as b een instal led, touch [FA X M enu]. 2 Touch [Setting 2], then [Timer TX Setting]. – If t he op tional fax kit h as b een instal led, touch [S et 2], then [Ti mer TX Setting].
Scan to FTP 4 20 0/2 50/ 350 4 -23 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4 Specifying the stamp setting 1 Touch [Menu]. – If the optional fax kit has been inst all ed, touch [FAX Menu ]. 2 Touch [S ettin g 2], t hen [St amp]. – If th e opt ional fax kit has been ins talle d, tou ch [S et 2 ], th en [Sta mp].
4 Scan t o FTP 4-24 2 00/250 /350 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4 Specifying the e-mail notificati on destination When the tran smiss ion of the d ata is complete , an message ca n be sent t o the de stinat ion sp ecifi ed in the URL of the up loaded d esti nation.
Scan to FTP 4 20 0/2 50/ 350 4 -25 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4 3 Select th e dest inat ion ad dress, and then touch [Enter] . – Touch [OFF] to cancel the setting. Specifying a file name You can sp ecify t he file n ame of th e imag e data t o be sen t. Up to 1 6 char ac- ters can be en tered.
4 Scan t o FTP 4-26 2 00/250 /350 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4 2 Touch [Ne twork], then [Fi le Name]. – If the optional fax kit has been instal led, tou ch [Net. ], then [Fi le Name]. 3 Type i n the fil e name, and then tou ch [Enter]. – Touch [OFF] to cancel the setting.
Scan to FTP 4 20 0/2 50/ 350 4 -27 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4 4.4 If transmission could not be complete d If th e tra nsmis sion co uld not be c omple ted cor rect ly, a transm ission re port is pr inte d. ! Detail You can change the tran smission report pri nting cond itions .
4 Scan t o FTP 4-28 2 00/250 /350 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4 Resending You ca n resend up to 20 fa iled tran smission. 1 Touch [Job List ], th en [ Type], and t hen select t he d ocument that could not be sen t. – If [Ret ry] and [Ch ange Desti nation ] appear in the screen, t he docu- ment does not n eed to be s canned agai n.
Scan to FTP 4 20 0/2 50/ 350 4 -29 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4 4.5 Registering destinations Programming a one-tou ch dial but ton By registerin g a destinat ion wit h a one-touch dial but ton, transmi ssions can be performed ea sily and accuratel y.
4 Scan t o FTP 4-30 2 00/250 /350 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4 To prog ram a one-tou ch dial but ton 1 Pre ss the [Ut ility/C ounter ] key. 2 Touch [User Setting]. 3 Touch [E-M ail In put ]. – If t he op tional fax kit h as b een instal led, touch [FA X].
Scan to FTP 4 20 0/2 50/ 350 4 -31 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4 4 Touch [One-Touch]. 5 Touch the one-touch dial button to b e registered. – To uch a n In dex t ab o r [Inde x List ], th en th e d esir ed o ne-to uch dial butt on.
4 Scan t o FTP 4-32 2 00/250 /350 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4 6 Type i n the de stinat ion n ame that wi ll ap pear on the one-t ouch d ial but - ton, and th en tou ch [ Next ].
Scan to FTP 4 20 0/2 50/ 350 4 -33 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4 – To change an entered ad dress, tou ch [ ← ] or [ → ] to move the cur- sor, o r pres s the [ C] (cle ar) key to enter a n ew addr ess. 9 Select w hether to use a proxy server, and then tou ch [Next ].
4 Scan t o FTP 4-34 2 00/250 /350 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4 11 Specify t he Accoun t Informati on, and then tou ch [Next ]. – If “Priv ate Si te” is sele cte d, enter the login user name an d pass - word. 12 Enter the se rver direct ory name t o be saved , and th en touch [ Next].
Scan to FTP 4 20 0/2 50/ 350 4 -35 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4 14 Check the informat ion to be regi stered. 15 To specify the fil e type of the file to be sav ed and the encodin g method, touc h [Mode 1 ]. 16 Select th e file format an d encoding method, and then touch [ Enter].
4 Scan t o FTP 4-36 2 00/250 /350 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4 Changing or deleting a one-touch dial button 1 Perform steps 1 throu gh 4 of the procedure in “To program a one- touc h dial button” . 2 Touch the one-touch dial button to b e changed or deleted.
Scan to FTP 4 20 0/2 50/ 350 4 -37 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4 Copyin g a one-touch dial button 1 Perform steps 1 throu gh 4 of the procedure in “To program a one- touc h dial button” . 2 Touch the one-t ouch dial bu tton to be copied. 3 Touch [One-Touch], th en [One-Touch Copy].
4 Scan t o FTP 4-38 2 00/250 /350 Scan to FTP Ch apter 4.
5 Scan to SM B Chapter 5 Scan t o SMB.
5 Scan to S MB 5-2 200 /25 0/3 5 0 Scan to SM B Chapter 5 5S c a n t o S M B 5.1 S pecifying a destination wit h a one-touch dial button You ca n transmi t data simpl y by tou ching a one-tou ch dial .
Scan to S MB 5 20 0/2 50/ 350 5- 3 Scan to SM B Chapter 5 – After p ressing [Fax/Scan ], you c an spe cify P riority Screen settings in the Us er’s Choice scree n that appears . For deta ils, refe r to th e User’s Gui de [Copy Op erations] . 3 Touch [One-Touch].
5 Scan to S MB 5-4 200 /25 0/3 5 0 Scan to SM B Chapter 5 6 Speci fy the necess ary Me nu set ting s. – If th e optional fax kit h as been instal led, speci fy the FAX Menu set- tin gs. – For details, refer to “Specifying add itional functions” on page 5-15.
Scan to S MB 5 20 0/2 50/ 350 5- 5 Scan to SM B Chapter 5 2 Press t he [Fax/Sca n] ke y. 3 Press the [#] key on th e control panel . 4 Use the k eypad to ty pe i n the nu mber o f a on e-t ouch dia l bu tton. – You can sp ecify mu ltiple des tination s for simult aneous tran smis- sion wit h the s ame one-touc h dial bu tton.
5 Scan to S MB 5-6 200 /25 0/3 5 0 Scan to SM B Chapter 5 5 Specify t he Qu ality & Reduction set tings for t he original doc ument to be sent . – For details , refer to “Speci fying th e scanning q uality and zoom ra- tio” on page 5-1 0. 6 Speci fy the necess ary Me nu set ting s.
Scan to S MB 5 20 0/2 50/ 350 5- 7 Scan to SM B Chapter 5 Searching for a one-touch dial button To find a one-to uch di al but ton, the name of a des tinati on regist ered wi th the but ton ca n be sear ch ed f or. 1 Position t he document to be scan ned.
5 Scan to S MB 5-8 200 /25 0/3 5 0 Scan to SM B Chapter 5 5 Touch the desired one-touch dial b utton. – You can sp ecify mu ltiple des tination s for simult aneous tran smis- sion with the sa me one-t ouch dial button. Up to 300 destina tions can be speci fied at a t ime.
Scan to S MB 5 20 0/2 50/ 350 5- 9 Scan to SM B Chapter 5 7 Speci fy the nece ssary Men u setti ngs. – If th e optional fax kit h as been instal led, speci fy the FAX Menu set- tin gs. – For details, refer to “Specifying add itional functions” on page 5-15.
5 Scan to S MB 5-10 2 00/250 /350 Scan to SM B Chapter 5 5.2 Specifying the s canni ng quality and zoom ratio You can spe cif y the scan ning qualit y an d zoom ratio by t ouching [Q uality & Reducti on] in t he screen t hat appears when t he [Fax/Sca n] key on th e cont rol panel is pres sed.
Scan to S MB 5 20 0/2 50/ 350 5 -11 Scan to SM B Chapter 5 To specify the scanning quality 1 Touch [ Quali ty & Red uction] . 2 Touch [ Quali ty], an d then t ouch the desi red quali ty set ting. – To select a higher resolu tion, touch [6 00dpi].
5 Scan to S MB 5-12 2 00/250 /350 Scan to SM B Chapter 5 Dens ity Accordi ng to the type of documen t being sent, s elect th e app ropriate densit y from th e sett ings d escri bed be low . ! Detail If “600 dpi Text” or “600 dpi Text & P hoto” is selected, the density can be set t o one of thre e levels : “Ligh t”, “Std.
Scan to S MB 5 20 0/2 50/ 350 5 -13 Scan to SM B Chapter 5 Original S ize Set . You can s pecify the scan area as a standa rd size. A porti on of a large ori ginal document as well as a n on-sta ndard-size d document can be s ent in a st and- ard size.
5 Scan to S MB 5-14 2 00/250 /350 Scan to SM B Chapter 5 3 Selec t a scan a rea size, and then touch [E nter] . – Touch [ Auto Det ect] to a utomatica lly se le ct the size clos est to th e size of the ori ginal docu ment. Howeve r, Letter s ize is sele cted for documents smalle r th an Let ter s ize.
Scan to S MB 5 20 0/2 50/ 350 5 -15 Scan to SM B Chapter 5 5.3 Specifying a dditio nal functi ons You can add the followi ng functi ons by pres sing t he [Fax/Sca n] key on th e control panel , then touchin g [Menu] on the scree n that appears . 2 Note If the opti onal fax kit has been inst all ed, [Me nu] changes to [Fax Me nu].
5 Scan to S MB 5-16 2 00/250 /350 Scan to SM B Chapter 5 Specifying t he transmissi on report printing conditi ons You can spe cif y the con dit io ns for printing a transmission rep ort (TX Rep ort). The printin g conditions for a tran smissi on report are preset with the Report Settings parameters from the Administrator Management screen.
Scan to S MB 5 20 0/2 50/ 350 5 -17 Scan to SM B Chapter 5 2 Touch [ Setting 1] , then [T X Report]. – If the op tiona l fax kit has b een in stal led, touch [Set 1] , then [TX Re- port ]. 3 Speci fy the desi red prin ting conditio ns, an d then tou ch [E nter].
5 Scan to S MB 5-18 2 00/250 /350 Scan to SM B Chapter 5 Specifying 2in1 transmission 1 Touch [Menu]. – If t he op tional fax kit h as b een instal led, touch [FA X M enu]. 2 Touch [ Setting 1] , then [2in 1]. – If t he op tional fax kit has b een inst alled, tou ch [Set 1 ], then [2in1 ].
Scan to S MB 5 20 0/2 50/ 350 5 -19 Scan to SM B Chapter 5 3 Select t he desired binding margin position. – Left Bind: Th e document is scan ned wit h a bindin g margin on t he lef t sid e. – Top Bind: Th e docum ent is scanne d with a b inding margin at the top .
5 Scan to S MB 5-20 2 00/250 /350 Scan to SM B Chapter 5 ! Detail When load ing a dou ble-s ided d ocument with pages of d ifferen t widt hs, we recommend loadi ng the pages wit h the same orientation . When a doc ument with pages of di fferent orientat ions is sc anned, th e orientati on of the image dat a may not be correct.
Scan to S MB 5 20 0/2 50/ 350 5 -21 Scan to SM B Chapter 5 Specifying timer transmis sion 1 Touch [Menu]. – If the optional fax kit has been inst all ed, touch [FAX Menu ]. 2 Touch [Setting 2], then [Timer TX Setting]. – If the optional fax kit has been inst all ed, touch [Set 2], then [Ti mer TX Setting].
5 Scan to S MB 5-22 2 00/250 /350 Scan to SM B Chapter 5 Specifying the stamp setting 1 Touch [Menu]. – If t he op tional fax kit h as b een instal led, touch [FA X M enu]. 2 Touch [S ettin g 2], t hen [St amp]. – If th e opt ional fa x kit has been ins talled, tou ch [S et 2], then [Sta mp].
Scan to S MB 5 20 0/2 50/ 350 5 -23 Scan to SM B Chapter 5 Specifying the e-mail notificati on destination When the tran smiss ion of the data is co mplete , an e-mail messa ge can be sent to th e dest inat ion sp ecified i n the URL of the up load des tinati on.
5 Scan to S MB 5-24 2 00/250 /350 Scan to SM B Chapter 5 3 Selec t the dest inati on addres s, and th en tou ch [En ter]. – Touch [OFF] to cancel the setting. Specifying a file name You can sp ecify t he file name of th e image da ta to be sen t. Up to 16 charac- ters can be ent ered.
Scan to S MB 5 20 0/2 50/ 350 5 -25 Scan to SM B Chapter 5 2 Touch [Ne twork], then [File N ame]. – If the optional fax kit has been inst all ed, touch [Net.], then [Fi le Name]. 3 Type i n the fil e name, a nd then tou ch [Ent er]. – Touch [OFF] to cancel the setting.
5 Scan to S MB 5-26 2 00/250 /350 Scan to SM B Chapter 5 5.4 If transmission could not be complet ed If th e tra nsmissi on co uld no t be c omplete d corr ect ly, a tra nsmis sion re port is pr inte d. ! Detail You can change the tr ansmission report print ing conditi ons.
Scan to S MB 5 20 0/2 50/ 350 5 -27 Scan to SM B Chapter 5 Resending You c an resend up to 20 f ailed t ransmission s. 1 Touch [Job List], th en [ Type], and t hen select t he d ocument t hat could not be se nt. – If [Ret ry] and [Ch ange Desti nation ] appear i n the scree n, the docu- ment does not n eed to be s canned agai n.
5 Scan to S MB 5-28 2 00/250 /350 Scan to SM B Chapter 5 5.5 Registering destinations Programming one-touch dial button By registerin g a destinat ion wit h a one-touch dial but ton, transmi ssions can be performed ea sily and accuratel y.
Scan to S MB 5 20 0/2 50/ 350 5 -29 Scan to SM B Chapter 5 To prog ram a one-tou ch dial b utton 1 Pre ss th e [Ut ility /Counte r] key . 2 Touch [User Setting]. 3 Touch [E-M ail In put] . – If the optional fax kit has been inst all ed, touch [FAX].
5 Scan to S MB 5-30 2 00/250 /350 Scan to SM B Chapter 5 4 Touch [One-Touch]. 5 Touch the one-touch dial button to b e programmed. – Touc h an In dex t ab or [Inde x List ], t hen th e desi red one-tou ch di al butt on.
Scan to S MB 5 20 0/2 50/ 350 5 -31 Scan to SM B Chapter 5 6 Type in the de stin ation name tha t will appea r on th e one-to uch dia l but- ton, and th en tou ch [ Next ].
5 Scan to S MB 5-32 2 00/250 /350 Scan to SM B Chapter 5 8 Ent er th e dest inat ion hos t addr ess, and t hen t ouc h [N ext] . – To chan ge the ho st name, t ouch [Host Name], and the n touch [Next]. – To reenter an ad dress, touch [ ← ] or [ → ] to mov e the curso r, or press the [C] (c lear) key t o enter a n ew addr ess.
Scan to S MB 5 20 0/2 50/ 350 5 -33 Scan to SM B Chapter 5 11 Type i n the logi n password , and th en touch [ Next]. – To confirm the p assword , enter the p assword agai n. 12 Check the des tination information . 13 Check the informat ion to be regi stered.
5 Scan to S MB 5-34 2 00/250 /350 Scan to SM B Chapter 5 15 Se lect th e f ile fo rmat and enc oding meth od, and then to uch [Ente r]. 16 Tou ch [ Enter] u ntil t he in itial s creen app ears. Changing or deleting a one-touch dial button 1 Perform steps 1 throu gh 4 of the procedure in “To program a one- touc h dial button” .
Scan to S MB 5 20 0/2 50/ 350 5 -35 Scan to SM B Chapter 5 3 Touch the bu tton for the in formation to be changed , and then make the change. – To delet e the informati on, touch [Del ete]. 4 Check the in formation to be registered, an d then t ouch [Ente r].
5 Scan to S MB 5-36 2 00/250 /350 Scan to SM B Chapter 5 Copyin g a one-touch di al button 1 Perform steps 1 throu gh 4 of the procedure in “To program a one- touc h dial button” . 2 Touch the one-t ouch dial bu tton to be copied. 3 Touch [One-Touch], th en [One-Touch Copy].
6 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 Internet fax ing.
6 Internet faxin g 6-2 200 /25 0/3 5 0 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 6 Internet faxing 6.1 S pecifying a destination wit h a one-touch dial button You c an tra nsmit da ta simp ly by t ouchi ng a one-touch dial button i f the e- mail addres s of a dest inat ion or a mail program has be en registered with a one-touch dial b utton i n advance.
Inte rnet fa xing 6 20 0/2 50/ 350 6- 3 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 3 Touch [One-Touch]. 4 Select the i ndex contai ning the d esired de stinat ion, a nd t hen touch the one-t ouch dial button . – To sel ect an ind ex , touc h th e cor res pon ding ta b, or t ouc h [ ← ] or [ → ] to s elect a d ifferen t on e.
6 Internet faxin g 6-4 200 /25 0/3 5 0 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 6 Speci fy the necess ary Me nu set ting s. – If th e optional fax kit h as been instal led, speci fy the FAX Menu set- tin gs. – For details, refer to “Specifying add itional functions” on page 6-21.
Inte rnet fa xing 6 20 0/2 50/ 350 6- 5 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 Entering the number of a one- touch dial button A one-touch dial bu tton is assi gned a n umber, as show n in the il lustrati on. You can qu ickly selec t a des tinati on by s pecif ying t he numbe r of a one-t ouch dial but ton i ns tea d of t ouc hing the bu tton.
6 Internet faxin g 6-6 200 /25 0/3 5 0 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 3 Press the [#] key on the con trol panel. 4 Use the k eypad to ty pe in th e num ber of t he one -tou ch dia l butto n. – You can sp ecify mu ltiple des tination s for simult aneous tran smis- sion with the sa me one-t ouch dial button.
Inte rnet fa xing 6 20 0/2 50/ 350 6- 7 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 5 Specify t he Qualit y & Redu ction set tings for t he origi nal document t o be sent . – For detai ls, refer to “Speci fying th e scanni ng quality and zoom ra- tio” on page 3 -15.
6 Internet faxin g 6-8 200 /25 0/3 5 0 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 Searching for a one-touch dial button To find a one-to uch di al but ton, t he name of a des tinati on regist ered wi th the but ton ca n be sear ch ed f or. 1 Positi on the do cument to b e scann ed.
Inte rnet fa xing 6 20 0/2 50/ 350 6- 9 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 5 Touch the desired one-touch dial b utton. – You can sp ecify mu ltiple des tination s for simult aneous tran smis- sion wit h the s ame one-touc h dial bu tton. Up to 300 de stination s can be speci fied at a t ime.
6 Internet faxin g 6-10 2 00/250 /350 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 7 Speci fy the necess ary Me nu set ting s. – If th e optional fax kit h as been instal led, speci fy the FAX Menu set- tin gs. – For details, refer to “Specifying add itional functions” on page 6-21.
Inte rnet fa xing 6 20 0/2 50/ 350 6 -11 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 Specifying chain dialing If th e de stin ation addr ess is longe r th an 64 chara cters, the ad dress can be specifie d by combinin g address es regis ter ed to one -touch di al bu ttons an d an en tere d add res s.
6 Internet faxin g 6-12 2 00/250 /350 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 6.2 Entering an addres s You can di rectly enter dest inat ions tha t have not been regist ered in a one- touch di al butt on.
Inte rnet fa xing 6 20 0/2 50/ 350 6 -13 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 5 Touch [I ntern etF AX], [I nter net FAX], th en [Ent er] . 6 Type in the de stin ation address . – To change an entered ad dress, press the [C] (cle ar) key, an d then enter a new address .
6 Internet faxin g 6-14 2 00/250 /350 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 7 To select the max imum trans mission size an d the enc oding method, touc h [E-M ail Mod e]. – For d etails, refer t o “Prio rity Com press L evel (E- Mail Mo de)” on page 2-31.
Inte rnet fa xing 6 20 0/2 50/ 350 6 -15 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 9 Speci fy the nece ssary Men u setti ngs. – If th e optional fax kit h as been instal led, speci fy the FAX Menu set- tin gs. – For details, refer to “Specifying add itional functions” on page 6-21.
6 Internet faxin g 6-16 2 00/250 /350 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 6.3 Specifying the s canni ng quality and zoom ratio You can spe cif y the scan ning qualit y an d zoom ratio by t ouching [Q uality & Reducti on] in t he screen t hat appears when t he [Fax/Sca n] key on th e cont rol panel is pres sed.
Inte rnet fa xing 6 20 0/2 50/ 350 6 -17 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 To specify the scanning quality 1 Touch [ Quali ty & Red uction] . 2 Touch [ Quali ty], an d then t ouch the desi red quali ty set ting. – To select a higher resolu tion, touch [6 00dpi].
6 Internet faxin g 6-18 2 00/250 /350 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 Dens ity Accordi ng to the type of documen t being sent, s elect th e app ropriate densit y from th e sett ings d escri bed be low . ! Detail If “600 dpi Text” or “600 dpi Text & P hoto” is selected, the density can be set t o one of thre e levels : “Ligh t”, “Std.
Inte rnet fa xing 6 20 0/2 50/ 350 6 -19 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 2 Tou ch [ Density ], a nd th en tou ch th e des ired de nsit y setti ng. Original S ize Set . You can s pecify the scan area as a standa rd size. A porti on of a large ori ginal document as well as a n on-sta ndard-size d document can be s ent in a st and- ard size.
6 Internet faxin g 6-20 2 00/250 /350 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 – The “Zoom” parame ter has no effe ct, even if setti ngs have been specifi ed. 3 Selec t a scan a rea size, and then touch [E nter] . – Touch [ Auto Det ect] to a utomatica lly se le ct the size clos est to th e size of the d ocument.
Inte rnet fa xing 6 20 0/2 50/ 350 6 -21 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 6.4 Specifying a dditio nal functi ons You can add the followi ng functi ons by pres sing t he [Fax/Sca n] key on th e control panel , then touchin g [Menu] on the scree n that appears .
6 Internet faxin g 6-22 2 00/250 /350 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 * The receiv ing mach ine prin ts th ese items when “Yes ” is sp ecifi ed on the RX Doc.
Inte rnet fa xing 6 20 0/2 50/ 350 6 -23 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 3 Select th e desi red type of tra nsmis sion s ource in formation. 4 To print the transmission source information, touch [TSI Selection]. 5 Select th e name of t he transmi ssion sou rce, an d then tou ch [Enter] .
6 Internet faxin g 6-24 2 00/250 /350 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 Specifying t he transmissi on report printing conditi ons You can spe cif y the con dit io ns for printing a transmission rep ort (TX Rep ort).
Inte rnet fa xing 6 20 0/2 50/ 350 6 -25 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 Specifying 2in1 t ransmission 1 Touch [Menu]. – If the optional fax kit has been inst all ed, touch [FAX Menu ]. 2 Touch [ Setting 1] , then [2in 1]. – If the optional fax kit has been in stall ed, tou ch [Set 1 ], then [2in1 ].
6 Internet faxin g 6-26 2 00/250 /350 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 3 Select th e desired binding margin positi on. – Left B ind: The docu ment is sc anned wit h a binding margin on the lef t sid e. – Top Bind: Th e docum ent is scanne d with a b inding margin at the top .
Inte rnet fa xing 6 20 0/2 50/ 350 6 -27 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 ! Detail When load ing a dou ble-sid ed d ocument with pages of d ifferen t width s, we r eco mmen d l oadin g th e pa ges w ith the same ori enta tion . Whe n a document with pages of diff erent orien tations is scan ned, t he orie ntation of the image dat a may not be correct.
6 Internet faxin g 6-28 2 00/250 /350 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 Specifying priority transmis sion 1 Touch [Menu]. – If t he op tional fax kit h as b een instal led, touch [FA X M enu]. 2 Touch [Setting 2], then [Priority TX]. – If the opt ional fax kit has been ins talled, t ouch [Set 2 ], then [P riority TX].
Inte rnet fa xing 6 20 0/2 50/ 350 6 -29 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 3 Enter the time for tran smission. – Touch [Hour] or [Minute], an d then type in the desired value using the keypad . 4 Tou ch [En ter ]. – Touch [OFF] to cancel the setting. Specifying the stamp setting 1 Touch [Menu].
6 Internet faxin g 6-30 2 00/250 /350 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 3 Selec t the pr int po sition of the st amp, and t hen touch [Enter] . Changing the subject The subj ect line of a n e-mail message can be selected from subject lines reg- iste red in adv ance.
Inte rnet fa xing 6 20 0/2 50/ 350 6 -31 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 3 Select a su bjec t, an d then tou ch [E nter]. – Touch [OFF] to cancel the setting. ! Detail When no su bjec t is regi stered, t he e-mail subj ect l ine “[Ima ge File] (one- touc h name), ( machin e name), (numb er)” is se nt.
6 Internet faxin g 6-32 2 00/250 /350 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 3 Selec t a return addr ess, and then tou ch [Enter]. – Touch [OFF] to cancel the setting. Specifying a file name You can speci fy the fil e name of the image dat a to be attac hed in an e-mail .
Inte rnet fa xing 6 20 0/2 50/ 350 6 -33 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 2 Touch [Ne twork], then [File N ame]. – If the optional fax kit has been inst all ed, touch [Net.], then [Fi le Name]. 3 Type i n the fil e name, a nd then tou ch [Ent er]. – Touch [OFF] to cancel the setting.
6 Internet faxin g 6-34 2 00/250 /350 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 6.5 If transmission could not be complet ed If th e tra nsmissi on co uld no t be c omplete d corr ect ly, a tra nsmis sion re port is pr inte d. ! Detail You can change the tr ansmission report print ing conditi ons.
Inte rnet fa xing 6 20 0/2 50/ 350 6 -35 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 Resending You c an resend up to 20 f ailed t ransmission s. 1 Touch [Job List], th en [ Type], and t hen select t he d ocument t hat could not be se nt. – If [Ret ry] and [Ch ange Desti nation ] appear i n the scree n, the docu- ment does not n eed to be s canned agai n.
6 Internet faxin g 6-36 2 00/250 /350 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 6.6 Receivi ng Internet faxes Not only can this machine se nd In ternet fax es, it ca n also rec eive In ternet faxes. The met hods for receiv ing Internet faxes are des cribed b elow. Settings for Internet faxin g Speci fy the foll owin g sett ings i n advan ce .
Inte rnet fa xing 6 20 0/2 50/ 350 6 -37 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 Receiving Internet faxes manu ally 1 Pre ss th e [Ut ility /Counte r] key . 2 Touch [User Management].
6 Internet faxin g 6-38 2 00/250 /350 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 3 Touch [PO P3 RX]. When an Int ernet fax has b een recei ved by the POP3 server, it is re- ceived an d printed . 4 A mark is displ ayed at the bottom of the screen during reception. 5 When recep tion is comp lete, to uch [En ter] until the init ial scre en ap- pears.
Inte rnet fa xing 6 20 0/2 50/ 350 6 -39 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 6.7 Registering destinations Programming a one-tou ch dial but ton By registerin g a destinat ion wit h a one-touch dial but ton, transmi ssions can be performed ea sily and accuratel y.
6 Internet faxin g 6-40 2 00/250 /350 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 Destination Type in the des tination e-ma il address. Up to 64 ch aracters c an be en tere d. TX Si ze (Max. ) Specify the ma ximum documen t size t hat can b e transm itted . Se- lect “L ett er”, “L egal”, or “ 11 × 17” .
Inte rnet fa xing 6 20 0/2 50/ 350 6 -41 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 To prog ram a one-tou ch dial b utton 1 Pre ss th e [Ut ility /Counte r] key . 2 Touch [User Setting]. 3 Touch [E-M ail In put] . – If the optional fax kit has been inst all ed, touch [FAX].
6 Internet faxin g 6-42 2 00/250 /350 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 4 Touch [One-Touch]. 5 Touch the one-touch dial button to b e programmed. – Touch an ind ex tab or [Ind ex Li st], t hen th e des ired one-t ouch dial butt on.
Inte rnet fa xing 6 20 0/2 50/ 350 6 -43 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 7 Select th e communica tion mode. Touch [In ternetFA X], [Int ernet FAX], then [Nex t]. – If mo de 47 6 of t he so ftwa re sw itch set tin gs wa s cha nged , onl y communication modes that can be s elected appear.
6 Internet faxin g 6-44 2 00/250 /350 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 9 To change “TX Size (Ma x.)”, “TX Quality (Max.)”, or “Coding Meth od”, which hav e been speci fied in advanc e by the admi nistrat or, touch [E- Mail Mode ], sp ecify the s ettings , and then touc h [Ent er].
Inte rnet fa xing 6 20 0/2 50/ 350 6 -45 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 Changin g or deleting a one-touch dial button 1 Perform steps 1 throu gh 4 of the procedure in “To program a one- touc h dial button” . 2 Touch the one-touch dial button to b e changed or deleted.
6 Internet faxin g 6-46 2 00/250 /350 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 Copyin g a one-touch di al button 1 Perform steps 1 throu gh 4 of the procedure in “To program a one- touc h dial button” . 2 Touch the one-t ouch dial bu tton to be copied. 3 Touch [One-Touch], th en [One-Touch Copy].
Inte rnet fa xing 6 20 0/2 50/ 350 6 -47 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 Registering/del eting a s econdary destination 0 A secondary reci pien t can be speci fied if the optiona l scanner uni t or fax kit is inst al led. 1 Perform steps 1 throu gh 9 of the procedure in “To program a one- touc h dial button” .
6 Internet faxin g 6-48 2 00/250 /350 Internet fax ing Chapt er 6 5 Enter the se condary d esti nation i nformati on, and t hen touc h [Ente r]. 6 Tou ch [ Enter] u ntil t he in itial s creen app ears.
7 Usin g an LDA P se rver Chap ter 7 Using an LDAP s erver.
7 Using an LDAP s erver 7-2 200 /25 0/3 5 0 Usin g an LDA P se rver Chap ter 7 7 Using an LDAP server 7.1 Searching the de stinati on informati on from the server You can search a des tin ation from the LDAP serv er.
Using an LDAP se rver 7 20 0/2 50/ 350 7- 3 Usin g an LDA P se rver Chap ter 7 To search the destination information 1 Press t he [Fax/Sca n] ke y. 2 Tou ch [Se arch ]. 3 Tou ch [LDA P Se arch ]. 4 When multi ple LDAP servers are regist ered, sele ct the server to be se arch ed , an d the n t ouch [En ter ].
7 Using an LDAP s erver 7-4 200 /25 0/3 5 0 Usin g an LDA P se rver Chap ter 7 5 Tou ch [N ame] . – To s pecif y det ailed searc h cond ition s, touc h [Det ail S earch ]. 6 Type in th e keyword , and then t ouch [Ent er]. 7 Touch [Start S earch]. 8 Se lect th e des tina tion.
Using an LDAP se rver 7 20 0/2 50/ 350 7- 5 Usin g an LDA P se rver Chap ter 7 9 Enter the de st ination information , and th en touch [Dest . Regist er]. 10 Select th e tran smissi on meth od, and t hen touch [Enter] . LDAP Search Back Dest. Register Detail Full Name : user01 E-Mail : user01@test.
7 Using an LDAP s erver 7-6 200 /25 0/3 5 0 Usin g an LDA P se rver Chap ter 7 7.2 Registering destination in formation to on e-touc h dial buttons To register destinati on informat ion t o a one-t ou.
Using an LDAP se rver 7 20 0/2 50/ 350 7- 7 Usin g an LDA P se rver Chap ter 7 7 When multi ple LDAP servers are regist ered, sele ct the server to be se arch ed , an d the n t ouch [En ter ]. 8 Tou ch [Name ] . – To s pecif y det ailed searc h con dition s, touc h [Det ail S earch ].
7 Using an LDAP s erver 7-8 200 /25 0/3 5 0 Usin g an LDA P se rver Chap ter 7 11 Se lect th e des tina tion. – To check th e search co nditi ons, touch [ Search Condi tion]. 12 Enter th e dest ination informat ion, an d then tou ch [S et]. 13 Selec t the tran smission method, and t hen touch [E nter] .
Using an LDAP se rver 7 20 0/2 50/ 350 7- 9 Usin g an LDA P se rver Chap ter 7 14 Check the in formation to be registered, an d then t ouch [Ente r]. 15 Tou ch [E nter] u ntil t he in itial s creen appea rs. One- T ouch #015 Enter Cancel user01 user01 Internet F AX user01@test.
7 Using an LDAP s erver 7-10 2 00/250 /350 Usin g an LDA P se rver Chap ter 7.
8 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 Specifying settings using Page Scope We b Connection.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-2 200 /25 0/3 5 0 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 8 Specify ing settings using Pa geSco pe Web Conne ction 8.
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8- 3 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 Scan tab (Administr ator mode) 2 Note If th e opti onal fax kit h as be en in stal led, the Scan tab ch anges to th e Fax/ Scan t ab.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-4 200 /25 0/3 5 0 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 Net wor k t ab ( Adm i nis tra to r mo d e) Item Des cri pt ion Commo n Settin g TCP/IP Sp ecify the requ ired set tings fo r using this m achine o ver a ne twor k.
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8- 5 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 8.2 Us ing PageScope Web Connect ion Operating environment ! Detail PageSc ope Web Conn ecti on is a devi ce management utili ty support ed by th e HTT P serve r bu ilt i nto t he dev ice.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-6 200 /25 0/3 5 0 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 If user authentication settings have been applied If user aut henticati on or extern al serve r authent ication settin gs have been applied , the foll owing page appears.
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8- 7 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 Page structure The page that appears immedi atel y after Page Scope Web Conn ection is ac- cessed is called the Use r mode page.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-8 200 /25 0/3 5 0 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 Logging o n to Administrator mode You can swit ch bet ween User mode and Admin istrator mode. How ever, in order to specify system or network settin gs, you must b e logged on to Ad- ministr ator mode.
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8- 9 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 1 Type in th e admin istrator pa ssword , and then cl ick [Log-in ]. The Admin istrator mode page appears. 2 To return to User mod e, click [Log-out].
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-10 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 Web browser cache The newest information may not app ear in the PageS cope Web C onnection pages bec ause older ve rsions of pages are sa ved in the cac he for the Web browser.
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -11 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 8.3 On e-Touch Key Regi stration (User mode) The recipie nts of scan ned data can be regis tered with on e-touch d ial dest i- nations .
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-12 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 The followin g paramet ers are ava ilable on the page f or each commu nication mode.
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -13 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 When “ TX: PC ( FTP Server)” is se lected Item Descrip tion One-Touch Name Type in the name of the recipient that will appear as the name of the one- touc h dial d estinatio n.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-14 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 When “TX : Inte rnet FAX ” is selected Password E nter the log in passwo rd for the se rver. Up to 32 charac ters ca n be ent ered.
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -15 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 When “TX : PC (SMB )” is sel ected TX Quality (Max .) S elect the m aximum resolut ion (“200 d pi”, “ 400 d pi” or “600 dp i”) for the data to be sent .
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-16 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 Password T ype in t he login passwo rd for the co mput er wher e the d ata is t o be sent. Up to 14 charact ers can be enter ed.
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -17 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 Namin g a n inde x 1 Click the S can tab . – If the optional fax kit has been in stall ed, cl ick the Fax/Scan ta b.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-18 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 4 Ente r the in dex na me, and then c lick [A pply]. – Up to 8 characters can be ente red. The index na me ap pears in the i ndex lis t in the upp er half of the p age.
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -19 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 Registering a one-touch dial destination 1 Click the S can tab . – If the optional fax kit has been in stall ed, cl ick the Fax/Scan ta b.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-20 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 – If mode 476 of the software switch s ettings was ch anged, only communication modes that can be s elected appear.
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -21 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 - FAX (G3)** - TX: SIP-FA X** *The communicat ion mode ca n be spe cifie d if the optional scanner uni t or fa x kit is insta lled.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-22 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 3 Click [Sub Address Registration]. 4 Selec t the communica tion mode f or the seco ndary recipi ent, and t hen click [N ext].
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -23 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 5 Specify t he various settin gs, and th en click [ Apply] . – For details on t he parameters, refe r to “One-Touch Key Registrat ion (User mod e)” on p age 8-11.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-24 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 Changing the settings for a one-touch dial destinat ion 1 Click the Scan tab. – If the optional fax kit has been inst all ed, clic k the Fax /Scan ta b.
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -25 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 5 To change the communic ation mode, se lect the communi cation mode, and then click [N ext] . 6 Specify s etti ngs for the para meters in the pa ge for the se lected com- muni cation mode.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-26 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 Deleting a one-touch dial destination 1 Click the Scan tab. – If the optional fax kit has been inst all ed, clic k the Fax /Scan ta b.
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -27 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 4 Select t he che ck box of the on e-touch d ial dest inat ion tha t is to be d e- leted . – A one-touch dial button progra mmed as an administrator forward- ing dest inat ion cannot be sel ected.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-28 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 8.4 FAX Program Re gistration (User mode) Fax programs can b e registe red as one-tou ch dial d estinat ions.
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -29 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 When registering a fax program, spec ify settings for t he following functions/ parameters.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-30 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 ! Detail For procedures on specifying settings for the various operations , ref er to the follow ing pages. - Scan to E-Ma il (p.
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -31 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 3 From the “Index” li st, click t he index w here the fax program i s to be registe red. The on e-touc h dial d estin ations saved i n the s elect ed index appear in the lo wer half of the page.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-32 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 5 Specify settings for the various par ameters.
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -33 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 Changin g the settings of th e fax program 1 Click the S can tab . – If the optional fax kit has been in stall ed, cl ick the Fax/Scan ta b.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-34 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 Deleting a fax program 1 Click the Scan tab. – If the optional fax kit has been inst all ed, clic k the Fax /Scan ta b.
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -35 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 4 Select th e check bo x of the fax program to b e delet ed.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-36 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 8.5 Doma in Name Regist ration (User mode) When enteri ng.
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -37 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 8.6 Export/Imp ort (Administrator mode) The da ta that was registered with one-to uch di al bu tton on this machine can be exported as a fil e.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-38 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 3 Selec t the export format , and th en click [E xecute ].
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -39 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 5 Specify t he directory where the da ta is to be sav ed. The fil e name can also be chan ged. 6 Click [Sav e].
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-40 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 3 Click [Browse].
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -41 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 5 Click [E xecut e]. The registered one-touch dial button data is imported. 2 Note Check in adv ance for informat ion regardi ng the models th at can us e the exported d ata.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-42 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 8.7 TSI Reg istration Text, such as a name, fax n umber, or ad dress, can be registered so that it can be prin ted at the top of pages sent wi th the In ternet fa x operation .
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -43 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 8.8 TX Settings (A dministrator mode) Default tran smis sion se ttings can be sp ecified. Sett ings ca n be spe cif ied for the fo llow ing.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-44 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 Specifying the transmission set tings 1 In the Adminis trator mode, click the Scan tab. – If the optional fax kit has been inst all ed, clic k the Fax /Scan ta b.
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -45 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 – If mo de 47 6 of t he so ftwa re sw itch set tin gs wa s cha nged , onl y communication modes that can be s elected appear.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-46 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 8.9 RX Settings (A dministrator mode) Speci fy the ti me .
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -47 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 Specifying the reception settings 1 In the Adminis trator mode, click the Scan tab. – If the optional fax kit has been in stall ed, cl ick the Fax/Scan ta b.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-48 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 8.10 Scan S etti ng (A dministrator mode) Th e dev ice name of th is ma chin e us ed in the f ile n ame and t he tr ansmi ssio n of the sc anned dat a can be s pecifi ed.
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -49 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 Specifying the scan settings 1 In the Adminis trator mode, click the Scan tab. – If the optional fax kit has been in stall ed, cl ick the Fax/Scan ta b.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-50 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 8.11 TX Document (Administrator mode) When sendi ng documents from t his machine , the documen t can be forwar d- ed simult aneousl y to the add resses specified by the administrat or.
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -51 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 4 Select t he addre ss of the forwardi ng des tinatio n, and then cli ck [App ly]. – Only on e addres s can be sel ected.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-52 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 8.12 RX Document (Administrator mode) The method for proces sing a receive d docu ment can be sp ecifi ed. Thi s can be specifi ed only for documents receive d over a network.
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -53 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 2 Note I f b i t 7 o f m o d e 3 0 6 i s s e t t o “ 1 ” i n t h e S o f t S W S e t t i n g s c r e e n , o n l y “ P o r t ” is ava ilable.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-54 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 4 Specify a s etti ng for each paramet er, and th en click [A pply ].
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -55 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 Specifying the processing of other received documents 1 In the Adminis trator mode, click the Scan tab. – If the optional fax kit has been in stall ed, cl ick the Fax/Scan ta b.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-56 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 8.13 Report Settings (A dministrat or mode) The c ondit ion s f or out putt ing th e tr ansmi ssio n re sult s rep ort an d acti vit y re- port c an be speci fied.
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -57 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 Specifyi ng the report output settings 1 In the Adminis trator mode, click the Scan tab. – If the optional fax kit has been in stall ed, cl ick the Fax/Scan ta b.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-58 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 8.14 TCP/IP (Administrator mode) Specify t he required settin gs for using this mac hine over a net work. If “TC P/IP” is clicked , setti ngs ca n be s pecifi ed for t he follo wing.
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -59 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 * If the se tting o f a par amete r mar ked with [*] is ch anged, tu rn this m achine off, t hen on aga in.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-60 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 Specifying the TCP/IP settings 1 In the Adminis trator mode, click the Network tab . – For the procedure to log on to Administrator mode, refer to “Log- ging on to Administrat or mode” on page 8-8.
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -61 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 2 Reminder When turnin g the machin e off, then on again wit h the main pow er switch, wait abou t 10 sec onds to t urn the machi ne on after tu rning it off.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-62 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 8.15 IP Filtering Selec t whether or not reception i s possib le with in t he range of speci fied I P address es.
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -63 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 3 Specify a s etti ng for each paramet er, and th en click [App ly].
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-64 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 8.16 LDAP (Administrator mode) The settings used by the LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) serv- er in a netw ork can be speci fied.
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -65 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 8.17 LDAP Server Sett in g (Administrator mode) If LDAP search es are enabl ed, the LDAP serv er to be acces sed can be reg- iste red.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-66 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 2 Note If bi t 7 of mode 466 is se t to “ 1” in the Soft SW Sett ing screen , select “GSS-S PNEGO ” besid e “Aut hentic ation Settin g”.
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -67 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 4 Specify a s etting for eac h parameter.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-68 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 De leti ng an LD AP serv er 1 In the Adminis trator mode, click the Network tab . – For the procedure to log on to Administrator mode, refer to “Log- ging on to Administrat or mode” on page 8-8.
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -69 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 8.18 E-Mail/Intern et FAX (Administrator mode) Transmissi on setti ngs for the Sc an to E-Mai l and Intern et fax operat ions can be specifi ed.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-70 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 SMT P * If the se tting o f a par amete r mar ked with [*] is ch anged, tu rn this machine off, t hen on agai n.
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -71 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 Subject/Text Item Descr iption Subject 1 to 4 The subject can be specified for se nding data with the Scan to E-Mail o r Inter net fax opera tion.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-72 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 Other Item Descr iption Activity Report Spe cify wheth er to no tify the destinat ion of th e results when an Inter net fax is receive d.
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -73 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 Specifying the POP3 settings 1 In the Adminis trator mode, click the Network tab . – For the procedure to log on to Administrator mode, refer to “Log- ging on to A dministrator mod e” on page 8-8.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-74 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 2 Reminder When tu rning the mach ine off, t hen on again wit h the main pow er swit ch, wait about 1 0 seconds to tu rn the machine on after t urning it off.
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -75 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 Specifying the SMTP settings 1 In the Adminis trator mode, click the Network tab . – For the procedure to log on to Administrator mode, refer to “Log- ging on to A dministrator mod e” on page 8-8.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-76 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 Specifying the subject or text settings 1 In the Adminis trator mode, click the Network tab .
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -77 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 Specifying other settings 1 In the Adminis trator mode, click the Network tab . – For the procedure to log on to Administrator mode, refer to “Log- ging on to A dministrator mod e” on page 8-8.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-78 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 8.19 FTP Configuration (Administrato r mode) Detailed FTP proxy s erver and FTP server settings can be specified.
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -79 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 4 Click [OK]. 5 If the setting of a parameter marked with [*] i s changed, turn th is ma- chine off, then on aga in.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-80 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 8.2 0 SNMP Sele ct whether or n ot SNM P is used. Specifying the SNMP setting 1 In the Adminis trator mode, click the Network tab .
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -81 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 8.21 SSL/TLS (Administrat or mode) The SSL/TL S set tings can be sp ecifie d.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-82 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 When a certificate is created When a c ertifi cate i s created with SSL/ TLS enab led, t he set tings appear, as shown in th e following page.
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -83 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 Creating certificates 1 In the Adminis trator mode, click the Network tab . – For the procedure to log on to Administrator mode, refer to “Log- ging on to A dministrator mod e” on page 8-8.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-84 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 4 Specify a s etting for eac h parameter. 5 Click [Create]. The certifi cate is created. 6 When cr eation of th e certific ate is comple te, cli ck [OK].
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -85 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 Deleting certificates 1 In the Adminis trator mode, click the Network tab . – For the procedure to log on to Administrator mode, refer to “Log- ging on to A dministrator mod e” on page 8-8.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-86 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 4 Select “Dele te Certi ficate”, and then click [Next ]. 5 Check the mess age, and t hen clic k [OK]. The certif icate is delet ed.
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -87 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 Specifying the SSL/TLS settings 1 In the Adminis trator mode, click the Network tab . – For the procedure to log on to Administrator mode, refer to “Log- ging on to A dministrator mod e” on page 8-8.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-88 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 4 Selec t “Set Encrypti on Strength and Enabl e/Disab le of SSL/TLS. ”, and then cli ck [Next]. 5 Specify a s etting for eac h parameter.
Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8 20 0/2 50/ 350 8 -89 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 8.22 User Authentication (Administrator mode) This page appea rs wh en “Extern al Serve r” i s spec ified as th e aut henticati on method.
8 Specifying settings using PageScope Web Connection 8-90 2 00/250 /350 Spe cify ing se ttings us in g Page Scop e Web C onne ction Ch apter 8 Specifying user authentication set tings 1 In the Adminis trator mode, click the Network tab .
9 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 Specifying management settings.
9 Specifying ma nagement settings 9-2 200 /25 0/3 5 0 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 9S p e c i f y i n g m a n a gement settings 9.1 Ava ilab le p ar ame te rs The following Administrator Management parameters are related to the infor- mati on in th is m anual .
Speci fying mana gement settings 9 20 0/2 50/ 350 9- 3 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 2 Reminder If the [Uti lity /C ount er] key w as pre ss ed to reg ist er item s and spe cif y set- ting s, be sure to press t he [Reset] key i n the control p anel aft er returni ng to th e ini tial scree n.
9 Specifying ma nagement settings 9-4 200 /25 0/3 5 0 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 9.2 Registering transmis sion source names When sen ding In terne t faxes, the t ext of t he tra nsmis sion sou rce ent ered can be prin ted. You can regis ter the transmi ssion sour ce name.
Speci fying mana gement settings 9 20 0/2 50/ 350 9- 5 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 3 Touch [TSI Registration]. 4 Select th e number of th e trans missi on sourc e to be registe red. 5 Typ e in th e t rans mis si on s ourc e nam e , and t he n to uch [ Ent er ].
9 Specifying ma nagement settings 9-6 200 /25 0/3 5 0 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 9.3 Specifyin g transmission report settin gs (TX S ettings) You can spec ify t he defau lt se ttin gs for tr ansmi ssion . Sett ings ca n be spe cif ied for the fo llow ing.
Speci fying mana gement settings 9 20 0/2 50/ 350 9- 7 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 3 Touch [Quality/Mode]. 4 Select a se tt ing, an d then tou ch [E nter].
9 Specifying ma nagement settings 9-8 200 /25 0/3 5 0 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 – In t he Com.Mode s creen, se le ct the de sired c ommunic ation mode. 5 Tou ch [En ter ]. 6 Tou ch [ Enter] u ntil t he in itial s creen app ears. Select default Communication Mode.
Speci fying mana gement settings 9 20 0/2 50/ 350 9- 9 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 Specifyin g Comm. Menu sett ings 1 Enter Adm inistrator mod e, and then touch [Adm in. 1]. 2 Touch [TX Settings]. 3 Touch [Comm. Menu]. Utility/Counter Administrator Management 1 Enter Account/ User Auth.
9 Specifying ma nagement settings 9-10 2 00/250 /350 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 4 Selec t a sett ing, an d then touch [E nter] . – In the TX Time Informati on screen, sel ect the print pos ition of the tr ansmi ssio n sou rce. – In t he TSI Se lec tion scre en, sel ect the trans mission s ource n ame to be pr inte d.
Speci fying mana gement settings 9 20 0/2 50/ 350 9 -11 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 – In th e 2-Sid ed TX s creen, select whether t o ena ble dupl ex tran smis- sion. If “ ON” is se lected, s pecify the binding position. 5 Tou ch [En ter ].
9 Specifying ma nagement settings 9-12 2 00/250 /350 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 9.4 Specifying the print timi ng f or received documents (RX Sett in gs) The time and day of th e wee.
Speci fying mana gement settings 9 20 0/2 50/ 350 9 -13 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 3 Touch [Memory RX Time Setting]. 4 Touch [Memory Lock Time]. 5 Speci fy the set tings, and then touch [Enter]. – If no set tings are to be s pecified, touch [OFF] .
9 Specifying ma nagement settings 9-14 2 00/250 /350 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 To specify the Memory Lock Password setting 1 Log on to the administrator mode, and then touch [Admin. 1]. 2 Touch [RX Settings]. 3 Touch [Memory RX Time Setting].
Speci fying mana gement settings 9 20 0/2 50/ 350 9 -15 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 5 Touch [ New Pas sword], type in the password, and the n tou ch [Enter] . – Typ e in a four -digit pas sword u sing th e keypad. – To erase th e entere d text, press t he [C] (c lear) key.
9 Specifying ma nagement settings 9-16 2 00/250 /350 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 To prin t manually Use the foll owing proce dure to pri nt ou tsid e of the speci fied t ime. 1 Pre ss the [Ut ility/C ounter ] key. 2 Touch [User Management].
Speci fying mana gement settings 9 20 0/2 50/ 350 9 -17 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 5 Select [L ock OFF], and th en touch [Enter] . – To stop printing in th e middle of a print job, touch [Lock ON], and then touch [Ent er] . – To resta rt a stopp ed print jo b, touch [Te mporarily Print].
9 Specifying ma nagement settings 9-18 2 00/250 /350 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 9.5 S pecifying the transmission report printing conditions (Report Setting s) You can spe cif y the pr intin g condit ions for the tra nsmis sion resul ts and ac- tivity reports.
Speci fying mana gement settings 9 20 0/2 50/ 350 9 -19 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 3 Touch [TX Report]. 4 Speci fy the set tings, and then touch [Enter]. 5 Tou ch [E nter] u ntil t he in itial s creen appea rs. Report Settings TX Report Activity Report ON Enter 100% Memory Free Select TX Report Setting.
9 Specifying ma nagement settings 9-20 2 00/250 /350 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 Sp eci fyin g th e Ac tivi ty Repo rt se tt ings 1 Enter Admi nistrator mod e, and then tou ch [Admin. 1]. 2 Touch [Report Settings]. 3 Touc h [Act ivit y Repo rt].
Speci fying mana gement settings 9 20 0/2 50/ 350 9 -21 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 9.6 Forwarding a trans miss ion docum ent to a spe cified destina tion (TX Forwar ding) In order t.
9 Specifying ma nagement settings 9-22 2 00/250 /350 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 4 Touch [TX Forwarding]. 5 Speci fy the f orwardi ng dest inat ion, and then tou ch [Ent er].
Speci fying mana gement settings 9 20 0/2 50/ 350 9 -23 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 9.7 S pecifying the processing me thod for rec eived docu- ments (Doc ume nt Managem ent) You can spe cify t he method for proce ssing docu ments recei ved over a n et- wor k.
9 Specifying ma nagement settings 9-24 2 00/250 /350 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 3 Touch [RX Document]. 4 Touch [Port]. 5 Tou ch [N etwo rk] . Document Management Enter TX Document RX Document 100% Memory Free Utility/Counter RX Document Enter Port All Other Documents Enter Document Management settings.
Speci fying mana gement settings 9 20 0/2 50/ 350 9 -25 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 6 Select w hether to enab le docu ment managemen t. – If “YES” i s sele cted in the Do cument Manage ment sc reen, spe cif y the process ing method for received docu ments.
9 Specifying ma nagement settings 9-26 2 00/250 /350 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 8 Specify t he forwa rding de stinat ion if “Forward” is select ed in the Set- ting of R X Doc. scre en. – To add a new forw arding destina tion, touc h [Next D estinat ion].
Speci fying mana gement settings 9 20 0/2 50/ 350 9 -27 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 To specify the processing of r eceived documents 1 Enter Adm inistrator mod e, and then touch [Adm in. 1]. 2 Touch [Document Management]. 3 Touch [RX Document].
9 Specifying ma nagement settings 9-28 2 00/250 /350 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 5 Specify t he proces sing meth od for receive d documents . – Touch [RX Doc. Settings], select the processing method, and then touc h [Ent er]. 6 Specify w hen “Forward” is s electe d in the S etting of RX Doc.
Speci fying mana gement settings 9 20 0/2 50/ 350 9 -29 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 9.8 Specifying software switc h settings (m achine fu nc- tions) By usin g th e software swit ch s ettings , the mode, bit, and HEX values of each function of the mac hine can be chan ged from the factory settin gs to meet your specif ic n eeds.
9 Specifying ma nagement settings 9-30 2 00/250 /350 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 8 0000 1000 0 8 9 0000 1001 0 9 10 0000 1010 0 A 11 0000 1011 0 B 12 0000 1100 0 C 13 0000 1101 0 D 14 0000 1110 0 E 15 0000 1111 0 F 16 0001 0000 1 0 17 0001 0001 1 1 18 0001 0010 1 2 19 0001 0011 1 3 20 0001 0100 1 4 .
Speci fying mana gement settings 9 20 0/2 50/ 350 9 -31 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 To specify a software switch setting 1 Enter Adm inistrator mod e, and then touch [Adm in. 2]. 2 Touch [Softwar e SW]. 3 Touch [Mode Se le ction ], and th en type in the mode number usi ng the keypad.
9 Specifying ma nagement settings 9-32 2 00/250 /350 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 4 Speci fy the mode set ting using ei ther bit select ion or HEX se lecti on.
Speci fying mana gement settings 9 20 0/2 50/ 350 9 -33 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 Specifying whether or not the destination name is inserted (mode 001) Select w hether or not the dest inat ion name is inserted a s tra nsmis sion source informati on.
9 Specifying ma nagement settings 9-34 2 00/250 /350 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 Specifying settings for address input and broadcast transmissions (mode 01 8) Selec t whether or not recipien ts can be sp ecifie d by di rectly ent ering the ir address , and select wheth er or not broadc ast trans missions ar e permitted .
Speci fying mana gement settings 9 20 0/2 50/ 350 9 -35 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 Specifying settings for the image in the result s report (Mode 023) Specify w hether or not an image of the transmitted doc ument is add ed to the results report.
9 Specifying ma nagement settings 9-36 2 00/250 /350 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 Specifying administrator forwarding settings (mode 198) You ca n specify wheth er a recei ved d ocu me nt is f orward ed to a de stin ation specifie d by th e adminis trator.
Speci fying mana gement settings 9 20 0/2 50/ 350 9 -37 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 Blocking calls from callers that are not specifi ed (mode 306) This mode can be set if th e optional fax kit is inst alled .
9 Specifying ma nagement settings 9-38 2 00/250 /350 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 Specifying Internet fax settings (mode 350) You ca n spe cify the I nternet fax c apa biliti es of the d esti natio n machin e and POP 3 sett ing s. Factory settings Spec ifying setting s The shaded cells re present t he factory settin gs.
Speci fying mana gement settings 9 20 0/2 50/ 350 9 -39 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 Specifying whether to add the transmission source information when faxing or when forwarding recei.
9 Specifying ma nagement settings 9-40 2 00/250 /350 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 Specifying S MTP transmi ssion timeou t settings (mode 356) You can spe cify t he time until a timeout of the S MTP server conn ection oc- curs when se nding e-mai l messages.
Speci fying mana gement settings 9 20 0/2 50/ 350 9 -41 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 Specifying SMTP recep tion timeout set tings (mode 357) You can spe cify t he time until a timeout of the S MTP server con nection oc- curs when receiv ing e-mail message s.
9 Specifying ma nagement settings 9-42 2 00/250 /350 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 Specifying POP3 reception timeout settings (mode 358 ) You can spe cify t he time until a timeout of the S MTP server conn ection oc- curs when receiv ing e-mail message s.
Speci fying mana gement settings 9 20 0/2 50/ 350 9 -43 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 Specifying the default address input screen (mode 366) Specify the sett ings concerning the d efault addre ss input screen for the Scan to FTP and Scan t o SMB operation s.
9 Specifying ma nagement settings 9-44 2 00/250 /350 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 Specifying D NS query time out setting (mode 367) You can spe cify t he time until a timeout of the D NS server con nection oc- curs. Factory settings Spec ifying setting s The shaded cells re present t he factory settin gs.
Speci fying mana gement settings 9 20 0/2 50/ 350 9 -45 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 Including the scan transmission log in the activity report (mode 368) Specify w hethe r or not the transmi ssion log i s inclu ded i n the act ivity rep ort.
9 Specifying ma nagement settings 9-46 2 00/250 /350 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 Specifying switching of the SMTP server (mode 37 1) Two SMTP servers can be registered for Scan to E-Mai l and Int ernet fax op- erations. Th e SMTP server w ill be switched when a trans missi on error oc- curs.
Speci fying mana gement settings 9 20 0/2 50/ 350 9 -47 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 Specifying the transmission interval when e-mail messages are sepa- rated (mod e 372) You can spe cify t he tran smission inte rval when e-mail messa ges are sepa - rated.
9 Specifying ma nagement settings 9-48 2 00/250 /350 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 Specifying t he Internet fax fu ll mode fun ction settings (mo de 373) You can spe cify t he Intern et fax full mod e function se ttin gs. Factory settings Spec ifying setting s The shaded cells re present t he factory settin gs.
Speci fying mana gement settings 9 20 0/2 50/ 350 9 -49 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 (*1 ) The SMTP au then tica tion fun ction is enabl ed when al l of the con ditions descr ibed below h ave been met . - Bit 6 of mode 38 0 is se t to “1”.
9 Specifying ma nagement settings 9-50 2 00/250 /350 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 Specifying use of registered user authentication information to log on to the LDAP server (mode 46 6) Specify w hether or not user names an d passw ords regist ered wit h user au- thenti catio n are used to log on t o the LDA P server.
Speci fying mana gement settings 9 20 0/2 50/ 350 9 -51 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 Specifying whether to enable access locks, and whether to enable the password rules (mode 469) Specify w hether t o lock access if the password i s entered i ncorrectly, an d specify whether t o apply th e password rul es.
9 Specifying ma nagement settings 9-52 2 00/250 /350 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 Passw ords th at do n ot meet the pas sword rule a re not accep ted.
Speci fying mana gement settings 9 20 0/2 50/ 350 9 -53 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 Specifying settings to li mit the use of communication modes-1 (mode 475) Specify w hether t o permit or proh ibit the use of i ndividu al commun ication modes.
9 Specifying ma nagement settings 9-54 2 00/250 /350 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 Specifying settings to limit th e use of commu nicat ion modes-2 ( mode 476) Specify w hether t o permit or proh ibit the use of i ndividu al communica tion modes.
Speci fying mana gement settings 9 20 0/2 50/ 350 9 -55 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 2 Note Bits 7 an d 0 cannot be changed on the mode l for Europe. 4 Sp ecifies wh ether or not the us e of the Sc an to HDD opera- tion is p rohibited.
9 Specifying ma nagement settings 9-56 2 00/250 /350 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 Specifying settings to limit the use of commu nicati on modes-3/Spec ify- ing restrict ions for regis.
Speci fying mana gement settings 9 20 0/2 50/ 350 9 -57 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 *1 If bi t 6 is set to “1”, the setting s will not be a pplied if b it 5 is set to “1” (not display ed ).
9 Specifying ma nagement settings 9-58 2 00/250 /350 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 Specifying th e deleting method for [ Del.] in input screen s (mode 478) Speci fy the del eting method for [D el.] i n inpu t screen s. Selec t whether the charac ter at cursor’ s positi on or the charact er to th e left of the cursor i s delet ed.
Speci fying mana gement settings 9 20 0/2 50/ 350 9 -59 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 Specifyi ng t he settin g The shaded cells re present t he factory settin gs. The page n umbers on th e right refer t o the description s of the corresponding functions.
9 Specifying ma nagement settings 9-60 2 00/250 /350 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 9.9 S pecifying SSL/TLS settings The SSL/TLS settings should be specified. When SSL/TL S is enabled, the communicat ion bet ween th e mach ine and the cli ent PC i s encryp te d to p re- vent leaka ge of informat ion such as pa ssword s.
Speci fying mana gement settings 9 20 0/2 50/ 350 9 -61 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9 – If “Enhance S ecurity” i s set to “ON”, “SS L/TLS” cannot be s et to “OFF”. 5 Tou ch [ Enter] u ntil t he I nitial s creen app ears.
9 Specifying ma nagement settings 9-62 2 00/250 /350 Specify ing ma nageme nt setti ngs Chap ter 9.
10 Repo rts a nd lists Cha pter 10 Reports and lists.
10 Re port s and l ists 10-2 20 0 /25 0/3 50 Repo rts a nd lists Cha pter 10 10 R eports a nd li sts 10.1 Checking th e transmis sion condi tion s (TX Report) The trans mission report (TX R eport) sho.
Repo rts an d lis ts 10 200/25 0/350 10- 3 Repo rts a nd lists Cha pter 10 3 Touch [TX Report]. The tr ansmi ss ion re port is pr int ed. Contents of the rep ort No. Item De scription 1 Transmissio n sourc e informa- tion (T SI) Shows th e n ame and n umbe r of th e tran smission sourc e.
10 Re port s and l ists 10-4 20 0 /25 0/3 50 Repo rts a nd lists Cha pter 10 *1: When e-mai l mess ages are tran smitted separately by th e separation set- ting , only the actua l time of the e-mail message transmis sion is displaye d in the “Duration ” column.
Repo rts an d lis ts 10 200/25 0/350 10- 5 Repo rts a nd lists Cha pter 10 10.2 Checking the receptio n condit ion s (RX Report) The recepti on activ ity report (R X Report) shows t he documen t numbe.
10 Re port s and l ists 10-6 20 0 /25 0/3 50 Repo rts a nd lists Cha pter 10 Contents of the report No. Item De scription 1 TSI S hows th e nam e and a ddress of the tr ansmissio n sourc e. 2 Report outp ut da te an d time Sho ws the d ate and t ime tha t the r eport was printed .
Repo rts an d lis ts 10 200/25 0/350 10- 7 Repo rts a nd lists Cha pter 10 10.3 Checking the destinat ion s registere d in one- touch dia l but tons (One-T ouc h List ) You ca n print a lis t of th e dest inati ons regist ered w ith one-t ouch dial bu ttons.
10 Re port s and l ists 10-8 20 0 /25 0/3 50 Repo rts a nd lists Cha pter 10 Contents of the lis t No. Item De scription 1 Transmissio n source in forma - tion (T SI) Shows th e n ame and n umbe r of th e tran smission sourc e. 2 Report outp ut da te an d time Sho ws the d ate and t ime tha t the r eport was printed .
Repo rts an d lis ts 10 200/25 0/350 10- 9 Repo rts a nd lists Cha pter 10 10.4 Printing the ma il program lis t You can pri nt the lis t of mail progra ms registered w ith one -touch dial but- tons . To print th e mail program li st 1 Pre ss th e [Ut ility /Counte r] key .
10 Re port s and l ists 10-1 0 20 0/ 250/ 35 0 Repo rts a nd lists Cha pter 10 Contents of the lis t E-MAIL PROGRAM LIST PROGRAM NAME : PG-1 INDEX : TEST01 PROGRAM TYPE : TX P.
Repo rts an d lis ts 10 200/25 0/350 10-1 1 Repo rts a nd lists Cha pter 10 10.5 Chec king the function s ettings (Setting List) You can p rint a lis t of all of th e machin e fun ctions. Only the admi nistrat or can print the se tt ing l ist. Printin g the setting li st 1 Press the [Util ity/Counter] key, an d then en ter Admi nistrat or mode.
10 Re port s and l ists 10-1 2 20 0/ 250/ 35 0 Repo rts a nd lists Cha pter 10 Contents of the lis t The POP 3 password and netw ork administrator pas sword appear as “*** **”.
11 Scan fun ction troub lesho oting Chap ter 11 Scan function troubleshooting.
11 Scan function troubleshooting 11-2 20 0 /25 0/3 50 Scan fun ction troub lesho oting Chap ter 11 11 S can function tro ubleshooti ng 11.1 When the follow ing are di spla yed Screen Cause Action POP3 r ecept ion fails. C heck t hat th e POP3 u ser name and passwo rd ar e cor- rectly specified .
Scan function troubleshooting 11 200/25 0/350 11- 3 Scan fun ction troub lesho oting Chap ter 11 11.2 Network error list When an error occurs s uch as during a scan trans mission, error cod es are display ed on th e job lis t screen and in a report. When an error code is dis- playe d, tro ubl eshoo t th e prob lem as des cri bed be low.
11 Scan function troubleshooting 11-4 20 0 /25 0/3 50 Scan fun ction troub lesho oting Chap ter 11 Scan to FTP E50X XX E51X XX E52X XX Since t he POP3 user n ame or password is not s pecified or is incorrec t, reception is not pos- sible. Check th e user n ame a nd passwor d set- ti ngs.
Scan function troubleshooting 11 200/25 0/350 11- 5 Scan fun ction troub lesho oting Chap ter 11 Scan to SMB Error code Cause Ac ti on ED09C6 The LAN cable is not con nect- ed, or the d estinatio n addre ss is incorrect. Check th at the LAN ca ble is correctly connec ted.
11 Scan function troubleshooting 11-6 20 0 /25 0/3 50 Scan fun ction troub lesho oting Chap ter 11 11.3 Troubleshooting Perform the proced ures des cribed bel ow to troubl eshoot a malf unction. Internet fax t ransmission /Scan to E-Mail Internet fax reception Sympto m Cau se Acti on Cannot send T he con nec tion is inc orrec t.
Scan function troubleshooting 11 200/25 0/350 11- 7 Scan fun ction troub lesho oting Chap ter 11 Other Can be rec eived but c ann ot be pri nted. Data in a form at th at is no t supp orted is a ttached , or a n email w ith no data is rece ived. Ask th e sender t o send a TIFF -F file o r text.
11 Scan function troubleshooting 11-8 20 0 /25 0/3 50 Scan fun ction troub lesho oting Chap ter 11 “Network Set - tings” does not ap - pear on the Admi nist rator M an- agement screen . Machine malfun ction Contact your t echnica l repre sentative .
12 Append ix Chapte r 12 Appe ndix.
12 Append ix 12-2 20 0 /25 0/3 50 Append ix Chapte r 12 12 Appendix 12.1 Product speci ficati ons Internet fax specifications Scan to E-Mail specifications Scan to F TP specificati ons Item Specificat.
Append ix 12 200/25 0/350 12- 3 Append ix Chapte r 12 Scan to SMB specifications Destinatio n regist ration FTP S erver address o r host name r egistra tion: Up to 540 Item Specifications Transmi ssio.
12 Append ix 12-4 20 0 /25 0/3 50 Append ix Chapte r 12 12.2 Entering te xt This section contains det ails on usin g the keyb oard that ap pears in the tou ch panel for ty ping in p ass word s and t ext to reg ist er one -tou ch reci pie nts. Th e keypad ca n also be us ed to ty pe in numbers.
Append ix 12 200/25 0/350 12- 5 Append ix Chapte r 12 2 Note To cancel the ent ered text , touch [Cancel]. To clear all en tered te xt, pres s the [ C] (clea r) key. ! Detai l To switc h betw een enterin g le tters o r sy mbols, tou ch th e bu tton f or swit ching the i npu t mode.
12 Append ix 12-6 20 0 /25 0/3 50 Append ix Chapte r 12 12.3 Glossary Term Definition 10Base-T/100Ba se-TX/ 1000Ba se- T A standard for Eth ernet, wh ich is connect ed thro ugh a cab le consist- ing of twist ed co pper wi re pai rs.
Append ix 12 200/25 0/350 12- 7 Append ix Chapte r 12 DHCP Abbreviat ion for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. A prot ocol in which a client com puter on a TC P/IP netwo rk aut omatically sp ecifi es the ne twork setting s from t he server .
12 Append ix 12-8 20 0 /25 0/3 50 Append ix Chapte r 12 Install To install hardware, op erating systems, ap plications, printer drive rs on to a computer IPP Abbreviat ion for In ternet Prin ting P rotoc ol. A proto col that se nds an d receives p rint data and co ntrols p rinter s over th e Inter net on a TCP/ IP networ k.
Append ix 12 200/25 0/350 12- 9 Append ix Chapte r 12 NetWare Network ope rating system deve loped by No vell. NetWar e IPX/SP X is used as the comm unicat ion proto col. MH Abbr eviation f or Mo dified Huffman . A d ata com press ion e ncodin g method for f ax trans missions.
12 Append ix 12-1 0 20 0/ 250/ 35 0 Append ix Chapte r 12 RAW po rt number The TCP p ort n umber us ed when th e RAW prot ocol is sele cted f or Windows TCP printing.
Append ix 12 200/25 0/350 12-1 1 Append ix Chapte r 12 Zone A name given in an AppleTalk netw ork. This is used to group multiple devic es on an A ppleTa lk netwo rk.
12 Append ix 12-1 2 20 0/ 250/ 35 0 Append ix Chapte r 12 12. 4 Index Numerics 2in 1 ......... ........ 3-20 , 3-23 , 4-16 , 4-19 , 5-15 , 5-18 , 6- 21 , 6-25 , 8-29 2- side d TX ...... 3-20 , 3-23 , 4-16 , 5-15 , 6-21 , 8-29 , 8- 43 , 9-6 A Access ing Pag eSc ope We b Connection .
Append ix 12 200/25 0/350 12-1 3 Append ix Chapte r 12 E-mail di vided tra nsmissi on time interva l ........ ................. ........... ....... 9 -47 E-mail he ader text . ............ .. 2-36 , 2-39 E-mail mode .......... ............ .. 6-14 , 8-48 E-mail noti ficatio n desti nation .
12 Append ix 12-1 4 20 0/ 250/ 35 0 Append ix Chapte r 12 PageScop e Web Connect ion ........... ............ ................ ........... 1 -9 , 8-2 Pa ssive mode setting ............... ..... 8-14 Passwo rd ......... 5-28 , 8- 14 , 8-16 , 8- 65 Ping .
Append ix 12 200/25 0/350 12-1 5 Append ix Chapte r 12 Subj ect s elect ion ....... 3- 20 , 6-22 , 8-30 Subj ect/Text ................ 8-4 , 8-69 , 8-71 Subnet mask .......... ...... 2-9 , 2-11 , 8-58 T TCP/IP ........ ........... ................ 8 -4 , 8-58 Text .
12 Append ix 12-1 6 20 0/ 250/ 35 0 Append ix Chapte r 12.
C opyrigh t 2005 P rinted in C hin a 2006. 7 4 040-7733-24 http: // ● This manual was printed usin g 100% post-consumer recycled paper.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Konica Minolta Printer/Fax/Scanner/Copier 250 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Konica Minolta Printer/Fax/Scanner/Copier 250 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Konica Minolta Printer/Fax/Scanner/Copier 250 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Konica Minolta Printer/Fax/Scanner/Copier 250 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Konica Minolta Printer/Fax/Scanner/Copier 250 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Konica Minolta Printer/Fax/Scanner/Copier 250 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Konica Minolta Printer/Fax/Scanner/Copier 250 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Konica Minolta Printer/Fax/Scanner/Copier 250. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Konica Minolta Printer/Fax/Scanner/Copier 250 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.